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Name : Aftin Ardheasari Study Program : Akuntansi

Class : AK1A Day : Thursday
Student Number : 31211016 Date : 26 November 2021

A. Why Women Mean Business: Understanding the Emergence of Our Next Economic

1. What two reasons does Alison Maitland give for saying that the proportion of women
in business is a strategic business issue and not a woman’s issue?
Answer: On of these is the talent side of the equation, and that is that these day
women actually account for the majority graduates. Six out ten university graduates in
North America, and in Europe, are women, so that’s the talent pool, that’s more than
half of the world’s, developed world’s, intellectual potential.
Another aspect is the market and the importance of women as consumers, and in the
United States, eight out of ten consumer spending decision are made by women these
days, and that’s not something peculiar to the U.S, it’s a trend that being followed by
other country, like Britain and France, Scandinavia, and we’re going to see more of
that. So women as earners earning money independently, spending making big
spending decisions, even in Japan two-third of car purchases are either made by of
influenced by woman.

2. What does she made by ‘talent pool’?

Answer: More than half of the world’s, developed world’s, intellectual potential.

3. Why should companies have a number of women directors or senior managers?

Answer: Because those companies that have particularly a critical mass of women
(that’s to say about 30% plus of women on the board or in senior management) are
outperforming those that have no women of very few women in their senior teams, to
the extent of, in one study there was and 38% higher return on equity amongst those
companies that had the most women in their leadership ranks.
B. Women’s Participation Trend in the Economy is Increasing

1. What was Indonesia's rank in the Global Gender Gap Index previous year?
Answer: Indonesia was ranked 85th in the Global Gender Gap Index.

2. How about the quality of women in terms of education and health?

Answer: If divided between men and women, it’s lower for women. This means that
quality of women is calculated in terms of health and education, it’s still experiencing
worse situation than men.

3. What is ORI and explain it in English!

Answer: Republic of Indonesia’s Governement bond, which distributed ti individual
clients with Indonesia Citizenship, through Selling Agent both available in primary
market and secondary market.

4. The increasing of women investors in ORI17 (55.87%) to 57.82% in ORI18. What

does the data means?
Answer: It means that women are the biggest investors in Sovereign Debt Instruments.
Women are capable and they understand how to put money in a good investment

Complete the questionnaire about attitudes to job interview and job.
 Which of these statements are (more or less) true for you?
 Do you think any of these statements reflect mainly masculine or feminine was of

Statements Yes No Men Women

1. I always try to negotiate my salary at a job interview. Y M
2. I’d accept the salary offered at a job interview. N W
3. At job interview, I’d ask “what can your company do
for my career?”
4. I wouldn’t tell lies at a job interview. N W
5. If I’m going to success and be promoted, someone
else will have to lose.
6. I like to use war metaphors (ready for battle, attack
competitors, fight for costumer, change tactics, etc.)
7. I prefer direct, powerful language (‘I need you to do
this immediately’; ‘Come and see me at 11’)
8. I prefer indirect language (‘Sorry, but perhaps you
could do it now’; ‘Could you come to my office at 11, Y W

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