Alexander 1978

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J o h n J.

A l e x a n d e r
I The Synthesis
- and Reactions of a Cobalt
and J o h n G. D o r s e y
University of Cincinnati
Cincinnati, Ohio 45221

I A project for freshman laboratory

T h e design of suitable experiments for t h e general chem- Spectra 01 Co Complexes'

istry l a h o r . & y presents a challenging prnblem. Appn~priate Complex Adnml Color
activities a t the freshman level ought t o introduce students
to needed lat~oratorytechniques and hasic chemical principles. cisCo(~H~).(H~0)Co~+ 510.363 redYiolet
At the same time the experimenrs should capture students' cisCo(NH3),(NOd2+ 506, 358. 295(sh) redviolet
interest. An important factor in maintaining this interest i s C~SCO(NH~)~~H~OI~~+ 502, 355 red-violet
Co(NHd4NO&' 440 yellow
t h e opportunity for successful completion of t h e laboratory transCo(NH3)&lr2+ 490 (sh) yellowqreen
work. Students t e n d to become rather discouraged if their
efforts seem t o produce few results. . ~ ~ a s u r eindaqueous solution.
Added to these reauirements in manv institutions are other
pressures resulting from the large sizes nf freshman laboratory
sections and the artenrlant loeistical vroblems. T h e work must
fit conveniently into three-hour modules. Chemicals must not
b e inordinately expensive. Required equipment m u s t b e (X = NOS NOz, Br)
readily available. T h e principles of t h e experiment m u s t b e
grasped b y t h e teaching assistantships who staff t h e labora- [Co(NH3)&03](N03) + 2HaOf + 3 C 1 - A
tories and have the most direct contact with students. Finally,
t h e results should b e amenable t o "objective" grading pref- cis-[Co(NH3)a(HzO)Cl]Clz CO? + + NOs- + 2HzO (2)
erably involving unknowns andlor product yields to h e handed
in. Results of this kind encourage useful discussions among If the reaction mixture is immediately cooled in an ice bath without
students b u t prevent excessive cooperation i n writing labo-
ratory reports.
With so manv criteria to b e satisfied i t is little wonder t h a t
[Co(NH3)&03](NO3) 2H30+ 3X- +
~is-[Co(NH3)~(HzO)z]X3 + CO1
+ -
the heating step, a diaquo product can be isolated.

+ NOa- + Hz0 (3)

large numbers of freshman experiments d o n o t also offer (X = NO3, CI, Br)
nossibilities for interestine discussions with briehter students,
?or extending t h e work inGolved and for conveying some of the Average student yields for the products are as follows: cis-[Co-
excitement of a developing research problem ( 1 ) . (NH~)~(H~O)CI]CIZ 64%; [Co(NH3)~(N02)2](N0z) 59%; trans-
ICo(NH3)dBrzJBr61% (Lit. 80% (3)).
Description of t h e Experiment and Student Results Our students did not prepare the dinitrato complex (Lit. 33%yield
(3)) because its spectrum was indistinguishable from that of
At the University of Cincinnati we have had considerable success [CO(NH~)~(H~O)CIIC~Z in the region accessible on Spectronic 20 in-
with a project-type experiment lasting far three laboratory periods struments. If more sophisticated spectrophotameters were available,
during the first quarter of the freshman laboratory. the compound could be included. The diaquo visible spectrum is also
During the first week students prepare a sample of [Co(NH&- indistinguishable from that for the dinitrato compound. However,
~ ~ . . ,., ~
(21.. (uide
' . ~ . infral. infrared measurements could distinguish these.
I'reparation of the reIraamin? rarbonato mmplex from 1Og of A few students who were given 48% HBr as an unknown obtained
Co(NO,<v.ti HzO rrsulted in an awmge yirld of 3.5 I: I4Vh4 from 510 a brown product containing COO instead of the anticipated green
freshmen in the Aurmnn of 19X. The literature repunsa yeld of 7W trans-[Co(NHa)bBrz]Br. We are uncertain as to the reason for this
from n rlmilar prrpnrntwe pr,rrcdurr 12,. I t is likely that our student behavior unless it could have resulted from heating to too high a
yirlds n d d haw been increased hy wurking on o larger ~cnle(say, 15 temoerature.
X I and by adding portimr of (I\'H4),CO? to the mother liquor from
the fint rn,p tuubtnin a sewnd m,p 111r r y s u k . Althw~ghthe pndurt
~ i r i n ethe remainder of the lahoratorv ~,time (after
~ .~~
. ,. the
drvine ~~~~

complex in air fur at least 15 minl students were asked to make up

can be pur~fiedby rwrystall:rarron 121, it is ruff&n~ly pure for solutions of the products they prepared and tu mrasurs the G l r l e
synthrt~cpurposrs. When we askrd some students to actrmpt re- spectrum using Spectrunic 20's. The pmduc~5wuld thrn he identified
crvsrnllizntim, a significant fraction could not Atain a crystalline by comparison of the measured spectrum with posted spectra of the
pnduct on dirsolurmn in hot water, iiltration, nrJing, and addition complexes.' A solution of proper concentration can be obtained by
of alcohol. weighing precisely around 0.5 g of product and using a 250-ml volu-
I)urr~gthe serond lnbwator\ perid rtudcntc wen givrn unknuwnd metric flask. ICdNH~IaBnlBris not very soluble and onlv about 0.2
and naked to allow there lo rrnet with J g portions of ICdNHd,- e will dissolv; in 250ml &water.
CO~l~h'Ozl.0.5H70. The unknown^ all contarn arid which induces Spectral paramrtcrs of products mcaiured on a Cary 11 arc re-
hydhysisof the &rhonato ligand. The presence of anions in solution pndutnl in the table. 'The apema reveal that c ~ . ~ - I O ~ ( ~ H ~ , l ~ ~ N 0 3 1 ~ ~
will lead to anation on heating, the net reactions being end c i r - I C ~ ) ( N H H20~Clli*
~l~l are dirtinguishnhle mly in the region
below 370 nm. Thus, unless either an instrument having a range in
Presented, in part, at the 173rd National Meeting of the American this region or an infrared spectrophotometer is available, only one of
Chemical Societv. New Orleans. March. 1967. these complexes is suitable for student preparati~n.~
Because the second synthesis and spectral measurements will not In our laboratories some 86% of freshman students correctly
require a full six hours of working time, we have found it advantageous identified their complexes from the visible speetnun. After completing
to dovetail this experiment with others. identification, students were asked to write a balanced chemical
% T h ecis-[Co(NH3)r(H20)CI]C12 isolated from this procedure is equation descrihing the reaction of [Co(NH3)&03]N03 with a salt
sometimescontaminated with small quantitiesof trnn~-[Co(NH3)~- containing the appropriate anion in acid solution. They were given
ClzlCl and [Co(NH3)&1]2. This does not affect the identification from the information that carbonate ion reacts with acid to afford carbon
the spectrum. However, purification may be easily effected by con- dioxide and water. This was a particularly challenging aspect of the
verting the chloride to the sulfate. See Reference (3). experiment for many students who were accustomed to balancing

Volume 55, Number 3. March 1978 / 207

chemical equations as a formal exercise rather than using them to Reaction of [CC(NH~)~CO~](NO~)
with Unknown
deserihe actual reactions. Students are prvvid~dwith sut'rhent unknown t < r react with :l y
From the balanced equation students were asked to calculate the of thc rarhonatocomplex. Suitable unknowns arc. 10 ml conr. HCI;
yield. Although mast were able to do this correctly, it came as acon- ISml 1 HBr: 10ml I:] e m r . HSO,: H:O: 10ml 1:1 r u n r . H N O : H z O
siderable surprise to many that a yield of considerably less than 1W and I g N ~ N in O separate
~ vials.-~he3-g sample of the carbonato
was obtained and that this was to be expected in actual chemical complex is suspended in 15 ml distilled water and the liquid unknown
preparations. added a little at o time followed by the solid, if any. The solution is
Finally, students located the positions of peak maxima and calcu- maintained a t 55-65' for half an hour using a burner. At the end of
lated molar absorptivity. The values of r varied considerably and were this time, the mixture is m l e d in an ice hath and the product collected
usually not particularly close to literature values owing presumably on a Biichner funnel and washed with cold water and methanol.
t o the fact that no recrystallization was carried out and t o inadequa-
cies in technique in using volumetric flasks.
Procedure Student Discussion and Extension of Work
Preparation of [Co(NH&C03] N03.0.5H20 Several features can serve to stimulate discussion and suggestions
About 10 g of Co(N03).6H20 is weighed by difference into a 50-ml for further work with bright students. Far example, some possibilities
beaker and dissolved in 10 ml distilled water. This solution is poured include the purpose of using ammonium carbonate in the synthesis
into a 250-ml Erlenmeyer flask containing 15 g (NHdzC03 dissolved as opposed to other carbonates (4). the mechanism of CO1 loss on
in 20 rnl of distilled water to which has been added 25 ml conc. NHs. hydrolysis (4) and the mechanism of anation ( 5 , 6 ) .Extension of the
After all the C O ( N O ~ ) ~ . ~solution
H ~ O is rinsed into the ~ r l e n m e y e r work could involve elemental analyses (7). synthesis of related
the flask is swirled gently to mix the reactants. products (9,20, l l ) , or infrared spectra af products (2'413).
The solution is then cooled to 5" in an ice bath while the student We are currently pursuingsome of these problems in the freshman
obtains 10 ml30% H2OZ3(CAUTION: Keep H202off skin and eyes; laboratory at the University of Cincinnati and will report our results
it is a powerful oxidizing agent and can cause painful burns.) The in future publications in this Journal.
hydrogen peroxide is added dropwise t o the Erlenmeyer flask with
swirling. The addition should he carried out sufficiently slowly that
the solution temperature does not rise above 10". (Alternatively, air Literature Cited
could he bubbled through thesolution for two hours (2).Oxygen has (11 One experiment dealing unthasimiiarsystem which ineorporatesaomeof these features
also heen cmphyed m similar rcnctimr 11)). isdoscribed in0lsen.G. R., J. CHEM. EDUC.,44508(19691.
(2) The preparation ia a slight modification of that described by Schlessinger. G., lnorp
After dl tlw H,O> hsr b w n added, the tlnrk is heated to 5040" for Synfh..6,173 (19601.
twent\, minutes w t h t,co&iunnl swding. r\lwrnatirrlg the Flmm hath (3) Sehlesringer, G.."lnorgenic Laboratory Preparations." Chemical Publishing C a , New
may be employed. York. 1962.
The flask is then cooled in ice t o complete precipitation of the (4) Dasgupte,T.S.andHarria,G. M . , J Amer Chrm. Soc..91,32W (19691.
(5) (a) Chang, F. C.,end Wondlandf W. W., Thermmhimicc Aclo, 3.59 119711. IblSee
also Ref. (31.
(8) Lsngf",d. C. H. and Gray, H. 8. l'Ligsnd Svhrtitution Prcrernes.'' W. A. Benjamin,
New York, 1965.
(71 ( 4 H U E ~ R. , Endiwft,J. F. Hoffman, M. 2. and House, D. R..J. CHEM. EDUC.,
~ G..
water and methanol. 46. 440(19691. (bl Wilson, L. R., J. CHEM. EDUC..46.U7 11969).
We have found it best to isolate the product during the first working (81 Werner. A., 2. Anorg. Chm. 43,338 119051.
period since a week's standing of the reaction mixture sometimes (9) Mellow,J.W.."ACompreh~nsivoTrestiseonInorganicandThmreticalChemistry,"
vields red ICO(NHI)ICO~I(NO~. Many students obtain a second crop Vol. 14, Lungmans,Green and Co., London, 1935, p. 688
(10) (a1 Jorgcmen,S. M., 2. Anurg Chem., 14,415 (18971. lbl Palmer, W. G., "Experimental
of crystalsof the t&aa&e after a week, however. Inarganie Chemislry,nCambridgoUniversity Press. Cambridge. 1954. p. 546
(11) Jorgens~n,S. M.L Anorg. Chrm.. 16.184 118981.
Dr. Glen Direen of the University of Wisconsin. Madison, has (12) Nakamoto, K.,'lnfrared Spectra of Inorganicand CwrdinationCompounds",Wilcy
Interncience. New Yurk, 1910.pp. 98. 1 6 9 1 2
suggested the use of 10% Hz02 to decrease the likelihood of peroxide (13) See, for example, Alexander, J. J. and Steffd,M, d.. "Chemistry in the Laborstary,"
hurns. Harcourt B m e Jovanovieh. New York, 1976. Experiment 8.

208 1 Journal of Chemical Education

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