Where Did You Go Last Holiday?: English Book

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Where did you go

last holiday?
In this unit, you will learn how to ask
for and give information about
holiday in the past.

Where Did You Go Last Holiday? is a unit which has been

specifically developed to meet the needs of eighth grade students

of Junior High School. In developing this unit, we have conducted

needs analysis to find out what the students need. This unit has also

been developed based on 2013 Curriculum. Along with this, the

activities in this unit are designed by following Genre-Based

Approach. This unit also covers integrated skills i.e. listening,

speaking, reading, and writing and provides meaningful language


This unit is started with a Warming-Up to build the students’

knowledge about the topic they are going to learn. Further, it

consists of 17 activities organized into four sections: Building

Knowledge of the Field (BKoF), Modelling of the Text (MoT), Joint

Construction of the Text (JCoT), and Independent Construction of

the Text (ICoT). The first section, BKoF, is intended to engage the

students in the topic and build a context in preparation for working

with genre. MoT, in addition, aims at developing students’

knowledge about the text. In JCoT, the students have the

opportunities to construct the texts guided by the teacher. Then in

ICoT, they will construct the texts independently without any

guidance from the teacher. Meanwhile, at the end of the unit, a

Reflection is provided to assess how much the students have

learned from this unit.

It is expected that this unit will help the students to improve their

knowledge and language skills. However, we realize that this unit is

far from being perfect. Therefore, suggestions and feedbacks are

highly appreciated for further improvement

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