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Sometimes we say that someone we know is a square peg in around hole. This simple
statement means that the person we are talking about is not suited for the job he is doing. He may
be a bookkeeper who really wants to be an actor or a mechanic who likes cooking. Unfortunately,
many people in the world are square peg. They are not doing for one reason or another. Choosing
the right career is very important. Most of us spend a great part of our lives at our jobs. For that
reason we should try to find out what our talents are and how we can use them. We can do this
through aptitude test, interviews with specialists, and study books in our field of interest. There
are many careers open to each of us, perhaps we like science. Then we might prepare ourselves to
be chemist, physicists, or biologists. Maybe our interest take us into the business world and such
work as accounting, personnel management, or public relations. Many persons find their place in
government service like teaching, newspaper work, medicine, and engineering. These many other
fields offer fascinating careers to persons with talent and training.
These career women, however, have to face conflicts in their attempt to balance between
their career outside the house and the family problems. They have to fairly divide their time
between family, business and career. They have to cope up with their times and their offices. They
have to live with the anxieties about child care. They have problems how to be successful in the
career and in the family.
Another problem with working parents is how to keep harmony in the family. This is usually
felt when the whole family gather within the limited time during the week. Can the children be
open of their daily problems with their parents so that the whole family can discuss them to find
the way out? Stray boys and girls are usually rebellious in the family and are not honest with their
parents. In such situation, the mother will usually regret her taking the job for family economy.
The really successful career woman is one who can still bring success to the children despite
her activities outside the family. Can all career woman be that wise? See around and you will be
able to judge for yourself.

Reading Task
Answer these questions
1. Why do most working people like square pegs?
2. What kind of workers can’t adjust the job they are doing?
3. What’s emancipation?
4. What are the advantages of career woman?
5. What are the disadvantages of career woman?
6. What does it mean by quality time?
7. Think, and tell about your parents. Do you belong to the kind of career parents?


Study the text below:

I am going to tell you about my family and their professions. My father is a professor. A
professor is someone who teaches students at a university and does some research. My
father likes his profession. My mother is a nurse. A nurse is a person who works in a
hospital and takes care of sick people. My mother is a friendly nurse. Her patients love

Writing Task
Now, write about your family’s professions.

Practice the following conversation with your friend.
Mr. Hendy : Hi, Dina, why do you come late again?
Dina : I’m sorry, Mr. Hendy. I was overslept
Mr. Hendy : Did you set your alarm?
Dina : Yes, I did.
Mr. Hendy : But why do you always come late?
Dina : I always get tired every day because I
work as a shop keeper in the afternoon
Mr. Hendy : Actually, what are you doing every day?
Dina : I usually wake up at 6.30 in the morning
because I always stay up late. I work
after I get home from campus. I helped
my mother in her bookstore until 10
pm. I help the customers to choose the
books and sometimes I explained about
the content of the books for them.
When I get home, I clean the house and
study for about an hour before I finally
go to be.
Mr. Hendy : Wow, you are so busy everyday but I
hope you can manage your time well so
you won’t come late anymore.


Pronouns replace nouns. A different pronoun is required depending on two elements: the
noun being replaced and the function that noun has in the sentence. In English, pronouns only
take the gender of the noun they replace in the 3rd person singular form. The 2nd person plural
pronouns are identical to the 2nd person singular pronouns except for the reflexive pronoun.

Subject Object Possessive Reflexive
pronoun pronoun pronoun pronoun
person I me my Mine myself
Subject Object Possessive Reflexive
pronoun pronoun pronoun pronoun
person you you your Yours yourself
he him his His himself
she her her Hers herself
it it its Itself
person we us our Ours ourselves
person you you your Yours yourselves
person they them their Theirs themselves
Task 1
Complete the sentences using possesive adjectives and possesive pronouns
Model : Rusdi and Tia are washing their clothes.
Give Ratna that magazine. It’s hers.
1. Mr. Wahid is talking to_ secretary
2. What does she have in_ bag?
3. That dictionary belongs to us. It’s ___
4. Take this book to Aan and Sally. It’s _
5. I have _ classes in the morning and Ellen has ____ in the afternoon.
6. Albert says those cards are .
7. Don’ take that pens. It’s not _ _.
8. You have___ birthday in December and I have ___ in February.
9. We are waiting for ______ friend. They are coming in _____ cars.
10. ____ friend’s name is Elsa.

Task 2
Choose the best answer!
1. The bag … was bought by my mother two year ago has broken.
a. Which c. Who
b. Whom d. What
2. Ruby, … is extremely dilligent, named his new baby Tommy.
a. which c. Who
b. Whom d. What
3. The woman … is eating burger, lives near my house.
a. Which c. Who
b. Whom d. What
4. People … eat fruits and vegetables may have more attractive skin color.
a. that c. Whom
b. Which d. Whose
5. The software … maker was unknown was used by many retailers.
a. what c. Whose
b. Whom d. Which
6. It was Husna … couldn’t stop fooling around.
a. Which c. That
b. Whom d. What
7. Mily is sleeping on the mattress, … is too dirty and old.
a. Which c. Who
b. Whom d. What
8. Vina’s brother, … is extremely dilligent, named his new baby Tommy.
a. what c. Who
b. Whom d. Which
9. The car … was bought by Adam two year ago has broken down so many times.
a. Whom c. Whose
b. Which d. Who
10. The man … is eating ramen noodles on the convenience store lives near my house.
a. Which c. Whom
b. Who d. Whose

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