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Arjun is an Economics graduate with an MBA degree, and has previous experience of

working in Management Consulting. Arjun has been extremely passionate about Food and is
hence working on a health foods company. The company that he has formed has combines
taste and health and is into snack bars, cereals and juices. He has already launched his
product but is yet to find the correct product market fit for his offerings. He is looking at
various distribution channels through which he can push his products to get to his consumers,
and is conscious about the resources that this will take up.

I have chosen the following profile for Arjun because as an Economics Graduate, Arjun will
be adept with the nuances of financing and investment. His majors in economics would have
provided a solid foundation for him to understand the tried and tested formulae for investing
in a business to reap financial profits from the same. Moreover, Arjun’s work experience
working at a management consulting firm would have also acquainted him with the risk
associated with investing in a business.

Arjun’s business idea is like that of the Founder and Owner of the Pre-packaged Idly batter
Enterprises “ID”. The owner of ID also was a passionate entrepreneur who wanted to invest
in healthy but instant idly batter.

While looking at investors for his business idea, Arjun will focus on investors who can invest
in the products produced by the company while also assessing the quality of the snack bars,
cereals and juices produced by Arjun’s company to make sure that the quality of the products
isn’t compromised. Arjun will also try to find investors who can expand the network of his
business while reaching out to the locale who are located in remote parts of the country.
Arjun is aware that investors who can expand the networking regions of his business are
important for the company as they can help in making sure that the products of the company
are known to most people, which will ultimately bring in capital for the company.

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