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Module 1:

Philosophical Thoughts on Education

1. Explain in a sentence why each education philosopher was associated with these given words

A. John Locke - The Empiricist

Explanation: I learned about English philosopher John Lock was known as the Empiricist, he believes
that knowledge was found verifiable by observation and experience. John Locke has a book
published titled "An Essay Concerning Human Understanding" that he learned how we make ideas,
also he said that our human mind is a blank slate. From empty of ideas to simple ideas become more
compound or complex ideas when we combine them all ideas. For example, when a child was first
time used a bicycle doesn't mean that the child already to ride a bike of course the parents or
guardian will help the child to ride a bike for a while and will continue to learn by him/herself. Also,
the Empiricist by John Locke has Concerning of Education that the proper education starts in early
stage emphasizing strong mind and a healthy body. He called that the important of health, physical
and social environment. Therefore, John Locke Empiricist is important because we emphasize to
conduct to make ideas.

B. Spencer- The Utilitarianist

Explanation: Herbert Spencer philosophy in Utilitarinist is all about the theory of right and wrong of
an activity is determined if it's useful in making the most happiness of those who will affected of it.
Utilitarianist this is state is moral, or good when it produces the greatest number of people. As I
learned the theory of utilitarianist has divide in two parts the ACT and RULE. The main difference of
the two is that the act considers only the present action without thinking of the future consequences
while the Rule looking the future on how your choice will benefit more people in the long run.
Therefore, Herbert Spencer utilitarianist is a form of consequences that the right action will bring it
to the best impact.

C. John Dewey - Experience

Explanation: Philosopher John Dewey, studies the experience of a student learning experiences and
what will happen of the student's future decisions and their behaviors. John Dewey also known as
"The Father Modern of Experiential Education" I see that there's a cycle of experience in education
by John Dewey, there's skills, knowledge, training, solution and goal by using this cycle that John
Dewey stated it will be easier to make some decisions in life. According to John Dewey powerful
education experiences are results two fundamental principles 'continuity and interaction'. Continuity
how experiences both past and present, influence the future

while interaction refers how current situation influence experiences then Dewey combine these
make one's present experiences and a direct result of how their previous experiences interact with
and influence their present situation. Therefore, John Dewey Experiences education that the human
experience, Past Present and Future influence the capacity to learn.

D. George Counts-Building a new social order

Explanation: The Building a new social order state that stable situation in which a society is mean to
work. Since the society is a collection of various components. Social order is maintained for all the
components to work for the success as a whole. In making building new social order in education say
to the people and to the society function in making proper way by providing equal opportunity to
everyone and promote equity, George Counts has a book titled "Dare the school build a new social
order?" that advance the social study of education and emphasize teaching moral and political
enterprise. George Count believes in the innermost potential education to improve the society.

B. Spencer - The Utilitarianist

Explanation: Herbert Spencer philosophy in Utilitarinist is all about the theory of right and wrong of
an activity is determined if it's useful in making the most happiness of those who will affected of it.
Utilitariaanist this is state is moral, or good when it produces the greatest number of people. As I
learned the theory of utilitarianist has divide in two parts the ACT and RULE. The main difference of
the two is that the act considers only the present action without thinking of the future consequences
while the Rule looking the future on how your choice will benefit more people in the long run.
Therefore, Herbert Spencer utilitarianist is a form of consequences that the right action will bring it
to the best impact.

C. John Dewey-Experience
Explanation: Philosopher John Dewey, studies the experience of a student learning experiences and
what will happen of the student's future decisions and their behaviors. John Dewey also known as
"The Father Modern of Experiential Education" I see that there's a cycle of experience in education
by John Dewey, there's skills. knowledge, training, solution and goal by using this cycle that John
Dewey stated it will be easier to make some decisions in life. According to John Dewey powerful
education experiences are results two fundamental principles continuity and interaction. Continuity
how experiences both past and present, influence the future

while interaction refers how current situation influence experiences then Dewey combine these
make one's present experiences and a direct result of how their previous experiences interact with
and influence their present situation. Therefore, John Dewey Experiences education that the human
experience, Past Present and Future influence the capacity to learn.

D. George Counts - Building a new social order

Explanation: The Building a new social order state that stable situation in which a society is mean to
work. Since the society is a collection of various components. Social order is maintained for all the
components to work for the success as a whole. In making building new social order in education say
to the people and to the society function in making proper way by providing equal opportunity to
everyone and promote equity. George: Counts has a book titled "Dare the school build a new social
order?" that advance the social study of education and emphasize teaching moral and political
enterprise, George Count believes in the innermost potential education to improve the society.

E. Theodore Bremeld - The Social Reconstructionist

Explanation: The Social Reconstructionist it is one of the tools in the school to solve the social
problems. Reconstructionist aims to educate the generation of problem solvers also identify and
correct social problems in nation with divers target-racism, pollutions, homelessness, poverty and
violence. Philosophy of education

Social Reconstructionist will refer to us to make or build social orders. For the Social
reconstructionist the class become an area where societal improvement is an active and miserable

F. Paulo Freire - Critical Pedagogy Vs. Banking Method

Explanation: Critical Pedagogy by Paulo Freire is a philosophy of education and social movement that
combines education with theory. The critical pedagogy educational movement, guided by passion
and principle, to help the students develop consciousness of freedom, recognize authoritarian
tendencies, and connect knowledge to power and the ability to make constructive action. Paulo
Freire believes that "Critical Pedagogy" is necessary to develop critical consciousness of people or
student. This is mostly the case of the poor, who need to explore ways to find meaning and purpose
in their lives. One of the key objectives of critical pedagogy is to allow students to gain necessary
social skills to allow them to actively participate in a transformed and inclusive democratic
community. In the terms of pedagogy, Paulo Freire is best known for his attack on what he called the
"banking" concept of education in which the student was viewed as an empty account to be filled by
the teacher. He notes that it transforms students into receiving objects. It attempts to control
thinking and action. leads men and women to adjust to the world and inhibits their creative power.

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