Essay Wakatobi National Park

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Wakatobi National Park: A Pioneer of Luxury Ecotourism

in Indonesia


Glimpse of Wakatobi
Indonesia has its own attraction with its natural beauty and high cultural heritage so that
it has enormous potential to attract tourists from various countries. Wakatobi National Park is
a marine national park and a dive resort in Sulawesi, Indonesia which was established in 2022
after the designation of the Wakatobi Marione Conservation Area in 1996. It is managed by
the Wakatobi National Park Authority (Balai Taman Nasional). As the third largest marine
park in Indonesia, it consists of 4 main islands: Kaledupa, Wangi-Wangi, Binongko, and
Tomia. This island comprises of 750 of the total 850 hosts of tropical coral reefs in the world
in an area of 1.4 million hectares. It offers mind blowing diving experience, insight into flora
and fauna, equipped with comfortable accommodation. Moreover, Wakatobi was listed as a
tentative World Heritage Site in 2005 and was includes in the World Network of Biosphere
Reserves in 2012.
Based on the concept, Ecotourism involves responsible travel to natural areas,
conserving the environment, and improving the well-being of the local people. Wakatobi
successfully manages these three things so that Wakatobi not only has exotic cultural tourism
there but is also supported by the uniques local ethnicity. One of the most notable
communities in Wakatobi is Bajo, wandering nomads who inhabit many remote islands in

Challange and Opportunity

In the past, Wakatobi had problems with economic stability for the local community
when foreigners come and exploit local communities. In areas near the no-take zones, tour
operators have implemented reef rental schemes. Foreign tour operators directly pay local
villages for exclusive access to no-take zones for tourism. Villages that signed Wakatobi
coral reef lease contracts have had some success in protecting coral reefs and increasing fish
abundance compared to unprotected areas. However, there is a lack of protection for other
key habitats such as seagrass beds and mangroves. Inadequate park zoning also results in
reduced protection for migratory species. The money was then used to repair public buildings
and provide electricity in villages.
Wakatobi is very vulnerable to various natural and human-made disturbances. Climate
change has a significant impact on the waters as well as a threat to people who mostly live on
the coast and on the water. Another disturbance is the consignment of garbage from various
other regions in Indonesia, and even from abroad which arrives in the waters through various
'modes' that can no longer be called natural. The activities of residents and visitors in these
islands as well as the practice/techniques of developing facilities and infrastructure are also
contributors to disturbances to the aquatic ecosystem, which is the habitat of many types of
fish, coral reefs as well as a space for the activities of residents and tourists. Wakatobi is also
faced with basic services that are still constrained to support it as a premium destination:
electricity supply is still lacking, limited telecommunications networks, as well as basic
infrastructure conditions related to the provision of clean water, sanitation, and drainage also
still need to be improved and perfected.
How can Wakatobi develop and survive so far? The key lies in the economy. Wakatobi
National Park survives and develops to this day because it provides an economic alternative
for about 18 local communities who work with Wakatobi Resort. They can choose between
unmanaged and destructive exploitation of coral reefs or sustainable management. They
benefit directly from the income generated by the resort through the provision of reef rent
payments, electricity, and educational support. Locals are employed and trained in different
types of jobs at the resort. Local fishermen have reliable customers who are willing to pay a
premium for high quality fish that is sustainably harvested. Local villagers patrol the reef to
encourage observation of the no-take area.

Sustainable Development
With all the potential it has, Wakatobi must be able to develop its region in a
sustainable manner so that it remains a precious asset for Indonesia. One of the efforts made
by the Indonesian Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy is to create a landmark
program called WISATA which covers three destinations since June 2014, namely Toraja,
Tanjung Puting, and Wakatobi. The main objective of this program is to contribute to
economic development through tourism. This program can create employment and more
income to improve the livelihood of the local population. The vision to be achieved by this
program is supported by the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) so that it
gets funding. Besides, cultural industry in Wakatobi is expected to be able to significantly
contribute to the economy. The cultural industry can add product value as well as community
with full of work and knowledge. This industry quickly develops job opportunities and larger
contribution to GNP. More globally, the development of Wakatobi will also support the
international sustainable goals contained in the 17 Sustainable Development Goals by the
United Nation.
The Sustainable Development Goals by United Nations points that have been
successfully achieved in the management of Wakatobi are but not limited to the following
discussion, namely No Poverty, Good Health and Well-Being, Decent Work and Economic
Growth, Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure, and Sustainable Cities and Communities.

Goal Sustainable Development

Number Goals
Generating many job opportunities that are
1 No Poverty
internationally competitive
The natural beauty and attraction of nature
Good Health and Well-
3 provide a pleasant experience for both physical
and mental health
Attracting local and international tourists will
Decent Work and Economic indirectly raise Indonesia's positive image on the
Growth world stage, so that tourists come and contribute
to the country's foreign exchange
This tourism industry can be combined with a
Industry, Innovation, and cultural industry that brings many opportunities
Infrastructure from outside Wakatobi but still preserves
Wakatobi's internal potential
Wakatobi sustainability empowerment carried
out and supported by the Indonesian Ministry of
Sustainable Cities and
11 Tourism and Creative Economy is expected to
last for decades to come. In fact, if it could be
more developed and not constant.

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