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1) WOULD (-ria): (literary)

- habitual habits in the past;
- more formal than 'used to'.
ex.: My teacher would always say 'Sit down and shut up!".
My father would cook my lunch every day when I was younger.
When I lived in my hometown, I would always have lunch at my grandma on weekends.
USED TO = stative verbs
WOULD = action verbs
ex.: I used to [be] very shy when I was younger. (CORRECT)
I would be very shy when I was younger. (WRONG)
2) WILL:
1) personal habits and characteristic behavior in the present;
2) facts that are generally true.

1) Rihanna will always reinvent herself with new looks.

2) My family will always watch a movie on Saturdays.

1) True talent will always be discovered.

2) Politicians will always be corrupted in Brazil.

1) My dog will always pee in the morning after my grandma wakes up.
2) By studying hard, you will always achieve your goals.

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