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The Impact of Personnel Training and Development on

Organizational Productivity: A Case Study of MTN (F.C.T)

Table of Contents
ABSTRACT..................................................................................................................... 8
CHAPTER ONE.............................................................................................................. 9
1.1 Background to the Study.............................................................................9
1.2 STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM .............................................................10
1.3 OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY.....................................................................10
1.4 HYPOTHESIS OF THE STUDY.........................................................................10
1.7 DEFINITION OF KEY TERMS.....................................................................12
CHAPTER TWO.......................................................................................................... 13
2.4.1 Identifying Training Needs........................................................................20
2.4.2 Determine Training Objectives................................................................20
2.4.3 Selection of Trainees.................................................................................... 21
2.4.4 Select Training method (2)........................................................................21
2.4.5 Select the Trainers........................................................................................ 21
2.4.6 Training Administration.............................................................................21
2.4.7 Evaluation of Training................................................................................. 22
2.9 The impact of Training and Development of Workers
Productivity............................................................................................................... 26
2.11 Solution to problem of Training and Development............................30
CHAPTER THREE...................................................................................................... 32
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY.................................................................................. 32
3.1 Introduction........................................................................................................ 32
3.2 Design of the Study........................................................................................... 33
3.3 Area of the Study............................................................................................... 33
3.3 Population of the Study................................................................................... 33
3.4 Sample of the Study.......................................................................................... 34
3.5 Instrument for Data Collection.....................................................................35
3.6 Validation of the Instrument.........................................................................35
3.7 Distributions and Retrieval of Instrument...............................................36

3.8 METHOD OF DATA ANALYSIS........................................................................36
Total number of respondents.............................................................................. 36
CHAPTER FOUR......................................................................................................... 36
PRESENTATION OF DATA AND ANALYSIS........................................................36
4.1 Introduction........................................................................................................ 36
4.2 Data Presentation and Analysis...................................................................37
Table 4.1.1: Good working Relationship..........................................................37
Table 4:1:2: Working productivity.....................................................................37
Table 4.1.3.................................................................................................................. 38
Organization and Resources................................................................................38
Table 4.1.4: The organization Training............................................................40
4. 3 FINDINGS............................................................................................................. 41
From the above analysis, these statements were answered;....................41
CHAPTER FIVE........................................................................................................... 41
SUMMARY, CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION......................................41
5.1 Summary.............................................................................................................. 41
5.2 Conclusion........................................................................................................... 42
5.3 Recommendation.............................................................................................. 43
5.4 Limitation of The Study............................................................................. 43
5.5 Suggestions of Further Research.................................................................44
Appendix A................................................................................................................. 46
APPENDIX B............................................................................................................... 47
QUESTIONNAIRE...................................................................................................... 48
Research questions................................................................................................. 48


This work is aimed at ascertaining the impact of training and

development of workers in organizations, i.e. knowing the extent to
which training and development of workers productivity have reduced
most of the problems encountered in the organization. The problem of
inadequate training and development on the part of the management
for a particular job and finding out steps for effective training and
development, the importance of training and development to the
organization will be known. The instruments used for data collection
were made up of primary and secondary data, interview, journals, and
methods of personnel interaction. The population used was 200
people while 133 were the sample size. The researcher used simple
percentage method in analyzing the data and this helps in analyzing
the data and ascertaining the fact that training and development are
effective tools in an organization because they can lead to high level
of technical competence, hence should be encouraged in an



1.1 Background to the Study

The major issue here is the impact of training and development on workers

productivity. According to Chukwuemeka (2015:3,7), in his first published text

other functions of management (incisive approach) the most valuable assets of

any organizations are employees. They can as well called be human resources.

Employees are the people who work for the organization. For employee’s better

performance, the management organize a program which is training and

development as a method for enhancing the employee’s skills, increasing the

individual and organizational performance, improving the employee morale and

achieving the business growth and success. This program improves employee’s

knowledge, skills and ability, all these enable them to be more competent and

effective with their job and this leads to an increase in their productivity.

This research work is aimed at finding out the impact of training and development

towards workers performance and productivity with particular reference to MTN

Nig. FCT Abuja. In summary, training and development of workers are factors

that influence productivity, effectiveness and performance in organization.


Recently, business organizations have stressed that organization has to plan, and

the resulting strategy and continued survival is for the organization to pursue

development towards the workers productivity. Most especially on this question,

how training and development does promote the workers productivity. Training

and development have been for obvious reasons depending on the motive and



1. To identify some techniques of manpower, training and development.

2. To identity problems, encountered in manpower training and development.

3. To proffer solution to the identified problems.

4. To find out the impact of training and development on workers productivity

and performance.

5. To highlight the need for manpower training and development in the



The following hypothesis shall be tested to verify its validity:

1. Hypothesis 1
2. Ho: Training and development has not impacted on employee efficiency
in MTN, Nigeria
3. Hi:   Training and development has impacted on employee efficiency in
MTN, Nigeria.
4. H0:  Lack of staff training is not a reason for poor attitude of employees
to work
5. Hi:  Lack of staff training is a reason for poor attitude of employees to
6. Ho:  Training Programs are not given due attention by the management of
MTN, Nigeria
7. Hi:   Training programs are given due attention by the management of
MTN, Nigeria


The findings of the study will aid the national industrial and social-economic

policy makers to design potential, viable and implementable policies in

training and development program for workers in the country. The work will

also take a national view of the training and development needs of Nigerian

workers in terms of their skills attitude self-comportment, efficiency, high

quality production, reduction in labor turnover, industrial accidents wastages.

The study will also add to the stock of existing knowledge on training and

development of workers in MTN Nig. FCT Abuja.


This work is taking a single organizational out-look of MTN Nig. FCT

Abuja. The research restricts itself to examine and evaluating the impact of

training and development on workers.


Training: Is a systematic process of changing the behavior and attitudes of

employees in a direction that will increase the achievement of organizations


Planning: It involves identifying and selecting appropriate goals.

Skill: Skill is the ability to do work, the strength to be able to do something

perfectly and expertly.

Productivity: It is a measure of efficiency of a person, machine, factory, system

etc. in converting inputs into useful output.

Development: it’s a process that creates growth, progress, positive change or the

addition of physical, economic, environmental, social and demographic




2.1 Introduction

As defined by Richard Beckhard, “ Organization development” (OD) is planned,

top down, organization-wide effort to increase the organization is effectiveness

and health. OD is achieved through interventions in the organization’s

“Processes” using behavioral science knowledge. According to warren Bennies,

OD is a Complex strategy intended to change the beliefs, attitudes, values, and

structure of organizations so that they can better adapt to new technologies,

markets, and challenges. Warner Burke emphasizes that OD is not just “anything

done to better an organization,” It is a particular kind of change process designed

to bring about a particular king of end result OD involves organizational

reflection, system improvements, Planning and self analysis.

2.1.1 Conceptual Framework

The late 1940’s and early 1950’s a great deal of political awareness on the part of

the citizens of this country. The end of Second World War brought the coming of

Nigerians who participated in the war. This period coincided with the coming

home of the elites who went abroad to acquire western education, while the elite

fought for political independence, they also rigorously sought to participate in the

formulation and execution of policies that affect them in Nigerians.

In 1980’s the staff development division logos was named Nigerianisation of

civic service. However, not much training was embarked upon them, but by the

middle of 1960’s to rapid changes in political, economic and social life of the

country, it becomes dear that manpower training and development was needed to

solve the problem of shortage of skilled manpower requirement.

In 1969, a commission carried out a survey on the training needs of the federal

civil service was set up. Professor C.P. Wale, a senior consultant in the public

administration department of university of Ile-Ife, carried out the survey. One of

the significant recommendations of Wale report was the establishment of staff

development. It also ensured that Nigerians especially those in strategic position

in administration and other professions were developing rapidly to carry out their

duties and responsibilities with speed, competency and efficiency. In the efforts to

meet up with the above recommendation, a lot needed to be done to achieve the

desired objectives.

Advance management: this is for officers on grade level 13-16 five advanced

managerial courses were run annually since 1974 with an average of twenty-five


Middle management training: This course is for officials on grade level 09-12 run

size middle management course per year.

Training for management support: this includes secretarial training and clerical

training and also training for messengers and receptionist. These courses were

taken at the industrial training centers, which are located at Lagos, Kaduna and


Since inception, training and management development have becomes an integral

part in both public and private administration. All policies made in organization

area supposedly aimed at achieving the goals and objectives for which the

organization was established. The twin concepts of training and development

seldom escapes the intellectual base of organizational policy formulations in bid

to design effective programs for eventual attainment of organizational policy

makes towards assuming a functional relationship between workers training and

development and the potentials performance and productivity of the prospective

beneficiaries such training and development programs. The above chains that

there is a functional relationship between training productivity as well as effective

performance solidification that it has become impossible to make any empirical

role acceptance of productivity and performance, only a few of the many types of

training programs have been subjected to extension research. Some authors are of

the opinion that training and development literature is voluminous non-empirical,

non-theoretical, poorly written and dull

2.2 An Overview of the Concept of Training and Development

The term training has been used most often to refer to the teaching of technical

skills to non-managerial personnel. The relevance of training cannot be over

emphasized once recruitment and selection are made. The next step in providing

appropriate human resources for the organization is training. Training helps to

mold the behavior of an employee to suit the job requirement. Industrial firms,

volunteer organizational educational institution and other segments of our society

should emphasis the need to train their human resources.

According to Njoku (2007:10) manager through training ensures that organization

member’s skills and abilities are retained for development of their jobs effectively

in the present and in the future. There is often a gap between what employees do

known and what they should know. This knowledge gap is filled through training.

On the other hand, plus positive change. It services and income, which in turn

translates to, improved overall effectiveness of managers in their present position

and to impose the technical human relations and conceptual skills of managers.

Management development programs have become prevalent in recent years

because letting experience along, trained workers is too time consuming and

unreliable process.

Salvi (2012) Training is an educational process. People can learn new information

re-align and reinforce existing knowledge and skills, and most importantly have

time to think and consider what new options can help them improve their

effectiveness at work. Effective trainings convey relevant and useful information

that inform participants and develop skills and behaviors that can be transferred

back to h workplace. Training is concerned with organizational activity aimed at

bettering the performance of individuals and group in organizational settings.

Chukwuemeka (2015:42) Training is one of the most important ways to develop

employees. Training is organizational activities intended to improve the

performances of individuals and groups in organizational settings. Training and

development refers to the practice of providing training, workshops, coaching,

mentoring, or other learning opportunities to employees to inspire, challenge and

motivate them to perform the functions of their position to the best of their ability

and within standards set by organizational guideline. Training and development

activities provide all involved parties with the tools hey need to develop

professionally, increase their knowledge, effectively work with families, and

build their capacity to perform the task associated with their positions within the

system. Training and development have three important steps; these steps are

training, education, and development.

2.2.1 Training: This activity focuses on an individual’s current job and is

evaluated based on that current job.

2.2.2 Education: This activity focuses on jobs an individual might hold in

the future and is measured based on those potential jobs

2.2.3 Development: This activity focuses on potential future activities of

he organization and is therefore extremely challenging to evaluate.


According to Flip (2000:206) for training to be effective, a number of

effective principles need to be applied.

The main major principles include.

2.3.1 Motivation: The major highly motivated trainees are the learn. The

training must therefore be related to trainees’ different needs and wants.

Such as job recognition, prestige and promotion. In effect learning is most

effective when the trainees realize that they can fulfil certain needs

through training.

2.3.2 Practice learning participation: Practice make performance perfect is

appropriate here. Practice learners participation or learning by doing is a

difficult term, which implies active participation. It is a prerequisite for

effective learning since the greater the mantel of human sense involves the

more complete the learning process. In essence, carefully designed

practices method is quite essential to effective learning.

2.3.3 Feedback knowledge of result: This means that learners are allowed to

know the trainers were wrong as regard on the training. For example,

supervisors should let employees know their success and failure so that

they can make amendment where necessary. Research findings have

shown that people learn lesser when they informed of their


2.3.4 Transfer of Learning: Training should be related to job performance,

skill, knowledge and attitude acquired in training but if not used on the job

cannot contribute of organizational goals. such as phenomenon will not

encourage employees’ purse further training, learning is likely to occur

between situations that have many common elements. This underscores

the desirability of ensuring that as much as possible, training tasks are

similar to job tasks.

2.3.5 Distribution of training period: This refers to the questions of optimal

distribution of the time available for training. It relates to the spacing to

training, the length to training sessions and the intervals between sessions.

Three distributions normally depend on several factors related to the

nature of the task and characteristics of the trainees.

2.4 Steps for Maintaining the Effective Development and Training Process
Training is meant to improve the performances of individual and groups in

organizational setting and should not be done haphazardly. The training of

individuals is essential in steps: according to Chukwuemeka (2015:47)

Consider the organizational objectives

The business should have a clearly defined strategy and set of objectives that

direct and drive all the decisions made especially for training decisions. Firms

that plan their training process are more successful than those that do not. A well-

conceived training program can help your firm succeed. A program structured

with the company’s strategy and objectives in mind have a high probability of

improving productivity and other goals that are set in the training mission. A clear

vision of its mission, strategy and objectives, a company can identity its training


2.4.1 Identifying Training Needs

Analyzing three major human resources areas can assess training needs: the

organization as a whole, the job characteristics and the needs of the individuals.

Being by assessing the current status of the company how it does what it does

best and the abilities of our employees to do these tasks. This analysis will

provide some benchmarks against which the effectiveness of a training program

can be evaluate. The firm should know where it wants to be in five years from its

long-range strategic plan. A training program is required to take the firm from

here to there.

Second, consider whether the organization is financially committed to supporting

the training efforts. If not any attempt to develop a solid training program will

fail. Next determine exactly where training is needed. It is foolish to implement a

company-wide training effort without concentrating resources where they are

needed most.

2.4.2 Determine Training Objectives

The goals of the training program should relate directly to the needs determined

by the assessment process outlined above. The course objectives should clearly

state what behavior or skill will be changed as a result of the training and should

relate to the mission and strategic plan of the company. Goals should include

milestones to help take the employee from where he or she is today to where the

firm wants him or her in the future. Setting goals help to evaluate the training

program and also to motivate employees. Allowing employees to participate in

setting goals increases the probability of success.

2.4.3 Selection of Trainees

One you have decided what training is necessary and were it is needed; the next

decision is who should be trained? For a small business, this question is crucial.

Training an employee is expensive, especially when he or she leaves your firm for

a better job. Therefore, it is important to carefully select who will be trained.

2.4.4 Select Training method (2)

The next step is to choose the appropriate training method(s) that will be most

effective looking at the nature of the organization, the resources available, the

trainees involved, etc. there are two broad type of training available in small

businesses on-the-job and off-the-job techniques. Individual circumstances and

the “who”, “what” and “why” of your program determine which method to use.

2.4.5 Select the Trainers

Who actually conducts the training depends on the type of training needed and

who will be receiving it on-the job training is conducted mostly by supervisors;

off-the-job training, by either in-house personnel or outside instructor. Whoever is

selected to conduct the training, either outside or in-house trainers, it is important

that the company’s goals and values be carefully explained.

2.4.6 Training Administration

Having planned the training program properly, the next in line is to administer the

training to the selected employees. It is important to follow through to make sure

the goals are being met. Questions to consider before training begins include

location; facilities, accessibility, comfort, equipment and timing careful attention

to these operational details will contribute the success of the training program.

2.4.7 Evaluation of Training

Training should be evaluated several times during the process. Determine these

milestones when you develop the training. Employees should be evaluated by

comparing their newly acquired skills with the skills defined by the goals of the

training program. Any discrepancies should be noted and adjustments made to the

training program to enable it to meet specified goals. Many training programs fall

short of their expectations simply because the administrator failed to evaluate its

progress until it was too late. Timely evaluation will prevent the training from

straying from its goals.


These methods of training are not mutually exclusive but invariably overlap and

employ many of the same technique. The method of training adopted by the

organization is determined by various factors, which include cost, time, available

number of persons to be trained, depth of knowledge required and other things.

Training can be undertaken by development of internal programs or using

programs provided by outside agencies.

However, most organization with sizeable training programs use both sources,

trying to arrive at a balanced approach after careful evaluation of training need

and facilities (Ohiri 2002). The methods of training include:

2.5.1 On the job training: this is perhaps the most common form of training

method used in an organization. It involves training employees for job, tasks

under the guidance of an experienced worker. The experienced worker, which

may supervisor through advice and suggestion, teaches the specific method of

handling the job. However, in a country such as Nigeria, the method of

conducting of the job training varies from the learners trial and error, his

undirected observation of experienced and some causal systematic instruction to

systematically structure training aids and written explanation, pictures, chats and

tape recordings. The advantages of this method are that the employee is using the

same machine, equipment that he will be used after the training.

2.5.2 Apprenticeship Training: This method combines on the job training and

regular instructing. By combining the practical and theoretical aspects of

that job, the employee acquires both skill and knowledge: it is best where

extensive training, manual skill is required. For example, to become a

motor machine operator, judicious of practical and theoretical knowledge

makes the trainee a professional soon after the apprenticeship training.

2.5.3 Vestibule Training: This is often referred to as off-the-job training. In

this aspect of training, the trainee is not in the regular environment but is

taught how to do his job in an identical situation using the same kind of

equipment that he will use at job sit. The employee is allowed to learn

without the normal risks associated with on-the-job training.

2.5.4 Classroom Training: This involves seeding employees who have

acquired for their jobs to conferences. Personal secretaries, office

managers and typist and clerical officers undertake this type of training.

2.6 Method of developing Managers

Managers can be developed in different ways. In an organization, managers are

developed through the following ways; According to Njoku r. (2001:124)

Coaching method: This is one of the most frequent used methods, especially for

management trainees. As Myles mace pointed out, the most effective way of

providing is through the conscious coaching of subordinates by their immediate


Job rotation: Some organizations encourage job rotation. This is in order to give

the trainee an appreciation of the different departments and also the opportunity to

learn from different superiors, where this is effectively practical, there appears to

be open communication and understanding. No single executive becomes

indispensable as manager. A, can execute he responsibilities of manager B, in all

good management development programs, job rotation is encouraged.

The trainee carries out all the duties assigned to him by his superior. He under

studies the superior for eventual take-over of the apprenticeship system.

2.7 Relationship Between Training, Development and Productivity

Training and development is one of the most basis of the management functions.

The reason is because it involves improvement of the quality of employees, which

is aimed at determining the organizational mission. Strategies and objective

productivity of its own designates how effective and efficient an organization

uses its resources, hence productivity is defined as the relationship between the

output generation form a system and the inputs provided it created those outputs.

According to Aniogoh (1984:89) the relationship between training, development

and productivity cannot be overlooked in that productivity is a major objective for

most organizations and productivity is equally a way of view in an organization’s

effectiveness and efficiency.

They are given more responsibilities, have high degree of technical competency

and high degree of production. All these effects of training and development have

positive impact on productivity, this is the inter relationship.


The importance for training and development include according to Ohiri (2002)

2.8.1 Increase in Organizational stability and flexibility: by increasing a

reservoir of trained employees, organization can sustain its effectiveness

in meeting short run variation in environmental conditions.

2.8.2 Increase in productivity: Increase in skill and ability automatically result

in increment. In both qualities no quantity of employee’s modern jobs are

high technical in nature and call systematic training of the employees.

2.8.3 Moral boosting: Possession of needed skills is essential for the employee

to satisfy his need such as security, safety and ego satisfaction.

2.8.4 Reduced suspension: After the training, employees need little


2.8.5 Reduced Accidents: Proper training of employees is essential for the

employee to satisfy his need such as security and safety.

2.8.6 To avoid Peter principle: For an individual’s promotion to be

meaningful, such factors as individual’s potential to perform effective on

the new job must be enhanced by proper training

2.8.7 To meet individual inherent growth needs: According to psychologists,

individuals have certain needs which it satisfied will lead to motivation

and which not satisfied will lead to different degrees of dissatisfaction,

and in some cases to psychotic behavior.

2.8.8 To adopt dynamic environment: Organization willingly attempt to

maximize the benefit between the job and the individual’s employee, that

is to say that organization strive of the achieve man-job equilibrium as a

result of the dynamic nature of the internal and external environment of

the organization.

2.9 The impact of Training and Development of Workers Productivity

2.9.1 Manager development: One of the effects of training and development is

the manager’s development. If the organization is to live a dynamic existence,

attention must be paid to the development of individuals potentials at all levels, so

that there will be advancement in their career and eh organization can make the

best use of the human and material available.

2.9.2 High degree of technical competence: his is the effect of training

and development which is as a result of having adequate to training

on the specific job one performs when one has degree of technical

competence he tries to perform more thus increasing productivity

according to Ajougu (1995).

2.9.3 High Level of performance: training requires an employee to

perform better than when not being adequately trained & developed.

There is a tendency that his performance on his job will improve.

2.9.4 Acquisition of skills: Adequate training leads of acquisition of skill.

When an employee will acquire skills, knowledge, theories and

principles that are involved in performing he job and can boast of

acquiring skills in that job and practice without fear.

2.9.5 Reduction in supervision: When employees are trained and they

know their duties and responsibilities they know their duties and

responsibilities hey need less supervisors.

2.9.6 Increase in sales and work: Training and development is seen as

that which influences he work ability of the employees which

invariable leads of increase in productivity as a result of efficiency

there will definitely be increases in sales.

2.9.7 Enhance organization efficiency: Efficiency designates the

achievement of organizational set goals with fewer amounts of

resources. When employees are adequately trained and hey become

high performance with little or no wastage, as a result of the

modification and skills acquisition on job.

2.9.8 Increases Organizational Stability and Legibility: Stability is an

organizational ability to sustain its effectiveness despite the loss of

some key personnel.

2.9.9 Reduction in accident and Wastage: Most accidents are caused due

to deficiencies on the plant and machinery so is the case with wastage

time, raw materials etc. are wasted because employments do not

know what to do.


Many of the failure in management programs are attributed to an unsystematic

approach of training and development.

In modern industrial world, training always take place in context of particular

opportunities and constraints which should influence choices of both the content

of training and the method employed in advising on the design of a training

scheme, the trainer have of recognize that factor such as the characteristics of the

trainees, the social acceptability and the methods proposed may turn out of be just

as important as determining a theoretical ideal set of conditions of learning.

Some of the major problems of workers training Nigeria include according to

Ubeku (1973:105)

2.10.1 Superior and subordinate ambivalence: Most supervisors feel that the

training calculation process put them in the position of playing God.

2.10.2 Unqualified resources personnel unqualified resources personnel have

cause great problems in training of workers in Nigeria. The achievement is

nothing if a lawyer is called to train an electrician as it is in some

institution of learning in Nigeria today Njoku C.V and Nwosu A.N. 2010.

2.10.3 Problems of equipment: Most of the equipment is very foreign to

trainees aid the recipient found them difficult to understand their operating


2.10.4 Lack of adequate funding: Most of the training requirement in Nigeria

and the industry of the particular require adequate funding.

2.10.5 Training environment: Training ecology is composed of a number of

elements such as the organization orientation and induction factors, the

rules and the regulations, the attitudes and skills of the supervisors and the

moral level of the training group.

2.10.6 Emphasis on programs instead of result: Some executive take pride in

the large number of employees enrolled management training and

development courses but benefits derived from attending these courses but

negligible unless they satisfy clearly defined training needs in other words,

many companies have generous training budgets with many employees

participating in various programs but make no effort to evaluate the effect

of the training on employees performance.

2.10.7 Limiting manager development to selected few: sometimes people think

that management development requires placing few people with high

potentials on training programmed while ignoring the rest of the


2.10.8 Failure of training and development is to achieve enterprise objectives and

develop professional managers.

2.11 Solution to problem of Training and Development

There are number of factors that contributed to the success of an organization,

these factors include: capital, equipment, manpower etc., all these factors are

important but the most significant factors is the human factor, since it is the

people that will put the other resources to work, it should be viewed as such by

management by given or giving it organizational goals and objectives. Manpower

training aimed at ensuring that the right person is available for the right job at the

right time.

This involves formulating a forward-looking plan to ensure that the necessary

human effort to make it possible for the survival and growth of the organization,

it becomes imperative to develop the employee.

Consequences of lack of training on employee’s productivity in recent years

researchers have found out that there is a difference between having the

experience of job and knowing the job for one claim what he or she has the

experience does not means that he known everything or is capable of handling all

the aspects of the job.

2.11.1 High wastage of Input: When workers who are unable to handle a

particular job due to lack of training high wastage of inputs like machine, capital,

materials resources.

2.11.2 Non-Existence of human relations: According to Amah (2006) some

managers especially those in approach, which is professional areas, fail to achieve

success in their establishment because they lack human relations approach, which

they may not acquire through formal education.

2.11.3 Obsolescent workers or managers who are not trained don’t move with


2.11.4 Low morale lack of training diminishes the moral of workers.


Training and development of workers productivity is very vital in any

organization, the purpose of training and development is to achieve enterprise

objectives and develop professional managers.



3.1 Introduction

In this chapter, the researcher discusses research, design of the study, area of the

study, population of the study, sample of the study, instrument for data collection,

validation of the instrument, distribution and retrieval of instrument, method of

data analysis.

3.2 Design of the Study

A descriptive survey method was used to determine the impact of training and

development on workers productivity in the manufacturing industry.

3.3 Area of the Study

This study was carried out in MTN Nig. FCT Abuja. MTN Group Limited,

formerly M-Cell, is a South African multinational mobile telecommunications

company, operating in many African, European and Asian countries. Its head

office is in Johannesburg. As of 30 June 2019, MTN recorded 283.6 million

subscribers, making it the eighth largest mobile network operator in the world,

and the largest in Africa. Active in over 20 countries, one-third of company

revenue comes from Nigeria, where it holds about 35% market share.

3.3 Population of the Study

The population study is 200. It was made up of levels of industry form supervisor

to the subordinate and marketers.

Some of their Abuja offices where respondents were drawn from are shown in the

table below:

MTN Office, 4 Madeira St, Maitama

MTN Service Center Zuba

MTN Service Center Wuse 2

MTN Service Center National Assembly

MTN Service Center Mpape

MTN Service Center Lugbe

MTN Service Center Kubwa

MTN Service Center Karu

MTN Service Center Gwarimpa

MTN Service Center Garki 2

MTN Service Center Abuja Shoprite

3.4 Sample of the Study

Under this sample of the study, the researcher used Taro-Yamane’s formula to

compute the system in order to arrive to the sample size.

The Taro Yamane formula

N = N

1 + N (e) 2

Where n = the desired sample size

N = Population

e = Margin of error, 5% or 0.05

I = Constant

n = 200

1 + 200 (0.05) 2

= 1 + 0.5

= 200 = 133

Therefore, the sample of the study is 133

3.5 Instrument for Data Collection

With regards to this study, data were obtained or collected from both primary and
secondary sources.
Primary source of data collection, this refers to original data that is the first hand
information that is personally obtained by the writer. The instrument for primary
data collection is questionnaire. The researcher utilizes the method to find out
people’s feelings, beliefs, knowledge and attitudes. In the course of this study, the

researcher made references to some textbooks, magazines, journals and other
means that contained literature about the topic

3.6 Validation of the Instrument

The validity of measuring instrument is a very useful tool for a clinical research
purpose to determine whether an instrument has high quality. Measurement
property life validity need to be assessed, using the standardize criteria.

3.7 Distributions and Retrieval of Instrument

The total of the questionnaire distributed were 133 and all were dully retrieved.


The analysis of this project was based primarily on the simple percentage level.

This is where the percentage that supersede is regarded as the correct and

accepted answer to a research question.

Formula for the use of percentage

Percentage (%) f x 100


Where f = total of frequency x 100

Total number of respondents



4.1 Introduction

This chapter presents the outcome of applying various methods and techniques

which will help, empirically decide as to whether the objectives of the study are

achieved or not. The trend analysis of all the variables were done to ascertain the

variation of the data over time and in response to some factors that prevailed over

time, then the descriptive statistics for the statistical properties of the data.

4.2 Data Presentation and Analysis

Does training and development of workers lead to a good working relationship

between the management and staff?

Table 4.1.1: Good working Relationship

Response No of Response Percentage (%)

Yes 90 68%

No 43 32%

Total 133 100

From the above, it shows that training and development of workers will lead to a

good working relationship the organization because 90 respondents representing

68% of the entire population answered yes while 43 respondents which

represented 32% of the entire population answered no, based on the result, it

shows that training and development of workers will lead to a good working

relationship between the management and the staff.

Can inadequate funding of workers in organization affect their productivity?

Table 4:1:2: Working productivity.

Response No of Response Percentage (%)

Yes 95 71%

N0 38 29%

Total 133 100

Source: Survey Result, 2020

From the above table, it revealed that 95 respondents, which are 71% of total

population, said that inadequate funding would affect the workers productivity in

the organization. While 38 respondents, which are 29% of the population,

answered N0, based on the result, it shows that inadequate funding of workers

will affect their productivity in the organization.

Can training and development help the management to organize their resources


Table 4.1.3

Organization and Resources

Response No of Response Percentage (%)

To some extent 100 75%

To a great extent 33 24%

Total 133 100

Source: Survey Result, 2020

From the above tale 100 respondents, which represent 75% of total population

answered, that training and development could help the management to organize

resources effectively to some extent, while 33 respondents, which is 24% of the

total population, answered to a great extent to the question. Base on the result, it

shoes that training and development will help the management to organize their

resources effectively.

Has the management of the organization put more effort to ensure adequate

training and development of the workers?

Table 4.1.4: Adequate Training Development.

Response No of Response Percentage (%)

Yes 85 64%

N0 48 36%

Total 133 100

Source: Survey Result, 2020

From the above table, we observed that 85 respondents which is representing 64%

answered yes to the question, while 48 respondents which is 36% gave N0 to the

answer base on the result, it shows that more effort should be made in order to

ensure adequate training and development of workers.

Have you ever undergone any form of training since your assumption of duty in

the organization?

Table 4.1.4: The organization Training

Response No of Response Percentage (%)

Yes 73 55%

N0 60 45%

Total 133 100

Source: Survey Result, 2020

From the table, it shows that 73 which is representing 55% said yes to the

question, while 60 respondents representing 45% said no to the answer. On the

result above, it shows that numbers of the people that undergone training in their

duty is higher to compare to those that did not.

Table 4.1.6: The attitude of employees

Response No of Response Percentage (%)

Strongly satisfied 81 61%

Not Satisfied 52 39%

Total 133 100

Source: Survey Result, 2020

From the table above, it shows that 81 representing 61% are strongly satisfied

being trained, while 52, which are representing 39%, are not satisfied after being



From the above analysis, these statements were answered;

 The relationship that exists between the management and staff

 Inadequate funding of workers training affects the productivity in great


 Training and development helps in organizing resources effectively.

 The effort of management of the organization towards adequate training

and development of the workers.

 Workers underwent some training before the assumption of their duties.

 Attitude of employees after being trained.



5.1 Summary

Training and development of workers programs helps to further development of

certain standards in both public and private organization. However, the techniques

and procedures for employee training and development are ineffective due to lack

of acceptable techniques for effective training and development on performance

variation in the use of training personnel and favorable training equipment.

5.2 Conclusion

Conclusively, here findings only rekindle the need to look out for the best at

improving training and development of workers. Training is a task that requires

total commitment. The organization, the management, the employee, and in fact

the general public have a part of responsibility to play. Management must

increase activities in its training and development in a way it will be familiar to

employees. The complexity of modern organizations has increased so much that

management is now expected to be planners, administrators, and public relation

officers all filled in more. Total commitment and management orientation should

be further stressed by the organization. Lack of training can be disastrous to the

industry in terms of cost and inefficiency observation and evidence from related

literatures led to the conclusion that training and development of workers can

make a tremendous impact on performance and productivity of workers, provided

the right attitude, knowledge and skill are required. Hence effective employee

training and development depend on the following factors:

 Careful identification of training needs by supervisors with assistance

from the training unit.

 System procedures that is from the apprenticeship level to the operative

(technical) level according to their line of operations to the department

director level. When these systematic procedures are taken, the employee

is exposed to wide range of mastery over their job and other areas of

operation in the organization.

5.3 Recommendation

I. Having gone this far, it is worthy to acknowledge the fact that employee

training and development is a necessary ingredient for employees’

performance. Based on this, the recommendations are duly made as


II. Every prospective employer should not neglect the importance of training

and development of their employees or engage in it haphazardly if the

organizational goals are to be attained.

III. Employees should be given adequate training and be equipped with

effective and efficient working tools in order to motivate them to perform


IV. Emphasis should not only be laid on training and development alone, but on

the results of such programs. Benefits derived from attending those courses

should satisfy clearly the definition of training and development needs

5.4 Limitation of The Study

In the course of this study, a number of constraints were encountered, some of

them include, time factor, inadequate textbooks and journals. Time was the major

constraint as it is very difficult to combine the required work with usual academic

work. Finance was another significant factor in view of the poor economic

situation in the country. Finally, the present state of insecurity in the country was

equally a factor.

Nevertheless, the information gathered was quite enough for generalization.

5.5 Suggestions of Further Research

This study directly focuses on the training, development and its influence on

employee performance. However, the plan and implementation are not properly

studied therefore it is my suggestion that further studies should be conducted to

explore how training and development programs can be strategically designed and

custom tailored to align with the organization’s mission, vision and goals to meet

the desired performance. In this study it furthermore identifies particular

instructions for future research. First, I propose that the benefits of training might

have a positive effect like individual employee benefits, which later affect

organizational results. However, research is required to recognize the features that

enable a smooth transfer of employee development benefits on different level.

Furthermore, some special questions of vertical transfer that how training and

development directly influence on individual and organizational level.



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Appendix A

Dear Sir / Madam,

The researcher is a final year student of Maryam Abacha University of

Niger, carrying out a research work on the impact of training and development on
organizational productivity in MTN Nig. FCT Abuja.
The researcher needs your candid opinion to conclude this. The researcher
is a final year student of the above research work. In view of the above, you are
required to thick, in the option that best answer the question provided, otherwise
till the space provided. I promise that the information given will be confidentially

Yours faithfully,

Mr. Saidu Mahmud


1 Name.

2 Sex: Female ( ) Male ( )

3 Marital status:

Single ( ) Married ( )

4 Age distribution

25-29 ( ) 30 – 40 ( ) 45-50 ( ) 50 and above ( )


Research questions

1 Does training and development of workers lead to a good working

relationship between the management and the staff? Yes ( ) N0 ( )

2. Can inadequate training of workers in an organization affect their

productivity? Ye ( ) N0 ( )

3. Can training and development help the management to organize their

resources effectively? Yes ( ) N0 ( )

4 Has the management of the organization put more effort to ensure

adequate training and development of the workers? Yes ( ) N0 ( )

5 Have you ever undergone any form of training since your assumption of
duty in the organization? Yes ( ) N0 ( )
6 What are the attitudes of employees after being trained?
Strongly satisfied ( ) satisfied ( )


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