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Fruit and Vegetable Allergy Effects

I have an allergy to fruits and vegetables, which has affected my physical fitness,

decreased my enjoyability of life, and got me interested in finding alternative ways to eat them.

Firstly, being allergic to fruits and vegetables has taken a toll on my fitness journey. Working out

is only one side of being physically healthy; a proper diet is also essential. Therefore, having this

allergy, my meals tend to lack the vitamins and nutrients I would get from fruits and vegetables,

so I fall behind physically. Especially when it comes to snacks, I can not pick up an apple or

banana as I run out the door; I have had to find alternative healthy snacks like yogurt and

granola. Further, this allergy has taken the enjoyability out of certain things in my life. Such as

wanting to try new things at my favourite restaurants. I love food. When I see a new item on the

menu at my favourite restaurants, I always want to try it, but I am only sometimes able to

because they often contain vegetables and fruits like avocados or are served on a bed of cole

slaw. Finally, this allergy spiked an interest in finding new, safe ways for me to eat fruits and

vegetables. In turn, I have discovered two alternate ways for me to safely eat them: cooked and

soaked in vinegar. Cooking fruits and vegetables has been the primary way I safely consume

them because they often taste delicious. I only need to worry about giving myself enough time to

cook everything thoroughly. Soaking fruits in vinegar has also proven to be an effective method

of consuming them safely. I use this method before putting fruit into a protein shake or smoothie.

To conclude, whether it be the toll it has taken on my physical fitness, the fun it has taken out of

my life, or the peaking of my interest in replacement methods of eating them, my allergy to fruits

and vegetables has had many effects on my life.

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