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INTERNATIONAL giving visitors some insight into the life of and airflow in the tunnel was modelled. The
IW-NET to help grow IWT in Europe the marinier in northern France. The second studies found that natural ventilation in the
A three-year project bringing together 26 was Altair, a 38m Freycinet barge that had tunnel would be sufficient, and air quality
organisations started in May under the to be cut into two to pass through the Canal acceptable. There will be a maximum of five
European Commission’s Horizon 2020 du Midi to be re-welded and placed in the vessels per hour, with the direction of transit
Framework, to explore ways to accelerate concrete flume of the Montech water slope. alternating hour by hour. If the vessels were
the transfer of freight to the European inland In both cases the barge is placed on supports to be pulled by a towing system, the tunnel’s
waterway network. The project, led by the instead of floating as it would if the structures capacity would be significantly decreased. The
Institute of Economics of Shipping and were operating. The Fontinettes lift had to tunnel will be built by blasting the 8 million
Logistics in Bremen, Germany, will research remain static because one of the shafts was tonnes of rock. The cost is estimated at €260
and test conditions for a sustainable transi- filled with concrete to maintain the piston and million.
tion to inland waterways by developing and caisson in the upper position. The outcome
providing technological solutions. Greater use at Montech, on the other hand, for a cost of POLAND – CZECH REPUBLIC
of inland water transport is considered essen- €3.2 million, is sorely regretted by advocates Racibórz polder to become navigable?
tial to achieve the European Commission’s of inland water transport, because it puts an The largest dam on the river Odra was inaugu-
ambitious goal of reducing greenhouse gas end to navigability from Bordeaux to Toulouse rated in July near the Polish town of Racibórz,
emissions from transport in the coming in 38m barges. All the locks except the five at just 15km short of the Czech border. At a cost
decades. Today’s road and rail networks, which Montech were lengthened in the 1970s. of €500 million, it creates a dry polder that
also serve passenger transport, especially in is designed to retain up to 185 million m3 of
densely populated urban areas, have already NORWAY flood water and thus protect 2.5 million people
reached their capacity. Water transport is Selje ship canal tunnel from floods similar to those suffered in 1997
not only an environment-friendly, but also an The Norwegian Coastal Administration is and 2002. The way the dam was co-funded by
economically profitable alternative. preparing to build the world’s second ship EU means that the ‘dry polder’ flood retention
Problems that may prevent transfer to water canal tunnel, 1700m long through the Selje function must be preserved for 5 years. After
are : a lack of public awareness compared to peninsula that ends at the notorious Vestkapp that, the Ministry of the Maritime Economy
rail and road transport, low transparency headland and the Stadhavet Sea. Conditions and Inland Navigation plans to transform it
and coherence with other modes of trans- here often hinder or even prevent the passage into a conventional reservoir dam that will
port, unused potential in urban logistics, of ships and cruisers. Vessels will proceed boost low flows of the river as well as providing
bottlenecks or restrictions in the infrastruc- under their own power, and there will be no navigability up to the Czech border.
ture which limit the loading capacity, and the mechanical ventilation because the volume The additional works, including a hydro-
high average age of the fleet, increasing crew of air is huge. The tunnel will be 37m high power plant, lock, lock approaches and navi-
requirements, combined with a shortage of and 26.50m wide. During the two-year study gable channel improvements, remain to be
qualified workers. period local weather conditions were logged funded. The director of the Czech company

FRANCE Racibórz dam on the Oder

Two canals to reopen in 2021 River in southern Poland.
Work started in July on rebuilding the collapsed Conversion from a dry polder
lock No. 21, Neuville-Day, on the Canal des to a full reservoir within 7
Ardennes. The lock should be reopened in time years would provide naviga-
for the 2021 season. Two months earlier, work bility of the Oder for inland
started on rebuilding the two failed aqueducts water transport up to the
on the Canal de la Sambre à l’Oise, Vadencourt Czech border 
and Macquigny. These construction works
represent significant progress considering the Digital image of a cruise
fears expressed as recently as February, that ship entering the Stad tunnel
up to 20% of the French canal system could be at the Moldefjorden (west)
closed to navigation to save on operating costs. portal  NCA/Snøhetta 
Boatowners are advised not to make plans
yet, because of possible delays in completing
the dredging works necessary, or even simply
clearing all the weed growth. The Sambre-Oise
route will have been closed for no less than 15

Péniches installed for visitor attractions

By coincidence, two péniches have been
purchased by local authorities to form part
of visitor attractions at two emblematic sites
on the canal system. The first was Suzel,
purchased by the municipality of Arques to be
placed in the lower caisson at the Fontinettes
lift. It will contain permanent and temporary
exhibition documents and artefacts, while

World Wide Waterways No 34 • September 2020 / 7

and IWI member Plavba a vodní cesty, Tomáš in progress, and it is planned to celebrate the
Kolařík, present at the inauguration, declared reopening probably in late September. www.
that the Oder would be rendered navigable .
practically to the Czech border with the Šebešfok lock is at the entrance to the Baja-
Ratibórz reservoir filled. ‘This dam is the most Bezdan Canal which leads to the Hungarian
important and probably the most expensive town of Baja. Electric boats only are allowed
structure of the entire 90 km waterway from on the Serbian part of the canal, and according
Kędzierzyn-Koźle in Poland to Ostrava in the to our information when we visited in 2017,
Czech Republic’, he said. The Czech part of unpowered craft only on the Hungarian side.
the waterway could cost around €480 million,
while the Polish works are estimated at €1.6
billion. According to the Czech Minister of
Transport Karel Havlíček, ‘this would have a
major impact on the entire region. It is impor-
tant from a transport, economic, recreational
and possibly energy point of view,’ Havlíček Members of Danube Propeller – Zoran Radmilović,
said. The ‘upgrading’ of the reservoir brings Radomir Ječinac and Krsta Pasković – visit the restored
its volume to 300 million m3, covering 26 km2. model of the Danube in August. Their guide was the
Construction of the dam was first envis- director of the tourist organisation of Kovin, Divna Kirilov.
aged after the floods at the end of the 19th
century, then again in the 1960s. Only after
the catastrophic floods in 1997 did the project SWEDEN
really begin, although it was long delayed by Mälaren shuttle freight service
problems with land expropriation. Water transport is to be used between
Two villages with more than 700 inhabitants Radomir Ječinac and Krsta Pasković – visit the restored Stockholm’s new freight terminal opened in
had to be moved. A new village with complete model of the Danube in August. Their guide was the May at Norvik Hamn (north of Nynäshamn)
infrastructure was built for them, including a director of the tourist organisation of Kovin, Divna Kirilov and the ports of Köping and Västeras which lie
sports ground, a church and a village hall. far inland at the western end of Mälaren.
Bezdan lock, with its two sets of upstream gates. The project partners – Mälaren ports and
SERBIA Normally boats lock down from the Danube into the the port of Stockholm – have contracted
Bezdan and Šebešfok locks restored canal, but when the Danube flow is very low, the second with Wallenius Marine to provide a regular
Vode Vojvodine have completed restoration set of gates has to be used. shuttle service on the inland route through the
of Bezdan and Šebešfok locks. Bezdan was the Södertälje Canal. This is designed to take loads
first structure to be built with concrete cast Kovin Iron Gate model restored off the region’s saturated roads and railways.
under water, and was completed in 1856. The The hydraulic model built in Serbia in 1960 to The Port of Stockholm Norvik is the container
lock remained disused for many years, but its study the effects of the Iron Gate hydropower terminal that is closest to Sweden’s largest
restoration was completed in 2020, as part of and navigation project has been restored to consumer area and has a shorter distance to the
a project totalling €8.5 million under the IPA working order and landscaped as a didactic open sea than any other port on the east coast.
Serbia-Hungary instrument. The works on the visitor attraction. This unique hydraulic model
lock itself cost just over €2 million. is located in Kovin, 55 km downstream from Routes of shuttle freight services to be operated in the
Engineer Stevan Ilinčić observes that the Belgrade The 1:1000 scale model is 146 m Mälaren region of Sweden.
previous reconstruction of the lock in 1957 long, and faithfully represents the bed of the
had already applied concrete on top of the Danube through the Iron Gate.
original concrete cast in 1856. It was this The varying depths and widths, the meanders,
reconstruction with its concrete lining that tributaries, ravines and bays reflect the unpre-
slightly narrowed the chamber. dictable character of the Danube through its
The walls of the chamber had cracked due splendid gorge, undervalued economic and
to thermal effects. The solution was surface tourist resource for Serbia. Affected by the
application of repair mortars. These plasters ravages of time, the model was restored and
have good resistance to water, frost and reopened to the public in June 2020. Pumps
temperature changes. The layer of mortar was were replaced, the river bed repaired, and a
1 cm miimum, increased wherever there was path laid out beside the model, with public
greater local damage. lighting, urban furniture and a monitor UK
New lock gates were built, two on the showing the entire course of the Danube. IWA has new Chief Executive
Danube side and two on the canal side. Other Before construction began in 1964, the model The Inland Waterways Association has
installations were a new crane to handle the was needed to show how the Djerdap hydro- appointed Sarah O’Grady as interim Chief
steel beams for isolating the lock chamber, and electric power plant would affect the course Executive to lead the organisation for six
a building to store these beams. of the Danube and its banks, especially from months until a permanent successor for Neil
The project will contribute to reducing the the dam upstream to the confluence with the Edwards is in place. Sarah has worked with
risk of flooding in the Bezdan area by restoring Tisa. The model was also naturally shown to a wide range of charities, from large to small,
water runoff capacity of the canal and its Yugoslavia’s president Josip Broz Tito. including museums. She was chair of Amnesty
structures, at the same time allowing devel- Krsta Pašković visited the model in 2002 and International UK Section for three years.
opment of other business activities such as discussed with the then mayor how it could be Announcing the news, IWA national chairman
tourism and boatbuilding. Dredging works are preserved as a technical monument. Paul Rodgers said: ‘At a time when IWA is active

8 / World Wide Waterways No 34 • September 2020

at national, regional and local levels across as USA
diverse a range of issues as the sustainability Iconic Delaware Canal bridge restored
of the waterways network, the pressures on Extensive repair work on the historic camel-
restoration programmes, planning and heritage back bridge that crosses the Delaware Canal in
matters, and the environment, it is crucial to the northern section of Washington Crossing
demonstrate strong leadership both within Historic Park has been completed. To preserve
the Association and across the waterways one the canal’s most iconic and well-used struc-
ecosystem as a whole’. Sarah takes on the role at tures, the Friends of the Delaware Canal raised
a very busy time when IWA is looking forward $78 000 in private contributions to fund the
to seeing working party volunteers return to project. The work was completed by camel-
restoration projects across the country as soon back bridge restoration expert Randall Myer of
as it is safe to do so. R-Shell Exteriors, Lancaster, PA.
Energy and resources are currently being spent Myer began work in late January, but the
on a range of projects including the imminent The Union Canal breach on August 12, 2020. Covid-19 restrictions delayed completion until
publication of IWA’s Practical Restoration May. The bridge was elevated then stabilized
Handbook, which has been completely revised, Glasgow railway line, disrupting services, but on cribbing, then the main floor beams, posts,
and the launch of Part II of the Heritage Report, no-one was injured. cross-bracing, x-braces, roof boards and many
which highlights the threats faced by the UK’s This stretch of The Union Canal had not deck boards were replaced with appropriate
waterways heritage from careless development. been identified as at high-risk in Scottish timber. The bridge then received its coatings of
Canal’s asset management strategy. However signature barn red stain. Final inspection by the
Plastics challenge as 200-year old working heritage structures, PA Department of Conservation and Natural
Canal and River Trust are asking canal visitors Scotland’s canals, like so many in other coun- Resources and Friends took place on June 3.
to join their Plastics Challenge to help make tries, face increasing pressures from climate Known as the Thompson-Neely Camelback
a global difference by taking action in local change. Freak weather, such as was experi- Bridge, this is one of only six along the
communities. Part of a much bigger global enced in Scotland the previous day – a one 58.9-mile-long canal that still retain their
problem, discarded plastics and litter remains in 240 year event according to SEPA – brings authentic structure. The camelback design was
a serious issue for CRT and every year an much higher volumes of water than these used on the canal because it has a slight hump
estimated 14 million pieces of plastic end up scheduled monuments were initially designed in the middle allowing clear passage of canal
in and around the canals and rivers – with to accommodate. boats underneath. Today they are picturesque
enough plastic to fill 20 000 bin bags being Scottish Canals carried out enhanced inspec- and useful reminders of the canal’s colorful
washed from UK canals out into the ocean. tions along the full length of the Union Canal past. The project to restore and preserve the
Plastic bottles, food wrappers and bags can to identify whether other sections may have canal’s six remaining camelbacks began in
harm fish, swans and other wildlife that make been damaged by the recent severe weather. 2002. Since then, five have been restored. The
the canals their home. CRT clears up the litter Over 1000 fish, including pike, perch, roach, sixth bridge, a victim of earthquake damage
left by visitors, but they are asking everyone eel, three spined stickleback and brown and extensive deterioration, is a major under-
who spends time on our canals or rivers to trout, trapped when the water level dropped taking and remains a future goal.
pick up just one piece of plastic each time they are being rescued and moved to unaf- The Friends are grateful to the generous
visit. That small amount of effort by every fected sections of the canal. Water levels donors who love the camelback bridges and
visitor would apparently see the water and were restored on the east side of the breach, ensure their preservation. The Friends of the
towpaths free of plastic within a year. which is where the water feed is located, to Delaware Canal is an independent, non-profit
CRT have produced a set of safety tips for allow water to be pumped to the west side. organization working to preserve, restore, and
would-be litter pickers to read before setting This was important for restoring boat move- improve the Delaware Canal its surroundings.
off, which is posted on their website canalriv- ments between the Union Canal, The Falkirk To find out more about the organization and (search for Plastic Challenge). Wheel and the Kelpies. Scottish Canals are its many activities, visit or the
committed to driving the conversation around Friends’ Facebook page. 
Breach on Union Canal climate change and how it affects canal users,
During the early hours of the morning on local resident and wildlife.
August 12 there was a significant breach
on the Union Canal between Polmont and
Muiravonside. This followed 80mm of rain
falling since midnight, 40mm of which fell in
just 1 hour at 5am. The significant volume of
water flowing into the canal washed away part
of the embankment, leading to a breach 30m
wide. As the Union is a contour canal with no
lock gates, stop planks, sandbags and clay dams
were installed to stem the flow of water.
Scottish Canals was first alerted to a drop in
water levels at 8am and staff arrived onsite
within 45 minutes to take the necessary The Thompson-
measures to preserve life and protect property Neely Camelback
whilst ensuring the safety and welfare of all. Bridge in its
An emergency towpath closure was put in finished glory
place. The breach affected the Edinburgh to

World Wide Waterways No 34 • September 2020 / 9

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