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Unit Five : Study Skills

Main Objectives of unit five

Upon completion of this unit students should be able to:

• Define the concept of study skills.

• Identify some effective study tips.

• Know about group study and its importance.


Researchers agree that study skills are strategies or approaches applied to learning. As
university students, you must use them because they represent the key to success by helping
you to acquire good grades. Study skills are divided into different sections; some of them are
concerned with the process of organizing, retaining information or dealing with assessments.
Examples include mnemonics which refers to the retention of lists of information, effective
reading and concentration techniques as well as efficient note taking. Normally, any technique
that helps in increasing your ability to study and do better in exams can be also added to study
skills such as time management and motivational techniques.

5.1. Definition of Study Skills

Usually such skills can be easily learned by students in a short time, and applied to all or most
fields of study. Scientists have distinguished them from strategies that are specific to a
particular field of study as technology or human sciences, and from abilities inherent in the
student, such as intelligence or learning style.
We are going to discuss some of the study plans and study tips that will help you to study
better and gain good grades at the end of your undergraduate studies.

5.2. Effective Study Tips

In order for you to do better in exams, you have to follow good study habits that include many
different skills namely: time management, self-discipline, concentration, memorization,
organization, effort, and a strong desire to succeed.

A. The first important thing is to prepare a study timetable

1. Make a precise study timetable that includes all activities, work, lectures, and any
household or other responsibilities you may have, even meal times and leisure time.

2. Plan to revise in your most effective study times i.e. when do you study best?

3. Make sure that you give each subject enough time for revision.

4. Plan to revise your lectures from 1 to 3 hours at a time, with 5-10 minutes’ break every 40
to 50 minutes in order not to lose your concentration.

5. Try to plan in detail for each study session. Write down which lecture/topic/text you will be
researching/ reviewing.

B. The second thing is to start using your study timetable

Once you have finished your study timetable, see how well it works. Try to find any
anomalies so that you can change them, but do this consciously. Add or reduce time for
subjects, include events that may intervene in your plan and make sure you cover all the
material you need to.

C. The third thing is to establish your prime study time (PST)

This refers to the time when your concentration is at its highest. Some people have their PST
in the morning while others prefer to stay late to study.

1. During your PST, try to revise the most difficult subjects.

2. Find a place which is far from any sort of internal or external noise. It should be as
comfortable and quiet as possible with good lighting and little distractions.

3. Avoid clutter i.e. anything that distracts you from reading what you have scheduled to read.
Examples of clutter are books from other subjects; if you are studying Literature, then
civilisation, phonetics and other subject books are clutter because they can distract you from

6. Do not stress yourself by giving things more importance than they deserve.

7. Take notes in class and review them regularly.

8. Avoid having a big meal before studying because this will send your body in a rest mode.

9. Drink plenty of water in order to refresh your body.

10. Avoid doing all your studying the night before the test. Try to space out your studying,
review class materials at least several times a week, focusing on one topic at a time. This will
help you to avoid cramming all of your studying into one or two days.

5.3. Other Study Plans

Researchers suggest other study plans that can be used by students, but we are going to focus
on the following because they are easy and can be applied by our students. Their results can
be noticed by teachers and students themselves.

5.3.1. Studying with Breaks

As mentioned earlier, studying with breaks is a very good technique for revising. The
principle of this technique is that you study for a period of time that goes from one to two
hours then take a short break of ten or fifteen minutes followed by another study session.

The advantage of spaced study is that you will be able to keep what you have revised in your
long term memory during the breaks. The latter will play the role of a reward for your mind
which will appreciate it.

The most important thing in this technique is that during the breaks you should reflect on
what you have studied and avoid using the breaks negatively.
5.3.2. Preview

As its name indicates, preview is reading about the theme that you are going to be lectured on
before the lecture. Instructors usually give you a course outline at the beginning of the year so
that it can help you in previewing. The advantage of previewing is that it gives you an upper
hand on others since you will be able to follow and understand what the lecturer is talking
about. It also increases your chances of retaining what is taught.

It is also possible for you to preview notes of the former lectures so that you always link
between the previous lecture and the current one.

5.3.3. Group Study

As students at the university, you cannot work alone; you need help from others so that to
collaborate in your studies. You also encourage each other to read and study. For effective
studying, it is important that you choose your group members wisely and follow a few rules.
Know the members you want to avoid or include, try to listen to others and correct them. Do
not shout at each other, this may lead to depression and feeling inferior. Meet when
convenient to all members and avoid destructive members. Leave out leisure during
discussion time. Finally provide contact information for group members

5.4. The Importance of Study Groups

This technique is very beneficial to you because;

· It helps to see the material from a different perspective

· It keeps you motivated and more committed to study

· You can share and compare your notes or study tips with friends

· It makes you engage in discussions and debates on selected topics

· You can pick up new tips and material from your peers

· You can quiz each other on factual material


As a conclusion to this unit, we can say that study skills are very important for every students
who seeks to succeed in his studies, and get a university degree with merit so that he will use
the acquired knowledge in his professional life.

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