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Km.2, Bo.2, Gensan Drive., Koronadal City South Cotabato
SCHOOL OF EDUCATION Issue No: 01 Revision No: 01
(S.Y. 2022-2023)
Effectivity Date: May 16, 2019

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Name:____________________________________ Course:__________________
Descriptive Title: The Teacher and the Community, School Subj.Code : EDUC 325
Culture and Organizational Leadership
Instructor:Manolito G. Nama Date:____________________
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● Write your name and course on the blanks provided
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● There will be a strict implementation of “NO PERMIT, NO EXAM” Policy

Test 1. Multiple Choice

Directions: Choose the correct answer from the options given.

1. Which is not true about social reconstructionists?

a. Use of problem solving c. School as an Agent of change
b. Study of the Great Books d. Introduce a new society
2. According to this philosopher , education is not acquisition of knowledge contained in the Great
Books but it is a learner interacting with concrete experiences.
a. John Locke c. John Dewey
b. Herbert Spencer d. Aristotle
3. Which teaching practice goes with the “ banking system of education'' which was contrary to Paulo
Freire’s educational thought.
a. Rote memorization c. Problem-based learning
b. Project- based learning d. Community of inquiry

4. For which educational practice was John Dewey?

a. Problem solving c. Emphasis on humanities
b. Banking method d. Teaching of the classics
5. Why is Spencer’s educational thought described as utilitarian?
a. He emphasized vocational and professional education based on scientific and practical
b. He stressed on general educational goals associated with humanistic education
c. He stressed a balance of specialized and general education in the curriculum
d. He eliminated the vocational and professional education component of the curriculum
6. Paulo Freire is to Critical Pedagogy as Theodore Brameld is to :
a. Empiricist educator c. Social Reconstructionism
b. Learning Through experience d. Utilitarian education
7. He is a critical theorist who believed that systems must be changed to overcome oppression and
improve human condition.
a. George Counts c. John Locke
b. Paulo Freire d. Herbert Spencer

8. It is a global issue pertaining to the level of literacy which includes not only reading and writing but
also numeracy skills.
a. Climate change c. Lack of education
b. Government corruption d. Unemployment
9. Herbert Spencer is to Structural Functional Theory as Mead and Cooley is to _________.
a. Consensus Theory c. Interactionist Theory
b. Conflict Theory d. Symbolic Interactionist Theory
10. Socialization is one of the tasks of the schools. Which is a CORRECT explanation of socialization?
a. Developing the communication skills of the people
b. Developing the people to remain forever young
c. Developing the young to become socialite
d. Learning the roles, status and values necessary for participation in society
11. The Civil Service Eligibility of Teachers was made permanent on June 15, 1954 pursuant to _______.
a. RA 7722 b. RA 9155 c. RA 1079 d. RA 10533
12. The Japanese taught the Filipinos love for labor while the Americans taught the Filipino ____.
a. Citizenship and democracy c. Love for country
b. Dignity of Labor d. Survival skills
13. Executive Order signed by Pres. Manuel L. Quezon designating Tagalog as our National Language.
a. Executive Order No. 134 s. 1936 c. Education Act of 1940
b. Executive order No. 263 s. 1940 d. None of these
14. The statement “ It takes a village to educate a Child” implies that _____________.
a. Parents shall be encouraged to engaged in school activities
b. Institutionalized school-community partnership
c. Strengthens Parent-Teacher partnership
d. Teamwork shall be observed in school
15. If education is a function of society, then it has to be________.
a. Relevant b. Complete c. For a selected few d. Free
16. Who is associated with conflict theory ?
a. Weber b. Marx c. Dewey d. Durkheim
17. Which theory states that it is okay to have clashes in society?
a. Functionalism c. Symbolic Interactionism
b. Conflict Theory d. Social Darwinism
18. According to functionalist theory, what happens when one institution fails to do its part?
a. Other institutions get paralyzed
b. The non-functioning institution gets eliminated
c. Other institutions take over the function
d. The non -performing institutions gets penalized
19. For ideal interaction in the community what must be observed?
a. The symbol must be contemporary
b. Don’t use symbols
c. Those involved must analyze the meaning of the symbol
d. The symbol must be clear to both giver and receiver
20. During socialization we learn the language of the ____________ we are born into.
a. All of them b. Culture c. Society d. community

Test II . Essay .

21-35 Discuss the the Philosophical Thoughts on education of the following

a. John Locke
b. H. Spencer
c. J. Dewey
d. G. Counts
e. T. Brameld
f. Paulo Freire
36-40 Explain the importance of Studying History of Education

41-50 Enumerate and discuss the purposes of schooling according to the functionalist theory

Prepared By: Manolito G. Nama


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