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You can also do this. It causes a new empty list to be created in each append call.

>>> li = []
>>> li.append([])
>>> li.append([])
>>> li.append([])
>>> for k in li: print(id(k))

Don't use index to loop over a sequence.


for i in range(len(tab)):


for elem in tab:


for will automate most iteration operations for you.

Use enumerate if you really need both the index and the element.

for i, elem in enumerate(tab):

print((i, elem))

Be careful when using "==" to check against True or False

if (var == True):
# this will execute if var is True or 1, 1.0, 1L

if (var != True):
# this will execute if var is neither True nor 1

if (var == False):
# this will execute if var is False or 0 (or 0.0, 0L, 0j)

if (var == None):
# only execute if var is None

if var:
# execute if var is a non-empty string/list/dictionary/tuple, non-0, etc

if not var:
# execute if var is "", {}, [], (), 0, None, etc.

if var is True:
# only execute if var is boolean True, not 1

if var is False:
# only execute if var is boolean False, not 0

if var is None: – Python® Notes for Professionals 763

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