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1444-1 457 T.0. 26-6T(B5-14 (49-14) TECHNICAL MANUAL ILLUSTRATED PARTS BREAKDOWN PNEUMATIC POWER GAS TURBINE ENGINE J MODEL NO. GTCB5-71 PART NO. 376730 376730-0-10 376730-0-15 -376730-0-19 376730-0-6 376730-0-8 376730-0-16 —_376730-0-22 376730-0-7 376730-0-20 76730-0-17 _376730-0-21 376730-0-9 376730-0-12 376730-0-18 —-376730-0-24 aroasorezes Fareoe-s20-A097 soistmiaurion srazeMent —Tws PyBuIcATION IS REQUIRED TOR OFFICIAL USE On TOR AOMINIST ATIVE OR UPERATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY LOISTRIBUTION fs LIMITED. TO U.S: GOVERNMENT AGENCIES. O7 Requests ron Tals oocument Must BE REFERRED TO SAM "ANTONIO ALEMMMEDT, KELLY AFB, TEXAS 15 MARCH 1967 CHANGE 25 — 15 OCTOBER 1983 7.0.26.c7c35.14 (49-14) [ust oF recive Paes] INSERT LATEST CHANGED PAGES, DESTROY SUPERSEDED PAGES, UST OF EFFECTIVE PAGES A Change 25 Dates of ist for original and changed pages are: < 15 Mar67 Change 1 Dee 68 Change TLL Ape6) Grange Ghanae Gianar (Change 222. Change 2 ‘TOTAL NUMBER OF PAGES IN THIS PUI * change ‘No. 25 FREER shaot= 5) BR BRE REELED as Reeee ube © Zerw i this column indicates an original par. USAF 7.0. 2c-crcus-14 (49-14) ‘Table of Contents Page INTRODUCTION .. ee : 1a Figure 1. Typical Pneumatic Power Gas Turbine Engine Unit . aed Figure 2, Sections and Systems sone 1-8 GROUP ASSEMBLY PARTS LIST.........+++ eee ey aot Figure 3, Pneumatic Power Gas Turbine Engines Part Nos. 376730, 376730-0-6 through 376730-0-10, 376730-0-12, 376730-0-15 through 376730-0-22 and $76730-0-24..... oa 22 Plumbing System Gas Turbine Plumbing Installation Part No. 376139 Pneumatic Thermostats Part No. 107658-9 and 1076! Pneumatic Thermostat Part No. 107996~66 Fuel Drain Valve Part No. 370247 ... Bleed-Air Control Installation .. Differential Air Pressure Regulator Part No. 1080323 es Unloading Air Shutoff Valves Part No. 108016~2 and 109016~7 Pneumatic Actuator Assemblies Part No, 99516-5 and 99516-8 - Lubrication Installation es Fluid Pressure Filter Part No. 693117 Electrical System Figure Figure 17. Figure 1 Figure 19. Gas Turbine Wiring Installation Part No. 376134 Gas Turbine Harness Assembly Part No, 375764 Electrical Control Box Assemblies Part No. 375767 Start Counter Assembly Part No. 371088-1 Electrical Control Box Branched Wiring Harness Assembly Par No. 375738 eee are High Voltage ignition Unit Part No. 75425 - Oil Pressure Switch Assembly Part No. 75427 | ‘Turbine Section Figure 20. Figure 21. Figure 22. Figure 23. Figure 23A. Gas Turbine Wheel Air and Oil Seal Part No. 692084 . Combustion Chamber Fuel Atomizer Assemblies Part No. 75076-7 and 75076-32 . Part No, 693269-1, 693269-3 and 693269-6 . Accessory Section Figure 24. Figure 25. Figure Figure 27, Figure 28. Figure 29. Gas Turbine Compressor Accessory Assemblies Part Nos,-378387-2, 975387-8, 375387-10 and 375357-18 Starter Motor Assemblies Part Nos. 378922-4, 975022-6 and 376%02-8, Electrical Starter Motors Part No. 48243 and 48343-1 2-58 Fuel Purp and Control Unit Part No. 371688-101 00... 2-56 Power Driven Rotary Pump Assemblies Part No, 273027 and 973027-2 - 2-60 ‘Multiple Centrifugal Switch Assemblles Part No. 76067-5 and 76067-19 2-63 Change 24 ‘Table of Contents Section (49-14) 70. 2c-arcss-i4 TABLE OF CONTENTS (cont) Accessory Section (CONT) Figure 30. Figure 31. Accessory Drive Assemblies Part No, 693978 and 699975-1 . ‘Accessory Drive Assembly Part No. 694938-10 Compressor Section Figure 32. Figure 33, Figure 34. Figure 35. Ml —-NUMERICAL INDEX ... i Change 19 Oli Temperature Regulator Assembly Part No 87520-1 Compressor Inlet Plenum Assemblies Part No, 74798-55 and 74796-4i - Deleted Gas Turbine Compressor Assembly Part No. 699272-2 ...... 2-82 0. 2c-arces-14 (49-14) Section 1 Introduction SECTION I INTRODUCTION 1-1, IDENTIFICATION. 1-2, This publication Usts and describes parts for pneumatic power gas turbine engines manufactured by The Garrett Corporation, AiResearch Manufacturing Company of Arizona, Phoenix, Arizona 85034. En- gines described in this publication are listed in Sec- tion II, Group Assembly Parts List. 1-8, Bach article is provided with a nameplate and a ‘modification record plate. The nameplate reflects the article identification number, series number, model ‘number, serial number and other applicable specifi- cation data. The modification record plate reflects the change number of interchangeable modifications which have been incorporated in the article. The article may be identified by any one of the methods described in paragraphs 1-4, 1-8 and 1-6. ‘The following 1s an explanation of model number identification. Model number GTC85~71-2 is used a8 an example. GTC - A group of letters selected from the title of the unit to reduce the title to a symbol. 85 - Indicates a specified design or type of unit. 11 ~ Denotes a basic design configuration and indicates that all units bearing this dash number are interchangeable, but noninterchangeable with other units bearing a different dash number. = Classifies the unit with respectto minor modifications. A change of this dash number indicates a ‘modification to the unit which will not affect inter- changeability, but which will necessitate revision to applicable technical data. 1-8, ‘The following is an explanation of series number identification, Part number 376730, Series 4, Model GTC85=71 is used as an example. 376730 ~ Anumber representing an end equipment family and class. All end equipment bearing the same part number are interchangeable regardless of internal differences. Change 3 - 15 September 1969 ‘Series 4 - A number identifying noninterchange~ able internal changes which do not affect fend equipment interchangeability. GTCRS-71 - A convenience designation of a partic~ ‘war end equipment family. 1-6. ‘The following is an explanation of single line part number identification. Part number 376730-0-7 i= used as an example. 376730 - Basic aumber which represents afamily and class of equipment. 0 - First dash number identifies a specific design configuration within the basic number or family. A change affecting form, fit, or function of the basic numbe requires’ the assignment of a new dash number. Second dash number identifies an inter~ nnal configuration. A noninterchangeable internal change identified by a series number change and initiated by ECP action requires the change of this dash number to fame number as the applicable series number. 147, ‘The unit identification number, series number and ‘model number, as applicable, along with modification or change numbers which may appear on the modifica~ tion record plate, should be used to determine unit configuration, This information should be included in failure, unsatisfactory, or removal reports tofacilitate ‘evaluation of the report. Figure 1, Typical Pneumatic Power Gas ‘Turbine Engine Unit tet Section I Introduction (449-14) 1-8. Each accessory which is a complete unitiniteelt ‘will have its own nameplate, and, if applicable, modtfi- cation record plate. The nameplate will reflect the accessory identification number, series number, model number, serial number and other specification data, as applicable. The modification record plate, ifused, ‘will reflect the change number for interchangeable modifications which have been incorporated in the accessory. The accessory may be identified by any of the methods described in paragraphs 1-4, 1-6 and 1-6. 1-9. USABLE ON CODE. 1-10. When more than one model or configuration of ‘the equipment is included in the Mustrated Parts Breakdown, code symbols are assigned to each model or configuration. When such coding is required, Master Usable on Code List is incluted for listing the various models and configurations together with the appropriate code symbol. An explanation of the main differences between articies, the effective ECP number, if any, and any applicable Time Compliance Technical Order numbers are included in the list. 1-11. When vartous configurations of an individual accessory or subassembly are Listed together, other code symbols are assigned to each configuration. When such coding is required, an explanation of the code appears at the top of the parts list to which it is applicable. 1-12, When code symbols have been assigned tovari- ‘ous models or configurations, the code symbol will be entered in the USABLE ON CODE column of the Group Assembly Parts List to indicate the difference. Parts Rot found in all of the coded articles will bear the code letter or letters for the particular article or articles in which they are found. When this column is left blank, parts are common to all articles. 1-18, MAIN GROUPS. 1-14, The article Usted is broken down into represent- ative main groups. Each group consists of a major section or system of the end article. (See figure 2.) Zach main group is broken down into assemblies, sub- assemblies and details. Each item is arranged to indicate the relationship to its next higher assembly. Bach detail part of the assemblies or subassemblies is Usted in the Group Assembly Parts Listin order of disassembly. ‘The relationship of the first itemof each separately illustrated assembly or subassembly toits next higher assembly is indicated following the nomen clature of the first item, 1-15, CROSS-INDEX SYSTEMS. 1:16. The notation "See applicable publication”: or “See figure” in the Group Assembly Parts List ind!- cates that more detail or additional information will be found in the referenced publication or figure, 1s17, The notation "NHA---" in the Numerical Intex indicates reference shall be made to the next higher ‘assembly and the detail part isnottobe requisitioned. 7.0, 2G-GTCas-14 . 1-18. When a part has botha contractor's part number and a vendor's part number, one part number appears in the PART NUMBER column of the Group Assembly Parts List and the other part number is cross-refer- enced in the DESCRIPTION column of the Group Assembly Parts List, The partnumber which appears in the PART NUMBER column of the Group Assembly Parta List is Listed in the Numerical Index with appli- cable data such a8 figure and index number, stock number, etc, The part number which appears in the DESCRIPTION column of the Group Assembly Parts List is Listed in the Numerical Index and cross-refer- enced to the applicable part mumber in the PART NUMBER column of the Numerical Index, 1-19, CONTRACTOR'S PART NUMBERING SYSTEM. 1-20. The contractor's basic part numbering consists of a straight numerical system of four, five, or six digits. These basic numbers may be prefixed with letters and sutfixed with dash numbers or letter: 1-21. A block of basic numbers is assigned toeach of the various types of articles manufactured by the contractor, The numbers within this block are assigned to the end article and its detail items as needed. An even number is normally assigned as the article instal- ation outline partnumber. The nexthigher odd number {3 usually assigned as the assembly part umber. This applies to all part numbers exceptcontractor's stand- ard part oumbers and commercial standard part ‘numbers which are available for use in all articles. 1-22, Prefix letters used with a basic umber usually indicate a type of part or method of procurement. ‘Suffix numbers used with a basic number usually indi- cate configuration differences, or, when applied to contractor's standard part numbers, indicate dimen- sional differences. Suffix letters usually indicate material color, or finish differences. 1-23, The letters PS prefixed to a basic number des- ignate a Specification Control drawing number. The letter $ prefixed to a basic number designates a ‘contractor's standard part number. These standard part numbers are usually suffixed by letters and numbers, 1-24, 'The contractor's commercial standard numbers ‘consist of ten-digit numbers separated into two groups of three digits each and one group of four digits, “A commercial standard number is used to identify a stock item commonly obtained from any of several vendors and used without alteration, 1-25, APPLICABLE PUBLICATIONS, 1-26, This publication lists the items necessary for ‘support of the article and may be used for identifying components for requisitioning and issuing. Certain accessories may have a separate [lustrated Parts Breakdown. When this occurs, the number of that publication t# listed in Section I, Group Assembl; Parts List, in the description column of the sting of the accessory. no. 2c-crces-14 (48-4) Section I Introduction MASTER USABLE ON CODE LIST ee CHANGE CODE PART SERIES MODEL ORMOD ECP Tero DIFFERENCE SYMBOL NO. ~ NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. DESCRIPTION cece A 376730 - - - Baste engine converted from other models. 370730 2 GTCas-71 2 AIRS76730-1 Incorporates titanium inducers in compressor impeller assembly. 3 AIRST6730-2 > Incorporates strength~ ‘ened starter motor drive components. 4 = ~ Eliminates turbine as~ sembly heat shield. B 376730 1 GTces-71 1 AIRTS600-18_2JA6-4-2- Incorporates improved 522 ‘material in turbine noz~ zle. © 376730 2 GTcas-71 5 AIRST6730-4 - Incorporates radial bolt retention of turbine as sembly torus. 376730 3 GTtas-71 6 AIR376990-6 = Begin series number Identification. No effect. D 376730 4 GTCas-71 7 AIRST6730-6 ~ Incorporates ball lock exducer in turbine whee! assembly. 376730 5 Grcas-71 + AIRST6730-8 - Reserved for lockwire deletion. Note Begin single line part number identification system. E 376730-0-8 © == GTCBS-71 8 aIR76730-9 ~ Incorporates improved compressor assembly. 9 AmR376730-7 = Incorporates improved : high energy ignition unit. 10 AIR376730-10 = Incorporates improved unloading air shutotf valve. un - - Provides greater clear- ance for centrifugal switch push rod travel. 376790-0-7 -- _ GTC8S-71 12 AIRS76730-11 - Incorporates improved starter motor assembly. —— 13 Section t = (4) 70. 2G-arces-14 ae (49-14) MASTER USABLE ON CODE LIST (CONT) a pe erg eee cane een ere Lee nek Oe ee ee ee re ee ee eee Roger prone Byte mecca irene ae Sere, corerener iow a sen cee Sens, ener es a ee oe rani ona a neros se cee ‘sre eos EE eS Ee ‘ thermostats. aaa SET Bnet pepe pe joint exducer in turbine rotating assembly. 1-27. A separate publication, Overhaul Manual, 7.0. 2G-GTC85-13, contains ail necessary instruc tions for complete overhaul of the article. Another separate publication, Field Maintenance Manual, T.0, 2G-GTC85~16, incorporates all necessary in- structions for field level maintenance of the article. rey 1-28, REPAIR PARTS KITS. 1:20, Tip publleston reflects the sting of repat . Such Listings are intended to provide information a and minor repair. Certain replacement parts are Change 3 - 19 September 1989 T.0. 2G-cTcss-14 (4-9-14-) stocked only in kits. Standard parts having multi- application are stocked in their appropriate classes and may also be stocked in kits. Kit parts should not bbe ordered trom separate stock to make up a kit, 1-30. SOURCE AND MAINTENANCE REPAIR LEVEL CODES. 1-31, SOURCE CODES. Source codes listed in the Numerical Index have been assigned the following definitions. 2. Code "PY Parts under Inventory Stock Control: (1) Code “P" identifies parts which may be requisitioned and installed by any level of maintenance consistent with the Command's authorized scope of maintenance. Code "P" is applied to parts on which usage is anticipated or known. Restricted (emergency) service manufacture of code "P" items is considered practical but may be accomplished only after confir- ‘mation of non-availability from supply sources. (2) Code “PD" identifies parts which may be requisitioned and installed by AF activities authorized depot-level maintenance only. Code "PD" is applied to parts on which usage is anticipated or known. Re- stricted (emergency) service manufacture of code "PD" parts is considered practical but may be accom~ plished only after confirmation of non-availability from, supply sources (8) Code “PI” identifies parts which may be requisitioned and installed by any maintenance level consistent with the Command's authorized scope of maintenance. Code "P1" is applied to parts on which usage is anticipated or known, and which service man- uufacture is considered impractical. (4) Code “PID” identifies parts which may be requisitioned and installed by AF activities authorized depot-level maintenance only. Code "PID" is applied to parts on which usage is anticipated or known, and which service manufacture is considered impractical. (8) Code “P2” identifies insurance-type spare parts which can be installed by an AF activity con- sistent with the Command's authorized scope of main- tenance. This code is applied to such parts which are basically structural and for which no usage is anticipated or known; require special topls, templates and/or jigs and are very difficult, impractical, or ‘uneconomical to manufacture by AF activities. These items are not subject to periodic replacement or ‘wearout but may require infrequent replacement as 2 result of accidents or other unexpected occurrences. Delayed procurement items, as defined in AMCM 400-1, are included under this code. (8) Code “P2D" identifies insurance-type parts which may be installed by AF activities which are authorized depot-level maintenance only. This code is applied to parts as described under code "P2" and to delayed procurement items referenced in AMCM 400-1. " Section 1 Introduction », Code "M" - Manufacture, Parts, not Procured: @) Code "M" identities parts, the manufacture and installation of which is within the capabilities of fleld maintenance activities; and to which all of the following conditions apply: (a) Procurement is not justified because of low usage or peculiar storage and installation factors. Needs are to be met by local manufacture only as required. (©) Their manufacture does not require tools, equipment, or skills not normally authorized at field maintenance level. (c) Does not require test equipment not no: ‘mally authorized at fleld maintenance level. (d) Does not require material not normally available in Air Force inventory. (2) Code “M1” identifies parts which can be manufactured at activities authorized depot-level maintenance facilities and to which all of the follow. conditions apply: (a) Procurement is not justified because of low usage or peculiar storage and installation factors. ‘The need of base activities are to be met by requisi- tioning from the geographical AMA, LSM AMA, or IM AMA/AFD. (©) Their manufacture is beyond capabilities of field maintenance activities as outlined above. (©) Thetr manufacture does not require tools or equipment not normally authorized at all AMAs. e. Code “A’ Assemble, Assembly, not Procured: (D Code "A" identifies items capable of being assembled at any level of maintenance and is applied to assemblies of two or more parts, the majority of ‘which are purchased and /or service manufactured, (2) Cote “AI” identifies assemblies which can be assembled at AF activities authorized depot-level maintenance only, and is applied to assemblies de- scribed under " 4, Code "X" + Parts Considered Impractical for Service Manufacture or Procurement and for which No Usage is Anticipated: (1) Code "X" is applied to main structural mem- bers or similar parts, which, If required, would suggest extensive repair. The need for apart or parts coded "X" (wing spars, center section structure, etc.) should normally result in a recommendation to retire the article from service. Section I Introduction (2) Code "x1" identifies parts applicable at any level of maintenance consistent with the Command's authorized scope of maintenance and for which its more feasible to obtain the next higher assembly; for example, an integral detail part such asa welded seg- ment inseparable from its assembly; a part machined in a matched set; or a part of any assembly which, if required, would suggest extensive reconditioning’ of such an assembly. in some cases, code "XI" may be Used to indicate an integral detail part of an assembly which has no anticipated usage and as an assembly was source-coded "M" or "MI" (8) Code "X1D" identifies parts described under "x1" code but which are applicable to AF activities authorized depot-level maintenance only. (@) Code "x2" identifies parts applicable to any level of maintenance consistent with the Command's authorized scope of maintenance, for which there is no anticipated usage, and which are impractical for service manufacture. This type of item will not be ‘stocked. Such parts shall be obtained from reclama~ tion or. if not available from this source, requisi- ‘tioned through normal supply channels together with supporting justification for one-time procurement and immediate use. Repeated requests shall justify ‘a change to a code "PI" or “P2", as applicable, if considered economical to procure and store such parts. (5) Code "X20" identifies parts described under the "X2" code but which are applicable toAF activitie authorized depot-level maintenance only. Repeated re: quests for such parts shall justity a change to a "PID' or “P2D" code, as applicable, if considered economical and feasible to procure and stock such parts. @. Code "U" = Parts not Procured, Manufactured, oF ‘Stocked. Code “U" is applied toinstallationdrawings, diagrams, instruction sheets, field-service drawing numbers, and parts not otherwise of supply signifi- cance, including obsolete parts, which cannot be procured or service manufactured. {. The code “COML” identifies commercially avail- able items which are not catalogued, procured, or ‘Stocked by Federal Stock Number (FSN), and which are obtained as required from local commercial sup- pliers. This code will be used only in source coding of Vehicles and AGE which are combination of commer- cial and Military Specification. Equipment for which Iustrated Parts Breakdowns (IPBs) are procured. T.0.s 0-1-85, -36, -37 and -38 cover equipment to ‘which the new code will normally be applicable, 1-32, SOURCE CODES FOR REPAIR PARTS KITS. Source codes listed in the Numerical Index for repair parts kits and for {tems included in the kits have been assigned the following definitions, a, Code “C" = Cure Dated Parts Kit, Code "C" is applied to kits containing parts that have a specific period of time (cure-date) toremain in storage without atfecting their serviceability and are subject todeter- oration due to ageing or exposure, The cure-date for 1-6 1.0, 2G-aTcs5-14 (44-1 4) the Kit 1s established on the shortest life item within ‘the Kit, C-Kit contains parts required for maintenance and overhaul and will be used in conjunction with Over haul (Code "D") Repair Kits and/or Minor or Field (Code “F") Repair Kits, as applicable. b. Code "D" = Major Overhaul Parts Kit. Code"D" is applied to kits which are available only to mainte- nance activities authorized to perform depot or major overhaul, These kits do not contain cure-dated parts. ¢. Code "F" - Minor or Field Parts Kit, Code "F"” is applied to Kits which are available to maintenance activities authorized to perform minor or field repair, including overhaul activities in support offield activi- ties. These kits do not contain cure-dated parts. 4, Code "KC" - Component of C-Kit. Code "KC" is applied to items which are components of a C-Kit. Code "KD" - Component of D-Kit. Code "KD" is applied to items which are components of a D-Kit. 1. Code “KF” - Component of F-Kit. Code "KF" applied to Stems whieh are components of an F-Kit. Code "KB" - Component of both F-Kit and D-Kit, Code "KB" is applied to items which are components of both an F-Kit and a D-Kit. (1) ems which are source coded "KC", "KD", KF", or "KB", and for which the application of,suct items are peculiar to repair kits, will not be stocke separately ‘and will not be assigned any additional source codes. @) tems which are source-coded "KC", "KD", "KF", or "KE", and for which the application ‘of such items are common to repair kits and to other repair of overhaul applications, will be stocked separately in the appropriate commodity class if followed by the letter "P". However, Military and Industry Standard Items and Bulk Materials (defined in AMCR 67-35) which have multi-purpose application (repair kits as well as other repair and overhaul purposes) will be stocked separately but will not be assigned source code: 1-3. MAINTENANCE REPAIR LEVEL CODES. Main tenance repair level codes listed in the Numerical Index are defined as follows. a. Code "S"-NO REPAIR. Code “S” identifies {tems which are nonreparable and have no reclama~ tion value, When these items fail they will be disposed of at user level as condemned material. b, Code “B" - NO REPAIR: RECONDITION. Code “B" identifies assemblies or parts that will be recon= ditioned at the user level by adjusting, cleaning, solder- ing broken connections, etc. If these items cannot be returned to serviceable condition by such means they ‘willbe disposed of atuser level as condemned materia. No repair parts or tools are specially procured for ‘maintenance of these items. ™~ 7.0, 2G-GTCas-14 (4.4~ | 4) q ¢. Code “F" = FIELD LEVEL MAINTENANCE. Code "F” identifies items which will be repaired by the fleld level maintenance activities or contracted {or repair at base level inaccordance with T.O. 00-25-68. Normal servicing will be done by organizational level maintenance. Selected parts, tools, and technical order data are procured and provided to applicable fleld level maintenance activities for repair of these Stems. No specialized repair activity (SRA) is estab- Ushed for these items. If they cannot be returned to serviceable condition by the field level maintenance activity with the parts and tools provided they will be disposed of as condemned material. Hi-Valu and Critical Items, however, willbe turned intosupply and disposition instructions obtained from the applicable ™. d. Code "D" - LIMITED FIELD REPAIR: DEPOT OVERHAUL. Code "D" identifies items on which a Umited degree of repair can be accomplished by field level maintenance activities. Normal servicing will be done at organizational level. SRA is established for overhaul of these items. A range of repair parts, tools, and technical order data consistent with the capability of repair are procured and provided to applicable field maintenance activities. Because of the design characteristics and complexity of repair, the degree of repair which is authorized on these items at field maintenance level is necessarily determined by the degree of technical skills required and the cost of special tools, special test equipment, spare parts, and the predicted frequency of failure generation. these items cannot be returned to serviceable condition with authorized parts and tools they will be returned to ‘supply for shipment to the designated SRA. e. Code "DM" » LIMITED FIELD REPAIR: MOBILE DEPOT OVERHAUL. Code "DM" identifies items to ‘which all the conditions of code "D" apply except that repair beyond field capability will bedone by the Mobile Depot Activity (MDA). if the MDA cannot repair these items, they will determine whether these items should ‘be condemned o sent to the SRA. f, Code "L"- DEPOT LEVEL MAINTENANCE ONLY. Code "L” identifies items that willbe repaired ‘only at designated SRA. Repair parts and tools for repair are procured and provided only to these author~ ized activities. Required functional check outand bench ‘check equipment may be provided to applicable organi- zational and field level maintenance activities for accomplishing external adjustment or caljbration and for verifying serviceability of these items. Ifthey are found unserviceable they will be turned in to supply for shipment to the SRA. g. Code "LM" - DEPOT LEVEL MAINTENANCE ONLY: MOBILE DEPOT ACTIVITY. Code "LM identifies items to which all conditions of code "L" apply except that repair will be accomplished by MDA. If MDA cannot repair these items they will determine ‘whether these items should be condemned or sent to the SRA. Section I Introduction 1 ‘VENDOR'S CODE. 1-35, Vendors’ approved code numbers are used in the DESCRIPTION column of the Group Assembly Parts List and are listed here in numerical sequence. ‘When no code numbers exist, the vendor's full name and address is included in the DESCRIPTION column of the Group Assembly Parts List. CODE VENDOR 00779 AMP, INC Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 02618 —Nylok CORP Paramus, New Jersey 02660 Amphenol-Borg Electronics CORP Broadview Chicago, Mlinois 03038 © _Long~Lok CORP Los Angeles, California 03647 Globe Aviation Supply CO, INC North Hollywood, California 05045 -B. G. CORP Ridgefield, New Jersey 06743 Clevite CORP Cleveland, Ohio 08320 Thermoplastic Products CO San Carlos, California 09523 Parker-Hannifin CORP ‘Accessories Division Cleveland, Ohio 09922 Burndy CORP Norwalk, Connecticut 11883 Champion Spark Plug CO Toledo, Ohio 15819 Sinclair and Rush INC St. Louis, Missouri 21335 Fatnir Bearing CO, The New Britain, Connecticut 21760 ‘Federal Bearings CO, INC Poughkeepsie, New York 38443 Marlin-Rockwell CORP. Jamestown, New York 43334 New Departure DIV of General Motors CORP Bristol, Connecticut 45722 Parker Kalon DIV of General American Transportation CORP Ctton, New Jersey Section 1 Introduction CODE 59730 60380 7o1s2 70485 n270 uss meso 72433 72608 72800 72962 74400 75165 ‘16008 76880 76738 722 77820 ‘77842 79198 VENDOR ‘Thomas and Betts CO Elizabeth, New Jersey Torrington CO, The Torrington, Connecticut Aerotec Industries INC ‘Aireraft Equipment Division Greenwich, Connecticut Atlantic India Rubber Works INC Chicago, Minois Cambridge Thermtonic CORP Cambridge, Massachusetts TPT Cannon Electric INC Los Angeles, California Cleveland Graphite Bronze CO Cleveland, Ohio Flexitallic Gasket CO Camden, New Jersey Gasket MFG CO Los Angeles, California Eaton MFG CO Reliance DIV ‘Massillon, Ohio Elastic Stop Nut CORP of America Union, New Jersey Hobbs, John W., CORP Springfield, Dlinois John-Manville CORP New York, New York Lord MFG CO Erie, Pennsylvania National Seal Division of Federal-Mogul-Bower Bearings INC Redwood City, California New England Tape CO Hudson, Massachusetts ‘ Palnut CO ‘Mountainside, New Jersey Bendix CORP Seintilla Division ‘Sidney, New York ‘Sealol CORP Providence, Rhode Island Waldes Kohinoor INC Long Island City, New York 80201 80205 80756 81321 82831 88259 93324 eao7t 91587 91767 1929 92264 02885 04581 95272 95766 96452 96487 97613 98159 Chicago Rawhide MFG CO Chicago, Miinois National Aerospace Standards Committee ‘Aeronatical Industries Association of ‘America. ‘Washington D.C. ‘Ramsey CORP St. Louis, Missouri Purolator Products INC Rahway, New Jersey Delron CO, INC South Gate, California Parker Seal CO Culver City, California Rogan INC Newport Beach, California ‘TA MFG CORP Los Angeles, California Cartriseal CORP Lincolnwood, Mlinois Heli-Coil CORP Danbury, Connecticut Minneapolis-Honeywell Regulator CO Micro Switch Division Freeport, Ulinois Engineered Products CO, The Flint, Michigan ‘The Lee CO Westbrock, Connecticut National Utilities CORP Monrovia, California, ‘Stillman Rubber CO Culver City, California Allen Engineering CO Glendale, California ‘American Standard Controls Division of American Radiator and Standard Sanitary CORP Detroit, Michigan ‘Valeor Engineering CORP Kenilworth, New Jersey Kahr Bearing CORP ‘Burbank, California Rubber Teck, INC Gardena, California ‘Aeroquip CORP ‘Marman Division Los Angeles, California —————_——————— 18 Change 3 - 15 September 1969 7.0. ac-arcas-14 (45-14) Section 1 Introduction FIGURE SECTIONS AND SYSTEMS NO. PLUMBING SYSTEM .. + 4 THROUGH 12 ELECTRICAL SYSTEM 13 THROUGH 19 ‘TURBINE SECTION <+ 20 THROUGH 23 ACCESSORY SECTION . 24 THROUGH 31 COMPRESSOR SECTION 32 THROUGH 35 Figure 2, Sections and Systems Section I Introduction CODE VENDOR 99087 Fasteners, INC East Boston, Massachusetts 99240 Criss Atr CO, El Segundo, California IMC Magnetics CORP Western Division ‘Maywood, California 99743 1-36. HOW TO IDENTIFY A PART. 1-37. WHEN PART NUMBER IS KNOWN. Refer to Section If, Numerical Index, and locate the part number in the PART NO. column, Note the figure and index ‘number for the partin the FIG, AND INDEX NO. column. Refer to Section I, Group Assembly Parts List, and locate the parts list for the indicated figure, then locate the index number inthe partslist. The columns following the index number list the part number, part description and quantity of part required. 1-38. WHEN PART NUMBER IS NOT KNOWN, Refer to Section Il, Group Assembly Parts List, and locate the figure for the assembly in which the part is used. Locate the part in the figure and note the index number for the part. Refer to the parts list which accompanies the figure and locate the index number in the parts list. The columns following the index number list the pert mumber, part description and quantity of part required. 1-99. EXPLODED VIEW OF COMPLETE ARTICLE. 1-40, An exploded view of the complete article is pro- vided to serve asavisual index to the group breakdown of the article. The view is keyed to permit reference to the detail iilustrations. (See figure 2.) 1-10 ©. 26-aTcss-14 (44-14) 1-41, STOCK NUMBERS. 1-42. The policy of including and updating stock num- ‘ber information in IPB manualshas been discontinued. Purging of stock numbers will be accomplished on a phased basis as changes are made toIPB pages to add or change other required information. See S-00-1-1, USAF Master Cross Reference Index for converted part number to stock number information. 1-43, EXPLANATION OF COLUMNS, CODES AND LISTS. 1-44, The FIG. AND INDEX NO. column shows the figure number of the exploded view and the index number of the item. 1-45, The PART NO. column shows the part number of the item. If an item has no part number, "NO NUMBER" is entered in the PART NO. column and sufficient information is given in the DESCRIPTION column so that the item can be obtained. If the item 1s a commercial part, "COML" is entered in the PART NO. column and sufficient information is given in the DESCRIPTION column so that the item can be obtained. 1-46, The DESCRIPTION column gives the nomencla- ture of the item and other pertinentdata such as vendor code, reference to other publications, etc. 1-47, The UNITS PER ASSY column indicates the total quantity of each part required for the assembly or subassembly. The letters”NP" inserted in this column indicate the part or assembly listed is not procurable as a separate part, The letters "REF" inserted in this column indicate that the part or assembly was Usted previously and is repeated for the purpose of further breakdown or to show the relative location of other parts, The letters "AR" inserted in this column indicate usage as required. FIG. INDEX NUMBER 7.0, 2G-aTc8s-14 (44~(4) Sectitn Group Assembly Parts List SECTION GROUP ASSEMBLY PARTS LIST ‘PART NUMBER, DESCRIPTION PER PNEUMATIC POWER GAS TURBINE ENGINES PART NOS. 376730, 376730-0-6 THROUGH '376730-0-10, 376730-0-12, 876730-0-15 THROUGH 376730-0-22 AND 376730-0-24 bt ed % “f st a a 76720 ‘376730 370790 376730 376730-0-6 376730-0-7 376730-0-9 376790-0-10 316730-0-8 376730-0-20 376790-0-12 376790-0-15 316730-0-16 316730-0-17 316790-0-18. 36790-0019, 376730-0-22 346730-0-21 376730-0-26 ae7a1 95164-3 3516010 370248-1 55164-3, 5164-10 72488-2 8906-1 Sae4sB1P1 $8266-1 $8199-3 ‘2BX1/8Z 2BX1/8Z, $8265. $8382M105 $8145-15, se165-17 $9000 8145-59 370120-101 ANTA-6 ‘AN060-416 ‘5078-1 ANTSA6 ‘ANOGOPDIOL ‘376090 693157 $e057APS S4i2611 ENGINE GAS TURB (SER 2 MOD 2, 3, 4) (99193)... ENGINE GAS TURB (SER 1 MOD 1, 2, 3, 4)(99193) ENGINE GAS TURB (SER 2 MOD 1 THRU 8 5)(99189) ENGINE GAS TURB (SER 4) (99193) . ENGINE GAS TURB (99193) . ENGINE GAS TURB ) ENGINE GAS TURB (99193)... ENGINE GAS TURB (99193) - ENGINE GAS TURB (99193)... ENGINE GAS TURB (99193) - ENGINE GAS TURB (99193) - ENGINE GAS TURB (99193) . ENGINE GAS TURB (99193) . ENGINE GAS TURB (99193) - ENGINE GAS TURB (99193)... ENGINE GAS TURB (99193)... ENGINE GAS TURB (99193)... ENGINE GAS TURB.... ENGINE GAS TURB.... ENGINE ASSY (99193) COVER SHIPPING (99193) COVER SHIPPING (99193) (aiternate part). . ‘COVER SHIPPING (99193) .... COVER SHIPPING (99193) COVER SHIPPING (99193) (aiternate part)....-.- COVER SHIPPING (99193) NAMEPLATE (99193) .- PLATE IDENT (99193) . PLATE MOD (99193). PLATE INST (99193). SCREW (45722) (AP) - ‘SCREW (45722) (AP) « DECAL (99193) PLATE WARNING (99193) ‘TAG WARNING (99193) ....- ‘TAG WARNING (99193) - PLATE INSTR (99193) i ‘TAG WARNING (SUPSD by 39000) (99193). SUPPORT ASSY (99193) - BOLT (88044) (AP) .... WASHER (88044) (AP) FITTING (99193)... BOLT (88044) (AP) WASHER (88044) (AP) TUBE OIL (99193)... ‘TUBE OIL JET (99193) - ZR ERET AS ROM DOO> i Sm #e gfe mp pop H ii Section I 7.0, 2G-GTCcas-14 (49-14) Group Assembly Parts List Figure 3. Pneumatic Power Gas Turbine Engines Part Nos. 376730, 376730-0-6 through '378730-0-10, 376730-0-12, 376730-0~15 through 376730-0-22 and 376730-0-24 2-2 Change 10 TO. 2G-GTCBS-14 (44~( 4.) Section I Group Assembly Parts List FIG. AND I UNITS USABLE INDEX PART NUMBER N DESCRIPTION PER ON NUMBER D ASSY CODE PNEUMATIC POWER GAS TURBINE ENGINES PART NOS. 376730, 316790-0-6 THROUGH 376790-0-10, o™ 316730-0-12, 376730-0-15 THROUGH 376730-0-22 AND 376730-0-24 (CONT) 322 99412-010 3 PACKING O-RING (99193)... . 1 TthruN - 28 99412115 3 PACKING O-RING (99193). . | 1 TthruN : 24 '$2990-116 3 PACKING O-RING (99193)... i Tthru N 25 89412-0238 8 PACKING O-RING (99198). |! | 1 Uthru N 26 75611 3 BRACKET MTG (99193) ...... 1 2 ANTA-6 3° BOLT (@8044) (AP) . 4 28 ‘AN960-416L, 3. WASHER (88044) (AP). 6 75020 3. BRACKET Assy (99193) 1 ANTS-5 3 BOLT (88044) (AP) . 2 ‘AN960-416 3. WASHER (88044) (AP) 2 HSBG4 4 BEARING (ACSN 137. 1 75446 4 BRACKET (99193). 1 75612 3. BRACKET (99193) 1 AN380-2-3 3° PIN 188034) (AP) . 2 AN310-4 3° NUT (88044) (AP). 2 ‘S8149H428-104 3 STUD (99193) (AP). ee 2 376133 3 PLUMBING INSTL (99193) (See FIG. 4) 1 376134 3. WIRING INSTL (99193) (See FIG. 13) 1 75072 3 COVER (99193)... . 1 ANCHAA 3° BOLT (sa04a) (AP). f ANSGOCEIGL 3 WASHER (68044) (AP). 2 ‘AN363C428 3 NUT (88044) (AP)... aR 74934-1 3. FLANGE ASSY (99199) | 1 43 ‘MS9500.09 3 BOLT (68044) (AP)... 18 ; “44 ANSBOCIOL 3 WASHER (88044) (AP) 16 43 ‘ANSOTC832-4 4 SCREW (2044) 2... 1 248 sr3022 4 SPACER (99193). 1 “47 74934-37 4° FLANGE EXH (99193) 200000.17) 1 -48 175076-7 3 ATOMIZER ASSY (99193) (See FIG. 20) 1 AthruG 75076-32 3 ATOMIZER ASSY (99193) (See FIG. 20) 1 H thru N ANTS-5 1 OLT (8044. (AP)... ee 3 ‘AN960-10L, 1 WASHER (8844) (AP) 3 '59412.215 3. PACKING O-RING (99193). 1 370213 1 CAP ASSY (99193)... 1 370081 3 COUPLING (99193) (AP) 1 os 0130-35 3. PACKING O-RING (09523) - 1 S8171AV36 3 PACKING O-RING (09532) 1 (alternate for 0130-36) -55 970947-1 3 TURE Assy 199193). 1 AthruG 370947 3. TUBE ASSY :SUPSD by 1 A thru G 36¥339-1 3. TURE assy (39193)... 1 HthruN an1972 3° PLENUM ASSY (99193). 1 -56 AN363- 1032 2 NUT (#8044) (AP). 48 “8 ‘AN960-10L, 3 WASHER (88044) (AB), 48 -58 ANSCIOA, 3 BOLT (88044) (AP) .. 8 58a, ‘AN960-10, 3° WASHE! AR +39 *2/79-018-078-0156 4 ‘PIN (72962) 1 -80 371972-33 4 PLENUM Assy (99193). 1 8 376322 3 GASKET (99199)... AR BLA 5376323 3 GASKET (metal) (99193), aR -62 370086 3 GASKET (99193)........ AR 3700%6-1 2 GASKET (99193), eee AR ~ -63 avi7ez-t 2 SHIM PLENUM 0.063 IN. THK AR 371taa-2 20 SHIM -PLENTM 0.125 IN. THK (991: AR aTi72-4 3° SHIM PLENUM 0.010 IN, THK (99193) | AR 4 376132 3 TURBINE ASSY (99193) (See FIG. 21)......c000. 1 AB 3 TURBINE ASSY (991! 1 c 376122-6 ) (See FIG. 21) eee SS 7.0, 26-67C85-14 (49-14) Section Group Assembly Parts List FIG. AND INDEX PART HUMBER NUMBER x D DESCRIPTION UNITS USABLE PER Assy cope '376730-0-12, 316730015 THROUGH 376730-0-22 AND 376730-0-24 (CONT) PNEUMATIC POWER GAS TURBINE ENGINES PART NOS. 376730, 31673006 THROUGH 376730-0-10. + 3157067 3 TURBINE ASSY (99193) (See FIG. 22) 1 DE 375706-23 3 TURBINE ASSY (99193) (See FIG. 22) 1 GH 932601 3. TURBINE ASSY (99193) (See FIG. 28) . 1 ot 699260.3 3. TURBINE ASSY (99193) (See FIG. 28) | 1 KLM 6932606 3 TURBINE Ass¥ 29199) (Se Fic. 28): 1 00ON 85 ‘AN363C428 3° NUT (8044) (AP) 8 56 AND6OCAGL 3. WASHER (88044) (AP) a 31 $9412-259 3. PACKING O-RING (99193) | 1 48 ‘S8057KT 3. PACKING O-RING (99198) 1 29 sue 3. SHAPT TORSION (99198) 1 70 312165 3. SPRING COMPR (39193) - 1 1 ANOSL-S-5 3 GROMMET (8044) aR 2 10802 3. SCREEN INLET (99192) 1 371838 3 SCREEN INLET 29193) (alternate part) a 13 520365.1032¢ 3. NUT(96908) (AP) 4 4 ANSGOPDIOL © 3. WASHER (88044) (AB) - AR 38 ANSO7C1032.8 3 SCREW (88044) (AP) . Mu 16 8752061 3 REGULATOR ASSY (T0210) (ee FiG. 82). 1 1 365.625.4738 3 CLAMP (98625) (AP) . 2 78 4821 3 DUCT OIL COOLER (99193) 1 19 365-62-9448 3. CLAMP (98625) (AP) 1 30 74709 3° BRACKET ASSY (99193)... 1 “8 MS20073-03.04 3 BOLT (88044) (AP)... 2 (Supersedes AN73-8 and ANSO2i ‘ANS02.10-8 3. SGREw SuPsD by ante) 204d) (a 2 ANQSOPDIOL -«3-—=- WASHER ( 88044) (AP) 2 ANTAAS. 3 BOLT (88044) (AP) 1 ‘ANS6OPD416 3 WASHER (88044) (AP) AR 74858 3 BRACKET ass¥ (99198) 1 ANTES 3 BOLT (88044) (AP). 2 ‘AN50210-6 3 SCREW (SUPSD by AN; 2 ea ANSGOPDIOL «3 WASHER (88044) (AP) aR 88 74656 3. BRACKET (99193) 1 9 ANTS4 3 BOLT (88044) (AP) 2 90 ‘AN96OPDI0 3 WASHER (88044) (AP). 2 a1 ANTAAR 3 BOLT (88044) (AP) 1 92 “ANQGOPDA16 3. WASHER (88044) (AP) 1 33 370238 3. BRACKET (99193)... 1 38a 370236-3 3. BRACKET (99193). 1 Replaces 370238 4 ANS 3 BOLT (88044) (AP) 2 5 ANSGOPDIOL «3. WASHER (88044) (AP). AR 36 ‘ANS08.10-14 3 SCREW (88044) (AP) 2 1 ” 1479855 3. PLENUM ASSY (99193) (See FIG. 33). 1 38 4798-41 3 PLENUM ASSY (29193) (See FIG. 33). 1 99 ‘AN502.10-10 3 SCREW (88044) (AP) uu 100 ‘ANSGOPDIOL «3 WASHER (88044) (AP) AR 101 8180-10-12 3 SCREW (99193) (AP) 1 MS24678-11 3 SCREW (AN). 1 102 NAS620-10L, 3 WASHER ... 1 1108 ANSSA 3 BOLT (98044) (AP) 15 "104 ‘4108-19 3 GASKET PLENUM ($9193) . cen 1105 74708-13 3 GASKET PLENUM (99193) - 1 106 191085 3 GASKET PLENUM (99193) : 1 1107 748801 3 GASKET PLENUM (99193) < 1 108 ‘AN123926 3 SEAL (88044)... 00. 1 ‘AN123930 3 SEAL (SUPSD by AN123926) 1 109 315987-2 3 ACCESSORY ASSY (99193) (See FIG. 1 315387-5 3 ACCESSORY ASSY (99193) (See FIG.24) \iiiiss 1 ELF.GH 2-4 Change 19 7.0. 2G-GTc8s-14 (49-14) ny Sen Group Assembly 3 ———— FIG. AND I UNITS USABLE INDEX PARTNUMBER = N DESCRIPTION PER ‘ON NUMBER D Assy CODE PNEUMATIC POWER GAS TURBINE ENGINES PART NOS. 376730, 376730-0-6 THROUGH 376730-0-10, ‘978730-0-12, 376730-0-15 THROUGH 376730-0-22 AND 376730-0-24 (CONT) * 375357-10 3 ACCESSORY ASSY (99193) (See FIG. 24) .......4. 1 1K 375357-16 3 ACCESSORY ASSY (99193) (See FIG. 24) -.0 0.002. 1 C MN -110 MS20364-428C «3 NUT (96906) (AP) .....00.00 coc seeeseeseeees 12 MS21042-4 3 NUT (96906) Supe 12 oun AN960-416 3. WASHER (88044) (AP)....... 2 112 ‘14707 3) GASKET (99193)....00 002. . AR ‘AT0T-1 3. GASKET (SUPSD by 74707) (99193). DAR -113 ‘S8057K7 3 PACKING O-RING (99193) . eee 1 14 371143 3. SHAFT TORSION (99193) es my 115, 375337-2 3 COMPRESSOR ASSY (99193) (See FIG. $4) -...... 1 ABCD 375337-5 3. COMPRESSOR ASSY (99193) (See FIG. 34) - 1 E 375337-11 3 COMPRESSOR ASSY (99198) (See FIG. 34) -1.001. 1 F 375337-12 3. COMPRESSOR ASSY (99193) (See FIG. 34) ...001. 1 oa 693272-2 3. COMPRESSOR ASSY (99193) (See FIG. 35) - 1 (thru N 372038 1 FLUID FLOW SYST (99193)....-...essee 1 376786 1 WIRING DIAGRAM (99193) 022.002.0000 1 75068 1 FLUID FLOW SYST (99193) 00.00... i “1 FOR SHIPPING AND STORAGE PURPOSES ONLY. *2 NOT USED ON ALL 371972 PLENUM ASSY'S. Change 212-5, ‘Section IZ 7.0, 2G-GTC85-14 (49-14) Group Assembly Parts List FIG. AND 1 UNITS USABLE INDEX PARTNUMBER = N DESCRIPTION PER ON NUMBER D ASSY __ CODE PLUMBING SYSTEM GAS TURBINE PLUMBING INSTALLATION PART NO. 376133 376133 1 PLUMBING INSTL (99193) (37, FIG. 3) ......... REF . TAITIEpex 2 CLAMP LOOP (ACSN 211-501-9037) (84971)...... 4 ‘MS21919F8 2 CLAMP (SUPSD by TAI718D8xX) (96906).......-0. 4 2 TAITIED6X 2 CLAMP LOOP (ACSN 211-501-9035) (64971)...... 1 MS21919F6 2 CLAMP (SUPSD by TAIT1ED6X) (98008). pee 3 ‘MS20365-1032 2-—-NUT (96906) (AP). ea 4 ‘AN960-101, 2 WASHER (88044) (AP) pore 3 ANS-3A 2 BOLT (88044) (AP) eat 6 ‘MS28741-4-0460 2 HOSE ASSY (96908) eat a SB316AF4 2 GASKET Boss (99 Be MS29812-4 2 GASKET (SUSPD by arp ft - ANBI5~4 2 UNION (8044) . eeroait 9 '88316AD4 2 GASKET Boss (99193). ea ‘MS29812-4 2 GASKET (SUPSD by $8316AD4) (96906) -.0000000.. 1 $9412-554 2 GASKET (29193) (Supersedes S8316AD4) .. 20. 1 -10 ANO24-4 2 eat) ou ‘ANGST-4 2 oe -12 TAITI8D4X 2 CLAMP LOOP (ACSN'211-501-9011) (@4971)...1.. 2 ‘MS21919F4 2 CLAMP (SUPSD by TAI718D4x) (96906)......00.. 2 EAB700D4 2 CLAMP, LOOP (61996)(AIt). a a3 TALTIEDSx 2 CLAMP LOOP (ACSN 211-s0i-ad37y'(éd9i1)/.1/.2 1 MS21919F8 2 CLAMP (SUPSD by TA1718D8X) (96908) . 1 “14 MS20365-1032 «2 NUT (96906) (AP)...... 1 115 AN960-10L 2 WASHER (88044) (AP) 1 “18 ANS-3A 2 BOLT (88044) (AP) 0.002 cla 1 a1 T4666-19 2 1 ANB18-4 3 2 1MS20819-4 3 7 2 ANB19-4 3. SLEEVE (SUPSD by MS208i! 2 74686-119 3° TUBE (99193)... 1 74666-21, 2 TUBE Assy (99193) 1 ANBIE-4 3 NUT (88044) .... 2 ‘AN819-4 3. SLEEVE (88044): 2 74666-121 3 TUBE (99193) . 1 “19 75416-3 2 TUBE Assy (09193).. 1 ANG18-4 3 NUT (68044) 2 1MS20819-4 3° SLEEVE (96906). 2 75416-103 3° TUBE (99193) 000s pecan -20 $8316AD4 2 GASKET Boss (99193) Saeco 1MS29512-4 2° GASKET (SUPSD by $8316AD4) (96806). 1 $9412-554 2 GASKET (99193) (Supersedes S8316AD4) 1 o21 ANS24-4 2 NUT (88044)....... 1 22 313236 2 ELBOW ASsY (9919: 1 -23 ‘sa316AH4 2 GASKET Boss (99193) 1 S8316A4 2 KET BOSS (SUPSD by 1 24 ANG24-4 2 (88044) «0... a 1 25 14669-2 2 TEE ASSY (99193) ..- 1 26 107658-3 2 THERMOSTAT PNEU (99193) (See FIG. §)..0.00.. 1 21 8843043, 2 BOLT (99193) (AP) ........... poe SB151D416C$E -«2-—« SCREW (alternate and interchangeable with - 2 ‘$8430A3) (99193) (AP) ANSe0C416L, 2 WASHER (88044) (AP) AR ? S8i54-165C005 =~“ WASHER 0.005 IN, THK (00103) (AB): aR 370116 2 PLATE RETAINER (99193)....... T ‘Sesigana 2° GASKET BOSS (99193) 1 ‘ANE290-4 2 GASKET GUPSD by Ses 1 571319 2 ORIFICE ASSY (90193) 1 -32 $8079-eR, 3 NUT (60193) .... 1 26 Change 8 7.0, 2G-crcas-14 (4-9~14) Section II Group Assembly Parts List PLUMBING SYSTEM Figure 4, Gas Turbine Plumbing Installation Part No. 376133 ‘Section ‘Group Assembly Parts List FIG. AND INDEX PART NUMBER, NUMBER N D 7.0, 2G-cTc85-14 (44-14) DESCRIPTION GAS TURBINE PLUMBING INSTALLATION PART NO. 376133 (CONT). 371319-3 371319-5 ANS24-4 ‘S8316AH4 ‘AN6290-4 ‘AN920-4C ‘AN929-45 ‘ANG04-4 ANSHIGA ‘ANSSOPDIOL, NAS(SHTS-8 692546-2 373208, 74686-14 AN18-4 ™820819-4 ‘ANB19-4 74866-114 ‘$8316AD4 MS29512-4 $9412-554 ‘ANG15~4 S8316AD4 $8316A4 9412-554 370247 88316AD4 S8316K4 ‘ANS14-4L, Sasl6aHs S8316A4 ANG14-4L *1 NO NUMBER “1 NO NUMBER #2 NASB15-8A, 2 NASB15-84, 39412556 SCREW (99193) ...2.c.cecseseseeeeeee HOUSING (99198) 0000000000001 NUT (88044) GASKET BOSS (99193). cn GASKET (SUPSD by S8316Ait4) (88044). SAP ASSY (gee (BeneayAibh TEE (88044)... BOLT (#8044) WASHER (68044) SPACER (00205) VALVE (99193)... 000.0, VALVE (SUPSD by 692546-2) (90199)..0000000000. ‘TUBE ASSY (09193)....... NUT (68044) SLEEVE (96906) SLEEVE (SUPSD by MS20819-4) (98044). ‘TUBE (99199) GASKET BOSS (99193). GASKET (SUPSD by $8 4 GASKET (99193) (Supersedes SB316AD4) ‘UNION (88044). GASKET BOSS (99199)... GASKET BOSS (SUPSD by S83i6AD4)..- GASKET (99196) Supersodes 8316AD4) VALVE (99193) (See FIG. 6) GASKET BOSS (99199)... GASKET BOSS (SUPSD by $85i6AD4) (90199)'- PLUG (88044) ... GASKET Boss (69188) GASKET BOSS (SUPSD by SéSi6AHA) (9195), PLUG (88044)... BLEED AIR CONT INS: LUBRICATION INST (See FIG. 11) PLUG (80208) PLUG (80208) 00000000. = PACKING O-RING (99198)... ss. "1 COMPONENT OF GAS TURBINE PLUMBING INSTL PART NO. 376133. *2 FOR SHIPPING AND STORAGE PURPOSES ONLY. 28 Change 23 7.0. 26-Grces-14 (4-9 - 14) Seetion Group Assembly Parts List PLUMBING SYSTEM Figure §. Pneumatic Thermostats Part No. 107658-3 and 107658-4 FIG. AND 1 UNITS USABLE INDEX PART NUMBER = N DESCRIPTION PER ON NUMBER D 7 ASSY CODE PLUMBING SYSTEM PNEUMATIC THERMOSTATS PART NO. 107658-3 AND 107658-4 5 1 107658-3 1 THERMOSTAT PNEU (99193) (26, FIG. 4) . REF oa 1 107658-4 1 THERMOSTAT PNEU (99193) (12, FIG. 7) +. REF} 107650-3 2 THERMOSTAT ASSY (99193) B 1 a 1076594 2 THERMOSTAT ASSY (99193). 1 > a 96887-1 3. FITTING SPECIAL (99193) 1 a8 9867-1 3. SHIM 0.0200 IN. THK (99193) - > aR 9867-2 3 SHIM 0.0210 IN. THK (99193) «10. + AR 9867-3 3° SHIM 0.0220 IN. THK (99193) ....-. 1 oaR 9867-4 3° SHIM 0.0290 IN. THK (99193) AR 9867-5 3° SHIM 0.0240 IN. THK (99193) - 1 OAR 9867-6 3 SHIM 0.0250 IN. THK (99193) .. 1 AR 99867-7 3 SHIM 0.0255 IN. THK (99193) - 1 aR 99867-8 3 SUDA 0.0265 IN. THK (99189) 1 AR 99867-9 3 0.0275 IN. THK (99193) . 1 AR 99887-10 3° SHIM 0.0285 IN. THK (99193) . 1 AR 9867-11 3 SHIM 0.0295 IN. THK (99193) - ee DAR 9867-12 3 SHIM 0.0305 IN. THK (99193) aR 107659-15 3. THERMOSTAT ASSY (99193) 1 2 NASBL4-4 3° CAP (60205) ... ea 650505-1 KIT FIELD (99193) 5 A 850805-2 KIT FIELD (99193 ea B "1 CODE a DESIGNATES PARTS USED ONLY IN 107658-3. CODE b DESIGNATES PARTS USED ONLY IN 107658-4. *2 FOR SHIPPING AND STORAGE PURPOSES ONLY. Figure 5A. Pneumatic Thermostat Part No. 107996-66 Change 8 - 15 September 1969 , T.0, 2G-GTCas-14 (4.9 -\4) FIG. AND INDEX NUMBER PART NUMBER 1 N D Section II Group Assembly Parts List UNITS USABLE DESCRIPTION PER ‘ON Assy CODE a 2 3 4 PLUMBING SYSTEM PNEUMATIC THERMOSTAT PART NO. 107996-66 107996-66 107997-9 #1 $9097A1G1 1 S9097A2R1 882744-1 9867-1 9867-2 9867-3 99867-4 9867-5 99867-6 99867-10 99867-11 99867-12 99867-82 9867-83 9867-84 9867-85 9867-86 9867-87 99867-90 99867-01 858909-2 359928-2 882745-1 856954-8 1 NASBI4-4 650505-2 650505-1 850505-3, 6505054 ‘THERMOSTAT PNEU (99193) (2¢ and 12, FIG. 7) ‘THERMOSTAT PNEU (99193) .... ENVELOPE (99193) .... ENVELOPE (99193) (alternate part) .. VALVE ASSY (99193). SHIM 0.0200 IN. SHIM 0.0210 IN. SHIM 0.0220 IN SHIM 0.0230 IN. SHIM 0.0240 IN. ‘SHIM 0.0250 IN. ‘SHIM 0.0255 IN. ‘SHIM 0.0265 IN. ‘SHIM 0.0275 IN. ‘SHIM 0.0285 IN. ‘SHIM 0.0295 IN. ‘SHIM 0.0305 IN. ‘SHIM 0.0205 IN. SHIM 0.0215 IN. SHIM 0.0225 IN. SHIM 0.0235 IN. SHIM 0.0245 IN. ‘SHIM 0.0260 IN. ‘SHIM 0.0270 IN. SHIM 0.0280 IN. ‘SHIM 0.0290 IN. ‘SHIM 0.0300 IN. RETAINER SPG (99193) ..... RETAINER SPG (99193) (alternate part) ...... SPRING COMPR BODY ASSY (99193)... CAP (80205) PARTS KIT . PARTS KIT | PARTS KIT | PARTS KIT (99193) - a g FIG. 4... ‘THK (99193) -- THK (99193) .0 0. ‘THK (99193) ‘THK (99193) ‘THK (99193) ‘THK (99193) ‘THK (99193) ‘THK (99193) + THK (99193) +... ‘THK (99193) ‘THK (99193) -. ‘THK (99193) ‘THK (99193) ‘THK (99193) THK (99193) ‘THK (99193) ‘THK (99193) ‘THK (90193) THK (99193) ‘THK (99193) ‘THK (99193) THK (99193) - (99193) . weenie BRR R ERE REE ER ER BE RERE REST T™ ‘1 FOR SHIPPING AND STORAGE PURPOSES ONLY. Change 19 210A Section IZ 7.0, 26-arcss-14 (4.9 = 14) Group Assembly Parts List PLUMBING SYSTEM Figure 6. Fuel Drain Valve Part No. 370247 FIG. AND 1 UNITS USABLE INDEX PARTNUMBER N DESCRIPTION PER ON NUMBER D ASSY CODE PLUMBING SYSTEM FUEL DRAIN VALVE PART NO. 370247 srozer 1 VALVE (99198) (47,716. 4) .. REF ap071 2 VALVE ASSY (09240)..0...000 1 4 201073 3 CAP (99240), 1 2 2R1138 3 WASHER (99240), 1 33 2D1334-2 3 POPPET (99240), nn 4 201075 3. SPRING HELICAL (99240) 1.1.1 1 5 zpi012 3 BQDY (99240)... 1 2-108 Change 3 - 15 September 1969 7.0, 2G-c7c88-14 (49-14) Section II Group Assembly Parts List PLUMBING SYSTEM ‘View ROTATED Figure 7. Bleed-Air Control installation ———— ee FIG. AND 1 UNITS USABLE INDEX PART NUMBER = N DESCRIPTION PER ‘ON NUMBER D ASSY CODE a PLUMBING SYSTEM BLEED-AIR CONTROL INSTALLATION 1 NO NUMBER 1 BLEED-AIR CONT INSTL (82, FIG. 4). REF 74666-5 2 TUBE ASSY (99193) ... eee 1 ANGIS-4 3. NUT (68044) ... 2 ‘ANB19-4 3° SLEEVE (68044) 2 74866-105 3° TUBE (90193) .. _ 1 2 74866-6 2 TUBE ASSY (99193) 1... 1 au Section It Group Assembly Parts List 7.0, 20-G7C85-14 (49-14) FIG. AND UNITS USABLE INDEX PARTNUMBER = N DESCRIPTION PER ON NUMBER D ASSY CODE BLEED-AIR CONTROL INSTALLATION (CONT) ANG18-4 3 NUT (88044)... oo a ‘ANG19-4 3° SLEEVE (88044) »... aaa 74686-106 3) TUBE (09193) «0. a 3 74686-7 2 TUBE ASSY (09193) ° 5 ANG18-4 3 NUT (68044) a 3. SLEEVE (8044) 54 3 TUBE (99199)... 000000000 a0 “4 S8316AH4 2 GASKET BOSS (99193) ooo sess... 28 ‘SB316A4 2 GASKET BOSS (SUPSD by Sé3i6AH4) (69109) 111.5 3 ANO24-4 2 NUT (68044) . eed 2 6 ‘AN029-4¢ 2 CAP ASSY (88044)... one So a 72807-1 2 UNION ASSY (99193)... al 6 ANG33-4 2 ELBOW (88044) « 1 8 75436 2 ELBOW ASSY (901 1 =10 ANG14-41 2 PLUG (88044) ....... 1 “1 2 UNION (88044) 1.2 al 12 2 THERMOSTAT PNEU (99193) (See FIG. 1 AthruL 2 ‘THERMOSTAT PNEU (99193) (See FIG. 5A) ..... 1 MN -13 8843043 2 BOLT (99193) (AP) ...... 2 SB151D416C6E «2: SCREW (SUPSD by S8490A3) (9193) (AP) «1.0... 2 “4 ANSEOCAI6L. 2 WASHER (88044) (AP) : AR a5 '$8154-165C005 «2-~—« WASHER 0.005 IN. THK (99193) (AP) - . AR 118 370116 2 PLATE RET. (98193) (AP) «2.0.00 00. el “t TAITIaDI7x 2 CLAMP LOOP (ACSN 211-501-9046) (84971) 1.0.1 saisisci7 2 CLAMP (sUPsD by TAITL@DITX) (96606) . 1 EABT00D17 2 CLAMP (61996)(AIt) ..... 4. i “18 TAITI8D22x 2. CLAMP LOOP (ACSN 211-801-0081) (@4871) vs. 1 1Ms21919622 2 CLAMP (SuPSD by Ta1718027%0 (96006) 1 a9 108032-3 2 REGULATOR AIR PRESSURE (99193) ...... i (Supersedes 108032-0-38) (See FIG. 8) -20 75028 2 GUSSET (98193) ..... a -21 ‘AN363-1032 2 NUT (68044) (AP) eee 22 ANS6OPDIOL 2 WASHER (88044) (AB) Selle 2 223 AN3-3A 2 BOLT (8044) (AP) 1 4 370133 2 CLAMP (99193) . 1 N42088-4.87SH 2 CLAMP (94581) (alternate part) 1 28 4314-4 2 GASKET (90183) 1 ~ 226: 109016-2 2 VALVE SHUTOFF moa A,BC,D 109016-" 2 VALVE SHUTOFF (99193) (See FIG. 9) 200.0000. 1 E'uruN +1 COMPONENT OF GAS TURBINE PLUMBING INSTL PART NO. 376133, ‘ 212 Change 8 QL . ac-arcas-14 (4-9- 14) Section 1 Growp Assembly Parts List Figure 8. Differential Air Pressure Regulator Part No. 108032-0-30 FIG. AND I UNITS USABLE INDEX PART NUMBER = N DESCRIPTION PER ON NUMBER D ASSY CODE, PLUMBING SYSTEM DIFFERENTIAL AIR PRESSURE REGULATOR PART NO. 108032-0-38 8 108082-8 1 REGULATOR AIR PRESSURE (99193) ... (Supersedes 108032-0-39) (19 FIG. 7) 108083-3 2 REGULATOR ASSY AIR (99193) Peron (Supsersedes 108083-0-39) 3. PLATE IDENT (99193) .. 3. SCREW (96906) (AP) 3. SCREW (SUPSD by MS24622-i) (06806) (AP) 3 EW (SUPSD by MS24642-1) (48722) (AP)... 3 RUT (90199)... 3. WASHER (88044). 3. SCREW (99199). 3 SPRING COMPR (99193). 3 BALL (90238)... 3 3 4 4 4 3) REF $8846B10P1 COVER ASSY (99193). COVER ASSY (99192) (alternate part) INSERT (99193)... COVER (99193)...... COVER (99193)... SCREW (88044) (AP) Change 8 213 Section I To, ac-arcas-14 (44-14) Group Assembly Parts List FIG. AND I UNITS USABLE INDEX PART NUMBER = N DESCRIPTION PER ON NUMBER D ASSY CODE. DIFFERENTIAL AIR PRESSURE REGULATOR PART NO. 108082- j 10 seismw71-0s2 3 WASHER 0,092 IN. THK (99109) (AP) .. 6 art 8271-4 3 TAG MoD (99193) : 1 212 94442 3 SPRING COMPR (99193). 1 13 94454 3. DIAPHRAGM Assy (99193). 1 4 94437 3. VALVE MTRG (99193) .... 1 “15 94453 3. SPRING COMPR 1 -16 94436 3 COVER FILTER (09193). 1 94436-1 3. COVER FILTER (99193) (alternate part). 1 “6A, B5171-2 3 FILTER ELEMENT (ASCDG6S100:) .. 1 ) -16B $8990.18 4 PACKING FILTER (99193) .......... 1 1 X050554-2 3 LOCK-O-SEAL (83250) 1 “VTA *4 828775121 3 PACKING (96906)... 1 94439 3 HOUSING (99193) . 1 94439-1 3 193) (alternate part) | 1 #2 NASBIA-4 3° CAP (80205) ....... eecernt) #2 NASBLS-4A 3° PLUG (80205) .- poemeticeeetceena | 650048-3 KIT OVERHAUL (99193). eee 1 ‘*1 FOR SHIPPING AND STORAGE PURPOSES ONLY. "2 USED ON COVER ASSY PART NO, 94446 ONLY. *3 USED ON COVER ASSY PART NO. 9446-1 ONLY. ‘4 Seal X050554-2 may be reused by replacing rubber portion with packing MS28775121. 214 Change 8 To, ac-orces-4 (44-14) Section 11 Group Assembly Parts List —_— FIG, AND 1 UNITS USABLE INDEX PART NUMBER = -N DESCRIPTION PER oN NUMBER, D ASSY CODE —_ SSeS PLUMBING SYSTEM UNLOADING AIR SHUTOFF VALVES PART NO. 109016-2 AND 109016-7 a ‘1 109016-2 1 VALVE SHUTOFF (99193) (26, FIG. 7) vee REF 1 109016-7 1 VALVE SHUTOFF (99193) (26, FIG. 7, Hl REF > 109017-2 2° VALVE ASSY (99193)........ 1 a 109017-7 2° VALVE ASSY (99193)... 1 » 1 seaseBiP1 3. PLATE IDENT (99193) 1 3. NAMEPLATE (SUPSD by S8836B1P1) - 1 3. PLATE MOD (99193)... 1 3 SCREW (96906) (AP) 4 3 SCREW (SUPSD by M: 4 3 SCREW (SUPSD ty MS24842-1) (45722) (AP) 4 4 3. TUBE ASSY (99193)...... 1 4 NUT (8044) ‘i 2 4 SLEEVE (96906), 2 4° TUBE (99193)... 1 5 3° BOLT (88044) «01.0. 1 6 3 ELBOW (@8044) i 4 3° GASKET (88044)... 2 28 3. PACKING O-RING (99193) - 1 114950-7 3. PACKING (SUPSD by $8990-12) Goats9). 1 2 ANO24-4C 3° NUT (88044) « 1 -10 ‘AN837-48 3 ELBOW (88044). 0000.0 : 1 ou '38990-12, 3 PACKING O-RING (99193) - 1 114980-7 3. PACKING (SUPSD by $#890~12) (09193), 1 “12 99487-2 3 TUBE Assy (99190) 1 ANBI8-4C 4 NUT (68044) . 2 1MS20819-4C 4 SLEEVE (96906) 2 0467-102 4 TUBE (99193) 1 -13 ANBIS-4C. 3 UNION (@8044) 1 4 '$8990-12. 3 PACKING 0-RING 1 114950-7 3 PACKING (SUPSD by Si $8990. 1 18 MS20074-03-21 3. BOLT (96908)...... 4 118 ANQGOCIOL, 3. WASHER (88044) 4 a1 9515-1 3° GASKET (99193) 1 “18 1MS35275-263, 3. SCREW (96096) 2 -19 ANOGOCIOL 3. WASHER (68044)... 2 -20 9616s 3. GASKET (99193) r A 96163-1 3. GASKET (99193) 1 B 3 VALVE ASSY (99193). . 1 A 3 VALVE ASSY (99193)... 1 B 2 4 ROLLPIN (72962). 1 2 4° LEVER (99199)... ae 3 4 NUT (99193) . oon 4 4. 4 DIAL INDICATOR (99199). fos a -25 $8154-189C010 4“ WASHER 0.010 IN, THK (99193). a 1 AR -26 $a990-111 4 PACKING O-RING (99193) 1 98075-9 3 PACKING (SUPSD by $8990-111) (99193 1 1MS16562-201 4 ROLLPIN (96096) 1 -28 96154 4 SCREW ADJUSTING 1 A 96154-1 4 SCREW ADJUSTING (99193) 1 B 29 96155 4 SPRING COMPR (99193)... 1 -30 96160 4 PLUNGER VALVE (99193), 1 1 '$8990-8 4° PACKING O-RING (99193) 1 95078-3 4 PACKING (SUPSD by S890. 1 32 1MS35275-230 4 SCREW (96096) . a 4 Change 11 2-15 7.0. 2G-rcas-14 (4-9~14) Group Assembly Parts List Section PLUMBING SYSTEM R (off Valves Part No. 109016-2 and 109016-7 Figure 9. Unloading Air Shut. - 1.0. ac-cTcas-14 (44-14) Section 1 Group Assembly Parts List FIG. AND 1 UNITS USABLE INDEX PART NUMBER = N DESCRIPTION PER ON NUMBER D ASSY CODE UNLOADING AIR SHUTOFF VALVES PART NO. 109016-2 AND 109016-7 (CONT) SB1STNE2-092 4 WASHER 0.032 IN. THK (99193).....-ssseeeeee 4 4° COVER (99193). coer 1 4. SPRING COMPR (99193). 1 4 PISTON ASSY (99193) .....-. 1 A 4 PISTON ASSY (99193) ¢2.0 2.2 1 B 4 HOUSING (99193) ....0000000. 1 A 119301 4 HOUSING (99193) - : 1 B SB0T9COR 3 NUT (99193) .. 1 ANSEOCII6 3° WASHER (88044). ot 1 '38990-113 3 PACKING O-RING (99193)... 1 114950~111 3 PACKING (SUPSD by $8990-113) (99199). 1 AL 95887-2 3. SCREW (99193)... peceeeenn A 9587-3 3. SCREW (99193). 1 B 42 MS134354 3° BALL (96006) 1 AP26C2-12 3. BALL (SUPSD by MS134354) (88044) ...- 1 43 GBS5AS 3. BEARING ROLLER (60380) 1 A 118705 3. BEARING ROLLER (99193) . + 1 LLSTO8=1 3. BEARING (SUPSD by 115708) (991 1 B 115705-2 3. BEARING (99193) (alternate part) (SUP: 1 B 44 95892 3. WASHER SPECIAL (99193)........ eo A 45 $8157N60-020 3 WASHER 0.020 IN. THK (99193). AR OA 48 94756-8 3. SCREW SPECIAL (99193) 6 A 119497-6 3. SCREW SPECIAL (99198). 16 B oat 95803-1 3. PLATE BACKING (99193) ail -48 94758-40-7-1 3 BUTTERFLY (99193)... 3 49 95804-2 3. PLATE BACKING (99193 oe ie 95894-10 3 PLATE BACKING (99193) (Alternate part, ‘use with shaft 96192-2) : 1 50 GBaBAS 3. BEARING ROLLER (60320) ... 1 A 389044 3° BEARING ROLLER (99193) -- 1 B 51 $8990-112 3. PACKING O-RING (99193) . : 1 114950-10 3 PACKING UPSD by $8990-112) 09199). 1 9e191 3. HOUSING ASsY (99193)... 1 A “82 ‘MS21208C1-15 4 INSERT (96306)... 8 ‘Msi22120 4 INSERT (SUPSD by Ms21206C1-18) (6906) 2200000 6 A 83 96191-5 4 HOUSING (99193) . Bcc 1 A 118431-1 3 BODY (99193) 1 B 4 9516-5 3 ACTUATOR ASSY (99193) (See FIG. 10). 1 A 9516-8 3 ACTUATOR ASSY (99192) (See FIG. 10).. 1 B “35 #2 FC400 3 CAP PROT (ACSN 194-505-9007) (15819). 2 "1 CODE a DESIGNATES PARTS USED ONLY IN 109016-2. CODE b DESIGNATES PARTS USED ONLY IN 109016-7. "2 FOR SHIPPING AND STORAGE PURPOSES ONLY. Section I 7.0, 2¢-cross-14 (4-4-1 4) Group Assembly Parts List FIG. AND I UNITS USABLE INDEX. PARTNUMBER NV DESCRIPTION PER ON NUMBER D ASSY CODE PLUMBING SYSTEM ™~ PNEUMATIC ACTUATOR ASSEMBLIES PART NO. 99516-5 AND 99511 ’ 10- sosie-s 1 ACTUATOR ASSY (99193) (54, FIG. 9)..... REF a “1 o95i6. 1 ACTUATOR ASSY (99199) (64, FIG. 9). REF > a 90467-3 2 TUBE ASSY (99193)....... 1 ANEI6-4C 3 NUT (G84)... fa Ms20819-4c 3 SLEEVE (96906) moe 9467-103 3 TUBE (99193) fa 2 ANTI 2 BOLT (8044) 1.020000.) ta 3 t10327-2 2 ELBOW ASSY (99198) . ba “4 ‘ANS01-4C 2° GASKET (@e044) ba 3 '38000-12 2° PACKING O-RING (99193) .. Da 114950-7 2 PACKING (SUPSD by $8990-12) (99195). aa 6 ANS24-4C 2 NUT (68044) . Pca MIND : 2 2990-12 2 PACKING 0-Ri fa 114950-7| 2 PACKING (SUPSD by $8900- fa 8 119063-1 2 TEE ASSY (09193) fa 9 95638, 2 NUT CHECK (90193) fa to ANSOCTIGL «2 WASHER (88044) .....- a fu ‘$e900-111 2° PACKING O-RING (63193) Si 114950-9 2 PACKING (SUPSD by sooo) (185 Da 2 MS35275-212 ©-«-2-« SCREW (96096)... 6 “13 ANagocaL 2 WASHER (2804). ‘ 4 “n19210-12 2 RLECTROMAGNET (99183)... 1 35028-2 2 ELECTROMAGNET (99193) (aiternate part)...0.-. . 310210-12 2 ELECTROMAGNET (20193). 1 REF gozit-12 3 ELECTROMAGNET (99198). ba Gs02-10St4P111. 4 CONNECTOR (ACSN 223-801-0016) (71468) ..1.1. 1 ‘ANSOOAC=4 4 SCREW (88044) (AP) » D4 ‘anaeoc4 4 WASHER (88084) (AP)... TINNED 4 Sezea-2F031 4 GASKET (09193) (AP) 1 10T010 —«4_-SLEEVING (90193). 2 -5 4 NUT ADJ (99193) 1 310634-2 4 ARMATURE (09169 1 310201 4 ROD ADJ (99193) .... 1 310588-16 4 COM assy (99193) 1 5653-1 2 ADAPTER (00193) . 1 eee 2 NUT SPECIAL (90188). 1 Se1STN200-092 «2 WASHER 0.032 IN. THK (00108). Da 8990-11 2 PACKING O-RING (09193) .. aa 114950-6 2 PACKING (SUPSD by $8990-11) (98195).. aa 95608 2 SEAT VALVE (99193) fa 95619. 2 SPRING COMPR (90193)... Bt S8079C9R 2 NUT (90193), aa 2581-13 2 WASHER (99183), 1 ANS6OCOIGL «2S WASHER (88044). 1 Se1STNDS¢045 «2S WASHER 0.045 IN. THK (90103).. moa '$8900-113 2 PACKING O-RING (99193) 1 114950-11 2. PACKING (UPSD by $8990-115) (99198). 1 SOLSTN2S4-010 2» WASHER 0,010 IN. THK (99193)........c0scccese AR, 8990-113 2 PACKING O-RING (90193) t 114960-11, 2 PACKING (SUPSD by $09 i “2 95609-1 2 SLEEVE ASSY (90193)... 1 238 8990-110 2 PACKING O-RING (9918: 2 114980-8, 2 PACKING (SUPSD by $8996- 2 2-18 Change 8 Section Group Assembly Parts List 7.0. 26-GTC8s-14 (44 - 14.) PLUMBING SYSTEM Figure 10, Pneumatic Actuator Assemblies Part No. 99516-5 and 99516-8 Section 70. ac-crces-14 (4-49-14) Group Assembly Parts List FIG. AND 1 INDEX PART NUMBER N DESCRIPTION NUMBER D PNEUMATIC ACTUATOR ASSEMBLIES PART NO. 99516-5 AND 99516: 10-39 14574-5 2° NUT METERING V (99133). 40 ANDOCAI6L. 2 WASHER (88044). ot seovscais 2 NUT ADJ (99193) . “2 ANDOCAIOL, 2 WASHER (68044) « 43 2990-9 2° PACKING O-RING ($9199) 0240000000. 114950-4 2 PACKING (SUPSD by S8000-8) (99199) “4 ANSG5AG16-14 2 SETSCREW (88044) . “45 Msi343s4 2 BALL (96908) .. : AF216C2-12 2° ‘BALL (SUPSD by MSi34354) (68044) ... 48 S8156H37-063c 2“ WASHER 0.063 IN. THK (99193) a7 B108AS 2 BEARING ROLLER (60380) 118925 2 BEARING ROLLER (99193) ge192-1 2 SHAFT ASSY V (99193)... 96192-2 2 SHAFT ASSY (99199) (Alternate pat, use ‘with Backing Pate 95894-10) . et “8 96498-2 3 ROD THRUST (09193)... ae “49 S8157N238-010 3“ WASHER 0.010 IN. THK (99139), AR SB1S7NZ38-015 3.“ WASHER 0.015 IN. THK (99193). AR S81S7NZ38-020 3“ WASHER 0.020 IN. THK (99192) AR 50 9192-3 3 SHAFT VALVE (99193)... 1 961925, 3 SHAFT (99193) (Alternate part, use with shaft assy 96192.2) 1 ot Msie624-1018 2 RING (96906)... ont NASSI-18 2 RING (SUPSD'by MS16624-1018) (80208).000000000 1 1457-4 2 NUT METERING V (99199)... it S8079C5R 2 NUT ADJ (99193) . 1 ANSGOCSIOL 2 WASHER (88044 per 94783 2 PIVOT LINK ADS (09199)....° ae MS21046006 2 NUT (96096) 16 SelsTNga-o82 2 WASHER 0.092 BY. THK (99199)... Do MS35275.238, 2 SCREW (96096) canes is 96189 2 SPRING COMPR (99193). 2021.1 ea SB157N20-092G 2“ WASHER 0.022 IN. THK (99199). 1 SB157N106-092G 2 WASHER 0.032 IN. THK (99193). 1 98890 2 HOUSING LINKAGE (99193) 1 MS24665-151 2 PIN (96906) :2 ANSEL-2-5 2 PIN (SUPSD by oH “04 2 WASHER 0.032 IN. THK (99193). eae 85 95457-3 2 PIN FLATHEAD (99193). a 286 9516-5 2 LINK ACTUATOR (69193). ae “81 5457-4 2 PIN FLATHEAD (99193). a 68 95161-5 2 LINK ACTUATOR (99193). eat 789 94826-1 2 ARM SERRATED (99193) . aay 210 MS16625-50 2 RING (96908). ea NAS669-50N 2 RING (SUPSD by M316625-50) (00208).. a0 1 1847-1 2 WASHER LOcK (99193) at “2 SBLSTN46-005 2 WASHER 0.005 IN. THK (99109)... AR 213 9354, «© 3_WRETAINER VALVE (99193) ....... a) a4 4787-2 2 ROD CONNECTING (99193) . oH 215 96156 2 DIAPHRAGM ASSY (99193) aa 9517-3 2 CONTROL ASSY (99193) ea A 99517-4 2 CONTROL ASSY (99193) ae B -16 $8079-3¢ 3 NUT ADJ (99193)... ey “1 S81STHS2-020 3 WASHER 0.020 IN. a -18 95240 3° SCREW METERING (99193). aa A 5940-15 3 SCREW METERING (99193). ae B s6518 3 PLUG COVER (99193) fa $8990-114 3. PACKING O-RING (99193) oat 114950-12 3_ PACKING (SUPSD by $8990-114) (99193) . a 2-20 Change 22 1.0, 2a-a7c8s-14 (4-9 - 1+) Section Group Assembly Parts List FIG. AND 1 UNITS USABLE INDEX PART NUMBER = N DESCRIPTION PER ON ‘NUMBER D ASSY CODE PNEUMATIC ACTUATOR ASSEMBLIES PART NO. 99516-5 AND 99516-8 (CONT) MS95649-22523.NUT (96096) oe esesens 1 SSISTALI2-025A 3 i ANSSEAAIG-14 3 1 ‘anae3cs2 3 EAE ‘ $8157N82-032 3. WASHER 0.032 IN. THK (99193) 8 ‘MS35275-231 3 SCREW (96096) 4 111988 3. COVER (99193) 1 4990-8 3. PACKING O-RING 1 114950-3 3. PACKING (GUPSD by $8990. 1 95182 3. SPRING COMPR (09193).......... 1 96si2-2 3. DIAPHRAGM ASSY (09195) (aerate prt) <------ 2 96si2-3 3 DIAPHRAGM ASSY (99193). 1 8 965125 8 DIARHRAGM ase (en89) i). i 5001-75W ‘3 -RING (79136) 1 $8990-12 3 PACKING O-RING (99193) . 2 114950-7 3. PACKING (SUPSD by $899 2 aris 3 VALVE AssY (90193) t 97684 3 ROUSING ASSY (9918: 1 oA 97684-1 3 HOUSING ASSY (99193) 1 B 97686.2 3. HOUSING ASSY (Alt Part (98193). . . wa “94 S81S2AAT-0-160 4 PIN 0.160 IN. LG (99193) a 795 MS21200F1-10 4 INSERT (96908)......... 1 MS124655 4 INSERT (SUPSD by eszi2b0F “id (Sidi. t -98 a7684-9 4 PLUG (99193) . 18 cn 97684-5 4 ROUSING (99183)... i ooa& o76e4-i1 4 HOUSING (99193) | eae -98 NASEIA~4 2 CAP (00208) «2.01... i “99 NASS14-4 2° CAP (60208) 1 Too *2 NASGIS-4A 2 PLUG (80205) -..-. i “tot NASSLE-4A 2 PLUG (60205)... a 1 “102 96190-1 2 GUARD SHIPPING (68198) -.- 1 Tos “2 AN364-1032 2 NUT (8804 von 2 Toe =2 ANgeoc10L 2 WASHER (0044)... 1” mg “2 AND60-10L 2 WASHER SUPSD by ANS®DGi6L) (abNaj--.0.0. 4 -105 2 M520074-35, 2° BOLT (96908)... : 2 32 ANTS-35, 2 BOLT (SUPSD by MSz0014-86) (soa4) . 2 ‘*1 CODE a DESIGNATES PARTS USED ONLY IN 99516-5.. CODE b DESIGNATES PARTS USED ONLY IN 99516-8. *2 FOR SHIPPING AND STORAGE PURPOSES ONLY. Change 182-21 0. ac-arcss- (49-14) FIG. AND I UNITS USABLE INDEX PARTNUMBER N DESCRIPTION PER ON NUMBER D ASSY CODE PLUMBING SYSTEM LUBRICATION INSTALLATION ue TE NONUMBER LUBRICATION INSTL (53, FIG. 4).....-.+. F 4 *2 NASBI4-4 CAP (80205) . 2 2 NASBLS-8A CAP (80205) 220222 2T, 3 'S8316AD8 GASKET BOSS (90193). $9412-558 GASKET (99198) (Supersedes S8816AD8) .. “4 o2 NASSIS-84 PLUG (80208) «1.4.1 5 SB316A8 GASKET BOSS (99193). 6 TAITIBDAX CLAMP LOOP (ACSN 23 EABT00D4 CLAMP, LOOP (81996}(AIL). . - « ee 7 TUBE Assy (99199). 1 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 3° NUT (#8044)... Ms20819-4 3. SLEEVE (96906)... ‘AN819-4 3. SLEEVE (SUPSD by M520619-4) (Gao) 74686-120 3° TUBE (99193) ........ ANB37-4 2° ELBOW (88044)... ‘ANO24-4 2 NUT (@8044). +10 ‘$8316AD4 2° GASKET Boss (99193). 583164 2° GASKET (SUPSD by S8S1¢AD4) (99198)... = an ANBLS-4 2 UNION (88044)... eee 2 ‘$8316AD4 2 GASKET Boss (99193). ae sesieKe 2° GASKET (SUPSD by S8916AD4) (99198). : -13 7486-10 2 TUBE ASSY (99193)....... 5 AthruH ANBI8-6 3 NUT (88044)... : ‘ANB19-6 3. SLEEVE (88044) 5 4686-110 3° TUBE (90193)... 2.0 : 693247 2 TUBE ASSY (99193). : LLKL AN@18-6 3° NUT (68044)... : : S20819-6 3. SLEEVE (96908) : 693247-1 3. TUBE (90193) a : ; 14 693117 2 FILTER FLUID (90193) (See FIG. 43).00000000005 5,K,L o18 93249 2 TUBE AssY (99193). : ‘i EEKL ANG18-6 3° NUT (68044)... 7 Ms20819-6 3. SLEEVE (96906) : 693249-1 3° TUBE (99193)... : 16 ANTTS-6 2 BOLT (88044) - pee : IT #3 620-742-6 2 PACKING (ACSW $83-568-8003) (63250) -18 ANTI6-6 2 ELBOW (88044)... é Bry ANB37-6 2 ELBOW (88044). : 20 ‘AN924-6 2 NUT (88044)... ‘ 21 ‘S8316AD6 2° GASKET Boss (99193) eee a ‘883166 2 GASKET (SUPSD by $8516AD6) (99183). oe 22 74686-12 2 TUBE Assy (90193) 3 3 3° TUBE (99193) é -23 2 ELBOW (gg044). 5 24 2 NUT (8044)... 7 25 2 GASKET BOSS (9919: ; : 2 GASKET (SUPSD by $8316AD8) (99193). ‘ $9412-558 1 GASKET (99193) (Supersedes S8316AD8).......... 28 ANTTS-8 2 BOLT (8044) . Geen 2 620-742-8 PACKING (88259) -.. : *3 620-742-8 ‘PACKING (SUPSD by : 2 ELBOW (8044), : SNe ne rere na Nee te eee ROS aeRO RS eee ASRS ane Ms20819-4 222 Change 8 7.0. 2G-aTcss-14 (4-9 ~ 14) ‘Section I Group Assembly Parts List Section Group Assembly Parts List 1.0, 2-6Tc85-14 (44-14) 1 N DESCRIPTION D UNITS — USABLE PER on ASSY CODE LUBRICATION INSTALLATION (CONT) SLEEVE (SUPSD by Msz0819-4) 08044), TUBE (99193) . ‘TEE (88044) NUT (88044) <2. a GASKET BOSS (99193)....1.1 7) GASKET (SUPSD by S8316AD4) (96906) BOLT (88044)... PACKING (ACSN 583-509-9601) (63259) . PACKING (ALT PART) . ELBOW (88044). .... TUBE ASSY (99193). NUT (88044). SLEEVE (96906). SLEEVE (SUPSD TUBE (99193) UNION ASSY ( GASKET BOSS (99193) GASKET (SUPSD by $8316AD4) (99183), VALVE SOLENOD (99199)....... NUT (96906) (AP), WASHER (88044) (AP) BOLT (88044) (AP). WASHER (88044) (AP) SUPPORT (99193)... PLUG (88044) 0.000. : GASKET BOSS (99193)... - 011... zs GASKET (SUPSD by $8316ADi2) (99193 PLUG (88044) . GASKET BOSS GASKET (SUPSD by $8316AD4) @ TUBE ASSY (99193)... NUT (88044),....2... SLEEVE (88044)... TUBE (99193) . TUBE ASSY (99193) NUT (88044) «... SLEEVE (96906). SLEEVE (SUPSD by MS20819-4) (88044)... TUBE (99193) . BOLT (8044) « PACKING (ACSN 583-509-8001) (63258) - PACKING (ALT PART) . BOLT (e8044) ELBOW (88044)... BOLT (88044)... PACKING (AGEN $i3-864-0001) (6368). PACKING (ALT PART) ELBOW (88044) ... ELBOW (88044) Dee 1 COMPONENT OF GAS TURBINE PLUMBING INSTL 376133. 2 FOR SHIPPING AND STORAGE PURPOSES ONLY. ‘+3 ONE SET REQUIRED FOR EACH ELBOW, ONE PLAIN PACKING UNDER BOLT HEAD AND ONE KNURLED PACKING UNDER ELBOW. FIG. AND INDEX PART NUMBER NUMBER ue 113 30 AND 4 31 AN924-4 +32 ‘S8316AD4 MS29512-4 33 ANT4-4 2M #8 620-7424 6786544 -35 ANT76-4 -36 74666-15, ANBI8-4 MS20819-4 ANB19-4 74686-115, “37 72897-17 -38 ‘$8316AD4 S8316K4 -39 PS370676 40 MS20365-1032 41 ANSGOPDIOL 242 AN3-134 43 ANS6OPDIOL 44 370675 “45 AN814-12L 46 '$8316AD12 S8316K12, 47 ANGI4-4L -48 '88316AD4 SB316K4 49 74666-8 ANG18-4 ANg19- 74066-108 -50 714866-9 ANSIB-4 Ms20819-4 ‘AN819-4 74866-109 “81 ANTTS~ 52 *3 620-742-4 6786544 -53 ANTT4=4 4 = ANTT6-4 -55 ANTTS-4 56 = *3:620-742-4 ersese4 = 37 ANTTI-4 58 ANG33-4 259 AN924-4 -60 ‘se316aD4 s8316K4 2-24 Change 21 FIG. AND INDEX, NUMBER, 1.0, ac-orcss-i4 (49-14 Section IL Group Assembly Parts List Figure 12. Fluid Pressure Filter Part No. 899117 PART NUMBER 1 N D DESCRIPTION UNITS USABLE ————— a 2 a 3 a 4 gost 7502243, 7505049, 7508851 2087K151 S8316K12 NAS@I7-12 71508860 1505848 7308847 PLUMBING SYSTEM FLUID PRESSURE FILTER PART NO. 693117 FILTER FLUID (98188) (4, FIG. 11).--0oosoo0es FILTER ASSY (61921)....-... HEAD (81921) -..... PACKING (81321)... PACKING (99198) (Ait) ‘PACKING (70210) (Alt) ‘PACKING (80208) (Alt) SPRING (81321) . ELEMENT (81321) CASE (8132) « PER ON, ASSY CODE REF 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 eee Change 72-28 Section I Group Assembly Parts List ae aie ELECTRICAL SYSTEM Figure 13. Gas Turbine Wiring Installation Part No. 376134 FIG. AND 1 UNITS USABLE INDEX PARTNUMBER N DESCRIPTION PER ON NUMBER D ASSY CODE ao ELECTRICAL SYSTEM GAS TURBINE WIRING INSTALLATION PART NO. 376194 13, 378134 1 WIRING INSTL (99193) (88, FIG. 3)... REF TAITIEDAX 2° CLAMP LOOP (ACSN 211-501-9011) (64971)... 1 Ms21919F4 2 CLAMP (SUPSD by TAITIGD4X) (96906).....2+.. 1 EAB700D4 2 CLAMP. LOOP (81996)(Alt). . . . feat 2 ‘AND60-10L 2 WASHER (88044) . . past eeneemnT 3 ‘AN3-4A 2 BOLT (8044) eee 4 TATIDAX 2 CLAMP LOOP (ACSN 211-501-9058) (@4971) ..... 1 2-28 Change 8 1.0, 2¢-07c85-14 (4.9-(4.) Section It Group Assembly Parts List FIG, AND 1 UNITS USABLE INDEX PART NUMBER = N DESCRIPTION PER ON ‘NUMBER D Assy CODE GAS TURBINE WIRING INSTALLATION PART NO. 376134 (CONT) cco 373323 2 CLAMP LooP (GUPED by TATZAD4N) (8109)... 1 “8 TAIT 84x 2 P ACSN 211-801-9011) (84971)..... 1 EAB100D4 5 GAME LOSE ASS i ee IT 6 TAITI8D4x 2 CLAMB LOOP (ACN 211-$01-0011) (@4@71). 1 EAB700D4 2° CLAMP, LOOP (81996MAlt). . .. . . « 1 masz1919c4 2 CLAMP (UPSD by TAITLEDAK) (BEH06)..... 1 a ‘ANQ60-10L 2 WASHER (88044) (AP) ...... 1 8 ANI=4A, 2° BOLT (88044) (AP) o.oo 1 6 ‘TaITeDTx 2° CLAMP LOOP (ACSN 211-501-9036) (64973) -0°0. 1 ‘TAITIEDEX 2 CLAMP LOOP (SUPSD by TAI718D7X) (84971)... 1 MS21919F8 2 CLAMP (SUPSD by TAI718D8X) (96906)... 1 -10 TAITISDSX 2 CLAMP LOOP (ACSN 211-501-9094) (84971)... 1 ‘MS21919F4 2 CLAMP (SUPSD by TAI71eD3x) (96906), 1 u 20368-1032 2-—-NUT (96906) (AP)... 1 a2 ‘AN960-10L 2° WASHER (88044) (AP)... 0.0. 0.0000 2 13 ‘ANS-44 2 BOLT (89044) (AP) 000. = 1 a4 TAITI8D24x 2 CLAMP (ACSN 211-801-9083) (4071). 1 421919824 2 CLAMP (GUPSD by TAI718D24x) (96906) 1 MS219190G23 «2-—«CLAMP (26906) Al. « Brera 18 TAITI@D 12x 2 CLAMP (ACSN 211-soi-964iy'(bdo71) 1 Ms21919H12 2 CLAMP (SUPSD by TAIT18D12X) (96906) ........ 1 -18 MS20365-1032 2 NUT (98906) (AP)...s..eseeseeeeeneeaeee 1 aT ‘AN960-10L 2 WASHER (88044) (AP) "100000. 2 218 ANS~4A 2° BOLT (88044) (AP) . 1 119 a75T64 2 HARNESS ASSY (99193) (See FIG. 14) 1 20 760785 LEAD ASSY (99193) . 1 ‘AXH6277 LEAD ASSY (00642) (Ait 1 501425 LEAD ASSY (26901) (Alt). 1 1 a1stet 2° BOX ASSY (99193) (See FIG. 13) . i A,B,C,D 375761 2 BOX ASBY (98189) Gee FIG. 15) 1 E'nry L 22 1320365-832 2 NUT (96906) (AP).........+ 4 ‘MS21044NO8 2 NUT (96806) (AP) (aterate.. |. 4 for MS20365-832) 23 ANBeODSL 2 WASHER (88044) (AP) . 8 m4 NASASDDS-14 2“ SPACER (60205) (AP) 4 25 ‘AN@O13D1 2 WASHER (68044) (AP) | 8 326 1MS35206-332 2 SCREW (96906). 4 “2 15427 2° SWITCH ASSY (99193) (See FIG. 19) 1 2 ‘AN960-10 2 WASHER (88044) (AP) ... 2 =29 ‘ANSO1-10-8 2° SCREW (88044) (AP) . 2 230 75183, 2 PLUG IGNITER (9915: 1 on Ms20364-428¢ = 2-—NUT (06906) (AP) 2 °2 ‘AN9GOC416 2° WASHER (88044) (AP) 2 33 2° BOLT (88044) (AP) .. 2 M4 2° GASKET (99193). eal 235 2 5 2° THERMOCOUPLE (SUPSD by 692523) (90193).... 1 38 2 NUT (68044) (AP)... aR oa 2 WASHER (88044) (AP) - +2 -38 2 BOLT (88044) (AP) .... aaa Change 22 2-27 secon 0, we-orcte (4.4- Group Assembly Parts List a (44 14) Figure 14. Gas Turbine Harness Assembly Part No, 375764 FIG. AND 1 UNITS USABLE INDEX PARTNUMBER DESCRIPTION PER ON NUMBER D ASSY CODE ELECTRICAL SYSTEM GAS TURBINE HARNESS ASSEMBLY PART NO. 375764 Me 373764 1 HARNESS ASSY (99193) (19, FIG, 13) . REF “1 ‘MS3108R20-29P 2 CONNECTOR (96908) .. 1 2 CASIOaRIOSIAS 2 4 MS3108E10SL48 2 4 3 CASIOIRIOSL4P 2 CONNECTOR (ACSN 223-580-9001) (71468) 1 MSS101E10SL4P 2 CONNECTOR (SUPSD by CASI01R1OSLAP) (9 1 “4 ‘MS3108R14828 2“ CONNECTOR (96906) 1 +5 MS3108R14858 2 CONNECTOR (96908) 1 6 ATL 2 TERMINAL (ACSN 7: 1 sig02 2 TERMINAL (AOSN 126-818-9012) ODTTO) 1 (alternate part) a Tya2 2 BAND MARKER (ACSN 134~S04-9042) (59730) 1 -8 Tvs 2. STRAP CABLE TIE (ACSN 680-501-9001) (59720) .. AR no, ac-arces-14 (49-14) Section It Group Assembly Parts List FIG. AND 1 UNITS USABLE INDEX PARTNUMBER = N DESCRIPTION PER NUMBER D ASSY = CODE ELECTRICAL SYSTEM ELECTRICAL CONTROL BOX ASSEMBLIES PART NO. 375767 AND 315767-2 15 1 BOX ASSY (99193) (21, FIG. 13) . REF oa 1 (Qi, FIG. 13) » 2 a 2 3 a 3 3 “4 3 5 2 2 Section I 1.0. 2G-cre8s-14 (4.9- 14) Group Assembly Parts List FIG. AND 1 UNITS USABLE INDEX PART NUMBER = N DESCRIPTION PER ON NUMBER D AssY = CODE ELECTRICAL CONTROL BOX ASSEMBLIES PART NO. 375767 AND 315767-2 (CONT) 18-6 ‘AN3308-2 2° RELAY (68044). 0020s esse 1 “6A 8092-24 2° CORD BINDING (09193). 1 2 $6523-20Y208 «2 TUBING 0.039 ID X 20.5 IN, LG (20103) 2 3 371088-1 2 COUNTER ASSY (99199) (See FIC. 16) . 1 re) MS21044N3 2 NUT (96908) (AP). peers 2 ‘AN365~ 1092 2 NUT (SUPSD by mszi04aNs) (68044) (AP). 2 -10 ANSSOPDIOL «2 WASHER (88044) (AP) 5 ‘ et ‘ANS20-10R10 2 SCREW (88044) (AP) 5 2 72009-2 2 HOURMETER ASSY (80108). 1 “12 ANSISB6-12 2 SCREW (88044) (AP) . 4 a3 ‘AN960-6L, 2 WASHER (88044) (AP)... :4 a4 YzisH 3 TERMINAL (ACSN 724-504-9004) ae “15 31882 3. TERMINAL (ACSN 724-515-9012) (00779)..0.0.0.. 1 715A, 2426 3. GROMMET (ACSN 370-505-9003) (70485)...0.0.1. 1 118 373610-1 3 HOURMETER (99193) ... a M5659 3 HOURMETER (74400) (siternate part) oa ‘M5600 3 HOURMETER (74400) (alternate part) aa MSTL-440DCNB 3 HOURMETER (26992) (alternate part) at “1 315738 2 HARNESS ASSY (99193) (See FIG. 17 Bi a8 Ms21044N04 2 NUT (96906) (AP) omen to ‘AN365-440 2 NUT (SUPSD by Msd1044Nod) (68044) (AP). 8 -19 S8126E6-22-6A 2 SPACER PL (99193) (AP)..... ae 20 ANS6O-4L, 2 WASHER (88044) (AP) 218 21 ANSI 2 SCREW (88044) (AP) . 2 18 “2 ANSIS~ 2 SCREW (88044) (AP) - : ee ~ 223 75428 2 IGNITION UNIT (9193) "Gee FIC. 18).. Stas a77869 2 IGNITION UNIT (99193)..... a 5 24 Msz104ans 2 NUT (96906) (AP)...... ea ~ AN365-1032 2. NUT (SUPSD by MS#104aid) (odd) (AP). a 25 ‘AN96O-10L, 2 WASHER (88044) (AP) 4 28 ‘AN520-10R8 2 SCREW (68044) (AP)... 1 “2 AND-5A 2 BOLT (88044) (AP)... 1 75018 2 BRACKET ASSY (98183) 1 -28 ANSIS- 2 SCREW (88044) (AP) 5.0.0.) nos 229 ‘ANS60-81. 2 WASHER (68044) (AP} 8 =30 2217-82, 3. NUTPLATE (72962), 8 231 AN426AD3-5 3. RIVET (66044) (AP). 2 232 73018-3 3 BRACKET ASSY (99193) 2 1 233 102PLES 2 MOUNT (ACSN 500-507-8006) (78008).0.000000001 4 . 100PLES 2° MOUNT (SUPSD by 102PLES) (76005) «2. 4 4 1MS21044N08 2 NUT (96906) (AP)... 16 AN365-632 2 NUT (SUPSD by Mszio4anod) (68040) (AB) 00000. as -38 ‘ANB60-6L 2 WASHER (88044) (AP) 2 736 ‘ANSI5-6R6 2 SCREW (68044) (AP)... 16 cn Ms354e9-35, 2 GROMMET (96906)... 1 ANSSLAGST 2 GROMMET (SUPSD by M535489-38) (69044), 1 -38 372034 2 BOX ASSY (99193) ......c.. 0+ 5 ‘ANATOADS-4 3 RIVET (68044)... BOND @ ‘a5080-821 « 3. BRACKET (78555) - 4 312034-3 3 BOX ASSY (99193) - 1 372034-5 4 BOX (99199) we... crore 37204-1 4 BRACKET (99193)... BENE 4 y ANATOADS-4 4 RIVET (8044). 16 -39 ‘MS25178-16 2 CAP (96906)... 1 s40 2 25178-20 2 CAP (96906). 1 "1 CODE A DESIGNATES PARTS USED ONLY IN 375767. CODE B DESIGNATES PARTS USED ONLY IN 375767: 2 FOR SHIPPING AND STORAGE PURPOSES ONLY. 2-30 Change 22 1.0. ac-creas-14 (49-14) Section Group Assembly Parts List Figure 16. Start Counter Assembly Part No. 371088-1 FIG. AND 1 UNITS USABLE INDEX PARTNUMBER = N DESCRIPTION PER ‘ON NUMBER D ASSY CODE ELECTRICAL SYSTEM START COUNTER ASSEMBLY PART NO. 371088-1 371088-1 1 COUNTER ASSY (99193) (8, FIG. 15)..........-. REF 1 yz1eH 2 DISCONNECT (ACSN 724-504-9002) (09922) i 2 31884 2° TERMINAL (ACSN 724-518-9011) (00779). 1 3 1MS35489-35, 2 GROMMET (26906) 1 ANOSLAGST 2 GROMMET (SUPSD by Ms95480-35) tooo 1 ‘16024 2 PLATE (99193) 3 1 ‘AN500-4-4 2° SCREW (88044) (AP) « 2 . ANOS6AS 2. WASHER (88044) (AP) 3) at ‘16028 2 WINDOW (99193). 1 2 COVER (99193) 1 2 SCREW (88044) (AP) 4 2° COUNTER START (99199) 1 2 SCREW (88044) (AP) . aus 2 WASHER (88044) (AP). os 2 193) cosas 3885-06CNx0.207 3 4 Uesocewgoia 3 MERE GITEN © 2 sr1008-§* 3 CASE (99193) 1 $8323-11¥0800 2 TUBING (99193) - 2 2-31 Section I 0, 2G-cress-14 (4-94-14) Group Assembly Parts List FIG. AND 1 UNITS USABLE INDEX. PARTNUMBER. DESCRIPTION PER on NUMBER D ASSY CODE ELECTRICAL SYSTEM ELECTRICAL CONTROL BOX BRANCHED WIRING HARNESS ASSEMBLY PART NO. 375738 at s7s738 1 HARNESS ASSY (99193) (17, FIG. 5) REF a ANSI02A20-75 2 CONNECTOR (88044) . 1 en ‘ANS102A20-335 2 CONNECTOR (88044) i 3 ‘MS3102R20-29S 2 CONNECTOR (96906) 1 4 ANSIO2A1681P 2 CONNECTOR (88044) « 1 13 yzieH 2 DISCONNECT (ACSN 7: 2 (32446 2 DISCONNECT (ACSN 724-504-9001) (00779) 2 (alternate part) 6 ast 2 TERMINAL (AGSN 724-519-9011) (59790) ....... 2 31888 2 TERMINAL (ACSN 724-515-9010) (00279) 2 (alternate part) 1 417 2 BOARD TERMINAL (99183)........ Seola A $9046-10-1-014 2 INSULATION SLEEVING (99193) . 8 S0046-11-1-014 2 INSULATION SLEEVING (99193) - 2 P| #1 S8194-127014 2 TUBING (99199) ...... - ae : TY42 2 BAND MARKER (ACSN 134-504-9042) (59730)... 1 TY3 2 STRAP CABLE TIE (ACSN 680-501-9001) (59730). AR *1 SUPERSEDED BY $9048-10-1-014 AND S9046-11-1-014. ee 2-32 Change 22 0, 2c-crcss-14 (49-14) Section IL Group Assembly Parts List FIG. AND 1 UNITS USABLE INDEX PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION PER ‘ON NUMBER D ASSY CODE ELECTRICAL SYSTEM HIGH VOLTAGE IGNITION UNIT PART NO, 75425 te 75425 1 IGNITION UNIT (99193) (28, FIG. 15).... REF 10-80200-3, 2 IGNITION UNIT (77820) . 1 10-70600 3 PLATE IDENT (77820) .. 1 ‘AN365-1032A 3 NUT (00044)... at ‘AN960-10L, 3. WASHER (88044) . a 10-85873 3 DECALCOMANIA 1 10-17966 3. PLUG SLOTTED (17820) 1 10-124460, 3. END PLATE (77820) .. a ‘PKS522-2 3° SCREW (45722) (AP) |... 2 10-58017 3° NUT (77820) ..... 4 1MS35338~41 3. WASHER (96006). 4 10-91243-4 3° SCREW (77820)... 2 10-82702 3. LEAD ASSY (77820) 1 31269 4° TERMINAL (00779) . 2 com 4° TUBE (76735) 1 10-28448 4 WIRE (77820) 1 10-88955 3. TRANSFORMER (17820) 1 10-91842-4 3 SCREW (77820) (AP) .... 4 10-85874 4 SCREW (77820).....0... 2 10-81023 4 WASHER (77820). 1 10-84145 4 WASHER (77820) - 1 10-59017 4° NUT (77820)... 2 , 1MS35938-41 4 WASHER (96906) . 2 10-38387 4 WASHER (77820) | 1 10-24166 4 PLATE (77820) 2 10-91243-8 4 SCREW (77820) 2 MS35383-97 4. WASHER (96906) . 2 10-87784 4° STRIP CONNECTOR (77820) . 1 10-8418 4 SUPPORT ASSY (77820) . 1 10-8412 4. WASHER INS (77820) . 2 10-84142 4° INSULATION (77820) 20000 AR 10-82772-1 4° PLATE SHIM 0.002 IN, THK (77820) 00000000.0. AR 10-82772-2 4 PLATE SHIM 0.005 IN. THK (77820) .00000000.. AR 10-82772-3 4° PLATE SHIM 0.010 IN. THK (17820) AR 10-82772-4 4° PLATE SHIM 0.015 IN. THK (77820) aR a) 10-84145 4 WASHER (77820) ..... peeecenes 1 a3 10-82772-1 4 PLATE SHIM 0.002 IN. THK (77820). AR 10-82772-2 4° PLATE SHIM 0.005 IN. THK (77820) .- AR 10-82772-3 4 PLATE SHIM 0.010 IN. THK (77620) aR 10-82772-4 4 PLATE SHIM 0.015 IN. THK (17820) aR 32 10-85714 4 ARMATURE ASSY (7 1 233 10-87642 4 SUPPORT ASSY (77820) . 1 -u 10-8769 4 STRIP Cop. (77820) (AP) 1 235 10-8769 4 NUT (77820) (AP)... i -36 10-28194 3 SLEEVE TERMINAL (77820) 1 31 10-82968 3 PLUG AND SPRING (77820)... 1 38 #2 10-124875-4 3 SPARK GAP (77820) «00.000. 1 239 to-171874 3. POWER SUPPLY (17820) 1 40 31269 4 TERMINAL ELECT. (00779) - 1 32085 4 TERMINAL ELECT. (00779) 1.11! 1 - 4 10-180073-2 4 TUBE INSULATING (76735)..0000.0. 1 "1 10-70500-12 3. CAP PROTECTION (77820) 600.0000. 1 10-88518-286 AGT OVERHAUL (77820). 1 ‘1 FOR SHIPPING AND STORAGE PURPOSES ONLY. "2 CONTAINS URANIUM OXIDE "RADIOACTIVE". é 2033 Section 1 7.0, ac-arcas-14 (4-9 - |4) Group Assembly Parts List ELECTRICAL SYSTEM Figure 18, High Voltage Ignition Unit Part No. 75425 2-34 Section I 7.0, 2G-GTc8s-14 (4-9 - |4-) Group Assembly Parts List FIG, AND 1 UNITS USABLE INDEX PARTNUMBER = N DESCRIPTION PER ‘ON NUMBER D ASSY CODE ELECTRICAL SYSTEM DY) OIL PRESSURE SWITCH ASSEMBLY PART NO, 75427 19 15427 SWITCH ASSY (99193) (27, FIG. 13)... F ‘M603 SWITCH PRESSURE (70152) a 10836 NAMEPLATE (70152) 2 ANSOOA6-14 SCREW (88044) (AP) . 3 AN96OPD4L_ WASHER (88044) (AP) ... 4 ‘ANSOOA4-3 SCREW (88044) (AP) .......5+ 5 90411 TAG METAL (70152) 15576 BRACKET ASSY (70152). eo AN5O1-10-32 SCREW (88044) (AP) « eee ‘AN960-10L WASHER (88044) (AP)... ANO6OPD10L, WASHER (88044) (AP) ‘10813 SPACER BRACKET (701! 5 BRACKET M (70152)... INSULATOR (70152) 1 RE! 2 1 3 1 3 2 3 3 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 AR 3 aR 4 1 4 1 3 i 1 12887 3 END CAP ASSY (70152) 1 Mesiosausep 4 RECEPTACLE (02060)... 1 aay a3 ANSOOAA-4 4 SCREW (98044) (AP) . concn ‘ 12960-1 40 LEVER ASSY (70152) 0000000000001 1 4 4 PIN LEVER (70152) (AP) . i‘ a5 4 WASHER (70152) (AP) . AR 118 4 WASHER (70152) (AP) aR at 5 SCREW CONTACT (70162). 2 a8 5 SCREW (68044) . A 2 a9 AN938-21 3 WASHER (88044)... 2 =20 ‘A12484 5 PLATE WEAR (10182) . 1 221 312545 5 LEVER (70182) ......0.0. 1 222 13140 4 SPRING (70152) °00 000. 1 : 223 10612-1 4 SEAT SPRING (70152). 1 4 10608 4. BRACKET LOCKING (70i 1 225 4 SCREW (86044) (AP)... 2 26 4 SCREW ADJ (70182) ; a cat 4 SWITCH (01929) 2 "28 4 SCREW (68044) (AP) 4 “29 4) WASHER (88044) (AP). D4 “30 4 PLATE LOCK (70182) 00000... D2 31 4° INSULATOR SW (70152) 20.0... as ca 4 CAP END (70182).. et 233 3. RING RETAINING (70152) ae 234 3° PLATE MOUNTING (70152). 00.0.0. Da 235 3 PACKING O-RING (70152) , a =38 3 DIAPHRAGM ASSY (70152) - et iat 3 PLATE DIAPHRAGM (70162) Da 238 12480 3 HOUSING (70152) .. Da ‘ \ \ oy 2-36 Change 16 0. ac-crcst-14 (44-14) Section 1 Bee neta re at FIG, AND 1 UNITS USABLE INDEX PARTNUMBER = N DESCRIPTION PER ON ‘NUMBER D ASSY CODE ‘TURBINE SECTION COMBUSTION CHAMBER FUEL ATOMIZER ASSEMBLIES PART NO. 75076-T AND 7506-32 1 75076-7 1 ATOMIZER ASSY (90193) (48, FIG. 3)... . REF oa 1 75076-32 1 ATOMIZER ASSY (99193) (48, FIG. 3)..0........ REF a 370694-50, 2° CAPSULE REL V (99193) f 1 A 2 369646-75° 2 CAPSULE VALVE (99193) . ae 1 B a $8316AD4 2° GASKET Boss (909193), E 1 Ms29512-4 2° GASKET (SUPSD by S8318AD4) (96008)... on 99412-5564 2 GASKET (99193) (Supersedes $8316AD4) . 1 4 59412-010 2 PACKING O-RING (99193) ........ : 1 ‘15404 2° SCREEN FUEL (99193)... mi 14688 2° RING LOCK (99193)... et 73909 2° NUT ATOMIZER (99193) -.... et A eoao7e 2 NUT ATOMIZER (99193) ¢..00.0.. coil B Section no, ag-arce-14 (4-9 - (4) FIG. AND I UNITS USABLE INDEX PART NUMBER = N DESCRIPTION PER ON NUMBER | D ASSY = CODE ~ COMBUSTION CHAMBER FUEL ATOMIZER ASSEMBLIES PART NO. 15076~7 AND 1076-32 (CONT) 20-9 3718701 2 PLATE SET (99198) ......-...00.- 1 A 3715T0-15 2 PLATE SET (99193) 1 B -10 372438 2 HEAD ATOMIZER (99193) 1 AL '39412-008 2 PACKING O-RING (99193) 1 12 ‘4807-1 2 HOUSING (99193) oat 1 CODE a DESIGNATES PARTS USED ONLY IN 75076-7. CODE b DESIGNATES PARTS USED ONLY IN 75076-32. 2-38 Change 19 7.0, 2¢-aTc8s-14 (49-14) Section 11 Group Assembly Parts List FIG, AND INDEX NUMBER ae 10 oi 14 15 =16 ” 19 20 oa “22 -23 24 225 228 1 29 30 1 32 -33 -34 a a 2 PART NUMBER ome DESCRIPTION TURBINE SECTION UNITS USABLE PER ‘ON ASSY CODE GAS TURBINE TURBINE ASSEMBLIES PART NO, 376132 AND 3761326 376132 376132-6 370083-2 74688 924 16A428-18 S$8157N275-032 375651-2 376654-50 379839-4 373471-2 $8297-10 88187N301-063 375055 88184-54c025 '$8154-54C010 ‘70904 70904 70904-1 70904-2 378778-2 STSTTS-1 376117-5 71088 71088-1 18471-3 52302 52263 52263-1 T1478 ‘15477-20 370108-1 370109 71280 Taese-1 $8152C16-0-950 so14T 370108-5 ‘ast 370113 74830-1 74630-2 74839-3 $e150D416C108, 1MS24873-10 ‘88157N276-032 370708-1 — 370700-5 370708-3 370103 370103-1 370103-2, 3701033, 75187 370103 373028 ‘TURBINE ASSY (99193) (64, FIG. 3) ‘TURBINE ASSY (99193) (64, FIG. 3) 22.0. PIPE ASSY (99193)... GASKET (99193) GASKET (75165)(Ain. BOLT (ACSN 145-501-8001)’ (82831) © WASHER 0.032 IN. THK (99193) . ‘TORUS ASSY (99193)......... TORUS ASSY (99193) SHIM NOZZLE 0.016 IN, THK (99193) 000000000 SHIELD HEAT (99193) 5 NUT SELF-LKG (99193) WASHER 0.063 IN, THK (94 STOP TORUS (99193) WASHER 0.025 IN. THK (99183). WASHER 0.010 IN. THK (99193) BOLT NOZZLE (99193) BOLT NOZZLE (99193) BOLT NOZZLE (99193) BOLT NOZZLE (99193) (alternate part) ......... NOZZLE TURBINE (99193) . NOZZLE TURBINE GUPSD by 375775-2) ‘ai88)- NOZZLE TURBINE (99193)... SHIM NOZZLE 0.012 IN. THK (99199).. SHIM NOZZLE 0.005 IN. THK (99193) . WHEEL ASSY (99193) ...... RING RET (99193) .. WASHER LOCK (99193) WASHER LOCK (99193) NUT WHEEL SHAFT (99193) WHEEL ASSY (99193) .. WHEEL ASSY (99193) BOLT CLAMP (99193) -.- WASHER LOCK (99193) EXDUCER TURBINE (99193)... IN STRAIGHT 0.050 IN, LG (99193) COUPLING SHAFT (99199) . WHEEL TURBINE (99193) «1... BOLT SPECIAL (99193) . SHROUD TURBINE (99193) « SHIM SHROUD 0.005 IN. THK (98193) 0.1... ‘SHIM SHROUD 0.010 IN. THK (99193) - SHIM SHROUD 0.025 IN. THK (99193) «11... ‘SCREW SCH CAP (99193)... ‘SCREW (Supersedes $8150D416C10E) (96906). . WASHER SPECIAL 0.082 IN. THK (99199) «. SEAL TURBINE (99193) ROTOR SEAL (99193) STATOR SEAL (99193) ‘SHIM 0,002 IN. THK (99193) «... ‘SHIM 0.001 IN, THK (99193) « ‘SHIM 0.005 IN, THK (99193) SHIM 0.025 IN. THK (09193) .- SHIELD TURBINE (99193) .... ‘SHIM 0,002 IN. THK (99193) BEARING BALL (99193) ..... REF a REF ob 1 1 1 6 B 6 B 1 A 1 B AR 1 4 4 A 6 < AR a AR A 2 A B A A a A B (Change 8 2.39

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