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Bedugul Lake, Bali: Natural Beauty with Local Culture

Figure 1. Bedugul Lake, Bali Island

Source: Ubud Driver

Bedugul Lake is the largest and second largest lake after Batur Lake, covering an area
of 375.6 hectares with a circumference of about 12 km and a depth of between 22 and 48
meters. This lake is located in the easternmost of two other lakes, namely Tamblingan Lake
and Buyan Lake, and is a group of twin lakes in a large caldera. Besides being easy to reach,
Bedugul Lake also provides a variety of attraction and adequate accommodation. In the
middle of the lake there is a temple called Pura Ulun Danu, which is a place of worship to
Sang Hyang Dewi as a fertility giver. This tourist spot fulfills the characteristics of
ecotourism which includes focusing on enjoying nature, tourist money to fund nature
conservation, sustainable accommodation, respect of local communities, and tourist money is
given directly to local communities.

Figure 2. Bedugul Lake Site Map Layout

Source: Arsitektur Surabaya
The facilities provided at Bedugul Lake meet the needs of visitors from various aspects,
for example as follows.
1. Basic facilities, such as toilets, prayer rooms, and parking area.
2. Facilities for learning purposes, such as temples and statues.
3. Facilities to maintain ecotourism safety, such as greenhouses and statues of Dewi Danu.
4. Facilities to preserve natural resources, such as glass bridges, electric lighting, and
wooden houses.
5. Facilities for visitor facilities and convenience, such as gazebos, stalls, restaurants,
playgrounds, visitor halls, stages, and piers.
The layout of the facilities has also been shown in Figure 2, the needs have been
ergonomically adjusted. The natural beauty consisting of mountains and lakes is maintained
even though local people build these facilities.

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