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I would like to
express my
gratitude to the
many people who
assisted me
the process of
writing this book.
There are many
people to thank,
and I don't want
anyone tofeel that
they have been
left out, so thank
you to everyone
who helped in
some way,
nomatter how big
or small. Your
assistance was
appreciated and
has given me
theability to
complete this
project.I would
like to thank my
wife, Heather,
and my children,
Abigail, Annabel,
andAdler, who
supported and
encouraged me in
spite of all the
time it took me
away fromthem.
It was a long,
difficult journey
for them.Thank
you to my editors
at Wiley. My first
contact with the
company, Mary
Cassells,kept on
me until I
submitted the
proposal and was
with me until the
rough draft of
Andrea Brescia
helped me put all
the pieces
together and get
inorder to look
the way it does
now. I could not
have done this
without either of
me along the
way. There is a
team of people
behind the scenes
at JohnWiley and
Sons who have
countless hours to
the completion of

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