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E-Commerce Website

Kidz 101

Capstone Report

Presented to the

Faculty of CST 499 at

California State University, Monterey Bay

In Partial Fulfillment

Of the Requirements for the Degree

Bachelor of Science


Computer Science


Aisha Lalli

Michelle Phung

Fall 2022

Executive Summary of Report

E-Commerce Website for Kidz 101

Aisha Lalli and Michelle Phung
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
California State University Monterey Bay, 2022

The purpose of this project is to provide an e-commerce website tailored toward selling a

variety of merchandise related to children. After the bankruptcy and foreclosure of Toys R Us,

many parents became reliant on e-merchants such as Amazon, Walmart, and Target. The problem

however with these sellers is that the first two favor vendors over consumers and the latter seem

to not be able to keep up with demand. To further elaborate, vendors on Amazon and Walmart

can sell their items according to their judgment often leading to escalating prices on items that

were once affordable.

Our goal is to create a marketplace where prices are negotiated behind the scenes and

only the best price gets offered to our customers. Therefore, even though the site will be accessed

by many vendors, the consumer will see only one price for an item. Vendors have the opportunity

to negotiate their prices behind the scenes through the vendor portal. However, our mission is to

provide our consumers with the best-priced goods whilst allowing the general market to adjust.

This can be achieved through the availability of affordable items on the Kidz 101 website.

Many obstacles need to be overcome before Kidz 101 can become what we hope for it to

be. As with any new idea or company, initial funding and laying down the foundations are the

hardest to achieve. However, this project should serve as a prototype for any future investors in

our idea. Our project is too complicated and would have to be fully implemented after the

capstone due date.


Table of Contents



INTRODUCTION AND FEASABILITY……….………………….……...….….…...4


Project Name and Description…………………………….…...4



Enviromental Scan Results………………………………...…...5

Usefulleness of Project…………………………………………6

Potential Legal and Ethical Issues……………………...………7

Ethical Issues……………………………………………7

Legal Issues……………………………………………..9

Future Enhancements……………………………………………9


DESIGN REQUIREMENT…………………………………………………………….10


Major Functions………………………………………………………...11

Usability Test Plan……………...……………………………………….11

Usability Testing Evaluation……………………………………………12



Timeline and Budget……………………….…………………………...13


Final Implementatons…………………………………………………...13



APPENDIX A……………………………………………………………………………23

APPENDIX B……………………………………………………………………………24

APPENDIX C……………………………………………………………………………28

APPENDIX D……………………………………………………………………………29

APPENDIX E……………………………………………………………………………30

Part I



Project Name and Description

The project’s name is Kidz 101, and it is an idea for a startup that sells everything related

to children’s merchandise in one online location. The project is a prototype with which we hope

to invite possible investors to fund our e-commerce idea. The website will be designed to

facilitate the shopping experience for the consumers, and also invite children to explore and add

to their wish lists. The site will also facilitate vendors in the process of uploading their

merchandise to the website. It is vital to have a site like Kidz 101 because the online marketplace

has become a vicious shark tank for buyers. Prices fluctuate to absurd numbers and products that

were once available and affordable are now more scarce and often sold at increasing bids.


The users of this application will be the merchants, adult consumers and children. The

seller will go to the seller portal and create an account or login with their existing account. They

would then go to their product list page where they will see all the items they have for sale on the

platform. They can add new products, edit the items and delete them. The consumer would create

an account or login through the consumer portal. That would lead him to his homepage where he

would be able to search for products and select an item and quantity to insert in the shopping

cart. Once ready the consumer would go to the shopping cart and confirm the sale. They would

then be lead to a page where they enter their address and payment information.

Furthermore, children could add items into a list such as Santa’s list or birthday wishes. It

would work the same as the cart, but there would be no option for confirming the order and the

colors would be more vibrant and appealing to kids. The project will be made available to the

users once it is deployed on Hiroku for the testing period. We plan to upload to a more secure

server lie AWS later on.


Environmental Scan Results

Amazon is currently the leading e-commerce provider claiming that its main principles of

“customer obsession rather than competitor focus” (Amazon, n.d.). However, it became blatantly

obvious during the pandemic that Amazon did not have control over the prices set by its vendors.

In 2021, a class action complaint was filed against Amazon in the federal court in Washington,

accusing the e-commerce company of violating the Washington Consumer Protection Act,

participating in negligence, and unjust enrichment (Ondeck et al., 2021). The company was

accused of increasing the prices of some items by 1000%; these items included things like toilet

paper, yeast, baking soda, masks, disinfecting wipes, black beans, and others (Ondeck et al.,

2021). Despite Amazon promising to curb these prices, the plaintiffs claim that Amazon has the

power to set price ceilings yet they allow their vendors' prices unfairly.

Another example of price gouging directly related to the solution that we aim to build is

the driving cost of toys on major e-commerce websites. According to Boston 25 News, they

found that many popular holiday toys were marked up anywhere from 50% to nearly 200% due

to third parties trying to take advantage of the supply chain shortage (Kavanaugh, 2021). Our

project aims to combat price gouging and offer stable and predictable pricing for end users.

There are many products online that are similar to our project. Etsy, Amazon, Alibaba,

Walmart, eBay and so many more are all e-commerce sites that involve different vendors and

consumers. There also used to be Toys R Us, which we were initially inspired by, that sold

children’s items exclusively. This allowed parents to browse through thousands of options, which

were often reasonably priced. Unfortunately, Toys R Us online is no longer around and there are

no other toy stores that can compare to its effectiveness.

Our project is unique because we are joining the idea of a competitive e-marketplace

along with an affordable children’s online store. Combined with our team’s disenchantment with

Amazon throughout the pandemic, we want to provide competitive prices that benefit our

consumers. We took this consumer-based, lowest-price approach from Walmart’s physical stores;

noting that Walmart’s online store is different, featuring lots of third-party vendors, and is part of

the problem.

Usefulness of Project

There are many online stores, and many of them sell children’s merchandise but they are

scarce. They often sell apparel, toys, electronics, furniture, and educational items. However,

despite the availability of these sites, consumers often have to overpay for the things they want.

This is because the websites servicing these consumers are set as marketplaces where vendors

can sell their products for the prices that they want. This sounds good and is healthy in a

competitive consumer marketplace; however, if left unchecked it can also lead to price surges

and unfair deals.

The solution to online price gouging is to create a viable alternative for consumers to buy

their goods. A site that provides fixed low prices that beat the alternative e-markets. This site

should give the vendors with the lowest prices priority listing unless the price is matched by

other sellers. The website’s idea is not new, but in fact, it is an old perspective renewed.

Rewarding sellers with competitive prices is much healthier for an economy than leaving the

marketplace untamed.

This project is needed to help alleviate the stress that parents have to undergo when it

comes to shopping for their children. Implementing a cheaper and safer alternative for parents to

shop from will offload the financial burden that many parents feel, especially during times of

holidays. A recent study that was conducted by on behalf of the Toy Association

found that over half of US parents would opt-in to purchasing a cheaper counterfeit version of

the toy that their child would want (Goldman, 2021). Counterfeit versions of toys often do not

comply with federal regulations and toy safety laws, which would pose a risk to children. The

study additionally found that two-thirds of the parents would feel guilty if they couldn’t afford to

buy a toy for their child. Using this website will additionally add the convenience of having

items delivered to your door, instead of having to drive to a physical store.

Potential Ethical and Legal Issues

Ethical Issues

Some ethical concerns have risen regarding e-commerce companies. Some of these

concerns affect the vendor and fulfillment side and others affect the consumers. Notably,

Amazon and many e-commerce websites often face backlash due to the large environmental

impact that they leave behind, especially with timely delivery demands. Prime delivers around

13 million packages per day (Holmes, 2020). Even though cardboard boxes are easy to recycle;

hover, because people tend to throw them in single-stream recycling along with food and

plastics, this is creating a pollution and landfill problem (Holmes, 2020). This affects the

environment, poor communities, and future generations but polluting the land with landfills. We

aim to solve this problem by offering boxless deliveries, using returnable baskets for delivery.

Furthermore, Amazon workers have reported an incredible 42% increase in physical pain

due to their day-to-day duties – usually in the feet and lower back. They also noted psychological

pressures and a deterioration of their normal sleep schedules affecting their mental health. This is

largely due to Amazon’s revolutionary promise of package fulfillment in as little as five hours.

The price that the workers are made to pay for next-day delivery. These practices hurt

working-class employees who have to take laborious jobs to survive. We aim to solve this

problem by having realistic promises that fit our workforce’s abilities and by providing them

with lots of opportunities for breaks and comfort.

There are also many ethical issues concerning the customers of an eCommerce site.

Issues, such as web tracking, data leaks, email spamming, and unreliable customer service. Web

tracking allows websites to track users’ behaviors and sell that data to marketers (Dconan4,

2020). Data stored in the databases are subject to hacking. Stolen user data can often end up in

the hands of scammers and email spammers (F-Secure, 2020). This issue would be especially

problematic if the data collected is that of the child consumer. Despite the world becoming more

data-fied, there is still some consensus that children should be left out of the data marketing

system and allowed to live private childhoods (Lieber, 2018).

Furthermore, some sites like Amazon have amazing customer service. When a seller falls

short Amazon usually compensates the customer. However, this is not with all eCommerce sites,

which do not do enough to scan the sellers before allowing them onto their sites. These practices

hurt everyone, however, they especially hurt the elderly, the poor, and the unsuspecting users

who may not recognize the extent that their data is released and the conniving activity of

scammers. Kidz101 will not collect data that does not benefit the user directly in his/her

experience on the site, and our sellers will be regularly vetted to keep customer confidence.

Furthermore, items such as children’s wish lists will have a yearly reset option for parents to

keep their children’s choices off the databases and the internet.

Legal Issues

Some potential legal considerations include dealing with personally identifiable

information (PII) and keeping credit card transactions secure. The PII includes information such

as names, emails, and home addresses. Kidz101 is required under the Customer Information and

Privacy law, which requires companies to ensure that they use proper methods that meet the laws

and regulations (Tech Target Contributor, 2020).

On the other hand, credit card transactions need to be handled properly. Companies have

to make sure that they’re compliant with security standards such as Payment Card Industry Data

Security Standard (PCI DSS) (“Payment card”, 2022). The PCI DSS has 6 objectives that entail

surrounding networks with firewalls, keeping passwords encrypted, updating anti-virus and

spyware programs, no unnecessary information stored, frequent network monitoring, and a

formal information security policy of audits enforced (Tech Target Contributor, 2020).

In 1998 the Child Online Protection Act, congress put into law that that content should be

regulated on public sites for the use of children under 17 years of age. That is because, as the

Supreme Court deemed it, children have a more restrictive interpretation of free speech. That is

because they should be protected from lewd content and other content which could harm their

development (United Nations, 2021). This law means that Kidz101 should be very careful of the

content being sold on our site. Pictures of merchandise, as well as the description and all details,

need to be inspected but quality control staff.

Future Enhancements

The team plans to continue developing and maintaining this project by continuing to add

features that expand past functionality features. Future enhancements that we would like to

include are security-focused. We would like to implement a secure checkout form for products

that users are buying. Additionally, we would like the ability for users to create accounts with

securely encrypted passwords that are stored in the directory. We would additionally like to

implement quality-of-life features such as a way to create wishlists, or “Save for Later” feature

for items that users don’t want to immediately purchase.

We would like to note that our aim is to implement all the features that make our project

unique. However, due to the scarcity of time and complexity of the project we will not be able to

implement all the features as described in the report and proposal. We will include buttons and

links in those areas to show where further development is needed. Some of these items might be

the kids lists, and the algorithm to compare prices between sellers and show the consumers only

the lowest price. There is some complexity in the set up of tables that is delaying our progress,

but we aim to have a viable project by the capstone presentation deadline.

Part 2



For the project we used ReactJS and Sublime text to create the frontend. ReactJS is a

Javascript userfriendly language developed by FaceBook. We used this language because it is

more organized than regular javascript and it perhaps is the most popular language at the time

being. For the backend we used Spring Boot and Eclipse using Java. Eclipse is easy to work with

perhaps because we have previous experience using it. Spring Boot works well to import and

export data in and out of the MySql database. We used this platform because we have enough

experience in it to manage such a big project.

As for the backend, we used MySql Workbench, because it is user friendly and works

well with Spring Boot. We used our local network for site deployment. We are still in the beta

phase and we acknowledge that there are more features that we need to complete in terms of

security before we can deploy online. Local network serves our purpose for now, in terms of

usability testing. Our plan is to deploy the site to Heroku within the next few days. Heroku is a

free deployment platform that suits our bata phase’s purpose. However this would have to wait

until we securely set up Bcrypt validation.

Major Functions

Kidz101 is an eCommerce platform for sellers to sell their products and for consumers to

buy the sellers’ products. Some of the major functions of the site is the ability of the sellers to

upload their items and receive notice when their items get sold. The sellers will each have their

unique id numbers and will be able to upload and edit their merchandise as they see fit. The

sellers have an orders section which shows all their sold items. The consumers on the other hand

need to be able to add products into their shopping carts, and edit their carts as needed. They

should be able to log out and save their cart items. The consumers can finalize their orders by

including their payment and address information. Once the order is processed, the consumer can

check all their previous orders in their history.

Major Funtion Diagram

Usability Test Plan


For the usability testing we met with individuals from different age groups, backgrounds,

interests, and technical abilities. We had subjects that were from different age groups starting

from 7 until 50 years of age. Some were working parents, others were stay at home mothers,

some were entrepreneurs, as well as college and elementary students. Some from of focus group

had good technical skills while others were more used to mobile shopping instead. Our team

listed the functions that should be completed by the focus group and had them complete the

questions step by step as they went through the site.

The questions served as a step by step guide into to functionalities of the site. We also

considered the number of questions the users needed to ask as well as their facial expressions as

part of our evaluation methods. We will evaluate these tests, based on the common occurrence of

complaints. We will also consider the number of questions to figure out the ease of use of the

site. As for facial expressions, this will help us indicate their honest overall experience; which

we will use to further modify the look of the site. See Appendix A.

Usability Testing Evaluation

Our testing took place in a one-on-one environment. We gave the tester a brief overview

of the site beforehand. The test needed the tester, a quiet enviroment, a computer, and the

questionnaire with the step by step guide. To get the best result from our test we needed a big

enough sample size. We were able to get seven testers, which is enough to give us a variety of

comments and experiences. For our evaluation, we were looking for commonalities in user

experiences to determine the areas that need to be re-addressed.

Our evaluation from the testing sessions showed us what we need to make usability

clearer. We also noted the users’ facial expressions and the number of questions asked while

using the site. This led us to believe that the buttons and page titles were not enough to explain to

the user what they were expected to do on some pages. From the information that we gathered

during the focus group we will try to fix the issues that were most common. For instance, the

button visibility was a common issue as well as the lack of product selections. See Appendix B.

Part 3


Timeline and Budget

When describing the milestones in our proposals, we were aware that they will likely

change due to the nature of the project. Once the work is done it is easy to underestimate the

effort it took to create the project but we faced intense challenges in our pursuit. For one, our

team was not experienced in neither React nor Springboot. We were briefly introduced to the

concepts but we had never made anything from scratch using these tools. This meant that we had

to learn and had to abandon our initial milestone plan and find a new way to save time and get

the product ready by the Capstone Festival.

In the end, almost our goals were achieved and the product exceeded our expectations.

There is one thing that we missed that was important to our mission and that is the product

display algorithm. We had intended to only show products with the lowest prices to the

consumers in order to discourage price gouging. However, we got feedback from a potential

investor that an absolute algorithm would be discouraging to the sellers, and that a more

comprehensive algorithm needs to be developed. As for our expenses, we did not have any costs

other than our time and energy. Everything we needed was already freely available online. We

just needed the skills and we got them from watching various Youtube tutorials and meeting with

Professor Wisneski whose help was invaluable.

Final Implementation

The project is a site for selling and buying merchandise related to kids with a niche of

encouraging lower price postings. The user on the seller side would create or log in to an existing

account; they would see all products on the market and filter through them. They would also be

able to see their own products and add, edit or delete their items. The seller could also check

what products they have sold. In future implementations, they would be able to receive shipping

information as well as receive a balance for their sold merchandise.

On the other hand, the user on the consumer side would create an account or login into an

existing one. They would go through the list of items and filter through to their product of

choice. They can add the items to the cart and edit the shopping cart by changing the quantity or

removing an item altogether. Once the shopping cart is reviewed the consumer would confirm

their order; enter the billing and shipping information and submit their order. They could also

review their orders in their orders tab, which includes all the items as well as the order total.

The site was written using ReactJs and Springboot with the use of the MySql database. In

React, we used components to navigate through the different functions of the site. The routing

took place in the app.js component. In Springboot, we used a model, controller, and interface for

each table in the MySql database. We initially worked on the seller portal which took around four

weeks to complete. Since we learned as we developed, this initial section took the longest to

resolve due to encountered problems that were beyond our scope. However, once we finished

the seller side of the site, we were able to clone it onto the consumer side and make various

changes as needed. We also had to figure out how to save cart items and how to empty the carts

whilst keeping the items for displaying orders saved. We had to create an in-between table for

processed cart items that would save all cart items and then use the order id to get real orders.

Models, Controllers, and Interfaces in Springboot

After our focus group testing, we realized that the site was not easy to use. We had to

include a page title for each page and increase the size of the buttons for better visibility. We also

felt that the site was plain and needed more personality. Since Christmas and the winter holiday

season are coming up, we decided to make the theme of the site festive with white Christmas

lights in the background and an image of presents on the top of the screen.

App.js Components Routing in ReactJS


There are some problems that appeared during the design and implementation phases. As

with all things new, there are somethings that we did not consider in our design phase due to lack

of experience. One major set back for us is the inclusion of the buttons in the header menu.

However, since we developed the functionalities of the buttons and the data being transferred

through these button actions ahead the user testing; it was impossible for us to put those buttons

in the header, because they would change all the datasharing within the components. That is

because the header is a component in itself which is pushed into each page component. This is

something that would take a week or more to fix, if all goes well which is rare.

Consumer Homepage

Our targets were to create a seller and consumer side each with it’s own login pages;

however we had a very simplistic view of what it would take to create these pages and their

functionalities. We believe that we were able to achieve far more that we thought possible. There

were times were we were not sure if we could deliver the product altogether; however, through

persistence and guidance from Professor Wisneski we were able to get through it. We feel very

competent about our abilities in these languages right now and that is all due to the lessons

learned from the hardships that we initially faced. Nonetheless, there is still a lot more to learn.

For instance we lack the experience needed to properly secure our site. We need to research how

banks and big corporations handle security and learn from them.

Seller Sold Products List

As far as the design and our vision for the site, we aim to use more stylistic objects in our

future design. Due to the scarcity of time, we only focussed on using regular CSS design handles

and Boodstrap. However, we would like to create drop down menus, drop down items, and make

the pages feel more organized and legible. We would also like to differentiate the consumer and

seller portals by using different colors and styles. At the moment they look very similar expect

for the actual functionalities.

Seller Portal Color Change and Drop Down Furture Implementation



Amazon. (2020, September 18). Who we are: Amazon. Amazon. Retrieved November 15, 2022,


Dconan4, Fbelhse1, & Jrhea5. (2020, November 3). Is tracking user data online unethical?

Project Digital. Retrieved October 11, 2022, from

Goldman, K. M. (2021, November 1). Toy Association warns holiday shoppers about counterfeit

toys sold online. The Toy Association. Retrieved October 5, 2022, from


F-Secure. (2020, July 3). Why do hackers want your personal information? F-Secure. Retrieved

October 11, 2022, from


Holmes Intern, O. (2022, August 10). A crisis of convenience: Why your amazon box is going

straight into the trash. Frontier Group. Retrieved October 11, 2022, from


Kavanaugh, K. (2021, November 15). 25 Investigates: Tips to navigate soaring cost of toys this

holiday season. Boston 25 News. Retrieved October 5, 2022, from



Lieber, C. (2018, December 5). Big Tech has your kid's data - and you probably gave it to them.

Vox. Retrieved October 18, 2022, from


Ondeck, C. E., Ingrassia, J. R., & McGowan, S. D. (2021, August 19). E-commerce platform

facing price gouging scrutiny. Minding Your Business. Retrieved October 5, 2022, from


Payment card industry data security standard (PCI-DSS). Security Compass. (2022, September

11). Retrieved October 11, 2022, from


Tech Target Contributor, T. T. (2020, May 27). What is PCI DSS (payment card industry data

security standard)? - definition from SearchSecurity. Retrieved October 11,

2022, from


United Nations. (2021, March 2). Convention on the rights of the child - office of the united

nations ... United Nations. Retrieved October 18, 2022, from






List of questions used for testing

1) Create a seller account

2) Search for products
3) Add a product
4) Edit a product
5) Check orders made by consumers
6) Describe the mood of the seller portal
7) Create a consumer account
8) Login with a consumer account
9) Search for products
10) Add products to cart
11) Edit items in the cart
12)Delete items in the cart
13)Confirm Order
14)Set up payment and address
15)Submit order and check for order on homepage
16)Add items to an emptied cart
17)Describe the mood of the consumer portal
18)What are the best and worst items in the site.




1) Create a seller account -yes with some help

2) Search for products - yes
3) Add a product - yes
4) Edit a product -no
5) Check orders made by consumers - yes
6) Describe the mood of the seller portal - happy
7) Create a consumer account - yes
8) Login with a consumer account - yes
9) Search for products - yes for his item
10) Add products to cart - yes
11) Edit items in the cart - yes
12)Delete items in the cart - no
13)Confirm Order - yes
14)Set up payment and address - yes
15)Submit order and check for order on homepage - yes
16)Add items to an emptied cart - no
17)Describe the mood of the consumer portal - enjoyed the experience
18)What are the best and worst items in the site - loved it


1) Create a seller account - yes

2) Search for products - no
3) Add a product - yes
4) Edit a product - yes
5) Check orders made by consumers- no
6) Describe the mood of the seller portal - needs more clarity
7) Create a consumer account - yes
8) Login with a consumer account - yes
9) Search for products - yes
10) Add products to cart - yes

11) Edit items in the cart - yes

12)Delete items in the cart - no
13)Confirm Order - yes
14)Set up payment and address - yes
15)Submit order and check for order on homepage - yes
16)Add items to an emptied cart - yes
17)Describe the mood of the consumer portal - same as seller
18)What are the best and worst items in the site - not enough products and
navigation is unclear. Also small text.


1) Create a seller account: yes

2) Search for products: yes
3) Add a product: yes
4) Edit a product: yes
5) Check orders made by consumers: yes
6) Describe the mood of the seller portal: button small and weird
7) Create a consumer account: yes
8) Login with a consumer account: yes
9) Search for products: yes
10) Add products to cart: yes
11) Edit items in the cart: yes
12)Delete items in the cart: no
13)Confirm Order: yes
14)Set up payment and address: yes
15)Submit order and check for order on homepage: yes
16)Add items to an emptied cart: yes
17)Describe the mood of the consumer portal: not a lot of products
18)What are the best and worst items in the site: dinosaur everything is good


1) Create a seller account -yes

2) Search for products - great
3) Add a product- a little hard
4) Edit a product-yes
5) Check orders made by consumers-yes
6) Describe the mood of the seller portal -helpful if bold and enlarged buttons
7) Create a consumer account-yes

8) Login with a consumer account-yes

9) Search for products -could be a little easier
10) Add products to cart -you have to learn it first
11) Edit items in the cart - not too hard
12)Delete items in the cart -easy
13)Confirm Order - have to get used to it
14)Set up payment and address -easy
15)Submit order and check for order on the homepage -easy
16)Add items to an emptied cart -do able
17)Describe the mood of the consumer portal -it was helpful
18)What are the best and worst items in the site -best is the batman and needs
more selection.

Summary of Feedback

In evaluation of Aisha’s focus group testing, the overall feeling of the site was
mixed with some confusion. The buttons most complained were too small and they
often needed assistance manuevering through the site. This might also be due to a lack
of technical expertise, but it was something that we had to take notice off. The little boy
zack found it very fun to use. He want to sell things online and enjoyed uploading his
items and then fake buying them on the consumer side. Sara and Mussarat, took the
site more seriously and wanted to conduct searches on items that they could not find.
They connected more with the consumer side of the site. Zia had not issues using the
site, but had some comments about the buttons being out of place.

We did encounter some issues overall with the button being misplaced and some
text fields that changed even though they were supposed to be fixed. The functionality
of the site is working properly. There is an issue with empty input when filtering that we
hope to resolve before the festival. The rest of the esthetical issues should also be
resolved before the festival. Since the project is in the beta phase, we are almost done
with it before we deploy it online. Some of the things we want to resolve is creating a
tighter security around the login and database aspects of the backend. We will not have
enough time resolve this issue before the festival but we will resolve it by next week.

Overall, all of Michelle’s testers thought that the format and functionality of the
website were intuitive after a few minutes of navigating through the websites for a few
minutes. Additionally, they thought that the color scheme and visual theme was
appealing to look at, with some describing it giving them a “warm” and “cheery” vibe. A
piece of recurring feedback that I received from my testers was that the buttons for
navigation between pages were too small, and not initially noticeable. I received this
feedback from Nik, who offered his art expertise and suggested that we make the

buttons bigger and more noticeable, and from Thuy, who fits our target parent
demographic, and has near-sight issues.

As a result of this feedback, we realized that we need to be more cognizant of

visibility issues within our site, and make it more accessible to a larger audience by
making navigation buttons visually pop out more. Additional minor feedback included
suggestions for adding extra features to make the distinguish the different pages more
from one another since all of the pages in our site retain the same look and feel for the
most part.



Aisha Lalli’s Roles and Responsibilities

Role: Designer of functions and implementations

Responsibilities: Set up basic structure of the pages front end and back end. Had to set up one

portal and clone the other.

Michelle Phung’s Roles and Responsibilities

Role: Designer of user experience and implementations

Responsibilities: Set up basic structure of visible components. Making changes to improve user

experience and testing the functionalities of the cloned front ends and back ends. Was also

responsible for all things media and visuals including working on logo samples, prototypes, and

video presentation..





Initial Design Scetch

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