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A Free-Form Open Roleplaying Game System

Usable In Any Setting

10th Edition – Version 1.0

© 2001-2021 Jansan Korbril & The Harbingers Development Team

All rights reserved. Original material (systems, characters, etc.) is copyright Jansan Korbril & The Harbingers
Development Team.

Copying or plagiarizing original material is against the law.

All existing copyrighted and/or non-original products, companies, or organizations mentioned within are not
contested for ownership in anyway and are included only for respectful reference.

This is a game and a work of fiction. Any similarity to actual people, organizations, places, or events, excluding
those mentioned only for reference and context, is purely coincidental.

This book is intended for mature audiences and for entertainment only.

Samantha Asher, Justin Deeb, Jansan Korbril, R. Young

Samantha Asher, Justin Deeb, Eddie Fraguada, Jansan Korbril, Cyd Laluz, Victor Laluz, Cole Rawlins, David
Tapanes, R. Young

Josh Deeb, Nick Parkinson, “Suechan”, David Tapanes, “Mori” W., Shade Williams

Josh Deeb, Jenn Engle, Reagan "Gren" Haslam, Nick Parkinson, Brianna Stauffer

Josh Deeb, Justin Deeb, Jenn Engle, Eddie Fraguada, Reagan "Gren" Haslam, Jansan Korbril, Cyd Laluz,
Victor Laluz, Ashley Ogle, Jennifer A. Patti, Nick Parkinson, Cole Rawlins, John Shikiya, Brianna Stauffer, A. T.,
David Tapanes, Mori W., Shade Williams

Keith Parkinson, Grant Pearsall, Darrell "Smooth Slayer" Stotz, Ryan Volker


All the creators, writers, designers, and artists that work on roleplaying games!
Keep on creating!


Chapter 1 – Game Rules

Chapter 2 – Game Mastering

Chapter 3 – Character Creation

Chapter 4 – Characteristics

Chapter 5 – Equipment





commonly called Player Characters, or PCs. In other
INTRODUCTION TO THE GAME words, they play the protagonists of the story. But,
Welcome to The Harbingers Roleplaying Game. The they are only one part of the equation.
Harbingers Roleplaying Game is designed to give
people a chance to play a roleplaying game in a Because the Players need to know the environment
variety of Settings by providing versatile rules and and situation their characters are in, as well as a
game system options. Default Setting suggestions are person who help dictates the actions of people not
provided, but the only limit is the players’ imaginations. controlled by the Players (often referred to as NPCs,
or Non-Player Characters) another important player of
Play in the world of a favorite video game, novel, or this game is needed. This person is considered the
movie. Create your own worlds and stories in any type narrator and the referee, and is called the Game
of genre or setting. The Harbingers Roleplaying Game Master, or GM.
can be used for almost anything with very little
adaptation. GMs control everything else in the world, except the
direct actions of the player characters. This role,
For those unfamiliar with the basics of roleplaying however, has more responsibility. In return, it is also
games, they may wish to continue reading this very fun and allows a broad base of creativity in
introduction as it may prove informative. Otherwise, creating stories and plots. The Game Master is the
they can probably skip to the first chapter. story teller for the characters.

ROLEPLAYING BASICS In books and movies, the writer decides what happens
This section is designed for people who have never to the principle characters. In RPGs, the Characters
played roleplaying games before. If they have played can attempt what they like, but success depends on
others before, this will probably be all review and they the character’s abilities and good old luck. Life is full of
should just skip over these paragraphs. chances, and just because someone tries to jump a
large gap in a bridge doesn’t automatically mean they
Roleplaying games, or RPGs for short, are unique to can make it.
almost any other kind of game. Their content is almost
entirely the imagination of the game players. It is akin This is where the rules come in. This book will instruct
to a book or movie in which the player has control – to Game Masters and Players alike in how to play The
an even greater extent than a video game. Instead of Harbingers Roleplaying Game.
playing, reading, or watching a predefined character
and following what they decide to do, the player takes LIMITS & SAFETY TOOLS
the helm and makes their own character and dictates Roleplaying intense scenarios based on adult content
what they do, with others playing their own or horror can be uncomfortable for some Players. It is
protagonists and one person narrating the story. both the responsibility of the Game Master and fellow
Players to ensure everyone is safe and comfortable
Role-play means to act out or play a role. A role is a while playing the game – after all, it's important
character assigned, or assumed. A character is a everyone has fun.
person. Therefore, you essentially "play as" a different
person for the game. In other words, you control a To promote this, it's important for Game Masters to
character. have conversations with Players one-on-one on
elements they shouldn't include. The Game Master
Of course, this does not mean you run around and do can then outline these rules for the table so every
things your character does. Instead, you simply say in Player is aware of subjects to avoid.
words what your character does or says. The majority
of the people in the game will be Players who will Another option are safety tools. There are a variety of
control a character. safety tools online: X-Card systems such as the one
developed by John Stavropoulos and Lines and Veils
The fictitious characters that Players role-play are style systems like those created by Emily Care Boss


and Ron Edwards. The very common Fade To Black is

also of great use for this.

X-Card like systems give a card with an X (and in

some variations, a card with an O as well). Players
can tap the X to indicate they would like to stop a
scene or skip past descriptive unpleasantness. The O
card, if employed, can indicate it's okay to continue.

Lines and Veils are set up at the start of the game.

Lines are hard-lines that Players or the Game Masters
don't want to reference at all – these could be
phobias, certain kinds of violence, or other extreme
scenarios. Veils are much the same, but are allowed
to be mentioned – just done in the background or not
in detail.

Fade To Black is a perfect way to deal with scenes of

torture, sexual activity, or extreme, disturbing violence.
Much like a movie, the figurative camera pans away or
the screen fades to block to imply the activities
occurred, but the details are spared, relying on implied
results. This allows for mature content without making
others uncomfortable.

The concept of Session Zero in tabletop roleplaying
games is generally a prelude with the Game Master
and each Player. This can be on-on-one, in smaller
groups, or just a preliminary planning session for the
entire group. This is useful for a number of factors:

• Getting comfortable with playing.

• Bringing up any concerns or roleplaying limits.
• Establishing the Player's character.
• Tying the character into the Story.

The details of Session Zero can vary between different

groups and Game Masters, and Session Zeros are not
always necessary. However, they can be a great tool
for both the group and for the Story!



for all non-player character and providing the Players
SELECTING ROLES the information needed to make decisions during the
Generally when playing a roleplaying game, one game.
person runs the game, and the others are the Players.
The game runner is called many different things in
different games. In The Harbingers Roleplaying CHARACTER CREATION
Game, the game runner is called the Game Master. For Players, creating a character is one of the first
steps towards being able to play a roleplaying game.
The Game Master is the narrator, referee, storyteller, Player Characters are the main characters of the
and owner of the characters not controlled by the game. All of the Players need their own character and
other game players. They have the last word in should use the character sheet available in the
disputes of rules and outcomes of actions. Appendix. Get an idea of the character desired,
consider the Setting, and then develop the basics that
The other participants, who create characters to play help describe the character. There are sample pre-
in the story and the Setting, are called Players. The made characters later in the Appendix that Players
gameplay is about them and their actions in the Game can take as-is or use as guidelines.
Master’s plot.
When creating a character from scratch, start with the
character’s personal appearance, information, and
SETTING THE STAGE background before doing anything else. After that, set
One of the most important things to decide on before all of the game statistics for your character. To finish
starting up any kind of roleplaying game is the Setting. up, you purchase equipment. More information on this
This includes the general state of the world or worlds can be found in Chapter 3: Character Creation.
available, the levels of technology available, and any
important governments, organizations, people, or
places. The Game Master is the master of the Setting
and all of its inhabitants.

The Harbingers Roleplaying Game offers a variety of

sample Settings in the chapter on Game Mastering.
The Players and Game Master are free to use one of
the offered Settings as they see fit, or perhaps just use
the Harbingers rules for a completely different custom-
designed Setting.

Stories are the plot and key elements of the game
world that Players will experience. In different games,
the Story can be called anything from a campaign to a
plot. The Game Master is responsible for creating the
Story, and separating it into Chapters. Chapters are
often called adventures, missions, or quests in
different games, and are composed of Scenes (like a
show) and Encounters (critical time sensitive events).

How the Game Master wants to organize the Story

and Chapters largely depends on the overall arcing
story line and Setting. Game Masters are responsible

Game Rules
Chapter 1


There are not many materials required to play a There are two roles when playing The Harbingers
roleplaying game. There is no expensive hardware to Roleplaying Game, just as with any roleplaying game.
buy - it's a game featured by imagination. What is They are the Players, who make their own characters
required for an average game of The Harbingers is as and play in the story. And the Game Master, who
follows: controls the ebb and flow of the game, acting as
narrator, story teller, and rules arbiter.
• The Harbingers Roleplaying Game rule book
is the most important tool. This book provides Most people will be Players. There can be an infinite
all the core rules needed for play. number of Players, though it can get unwieldy with a
large group. The maximum amount usually
• Character sheets, included with this book, are recommended is 6-8. 4-5 is generally considered an
ideal for keeping track of character average group size, but it can be played with 2-3 or
information. Each Player should have one with even 1-1 with one Player and one Game Master.
their character’s information recorded on it –
digitally or physically. The Game Master Generally only one person is the Game Master. Co-Op
should have written materials for Non-Player Game Masters are possible, but not very common.
Characters prepared for the game ahead of
time and is responsible for keeping track of
Traditionally, roleplaying games are played with a
group of people face-to-face. Each player would have
• Polyhedral dice (d4, d6, d8, d10, d12) are various dice, the character sheets, the books, and
used to determine the results of actions in the perhaps a small map for battles and for helping in
game. One is usually enough for each person, verbal descriptions of places and objects.
but more is better. This is especially true for
the Game Master. In the modern world, however, the internet is here to
make things a little easier. While gaming online and
• Mobile devices, laptops, pencils, and/or pens gaming offline are slightly different experiences, online
are useful for recording notes and adjusting gaming allows players who normally may not be able
character information. In addition to the writing to get together physically to play together via an online
instruments, scrap paper and graph paper are gaming room.
great for note taking, maps, or pictures.
The hardest part of this can be finding an acceptable
• A map with squares or hexagons marked on it medium to play RPGs in. While you can use programs
and markers/miniatures for PCs and NPCs like Google Meet or Discord, there are programs and
are helpful tools in Encounters and when services explicitly for RPGS. They have a map, a chat
character placing may be important. interface, and the ability to roll dice of various sides. A
Roleplaying game maps can be bought or fantastic example of a quality free web-based program
made without much trouble. Character would be Roll20, which can be accessed at
miniatures could be anything, from board
game pieces, plastic soldiers, to pewter
miniatures. Virtual tabletops can also be used. Whether your gaming group decides to play online or
offline doesn’t really matter. It is interesting to try it
• The Game Master should have Story and both ways, but either way the rules still work.
Chapter notes, as well as notes about the
NPCs involved in the current plot lines and
those Players may want to interact with. The
Game Master should have written materials
for NPCs prepared for the game ahead of

Chapter 1

answer questions of chance, skill, and luck.

The Setting is the world in which the Players play and Generally speaking, the Game Master orchestrates
the Game Masters create. Players and Game Masters the game by setting up Scenes for characters, starting
are welcome to use a popular Setting or create their with an opening. The Game Master should have a plot
own. These rules in this book are flexible enough to of some sort laid out as well. However, it is up to the
apply to almost any custom world. When creating or characters to drive that plot forward.
choosing equipment for new characters, the details of
the Setting are very important. People very new to roleplaying games may be
confused as to what a typical session sounds and
Choosing the Setting also includes the Game Master looks like. An example of play is included below.
designing a narrative compromised of Stories and
Chapters. There are Setting examples in the Game Example
Mastering chapter of this book. The Game Master has set up an exciting Story of
cyberpunk intrigue for her Players. Their characters
SCENES & ENCOUNTERS are private contractors hired to help the government in
Scenes are any series of continuous action or a major dying city that is losing control to corrupt
interactions in a single area (no different than a mega corporations.
movie, game, show, play, etc), while Encounters refer
to tense or critical moments where every second The most recent Chapter has the government offering
counts. A game session will be comprised of many a large sum of money to the Player characters to
different Scenes for each Chapter, and Encounters infiltrate and gather information on highly illegal
may be possible during certain Scenes. genetic research being conducted by the BioTrend
Corporation. BioTrend is large, powerful, and holds
For example, a daring exploration through a dark both political influence and the ability to buy off nearly
temple would be a single Scene as a whole, while an anyone.
Encounter would occur should the group be trapped in
a room that is filling with water. Scenes and The current Scene has the characters breaking into
Encounters are how the Story is told. one of the main labs of BioTrend. The team includes
Ego, a wisecracking gang member, Calvin, a talented
scientist, and Emily, an antagonistic bouncer.
All the Players will need to make characters that fit Calvin joined as a scientific consultant to put his
into the Setting and Story the Game Master is scientific knowledge to good, rather than being a
creating. Each player gets one character, and will pawn of the mega corporations. In regards to
control them and make all of their decisions. BioTrend, he used to work for this particular
corporation and knows how insidious it is. For him,
The Game Master may outline some requirements or this is also a personal mission, as he isn’t that
limitations on character creation depending on the interested in money.
kind of Story and Setting that the group is playing.
Make certain all of the characters fit into the overall Ego joined up to make some quick cash and for the
feel of the game, or it can cause conflict. adrenaline rush. While he likes his teammates, his
main interest in working with the government in the
Later chapters walk through the exact process of first place was the thrill. The fact he would earn a
creating a character. As long as the character fits into pardon for his previous criminal activity is a nice
the game Setting, the only limit is imagination! bonus, too.

FLOW OF PLAY Emily has a bad temper and a violent streak. After
The Game Master sets the stage for the game and being fired from yet-another bouncer job for severely
acts as storyteller and referee. The Players take their injuring a customer, she decided to put her personal
characters through the Game Master’s Story, but flaws to work for her in a new career. The government
ultimately are the ones who write the path of the is desperate enough to overlook her transgressions.
protagonists. The game rules provided here help

Chapter 1

GAME MASTER: Okay, the group sneaks down the submachine gun.
hall and into the far door, Ego first. Ego, the laboratory
seems empty. There are lab tables and computers all EMILY’S PLAYER: I look over to the guys. “Trouble!”
along the far wall. The tables are covered with Keeping quiet, Emily is going to prepare to jump the
intricate laboratory equipment that only really looks target when they reach the door.
familiar to Calvin. The floors and walls are pristine,
and there is no other way out other than the door you EGO’S PLAYER: I’m going to ready my own SMG.
came in. Ego is locked and loaded. If her attack fails, I’m going
to open up, noise be damned.
EGO’S PLAYER: “I got you guys in. Calvin, what are
we looking for?” By the way, Ego has his submachine CALVIN’S PLAYER: I’ll keep searching. We have to
gun out. Wish I had gotten a sound suppressor. get out of here quickly if this goes downhill.

EMILY’S PLAYER: I’m going to stand guard by the GAME MASTER: Gotcha. Okay Emily, you crouch by
door. Watching and listening. the door and get ready to clobber the guard. Time to
do some rolls.
CALVIN’S PLAYER: Good idea, Emily. Okay, Ego and
I start searching the computers. EMILY’S PLAYER: Hope this works.

GAME MASTER: Looks like there isn’t too much GAME MASTER: The guard pokes the submachine
difference between them. Each one is password gun through the doorway, peering through. Emily
protected. reaches over and grabs the weapon, tugging forward.
The armored figure staggers in, caught off guard.
CALVIN’S PLAYER: Well Calvin has some hacking Emily, you can act.
skills. He's going to take a crack at it.
EMILY’S PLAYER: Bonus. I spring up from a crouch
GAME MASTER: Okay, you can make a Skill Roll with and send the guard an elbow to the face. I’m going for
your Skill. Difficulty is increased by +2 since you’re a knockout blow. My Skill Roll total is 9.
working with next to nothing here, so you'll need a 7.
GAME MASTER: Don't bother to roll Damage. The
CALVIN’S PLAYER: And, let’s see what I roll here…. A guard never saw it coming. Looks like she's going for
7! a nap.

GAME MASTER: Good enough, so you’re fine. Within Emily smashes her elbow into the guard’s helmet,
minutes, you find a hole in the security system. cracking the face plate and sending it flying off. The
woman underneath the mask falls back and crashes
CALVIN’S PLAYER: Excellent. I’m looking for the files into the lab table nearby. She’s out like a light.
we need. I inform the others I’m in.
GAME MASTER: Emily, since you're actively on
watch, I'll need a Skill Roll. GAME MASTER: Unfortunately, after she finishes
slumping to the ground, you hear the sound of running
EMILY’S PLAYER: It’s never that easy, is it? Here footsteps. A lot of them. Encounter time.
goes. Nice! A 10.
GAME MASTER: That’s a Critical Success. You hear
some noise in the hall, and are able to steal a glance CALVIN’S PLAYER: You have to hold them off. I need
unseen. more time.

A security guard is approaching the doorway, in full EMILY’S PLAYER: Roger that. Time to get this party
dull-blue ballistic security armor. The guard also has a started.

Chapter 1

Characters, both PCs and NPCs, need guidelines for Traits encompass specific positive and negative
the game to determine state of being, natural abilities, features of a character. Traits can be special training,
learned skills, and how they can react to certain inherent gifts, weaknesses to a species, or
situations. For example, a super strong but supernatural gifts. There are many different kinds of
unintelligent person will have an excellent chance of Traits, and it is easy to add more.
breaking a door down, but will likely flounder when
trying to answer a scientific question or figuring out a Traits that grant benefits are called Advantages. They
puzzle. cost differing amounts of Experience, reflecting
training or a natural gift the character has. Advantages
The following section describes the elements of can include things like uncanny luck, ambidexterity,
characters in The Harbingers Roleplaying Game. weapon specialization, superior strength, animal
Collectively, these are called Characteristics and magnetism, or a photographic memory.
cement in the rules what the character is in vision.
Some Traits give Experience instead of costing it.
These are called Disadvantages. These Traits may be
HEALTH a weakness, a personal challenge, or a physical or
Health is a character's general well-being and mental condition the character lives with. The granted
condition. Losing Health from injuries, accidents, or Experience represents time dedicated elsewhere in
fighting may cause the character to become return or adapting to compensate for this Trait.
Incapacitated or even die. Examples of Disadvantages would include things like
a bad temper, addiction, missing limb, poor memory,
Health starts at 10. Health also has a Threshold value, cowardice, common misfortune, or frailty.
which is 50% of the creature's Health, rounded down.
If a creature runs out of Health, they are Incapacitated.
If they run out of Threshold, they perish. Both restore TECHNIQUES
while resting, but Health is easier to restore than Techniques are a character’s repertoire of special
Threshold by methods other than rest. moves, abilities, or unique talents. These can include
things like magic spells, signature moves,
superhuman feats, or just displays of great skill.
Ability is a character's stamina, focus, and vigor. Ability Techniques are limited by Ability. Ability refreshes after
is used to activate Techniques – the special, active resting, and can also be restored by Traits or other
powers, abilities, or maneuvers a character has. Techniques.
Characters have 10 Ability to start with. Ability, like
Health, is restored on rest.

Skills represent a collection of a character’s formal
and informal training as well as general aptitude and
natural gifts in certain fields. Skills can give
advantages in the sciences, combat, or a multitude of
other fields.

Skills make Skill Rolls easier. They allow a reroll when

making a Skill Roll, effectively making the roll 2d10
instead of 1d10, taking the better.

Chapter 1

SKILL ROLL OVERVIEW Difficulties are determined by the complexity of the
The Skill Roll is the core system for determining if task, the current situation, and any other factors like
something a character does is successful in The not having appropriate tools.
Harbingers Roleplaying Game. The Skill Roll is
essentially a die roll that represents the active party – Examples of situations that could lower Difficulties:
be it a character, the environment, or an object. The
Skill Roll can represent ability, luck, talent, training,
• Task requires minimal/no skill
and a multitude of other factors.
• High grade equipment/facilities
Whenever outcome is uncertain, such as jumping • Low risk or minimal/no danger
across a pit, striking someone with a weapon, or
convincing someone to see a point of view, a Skill Roll Examples of situations that could increase Difficulties:
is called for. Many actions do not have guaranteed
success, and this mechanic gives the game the • Task requires training/high skill
variable needed. • Inferior/no equipment/facilities
• High risk/dangerous act
SKILL ROLL BASICS If a character meets or exceeds the Difficulty target in
To make a Skill Roll, the Player or GM uses a 1d10, a Skill Roll, they have succeeded in the attempted
or, a ten-sided die. If an appropriate Skill is action. If they fail, they were unsuccessful. Generally
possessed, an additional roll is granted. If more than the degree of success or failure doesn't have any
one Skill Roll die is rolled, the best result is kept. mechanical effect unless a Critical Success or Critical
Certain Traits, Conditions, Techniques, and equipment Failure occurs, but can be used for narrative flavor.
may also affect this. A Success means the action was
completed as desired, and a Failure means the Example
desired outcome was not achieved. Clarice is trying to leap between two building rooftops
while being chased by corporate security. The GM
Depending on the Skill Roll, the goal is to match or informs her the target is 6 – an increased Difficulty of
beat the target Difficulty. Difficulty is a base of 5. +1. Clarice's Athletics Skill gives her an extra d10.
However, it can be modified by certain situations or Clarice rolls 2d10, getting an 6, and an 8. The 8 is
effects, such as Traits. The maximum Difficulty is 10, highest – and more than enough to make it to the
and the minimum Difficulty is 1. other rooftop. The GM tells her she manages to catch
the lip of the rooftop and haul herself over. She can
No matter the Difficulty, a roll of 1 is always a Failure keep running!
regardless of end result and a roll of 10 is always a
Success. Critical Failures and Critical Successes can Example
also occur, adding additional effects to the Skill Roll. Lewis is cooking up a fancy meal for his fellow party
members while they are on the road chasing a bounty.
SKILL ROLL DIFFICULTY He has a Skill to help and a bonus from a high quality
All Skill Rolls have a Difficulty. Difficulty is the target skillet, which lowers the Difficulty by 1. Lewis' player
number of any Skill Roll. Certain situational events, states he's cooking up some roast boar, and the GM
Traits, or other factors may modify the Difficulty. The increases the Difficulty by +2 due to the recipe
GM determines most situational effects. complexity and limited kitchen – for a total of 7,
reduced to 6 by the skillet.
The target number for Difficulty is base 5 on 1d10 –
when there is any question, or if a Technique or Lewis' Player rolls 2d10, getting a 6 and a 9. This is a
situation doesn't dictate the Difficulty, it is always 5. Success and it's a filling meal, but since he did so well
Difficulties can be modified, however. Difficulties lower (but not a Critical Success) the GM adds a bit of
than 5 are scaled down in challenge, and Difficulties narrative flare stating that Lewis has cooked a
above 5 scale up. fantastic meal! Everyone gives Lewis a hearty thank

Chapter 1

you after wolfing down the delicious food. he's heard Mallack out since he's open-minded about
investments. The GM uses an extremely high
Example Difficulty as the base, an 8. This is reduced to 7
Teresa is in an archery contest with Swordmistress thanks to Mallack's preparations and visual aids.
Iris. The Difficulty to hit the target on the outside is 6,
the middle is 7, the inside is 8, and the bullseye is 9. Mallack lays out a convincing argument for investing
Iris rolls a modified Skill Roll with an 8 – she in his corporation during the visual-aid laden
succeeded and hit the middle section of the target. presentation, and then the GM has him roll 2d10.
Teresa rolls and her best is a 7. She also succeeded, Mallack rolls a 4 and a 9. The 9 beats the 8 Difficulty.
but only hit the outside. Swordmistress Iris had the The businessman is convinced!
better shot – she wins the contest.
Mallack is elated to hear that the businessman will
Example invest in Mallack’s company. They start hashing out a
Carena is trying to ram her muscle car into Marco's contract.
sports car. Given the high speed situation, the GM
sets the Difficulty at 7. Carena's Skill Roll is a total of 7
– that matches and succeeds! Carena's vehicle slams
into Marco and he loses control, spinning out and When a Skill Roll is successful, the attempted activity
slamming into a guard rail. is considered successful. The character makes the
jump, the axe hits, the computer is hacked, or the
engine is repaired.
Skills augment the amount of dice used in Skill Rolls. When a Skill Roll is failed, the attempted activity is
By default, a single 1d10 is used in a Skill Roll. considered a failure as well. They are detected while
However, applying an appropriate Skill allows a reroll, sneaking, their shot goes wide, the car misses the
and the best result of the two is applied. turn, or they fail to figure out the formula.

In addition to this, however, certain Traits, Techniques, Success and Failure are often obvious. However,
and equipment can modify how Skill Rolls operate as when it isn't, the Game Master is the final determiner
well. As an example, a Trait that grants another 1d10 of what exactly happens.
roll for a Skill. Or perhaps a craftsman has a special
set of well-made tools that reduces Difficulty a in Players may try anything, but what ultimately results is
related tasks by 1 when using them. generally the call of the Game Master. Trying the
impossible and succeeding might not equal the
Remember that regardless of adjustments to the Skill success envisioned, but it should be the “best case” of
Roll, a 1 is always a Failure and a 10 is always a what is actually possible.
Success. It is also much easier to get a Critical
Success and much harder to get a Critical Failure with
a high Skill.
In some circumstances, it is possible for Skill Rolls to
Example be opposed by two active actors at the same time and
Mallack, the business tycoon, is trying to convince have both users succeed/fail. In this case, it is the
another businessman to invest some money in his GM's decision what the exact effect is.
corporation. Mallack needs to make a Skill Roll to do
so. Mallack is an expert in Persuasion, granting him Example
an addition 1d10 to all Skill Rolls where Persuasion Edgar and Matthew are participating in the Golden
applies. Mallack is a very personable individual. Skillet cooking competition. Edgar is the better cook,
but Matthew is determined to beat him. Edgar makes
Mallack is also giving the presentation with charts and a Cooking Skill Roll with a final result of 9. Matthew
a presentation with relevant facts. The GM informs also makes a Skill Roll, getting a 9 as well.
Mallack's Player that this gives Mallack an additional
bonus: reducing the Difficulty by 1. Both dishes are submitted for the award. After the
judges deliberate, they conclude that it's impossible to
This businessman is a hard one to convince, though choose. In a rare tie, the Golden Skillet awards both

Chapter 1

participants the cash prize value as per the rules. the projected time, or intimidating someone so
successfully they let an additional unknown piece of
Example information slip. The degree of the effect can vary
Venora the pirate is dueling with famed dwarven based on the situation.
privateer, Sir Canderwell. Bertrand, Venora's first
mate, has just dropped the treasure map and it rolls Example Failures include having a firearm jam,
between them. The GM has them both make Skill dropping an item while failing to climb, or accidentally
Rolls. They both get a total of 8 – neither has beaten using up extra supplies during a failed repair attempt.
the other, so they are both pulling on the map, causing The degree of the effect can vary based on the
to tear neatly into two parts. situation.

Below are some examples. Additional examples can

CRITICAL FAILURES AND be found in the Skills section and have more ideas for
SUCCESSES GMs to consider.
Skills Rolls can be done so perfectly well or fail so
completely that they become Critical Success or Example
Critical Failures. Critical Failures and Critical Natasha, a special operations agent, is trying to pick a
Successes are there to represent that not every action lock in a warehouse. Natasha is an expert in
is just pass or fail. lockpicking from her Skills. The lock is of average
quality and uses Base Difficulty (5), and her normal
Critical Successes and Critical Failures occur on 10's tools provide no bonus.
and 1's. However, a Critical Failure cannot occur at all
if the character can only fail on a 1, and a Critical Natasha rolls 2d10 for her Skill Roll. She gets a 9, and
Success cannot occur if the character can only a 10! That's a Critical Success as her highest is a 10!
succeed on a 10. In those cases, the 1 and 10 are The GM rules her time was cut in half, which is good
normal Failures and Successes. news, considering the watchman patrolling the docks
is just turning the corner.
A Critical Success occurs when a 10 is rolled and is
not necessary for Success. Critical Successes are Example
always beneficial and include generally one notable Torsen the spaceport officer is preparing to shoot
effect granted by the GM. Yorla the smuggler with his laser pistol. He makes a
combat Skill Roll to attack and rolls a 10! This earns
A Critical Failure occurs when a 1 is rolled and it is not him a Critical Success.
necessary for Failure. Critical Failures are always
detrimental and include generally one notable effect Torsen is a crackshot and got the jump, and Yorla is a
granted by the GM. mediocre fighter. The GM rules that the laser shot
slices right through Yorla’s right eye and into the brain,
Critical Successes means the normal success of the killing her outright and ending the fight.
Skill Roll is applied, but success was above and
beyond what was expected. Critical Failures are the Example
other side of that coin: in addition to failing, things go Johnny the street racer is trying to leap from a train
very wrong. The exact details are completely left up to onto a sports car driven by his friend nearby. Johnny
the GM, allowing them complete narrative freedom, is proficient in Athletic Skill Rolls giving him an extra
but this book provides some common examples and 1d10. The GM determines that Johnny’s task is near
general parameters to use as a guide. impossible and gives him a Difficulty of 9. Johnny is
going to have to get seriously lucky and roll a 9 or 10
to succeed.
A Critical Success and Critical Failure’s effects can Johnny bites the bullet and rolls 2d10. Johnny rolls
vary as the GM decides. The only limits are the GM's two 1s! Johnny is in serious trouble. That’s a Critical
imagination. Failure.

Example Success include knocking down an opponent The GM rules that Johnny missed the car completely.
during an attack, completing a crafting project in half

Chapter 1

Johnny hits the ground rolling, reducing his Health to at it again. They'll have to go at it again to see if there
0 and knocking him out. He also breaks his leg which is any progress either way.
gives him a Condition increasing the Difficulty of all
Skill Rolls involving that leg until he gets the injury Example
treated. Allen is trying to outrun CJ through an alley. Both have
a 5 Difficulty. Allen and CJ both make a Skill Roll, and
both roll a 1, earning Critical Failures.
Sometimes opposed Critical can occur. This resolves The GM describes both of the stumbling through the
differently depending on the types of Criticals accrued. alley: CJ hip-checks a dumpster by accident, and
stumbles, falling on her face. Luckily for her, Allen
If one participant has a Critical Success and the other slips some on something gross and slick and careens
a Critical Failure, the effects will stack into a combined into some trash cans outside an Italian restaurant,
effect. Something bad happens with the failure, landing a pile of old rotten food. As he struggles to get
something good with the success. This is a dramatic up, CJ catches up to him, slips as well, and lands hard
victory for the Critical Success roller, and a on him. They both take 1 Damage.
catastrophic failure for the Critical Failure roller.
They both got hurt, fell, and are flat on their backs in
If both participants succeed with Critical Successes or this filthy alley. No one is technically on top, and both
Critical Failures, it is a tie. Ties are up to GM failed.


Dolores the gangster is getting ready to ambush a If two or more people are assisting someone
police officer actively searching for her from his attempting a Skill Roll, they may increase the chance
position behind his open car door he's using for cover. of success. Each person helping can attempt their
Trying to remain out of sight, she makes a Skill Roll to own Skill Roll and all Skill Rolls are made at the same
sneak up and rolls a 10. The officer tries a Skill Roll to time – each applying their best value. As long as one
discover Dolores' hiding place, rolling a 1. Success is rolled, the action is Successful.

That's a Critical Success and Critical Failure as those As many people can help as would be useful in the
were 1s and 10s. The GM states that not only does situation. In a case-by-case basis, the GM decides
the officer not notice Dolores, she can freely ambush how many cooks in the kitchen are too many. In
him without needing to roll a Skill Roll to attack. She addition, while Critical Success chance can increase,
does so, firing a short burst from her Tommy Gun The having a lot of untrained people bumbling around
bullets tear into the officer's shoulder and arm as he could result in a better chance of Critical Failures.
staggers back, completely off guard and badly Critical effects occur regardless of Success or Failure
wounded! of the task, meaning you can still succeed in making
the cake, but one of the cooks could come out with a
Example Critical Failure burned hand.
Olga the knight and Keisuke the samurai are facing off
on a roof, both trying to get the nearby Crown of Example
Stars. Neither able to score a win, they both make a Natalie the mechanic is working on a muscle car,
break and run for the crown. repairing a heavily damaged engine, an extraordinarily
difficult task with a Difficulty of 9. She is an expert in
The GM calls for Skill Rolls at Base Difficulty to an applicable Skill, so while she can roll 2d10, she
determine who acts first, and both roll a natural 10! can only succeed on a 9 or 10.
They both got a Critical Success!
However, Hugo, her fry-cook friend who is rather
With a Critical Success tie, the GM describes an epic handy, has stopped by to help. Hugo has some
tug-of-war that essentially resolves in no progress: mechanical experience as well, so he can also roll
Keisuke kicks the back of Olga's leg to drop her to one 2d10. Hugo can attempt to roll as well, also
knee, ripping the Crown from her hands before she succeeding on a 9 or 10. Even if Natalie fails, if Hugo
reaches a hand out to his leg and trips him, grabbing succeeds, the task is successful.

Chapter 1

likely be about 10% off, with perhaps up to 50% off on

Example a Critical Success (or maybe they lucked out for a
Chan-ri, Renuka, and Zelig are setting up a bear trap. special sale!).
It has a Difficulty of 5, nothing too special, but Chan-ri
wants to make sure it gets done. BURGLARY
Burglary, breaking and entering, picking locks, and
Chan-ri rolls an 8, more than enough. However her disarming security measures or traps are common
friends are still applying any effects from any potential activities, especially for characters who engage in
Critical Successes or Critical Failures. illegal activities. Successful Skill Rolls will disarm the
lock, trap, or alarm in question. Depending on the
Renuka gets a Critical Success on her Skill Roll with a quality of the security, it may take a Critical Failure or
10. The GM states that Renuka's help makes the trap a regular Failure to create a negative effect. In other
especially difficult to spot in the underbrush (secretly cases, it may just use up time – time for a security
increasing the Difficulty to spot it). guard to come around on their patrol or a camera to
pan back to them. In any case, a Critical Failure will
Zelig however, rolls a 1 – that's a Critical Failure. The almost certainly create a disaster of some sort.
trap was successful set, but the GM says that Zelig
cut his hand pretty badly during the setup and using it CRAFT
will impose a +1 Difficulty on all tasks until they rest Creating items requires a Skill Roll, but it also requires
and treat the wound. materials, tools, time, and sometimes special facilities.
It can takes minutes, hours, days, weeks, or more to
create an item depending on the type. Skill Rolls are
SKILL ROLLS IN GAMEPLAY made for activity periods for lengthy projects (ex: a 2
There are no restrictions to attempted actions in The hour session to cut and measure wood for building a
Harbingers Roleplaying Game. Creative players will rowboat would be one Skill Roll). Failure can mean
think of plenty of things to do, and the GM must minimal or no progress, while a Critical Failure could
determine what happens when that occurs. result in used up materials or damaging/ruining parts
of the item.
However, some common example actions are
provided below. This list is by no means exhaustive. DAMAGE OBJECT
The possibilities are endless. This Action lets a character deal Damage to an item.
Striking a held item is as difficult as striking the
AMBUSH wielder, like a normal combat Skill Roll. Success
If a character attacks from a hidden position, or means Damage is done to the item, rather than the
attacks a character completely off-guard, they can possessor. The GM may determine one attack is
gain an upper hand. This is commonly used to enough to break the object, or may require more than
knockout or kill someone surprised and may gain a one.
bonus to Damage or outright eliminate the target at
Characters will require Skill Rolls to successful see
ATTACK through deceit. In this case, the target Difficulty may
Attacking unarmed or with an object/weapon is a basic even be kept secret. If this fails, it is best for the GM to
combat Action, and is a common action taken in say the character is unsure, rather than specify
games with heavy conflict. Weapons and objects have anything specific – since the character is likely to
their own Damage ratings, but basic unarmed assume a failure on a low Skill Roll even if the target is
Damage is 1d4. Using a ranged weapon against an hidden, this may be too telling if intent is to be properly
adjacent target generally incurs a +1 Difficulty, while shielded. Even on a success, it is unlikely a character
reloading can cause an Interruption. will learn specifics, but they can determine that
“something” is off or the target in question is shifty in
BARTER some manner.
In most Settings, bargaining or trying to persuade
merchants or clerks to grant a deal is something DISARM
Players may commonly attempt. While the GM may A disarm action is done with a normal combat Skill
decide the final price savings, a common result will

Chapter 1

Roll. On success, the target is disarmed, and the an issue – such as diffusing tensions, demanding
attacker decides where the weapon ends up within a surrender, or other similar high stakes conversation. It
reasonable distance, including at the attacker's feet. requires an Action and a Skill Roll during Scenes to
attempt parley. In any case, any attempt at
DRIVE/PILOT/RIDE persuasion, intimidation, deception, or similar act is up
Normally, assuming a character has the basic to the GM and will depend on the individuals involved
operational knowledge, driving a vehicle or riding a and the context of the conversation.
properly domesticated animal requires no Skill Roll. If
they are untrained and totally unfamiliar, the GM may PERFORMANCE
require a basic Skill Roll to understand basic Playing music, dancing, and other activities generally
operation/how to get the animal to move. Outside of do not require a Skill Roll for a trained individual.
that, a Skill Roll is generally only required when When the quality is in question, or when a
attempting a complicated maneuver, a trick, racing, or performance is being evaluated or judged, a Skill Roll
when chasing/fleeing someone or something. might be called for. In this case, reaching the Base
Difficulty assumes a successful performance – to the
ESCAPING/BREAKING FREE extent of the user's logical ability. Reaching an
Breaking a grapples or grabs, and wiggling out or expected level of quality may require a higher
untying ropes and bonds is common in dangerous Difficulty.
Stories. A successful Skill Roll is normally necessary
to escape a grapple or a binding. Escaping from being PHYSICAL ACTIVITIES
tied up or locked in chains in most cases will involve Running, climbing, jumping, swimming, and other
multiple rounds or multiple Skill Rolls. athletic or physical actions are common activities.
Simple ones do not require Skill Rolls, but if there is a
GRAB ITEM danger, extraordinary circumstance, or a competition –
To grab onto an item from an opponent or unwilling a Skill Roll might be called for. In dangerous
source, a normal combat Skill Roll is made. If the situations, failing could result in Damage, negative
attacker succeeds, the item is grabbed. To actually Conditions, or even in extreme circumstances: the
take it away from the user will require another Skill death of the character.
GRAPPLE/WRESTLE A pinned character must first be grappled, grabbed,
To grapple, a combat Skill Roll must be made. If the knocked down, or otherwise weakened. Once a
attacker succeeds, the defender can’t move until they character is pinned, they cannot do anything except
escape, but they can still do almost anything else. try to escape.

KNOCKDOWN Pinned characters can easily be bound with ropes,

This action represents an attempt to knockdown, chains, or handcuffs with another Action. If they are
hinder, or otherwise off-balance a character. When a actively resisting, another Skill Roll will be necessary
character is knocked down, they cannot spend move to apply the binding.
or benefit from an Interruption during an Encounter
until they spend an Action to get up. PUSH
Some characters may want to push, throw, tackle, or
KNOCKOUT knock back a target. A successful push attack with a
Sometimes characters will wish to pull their punches Skill Roll could knock a character away at the GM’s
and avoid killing someone in a fight. Most weapons discretion. This kind of action is especially useful for
are capable of inflicting less-than-lethal wounds or knocking danger away or an enemy into a hazard.
may be used to target non-critical areas. If reduced to
0 Health using a non-lethal approach, they fall RECALL KNOWLEDGE
unconscious and no Damage will move into Characters will often try to remember or recall
Threshold. information. A successful Skill Roll should grant the
knowledge – as close to what the character could
PARLEY possibly recall.
Parley refers to any negotiations between two sides in

Chapter 1

Research is a common activity regardless of Setting – Characters may attempt to steal from people or
be it the library, the internet, or asking around. establishments. Success of the Skill Roll ensures the
Researching via materials like books and computers is object is obtained or secured without detection. In
more academic, but research by asking around relies some cases, it is possible the theft will be partially
on social Skills. In either case, time spent and a successful – some characters may be more observant
successful Skill Roll will generate information – if it and notice the theft while others remain ignorant. The
exists. price of failure will vary significantly depending on who
catches them and the context of the situation.
Characters will often want to search people, places, TAKE COVER
and things. In this case, a Skill Roll will reveal most Characters subjected to bombardments and ranged
common hidden people/objects. A successful search threat, from volcanic rock, to gunfire, to explosions will
might not reveal everything – some things might have often want to take cover. Generically, taking cover will
a higher Difficulty, and a character could find a hidden provide a +1 Difficulty and reduce Difficulty by 1 to
letter in the desk while being blissfully unaware of the mitigate ranged threats and assist in avoiding
secret latch or trap door by the fireplace. damage. Unfortunately, being immobile behind cover
can make one vulnerable, and dangers or close range
SOLVE PUZZLE attacks from an unprotected side flips the result –
Players are not their characters – if a character is attackers have Difficulty reduced by 1, and any active
extremely good at puzzle solving, it's not unfair for evasion has its Difficulty increased by 1.
Players to want their characters to try to figure it out
based on the character's experience and knowledge. TARGETTED STRIKE
Even if getting the answer is not possible, if the Sometimes characters will want to attack specific parts
Difficulty is met, the character should get a hint or of a character for a penalty. Normally this will just
clue. mean if they hit, they hit the specific area for damage
and nothing unique happens (a head shot is a scraped
SOCIALIZE cheek if the Damage is low).
Small talk doesn't require any Skill Rolls, and most
conversations do not require a Skill Roll. But It is up to the Game Master if targeting a certain
sometimes socialization has a goal – commonly, creature/object grants any real additional bonus due to
making a better impression or securing a connection circumstance. If that is the case, a modest penalty can
with a person or creature. In this case, a successful be applied to the attack equivalent to the positive
Skill Roll (usually around a Skill like Persuasion) will effect such a targeted attack would make.
make that impact.

Characters may wish to hide or sneak to avoid
detection. A successful Skill Roll will give them their
goal provided the environment allows it. However,
even if successful against some people, others may
still notice them. However, a failure to meet the set
Difficulty of the circumstance assures that even if the
character thinks they are hidden, they are not.

Chapter 1

Skill Roll Difficulties

-2 (3) Simple Making an easy throw, jumping a small gap, disarming a rudimentary trap
-1 (4) Easy Solving a puzzle with ample hints, fixing a simply designed machine
5 Average (Default) Searching a room, tackling someone, making repairs, most normal actions
+1 (6) Hard Fixing a car in the dark, swimming in choppy waters
+2 (7) Extreme Creating an antidote for a deadly poison, disarming an custom bomb

Chapter 1

Chapter 1

Sometimes, such as during a crisis, chase, or fight, an A Round is defined as the time period in which all of
Encounter is used to stage action better. Encounters the characters are performing actions at (roughly) the
are composed of several steps, called Turns and same time. The exact duration can vary, but lasts long
Rounds. Each Round, every character gets a Turn. enough for all characters to perform one significant
Action. The Turn order of a character in an Encounter
This lets everyone act in a time-sensitive or action- is determined by the GM. Certain Traits may augment
packed sequence. As mentioned, this is used for this.
chase scenes, physical conflicts, races, working under
a time limit, or other similar scenarios. A Turn is a character’s actions during the Round in
question. When a character’s Turn comes around,
The basics of an Encounter are below: they may also choose to wait to delay their Turn. By
waiting, they can choose to intervene at any time
1. DETERMINE TURN ORDER another character finishes his/her Turn. Taking “half-
Unless Traits or Techniques dictate otherwise, every turns” is not allowed. Turns cannot be saved over to
character rolls Encounter Order (1d10) which the next Round.
determines who gets their Turns in what order they act
in a given Round, highest to lowest. In the case of ties, Example
the GM picks the order. This order does not normally Domingo and Molly are getting into a fist-fight after a
change and remains for the Encounter. heated argument. The Game Master calls for an
Encounter since they intend on fighting each other,
2. CHARACTERS TAKE ACTION and has each make an Encounter Order roll. Neither
Characters take Turns in order. Characters can have special Traits or any other effect on them to
perform any activities with their Action. Effects that adjust the roll, so they both roll 1d10. Molly and
characters are under take effect or resolve at the end Domingo both get a 6!
of their Turn.
The first Round starts. Neither party is off-guard.
3. ROUND IS RESOLVED However, Molly is quicker so the GM gives her the first
Make sure everyone has gone, any Health loss or Turn.
Ability usage has been checked, and items used have
been deducted. Start a new Round after any end of Domingo will get to go after Molly. They will repeat
Round effects taking place as needed. that order until the situation changes or the fight is
An Encounter Order roll utilizes 1d10 and shows at ROUND & TURN EFFECTS
which place the character will act, with the highest If a character is under a detrimental or beneficial effect
number going first. Certain Traits or Techniques can that lasts multiple Turns/Rounds, that affect is applied
alter this. at the end (unless otherwise specified). Any duration
effects in Turns/Rounds are decremented at that time
In the case of a tie, the GM determines which as well.
character goes first based on the scenario. If
uncertain, GMs are welcome to default to PCs first. If it is a Turn-based effect, such as a poison, it applies
its effect and counts down by 1 at the end of the
In certain situations, especially with larger groups of affected target's turn. If it's a Round effect that doesn't
characters or in groups with a massive amount of affect a particular character, such as a smoke
participants it may make more sense to determine grenade, it applies its effect and counts down by 1 at
Encounter Order by group. In this case, one the end of everyone's Turn before the next turn-cycle.
Encounter Order roll is made for the group.

Chapter 1

(unarmed attacks, by default, deal 1d4 Damage).

ACTION IN A TURN While all weapons use a single Action to attack,
A character's Turn is limited by an Action. An Action certain weapons might have other attack modes or
indicates what a character can and cannot do in a properties that can be used. Artillery or stationary
Round. A character can perform one complicated heavy weapons might prevent movement or inflict
Action in a Turn at no penalty, but may do many other other restrictions when using them. Using a ranged,
things, including move. Minor or trivial activities do not non-thrown weapon will cause a +1 Difficult in melee
cost an Action, but complex and involved actions do. combat.
Common Action usage PCs and NPCs may take are Players will often attempt targeted attacks: those are
described in this book. Any question about to whether normally treated as normal attacks, but if a Critical
doing something particularly unusual actually takes an Success is made, the effect will occur on the targeted
Action is up to the GM. Anything a character does, location. It is possible for other effects to occur
whether it costs an Action or not, may call for a Skill depending on GM discretion.
Roll if success is uncertain. In some cases, failing a
Skill Roll may end a Turn early, depending on the CONVERSE (Action)
circumstance. While banter, quips, commands, signals, and one-
liners are not considered an Action and may be used
ENCOUNTER ACTIONS out of turn liberally, any attempt at engaging
A Round in the Harbingers has no set duration. On conversation, diplomacy, or intimidation during an
average, a Round is about 10-20 seconds, but there is Encounter should be considered an Action. As a
no hard set rule. A character’s actions are limited by general rule of thumb, any dialogue that requires a
the series of Actions rather than a unit of time, and Skill Roll and can influence the outcome of an
time can be relative in a chaotic situation. Encounter (gaining allies, causing enemies to
flee/surrender) should be considered an Action.
There are essentially a limitless choice of actions that
can be attempted during an Encounter. Characters will ESCAPE (Action)
want to try both basic and unique maneuvers during Escape is used to get out of a grapple, binding
an Encounter. maneuver, or to force someone to let go of something
you are holding. A successful Skill Roll is normally
Sometimes players will wish to do things that are necessary to break the grapple/bind. Escaping from
trivial, and those do not count cost their Action. In being tied up or locked in chains in most cases will
most cases, however, they still require it to be a involve multiple rounds or multiple Skill Rolls.
character's Turn. These do not cost a character their
Action, and are completely free. However, performing HEAL (Action)
a minor action more than once may cause it to cost an Using healing items generally requires an Action. This
Action at GM discretion. can include items such as first-aid kits, magical
potions, or anything that restores Health, Ability, or
Below are some sample common actions taken during cures a negative Condition.
Encounters. Most are resolved with normal Skill Rolls,
just as outside an Encounter. When performing an MOVEMENT (Free)
Encounter action that requires Action usage or a Skill It is possible to move for free once per turn before,
Roll, the action must be declared before Skill Rolls are after, or while performing a different Action. Most
made. humanoids can generally move up to 10 meters on
their Turn. A character can stop at any point to use
For actions not listed here, the GM determines their Action. There is no penalty for breaking up
whether it costs an Action. Players can become quite movement with an Action. Penalties may apply for
creative. The listing here should cover most normal running or moving in poor environments at the GM’s
situations, however. discretion. Skill Rolls are generally not required for
normal movement, but top speed running or crossing
ATTACK (Action) obstacles may utilize them. Keep in mind that
This is for any sort of an attack or combat maneuver characters that are moving cautiously will move slower
you make with a weapon or unarmed combat than other characters – roughly about half as fast.

Chapter 1

container that holds a massive amount of items will

PICK-UP/PUT-DOWN OBJECT (Varies) definitely take an Action. However, it generally
This option allows a character to pick up or nicely put shouldn't require a Skill Roll to pull out items on the
down an object. Depending on the size of the item, character's person.
and the care the character has, this could be free or
cost an Action. TALK/GESTURE (Free)
You are allowed to offer brief commands, advice,
Dropping anything, grabbing a bottle of a bar as part threats, taunts, or verbal nonsense at any point for
of an attack, picking up a rock at the character's feet, free. This is usually allowed during other character’s
picking up a vase on a table, or pulling a torch off the Turns as well without restriction.
wall are considered free and do not cost an Action.
In addition to verbal, you can make gestures to your
Fetching and readying a disarmed weapon, gently comrades or opponents. These should also be
placing down a glass sculpture, or lifting a heavy rock allowed during other character’s Turns.
to toss it aside would be considered an Action. While
you can always drop an object for no Action, that may The GM can stop conversations if they get too long,
be a problem if the object is fragile. however. This is especially true if the time delay
between giving information is critical to the situation
READY (Action) and Encounter.
In some cases, the character may wish to wait for a
specific situation or trigger to occur. Readying a USE COMPLEX OBJECT (Action)
specific action is an Action itself, and will occur as an A character may use a difficult or time-consuming item
Interruption when the conditions are met. For with this, such as involved magical items, operating a
example, throwing the gate switch closed when your computer, vehicle, or other piece of involved
last friend passes through. Keep in mind that any machinery. Locking or using an item to barricade a
actions that are normally free cost an Action door would also fall in this category. In most cases this
regardless when readied. takes the character's entire turn and depletes their
Action. In some cases, this can take multiple Turns as
RELOAD WEAPON (Action) well.
Weapons that have ammunition can run out. If they
do, the weapon is ineffective until it is reloaded. The USE SIMPLE OBJECT (Free)
actual base time to reload a weapon depends on the A character may use a relatively quick and simple
weapon in question. Unless stated otherwise in the item, such as opening/closing entryways, activating a
weapon's details, a weapon with an ammo count takes wall switch or lever, turning on a flashlight, or
an Action to reload. Reloading next to an enemy will something like that like for free.
normally cause an Interruption.
SEARCH/INVESTIGATE (Action) Most Techniques use an Action. Some may use none
Searching, investigating, or examining something at all. Some Techniques may require certain
closely during an Encounter will cost an Action. It is conditions or have certain restrictions.
possible, depending on the situation, that a full search
may take multiple Turns. WITHDRAW/RETREAT (Action)
Withdrawing allows a character to safely move away
TAKE OUT/PUT AWAY OBJECT (Varies) from an opponent/hazard near them. Moving without
A character may pull out or put items away on their spending the Action may result in an Interruption at the
person. Most sheathed or holstered weapons can be GM’s discretion. After withdrawing, the character may
drawn as part of the attack or for free at any time. move as normal, allowing them to put as much
Easily accessible items in pouches or pockets should distance between them and their attacker as possible.
also be free.
For items in packs or hidden away, this can Kiko was exploring the sewer tunnels of a ruined
sometimes take an Action. Pulling out small items research facility and turned the corner to come face to
shoved in a backpack or digging around in a magical face with a mutant rat the size of a collie dog that

Chapter 1

drops down about 3 meters away. Combat is about to operating a computer terminal might take the entire
start and the GM calls for an Encounter. Kiko is ready. Turn and notable concentration, so perhaps the player
can only use their offhand for a single attack or similar
The GM decides Kiko’s turn comes first. She decides Action.
she will pull a crowbar out of her pack, walk up, and
smack the rat. Example
Agent Ramirez is using a semi-automatic handgun to
Pulling out the crowbar is a free action, as it was fight a spy. It costs her an Action to fire the gun, and
hanging off the pack ready to be drawn. Moving up to she's in a bad situation. She wants to open up with
the rat is also trivial since it's close. Actually attacking multiple shots.
the rat is her Action.
Ramirez decides to fire twice for a second Action. She
Kiko makes a Skill Roll to attack the rat with her deducts two ammo from her gun, and makes two Skill
crowbar. She rolls Damage, and her blow wounds the Rolls: both shots have a +1 Difficulty.
Kiko has finished her Action and her Turn is over. Tara is looking up important data for her employer in
Now, the rat will go, and then that will end the Round. an enemy corporation’s building. While operating the
After the rat is finished (assuming it is still alive), Kiko console, she's keeping a sharp eye out for the guards
can go again. chasing after her, actively searching around.

Tara is in a tough situation and needs to split her

MULTIPLE ACTIONS attention. She will make a Skill Roll to do her
Using multiple Actions within a Turn is a way to get the research, and another to search around. Trying to
most out of your Turn in return for a penalty to Skill concentrate on both tasks means an +1 Difficulty for
Rolls. Essentially, it consists of performing more than both – her researching ability is hindered and she's
one major activity at the same time in an Encounter. more likely to miss anyone sneaking up on her.
Multiple Actions, doing two or more regular Actions in Example
a turn at the same time or in quick succession, are Cory is escaping an underground laboratory. He
treated as a single Action, though all Skill Rolls are wants to open a door while firing back at a guard
handled separately. It increases the Difficulty of all chasing him.
Skill Rolls by +1 per additional Action. Taking two
Actions during a Turn will grant a +1 Difficulty to all He spends the Action to fire his gun and he also
Skill Rolls. If attempting three Actions, the penalty opens the door. He receives no penalty to his Skill
would increase to +2 Difficulty for all Actions. The GM Roll to attack as normal as opening the door is not
is the final arbiter of how many Actions are possible considered an Action.
during a given Turn, but once the maximum Difficulty
of 10 is reached no further Actions can be taken. Example
Manny is in a gang fight, and is wielding a switchblade
For example, attacking twice consecutively with a and a length of pipe. He need to thin the numbers, so
sword, performing a computer hack with one hand he focuses on offense.
while firing with a pistol with the other, or picking a lock
while deciphering a cryptogram are all possible ideas Manny wants to moves up to his opponent and lash
for performing multiple Actions. out with abandon. Manny swings the pipe and
switchblade twice each in a flurry of attacks for 4
While doing more than one Action is an attractive Actions, resulting in a +3 Difficulty for each strike –
option, it can be dangerous to overuse it. Multiple bringing his Difficulty up to 10 with his opponents
Actions don't really matter if none of them are defenses. A risky maneuver, but one with potential
successful, and if the Difficulty is pushed too high a great returns.
Critical Success will become impossible.
Manny does not do too well, unfortunately, missing the
It is up to the GM’s discretion whether or not certain first two and rolling a 10 on his third attack. Manny's
combinations of Actions are possible. For example,

Chapter 1

final strike hits – but because he maximized his attacking her with a Bowie knife at melee range.
Difficulty, it is not a Critical Success.
If Cassidy throws a punch, there is no problem.
However, if she were to attempt to reload her weapon,
INTERRUPTIONS the bandit would get a free Interruption.
Interruptions are free actions gained by a character
out of Turn order. They represent a character taking
advantage of a situation or careless individual. MOVEMENT
Its normally costs no Action to initiate movement in an
When a character gains an Interruption, they can Encounter. A character may usually move up to
perform one action for free, even if it normally costs an around 10 meters/yards (~30 feet) at no cost. Non-
Action. This can be an escape, moving, using an item, humanoids can have different base adjustments than
an attack, or even a Technique. The GM may limit the humanoids and may have different starting movement
options for the type of action based on the scenario. ranges. Certain environments may reduce this at the
GM's discretion (ex: mud or deep snow), or even
Some common opportunities for a GM to call for an increase it (ex: an escalator or platform).
Interruption are below. Whether or not an Interruption
occurs is the sole discretion of the GM (unless a Sometimes extreme movement is called for. If it is
Technique creates one), and can only be inserted into unknown if moving a certain distance is possible in a
the Round by the GM. single Turn, character can use an Action to run further
(usually doubling it). Characters that are cornered or in
INTERRUPTION EXAMPLES danger may also need to use their Action to move and
• Environmental effects such as a loud escape.
noise/distraction or a trap.
• Reloading a weapon while right next to an Swimming, crawling, and other actions tend to reduce
attacking opponent. movement range. Generally, this results in halving the
• Readying an action to do something when a character's movement. Additional penalties may apply
specific trigger occurs. depending on environmental conditions.
• Leaving melee with an opponent engaged
with you without withdrawing, unless someone A character may move during a Turn, perform another
else is also attacking that person in melee. Action, and move again at no penalty.
• Attacking someone not engaged with you
while you are already engaged with a hostile Movement Ranges
• Running past someone who is hostile without Very Slow 3
engaging them. Slow 5
• Effects due to Critical Successes or Critical Average (Default) 10
Fast 15
Example Very Fast 20
Lee Rogers is being attacked by a guard dog while
trying to sneak into a drug lord’s mansion. During the Example
combat, Lee is wounded badly, and decides his only Lord Kellan is fleeing an assassin that infiltrated his
chance is to run full speed for the fence nearby and keep through the sewers. Kellan runs into him in the
hop over it. hallway just outside of his bedroom and Kellan reacts
first. He quickly runs into his bedroom and stops just
Because Lee immediately breaks combat and starts to inside the doorway. He turns, closes and locks the
run, the guard dog gets an Interruption on him. The door. He can do all that with a single Action.
dog makes an immediate Skill Roll to attack, lunging
at the intruder as he makes his frantic escape. However, Kellan then wants to run over to the secret
door beside his bed. That would cause him to move
Example quite a long distance. The GM tells Kellan that will
Cassidy finished emptying her revolver at a bandit mean he is doing two Actions in a Turn, so he must
make a Skill Roll at +2 Difficulty making it 7. Kellan

Chapter 1

rolls, getting an 8 and succeeds! He reaches the Difficulty so a 6 is good enough.

secret door, opens it, and jumps down, ending his
Turn. Jake's Player rolls 1d6 to determine damage, ending
up with a 5. The ninja has nothing to reduce the
Damage and suffers the full brunt of the attack,
TECHNIQUES reducing his Health from 10 to 5.
Techniques are an assortment of unique moves,
spells, or abilities that characters posses. Each The GM then describes Jake's success for role-
Technique has unique parameters, so there are no playing terms and imagery. Jake's kick connects and
hard and fast rules for how they work during staggers the ninja back. The ninjas is battered and
Encounters. Some may also last for a whole bruised, but still alive and ready to fight.
Encounter, or even an entire Scene in the game.
Jake has now used up his Action. This ends his turn,
Techniques may or may not cost an Action, but all with the martial artist clearing having the upper hand
Techniques use Ability. Ability is a resource available against his opponent.
to all characters, and can can be restored in a variety
of ways, including resting. Now, it is the ninja’s turn. The ninja will operate in the
same manner, spending his Action in an attempt to
An Encounter may start slow at first with new players
or a new Game Master, but once the basics are in After the ninja’s turn is over, Jake gets another shot!
hand it becomes a very smooth-flowing and quick

The following is an example of an average combat


Jake, a human martial artist, is fighting a ninja in a city
park. The ninja just dropped from a tree and landed
next to Jake.

Jake saw the ninja coming, and the ninja thought he

was unseen. Given this, the GM asks for an
Encounter Order roll. Neither of them have a Trait that
comes into play her, so both roll 1d10. Jake gets an 8,
and the ninja gets a 4, so Jake goes first!

Jake has to decide how to use his Action. He is an

expert in using unarmed combat, and it costs an
Action to make an unarmed attack. He decides to
spend his Action for an attack.

Jake, describing his attacks to the Game Master,

attempts a roundhouse kick.

He has an extra 1d10 due to his Skill, and his

improved unarmed strikes do 1d6 Damage.

Jake needs to hit first. Jake rolls 2d10 and gets a 4

and a 6. The Ninja has nothing to increase the

Chapter 1


HEALTH & DAMAGE Hazard Examples
A character's well-being is measured by their Health. HAZARD TYPE DAMAGE
Health is a relative indicator – a character may be Collision, Damaging 1d8
recovering from injuries or bruised and in pain and still Collision, Deadly 1d10
have full Health. Collision, Extreme 1d12
Collision, Weak 1d6
Health is a measure of a characters general well-
Decompression 1d8
being. Whenever a character suffers Damage, they
lose Health. If a character runs out of Health, the Drowning/Suffocation 1d4
remainder bleeds into their Health Threshold. If they Fall, Deadly 1d12
exceed their Threshold, they are dead. Fall, Dangerous 1d10
Fall, Short 1d8
The Damage number rolled by a source is how many Fire/Chemical Burns, Deadly 1d10
points of Damage are dealt. High caliber firearms, Fire/Chemical Burns, Minor 1d4
huge swords and axes, and being struck by a Trap, Capture 1d4
speeding vehicle would entail high Damage. Short
Trap, Harmful 1d8
falls, knives, unarmed strikes, and staff strikes would
have a low Damage. Trap, Lethal 1d12

Unarmed attacks, by default, deal 1d4 Damage. DAMAGE REDUCTION

Weapons generally have assigned Damage listed in Sometimes a source of protection, such as equipment,
the equipment chapter later in this book. If the items, Techniques, Traits, or other effects may reduce
character takes damage from a hazard or the Damage. If this occurs, the Damage value received is
environment, the GM is free to assign a Damage reduced by the total from all valid sources.
rating to the event as they see fit. This includes things
such as being hit by a car or falling from a building. If Damage would be reduced below 1, 1 Damage is
Some examples are provided below. still inflicted. Damage can never be reduced below 1.


A reduction in Health represents bodily damage or
Weak 1d4 Dart, Punch, Small Rock health loss. Damage reduces Health, and the amount
Light 1d6 Dagger, Light Shock, Spear of Health lost is equal to the Damage dealt, unless
Moderate 1d8 Bear Trap, Pistol, Sword other factors are involved as described in later
Heavy 1d10 Dangerous Fall, Severe Burn chapters. If at any time Damage needs to be rounded,
Severe 1d12 Chainsaw, Deadly Crash it is rounded down to a minimum of 1.

When a character is reduced to 0 Health, they are

Incapacitated. Any overflow Damage is dealt to their
Health Threshold.

Incapacitated characters are incapable of doing

anything until they regain 1 Health and are considered
unconscious. When a character is restored to 1 Health
or greater by resting, items, or Techniques, they
recover and are no longer Incapacitated.

A character's Threshold is the total amount of extra

Damage a character can suffer before being dead and
is half of the character's maximum Health. If a

Chapter 1

character still as Threshold remaining, they are near Object Damaging Examples
death, but are still alive. When Health is restored, the
Health Threshold does not recover. The Health
Threshold is only restored when it is explicitly Armored, Heavy 8
mentioned. Armored, Light 6
Object Condition, Poor 4
Death is more or less permanent unless certain Object Condition, Terrible 2
Techniques, Traits, or items can bring someone back. Weapon/Tool Perfect 10
Normal Healing Skill Rolls can't revive dead Weapon/Tool Efficient 8
characters. Weapon/Tool Ineffective 3
Weapon/Tool Useless 1
Emily and Ego are fighting a group of gangers on the
streets of New Seattle. She has 12 Health, and HEALING BASICS
therefore 6 Threshold. She's taken 10 Damage over When people take Damage, they must heal. Health
the course of a fight and only has 2 Health left. She's represents the overall damage a character or creature
attacked again with a sledgehammer. It deals 6 can take, though a character with full Health might still
Damage! be in pain, have injuries, or otherwise not be in tip-top
This will put Emily below 0 Health – she is now
Incapacitated. She removes the 2 remaining Health, As a generalized value of overall well being, healing is
which means 4 goes into her Threshold She has 2 accomplished by resting. Specific injuries suffered
Threshold left and is in a bad situation. from events, Critical Successes/Failures, or
Techniques, however, must be recovered with items or
Emily is near death now, but won't die unless she is skills.
dealt more Damage before rest or medical treatment
restores her Health. Her ally, Ego, is up next. Ego now Restoring Health does not rejuvenate Health
has the option to try to go to Emily to restore her Threshold. Any Threshold loss is recovered separately
Health with his medical kit to put her back in the fight, – meaning someone with a near-empty Threshold
or attempt to finish the gangers himself. could be killed instantly if returning to fight and
reduced to 0 Health again.
While Ego can restore Health, he doesn't have any
items or Techniques that restore Threshold. If Emily Most creatures can generally recover their Health and
were to be revived and lose 4 Threshold again as well Health Threshold with resting. Resting is any
as the rest of her Health, she would be killed. downtime in which the character can sleep, relax, or
rest in leisure.
Objects can take damage just like creatures. They do Medical items and Techniques are the quickest way to
not recover naturally though, and have no abilities to restore Health. Healing items are generally
reduce damage. Damaged objects must be repaired. consumable, but Techniques can be used as often as
Volatile objects are prone to exploding if severe Ability is refreshed. If restored Health is ever rounded,
damage is dealt to them. it's rounded down to a minimum of 1.

Object durability can vary as well. While it is Example

impossible to list every Difficulty for every item, some Damon the bard, Killian the herbalist, and Aileen the
common adjustments are provided in the table below. barbarian are ambushed by elven raiders on the road.
GMs are encouraged to use them as general At the end of the fight, Damon has one Ability left,
guidelines. Killian and Aileen have none. Damon's health is 8/10,
Killians is 8/8, and Aileen's is 2/12.

If they had time, they could take a rest and fully

recover. However, they hear more raiders incoming
and have little time to react.

Chapter 1

Killian has healing Techniques, but no Ability, and
Aileen has no healing Techniques. Damon does have Recovery Guidelines
both healing Techniques and one Ability. He uses a
mystical chant and makes a Skill Roll to restore health
to Aileen and himself, succeeding and returning 5 total Health Rest, Items, Techniques
Health to both. Ability Rest, Items, Techniques
Threshold Rest, Items, Techniques
This fully heals Damon, but Aileen is still at 7/12. Specific Injury Skill Roll, Techniques, Time
Luckily for Aileen, Killian might be out of Ability, but he
still has his healing satchel. It restores 1d4 Health on Example
a successful usage. Killian starts bandaging up Aileen Irina is infiltrating an enemy facility. She has 10/10
while Damon sings. Aileen heals 4 more from the kit, Health and 10/10 Ability. She sneaks through and
bringing her to 11/12. things seem to be going smoothly at first, but a guard
catches her eventually.
As the raiders are upon them, that will have to do. The
group gets ready to fight, short on Ability but mostly in During the fight, she takes a wound, bringing her to
fighting shape. 8/10. She also uses a couple Techniques, taking her
down to 7/10 Ability. She continues her infiltration.
Ability is a consumable pool used to activate She comes across a locked door. She could normally
Techniques. Ability represents a character's stamina, make a normal Skill Roll, but she does have an auto-
vigor, and focus. hack Technique that instantly opens any electronic
door or disables any electronic alarm with a simple
Activating a Technique costs an Ability. Each use of a Skill Roll quickly. Since guards are constantly
Technique takes an Ability, even if multiple Techniques patrolling, she decides to spend an Ability. She's now
are done in single Turn. at 6/10.

Ability is restored when resting. Like with Health, Nearing her goal, she has to fight a commander
resting will restore it completely. Certain items, Traits, guarding the computer she needs to access. She
or other Techniques can also refresh Ability. goes into the conflict with 8/10 Health and 6/10 Ability.
After defeating the commander, losing the rest of her
Ability and 5 more Health, an alarm sounds – she has
RECOVERY PROCESS no chance to recover any Health or Ability from resting
The main recovery force for living creatures is time. as she runs for her life.
The GM is free to restore Health/Ability at will to
characters in cinematic or dramatic moments, but Returning back to headquarters, Irina takes a nap in
generally speaking, there should be be time spent. her bunk. She sleeps for about 45 minutes before her
meeting with her superiors – the GM informs her she
Health, Ability, and Threshold are recovered after any has recovered her Health and Ability. She's not
rest period. Generally, rest need to be an hour, and healed, she's still sore and her wounds are still
have no threat, tension, or complications in play. After present, but she's feeling better and her stamina has
a “rest” period, all points are restored. returned.

Keep in mind, a character with full “Health” might still

be in pain or sore. Physical wounds don't heal
instantly from taking a rest, true recovery takes quite a Conditions are lasting effects that occur from a
long time for most creatures. Health is simply a Technique, a Critical Success, a Critical Failure, or an
representation of “overall condition” and characters environmental or situational effect. Conditions last on
who were just in a fight might have some of their a character until fixed or enough time has passed, and
energy back, but that biting pain in the ankle from a are unique – either an effect dictated by a Technique,
nasty fall or the bandaged up arm from a sword strike or an effect created by the GM.
are going to be throbbing and painful for some time to
Positive Conditions can be inspiration, medical

Chapter 1

enhancements, or magical strength. Positive Difficulties that use his hands and makes it impossible
Conditions generally grant bonuses to Skill Rolls or to use two-handed tools and weapons. The police
increased Resistances. Positive Conditions generally arrive and call in an ambulance for him. EMTs arrive
always have a set of amount of time or a trigger that and Ricky is transferred to the hospital. He rests until
will end the effect – as characters will generally never the next day.
seek to end them by choice.
The next day, Ricky starts to heal his wounds. His
Negative Conditions can be injuries, illnesses, fatigue, Health and Ability points are restored. He regains the
or demoralization just to name a few. Negative ability to move around and perform actions now, but
Conditions often grant Skill Roll penalties and lowered he is still in very bad shape.
Resistances. Certain negative Conditions may take
multiple Skill Rolls or extended time to heal or recover As for his arm, the GM rolls a Skill Roll for the doctors
from (at least enough to ignore the penalties). The and have his Condition treated. They easily succeed,
exact time depends entirely on the type of Condition so the GM says his arm will heal fully later on. He gets
and the GM's decree. Certain Healing Techniques can a cast on, and while he can't use his broken arm, the
instantly remove negative Conditions. Difficulty penalty is removed.

Example Ricky's full Health and Ability let him take Damage
Ricky has recently taken a severe beating from a and use Techniques again. Later at the GM's
renegade cyborg during a fight in an alley. Just as he discretion after time has passed, Ricky can remove
drops, the cyborg hears police sirens in the distance, the cast and more or less use his arm normally as it
and immediately escapes. finishes healing.

Ricky is lying in the alley, half-dead and incapacitated.

He has 0 out of 10 Health and has 3 out of 5
Threshold. He suffered a Condition from a Critical
Success and broke his arm which gives him a +1 to all

Game Mastering
Chapter 2


THE GAME MASTER When creating a Story, the GM should have a general
Being a Game Master is a very rewarding experience, theme in mind. Some GMs prefer lots of pre-game
though it does require a good understanding of the planning, while others are good at improvising. Every
rules and more planning than the Players require. Game Master should do it how they feel they work
While they do not have a character that is specifically best. It is important, however, to maintain consistency
their own, they in-fact control every other character in so as not to confuse the Players.
the game.

This chapter is especially important for those THE JUDGE

interested in being a Game Master, and provides The Game Master’s second primary duty is to be the
techniques and tips to doing an effective job. rules arbiter and decision maker. Being a Game
Master generally requires a good grasp of the rules in
this book, as well as the judgment to make calls on
THE NARRATOR rules in confusing or nebulous areas.
The first primary duty of a Game Master is to be the
narrator and storyteller of the game. The Game It may help to keep bookmarks in the rule book, have
Master creates and maintains the world, the people, cheat-sheets with important information, summaries of
and the places. The Game Master describes the plot notes, and NPC statistics at hand at all times.
scenery, determines the results of all characters, and Don't be afraid to look up or make up what you need
controls the actions of the characters not controlled by depending on the situation at hand.
the Players.

has asked the Players to create characters that aren’t
STORIES & CHAPTERS gangsters. Police, journalists, crime victims, vigilantes,
Like a novel, a good roleplaying game has as solid private detectives, and academics are suggested
story. This Story, also called a campaign or plot, is professions. The Players agree.
what the game play revolves around. Theses Stories
are similar to the plot of a novel or movie. However, a Marcy decides to lay out a very major story line. She
Story could also be incredibly short, more akin to a decides the main Story will involve a gangster boss
written short story. Stories like that rarely have named Mario Rizzo, a massive, brutal man who runs
Chapters (but will still have Scenes and Encounters). a boot-legging, opium, and human trafficking to and
from foreign countries including Europe and Asia.
A Chapter is a section of the Story, like that of a novel,
or a certain set of scenes within a movie, or the acts of She also ties in one of the character’s personal
a play and will contain Scenes the Players' characters backgrounds. One of the Player Characters is a
will drive, and possibly tense Encounters mixed in. A dockworker from New York who’s brother was
Story’s length is decided only by the planning of the kidnapped by Mario’s gang and is currently missing.
Game Master and the actions of the Players, so The dockworker now has a personal hook into the
Chapter length can also vary accordingly. Story as well.
Example Marcy’s next big decision is how to split the Story into
Marcy is the Game Master for her group. This is a Chapters. She doesn’t want to get too specific, since
new Story they decided to start last weekend, and she depending on what the Players do, the story can be
wanted to do a 1920’s America crime-drama type altered. She can lay out some basics however, and
game based on real and fictional elements of the lay out important NPCs the characters will meet.
Prohibition Era.
She decides the game will start in New York City,
To keep the group on the same side of the law, she where the group will meet up in a Scene with the

Chapter 2

purpose of putting a stop to Mario’s gang for their or talented wizards in a fantastical world. Epic
individual reasons. Marcy wants the group to be adventures for legendary quests await them as they
attacked by a bunch of Mario’s thugs for being too band together to form a company of heroes. However,
nosy, making this an almost guaranteed Encounter, a dark force rises in the northern wastelands where
but she doesn’t want the battle to be too hard. She nothing grows and reports of monstrous creatures are
gives the thugs some weak statistics and makes sure found.
it'll be a fight, but not a tough one.
As the PCs participate in quests to protect others, put
She decides that the investigation will lead to Scene in their names in the stories of bards, or simply get rich,
a speakeasy owned by Mario. The characters will they must wonder if this dark force might soon extend
have to interrogate some of the employees. Marcy its grasp into the southern kingdoms and lush Elven
decides the bartender will be extra talkative if the forests. Such darkness does not remain still for long.
group chooses to interrogate him.
Eventually, Marcy intends for them to find out Mario is The characters are skilled treasure hunters, field
in Italy at the time. If the Players prove lazy or scientists, explorers, cartographers, or adventurers in
ineffective, Marcy decides Mario will send a hit man the late 1890’s. In their first adventure, they come
after them to really put the silence on them for a across an ancient temple in South America that leads
challenging Encounter. If the hit man dies, his part will them to learn about an ancient artifact a mysterious
end there, but if he survives, he will be around to tribe planned to use to dominate their enemies.
antagonize the characters later.
However, just as they are about to take the artifact
The Chapter will eventually end when the Player from its lost forgotten hiding place, a rival group shows
Characters confront one of Mario’s lieutenants at the up to antagonize them and steal it away. Who are
NYC docks, where one of Mario’s ships is bound for these opponents, and how did they find the place? Are
Italy. Whether they fight, bribe, or sneak their way the legends true?
aboard the ship, Marcy decides that is the first
Chapter of this Story – assuming the Players don't GALAXY WARS
throw too big a curveball, which will require her to The characters live in the far future, a world now
reassess. dominated with star ships, androids with advanced AI,
laser weaponry, and exotic planets and civilizations.
With a vibrant plot and many more ideas, Marcy Unfortunately, the universe is also dominated by war.
continues to flesh out her Story. After Mario is dealt
with, perhaps she may cook up a sequel to her crime Two powerful forces clash, each lead by a different
Story. Perhaps the dockworker’s brother, when government and a different ideal. The characters may
rescued, has information regarding an Inca artifact in find themselves in the middle, or helping one side or
South America that Mario’s gang was after? the other depending on their interests and conscience.

THEME The characters are on the wrong side of the law in the
There are many different themes one can use in a 1920’s, either intentionally or purposefully in a crime-
story, or even with chapters within a story. High ridden city. The city’s officials, under an act of
fantasy is a classic theme. Spy thrillers, action- desperation, have started recruiting private operatives
adventure, science fiction, survival-horror, and many to assist their police forces; and not all of the
other genres make for great games. operatives have a great record on humane treatment
of their victims.
It is good to get a consensus on theme among the
Players and the Game Master. It is also important that A high profile criminal ring frames the characters (or
the Players have the guidelines for the theme so they the character’s organization) for a brutal murder of the
can create characters efficiently. Provided below are mayor’s family to take some of the heat off of
some sample game themes. themselves. This leaves the PCs in a tough situation.
The characters are stalwart warriors, cunning rogues,

Chapter 2

The characters are students or members of the faculty involved care about, and incentive for them to pursue
for a local high school or college in the present day. it. Certain plot lines may just be subsets to bigger plot
Life was very predictable up until the day a mysterious lines, depending on the type of Story.
murder happens on campus. The body is brutalized
and the attacker didn’t even rob the victim. One important thing for Game Masters to include is
reasons for all Player Characters to have to
Security is immediately tightened up, but no suspects participate. If they all belong to an organization, this is
are identified and the police are baffled. Less than a easy. If they all have very different backgrounds and
week later, one of the janitors goes missing. What goals, this can be quite difficult. It is recommended to
exactly is going on here? find out what the Player Character’s goals and desires
are, and add hooks related to those in the Story.
A star-studded interesting cast of NPCs is a necessity REALISTIC/HEROIC
for any interesting game. Innocent bystanders, wily NPCs in most Harbingers games are equal (if less
antagonists, and helpful allies all make a world feel experienced) than the PCs. Fights are gritty and
alive. Make sure to map out any necessary statistics deadly, and charging into deadly situations could
for NPCs, and include combat information if NPCs are easily end up with dead protagonists.
likely to fight.
However, if you want to run an epic-feeling campaign,
Reoccurring NPCs are a great addition to any game, you can make minions and other non-important NPCs
whether they be allies, enemies, or just people that substantially weaker. In addition to removing all Skill
tend to show up to surprise the Players. People could bonuses from some of the NPC templates at the back
learn to love (or hate) these characters, and could of this book, you can also lower the Health of the
possibly develop personal relationships or arch rivalry NPCs.
with these NPCs.
This kind of game will have a very cinematic feel. The
player’s characters can tear through minions en
HOOKS masse in most cases, though important antagonists
A good game has a good hook. This includes an should pose a problem. In short: More like The Matrix,
interesting opening, a plot line that all the characters less like Call of Cthulhu.


the campaign. Again, this is merely curating the
SETTING DIFFERENCES options, not changing the rules.
The Harbingers Roleplaying Game supports playing in
any Setting, world, or era imaginable. In some cases, However, there are some Settings that might have
this requires no changes at all to the rules within – just beings or creatures that have innate abilities that
certain restrictions to what is available regarding might have different starting Traits. In addition, there
abilities and equipment. maybe special kinds of magic or powers that are
restrictive in ways that aren't outlined in this book. This
As an example, if a group is playing a realistic game can result in possibly adding a new, special status,
set in the Three Kingdoms Era of China, no characters Skill, and/or Trait.
would have access to any magical abilities or high-
tech items or weaponry. It would not make sense. GMs are free to explore these possibilities and
However, no changes need to be made to the rules. customize how they see fit. Some options and ways to
achieve this is set out in the following sections.
Alternatively, if that group decided to play in a
fantastical re-imagining of the Three Kingdoms era
where Zhang Jue is literal magic-using sorcerer, the CREATURE TYPES
GM could include certain magical abilities while The base character creation rules can easily be
restricting more overt ones depending on the feel of applied to most humans or humanoids. It is possible to

Chapter 2

make supernatural creatures, aliens, androids, or

classic fantasy creatures by selecting the correct NAME BASE
Traits and Techniques. In addition, it's possible to do a Morale 100/100
campaign centered on (or a specific character based
on) an unusual creature type, such as a normal SKILL: MAGIC
animal. The Magic Skill is used to identify, use, or activate
magic and magical items in this world. Magic is used
If, however, the GM would like to set out some hard for the Skill Roll for all magical Techniques.
rules for different creature types, some
examples/options are provided in the Character
Creation chapter of this book. The available options
are up to the GM and are determined by Setting and Magic 5 5
narrative restrictions.
Alien genes can be spliced into humans as part of a
UNIVERSE RULES high-risk operation in this futuristic Setting. Humans
Certain Settings can have special rules regarding how that possess this Trait can pick from supernatural
the world itself works. This is very common in fictional powers to learn as Techniques.
For example: magic itself could be an inherent born
Alien Gene Splicing 5
Trait, in which case it wouldn't be possible for
someone to learn it later and must be taken before
taking any magic Techniques and which use a special
magic Skill. It's also possible to have a horror Setting
where characters are routinely exposed to eldritch
creatures that might warrant a very specific new
status/feature of Morale, which is depleted routinely in
a way different than Health and Ability.

Here are some options and examples:

Morale reflects the confidence, conviction, and state of
mind of investigators as they explore this realm of
eldritch horrors. Unlike mundane terror, these
creatures expose the fabric of reality that is beyond
human understanding to devastating effect.

In addition to Techniques and Traits which may inflict

further Morale loss, humans lose 1 Morale point when
viewing any eldritch creature. Morale is recovered by
various Traits and Techniques, but is also restored by
10 after an uninterrupted 8 hours of sleep, once per

If Morale is reduced to 0, the character rolls 1d10. On

a 10, nothing happens and they are restored to 50/100
Morale. On a 2-9, the character gains a permanent
Disadvantage Trait. On a 1, the character has been
utterly defeated – consumed by fear, losing all hope,
fleeing to mundane reality and denial, or possibly
suffering other afflictions. If a PC, the character
becomes an NPC under GM control.

Chapter 2


Currency, money, and wealth in general varies greatly NAME COST
across time, region, culture. It's impossible to quantify Bail, Major Crime 10,000
all of it, but for simplicity's sake, a base value or cost Bail, Minor Crime 1,000
is assigned to all items. While exact prices will differ in Bail, Severe Crime 100,000
game, this value is good for purchasing starting Drinks, Cheap 5
equipment or for determining prices in game.
Drinks, Expensive 10
The base cost is an approximate value in early 21st Hire, Generalist 100
century Canadian & US dollars, Euros, British pounds, Hire, Specialist 100,000
and other similar currencies. Multiplied by 10, these Lodgings, Cheap 50
values can be used for Mexican pesos or Chinese Lodgings, Expensive 250
yuan. Multiplied by 100, these values can be used for Lodgings, Luxury 500
Indian rupees or Japanese yen. Divided by 10, the Lodgings, Moderate 100
cost could simulate the Kuwaiti dinar. Divided by 100, Meal, Cheap 5
(or switching the cost to cents) could give approximate
Meal, Expensive 50
values for a game set in the 1890s or American Wild
West. Meal, Medium 20
Medical Treatment, Critical 10,000
Either the base cost or any of the above adjustments Medical Treatment, Major 1,000
can also serve for fantasy currencies such as coins, or Medical Treatment, Minor 100
for futuristic credits. Game Masters are also free to Refueling, Large Vehicle 100
adjust these base values for particulars on a setting. Refueling, Massive Vehicle 1,000
Details on items and approximate costs are in Chapter Refueling, Small Vehicle 50
5: Equipment.
Rent, Cheap 1,000
Rent, Expensive 5,000
SERVICES & COMMODITIES Rent, Luxury 10,000
Different Settings will have different restrictions on Rent, Moderate 2,500
what commodities and services are available. Specific Transport, International 1,000
items are split into categories in Chapter 5:
Transport, Local 25
Equipment, but players may also wish to purchase
services during play. Transport, National 500

Services commonly available Players may request BAIL, MAJOR CRIME

and approximate cost are located in the following Description:
table. For some currencies, as above, you may want Bail is a fee paid to let an accused criminal freedom
to multiply/divide this value by 10 or 100. before their trial. Fleeing after being granted bail
increases the penalties and may involve bounty
hunters and law enforcement actively hunting the
accused. Major crimes could include felony assault,
manslaughter, robbery, or illegal possession of a
weapon. Bail for a major crime is only situationally
granted, and may require quality legal representation.
It is usually costly.


Bail is a fee paid to let an accused criminal freedom
before their trial. Fleeing after being granted bail
increases the penalties and may involve bounty
hunters and law enforcement actively hunting the
accused. Minor crimes could include disorderly

Chapter 2

conduct, resisting arrest, minor theft, drug charges, or

misdemeanor assault. Bail is commonly granted for LODGINGS, CHEAP
minor criminal infractions, but the accused is still Description:
expected to not flee. Overnight lodgings are important for any characters on
the move. Hotels, motels, inns, taverns, and similar
BAIL, SEVERE CRIME lodgings are a place for a character to rest,
Description: recuperate, and prepare for the next day. Cheap
Bail is a fee paid to let an accused criminal freedom lodgings are very bare bones – there might be a bed,
before their trial. Fleeing after being granted bail the door might lock, possibly a bathroom, but there is
increases the penalties and may involve bounty little else. It features a roof and a semi-safe place to
hunters and law enforcement actively hunting the sleep, which is an improvement over sleeping on the
accused. Severe crimes could include assault with a ground. Examples include a cheap motel, a barn in the
deadly weapon, arson, attempted murder, or even country side, a room in someone's home for the night,
murder. Bail for a severe crime is rarely granted in any a basic capsule hotel room, or similar lodgings.
Setting, and normally requires the best legal
representation. When possible, it is extremely LODGINGS, EXPENSIVE
expensive. Description:
Overnight lodgings are important for any characters on
DRINKS, CHEAP the move. Hotels, motels, inns, taverns, and similar
Description: lodgings are a place for a character to rest,
Drinks, alcoholic or otherwise, are served in a variety recuperate, and prepare for the next day. Expensive
of restaurants and bars. Cheap drinks will hydrate or lodgings are quite nice – they will have one large or
get the drinker drunk, but aren't the best quality. two moderate beds with more available if necessary, a
nice bathroom, good facilities such as pools or spas,
DRINKS, EXPENSIVE and great utilities. They will be very safe, secure, and
Description: will include a safe as well as network connections in
Expensive alcoholic, mixed, or special drinks can be futuristic and modern Settings. Examples include an
quite pricey. However, they service well to impress, expensive hotel, a high-quality motel, a bed and
boost morale, or as a bribe. breakfast, a high quality inn, or similar lodgings.


Description: Description:
Hiring a person for a simple task or individuals without Overnight lodgings are important for any characters on
specialized training can be a good choice when extra the move. Hotels, motels, inns, taverns, and similar
help is needed. General hires can be laborers, lodgings are a place for a character to rest,
domestic workers, messengers, guards, porters, recuperate, and prepare for the next day. Luxury
clerks, and anyone with a widely available skill set or lodgings are the pinnacle of rest and full service – they
that is more affordable to hire. They are usually very will have as many beds as necessary, a massive
easy to find in larger cities. If someone is extremely bathroom, fantastic facilities such as pools or spas,
highly skilled in their trade, they would be a specialist and the best utilities. They will be incredibly safe and
instead, despite the vocation. secure, have full network capabilities, safes and
storage, and a full service staff that will bring them
HIRE, SPECIALIST anything they wish. Examples include a luxury hotel, a
Description: high class motel, an expensive bed and breakfast, or a
Specialists are people hired for high-risk jobs or top of the line inn.
people with specialized, multi-year training for certain
areas of knowledge. Specialist hires could be LODGINGS, MODERATE
assassins, mages, professional soldiers, doctors, or Description:
anyone else with a restricted skill set that requires Overnight lodgings are important for any characters on
years of practice. This also includes people who are in the move. Hotels, motels, inns, taverns, and similar
professions with a lower barrier of entry, but that have lodgings are a place for a character to rest,
spent a long time honing their craft to become the recuperate, and prepare for the next day. Moderate
best. lodgings are comfortable if unimpressive – there will

Chapter 2

be a bed, a door, a bathroom, and similar features. It REFUELING, LARGE VEHICLE

might have a small safe and closet, and if networks Description:
are available, a reasonable WiFi connection. Most vehicles require fuel, and different kinds of
Examples include a basic or chain motel, a decent vehicles can take more or less fuel. This price point is
hotel, a countryside inn, a very nice tavern room, or for refilling very large vehicles like massive trucks,
similar lodgings. small aircraft, and larger sea vessels. This price is for
a full tank from empty.
Cheap meals can get the consumer calories and stave Description:
off hunger, but will not be nutritionally sound, healthy, Massive vehicles include cargo aircraft, ocean liners,
and sometimes may not even be that tasty. Cheap and other vehicles that require a massive amount of
meals can include simple tavern fare, soups and fuel. It is extremely expensive and can only be done in
stews, cheap fast food, and similar food. special areas with certain equipment. This price is for
a full tank from empty.
Expensive meals don't necessarily taste good, but Description:
they do hold a prestige that normal food doesn't. While Small vehicles include most normal vehicles like cars,
some of it is quite tasty, most importantly expensive trucks, motorcycles, and similar vehicles. Many
food is rare, and will either impress or be seen as characters will have personal vehicles and this is the
necessary at certain high class functions. most common refuel price point. This price is for a full
tank from empty.
Description: RENT, CHEAP
Medium priced meals are good quality, nutritional, Description:
and/or delicious. Common in restaurants and high Monthly rent can provide a safe haven for characters
quality taverns, meals of this caliber will restore and that need a place to call home. Clothes, valuables,
refresh as well as be a pleasant experience. food, and other items can be stored in rented homes
for easy access. Cheap locations are usually small,
MEDICAL TREATMENT, CRITICAL unsafe, or both, but remain very low profile. Cheap
Description: places include studio apartments, a permanent hotel
Critical medical treatment is for the most deadly of or inn room, a room in a home, or similar residences.
injuries and medical situations. Severe permanent
injuries, dead or dying character, or similar situations RENT, EXPENSIVE
warrant critical medical treatment. Critical medical Description:
treatment is much harder to procure. Monthly rent can provide a safe haven for characters
that need a place to call home. Clothes, valuables,
MEDICAL TREATMENT, MAJOR food, and other items can be stored in rented homes
Description: for easy access. Expensive locations are usually
Major medical treatment can be sought for more large, safe, and comfortable. Expensive rented places
serious injuries. Moderate permanent injuries, a large can be larger two bedroom or three bedroom
amount of minor injuries, or similar situations warrant apartments, a permanent nice hotel or inn room, a
critical medical treatment. nice home, or similar residences.


Description: Description:
Minor medical treatment is all that's needed for more Monthly rent can provide a safe haven for characters
minor injuries. This can include broken bones, non- that need a place to call home. Clothes, valuables,
lethal poisoning or diseases, or similar medical issues. food, and other items can be stored in rented homes
Minor medical treatment can be found in most areas. for easy access. Luxury locations are usually massive,
attractive, huge, and generally leave an impression.
Luxury-quality rented places can be pent house

Chapter 2

apartments, massive beach-side homes, or similar


Monthly rent can provide a safe haven for characters
that need a place to call home. Clothes, valuables,
food, and other items can be stored in rented homes
for easy access. Moderate locations are decently
sized, relatively safe, and rather unremarkable.
Moderately priced rented places can be smaller one
bedroom or two bedroom apartments, a permanent
fair hotel or inn room, a small home, or similar

International transport is the most expensive kind of
transport. The speed and cost can vary depending on
the method and the Setting, but the price listed is a
default price.

Local transport includes methods like taxis, subways,
and buses. Getting around a city or town has an
average cost listed here, though particulars will vary.

National transport covers most long-distance transport
that stays in the same continent or country. It can be
costly and time consuming to travel long distances,
but the actual prices will vary depending on Setting
and method.

Chapter 2


SCENES Example Suggested Conversions
Ultimately, a GM determines when a Scene starts, and METERS/YARDS FEET
when a Scene ends. A Scene is any series of 1 5
continuous events or actions, and can be as brief as 3 10
stopping by a bar to have a chat with the owner, to an 5 15
infiltration of an enemy fortress to find the secret 8 25
space station plans.
10 30
A good rule of thumb is that any downtime, 12 40
inconsequential travel, time skips, or rest periods 15 50
serve as breaks in Scenes. In addition, characters 18 60
cannot rest during Scenes, so putting breaks in 20 65
between them is especially important for games that 25 80
use dangerous environments and/or combat. Finally, 30 100
some Techniques last for an entire Scene, so it is up 150 500
to the GM to decide when those effects are no longer
300 1000
valid as well.

Encounters are moments of danger, crisis, deadly Enemies include any antagonists the Characters will
threat, or just when every second matters. This could face. NPCs, both unique and generic, have lives of
include a car chase, finding a ticking bomb, a tense their own. In many cases, they will want to retreat, and
diplomatic situation, a shootout, and more. Essentially, not just throw themselves onto the spears and swords
any dramatic moment where the GM wants the of the PCs. Don’t be afraid to have NPCs retreat when
Players to take Turns and every action is critical is the going gets rough.
considered an encounter.
Humanoid and/or intelligent NPCs also shouldn’t
The GM is the only person who can call for an wholesale slaughter PCs. While certain situations may
Encounter. The GM also determines when an permit “no surrender” situations, intelligent creatures
encounter is over – generally, when action/time is no don’t waste valuable resources. PCs can be held for
longer urgent. In that case, the Encounter ends and ransom, used as captives, or perhaps held and
the Scene continues. prepared for eating by certain aliens or monsters. If
the PCs are going up against a government or
organized group with a judicial system, they may be
MEASUREMENTS held in jail to await trial or to await an execution. This
The Harbingers Roleplaying Game supports meters gives the player’s characters a second chance.
and yards as base measurement, and all ranges are
approximated. While not exactly 1-to-1, yards and In addition, it is important for high-caliber NPCs to
meters are both valid choices given their proximity. As have solid defenses and backup plans. This is
such, when running a game, it is advised to pick one important to give NPCs you want to re-use that the
system of measurement and stick to it. Players want to kill a chance to survive.

If feet are preferred instead, simply multiply the values Players will get annoyed if they have a perfect chance
in this book by 3, or use the following chart. The yard to kill or dispose of an NPC and the GM imposes
to meters conversion is not necessarily 1-to-1 to the some obscure “You can’t do that” claim on them. The
centimeter as they are rounded to easy to calculate GM should always let PCs try anything, but if they try
numbers. something they know is foolish, the GM should not be
afraid to reply with consequences.

Chapter 2

higher Difficulties than the average 5. Common

ALLIES increase to Difficulties are +1 to +3, but can go higher.
Not everyone exists simply as foils to the PCs. They Due to the nature of the system and the cap of
may find support ranging from law enforcement, city Difficulty 10, they still will have a chance of success.
officials, criminals, sympathizers, organization help, or
friends and family. While it is important that the PCs
remain the stars of the Story, protagonists usually CONDITIONS
have allies that help them. Normal Damage is common in dangerous situations,
and may have deadly consequences for characters.
However, it is important to note that NPCs are people However, sometimes the GM may wish to assign
too. PCs that treat them poorly because they have no Conditions based on environment or circumstances.
real human Player behind them will find the NPCs
turning on them. Like anyone, these characters have Some of these are discussed in regards to Critical
their own hopes, dreams, and agendas. They are not Successes and Critical Failures, and Techniques
merely tools to be used by the Players to succeed. generally lay out in detail the kind of Conditions they
Players will usually regret mistreating their allies. inflict. But in all other cases, the GM is the only arbiter
of the specifics of any Condition.
Also, because they are people, ally NPCs have flaws
and weaknesses as well, just as the antagonists do. If Like Health, some negative treated “Conditions” might
their loyalty to the PCs is poor, they may sell out. Their still be lingering (ex: a broken arm in a cast is not
connection may become a liability if they are found by “fixed” by being treated) and may cause situational
the PCs’ enemies. Certain NPCs may be loyal, but issues, but the flat penalty is removed when a
have particular quirks, or things they refuse to Condition is “treated.”
participate in due to moral or legal obligations.
Some basic Conditions are outlined in a following
table. The GM is free to use, modify, or expand upon
SUCCESS AND FAILURE this list. It is only a guideline.
Success is never guaranteed. A good Game Master
has plans for the likely outcomes of success and
failure for all major situations. This promotes the DEATH
flexibility that roleplaying games inherently has, and The threat of death is a common danger in most
keeps Players on their toes. Success will generally roleplaying games – even ones that aren’t focused on
prove favorably for them, while of course, failure can combat. If PCs aren’t afraid of dying, they can be very
have very negative side effects. reckless. In high-action campaigns, this may be fine.
But if the group wants to run a more realistic game,
Players are also far likely to gain better rewards from such as survival-horror game, this may be
successful Stories and Chapters. People who do a job undesirable.
poorly are often not paid well, and defeat in combat
can have the effect of being thrown in a jail or being However, in some games it may be undesirable to
hurt or killed. PCs that break the law, even for just and simply have PCs die because of poor luck. This can
good reasons, can also have powerful consequences be not fun and dampen the playing experience. In
in most civilizations and societies. general, unless it's agreed to by the group, try to avoid
having a series of poor rolls being the ultimate death
of a well-played character. Foolish decisions are one
CREATIVE ACTIONS thing, raw bad luck can be another. In some cases, it
Players will often come up with unexpected, fun, or may be preferable to have the PC to hang onto the
ambitious actions. The general rule of thumb is to let thread of life while they are rushed to the hospital
them do whatever they want within reason – however, rather than outright dying. Or having an antagonist
success is not going to be guaranteed. NPC realize the PC may be more useful alive.
Use the general Skill Roll guidelines to determine Ultimately, it is depends on the game, the GM, and the
success chance. The Base Difficulty of 5 is a great Players. Be fair, communicate, and everyone will have
fail-safe, but grandiose activities will require much more fun.

Chapter 2

Example Conditions
Diseased +X Difficulty to all Skill Rolls Difficulty X Healing & Time
Exhaustion +X Difficulty to all Skill Rolls Rest
Frightened +X Difficulty to all Skill Rolls Fear Source Removed
Hindered +X Difficulty to all Skill Rolls Determined By Source
Injury +X Difficulty to all Skill Rolls Difficulty X To Heal
Poisoned Cannot recover Health/Ability Difficulty X Healing Or Rest

Chapter 2

per normal session, more for a longer game or a game
CHARACTER PROGRESS that concludes a major Chapter/Story.
The advancement of the Story and narrative is
progress in and of itself. But just as the story AWARDING EXPERIENCE
advances and changes, characters themselves grow
• Good role-playing and staying in character.
and change as well.
• Saving the group or a member of the group
from danger.
Progress come in both material and intangible
varieties. While playing the game, like in real life, • Making friends/allies.
characters will learn new skills and acquire new • Solving a complex puzzle or finding a solution
knowledge, accomplish goals, and may acquire (or to an intricate mystery.
lose) money and items. In some games, powerful • Helping in defeating, deterring, or otherwise
artifacts or lost technology could be discovered. removing a prominent foe or obstacle.
• Successfully completing a Chapter/Story.
Players often enjoy advancement and rewards to
show as a sign of progress. They like to increase their Experience Reward Examples
character’s knowledge, inventory, and accomplish EVENT EXP
their goals. An unfinished novel with no resolution is
Personal/Ally Goal Achieved 1
also as disappointing as a poorly executed Story.
Removed Obstacle, Major 2
One of the most important rewards that can be given Removed Obstacle, Minor 1
out after gaming sessions is Experience. Experience Plot Line Completed, Chapter 2
is a vital factor to increasing the capabilities of a Plot Line Completed, Story 3
character. As characters engage in their Stories and Group Roleplaying Excellence 1
adventures, they are likely to learn their skill-sets Completed Job/Task 1
better and even acquire new abilities. Saved Group/Allies 1
Session Completion 1
Optionally, the game can be played without advancing
the characters at all, but this is fairly uncommon. It can
keep the playing field rather level though, and you Example
could award Skill bonuses or other Characteristics Natalie's character Priere, a church official in a horror
based on actions within the story. 1890's game, is currently investigating a countryside
town in France for rumors of vampires with her
teammates. During the session, they interrogate a
EXPERIENCE witness claiming to have seen the monsters, and
Experience (EXP) can be given out to players to investigate a crime scene with a body drained of
increase the prowess of their character. Increasing blood. Later on, the group discusses their findings in
maximum Experience should be done in a systematic their inn rooms.
manner to avoid complications.
After finishing the Game Master decides to hand out
How much the Game Master gives on average Experience. Priere and the other characters get 1
depends on their own wishes. If the GM wants the Experience for their interrogation of the witness, and
characters to increase in ability quickly, they should another 1 for successfully getting clues from the
give a lot. If they would prefer a more modest skill murder scene investigation. Finally, the Game Master
increase, it's better to only give a little at a time. grants one additional good roleplaying Experience for
the in-character discussion the group had in the inn.
Experience is used to purchase new Characteristics
and increase a character’s Techniques, Skills, and This gives Priere a total of 3 Experience. Natalie can
Abilities. For a good guideline in amounts to hand out use that Experience to increase Priere's abilities, such
for Game Masters, consult the table below. On as increasing her Skills or perhaps learning a new
average, it's generally recommended to give about 2-3 Technique.

Chapter 2


During the game, Player Characters can acquire
money and items from various sources. They may
come across hoards of treasure or magical artifacts, a
mobster’s safe full of money, or items taken from fallen
opponents. In addition, they make take on jobs for pay
or receive rewards.

For the Game Master, it is important such monetary

intake is balanced and not too obscene in games
where resources matter. If rewards are ridiculously
good, some aspects of the game would be too trivial. If
the rewards are horrendously poor, Players may get
irritated when trying to shop for ammunition or goods.

For Settings without magic or powerful items, it is still

possible to create technological or high-quality items
that grant bonuses to characters, or just a large
amount of resources. Settings with more high powered
magic might keep the powerful items more free-
flowing – but this likely means they will be facing foes
that will require those items.

A general rule of thumb is to make sure every session,

Players are getting or are working towards some kind
of unique or sizable reward in addition to Story
progress. Some characters or Players don't care for
material rewards, and may not be motivated to acquire
them. In that case, generosity and kindness in giving
those rewards away or refusing them is often repaid in
favors and friendship are sometimes better (and more
useful game-wise) than the reward itself.

Character Creation
Chapter 3

After the character is built, the player will need to pick
CREATION OVERVIEW up gear and equipment. After that, the character is
All Players need a character to play during the game, complete and ready to play!
and character creation is the process of making one.
Players should be given freedom to make whatever
characters they want, provided it falls within the logical CREATING NPCS
restrictions of the Story and Setting. In addition to Players, GMs need characters as well
for their games. While it is likely not necessary to go
This chapter encompasses all the information needed in-depth in this process when generating minor
for Players to make a character, but the exact details characters, important NPCs should have the level of
are left up to the Player themselves. depth as Player characters.

In addition to using this chapter, there are sample

FLOW OF CREATION statistics in the Appendix for easy reference. These
First and foremost, Players will need to determine stats are ideal for providing quick, basic stats for less
what kind of character they are making. Who this important characters.
person is, what their likes/dislikes are, their
motivations, their personality, their background, and
what they look like.

Career is important, as well as who shaped their lives

up to the point the game starts. Interesting
backgrounds can sometimes be used by GMs to
develop plot hooks or give Players a personal story in-
between the main narrative.

After getting a good view of who their character is, the

next step is putting game-numbers to the character's
makeup. Players will be able to put points in their
character's various Characteristics.

Skills, training, and natural abilities are selected. In

exchange for more Experience to build their character,
the Player also has the options of picking Traits that
are Disadvantages that limit or challenge the
character, or reflect a negative aspect or weakness.

Chapter 3

The first step to creating a character is forming a BACKGROUND
concept. What do you want your persona in the world The background section is for the character's history,
of The Harbingers to be? The possibilities are virtually connections, and allegiances. Use this section to
endless, but your GM might have some restrictions describe how the character became what they are
based on the campaign they would like to run. today, link in fellow PCs, or create interesting
supporting NPCs.
For example, you cannot play a robotics engineer if
the Setting is in Ancient China! If you need any ideas, In addition to the past, the character's background
consult the GM or creative works related to the chosen could inform their future. It is a good idea to cover a
Setting. character's goals and dreams here as well for the
After you get an idea of the character you want, it’s
time to start fleshing it out. Enter a name, physical A Player-designed background can be used by the
description, and other things onto a character sheet. Game Master as well for plot ideas and as a tool to
Also you should pick a race, age, gender, and other further involve the characters by using people and
aspects of the character using the Setting guidelines. places from their past. It is also useful as a reference
All of these choices are up to the player, and will be for involving NPCs the character may personally care
translated into game statistics later. about.

Remember: even some of these aspects that have no Example

direct mechanical affect will become relevant. Different Wendy's character Kiko now needs a proper
NPCs and situations could possibly react in various background. Wendy decides Kiko was an orphan. She
ways to a character's age or species. doesn't remember her parents, just scrounging for
food to survive. Necessity lead her to be inventive,
Example and she found fascination in repairing, breaking, and
Wendy is playing in a weekly game of The Harbingers re-assembling various machines she found while
set in a post-apocalyptic Earth and needs to make her scavenging.
character. The Game Master has decided there is no
need to place many restrictions on character Through luck, she saw a job as a mechanic at the
development, since she has a plot device that will North Run outpost to work on vehicles. She took it,
intertwine the characters regardless of their excelled, and quickly became a valued employee. Her
backgrounds. skills in scavenging also proved useful to collect parts
for the job.
Wendy wants to play a smart, witty character. She
considers characters that might fit that concept, and Kiko was friendly with her co-workers at North Run,
decides to go with a mechanic named Kiko who and impressed them with her natural talent. Wendy
wanders the wastelands looking for fun and wants to record a number of Kiko's co-workers here.
excitement. Kiko does part-time mechanic work,
scavenging, and odd-jobs to survive. She starts with Kiko's good-natured and hard-working
boss, Theresea. Theresea gave Kiko a chance when
She enters “Kiko” for the character's name, and marks few others would, and Kiko will never forget it.
“Wasteland Mechanic” as her concept. She decides
Kiko will be a 22 year old woman – she marks that on Kiko also worked closely with a motorcycle expert
her sheet as well. named French, a hyperactive jokester, and she
misses him the most. Kiko and French would work
There are no magical creatures in this game, so Kiko late nights playing old music on their stereo and she
is either a human or a mutant. Wendy decides Kiko is remembers this fondly.
a human, (largely) untainted by the radioactive
wasteland. Despite forging strong connections there, Kiko

Chapter 3

became listless after awhile, and she needed to go A fleshed-out appearance is important for a variety of
back to scavenging and exploring. Wendy has Kiko game reasons. NPCs may react differently to different
looking for new opportunities currently, which the appearances. Certain clothing styles may be
Game Master will use to tie her into the game's inappropriate for other areas. Swimming in loose
narrative. heavy clothing is harder, but it’s easier to hide a
handgun in a jacket than it is in a skin-tight bodysuit.
Environmental conditions can be harsher if a player is
PERSONALITY dressed inappropriately.
The personality is the core of the character's attitude
and beliefs. It should also add any personal feelings While clothing can and likely will be changed, other
they have towards specific people, places, objects, aspects of a character are not so readily adjusted.
etc. This is a very important part in designing a Changing those will sometimes require surgery or
character, since it is the center of who they are. magic.
While it’s not necessarily to have paragraphs of a Example
person’s general personality, specific quirks may be With her basic personality fleshed out, Kiko just needs
noted here, as well as general attitudes towards a physical description. Wendy decides she has dark
certain organizations, people, or places. This can be olive skin, black hair in a pixie cut, dark brown eyes,
used to roleplay the character in their words and and a round face. She has a small scar on her left arm
actions, naturally, and may also be used by the GM as from a scavenging accident as a young girl, and is
a plot line for certain Stories. often covered in grease and dirty from mechanic work
or scavenging. She's wearing a grey mechanic's pre-
Example war jumpsuit, work boots, a dark grey tank top, and
With background settled, Kiko needs a personality welder's goggles on her forehead.
description. Wendy decides Kiko is easily excitable
and distracted, but has boundless energy and despite She also puts a note about her faithful companion on
her upbringing, a relentlessly positive attitude. She's a her scavenging trips: her custom scooter. The scooter
bit reckless, however, and will often jump the gun. is a bright yellow with black stripes on the front and
back. It's worn and dusty, but in excellent shape. She
Despite that, Kiko is reliable and always happy to help has a battered leather pack that hangs from the side
out in a pinch. She makes friends easily and her that she uses to carry salvage and any equipment she
greatest joy in life is the connections she makes. Her doesn't need to keep on her person.
greatest fear is isolation, hearkening back to her
harrowing childhood. With the physical descriptions worked out, Kiko is now
fully fleshed out. The other Players and the GM have
APPEARANCE a good idea of what Kiko looks like in addition to who
This would include a characters height, weight, she is.
hair/skin/eye color, and other relevant physical
concepts. These categories and others can influence FINISHING TOUCHES
how people will react to the character. After all this information is recorded, the most
important part of the character is done. The rest is
It’s also a good idea to write a paragraph that could mainly for game statistics and are based on what has
describe the character to others if one was to see already been written for the character.
them, usually including their usual or favorite clothing.
Furthermore, any special jewelry, objects, or important If as the character is created, the player wishes to
objects can be described here. This is often shared change some things, they may feel free to return and
with other players so they have a picture in their mind alter as needed. Sometimes new ideas pop-up as the
of the character. process goes on.

Chapter 3

Chapter 3

The Harbingers Roleplaying Game uses human (and The character is immune to any disease or poison
human-adjacent creatures) as the base line for affects that only affect biological creatures. They also
characters. However, the system is designed to work do not require oxygen, cannot drown or asphyxiate,
in any franchise or campaign setting – and this and can function in environments dangerous to
includes playing many different kinds of creatures! biological lifeforms at no penalty or risk.
Creatures of different types often have different
inherent Traits. Some examples are listed below, and
the GM can use this as a basis to make more races & BEAST
species of different creatures. Beasts include cats, dogs, wolves, panthers, and
similar creatures. While nowhere near intelligent as
humanoids, these kinds of animals make up for it with
HUMAN incredible senses, speed, and a mouth full of teeth.
Humans, and humanoids similar to humans, are
common creatures found in a multitude of Settings. In The beast Traits below can be used for any sort of
some cases, they are the most common sentient four-legged creature capable of self defense. Beasts
creature, and in others they are just one of many. tend to have better tuned senses than humanoids.
Mutated, super-powered, or cybernetic humans also Furthermore, while beasts lack the tool use of
fall into this category. humanoids, they often have natural weapons for self-
Humans have no special starting Traits. While this
means they have no special Advantages, they also
have no Disadvantages either. Traits
ANDROID Animal Senses Improved Awareness.
Androids, advanced robots, or similar artificial life Animal Speed Improved speed.
forms are very common in sci-fi Settings, including Natural Weapons Improved unarmed Damage.
“hard” sci-fi, “soft” sci-fi, and science-fantasy. The Quadruped Limits tool and equipment use.
limits and scope of the power of artificial intelligence
varies greatly depending on the specifics of the ANIMAL SENSES
Setting. The character's natural senses grant a reduction of
Difficulty by 1 for activities like searching and tracking.
Androids have some basic starting Traits given their
non-biological existence. Outside of this, the scope of ANIMAL SPEED
their Traits, Techniques, and Skills, is as varied as The character can move up to double movement for
humans and likely determined by their primary free in a Turn.
designed function.
Traits The character's unarmed attack is 1d6 instead of 1d4.
Artificial Intelligence Capable of being hacked. The character's natural form doesn't have arms or
Biological Immunity Immune to biological effects. hands for manipulation of objects, and cannot speak
humanoid languages. In addition, they are not able to
ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE wear most humanoid clothing or gear. Any Skill Roll
The character is subject to being hacked and may be involving object use is increased by +1 Difficulty.
sabotaged, controlled, or shut down. Sabotage deals
1d4 Damage, control lasts for 1 Turn, and shut down
Incapacitates the character for 1d4 Turns or until

Chapter 3

Magical constructs are living entities made from NAME DESCRIPTION
nonliving material and brought to life by magic or Dwarven Resilience Improved poison resistance.
rituals. Golems, puppets, or similar creatures fall Dwarven Stature Lowered speed.
under this category, and they are popular in horror, Underground Vision Improved vision in dark.
fantasy, and science-fantasy. If they have free will,
they can be playable characters.
The character's Difficulties against poison-related
Constructs have starting Traits that reflect their unique
attacks and Conditions are reduced by 1.
magical existence. The durability and powers of the
Furthermore, all poison-based Damage is halved.
construct are outlined as normal Traits and
Techniques as with any other character.
The character can move only half as far for free in a
Traits Turn.
Fabricated Body Immune to certain effects. UNDERGROUND VISION
Magical Construct Medicine/healing ineffective. The character can see normally in the dark, even in
pitch black.
The character is immune to any disease or poison ELVES
affects that only affect living creatures. They are Elves are humanoids often seen in various fantasy
immune to bleeding effects. They also do not require Settings. The details vary, but they are often
oxygen, cannot drown or asphyxiate, and can function otherworldly or fairy-like in essence, with pointed ears
in environments dangerous to biological lifeforms at no being their most common-like physical attribute.
penalty or risk.
The elven Traits below are those often attributed to
MAGICAL CONSTRUCT these humanoids. Their keen elven senses make it
The character's form isn't able to be restore Health or easier for them to operate in the dark. In return, their
be repaired by normal means short of rest (as the inherent delicate nature means they are less sturdy
character magically regenerates) or special than some of the other creatures.
Techniques that heal/repair objects. Medical items,
normal healing Techniques, and healing magic are
ineffective. Techniques that repair objects but do not
specify healing constructs restore 1d4 Health. NAME DESCRIPTION
Elven Senses Improved senses.
Ethereal Lowered Health.
Dwarves are shorter, stockier humanoids often seen in
various fantasy Settings. While the details vary
The character is unaffected by penalties from
between settings, they are commonly resilient and
darkness, though they still cannot see in absolute
make their homes underground – often with an affinity
darkness. They also suffer no Difficulty penalty to
for stone, earth, and metalwork.
detect others while sleeping.
The dwarven Traits below are those often attributed to
these humanoids. They can see incredibly well in the
The character's inherent fey nature lowers Health by
dark, and their dwarven resilience gives them an edge
against poisons. However, their stocky nature makes
them inherently less agile.

Chapter 3

Lycanthropes include werecreatures of any sort, such Undead refers to corporeal undead such as sentient
as werewolves. Common in horror and fantasy, they zombies and skeletons. Seen across genres,
are best known for their shapeshifting powers and especially horror and fantasy, these creatures are
resistance to normal weaponry, often requiring silver. normally mindless. However, if they have a sense of
self and control, they can be playable characters.
Lycanthropes have the core Traits of their
shapeshifting ability and unnatural resistance. The Undead have core Traits that reflect their nonliving
unique powers of any particular lycanthrope can be state. The unique powers of any particular undead are
customized with normal Traits and Techniques. selected as normal Traits and Techniques.

Traits Traits
Bestial Senses Improved senses. Corpse Immune to certain effects.
Lycanthrope Body Damage resist/weakness. Undeath Can act with 0 Health.
Shapeshifter Ability to change form. Unnatural Life Undead weaknesses.
Unnatural Essence Social penalty with animals.
BESTIAL SENSES The character is immune to any disease or poison
The character's bestial senses grant a reduction of affects that only affect living creatures. They are
Difficulty by 1 for activities like searching and tracking. immune to bleeding effects. They also do not require
oxygen, cannot drown or asphyxiate, and can function
LYCANTHROPE BODY in environments dangerous to living creatures at no
The character halves all Damage from non-magical, penalty or risk.
non-silver weapons and environmental sources that
inflict bludgeoning, slashing, or piercing types of UNDEATH
Damage. Other Damage sources such as heat and The character can still act normally at 0 Health and
cold are unaffected. Silver weapons deal an additional cannot be Incapacitated by normal means. They are
+1d4 Damage. still killed at 0 Threshold.


In addition to their base humanoid form, the character The character can't be healed by magic or medicine
has a bestial form and a hybrid form. They can shift (only rest), and no Techniques can revive them if they
forms with an Action. are killed and Threshold is reduced to 0. They are also
susceptible to magical attacks and effects that harm
In the hybrid and bestial forms, their unarmed Damage undead.
increases to 1d6. They also gain a -1 Difficulty to all
physical Skill Rolls, but a +1 Difficulty to mental and
social Skill Rolls.

The bestial form doubles the character's movement for

free in a Turn but the character can then only hold
objects in their mouth. Any Skill Roll involving object
use is increased by +1 Difficulty.

The unnatural, cursed essence of the character may
unnerve humanoids, but upsets many animals. Social
Skill Rolls involving animals have a permanent +1

Chapter 3

Vampire refers to a specific type of fanged undead
creature that drinks blood of its victims. Common in
horror and fantasy, they often have a variety of
domination powers and sometimes shape shifting

Vampires have the core Traits of their undead flesh,

aversion to sunlight, and their hunger for blood. The
unique powers of any particular vampire can be
customized with normal Traits and Techniques.

Blood Drinker Heals by drinking blood.
Child Of The Night Damaged by sunlight.
Unliving Flesh Immune to certain effects.
Vampiric Essence Undead weaknesses.

The character can drink blood painlessly with their
fangs. Drinking blood deals 1 Damage, and restores
the character's Health by that amount. Unwilling
creatures must be attacked with a normal unarmed
attack. Willing creatures can be fed on without a Skill
Roll, and or sleeping creatures can be fed upon if the
vampire is underacted and can sneak up.


Exposure to direct sunlight on the vampire's flesh
deals 1d4 Damage per Turn.

The character is immune to any disease or poison
affects that only affect living creatures. They also do
not require oxygen, cannot drown or asphyxiate, and
can function in environments dangerous to living
creatures at no penalty or risk.

The character can't be healed by magic or medicine
(only rest and drinking blood), and no Techniques can
revive them if they are killed and Threshold is reduced
to 0. They are also susceptible to magical attacks and
effects that harm undead.

Chapter 3

CHARACTER BUILDING Wendy's Game Master decides she want normal-
The previous section had you define who and what strength characters. She gives Kiko and the other
your character is. This section describes what that Player characters 50 Experience to spend.
means in game terms. The mechanical aspects of a
character are called Characteristics. Wendy will start to build Kiko with the initial
Experience to make sure her character matches her
Characteristics are split into Health, Ability, Skills, vision. Thinking about Kiko, Wendy gets to work!
Traits, and Techniques. Each type of Characteristic
serves a different purpose in helping define your
character. Experience is used to purchase or increase HEALTH
certain Characteristics. In addition, players will start Health represents a character’s overall health,
with a base value for Health and Ability, as well as stamina, and state of being. Characters with high
Skills and Techniques. Health are usually in good shape and good health.
Smaller creatures and weaker characters may not
Starting Characteristics have much Health. Large or robust creatures likely
have a lot.
Health Health 10 (Threshold 5) Whenever a character suffers damage, they lose
Ability 10 Health. Health can be reduced from poisons,
Skills 3 Free Skills accidents, weapons, and hazards. A character with 0
Techniques 3 Free Techniques Health is unconscious, and if a character is reduced
below 0 Health, they are Incapacitated.
EXPERIENCE Health Threshold is a character's limit to experiencing
Experience is a representation of the knowledge, severe trauma and Damage before dying. High
ability, and training the character has. Characters with Threshold characters tend to be able to take
more Experience have more abilities and talents are punishment, or are just fervent survivors. Threshold is
their disposal. Characters start with 50 Experience important for characters who are often doing
normally (the GM can alter this value) which is dangerous things, and is equal to half the character's
capable of producing a skilled adult who excels at their Health, rounded down.
Mechanically, Threshold indicates the amount of
Experience is used as building points for the Damage a character can receive after reaching 0
character. More Experience is earned during the game Health before they are dead. Characters with 0 Health
by playing. Experience never goes away, so extra can but with Threshold remaining are still clinging to life,
always be saved. though they are Incapacitated and incapable of doing
Starting Experience
Wendy starts to record Kiko's base statistics. As there
Default 50 Normal
are no special creature types in this game, and Kiko is
Low 25 Weak a human, there are no unique modifiers to any of her
High 75 Heroic starting Characteristics.

Experience Uses Wendy first records Kiko's Health. Kiko starts at 10.
• Purchase Skills Half of 10 is 5, so again, before Traits or anything else
• Purchase Traits is applied, Kiko's Health Threshold is set at 5.
• Purchase Techniques
With that step complete, Wendy moves on to Ability.

Chapter 3

ABILITY The wastelands are a dangerous place, and Kiko

Ability is the character's concentration and stamina. It goes out there often, so Wendy decides she'd have
is used to represent a character’s overall energy and some combat skills as well. She gives Kiko a Skill in
focus. Characters with high Ability tend to rely on Melee and Marksmanship. That covers her free 3
Techniques as they can use many of them without Skills.
need to recover.
Wendy considers other Skills a scavenger and
Ability is used to power Techniques. Techniques are mechanic might have. She takes Investigation and
powers, abilities, signature maneuvers, spells, or other Athletics. Kiko does a lot of physical activity when
unique active effects. scavenging, and she's really good at finding stuff! She
deducts Experience for these.
Kiko starts with her Ability at 10. She can utilize ten She'll round out Kiko by taking Medicine, Driving, and
Techniques between rest or downtime. Stealth as well. She's had to deal with improvised first-
aid, she routinely uses her scooter, and she's skilled
Next, Kiko needs her Skills. at sneaking around raiders. She takes off the
Experience for these Skills as well.
Skills grant a reroll to a Skill Rolls. A Skill essentially Kiko's Skills are finished. Wendy moves onto Traits.
adds a bonus die, allowing the user to choose the
highest value out of all the dice rolled. The characters TRAITS
picks the better number as their final result. Traits are a character’s natural and acquired passive
benefits and detriments that aren’t as simply defined
Attempting a Skill Roll without a Skill is the normal as general skills or a technique/special talent. This
1d10. If the user has a related Skill, the Skill Roll uses category includes all types of Advantages:
2d10. The GM is the final arbiter if a Skill applies, miscellaneous merits such as specific fields of training
though it should be obvious in most cases. or study, a strong back, quick hands, charming smile,
or even things like allies, contacts, and wealth. It also
Skills at their core are representative of a character’s includes Disadvantages: negative qualities or personal
basic aptitudes in various fields. They can represent limitations such as a bad temper, frail constitution, or
natural talent as well as formal and informal training. clumsiness.
There are a list of Skills in this book that should cover Since Traits are a diverse category, new passive
any potential Skill Roll, but certain Settings may also effects that fit into this mold can include a wide variety
have certain kinds of special Skills. In addition to of options. Unlike Techniques, Traits are passive
Setting-specific Skills, Players and the GM can come effects or active effects that have special conditions.
up with other Skills.
Advantages are benefits or bonuses that cost a certain
A character is generally expected to have a handful of amount of Experience depending on its power. Traits
Skills concerning their career, hobbies, passions, or that cause challenges or hold limitations are called
experiences. This is represented by all characters Disadvantages and reward a certain amount of
starting with 3 free Skills. Experience depending on its impact which can be
used elsewhere. Essentially, a character has turned
While all Characters tend to have some Skills, some their limitation to a boon, spending time with or
may rely more on Skills than others. Characters that compensating with more Skills, new Techniques, or a
are focused on Skill increases rely on training and different Advantage Trait.
knowledge to get them through their troubles.
Characters with a lot of Advantages will have a lot of
Example specialized training or natural gifts that carry them.
Wendy starts assigning Kiko's Skills. Naturally, Kiko Characters with a lot of Disadvantages have been
takes a Skill in Mechanics, a Skill she's a master of faced with challenges in their lives either due to
and is related to her jobs and hobbies. choices, circumstance, and/or birth, but have created

Chapter 3

their own Advantages, learned new Techniques, or

mastered a variety of Skills in return.
Techniques are the powers, abilities, and special skills
Example of a character. Signature techniques, magical spells,
Wendy sees some obvious options for Kiko when it combat maneuvers, and other tricks fall into this
comes to Traits. First, she picks Craftsman – base category. While sometimes combat-related, some of
time to create items is halved. She also likes the post potent Techniques have nothing to do with
Organized, since Kiko will likely be used to dealing fighting.
with storing stuffs in packs. If it would normally take an
Action to get an item, it is now free and no longer The book provides a good array of general
costs an Action. Techniques. These are good to round out Player
characters, or to use for NPCs. However, creative
Considering further, she also decides to take Street players will want to look beyond the listing and craft
Fighter, since Kiko would be experienced with using their very own Techniques. The Game Master should
improvised or scavenged weapons. Kiko has been assist them, and clear the Technique for use by seeing
known to bash a raider or two with a wrench. how it compares to the examples in the book.

Finally, she also picks Lucky, which grants random Each character should have a few Techniques and
beneficial events. Kiko relies on luck when start with 3 for free. Characters who focus on learning
scavenging, and she's managed to beat the odds so Techniques rely on their special abilities to carry the
far. Being Lucky will be helpful in more than just day, and usually have a large variety to deal with a
scavenging runs! number of problems. However, Techniques cost an
Ability point to use, so when a character's Ability runs
All of the above are positive Traits, and cost dry, they'll have fewer options than people who rely on
Experience. Wendy also wants to pick some limiting Skills.
Traits for Kiko to flesh her out more (and get additional
Experience to spend elsewhere!) Example
Wendy likes a few of the basic Techniques in the book
Considering her over-trusting nature and lack of for Kiko. She takes Salvage for her first free
situation awareness, she gives Kiko Easy Mark. Kiko Technique, so Kiko can create improvised weapons
will be the target of robberies and scams occasionally. and equipment out of scrap rapidly. Improvise is
another obvious Technique that she picks as a free
Wendy also decides to give Kiko a custom Trait one so she can boost weapons, armor, and equipment
particular to the campaign Setting: Fallout Exposure. with some quick tinkering. She also takes Parkour to
She figures Kiko has suffered due to the constant represent Kiko's ability to traverse strange terrain and
exposure. She tells the Game Master she'd like this to climb wrecks looking for salvage, also getting that one
increase Difficulty by 1 to resist any radiation Damage for free.
or effects.
Wendy wants an interesting, hand-crafted Technique
The Game Master agrees, and she permits Wendy to for Kiko as well, though. Kiko has a special scooter
give Kiko the Trait. She awards Kiko 2 Experience for that she uses for salvage runs, and Wendy wants an
it, since radiation will be very common in this offensive attack that uses the scooter.
campaign and that Trait will be a constant detriment.
Working with the Game Master, Kiko comes up with
Kiko takes that extra Experience and her remaining “Kiko's Special Delivery.” It requires her to have her
Experience and improves her Skills. She also takes scooter and be on it, so that restriction means the
the Combat Driver Trait to reflect her time fighting on ability can be more powerful.
her scooter.
The Game Master decides when using it during an
With that, Wendy is finished with Kiko's Traits. She's Encounter, it will cost an Action. Her Driving Skill will
ready for Techniques next. apply to the Skill Roll. Success means she can go to
any spot normally in the Scooters range, and attack
any enemy in the path with a single Skill Roll using
Driving as well. Enemies that fail take normal damage,

Chapter 3

and also are knocked down, requiring them to spend

an Action to move.

Wendy and the Game Master both love the ability, so

Wendy records it on Kiko's sheet, and Wendy pays
the Experience. Kiko has her Techniques now.

Kiko will get more Experience as she plays, and can

further boost all aspects of her character at that time.
But currently, that's Kiko's current Characteristics for

Chapter 3

Characters will need clothing, equipment, and Wendy is setting up equipment for her wasteland
supplies. They will start with some in their possession, mechanic and scavenger, Kiko. She had previously
and have some starting currency they can use to buy decided Kiko's outfit in her description, so she
more. Generally, the only limitations on purchasing purchases that as basic clothing.
equipment starting out are those set by the GM.
Hand-held radios are very common in this Setting,
The prices included in the equipment chapter give and Kiko wants to be able to communicate with her
good starting price purchases and are used for party Because of this, Kiko purchases a hand-held
character creation. However, once the game starts, radio.
prices can and will fluctuate based on demand,
location, and availability. Kiko outlined a scooter she had earlier. She
purchases a scooter for travel and to use her special
The chapter on equipment lists many common items Technique with.
that a Player would want for their character. If
something isn't on the list, it can easily be added. She also needs some equipment for building and
repairing The first obvious thing is a set of tools. Kiko
STARTING GEAR & FUNDS pays the small tool kit cost and has a tool belt for Kiko
Each character starts with a funds base decided by made of worn leather. She also buys a larger tool kit
the GM for the campaign. This starting currency for her scooter to keep in the side bag for larger repair
abstractly represents how much they've accrued in jobs. It's a heavy item, and she doesn't want Kiko to
resources and assets. carry it around all the time.

These funds are used to purchase tools, supplies, Kiko also needs some items for self-defense. She
weapons, armor, and anything else. Most of these purchases a semi-automatic handgun, and two
items can be personalized automatically and without magazines worth of bullets. Wendy decides if Kiko
charge, since the characters could have had these gets up close, she'll just use her pipe wrench – she
items for many years. has a Trait for improvised weapons.

Some suggested starting funds are in the tables While Kiko doesn't need armor and has no training in
below. The GM may wish to modify these values it, Wendy does want her to have some protective
based on the Setting or currency. Once the game has gear. She'll pick up a gas mask, and an old hazmat
started, the character must find ways to procure funds. suit. She'll keep those on the scooter as well.

The currency type depends on the Setting. It could be Finally, Kiko also needs some other general gear and
dollars, credits, coins, etc. In Settings that include supplies. She'll buy a first-aid kit, ten meals worth of
banks, characters may wish to keep most of their provisions (jerky, canned food, trail mix), a canteen
starting money in an already setup account. Settings (full of mostly clean water), and a flashlight.
without paper or electronic currency also generally are
receptive to bartering, and may have different coins. With all that purchased, Kiko deducts the cost from
her funds. The remaining funds will be in pre-war
money (the currency of the Setting) that she'll keep in
Starting Funds a beat-up old wallet that she has on her person.
Default 10,000
Poor 100
Low 1,000
High 100,000
Wealthy 1,000,000

Chapter 4

CHARACTERISTICS OVERVIEW This section lists the Characteristic's name.
Different character statistics can be augmented to
customize your character to your liking. These BONUS (BON)
Characteristics are customized with Experience as This lists how much Experience the Characteristic
discussed in the previous chapter. Below is a listing, grants.
and following that, details about all the existing
characteristics and rules for making new ones of each EXPERIENCE (EXP)
type. This lists how much Experience the Characteristic
New characters can build from scratch with these lists.
For more information on starting characters, please EFFECTS
see the character creation chapter. This section briefly describes what the Characteristic
does. New players will find the next few chapters
If characters gain Experience during play, this section helpful in understanding some of the intricacies of
is generally the first to turn to. In addition, between these Characteristics.
games, Players may like to augment their characters
with these tables with the GM’s permission –
potentially taking new Traits that grant Experience to
spend elsewhere.

Characteristics Overview
Skills 5 Gain a new Skill.
Traits By Trait Gain a new Trait
Techniques 3 Gain a new Technique.

A table is available below to spend your Experience. If
more information is needed on certain kinds of
Characteristics, turn to the corresponding chapter
which covers them in detail.

Skills, Traits, and Techniques are split by category for

ease of reference. General ones work in most games.
Special ones are restricted to certain by certain
Settings due to supernatural nature, innate
technology, or otherwise due to their fantastical or
unique nature.

GMs and Players alike are welcome to invent new

Characteristics to apply to their characters. All
Characteristics should be GM-approved.

Chapter 4

Skills, General
Acting Ability to embody characters as well as mimic behaviors and persons.
Appraisal Ability to estimate the value and worth of objects, knowledge of market values.
Art Skill in visual arts and creative endeavors such as painting, sculpture, and drawing.
Artillery Ability to use weaponry such as ballista, catapults, cannons, and mortars.
Athletics Skill in running, climbing, jumping, riding, swimming and other physical activities.
Aviation Operation of aerial vehicles such as helicopters and planes.
Biology Knowledge of the sciences such as biology, physics, medicine, and mathematics.
Brawling Skill in unarmed combat and using improvised weapons.
Brewing Skill in making alcoholic beverages.
Carpentry Knowledge of woodworking and building wooden structures and objects.
Chemistry Science of elements and compounds, including their makeup and interactions.
Computers Knowledge of hardware/software regarding computers, including programming.
Cooking Skilled in preparing and making food and drink.
Craftsmanship Ability to build/repair objects.
Culture Knowledge of cultural practices and events.
Dance Skill in dance and related actions, from ceremonial to social.
Deception Ability to use lies, deceit, and subterfuge.
Demolition Knowledge in creating and using explosives.
Diplomacy Ability to negotiate and interact with proper etiquette.
Driving Operating personal vehicles such as wagons, carriages, cars, and trucks.
Economics Knowledge of goods and services in society, including business and finance.
Endurance Ability to resist fatigue, stay awake/active, and shrug off toxins.
Engineering Knowledge and skill in designing and invention.
Herbalism Knowledge of plants and natural medicines and toxins.
History Knowledge of past events, ancient civilizations, and other elements of the past.
Insight Observation and deduction to determine intent and detect duplicity.
Intimidation Using threatening words and presence to extort, convince, or terrify others.
Investigation Searching, looking, and investigating.
Law Knowledge of laws and governments.
Leadership Commanding groups of people, encouraging morale, and inspiring.
Leatherworking Ability to create and repair leather items, as well as tanning knowledge.
Legerdemain Skill in sleight of hand, such as for tricks, misdirection, or taking/hiding objects.
Literature Skill in literary arts and interpretation, such as fiction and poetry.
Logic Ability to solve puzzles/riddles, make logic connections, and solve mysteries.
Marksmanship Ranged accuracy with thrown or projectile weapons such as bows and firearms.
Masonry Knowledge of stonework and creating stone objects and structures.
Mathematics Skill in statistics and geometry, including counting and measurement.
Mechanics Usage of mechanical devices, machines, electronics, and technology.
Medicine Knowledge of medicine and how to diagnose and treat injuries and diseases.
Melee Skill in using close combat weapons and fighting styles like swordsmanship.
Music Skill in music, including instruments and singing.
Nature Knowledge of the natural world including flora and fauna.
Navigation Skill in directing courses and determining courses and routes.

Chapter 4

Skills, General
Performance Skill in entertainment and performance arts such as dance, music, and theater.
Persuasion Skill in persuasion, manipulation, suggestion, and getting others to agree.
Physics Science that deals with matter and energy, including gravity and force.
Politics Skill in political operations, campaigning, and how they interact with laws.
Psychology Knowledge of feeling and thought, as well as behavior and cognition.
Religion General knowledge of religions including practices and traditions.
Research Studying, using a library, internet browsing, or any other form of research.
Sailing Operation of watercraft such as boats and ships.
Smithing Skill in blacksmithing, armorsmithing, weaponsmithing, and similar metalwork.
Stealth Sneaking, hiding, and stalking.
Strategy Skill in military strategy, tactics, and warfare.
Streetwise Skill in finding shelter and food in civilization, and knowledge of of urban life.
Survival Skill in finding campsites and food in the wild, and other survival tactics.
Tailoring Skill in weaving, tailoring, and other forms of clothwork and making clothes.
Thievery Larceny and theft, including picking locks, stealing, and disarming security.

Skills, Special
Alchemy Skill in making magical potions and salves.
Arcanum Knowledge of magical lore, creatures, and events.
Astrogation Navigation in space for starship travel.
Cybernetics Skill in fixing and creating cybernetic implements that interface with biology.
Demonology Familiarity with famous demons and knowledge of demonic rules and summoning.
Enchantment Creation of magical items and equipment.
Occult Knowledge of forbidden rituals, cults, and verboten rites.
Spellcraft Knowledge of magic, application, and spellcraft.
Starships Piloting of starships large and small.
Xenobiology Knowledge of alien species differences and makeup.

Chapter 4

Traits, General
Academic 2 Difficulties are reduced for recalling academic knowledge.
Acrobatic 3 An Action is never required to be get up or regain balance.
Actor 3 Able to mimic accents, mannerisms, and even specific individuals.
Adaptable 3 Restore 1 Ability when Encounter Order is rolled.
Alertness 1 Negate all penalties to avoid being surprised.
Allure 1 Targets potentially attracted to the character are easily plied.
Analyzer 3 Know the current Health and Ability of any creature.
Animal Whisperer 2 Impressive understanding and empathy with animals.
Appraiser 2 Know the value of valuable items and markets good for it.
Armor Master 10 Armor Difficulty penalties are ignored for worn armor.
Armored 2 Armor worn is considered weightless for determining carried gear.
Artist 3 Difficulties are reduced by 1 for creating art in any medium.
Assassin 1 Small, hidden weapons cannot be manually detected.
Automatic Expert 3 Improve automatic fire with automatic and burst-fire weaponry.
Bloodhound 1 All smell related Skill Rolls are vastly improved.
Bodyguard 2 Take damage for nearby characters.
Charm 3 Have friendly/neutral NPCs assist you.
Chef 3 Eating a created meal always counts as resting.
Companion 5 Gain a capable NPC companion.
Contact 2 Gain NPC associate that provides information.
Counter Attack 3 May counter a defended attack once per Round.
Craftsman 2 Easier to craft items.
Custom Vehicle 5 Acquire a feature-heavy customized vehicle.
Deadeye 5 Inflict +1 damage on all ranged attacks.
Diplomat 3 Reroll first 1 on a Skill Roll when dealing with non-hostile individuals.
Dual Wielder 5 Once per Round, attack with two different weapons in one Action.
Empathic Insight 2 Occasionally get insight into characters/see through deception.
Energy Specialist 2 Ignores non-energy specific armor & protection.
Equipment Master 5 Remove equipment Difficulty penalties.
Evasive 3 Increase ability to dodge and avoid danger.
Fashionista 1 Know origin of fashion styles and any social class relations.
Flexible Expert 2 Flexible weapons like whips and lassos can grapple while attacking.
Fluid Defense 1 Resistant to grappling.
Forger 2 Able to forge and copy seen writings and seals.
Grappler 3 Cause damage when grappling instantly and over time.
Gunslinger 5 Fire one-handed ranged weapons multiple times.
Headquarters 5 Acquire a high-grade residence with multiple features.
Healer 5 Use an item to restore Health/Ability for no Action once per Turn.
Healthy 5 Increase maximum Health.
Heavy Hitter 3 Inflict +1 Damage on all melee attacks.
Historian 2 Have basic historical knowledge of major events/areas without a Skill Roll.
Innocent 1 Less likely to be seen as a threat unless proven dangerous.
Iron Will 3 Improve resistance to mental effects.

Chapter 4

Traits, General
Joker 1 Expression Skill Rolls focused on humor can reroll 1s.
Keen Senses 2 Ignore penalties from not being able to access a sense.
Language 1 Acquire a new language.
Last Stand 3 Act normally after reaching 0 Health until taking Damage.
Law Expertise 2 Know laws for most known cities/towns/countries without a Skill Roll.
Leader 2 Influence allies and give friendly allies commands.
Legalese 1 Understand legal documents/contracts automatically.
Lucky 2 Small, beneficial events occur occasionally.
Mariner 2 Ignore penalties in water.
Martial Arts 3 Improved unarmed attack damage.
Medic 5 May sometimes not consume a use of a limited medical item.
Medical Expert 2 Removing Conditions has the Difficulty and time reduced by 50%.
Medical Lore 2 Healing items that restore Health are improved.
Minion 1 Gain an low skilled NPC asset, ally, or pet.
Organized 2 Taking out/putting away weapons and items costs no Action.
Point-Blank Shot 5 Ignore penalties for using ranged weapons in melee.
Precise Memory 2 Remember most names, events, and facts without a Skill Roll.
Precision Striker 5 Increases Damage of small/light weapons.
Prehensility 2 May treat non-hand limbs as hands for most tasks.
Quick 5 Movement is increased during an Encounter.
Reactive 3 Increases the d10 to d12 for Encounter Order.
Reloader 3 Reloading most of the time requires no Action.
Researcher 2 Time to research a topic in a proper facility is halved.
Salesman 1 Gain extra money from selling items, usually 50% more.
Second Chance 3 Make a Skill Roll when about to die to return to 1 Threshold.
Shadow 2 Character can walk/run while hidden easier.
Shield Master 2 Ignore Difficulty increases from shields.
Sniper 3 Doubles effective range of ranged weapons.
Socialite 3 Know or adapt to social norms without a Skill Roll.
Stealthy 2 Penalties for poor hiding places and bright lighting are halved.
Street Fighter 1 Ignore penalties for using improvised or impromptu weapons.
Survivalist 2 Obtain food/water and ignore penalties in nature automatically.
Survivor 3 Threshold is equal to total Health, not 50% of Health.
Taunter 1 More likely to be targeted in fights unless proven weak.
Theologian 1 Possess familiarity with known religion practices and history.
Tough 8 Reduce Damage from most sources received by 1.
Versatile 5 Increase maximum Ability.
Wealthy 5 Possess a source of non-liquid wealth and resources.
Weapon Master 10 Ignore Weapon Difficulty penalties.
Wrestler 3 Once a round, grapples and throws do not cost an Action.

Chapter 4

Traits, General
Addiction 1 Must meet addiction or suffer a stacking penalty to Skill Rolls.
Allergies 1 Receive a penalty to all Skill Rolls while affected by allergy.
Animal Bane 2 Animals are innately distrustful.
Blind 8 Cannot see is unable observes things solely based on vision.
Careless 3 Occasionally misplace possessions and items.
Clumsy 2 Skill Rolls are required during the game to avoid accidents.
Compulsive Honesty 2 Skill Roll is needed to lie or else character confesses truth.
Coward 4 Dangerous situations require a Skill Roll to act normally.
Deaf 3 Cannot hear and may not detect events based solely on hearing.
Deep Sleeper 1 Double Difficulty to detect when asleep. Lose 1 Turn while waking up.
Disabled Arm 5 Has one less limb to hold/use/manipulate objects.
Easy Mark 2 Often the target of thieves and robberies.
Flashy 1 Character will sometimes be disregarded and not taken seriously.
Forgetful 3 May be required to make a Skill Roll to remember known information.
Frail 8 Suffer an additional 1 Damage from all sources.
Glass Jaw 3 Resisting any injury has its Difficulty doubled.
Gluttonous 3 May require a Skill Roll to avoid over indulgence in activities.
Gossip 1 False information slips in even on successful social rolls.
Greedy 3 May refuse to give or hide resources from NPCs and organizations.
Hallucinations 3 At least once a day, the character sees/hears things that distract them.
Hideous 1 People are often repulsed by the character due to appearance or mannerism.
Hungry 1 Character requires double normal food and drink to avoid penalties.
Ill Tempered 2 Skill Roll to avoid being verbally hostile to someone who is rude or insulting.
Illiterate 1 Unable to read or write native language.
Inattentive 1 Difficulty for remembering lessons, observations or conversations is doubled.
Irritating 3 Often annoy or irritate people when talking.
Kleptomaniac 3 Occasionally steal from NPCs and NPC shops.
Lumbering 2 Increased Difficulty to move further in Scenes.
Messy Writing 1 Documents made by character may be unknowingly illegible.
Movement Assisted 3 The character uses a mobility device like crutches or a wheelchair.
Myopia 1 Require corrective lenses or receive a +1 Difficulty.
Nausea 2 Skill Roll when confronted with a disgusting situation or lose ability to act.
Non-Speaking 1 Cannot speak and can only communicate in gestures.
Obligation 2 An NPC or group requires resources or help periodically.

Chapter 4

Traits, General
Panic 3 Stressful situations may require a Skill Roll or cause a character to panic.
Pathological Liar 3 Occasionally lie without reason.
Phobia 2 Flee or avoid a targeted type of phobia until a Skill Roll is made.
Rigid 5 Decrease maximum Ability.
Salacious 2 Distracted by individuals they are attracted to.
Sensitive Senses 1 Receive penalties for offensive sensory stimulus.
Sickly 2 Suffer random minor illnesses often.
Slothful 2 Jobs, projects, or tasks may take double the time occasionally.
Slow 3 Movement is reduced during an Encounter.
Slow Healer 3 Injuries recover slower.
Sluggish 3 Lowers the d10 to d8 for Encounter Order.
Stalkers 1 Attract stalkers, obsessive admirers, and possibly dangerous people.
Suspicious 3 Tends to invite suspicion and distrust.
Tongue-Tied 1 Skill Rolls in stressful or high-stakes social situations are doubled in Difficulty.
Uneducated 2 Recalling facts or knowledge has increased Difficulty.
Unfocused 2 Ability restored by Techniques/items is reduced by 1 to a minimum of 1.
Unforgettable 1 Appearance/style/mannerisms are easy for NPCs to remember.
Unhealthy 5 Decrease maximum Health.
Unlucky 2 The character will have small, negative events occur occasionally.
Vain 1 +1 Difficulty if appearance is poor.
Wasteful 2 Items cost double the resources to create.
Weak 2 Melee damage die reduced.
Wrathful 3 May be unable to switch targets when fighting.

Chapter 4

Traits, Special
Alchemist 3 Create a magical potion or salve once a day.
Arcane Artisan 5 Creating magical items is much easier.
Arcane Lore 2 Automatically recognize most spells.
Arcane Sense 2 Detect nearby magic innately.
Astral Projection 2 Gain the ability to traverse the astral or spirit realms.
Cantrips 2 Be able to always cast minor magical effects.
Chameleon 2 Able to hide in plain sight.
Extra Limb 3 Have an extra limb for holding or manipulating.
Flight 10 Able to levitate and fly as part of normal movement.
Fortunetelling 3 See possible fates and portents.
Incorporeal 5 Gain the ability to turn incorporeal to phase through objects.
Innate Equipment 3 Have a piece of equipment that is always accessible.
Loremaster 2 Master of identifying magical items, writings, and lore.
Magic Resistant 3 Difficulties for resisting magical effects are halved.
Mystic 2 Randomly get helpful visions.
Night Vision 3 Able to see in darkness with no penalty.
Regeneration 10 Restore Health over time.
Relic 3 Obtain a magical item.
Sensor 2 Vision is considered 360 degrees, not blocked by some objects.
Telepath 3 Communicate with mental thoughts as conversation.
Venomous 3 Inflict poison on natural attacks.
Wall Climb 3 Able to walk on or climb walls normally.
Water Breathing 2 Can breath water as air.

Chapter 4

Traits, Special
Ancient Curse 3 Suffer the effects of a supernatural curse.
Arcane Focus 2 Cannot use Techniques without a specific item.
Arcane Ignorance 1 Always fail knowledge/history Skill Rolls relating to magic.
Cursed Heirloom 3 Possession of a cursed object that cannot be lost.
Eldritch Dreams 2 Recurring vivid nightmares cause loss of sleep and bad omens.
Enchantable 2 Double Difficulty of resisting enchantment or sleep spells.
Haunted 3 Supernatural entity makes trouble and causes harm.
Lose Control 3 Periodically must make Skill Rolls or act randomly.
Monstrous 2 NPCs are often scared or hostile.
Mundane 3 Unable to use magic correctly, including items.
Mystical Patron 1 Deity or other entity's laws/rules must be obeyed to maintain powers.
Sunblind 2 Bright natural light causes temporary blindness.

Chapter 4

Techniques, General
Adrenaline Rush Gain reduction against damage temporarily.
Aim High chance to land an attack or strike.
Analysis Grant multiple bonuses for all allies against one target.
Armor Upgrade Temporarily upgrade armor to absorb a portion of incoming Damage.
Assassinate Attempt a killing blow on a target.
Barrage Use a ranged weapon to strike all visible enemies in range.
Beatdown Pummel, disarm, and knock down a target.
Blast Radius Increase or decrease the radius of a grenade or explosive.
Bleeder Damage and cause additional damage over time.
Bolster Use words or a performance to energize and restore Ability to allies.
Breaker Destroy an opponents equipment, weapon, or armor.
Calculation Grant an ally/self a second Skill Roll and they may take the better.
Carrier Lift a single willing/unconscious person and carry them for no penalty.
Cautionary Advice Grant the user's Resistance against a Skill Roll.
Cheer Bolster a single ally with a cheer.
Command Give an ally a full turn with bonuses.
Concealment Hide with extreme skill.
Coordinated Attack Damage and pass an enemy to nearby allies.
Defender Guard an ally from damage by absorbing an attack.
Demoralize Insult or harangue a target, lowering their Resistances.
Detoxification Cure poison and grant immunity to poison temporarily.
Disassemble Reduce any object to base components with an Action at Base Difficulty.
Dispatch Deal double damage with an attack.
Disrupt Counters an opponent’s attack.
Distraction Makes Techniques unavailable to the target for a short period of time.
Dodge High chance to avoid incoming danger or attack.
Dolphin Kick Double movement while swimming for 1 Turn, ignore any water penalties.
Face Climbing Double movement when climbing for 1 Turn at Base Difficulty Skill Roll.
Field Repairs Repair an object or restore 1d4+1 Health to an artificial creature.
First-Aid Restore Health to an adjacent ally.
Flash Strike Melee strike multiple enemies in movement range.
Focus Restore Ability to user.
Full Sprint Double normal movement for 1 Turn and move through danger.
Galvanize Call out to a dying or unconscious character to revive.
Guard Increase defense against attacks temporarily.
Hack Control/access electronic entity or machine.
Hurl Throw an object twice it's normal range.
Improved Application Use a medical item and restore an additional die of Health.
Improvise Temporarily improve an item, providing a Skill Roll bonus to using it.
Inoculation Suppress disease penalties and grant immunity to diseases temporarily.
Inspire Use speech, song, or dance allies to grant allies bonuses.
Instruction Grant the user's Skill modifier for a task.
Knockout Instantly knock out a target.

Chapter 4

Techniques, General
Lecture Grant +1d4 to a Skill for a duration.
Line Up Use a ranged weapon to strike up to 3 enemies in a line.
Med-Tech Temporarily increase the effectiveness of a healing item.
Medical Conservation Use a medical items and don't consume a usage.
Mutilate Inflict an injury on a target.
Overdose Use a medical item to transfer healing to Damage.
Parkour Run/jump/climb to a location ignoring Interruptions.
Pinning Shot Pin a limb to an adjacent surface with a larger projectile.
Power Lift Lift an object and ignore its weight for one Turn.
Presence Force or inspire neutral people or weak-willed enemies to assist.
Profile Grant full knowledge of and any weaknesses of creature.
Push On Increase Skill Rolls for a period of time.
Rally Restore Health to all allies within visual or audio range.
Rebounding Shot Strike a single enemy and any adjacent targets.
Reflexive Surge Gain a free Action.
Reposition Make a melee attack and then ignore Interruptions when moving.
Resuscitation Revive an unconscious, dying, or recently dead person.
Salvage Create fully functional equipment quickly out of scraps.
Scale Climb/jump on a large creature or vehicle with no Interruption.
Second Wind Restore the user’s Health.
Sketch Create a perfect quick sketch.
Skip Shot Double weapon range for a single shot.
Sleight Of Hand Perform complex sleight of hand without detection.
Smash Knock a target back forcefully.
Snipe Temporarily disable a target from a distance.
Solver Solve a portion of or gain an edge in dealing with puzzles and cryptograms.
Surgical Healing Remove injury penalties and most active negative effects on a character.
Sweep Strike all adjacent opponents.
Tactics Grant all allies ability an attack or movement.
Takedown Deals damage and pin an opponent.
Terrorize Inflict fear on creatures.
Thrasher Damage, and grapple or throw an enemy.
Threaten Attack and threaten a character in melee range to force them to help.
Triage Restore Health to all nearby allies.
Trick Shot Ignore line of sight to attack.
Uncanny Speed Gain a free Turn.
Volley Use a ranged weapon to strike multiple enemies in an area.
Weak Spot Ignore all innate Defense bonuses and reduce equipment Defense by half.
Weapon Upgrade Temporarily give a Damage bonus to a weapon.

Chapter 4

Techniques, Special
Acid Volley Project a volley of acid.
Alter Size Grow or shrink in size.
Animation Bring an object to life to assist you.
Arcane Blast Attacks an area with magical energy.
Arcane Bolt Attacks a single target with magical energy.
Arsenal Attack with multiple innate ranged weapons.
Aura Of Pain Manifest an aura with a damaging effect that harms all nearby.
Barrier Magical barrier absorbs damage.
Bewitch Make a target friendly.
Binding Locks a creature in place.
Blaster Damage and push back all nearby.
Bless Grant bonuses to all allies.
Boon Boost ally with bonuses and increased Critical Success rate.
Bound Jump or leap a massive distance.
Clone Create a weaker copy.
Copycat Copy a valid Technique from an individual for a short time.
Cry Paralyze all enemies with a scream/cry/shout.
Cure Restore health and remove ailments.
Curse Curse enemies with penalties.
Dazzle Stun and blind a number of targets briefly.
Detonate Self-sacrifice to deal massive area damage.
Dimensional Gate Create a small gate to a specific known close location or a location in view.
Displacement Visual/audio displacement increases defenses.
Domination Control a target's mind.
Dragon Breath Breath out a certain element as a wide range attack.
Elemental Blast Attacks a group of opponents with damage and a special property.
Elemental Bolt Attacks an opponent with damage and a special property.
Enchant Magically boost weapon or armor temporarily.
Energize Turn an object into an explosive.
Energy Beam Fires a beam of energy that can strike multiple targets.
Energy Bomb Blast an area with energy and knock all targets back.
Energy Drain Steals Health from a target by touch.
Essence Drain Steals Health from a target with magic.
False Perception Cause a target to be unable to perceive multiple stationary objects or creatures.
Force Shield Briefly become immune to damage.
Grappling Limb Grapple and damage a target from long range.
Hex Curse enemy with penalties and increased Critical Failure rate.
Hidden Form Gain multiple benefits for a brief period of time.
Illumination Allows changing of light in an area to absolute brightness or darkness.
Illusion Creates a false image that looks real.
Immortality Self-resurrect if reduced to below 0 Health.
Intercession Shield an ally from a single attack or effect.
Invisibility Make a target invisible with magic.

Chapter 4

Techniques, Special
Invulnerable Briefly become resistant to damage.
Laying On Hands Restore health or heal a variety of lasting effects.
Leap Clear any possible size jump with a Base Difficulty Skill Roll.
Levitation Fly or levitate for a period of time.
Life Link Shift Health and effects between user and target.
Magic Grasp Manipulate, damage, and shove a target or item with magic.
Magic Weapon Form a weapon from pure energy.
Martyr Take all wounds a single creature receives.
Mesmerize Target is temporarily unable to act.
Mimic Perform a recently used Technique.
Mind Reader Learn all current status and ability info of target.
Mind Wrack Damage a single target's Ability.
Muddle Target suffers confusion.
Mystic Wall Creates a wall with a magical energy.
Nightmares Terrorize and weaken a target.
Obfuscate Create fog/smoke/steam that is difficult to see in.
Paralyze Stop an opponent from moving.
Polymorph Morph a creature or person.
Portal Create a large temporary portal that leads to a known location.
Possess Enter and control an entity.
Powered Strike Charge and launch a super powered melee attack.
Protective Rite Shield a creature from danger and supernatural evil.
Psychic Explosion Damage all nearby targets and knock them back.
Purification Remove diseases and poisons for all allies.
Radiance All allies are immune to fear and mental effects.
Raise Dead Bring a recently dead target back to life.
Reanimation Create an undead minion.
Rebirth Return from death.
Regenerate Restore Health to the user over time.
Rejuvenation Restore health and remove effects for all allies.
Resurrection Bring a creature that has been dead less than 24 hours back to life.
Salvation Summon aid from supernatural creatures.
Scry Read a target's thoughts and actions for bonuses.
Self-Repair Restore Health to the user over time.
Shapeshift Morph into another creature or person.
Summon Summon a magical creation to assist.
Telekinesis Manipulate objects and people with mental power.
Teleport Disappear and reappear in nearby or visible location.
Time Shift Increase or decrease the speed of a target.
Transmute Alter an object’s properties.
Tremor Knockdown all surrounding characters.
Wasting Invite sickness and disease onto a single target, weakening them.
Worship Song Restores health to all allies for multiple Rounds.

Chapter 4

Health indicates total overall health and the condition Death occurs when Health and the Threshold value
of the body and mind of the character. Health is are depleted. Some Techniques and Traits can
lowered from environmental damage, combat, and counter this effect, but normally this means the end of
accidents. a character's existence.

Health usually recovers fully after any period of rest, Example

usually an hour. Some Techniques and items can be Yumei Zhu, an inspector of Scotland Yard, is currently
used to restore Health quickly, but there is never investigating a cultist hideout. She has 10/10 Health.
guaranteed success when restoring Health.
She comes upon two cultists who spot her and attack.
Even when a character has full Health, they could still She engages them, firing her revolver. She's hit by
very well be sore, in pain, or still have injuries suffered one cultist's dagger across the arm for 3 points of
from Critical effects. Health is an approximate value of Damage. Yumei now has 7/10 Health. During the
current stamina and vigor, and thus is not necessarily fight, she takes another dagger strike, for 4 Damage
mean a character is feeling great even when they as it plunges into her shoulder, bringing her down to
have full Health. 3/10 Health. Yumei defeats the cultists.

Anytime a character receives Damage, it is subtracted After reloading, Yumei digs into her coat and pulls out
from their Health. If they have no Health remaining, it her first-aid kit to heal herself. She makes a healing
is then subtracted from their Health Threshold. If they Skill Roll and gets an 9 – that's enough, and restores
have no Threshold remaining, the character is dead. 1d4 for 3 Health. She patches herself up further,
getting an 8 on the Skill Roll and another 4 on the 1d4
for Health. She's back up to 10/10. She'll continue on.
The Health Threshold is normally 50% of the She goes further into the hideout, finding a secret
character's Health, rounded down. If a character is out entrance that goes further down. She trips a blade
of Health, they are Incapacitated, but if they have trap, taking 6 damage, cutting a deep wound in her
Threshold remaining, they remain alive. Any Damage side. Yumei is down to 4 Health this time. She's pretty
taken when Health is at 0 moves into the Helath wounded, but she presses on.
If Yumei drops to 0 Health, she'll become
It is more difficult to restore the Health Threshold than Incapacitated and any overflow will go into her Health
regular Health. Since Threshold reduction lasts longer, Threshold. Given she has no allies with her, it will
it can be dangerous to be Incapacitated multiple times. either be over for her, or the cultists may treat her and
keep her prisoner.
Characters at 0 Health are considered Incapacitated
and are not normally able to do anything. Even if they
are conscious, they are in shock, delirious, and/or
dying. Characters return to full Health after a normal
rest (though, in actuality, they might still be in a lot of
pain or tired). Character who are out of Health and
receive more Damage lose Health Threshold, and will
die if that is also reduced to 0.

Chapter 4

Trevor is now out of Ability. CX-99, however, has their
ABILITY DETAILS own Technique that restores Ability: Encouraging
Ability is a character’s energy-level, inner-strength, Cheer. They use it on Trevor, and Trevor regains 2
focus, and mental clarity. It is used to activate Ability!
Techniques, the special active abilities of a character.
Shazara, however, finishes off the last of the pirates
Activating a Technique costs an Ability. Each use of a before Trevor has a chance. With all enemies
Technique takes an Ability, even if multiple Techniques defeated, the crew is clear to get some rest. After an
are done in single Turn. hour of relaxation and rest, Trevor has regained his
remaining Ability.
Ability is restored when resting. Like with Health,
resting will restore it completely. Certain items, Traits,
or other Techniques can also refresh Ability.

Every character has a minimum of 3 Techniques, a
talent, power, or specialization that is representative of
their knowledge or training. A character can have any
number of Techniques, but the usage is limited by
available Ability.

Trevor is battling three space pirates on his ship with
his allies CX-99 the android co-pilot and Shazara
Uleen, an alien bounty hunter. He has a Technique,
Captain's Shots, that lets him strike all enemies with a
ranged attack with his energy pistol. Trevor has 3/10
Ability currently.

Trevor uses Captain's Shots, and strikes three of his

enemies. One goes down, the other two are heavily
wounded. Trevor now has 2/10 Ability. The fight

At one point, Trevor is hit by a space pirate's energy

musket and he nearly goes down! He uses another
Technique, Stylish Bravado, a self-heal. He now has
1/10 Ability, and restores a portion of his Health.

Trevor is going all in now as the fight nears its climax.

He spends another Ability for yet another Technique,
Heroic Charge. Activating this technique, Trevor, CX-
99, and Shazara all attack at the same time!

Chapter 4


Fashion a magic bomb
Mix a protective salve
Skills are a character’s training, natural ability, and
talent in a certain field. In game terms, Skills are
bonuses applied to Skill Rolls representing training,
education, natural talent, and innate skill.
This Skill applies to the ability to estimate value and
worth in objects, including art and jewels, and
While some equipment, Traits, and Technique effects
knowledge of common market values.
can affect Skill Rolls, the main factor in whether or not
a character is good at what they are doing is whether
they have a Skill. If a Skill can be applied to a Skill
Roll, it grants an additional 1d10 – functionally, a • Estimate the worth of a piece of art
reroll. The character uses the higher roll between the • Know current gem values in a market
two. • Identify treasures in an attic among junk

While whether a Skill applies or not will often be ARCANUM

obvious, if there is every uncertainty, it is the GM's call Description:
if it applies or not. This magical-Setting Skill applies to all aspects of
magical lore. This includes knowledge of spells,
magical creatures, and legendary items.
Custom Skills can be added if they are accepted by Uses:
the GM. When making new Skills, it is important to • Identify a spell
keep them broad enough they remain useful, while • Recall a magical creature's weaknesses
making sure they are not too broad and cover existing • Remember the history of a powerful mage
SKILL LIST Description:
Common Skills are listed below. Examples of use are This Skill applies to visual art mediums such as
provided, as well as more in-depth information below. painting, drawing, and sculpture.
Additional Skills beyond the list here can be created.
ACTING • Sketch a portrait
Description: • Paint a piece as a commission
This Skill applies to all forms of acting, including • Sculpt a trinket as a gift
portraying characters for entertainment as well as
mimicking others and blending in as well as standing ARTILLERY
out. Description:
This Skill applies to large scale weapons of war, from
Uses: catapults, to cannons, to missile silos.
• Play a part on the stage
• Mimic an existing person Uses:
• Fake a role or job • Fire a field gun
• Activate a catapult
ALCHEMY • Launch a SAM
This magical-Setting Skill applies to creating magical ASTROGATION
potions, salves, and similar items and mixtures. Description:
This sci-fi Setting Skill applies to charting a star
Uses: courses and any function in a role as a navigator on a
• Create a healing potion star cruiser or large ship.

Chapter 4

alcoholic drinks.
• Plot a safe course to a new star system Uses:
• Safely set up a warp location • Brew beer
• Avoiding a gravity well or dying star • Operating a distillery
• Identifying an alcoholic drink
Description: CARPENTRY
This Skill applies to running, climbing, jumping, riding, Description:
swimming and other physical activities. This Skill applies to all forms of woodworking, making
wooden structures and objects.
• Climb a wall Uses:
• Swim across a river • Repair a house
• Jump a pit • Build a chair
• Upgrade a ship's hull
Description: CHEMISTRY
This Skill applies to piloting air vehicles from balloons Description:
to planes. This Skill applies is used in the science of elements
and compounds, used to determine their makeup and
Uses: how they interact.
• Land an experimental jet
• Chase someone in an airship Uses:
• Maneuver a helicopter • Create a chemical
• Identify the properties of a liquid or substance
BIOLOGY • Recall chemicals and their interactions
This Skill applies to the science of living organisms COMPUTERS
and biological processes, used for identifying and Description:
examining creatures on a detailed level. This Skill applies is knowledge of computers, both in
operation and construction, hardware and software.
• Recall a creature's vulnerabilities Uses:
• Analyze blood or tissue • Build a computer
• Study a new creature to learn about it • Code a program
• Search a computer for hidden files
Description: COOKING
This Skill applies to fist fighting, shoving, kicking, and Description:
using improvised weapons such as umbrellas, This Skill applies to all forms of cooking, baking, and
shovels, or bats. the preparation and creation of all kinds of food and
• Headbutt an assailant Uses:
• Swing a baseball bat at an intruder • Cook a meal
• Stab someone with a broken bottle • Determine ingredients in a dish
• Bake a treat as a gift
This Skill applies to all forms of alcohol creation, Description:
including brewing, distilling, and knowledge of This Skill applies to common building and repairing

Chapter 4

and other handyman activities, as well as creating

simple objects. Uses:
• Create a bomb
Uses: • Diffuse a mine
• Repair a damaged vehicle • Safely detonate a demolition charge
• Fix a broken appliance
• Assemble furniture DEMONOLOGY
CULTURE This magical-Setting Skill applies to knowledge of
Description: demons as well as summoning and controlling them.
This Skill applies to knowledge of cultural norms and
pop-culture in general. Uses:
• Recall the lore of powerful demons
Uses: • Create a ritual circle to summon a demon
• Recall a known-figure's history • Bind a free demon with the proper ritual
• Dodge cultural faux pas
• Identify a popular dish in a foreign country DIPLOMACY
CYBERNETICS This Skill applies to formal diplomacy, utilizing proper
Description: etiquette, and engaging in negotiations.
This sci-fi Setting Skill applies to creating, implanting,
repairing, and identifying cybernetics. Uses:
• Address a royal assembly
Uses: • Perform a diplomatic negotiation
• Create a cybernetic arm • Secure aid from a government official
• Install a nervous reflex upgrade
• Repair a broken limb motor DRIVING
DANCE This Skill applies to operating vehicles from carriages
Description: to cars.
This Skill applies to knowledge of various forms of
dance and skill in executing them. Uses:
• Race another driver
Uses: • Keep control during a collision
• Perform a dance for an audience • Perform a daring stunt
• Dance with a partner to impress them
• Identify a ritual dance's significance ECONOMICS
DECEPTION This Skill applies to knowledge of goods and services
Description: in society, including business and finance.
This Skill applies to misleading, lying to, tricking, and
deceiving others. Uses:
• Judge investments
Uses: • Determine the quality of an offered deal
• Lie to a security guard to gain access • Recall business regulations
• Trick a merchant into giving a discount
• Obscure the truth while being interrogated ENCHANTMENT
DEMOLITION This magical-Setting Skill applies to creating magical
Description: objects and infusing magical equipment.
This Skill applies to creating, using, and disposing of
explosives. Uses:

Chapter 4

• Create a magical trinket • Judge the emotional state of a person

• Enchant a sword with magic
• Determine the enchantment on an object INTIMIDATION
ENDURANCE This Skill applies to attempts to threaten, terrify, and
Description: control others through displays or threats of force or
This Skill applies to staying awake, resisting pain, and violence.
shrugging off toxins.
Uses: • Terrify an hostage into providing information
• Resist a poisonous bite • Threaten a merchant for a discount
• Hold breath under water • Intimidate an enemy into surrendering
• Remain awake all night
ENGINEERING Description:
Description: This Skill applies to searching, investigating, and
This Skill applies to design and invention of objects looking around.
and facilities.
Uses: • Search a room for secreted treasures
• Map out a design for a new aqueduct • Check a murder scene for clues
• Invent a new experimental armor • Find a hidden person in a shadowy room
• Design upgrades for a vehicle's parameters
HERBALISM Description:
Description: This Skill applies to knowledge of laws and
This Skill applies to knowledge of plants and natural government.
medicines and toxins.
Uses: • Search a room for secreted treasures
• Make an antidote out of plants • Check a murder scene for clues
• Find natural medicine in the wilderness • Find a hidden person in a shadowy room
• Prepare a poison from mushrooms
HISTORY Description:
Description: This Skill applies to attempts to rally and lead others,
This Skill applies to recalling facts about all aspects of as well as inspire courage and confidence.
history, from significant events to notable figures.
Uses: • Call over bystanders to help in an emergency
• Recite information about an ancient battle • Inspire warriors in a battle
• Recall the lineage of a queen • Galvanize a team before a match
• List famous occult events tied to an object
INSIGHT Description:
Description: This Skill applies to creating and fashioning leather
This Skill applies to attempts to detect lying, estimate objects, and knowledge of the tanning process.
intentions, and to detect unusual behavior.
Uses: • Tan animal hides
• Determine the truth of a statement • Create a leather coat
• Discern an individual's intent • Repair a leather satchel

Chapter 4

LEGERDEMAIN This Skill applies to recalling mathematical formulas,
Description: figuring out equations, and determining
This Skill applies to sleight of hand for tricks, thievery, measurements.
and subterfuge.
Uses: • Estimate measurements
• Slip a jewel into a pocket • Figure out a complex equation
• Secretly transfer an object between hands • Recall number patterns & equations
• Lift a gun from an unsuspecting officer
LITERATURE Description:
Description: This Skill applies to utilizing technology and machines
This Skill applies to all creation of literature including of all types, from simple to complex.
fiction and poetry.
Uses: • Operate heavy machinery
• Write a moving poem • Disable a lock
• Create a gripping novel • Rewire a keycard panel
• Fashion an instruction manual
LOGIC Description:
Description: This Skill applies to healing and recalling medical
This Skill applies to solving riddles and puzzles, as effects, either professionally or through self-taught
well as making deductions and solving mysteries. healing.

Uses: Uses:
• Figure out a riddle • Bandage a wound
• Connect clues in a mystery • Treat poison
• Solve a puzzle in a tomb • Use a first-aid kit

Description: Description:
This Skill applies to all forms of ranged combat and This Skill applies to all forms of close quarters combat
target shooting including using firearms and bows. training, such as swordsmanship, street fighting, and
martial arts.
• Throwing a knife Uses:
• Firing a pistol • Knocking someone over
• Tossing a grenade • Throwing a punch
• Swinging a sword
Description: MUSIC
This Skill applies to all forms of stonework, including Description:
making structures and objects. This Skill applies to knowledge of and skill with all
aspects of music, from playing instruments, to singing,
Uses: to composing.
• Build a stone fence
• Repair masonry cracks Uses:
• Fashion stone furniture • Play a complicated song on a guitar
• Engage in a concert
MATHEMATICS • Compose a song

Chapter 4

Description: Description:
This Skill applies to knowledge of and experience with This Skill applies to knowledge of political figures,
the natural world and ecology, including all types of campaigning, and related rules and laws.
plants and animals.
Uses: • Recall legislation and who passed it
• Identify and explain a particular animal • Knowledge of how various governments work
• Determine the uses of a mushroom or plant • Organizing a campaign event
• Identify a type of animal den
OCCULT Description:
Description: This Skill applies to knowledge of feeling and thought,
This magical-Setting Skill applies to knowledge of real as well as behavior and cognition.
cults, dark artifacts, and verboten rituals.
Uses: • Analyze a person's behavior
• Recall lore about a cult • Estimate an individual's next move
• Identify true rituals versus fake rituals • Diagnose trauma or mental condition
• Explain details of a forgotten god-monster
PERFORMANCE Description:
Description: This Skill applies to knowledge of modern and ancient
This Skill applies to all aspects of performance and religions, rites, and creeds.
how to put on a show.
Uses: • Recall the details of a religious holiday
• Excite a crowd and draw attention • Pray and show devotion correctly
• Organize a play, show, or concert • Identify followers and their faith through clues
• Entertain a group of people with jokes or song
PERSUASION Description:
Description: This Skill applies to researching and studying to find
This Skill used in friendly or coercive social out new information or learn.
interactions, such as persuasion, socializing, and
seduction. Uses:
• Search a library for news about an event
Uses: • Search the internet for details on a date
• Convincing someone to help • Go through notes to learn about the author
• Flirting and gaining favor
• Gathering information SAILING
PHYSICS This Skill applies to using nautical vehicles and
Description: mariner's knowledge.
This Skill applies to knowledge of matter and energy,
including gravity and force. Uses:
• Speed up a ship by working on the sails
Uses: • Navigate rough waters in a raft
• Estimate the result of a device or contraption • Chase another boat across open waters
• Judge safety of a jump or a crash
• Recall equations or matter properties SMITHING

Chapter 4

Description: STREETWISE
This Skill applies to metalwork like blacksmithing, Description:
armorsmithing, and weaponsmithing. This Skill is used in navigating urban environments
and survival in the streets.
• Forge new horseshoes Uses:
• Fix a broken sword • Find an illegal contact or dealer
• Upgrade armor with metal reinforcement • Find shortcuts in a city
• Discover a safe place to hide on the streets
Description: SURVIVAL
This magical-Setting Skill applies to using magic and Description:
casting spells. This Skill used in foraging, hunting, tracking, and other
aspects of wilderness survival.
• Cast a spell Uses:
• Use a magical wand • Track an animal
• Prepare a magical ritual • Find a safe campsite
• Identify safe foods to forage
Description: TAILORING
This sci-fi Setting Skill applies to using personal Description:
starships and serving as the pilot on larger ships. This Skill is used for weaving and tailoring, and
modifying and creating clothes and cloth products.
• Outmaneuver and get behind another starship Uses:
• Dodge an asteroid • Fashion an outfit
• Ram another starship • Repair a ruined canvas tarp
• Turn wool into yarn
Description: THIEVERY
This Skill used in feats of hiding, shadowing, and Description:
stalking. This Skill is used in feats of stealing, burglary, or
similar criminal activities.
• Hiding in shadows Uses:
• Moving quietly • Pickpocket an individual
• Shadowing a suspicious person • Shoplift something discreetly
• Pick a lock
Description: XENOBIOLOGY
This Skill used in strategy and tactics for warfare to Description:
determine maneuvers, approaches, and defenses. This sci-fi Setting Skill applies to recalling information
about and identifying traits and species of aliens.
• Coordinate town defenses Uses:
• Direct allies to attack • Recall facts about an alien's makeup
• Create an attack plan • Estimate an alien animal's behavior
• Discern if an environment will harm an alien

Chapter 4

TRAITS Since Traits generally have very specific effects, PCs
These special traits flesh out a character. Traits will probably want to record their effects on their
represent a character’s natural features, specialized character sheets. For GMs, NPC Traits should also be
training, life experiences, strengths, and weaknesses. noted or at minimal figured into their base statistics.
Traits can include things that grant a benefit such as Traits in the table are split into categories for ease of
academic lore, natural skill in the sciences, reference, but have no mechanical function. Different
specialization in hand-to-hand combat, improved kinds of Traits might only be applicable for certain
health, and other positive effects. They can also Settings and contain magical, technological, or
include drawbacks or challenges for a character, such supernatural effects.
as perhaps a rude attitude, lack of education, frailness
of body, or allergies.

Traits that grant bonuses are purchased with

Experience. Traits that limit the character in ways
grant bonus Experience.

While the list of Traits is a good default selection,

Players and GMs are encouraged to make new ones.
It is important for the Game Masters to make sure the
new additions are balanced as well.

Custom Traits help make a character unique. Making
your own beneficial Traits means your character can
have their own special passive effects, unique edges,
and other properties. Creating custom limiting Traits
gives your character personality, character traits to
build off, hindrances dealt by life that they compensate
with other strengths, and vulnerabilities in exchange
for power in other areas. There are no limits besides
common sense (and proper balancing based on other
Traits, of course).

Custom Traits an take some GM thought,and should

be balanced against other listed Traits. Setting specific
ones are very common, and can benefit or hinder both
PCs and NPCs.

Below follows a list of descriptions for various Traits
available to the player. Characters are encouraged to
create new ones in addition to the ones listed here.
They are grouped into different categories for ease of

Chapter 4

ACADEMIC maximum when Encounter Order is rolled.
Experience Cost: 2
Description: Experience Bonus: 1
The character is trained in a variety of academic fields
such as history, law, or medicine. Description:
The character has an addiction.
When attempting a Skill Roll to recall information in Effect:
fields of academia (history, law, medicine, etc), the The character’s addiction must be met once per day
Difficulty is reduced by 1. or the character receives a stacking +1 to all
Difficulties (ex: +2 for two days, +3 for 3 days, etc).
ACROBATIC Possible addictions could be to particular food,
Experience Cost: 3 cigarettes, or alcohol. Harder to obtain and more
dangerous addictions, such as certain drugs, may give
Description: more Experience at GM discretion.
The character has the ability to spring to their feet
quickly when knocked down. ALCHEMIST
Experience Cost: 3
If the character is knocked down or affected by a Description:
Technique that requires an Action to use movement The character specializes in magical or alchemical
again, they can ignore this cost and regain their feet formulas that allows creation of magical consumables
on their Turn for no Action. easily.

ACTOR Effect:
Experience Cost: 3 Once per day, if they have access to the materials and
the correct facilities or their own tools, the character
Description: can automatically generate 1 magical potion or salve
The character can do various accents, change they could normally create without a Skill Roll. The
mannerisms, and even mimic individuals. time taken and material cost is unchanged.

The character blends into most situations Experience Cost: 1
automatically without a Skill Roll, and will
automatically seem like any non-specific individual Description:
(ex: an employee of a business, a carnival patron, a The character's constant alertness prevents them from
fancy party attendee). If they arouse suspicions, or are being caught off-guard.
trying to mimic a specific individual (ex: Jim in
accounting), they must still make Skill Rolls as per Effect:
normal. Ambushing this character from hiding grants on
bonuses, and the character is never surprised or
ADAPTABLE caught off-guard during Scenes.
Experience Cost: 3
Description: Experience Bonus: 1
The character can quickly adapt to and refocus in new
situations. Description:
The character suffers from severe allergies to a
Effect: common substance.
The character gains restores 1 Ability if not at

Chapter 4

Effect: Effect:
Allergies cause the character to suffer a +1 to all Animals are never friendly to the character, and hostile
Difficulties while affected. Example allergies could be wild animals always see them as a threat.
animal dander, pollen, dust, or smoke.
ALLURE Experience Cost: 2
Experience Cost: 1
Description: The character is skilled or naturally talented in
The character is extremely attractive and incredibly communicating with animals.
alluring to many people.
Effect: The character can more easily understand animals,
If a NPC has the possibility of becoming physically and the GM can treat it as if a conversation between
attracted to or romantically interested in the character, two people speaking the same language (even if the
they be more easily plied and trusting. The character character cannot technically speak to the animal). Wild
can choose to reroll Persuasion Skill Rolls (once per animals will be far less apt to attack, and may be
attempt) that are not threatening or intimidating if an cajoled into being friendly, though trained guard
NPC is affected. If this is used, the second roll must animals are unlikely to be swayed.
be taken regardless of result.
ANALYZER Experience Cost: 2
Experience Cost: 3
Description: The character is knowledgeable about markets and
The character is an excellent eye for detail, or has the value of precious objects, stones, and metals.
built in scanners or analyzers that give them
information on others instantly. Effect:
The character knows the approximate base value of
Effect: any valuable item or commodity after examining it
The character knows the exact current Health and without a Skill Roll. In addition, of the markets and
Ability of any character. places to sell they are aware of, they know each ones
would be best to sell in.
Experience Bonus: 3 ARCANE ARTISAN
Experience Cost: 5
The character suffers from an ancient curse or hex. Description:
The character is an expert at enchanting and creating
Effect: magical items.
The character suffers consistent misfortune. They will
get sick often, may experience unpleasant Effect:
appearance effects, and may heal slowly or The character possesses the knowledge and ability to
sometimes not at all. Most people will realize create magical items. This includes permanent,
something is wrong with the character and feel a temporary, or consumable items.
negative energy, and this will color their reactions.
ANIMAL BANE Experience Bonus: 2
Experience Bonus: 2
Description: The character cannot use magic without a certain
The character gives a bad feeling to animals. magical/spiritual focus.

Chapter 4

This Trait can only be taken by characters that have Description:
one or more magical Techniques. When taken, the The character is trained in moving and fighting in
character has a magical book, staff, wand, or other armor, compensating for weight and movement
object that they cannot use their magical Techniques restrictions.
without. If their focus is damaged or destroyed, the
Game Master should allow them to repair or buy a Effect:
new one. The Difficulty penalties for wearing armor are ignored.


Experience Bonus: 1 Experience Cost: 2

Description: Description:
The character lacks knowledge and/or interest of The character wears armor often and is so used to its
magical subjects. presence, it functions nearly as a second skin.

Effect: Effect:
The character knows nothing of magic, doesn't grasp When worn, armor is not considered when
it, and/or simply is completely uninterested in the determining how much a character is carrying. If not
subject. They automatically fail any knowledge, worn (ex: carried in a bag), it applies as normal. In
history, or general academics Skill Roll related to addition, the character is never penalized for sleeping
magic. They can look up magical information still and in armor or by temperature/environmental effects.
recite it from sources they possess, but will promptly
forget it for future Skill Rolls. ARTIST
Experience Cost: 3
Experience Cost: 2 Description:
The character is trained in a variety of artistic
Description: mediums such as music, art, and writing.
The character is a master of spell lore. They can
recognize spell patterns, gestures, and generally have Effect:
a well of knowledge about arcane casting. When attempting a Skill Roll to create a piece of art in
any field, the Difficulty is reduced by 1.
The character automatically recognizes most spells ASSASSIN
cast without a Skill Roll. If the spell is unique or rare, Experience Cost: 1
a Skill Roll might be required to determine it's effects.
ARCANE SENSE The character is trained in assassin weapons and
Experience Cost: 2 tactics.

Description: Effect:
The character possesses an innate sense or Small weapons such as snub-nosed pistols, snub-
connection to magic. nosed revolvers, derringers, daggers, throwing knives,
and similar weapons are never detected in a normal
Effect: manual search on the character, regardless of of the
The character can detect magical enchantments, searcher's Skill Roll. These weapons can still be
items, or creatures and their relative power by detected by machines/electronics or if the search
succeeding on an Skill Roll at a Difficulty chosen by removes all hiding locations (ex: removal of all attire).
the GM per object/source.
ARMOR MASTER Experience Cost: 2
Experience Cost: 10

Chapter 4

Description: BODYGUARD
The character is capable of wandering the astral Experience Cost: 2
plane, separated from physical restrictions.
Effect: The character is able to guard and protect nearby
The character can project into the astral plan after a allies or innocent bystanders.
moment of meditation. They can move up to 30
meters away from their body at normal speed, but with Effect:
the ability to fly. They can go through anything, but The character can take Damage and displace any
cannot interact with the material world. Their body is adjacent character. All Damage and effects dealt to
vulnerable while doing this, though if they take the would-be target are instead dealt to the character
Damage, they immediately return. displacing them. The displaced target is shifted or
covered by the character determined by the
AUTOMATIC EXPERT situation/GM. If done during an Encounter, it can be
Experience Cost: 3 applied once per Round.

Description: CANTRIPS
The character has expertise in automatic and burst- Experience Cost: 2
fire weaponry.
Effect: The character is a mage, sorcerer, or other magic
When using weapons with burst fire and automatic fire user. Their magical training or innate magical skills are
features, the effect can be used twice with no penalty always available for small, limited uses without using
for a single Action. Ability.

BLIND Effect:
Experience Bonus: 8 The character can effortlessly create small magical
effects. These cannot be used to cause Damage but
Description: can be used to clean, make music, enhance food,
Through birth, combat, or accident, the character has move objects from a distance, or entertain/annoy.
no or extremely limited vision. Possible manifestations include drying wet clothes
with a warm breeze, cleaning rust off of armor,
Effect: sparking a minor fire in kindling, creating colored lights
The character may not perceive events, creatures, or that dance around, or bringing a mug from a nearby
objects that are sight-only and does not receive any table to the character's hand.
visual information from their surroundings.
BLOODHOUND Experience Bonus: 3
Experience Cost: 1
Description: The character tends to misplace their belongings.
The character has an amazing sense of smell, either a
natural gift, an enhancement, or possibly a Effect:
supernatural feature. They can detect any smell better Occasionally, the GM may inform the character they've
than most. lost or misplaced one of their items. Finding it may
require retracing steps or searching their
Effect: homes/vehicles.
The character can detect smells further than normal,
and makes any Skill Roll to detect CHAMELEON
people/places/things utilizing smell reduced by 1 in Experience Cost: 2
Difficulty. In addition, they can track by smell
exclusively without visual components. Description:
The character posses a supernatural, technological

Chapter 4

implant, or creature-based trait that gives them the Experience Cost: 5

ability to shift to match background. They can hide in
plain sight. Description:
The character has a pet, close friend, relative, lover, or
Effect: other associate who is very close and loyal. They can
The character can turn their flesh and belongings to be humanoid, animal, or monster.
match their background or blur their form, allowing
hiding in plain sight with a normal Skill Roll. This does Effect:
not increase the Skill Roll in anyway, but means the The character gains a steadfast ally of capable skill.
character does not require cover to hide. The companion should have ability equivalent to a
newly created character. The creature is loyal to the
CHARM PC, but may be driven off with poor treatment. The
Experience Cost: 3 companion will willingly engage in combat (if able to),
use any Skill, and listen to any reasonable request
Description: given by the PC. If the companion is killed or can
The character's charm and attractive qualities makes otherwise no longer assist the PC, it is possible to gain
NPCs more likely to assist. a replacement during play: either an existing NPC the
character has made a friend/ally, or a new character
Effect: created between the GM and Player.
Friendly and neutral NPCs are automatically willing to
help the character in small ways. The character will COMPULSIVE HONESTY
also sometimes receive small boons intermittently Experience Bonus: 2
from friends, loyal patrons/customers, romantic
interests, and fans/admirers. Characters capable of Description:
fighting will sometimes offer to help protect the The character has difficulty lying and feels guilty about
character as well. Significant or very dangerous falsehoods.
requests still require Skill Rolls.
CHEF The character is compulsively honest and incapable of
Experience Cost: 3 deceit. If it's a dangerous or important situation, the
character may attempt to suppress the inclination with
Description: an Skill Roll at Base Difficulty. Failure means the truth
The character easily makes tasty, nourishing food. is blurted out or inadvertently spoken by accident.

Food successfully made by this character can count Experience Cost: 2
as taking time to rest when consumed. Taking a break
and eating food created by this character for about 15 Description:
minutes is considered resting. The character has a personal or professional contact
in which you can solicit various forms of aid from. The
CLUMSY contact is willing to give information and provide
Experience Bonus: 2 indirect help.

Description: Effect:
The character has poor coordination and balance. The character gains a contact or informant that is
moderately loyal to the PC and provides non-direct or
Effect: low-risk assistance and services. Possible services
The GM will require a Skill Roll (Base Difficulty) at could include such things as streams of information,
sporadic times during the games. Failure indicates deals or free samples of equipment, combat service at
that the character does something clumsy and drops reduced fees, and money loans. They are not likely to
something, trips, or otherwise messes something up. risk their life for the PC or fight for them (if able) unless
it's an emergency or a successful Skill Roll is made. If
COMPANION treated poorly, they will stop assisting the character. If

Chapter 4

killed or removed from the narrative, another character

takes their place through the narrative (or possibly, an Effect:
existing NPC becomes the contact). The character is in possession of a cursed object. The
cursed object cannot leave the user's position, and
COUNTER ATTACK always finds its way magically back of somehow
Experience Cost: 3 dislodged or thrown away. The exact effect is up to the
players and GM, but it should be a moderate penalty.
Description: It could be a wolf ring that causes animals to
The character is trained in the flow of combat. This periodically attack, a cloak that will sometimes trip or
allows for proper ripostes and counter attacks. cover the character's face, a smiling creepy face coin
that makes the user periodically black out or act
Effect: irrationally, a sword that sometimes makes a
Once per Round, if an enemy misses with an attack, successful hit cut the wielder instead, or something
the character may make a normal attack unarmed or similar.
with a held weapon.
COWARD Experience Cost: 5
Experience Bonus: 4
Description: The character owns or obtains a special customized
The character is easily scared and frightened. vehicle.

Effect: Effect:
Extremely dangerous situations or enemies, The character builds, finds, creates, or is given a
supernatural occurrences the character has no/limited custom vehicle. Special features such as armoring,
experience with, or other dangerous situations cause boosters, storage/living space, warp drives, and
the character to need to make a Skill Roll. If they fail, integral/attached weapons can be added within reason
they must actively avoid the source of their fear and at GM's discretion. If this is not taken at character
not approach it. In addition, they suffer a +1 Difficulty creation, there must be a reasonable source to
penalty to all Skill Rolls while the source of their fear is build/acquire such a vehicle when this is taken.
visible They can attempt the Skill Roll again at the end
of each Turn until it succeeds and cannot be affected DEADEYE
mechanically again by that source (though they still Experience Cost: 5
may be a little scared).
CRAFTSMAN The character has the ability to use ranged weapons
Experience Cost: 2 with deadly accuracy.

Description: Effect:
The character is an artisan, and crafts many different The character is a deadly shooter, and all projectile
things with speed and efficiency. weapons, thrown weapons, and firearms gain +1
Any item the character makes has its base creation DEAF
time halved and uses half as many materials (when Experience Bonus: 3
CURSED HEIRLOOM The character is deaf or hard of hearing, either born
Experience Bonus: 3 that way or due to an event in their life.

Description: Effect:
The character owns a cursed ring, weapon, or piece of The character may not perceive events or information
armor. that is audio-only and does not receive any aural

Chapter 4

information from their surroundings. Experience Bonus: 2

DEEP SLEEPER Description:

Experience Bonus: 1 The character is a constant target for thievery.

Description: Effect:
The character is a very deep sleeper. Character is often the target of thieves, pickpockets,
and robberies. The GM should have periodic thievery
Effect: encounters and events for this character.
The character sleeps deeply and has Difficulty
increased to 10 to detect anything while asleep. In ELDRITCH DREAMS
addition, when woken up during an Encounter, they Experience Bonus: 2
are groggy and lose their first Turn.
DIPLOMAT The character dreams of starless voids and old gods.
Experience Cost: 3
Description: The character dreams of old gods thought dead and
The character is skilled in diplomatic matters and nightmares beyond reckoning. Occasionally they will
communication. lose sleep and be treated as exhausted with +1
Difficulty to all Skill Rolls for the day. In addition, the
Effect: character will often see ill omens in the dream. If they
The character may reroll the first 1 on a Skill Roll encounter the omens awake, they must make a Skill
when dealing with non-hostile individuals during a Roll or be shaken, suffering a separate +1 Difficulty
particular conversation or interaction. penalty until they can rest. In rare occasions, up to the
GM's discretion, they might be sought out by dark
DISABLED ARM creatures from the dreams.
Experience Bonus: 5
Description: Experience Cost: 2
Born without, or lost in an accident or combat, the
character has one less functional arm. Description:
The character has the ability to read, analyze, and
Effect: understand people.
The character has one less arm, or the arm is
mostly/completely non-functional. If the character only Effect:
has one arm, they cannot use or may have difficulty The GM may occasionally give the character a hint at
using some two-handed objects or lifting certain different times while conversing or observing people
objects. without a necessary Skill Roll. They may get a bad
feeling about an NPC lying to them or not telling the
DUAL WIELDER whole truth, or they may get insight into how a
Experience Cost: 5 character is feeling, or sometimes may reveal a part of
a person's true nature.
The character has mastered the art of fighting with two ENCHANTABLE
weapons. Experience Bonus: 2

Effect: Description:
The character can, once per Round, attack with two The character possesses a weak or susceptible mind,
different held weapons in the same Action at no easily swayed by enchantments.
penalty. Further attacks incur normal penalties.
EASY MARK The character, due to their species or natural

Chapter 4

vulnerability, is susceptible to charm, enthrall, sleep, or appendage that functions as an arm/hand such as a
other magical mental enchantment or controlling tail. This allows the character to hold another object at
effects. When encountering Techniques and effects of the ready. It may make some tasks easier at the GM's
this type, the character's Difficulty to resist is discretion, and may allow the character to do more
increased by 1. This does not increase the chances of complicated actions during a Turn.
being knocked out, dominated, or made to sleep by
weapons or technological effects. FASHIONISTA
Experience Cost: 1
Experience Cost: 2 Description:
The character is well aware of various fashion trends
Description: and known cultural attire.
The character is trained in using energy weapons to
easily bypass normal defenses. Effect:
The character can automatically determine an outfit's
Effect: origin and social class if it's common attire. It is also
Using energy weapons ignores the target's armor possible to know if it's a famous designer the name of
unless the defenses are energy-specific. the person who created it.


Experience Cost: 5 Experience Bonus: 1

Description: Description:
The character is trained or just naturally adapts to The character's extravagant, gaudy, or slick attitude
specialized equipment, having no issues with gear that and behavior means people don't take them seriously
limits line of sight or has a heavy weight. or think less of them.

Effect: Effect:
If a piece of equipment that isn't an armor or a weapon The character's flashy, overconfident, or gaudy nature
causes an increased Difficulty while using, that penalty means they may automatically be viewed negatively
is ignored. by certain people. A successful Skill Roll may be
required to remove this negative impression.
Experience Cost: 3 FLEXIBLE EXPERT
Experience Cost: 2
The character is quick on their feat or trained in Description:
evasion and defense. The character is trained in using flexible weapons to
grapple, tie-up, and snag.
The character reduces all Difficulties of dodging and Effect:
evasion Skill Rolls by 1, and increases the Difficulties When making a successful Skill Roll attack with a
of anyone trying to physically grab or attack by 1. flexible weapon such as a whip, lasso, or chain
weapon, the attacker can choose to wrap the weapon
EXTRA LIMB around the target or an item the target is holding at no
Experience Cost: 3 cost and in addition to Damage. An Action must be
taken to free the object or person. A grabbed object
Description: can be stolen away with another Skill Roll, provided
Physiology, enhancement, or enchantment of the the object is light enough.
character's body includes another limb.
Effect: Experience Cost: 10
The character has an extra arm or some other

Chapter 4

The character is able to fly, either through biological or Effect:
technological means. When focusing, meditating, or reading tarot cards, the
character is capable of getting glimpses into possible
Effect: futures. The exact effect of this is up to the GM, but
The character is able to fly and levitate as part of their should provide helpful (if cryptic and non-absolute)
normal movement. hints. This may not work if used too many times in a
short time frame.
Experience Cost: 1 FRAIL
Experience Bonus: 8
The character is hard to grasp, either due to Description:
physiology or training, allowing them to escape The character is frail, weak, or sickly.
grapples with ease.
Effect: Whenever the character takes Damage, the Damage
Whenever the character is grappled, they can make a amount is increased by 1.
free Skill Roll to escape on their Turn without using an
Action. Furthermore, if they are pinned, if they GLASS JAW
succeed on a Skill Roll to escape they are no longer Experience Bonus: 3
considered grappled or pinned.
FORGER The character has a glass jaw, and often suffer
Experience Cost: 2 injuries.

Description: Effect:
The character is skilled at forging and copying. Resisting any injury-based Condition has +1 Difficulty.

The character can copy seals and writings they have Experience Bonus: 3
seen before without a Skill Roll.
FORGETFUL The character tends to overindulge to their own
Experience Bonus: 3 detriment.

Description: Effect:
The character often forgets things they've known due When enjoying an activity such as eating or drinking,
to a poor memory. the character may sometimes need to roll a Skill Roll
at the GM's discretion. Failure means they continue to
Effect: enjoy the activity until they overindulge, possibly
Sometimes the GM may require a Skill Roll for the wasting time or suffering Skill Roll penalties that last
character to recall learned information at times, or they for a period of time.
may fail to recall details, names, or other key elements
at important times or in stressful situations. GOSSIP
Experience Bonus: 1
Experience Cost: 3 Description:
False information and gossip will slip into the
Description: character's information gathering attempts.
The character is a soothsayer. They possess fortune
telling expertise or have the ability to glimpse into the Effect:
future. Even on successful information gathering Skill Rolls,

Chapter 4

rumors and false information will sometimes be Periodically the character will see and hear relevant,
included. distracting, false information or an illusion at the GM's
discretion. It will be 100% real to the character.
Experience Cost: 3 HAUNTED
Experience Bonus: 3
The character's martial arts training, raw muscle, Description:
monstrous make-up, or technological appendages, The character is haunted by a spirit, ghost, or demonic
causes damage when grappling enemies. entity.

Effect: Effect:
On a successful grapple, the character may inflict 1 The character is haunted by some sort of malevolent
Damage on their target in addition to grappling. Each supernatural force. The creature can interrupt sleep,
Turn the character remains grappled, they suffer appear to interrupt Skill Rolls, and attempt to scare or
another 1 Damage at the character's option. distract the character. It will appear periodically at the
GM's discretion. The Player and GM can construct this
GREEDY creature together as part of the character's
Experience Bonus: 3 background or a recent event.

The character tends to hoard and be stingy with Experience Cost: 5
Effect: The character owns or obtains a special customized
When attempting to tip or be generous to strangers or home or base.
organizations the character isn't friendly with, at the
GM's discretion they may need to make an Skill Roll to Effect:
do so. If they fail, they change their mind and keep The character builds, finds, creates, or is given a
their resources – possibly angering or alienating the custom headquarters. Special features such as panic
NPC. rooms, security systems, alarms, radar, and defense
weapons can be added within reason at GM's
GUNSLINGER discretion. If this is not taken at character creation,
Experience Cost: 5 there must be a reasonable source to build/acquire
such a home/apartment/bunker when this is taken.
The character is quick to react in situations. HEALER
Experience Cost: 5
Firing the same one-handed ranged weapon (such as Description:
a handgun) can be done twice with a single Action, The character is a skilled healer and can quickly apply
provided the weapon has 2 or more Ammo. Additional medical aid in emergency situations.
multiple Actions with this weapon still inflict normal
penalties. Effect:
The character can use a consumable item that
HALLUCINATIONS restores Health and/or Ability once per Turn without it
Experience Bonus: 3 using an Action.

Description: HEALTHY
The character suffers from delusions, voices in the Experience Cost: 5
head, extreme paranoia, and/or hallucinations.
Effect: The character is fit, in good shape, durable, or

Chapter 4

otherwise resistant to physical stress. Experience Bonus: 2

Effect: Description:
The character's maximum Health increases by 2. The character becomes excessively angry with real or
perceived slights.
Experience Cost: 3 Effect:
A Skill Roll at Base Difficulty is required to avoid
Description: becoming verbally abuse to an NPC that is rude or
The character is gifted with brawn or brutality. insulting. Failure means the character is rude to the
NPC, which could prevent doing business, or even
Effect: arrest if the situation escalates.
The character is exceptionally strong or brutal and
grants a +1 bonus to melee Damage. ILLITERATE
Experience Bonus: 1
Experience Bonus: 1 Description:
The character has the inability to read/write their
Description: native language or any other language obtained.
The character has an an appearance that is off-putting
to most people. Effect:
The character cannot read or write their native
Effect: language or any other additional language.
The character may be treated poorly by NPCs who are
repulsed by the character's appearance or who highly INATTENTIVE
value conventional attractiveness. In addition, certain Experience Bonus: 1
NPCs may avoid the character pointedly.
HISTORIAN The character is easily distracted or cursed with a
Experience Cost: 1 poor short-term memory.

Description: Effect:
The character is an expert in historical lore. The character suffers a +1 Difficulty for remembering
lessons, observations, or conversations. Recalling
Effect: names and places are included in this, unless
The character is assumed to have a basic historical consistently exposed to them.
knowledge of major events and most known areas
without a Skill Roll. Very specific details or lesser INCORPOREAL
known facts will still require a Skill Roll. Experience Cost: 5

HUNGRY Description:
Experience Bonus: 1 The character possesses incorporeal or phase shifting
powers, through technology or magic.
The character eats a lot for some reason, and requires Effect:
extra food to be satiated. The character can become incorporeal and go through
solid matter on their Turn without an Action. They may
Effect: switch their state on their Turn only, and only once.
The character requires double normal food and water
to avoid any negative Conditions from not eating or INNATE EQUIPMENT
drinking. Experience Cost: 3

ILL TEMPERED Description:

Chapter 4

The character has a natural, attached, or built-in piece The character is a natural comedian.
of equipment.
Effect: The character may reroll a natural 1 on Skill Roll for
The character has a built in or natural piece of jokes or humorous stories once during an interaction.
equipment that is always on them, cannot be
disarmed, and is always able to be readied. This can KEEN SENSES
be anything from an android's welding torch, to a Experience Cost: 2
cyborg's arm-gun, to a monster's retractable claws.
INNOCENT The character can adjust their senses to compensate.
Experience Cost: 1
Description: The character is capable of compensating from a lost
The character possess natural innocence or appears sense, regardless of source. If any Difficulty increases
very nonthreatening. They aren't seen as a threat and were applied, they are ignored. The character still
are often ignored in favor of other more dangerous cannot perceive events, creatures, or objects that rely
individuals. completely a particular sense (ex: a seeing person
blinded by sand can still hear or smell an enemy
Effect: opponent and would suffer no penalties, but could not
The character is rarely attacked first and sometimes read the logo on a distant sign or banner).
ignored when fighting (unless proven to be a threat.)
IRON WILL Experience Bonus: 3
Experience Cost: 3
Description: The character has a passion, need, or habit for
The character is possessed of an iron will and fierce stealing.
determination. They resist intimidation and cannot be
easily psyched out. Effect:
The character may occasionally need to make a Skill
Effect: Roll to avoid stealing from strangers or shops. The
The character reduces all Difficulties of mental effects, character will never be compelled to steal from friends
manipulation, and willpower related Skill Rolls by 1, or allies.
and increases the Difficulties of anyone trying to affect
them mentally by 1 as well. LANGUAGE
Experience Cost: 1
Experience Bonus: 3 Description:
The character acquires the ability to read/write/speak
Description: a new language.
The character tends to irritate and annoy people quite
easily. Effect:
The character learns a new language. This includes
Effect: the ability to read, write, and speak the language.
The character may occasionally irritate NPCs when
interacting with them. The GM may call for a Skill Roll LAST STAND
to diffuse the annoyance. Experience Bonus: 3

JOKER Description:
Experience Cost: 1 The character never gives up, pulling themselves from
death's door to take desperate action.

Chapter 4

Effect: Experience Cost: 2

When a character is reduced to 0 Health and is
Incapacitated, they are able to act normally on their Description:
next Turn. If they take further Damage, they are The character has magical item lore, knowledge of
Incapacitated again and cannot apply this Trait again magical writing and scrolls, and the ability to identify
until they regain Health. If their Threshold is reduced magical properties.
to 0 at any point, they die as per normal.
LAW EXPERTISE The character has all magical item knowledge,
Experience Cost: 1 research, or identification Skill Rolls have their
Difficulty lowered by 1. Furthermore, any magical
Description: items, scrolls, potions, or other arcane objects the
The character is versed in various laws in various character has encountered previously with the exact
major cities, governments, and regions. same effect automatically are identified without a Skill
Roll, even if they are visually different. Common
Effect: magical writings are automatically identified and able
The character has broad legal knowledge for well- to be read as well.
known cities, towns, and countries without a Skill Roll.
Specific, esoteric, or lesser known governments and LOSE CONTROL
laws still require a Skill Roll. Experience Bonus: 3

LEADER Description:
Experience Cost: 2 Whether cursed, the result of an experiment, or simply
a creature with a dark rage in their heart, the character
Description: will sometimes lose control.
The character has leadership skills that makes it
easier to guide and command others. Effect:
During moments of stress, anger, or frustration, the
Effect: character must make a Skill Roll at Base Difficulty. The
The character can temporarily gain direct control over Game Master will decide when to call for it. If it fails,
allied NPCs in fights or other stressful situations at the the character goes into a frenzy, attacking nearby
GM’s discretion by shouting orders. For ones that friends or foes and destroying objects. They are
need to be convinced, the GM may require making a incapable of using Techniques in this state. They may
Skill Roll per NPC at no Action cost. The NPC will attempt to regain control at the end of each of their
follow most reasonable orders, but this effect ends if Turns with a Skill Roll at Base Difficulty.
the commands are suicidal or put the NPC in
unnecessary danger. Some NPCs cannot be LUCKY
controlled in this manner. Experience Cost: 2

LEGALESE Description:
Experience Cost: 1 The character has the benefit of random luck.

Description: Effect:
The character is skilled in legal language and has This has no statistical effects, but many subtle effects.
knowledge of common contract protocols. It is up to the GM’s discretion and the story as to how
this is used. This could include things like someone
Effect: leaving their keys in the ignition of a nearby car, and
The character understands standard legal documents leaving the car unlocked, when the PC is attempting to
and contracts automatically, and can't be tricked by flee from mob hit men. It could also mean the
common legal obfuscation. Any inaccuracies or character manages to find a rare item they are
contradictions will be automatically detected as well. shopping for, or get a discount on a normally
expensive service or item.

Chapter 4

Experience Bonus: 2 Effect:
When treating a character that has suffered a negative
Description: Condition, all Difficulties are reduced by 1 and
Slow moving or lumbering, the character cannot move recovery takes half the time (rounded down).
Effect: Experience Cost: 3
When attempting to use an Action to move further, the
Difficulty is 6 instead of the normal Base 5. Description:
The character has knowledge of treatment procedures
MAGIC RESISTANT and medical tools that allows improved healing.
Experience Cost: 3
Description: When using a consumable item that restores Health, it
The character has an inborn inclination or special restores 1d4 extra Health.
training that increases magical resistance.
Effect: Experience Bonus: 1
The character increases the Difficulties of all attempts
to use magic on them by 1. Description:
The character's handwriting is abysmal.
Experience Cost: 3 Effect:
Whenever a character writes something, occasionally
Description: it will be illegible or force the reader to make a Skill
The character is trained in brawling, boxing, martial Roll to understand. To the creator, it always seem
arts, or other form of unarmed combat. perfectly legible (if admittedly, not great to look at).

Effect: MINION
The character 's unarmed Damage is improved to 1d6 Experience Cost:1
instead of 1d4.
MEDIC The character has a pet, lackey, servant, subordinate,
Experience Cost: 5 assistant, or goon. They can be humanoid, animal, or
The character is trained in properly using medical Effect:
supplies. The character gains a loyal ally of minimal skill. The
minion should be far weaker than the character. The
Effect: creature is loyal to the PC, but may be driven off with
When the character uses a consumable item that poor treatment. The companion will willingly engage in
restores Health and has more than one uses, they combat (if able to), use any skill, and listen to any
may make a medical-based Skill Roll at Base reasonable request given by the PC. If the companion
Difficulty. If successful, the item is not consumed. is killed, it is possible to gain a replacement during
Some items may not be able to benefit from this effect. play: either an existing NPC the character has made a
friend/ally, or a new character created between the
Experience Cost: 2
Description: Experience Bonus: 2
The character has medical knowledge that allows
healing of injuries quicker. Description:

Chapter 4

The character is a monster or unnatural creature, or

perhaps suffers from a strange supernatural effect, Description:
inspiring terror and hatred in all. The character receives random visions that might be
The character inspires terror or hostility in most who Effect:
view them. Wearing a mask in a town or city is The character will receive random visions from
necessary in most cases, as most people will view the entities, a mystical force, or fate itself. The Game
character as a threat to attack or flee from. Master will randomly provide helpful visions that may
not be clear, but will provide clues that the characters
MOVEMENT ASSISTED might otherwise miss or have difficulty finding.
Experience Bonus: 3
Description: Experience Bonus: 1
The character cannot use their legs or lower body
extensively, either from birth or due to an event during Description:
their life. The character obeys a powerful supernatural entity
and must adhere to it's rules and laws.
The character requires an object to have mobility Effect:
outside of a crawl such as a wheelchair or other The character must have magical or mystical abilities
movement aid reliant on the upper body. Certain granted by this supernatural entity to take this Trait.
terrain or stairs may cause mobility issues. The GM and Player can work out the rules and
restrictions of the religion, contract, or other limitations
MUNDANE the connection has. If the character breaks those
Experience Bonus: 3 rules, they lose access to those Traits and Techniques
until they regain the entity's favor.
The character is unable to use any magic, either NAUSEA
consistently fumbling it or just lacking talent. Experience Bonus: 2

Effect: Description:
The character is completely incapable of using magic The character suffers from a weak stomach.
actively and cannot use any spells, activate any
magical items, or use any magical scrolls. Items with Effect:
passive automatic effects, like potions or The character may need to make a Skill Roll at Base
weapon/armor enchantments are still functional. Difficulty at GM request when experiencing a smell or
glance of something revolting. If this fails, the
MYOPIA character must spend one Turn retching, vomiting, or
Experience Bonus: 1 otherwise unable to do anything else.

Description: NIGHT VISION

The character's vision without corrective lenses is Experience Cost: 3
exceptionally poor.
Effect: The character's mystical abilities, species, or
The character's vision is exceptionally bad and technological power allows seeing in darkness.
requires corrective lenses to be at full capability. If
they are not worn, the character suffers a +1 Difficulty Effect:
penalty to all vision-related activities. The character never receives penalties in darkness,
and see in it normally as if it was brightly lit.
Experience Cost: 2 NON-SPEAKING

Chapter 4

Experience Bonus: 1 PATHOLOGICAL LIAR

Experience Cost: 3
The character cannot or will not speak, either since Description:
birth or due to an event in their lives. The character is addicted to lying and feels no guilt
about doing so.
The character cannot speak any languages they know. Effect:
They are assumed to know how to communicate with At times the GM may call for a Skill Roll at Base
their friends and allies with gestures and body Difficulty while the character is telling a fact or
language. explaining something to a stranger, and the character
will feel compelled to lie. This does not occur when
OBLIGATION speaking to friends/allies.
Experience Bonus: 2
Description: Experience Bonus: 2
The character belongs to an organization/group or has
someone that depends on them. They will need or Description:
want to help this person periodically. The character has a terrifying, irrational-level of fear
towards a particular common creature or
Effect: phenomenon.
The character has a group or person they need or
want to help. Every so often, they will request help Effect:
from the characters, either services or monetarily. If the character experiences the phobia, the character
Failure to provide them with the help they request must roll an Skill Roll at Base Difficulty. If successful,
always has negative consequences. the character can function normally, but if the check
fails the character may not approach the source of
ORGANIZED their phobia without aid and suffers a +1 to all
Experience Cost: 2 Difficulties when in its presence until the end of the
Encounter. If the phobia remains out of
Description: view/undetected for a Round, the effect ends.
The character's organized nature allows ease of
putting away and taking out items. POINT-BLANK SHOT
Experience Bonus: 2
Pulling out or putting away an item or weapon costs Description:
no Action for this character in an Encounter no matter The character is skilled in using ranged weapons in
where it is stored. close combat, including defensive shooting or even
gun kata.
Experience Bonus: 3 Effect:
The character never suffers a Difficulty increase for
Description: firing a ranged weapon in melee, and does not incur
Stressful situations cause the character to panic. Interruptions for reloading near hostile creatures.


The character may panic in stressful situations. The Experience Cost: 2
Game Master may call for a Skill Roll at Base Difficulty
in stressful situations. When panicked, the character Description:
may flee, cower, hide, or wildly attack the nearest The character has a photographic memory and/or
enemy depending on the situation at the GM's excellent recall.

Chapter 4

Anything the character sees is almost permanently REGENERATION

etched into their brain and can recall many things Experience Cost: 10
without a Skill Roll. If the GM feels the time span is too
long since the image was seen, usually over years, Description:
then they may require a Knowledge Skill Roll. The character can slowly restore Health with
supernatural or technological abilities.
Experience Cost: 5 Effect:
On the character's Turn, if they have less than max
Description: Health, they can make a Skill Roll at Base Difficulty
The character is a talented fighter with smaller once per Turn to regenerate at no Action. If they
weapons such as knives, capable of deadly shots and succeed, they restore 1 Health.
Effect: Experience Cost: 3
Anytime the character uses a weapon that deals 1d4
Damage, it instead deals 1d6 Damage. This does not Description:
include unarmed attacks. The character starts with or obtains a magical item of
decent power.
Experience Cost: 2 Effect:
The character may start with or find a magical item,
Description: magical weapon, or magical armor. The exact details
The character has adapted or trained to use their non- should be worked out with the Game Master, but it
hand limbs, such as feet, as hands for most tasks. should either have a unique effect, or a power no
greater than a +1d4 to Skill Rolls, +1d4 Damage, or
Effect: absorption of 1 Damage. Examples could be an ever-
The character can treat non-hand viable limbs as full flask of water, an enchanted sword handed down
hands for the purposes of most tasks, even complex in the family, a strange amulet with a simple illusion
ones, as long as it is physically possible. that changes features, or a deck of tattered cards that
can hint at a possible future.
Experience Cost: 5 RELOADER
Experience Cost: 3
The character is skilled at moving fast. Description:
The character is a master of reloading firearms and
Effect: other ranged weapons.
The character does not need to take an Action to
extend their movement, and can move up x2 as fast Effect:
as a creature of the same type. For humanoids, this Reloading weapons that take an Action are now free.
generally allows up to 20 meters in a Turn. Filling magazines with bullets can always be fully done
in one Action. Artillery and heavy weapons that take
REACTIVE more time to reload are now reloaded with a single
Experience Cost: 3 Action when plausible.

Description: RESEARCHER
The character is quick to react in situations. Experience Cost: 2

Effect: Description:
The character uses 1d12 instead of 1d10 for The character is a skilled research, obtaining
Encounter Order. information in any medium with ease.

Chapter 4

Effect: must make a Skill Roll. If they fail, they suffer a +1

Researching anything in a proper environment with Difficulty to all Skill Rolls for the remainder of the
the proper resources (ex: library, computer with Scene.
internet access) has the time that would have been
consumed reduced by half. SENSOR
Experience Cost: 2
Experience Bonus: 5 Description:
The character has an implant or integral sensor or
Description: radar system, or has a supernatural ability that
The character has an inflexible approach to situations, functions as an unnatural eye.
sometimes limiting their focus for more appropriate or
creative options. Effect:
The character can detect living entities without seeing,
Effect: smelling, or hearing them with Skill Rolls. Entities
The character's maximum Ability is reduced by 2. trying to stealth can still make Skill Rolls to avoid
being seen. This ability also lets the character see
SALESMAN through some thinner walls, through furniture, and
Experience Cost: 1 other lighter barriers.

Description: SHADOW
The character possesses skill in negotiation and sales. Experience Cost: 2

Effect: Description:
The character gains up to 50% more from selling an The character has the ability to move silently at rapid
item than a character would normally get, and can get speeds.
up to a 50% discounts when values can be haggled
automatically. Special purchases/sales may not apply Effect:
to this rule, per GM decision. The character can move normally and be considered
sneaking, never requiring them to slow their pace or
SECOND CHANCE tread lightly.
Experience Cost: 3
Description: Experience Cost: 2
Through adrenaline or focus, the character can return
from the brink of death. Description:
The character is trained in the shield. This makes it
Effect: easier to move and fight with one equipped.
The character can make a single Skill Roll when
reduced below 0 Threshold. If successful, instead of Effect:
dying, they remain at 1 Threshold. The character removes any Difficulty penalty for using
a shield.
Experience Bonus: 1 SICKLY
Experience Bonus: 2
The character has incredibly sensitive senses that are Description:
easily disturbed or overloaded. The character has a sickly constitution and become
vulnerable to diseases.
The character's sensory organs are extremely Effect:
sensitive. If objected to a strong offensive smell, ear- The character will periodically acquire minor
ringing noise, or other similar stimuli the character sicknesses to the character. This may result in days

Chapter 4

with +1 Difficulty penalties, sneezing at inopportune The character is an expert sharpshooter, capable of
times, or being visibly sick which may deter NPCs shots at long distance.
from getting too close.
SLOTHFUL The effective range of all ranged weapons is doubled.
Experience Bonus: 2
Description: Experience Cost: 3
The character is often lazy.
Effect: The character is skilled at blending into social
This character may sometimes at GM discretion take situations.
double the usual time to complete a task, job, or
project. Effect:
The character knows or adapts to social norms in
SLOW most cases without a Skill Roll by recalling facts or
Experience Bonus: 3 picking up on social cues.

Description: STALKERS
The character isn't very fast or just doesn't have the Experience Bonus: 1
form for speed.
Effect: The character through fame, striking appearance, or
The character's base movement is halved. For most exceptional talent attracts a lot of attention – and has
humanoids, this means 5 meters. a particular knack for attracting negative attention.
This results in stalkers, groupies, and dangerous
SLOW HEALER obsessive fans.
Experience Bonus: 3
Description: The character is periodically suffers negative effects
The character has trouble healing and bruises easily. from their obsessive fans and dangerous stalkers.
When they get injured, it lasts for some time. Mostly this may be asking for an autograph, flirting, or
just constant pestering. It may escalate to theft. In rare
Effect: occasions, this could be dangerous and a person
The character takes double the time to recover from could attempt to harm the character.
time-based injury Conditions. This does not impede
normal healing or recovering from poisons or disease. STEALTHY
Experience Cost: 2
Experience Bonus: 3 Description:
The character is really good at keeping attention off
Description: themselves.
The character tends to react slowly or just not be on
top of things. Effect:
The character’s penalties for hiding or sneaking due to
Effect: bright light or poor hiding places are ignored.
This character rolls 1d8 instead of 1d10 for Encounter
Experience Cost: 1
Experience Cost: 3 Description:
The character has no penalties for using improvised
Description: weapons.

Chapter 4

The character tends to invoke suspicion in others.

Ignore any penalties for using improvised or Effect:
impromptu weapons. This includes using ranged Characters prone to distrust and suspicion, especially
weapons as clubs, and throwing regular melee guards and law enforcement, may take special notice
weapons. of the character and watch them when they are in the
Experience Bonus: 2 TAUNTER
Experience Cost: 1
The character cannot stand to be in the sunlight and Description:
can't see at all. This could be due to a creature trait or The character has the skills of a flashy fighter, a
a supernatural characteristic. goading gladiator, or just appears very threatening and
The character is considered blind in bright natural Effect:
light. This usually means a bright sunny day, but it The character is often attacked first and can
could also occur from large scale fires. Particularly sometimes force enemies to go out of their way to
intense artificial light, such as a flood light or a strong target them.
flashlight, may cause this as well at the Game
Master's discretion. TELEPATH
Experience Cost: 3
Experience Cost: 2 Description:
The character uses mental powers to communicate
Description: without vocals.
The character has specialized survival training.
Effect: The character can communicate back and forth
The character is a survivalist expert. They can mentally with any character capable of speech. They
automatically get enough food and water to survive do not need to know each others languages, and only
provided it potentially exists. Provided they have one must have this Trait. The character must make a
decent equipment, they can also ignore all negative Skill Roll to communicate with unwilling targets.
weather effects such as heat exhaustion, loss of
visibility, or freezing. Severe/Deadly conditions may THEOLOGIAN
still require Skill Rolls. Experience Cost: 1

SURVIVOR Description:
Experience Cost: 3 The character has knowledge of popular religion and
important religious history.
The character manages to survive no matter what kind Effect:
of beating they take. The character automatically knows basic practices
and rites for popular and global religions without a Skill
Effect: Roll.
The character's Threshold is equal to their Health
rather than being 50%. TONGUE-TIED
Experience Bonus: 1
Experience Bonus: 3 Description:
The character often becomes flustered and tongue-
Description: tied in stressful situations.

Chapter 4

tracking the character. NPCs require no Skill Roll to

Effect: recall the character, and will normally vividly
The character suffers an increase of +1 Difficulty to all remember if the character made a scene.
social or performance Skill Rolls during stressful,
tense, or high-stakes situations if they require UNHEALTHY
vocalization. Experience Bonus: 5

TOUGH Description:
Experience Cost: 8 The character is unhealthy, delicate, weak, or out of
shape, not able to deal with a lot of physical stress.
The character has durability and pain resistance. Effect:
The character's maximum Health is reduced by 2.
Incoming Damage is reduced by 1. This does not UNLUCKY
apply if the character has existing Damage reduction Experience Bonus: 2
from armor or equipment.
UNEDUCATED The character suffers from consistent bad luck.
Experience Bonus: 2 Constant misfortunes are a common occurrence.

Description: Effect:
The character lacks formal education or any form of This has no statistical inflections; the GM, on a case-
self-taught academics. by-case basis, determines the exact negative affects.
It could include things like running into an old nemesis
Effect: on a city street.
The character suffers an increase of +1 to all
Difficulties to recalling facts, knowledge, or lore. This VAIN
penalty also applies to figuring out puzzles or Experience Bonus: 1
problems that rely on higher degrees of science, math,
or vocabulary. Description:
The character is obsessed with appearance and
UNFOCUSED looking good no matter the situation.
Experience Bonus: 2
Description: The character gets a general +1 to all Difficulties if
The character lacks concentration and focus. extremely filthy or in severely ugly or damaged
Ability restored by Techniques or items is reduced by 1 VENOMOUS
to a minimum of 1. Experience Cost: 3

Experience Bonus: 1 The character possesses a poison bite or claw.

Description: Effect:
The character makes an impression either due to The character posses natural poisonous weapons. In
flash, style, or appearance, and is easily and addition to normal unarmed damage, the target is
accurately remembered by all who encounter them. poisoned (if possible). For 1d4 Rounds, the target
suffers 1 point of poison Damage per Turn at the end
Effect: of their Turn. This cannot stack, though if it is applied
The character is easily remembered by all NPCs and again, the duration is re-rolled.
may report this information to hostile NPCs or people

Chapter 4

VERSATILE The character uses 1 die lower than the weapon's

Experience Cost: 5 standard (ex: 1d8 would use 1d6). This cannot go
below 1d4.
The character is generally ready for complications, WEALTHY
and has a lot of surprises in their figurative toolbox. Experience Cost: 5

Effect: Description:
The character's maximum Ability in increases by 2. The character has invested wealth or inherited assets.


Experience Cost: 3 The character has investments, an inheritance, or
another source of non-liquid wealth. They can
Description: sometimes purchase items by making a relevant Skill
The character has the ability to climb walls with ease. Roll instead of actually paying the cost, at the GM's
discretion, by using this wealth.
The character can move up or down walls without WEAPON MASTER
needing a Skill Roll or losing speed. Experience Cost: 10

WASTEFUL Description:
Experience Bonus: 2 The character is trained in handling weapons, able to
compensate for any handling issues.
The character tends to waste resources and materials Effect:
when working on projects or crafting. The Difficulty penalties for using weapons are ignored.

Items and projects occasionally (by GM decision) cost Experience Bonus: 3
double the materials and resources to make
successfully. Description:
The character has anger issues or just is prone to
Experience Cost: 2
Description: When fighting, if the character tries to switch a target
The character possesses the ability to breath water they may be unable. If the enemy they last attacked or
naturally or through implanted technology. focused on specifically angered or harmed them, they
may require a Skill Roll to attack a different target. If
Effect: they fail, they may not attack any other character
The character can breath water as air and cannot except the one that angered them.
drown. This does not affect movement speed in water,
just ability to breath. WRESTLER
Experience Cost: 3
Experience Bonus: 2 Description:
The character is a master of throws and grapples.
The character is either weak, a poor fighter, or just Effect:
doesn't put the effort in. They do less damage with The first time in a round the character either makes a
melee weapons. grapple attempt, attempts to break a grapple, or
throws a grappled character does not count as an
Effect: Action. Subsequent attempts of any activity do.

Chapter 4

Chapter 4

Techniques encompass a character’s arsenal of tricks, Custom Techniques are one of the features of The
powers, and signature maneuvers. This includes Harbingers Roleplaying Game designed to make sure
combat maneuvers, social tricks, and magical spells. every character is unique. Making your own
These abilities require training to pull off, and are Techniques means a character can have their own
sometimes unique to the character. Both PCs and signature weapon maneuvers, top-tier athletic feats,
NPCs have Techniques. They are purchased with potent displays of charisma, custom spells, or hand-
Experience. tailored super powers. There are no limits besides
common sense (and proper balancing based on other
Like most things in The Harbingers Roleplaying Techniques, of course).
Game, Techniques are flexible and highly
customizable. The GM must take care to make sure Custom Techniques can take some GM thought, but
any new Techniques are balanced. The GM should there are an array of Techniques in this book to use as
also make sure suggested Techniques fit their Setting. a guideline. If a GM gives a Player a Technique and it
turns out to be a little overpowered, the GM can adjust
Included in this chapter is a set of per-generated it during the game (working with the Player). Unless it
Techniques that can be aesthetically customized. You doesn't make sense, there is no reason to outright
are also welcome and encouraged to work with your refuse a Technique's existence. Techniques that have
GM in creating customized Techniques for your drawbacks, requirements, or limitations can be more
character and for the Setting used. powerful due to those restrictions.

Remember, activating a Technique uses an Ability

point! If you wish to have a Technique-heavy
character, you will want to increase Ability maximum.

The Techniques in this book are grouped by flavor and
theme of the Technique in the table list earlier in the
book. These categorizations do not affect the
Technique or anything else in game, and are purely
useful as a guide to what kind of Technique it is and
what kind of Settings its applicable for.

Remember to consult the descriptions below the

tables for full information on the Techniques shown. If
you want to make your own, work with the GM using
the guidelines of existing Techniques.

Chapter 4

The character alters their size with mutant, magical,
TECHNIQUE DESCRIPTIONS mystical, or technological powers.
The descriptions below provide full information for
every pregenerated Technique. Description is details Effect:
and the the visual manifestation, if any, of the Using an Action, the user can be come anywhere
Technique. Effect provides game information of how between 50% larger or 50% smaller. In addition to
the Technique works (all Techniques require a Skill affecting what spaces they can fit in, it also affects
Roll). reasonable objects that could be lifted. When larger,
the character deals a +1 Damage to all melee attacks
ACID VOLLEY but suffers a -1 Difficultly to being hit. When smaller,
Description: the Difficulty to hit the character with attacks is
The character throws, spits, lobs, or manifests a volley increased by 1 due to their smaller profile, but they
of corrosive acid. suffer a -1 to melee Damage. This lasts for 1 hour, and
may be refreshed for an additional hour by spending 1
Effect: Ability to avoid the Skill Roll before the effect ends.
Using an Action, the acid strikes an area 3 meters in
diameter. Striking a target deals 1d10 Damage. The ANALYSIS
acid in the area remains for 1 minute and harms Description:
anyone who enters it or starts a Turn there for 1d4 The character carefully analyzes, observes, and
Damage. The acid will also damage and pit any mentally evaluates a person or creature.
objects, furniture, or flooring it hits.
ADRENALINE RUSH Using an Action, the user evaluates and analyzes a
Description: specific person or creature. The target's obvious
The character summons a reserve of adrenaline and weaknesses, flaws, or exploitable features are
willpower, such as a hero's drive, a berserker's rage, discovered. All allies who can hear or listen to the user
or a monstrous surge. reduce their Difficulties by 1 against the target and
deal +1 Damage when inflicting Damage.
Effect: Furthermore, any observable permanent weaknesses
Using an Action, the character reduces all incoming will be revealed (such as a weak point in armor, a
Damage received by 1 for a Scene. favored leg, looking nervously at open flames, etc.)
The bonuses last for the Scene, but the knowledge
AIM gained is permanent.
The character focuses their aim to land a targeted ANIMATION
strike or attack. Description:
The character uses a ritual or a curse that turns an
Use: inanimate object into an ally that follows commands.
Used without an Action.
Duration: Using an Action, a nearby inanimate object comes to
Effect lasts for the Turn. life and gets its own Health/Skills/Traits based on its
function. If it is not bolted down, it can move. The
Effect: object can follow simple mental directions. It has no
The user lowers the base Difficulty to 1 for the next real intelligence to speak of being a servant of the
attack, throw, strike or shot they make. Difficulty user's will, but is capable of performing any physical
modifiers still apply. If another Action is performed actions it's form allows. This effect lasts for 1 hour and
before using this effect, the effect is lost. another Ability point may be spent to maintain it for an
additional hour to bypass the Skill Roll anytime while
ALTER SIZE active.

Chapter 4

ARCANE BLAST The character utilizes stealth to take out or knockout a

Description: single target with extreme skill.
The character attacks multiple enemies with a blast of
magical energy that is conjured or cast. Effect:
Utilizing this Technique requires an Action. Unless
Effect: already hidden, the character must succeed in a Skill
Using an Action, a blast of pure magical energy Roll to hide. If successful or already hidden, they then
damages all opponents within 3 meters of a chosen attack a single target. It it hits, the attack's Damage
location up to 15 meters away. It does 2d4 Damage to dice is doubled. If it is a Critical Success, they are
every target it hits. killed outright or instantly knocked out depending on
the attacker's desires in addition to any other normal
ARCANE BOLT Critical Success effects. If the user cannot possibly go
Description: unnoticed (ex: a small brightly lit room with nothing to
The character attacks a single enemy with a bolt of hide behind), this Technique is not usable.
magical energy that is conjured or cast.
Effect: Description:
Using an Action, a bolt of arcane energy is used to The character manifests a supernatural or mystical
damage a single target up to 30 meters away. It deals aura that damages nearby creatures. This could
2d6 Damage. manifest as holy or unholy energy, elemental flames or
ice, or something similar.
Description: Effect:
The character upgrades a single creature's armor with Using an Action, an aura effects anyone within 1
parts and pieces. meter, friend or foe, and inflicts 1 Damage. The
Damage occurs for anyone who starts their Turn in the
Effect: area or who enters it on their own Turn. This effect
Using an Action and an appropriate tool kit, the lasts for an Encounter or until deactivated by the user.
character jury rigs a temporary upgrade on a single
piece of armor. The upgraded armor lowers all BARRAGE
incoming Damage by 1 and increases the Difficulty to Description:
strike the character by 1. The improvements fail or fall The character quickly fires off a barrage of arrows,
apart at the end of the Scene. bullets, or throwing weapons.

Description: Using an Action, the user strikes as many visible
The character deploys a variety of innate weapons targets in range as the user desires and has enough
installed or fused to their body in a single all-out- ammunition or throwing weapons to hit. The attacks
attack. deal normal damage and suffer no penalty, no matter
the amount of targets. If the target must reload during
Effect: the execution of this Technique, that is done for free.
This Technique requires the character to have multiple
weapons installed and loaded in their body. Using an BARRIER
Action, the character deploys and fires any number of Description:
innate installed weapons. It can strike any number of The character casts a mystical, divine, or arcane
enemies, uses the lowest Difficulty and the best protective barrier on a single person.
Damage of all the weapons, and does +1d4 Damage
on top of it. Weapons empty of ammunition cannot be Effect:
used, and using this attack deducts all remaining Using an Action, a barrier covers the target, shielding
ammunition on weapons that are used. them. The barrier absorbs up to 2d4 Damage before
dissipating, rolled when the barrier appears. If not
ASSASSINATE depleted, it remains for a Scene.

Chapter 4

BEATDOWN Description:
Description: The character augments an explosive item with a
The character pummels, strikes, disarms, and knocks temporary adjustment right before hurling it.
down an enemy with fists, weapons, and/or rage.
Effect: As part of throwing, planting, or attacking with an
Using an Action, the user beats down an adjacent explosive, the character can use this Technique. The
target. It inflicts 2d4 Damage on the target, knocks any blast radius can be changed to as much as double, or
weapons or items out of their hands to chosen locatins reduced to as much as half. If for some reason the
within 3 meters, and knocks them down, forcing them explosive doesn't detonate, it must be augmented
to spend an Action to recover to be able to move again and does not keep this property.
BEWITCH Description:
Description: The character explodes in a blast of energy or
The character uses a hex, charm, or magical spell to explosive force that's either technological or
bewitch a target into being friendly. supernatural in nature.

Effect: Effect:
Using an Action, the target considers the user a good Using an Action, all adjacent characters and objects
friend, ally, and confidant. If the target takes damage, are struck by a blast of force/energy. It inflicts 1d8
or is given a suicidal or offensive order that conflicts Damage on those hit and knocks them all back 3
with their personality, they can make a regular Skill meters and knocks them down/off-balance, requiring
Roll to end the effect (they will not act on orders that them to spend an Action to be able to use movement
go against their nature even if they fail to end the again.
effect). If the user leaves the target's presence for
more than a Turn, they can continue to make a Skill BLEEDER
Roll to resist every Turn after. The effect ends instantly Description:
if the user makes a hostile action towards the target, The character inflicts a nasty bleeding wound with a
falls asleep/unconscious, becomes Incapacitated, or weapon or claws.
actively chooses to end it. Targets affected by this
Technique have vague, hazy memories of what Effect:
occurred, and are aware they were not themselves. This Technique is used as part of an attack that could
Unless surprised or unfamiliar with the user, they also inflict bleeding wounds. The attack deals normal
may very well remember who bewitched them. damage, and also adds a bleeding effect. It deals 1
Damage for 2d4 Turns on the target unless they
BINDING remove the effect earlier by taking an Action and
Description: making a Skill Roll to treat it.
The character conjures forth a spell or prayer that
forms a magical force in the shape of chains, vines, BLESS
crackling energy, or some other medium to lock down Description:
a target. The character invokes a prayer, blessing, or boon to
grant assistance.
Using an Action, a target up to 30 meters away is Effect:
ensnared by a magical force. The target is incapable Using an Action, all friendly characters that can see or
of moving. In addition, they receive +1 Difficulty to all hear the user (as well as the user themselves) can
physical Skill Rolls and anyone attempting to affect add a +1d4 to the final result of their next Skill Roll.
them physically has their Difficulty reduced by 1. The effect lasts until the Skill Roll is made.
Removing the effect requires an Action to use a Skill
Roll to escape (or the user willingly dismisses it). BOLSTER
BLAST RADIUS The character speaks a poem, write, blessing, or

Chapter 4

performs a dance or song to restore courage and the task may take either result. This can be done after
energize. the result is known.

As an Action, the user restores 1d4 ability to all allies Description:
that can see or hear them as well as themselves. The character helps move an ally or carries them out
of danger.
Description: Effect:
The character casts a charm or boon on an ally, The character hoists an unconscious or willing
granting them luck and favor. character. They retain full movement and suffer no
penalty when taking Actions while holding them. In
Effect: addition, the character being carried has no penalties
As an Action, a single creature gains the ability to earn for any Skill Rolls they make while being carried, but
a Critical Success if a 9 is rolled. The 9 must still be a can't move without ending the effect. The effect can be
Success to potentially be a Critical Success. This lasts ended by either party at anytime at no cost.
for a Scene.
BOUND Description:
Description: The character shouts out or instructs an ally, giving
The character makes a mystical or monstrous giant expert advice quickly.
Effect: Requires a Skill Roll and is used as an Interruption.
The user leaps into the air with an inhuman max
height of 10 meters and max distance of 15 meters. It Duration:
requires no Action and they always land safely on a Effect is instant.
Success, provided there are no hazards in the target
location. Effect:
Used as an Interruption when another character has
BREAKER rolled a 1 on a Skill Roll, the target can remake this
Description: Skill Roll until they achieve a result other than a 1.
The character expertly destroys a target's equipment
with a precise or brutal attack. CHEER
Effect: The character cheers or encourages a character,
Using an Action, the user launches an attack to boosting their morale and confidence.
destroy one target item on, worn, or held by a person
in range. It is up to the Game Master the full extent of Effect:
the destruction and whether the weapon could fully Used as an Action, a single character who can see or
destroy it, but it is rendered useless until repaired at a hear the user gains an additional 1d10 to all Skill
minimum. Certain special or magical items may be Rolls until the end of the Scene. This can only be
immune to this effect partially or completely. applied once to a character.

Description: Description:
The character assists their work (or an ally's) with an With supernatural, technological, or mutant powers,
expert calculation. the character forms a clone of themselves.

Effect: Effect:
Using an Interruption when a Skill Roll is being made, Using an Action, the user creates a clone of
the character can activate this Technique and grant an themselves. The clone is capable of everything the
additional +1d10 to a Skill Roll. The person performing user is and acts as the users wills, but has 5 Health,

Chapter 4

and 1 Ability. It lasts for 1 hour, until the user ends the Effect:
effect, or until its Health is lowered to 0 which destroys Using an Action, the user gains access to all of a
it. The clone may be refreshed to 1 hour by spending single character's Techniques that is within 10 meters.
another Ability point to bypass the Skill Roll. Some Techniques may not be usable due to physical
or equipment-based limitations, but all valid ones can
COMMAND be used as if the user knew them themselves. This
Description: effect lasts for a Scene.
The character uses tactic, distraction, or presence to
give an ally a free moment to act. CRY
Effect: Emitting a terrifying or unnatural cry, shout, or scream,
Using an Action, a target character gets to take a full the character freezes all enemies in place.
Turn instantly next after the user. This does not
replace the target's normal Turn. Effect:
Using an Action, the character affects all targets within
CONCEALMENT auditory range. Targets affected are rattled and lose
Description: their next Turn. Allies aware of the user's ability may
The character fades into shadows with the skill of a cover their ears for free and ignore the effect.
ninja or thief. Individuals who cannot hear or who have their hearing
muffled/filtered aren't affected. This only affects a
Effect: creature once per Encounter.
Using an Action, the character hides. The base
Difficulty to detect them while they remain hidden is CURE
increased to 10. If they commit an Action that would Description:
reveal themselves such as an attack, they become The character casts a healing spell or does a healing
visible again. They can also move freely and remain ritual to restore Health.
hidden (assuming there is room/darkness to hide in)
without additional Skill Rolls. Effect:
Using an Action, this Technique affects a single target
COORDINATED ATTACK within 10 meters. They are healed for 1d8 Health and
Description: any short-term ailments such as poison, acid, or being
The character teams up with allies to deal severe on fire are nullified. Severe injuries and long-term
damage to an opponent. disease are not cured and will still need time to heal.

Effect: CURSE
Using an Action, the character performs an attack. In Description:
addition to normal damage, the target can be The character invokes a prayer, blessing, or curse to
staggered, pulled, or pushed up to 3 meters n any grant harm to their enemies.
direction. After this, an ally of the user's choice can
then make a normal attack as well either unarmed or Effect:
with a held weapon as an Interruption. If successful, Using an Action, all hostile characters that can see or
the target is dealt normal damage and can be moved hear the user subtracts a -1d4 to the final result of
another 3 meters, and the Technique user can select their next Skill Roll. The effect lasts until the Skill Roll
another ally to attack. This can be repeated as often is made.
as there are allies that can reach the target, though no
ally can benefit from this more than once. In addition, DAZZLE
a failure on any attack will end the Technique. Description:
The characters summons a magical or mystical flash
COPYCAT of light or colored sparkles.
Using supernatural or mystical powers, the character Effect:
delves a target's mind and obtains their Techniques. Using an Action, the character manifests a disorienting
effect in a spot chosen within 30 meters, and affects

Chapter 4

anyone within 5 meters. Any targets affected by the remainder of the Scene.
Skill Roll are stunned and unable to act next Turn. In
addition, they are disoriented for 1d4 Turns which DIMENSIONAL GATE
inflicts a +1 Difficulty penalty on all vision related Skill Description:
Rolls. Characters that cannot see or don't rely The character conjures an arcane doorway.
primarily on sight are immune to this Technique.
DEFENDER Using an Action, the user creates one dimensional
Description: gate adjacent to them that leads to a matching gate in
The character protects an ally from a danger or attack a place that is known, visualized, or can be seen
by stopping the blow and knocking them aside. within a different 30 meters. The portal can be sized
up to 3 meters high and 3 meters wide. Stepping into
Effect: the portal automatically transports the character to the
Used as an interaction when a character is other portal. Closing the portal can be done for free on
successfully attacked or struck by a hazard, the user the user's Turn, including the Turn it is activated. If not
displaces the target, pushing them aside and brings closed, it remains active for the Scene.
them both out of harm's away or
blocks/endures/parry's the attack. The target that was DISASSEMBLE
going to be injured is safely displaced adjacent to the Description:
user, and the user takes the saved target's space if The character expertly disassembles a mechanical
physically possible. Else, both are displaced to the item or an item compromised of multiple parts.
nearest safe spot.
DEMORALIZE The user completely disassembles a complex item
Description: such as a firearm, computer, grenade, phone, or
The character insults, harangues, teases, or otherwise anything electronic, mechanical, or made up of
demoralizes an individual. multiple parts with a single Action. Repairing or
reassembling the item is not possible in a Scene
Effect: without a special Technique or Trait.
Using an Action, a single target who can see or hear
the character loses 1d10 from all Skill Rolls (to a DISPATCH
minimum of 1d10) until the end of the Scene. This can Description:
only be applied once to a character. The character commits a killing or brutal attack to deal
heavy damage or outright kill a target.
Description: Effect:
The character commits a self-sacrifice to explode in Using an Action, an attack is made with any weapon. It
explosive or mystical force. deals double the Damage dice (including any
temporary Damage bonuses from effects).
Using an Action, the user deals damage to everything DISPLACEMENT
within 3 meters. The explosion deals 3d10 Damage to Description:
all in range, and the user collapses, reduced to 0 The character creates false images, sounds, or a
Health with 1 Threshold remaining. confusing blur to throw off attacks.

Description: The user's base Difficulty increases to 10 against any
The character treats a target for poisons and toxins. physical attack. This lasts until the start of the user's
next Turn.
Using an Action, a single willing adjacent target has all DISRUPT
poison or toxin effects removed. In addition, the target Description:
is immune to poison and toxin effects for the The character disrupts an opponent using a weapon

Chapter 4

strike, thrown item, or other kind of counter. While controlled, the character will obey any mental or
verbal command the user gives on the user's Turn
Effect: (requiring no Action). If the Action they are ordered to
Used as an Interruption when a character is taking an do is something they are opposed to doing (hurting
Action, the target’s Action is canceled by shoving, themselves, their friends, etc), they can immediately
attacking, or throwing an object. They may finish the make a Skill Roll as an Interrupt to regain control. If
rest of their Turn normally. they fail, they must perform the Action. Dominated
characters have clear memory of what happened and
DISTRACTION what they were forced to do.
The character distracts or confuses an opponent, DRAGON BREATH
preventing use of abilities that require concentration or Description:
focus. The character uses their deadly breath to strike
multiple targets.
Using an action, the target character can’t use Effect:
Techniques until they take an Action to refocus and All targets in a 10 meter cone are struck for 1d6+3
succeed in a Skill Roll, or until the current Encounter Damage of the breath type as an Action.
DODGE Description:
Description: The character conjures a spell blast of fire, water,
The character deftly avoids an incoming threat. wind, earth, or some other element.

Effect: Effect:
Used as an Interruption when there is a hazard or This Technique requires an Action and damages all
attack, the user increases the base Difficulty of any present within 3 meters of a chosen location up to 15
danger or attack to strike them to 10. In addition, if the meters away. It inflicts 1d6 Damage of the chosen
user is making a Skill Roll to avoid a threat, the base type. The targets also suffer a bonus effect, chosen by
Difficulty is lowered to 1. Modifiers are still applied. the user when the Technique is used: additional 1
This can be decided after the result is known. Damage for 1d4 Rounds, knock the targets down, or
knock the targets back 3 meters.
The character swims with extreme speed and grace. Description:
The character casts a magical bolt of fire, water, wind,
Effect: earth, or some other element.
The user's movement is considered doubled for
swimming purposes and they are immune to Effect:
Interruptions. In addition, any penalties (Movement, This Technique requires an Action and damages a
Action, etc) related to being in water are ignored for single target up to 30 meters away. It inflicts 1d8
this Turn. Damage of the chosen type. The target also suffers a
bonus effect, chosen by the user when the Technique
DOMINATION is used: additional 1 Damage for 1d4 Rounds, knock
Description: the target down, or knock the target back 3 meters.
The character uses a mental or supernatural power to
take control of a target's mind temporarily. ENCHANT
Effect: The character uses a quick spell or blessing to briefly
If an Action is used, the affected character can’t do and temporarily enchant a weapon or armor.
anything on their Turn except spend an Action to make
a Skill Roll to regain control. If they fail, they can do Effect:
nothing else on their Turn and the effect continues. Using an Action, a target weapon, armor, tool, or other

Chapter 4

item is considered enchanted and reduces Difficulty by the user recovers the full Damage dealt to their own
1 to all Skill Rolls involving it. If it is a weapon, it also Health.
deals +1d4 Damage, and if it is Armor, it will also
absorb 1 point of Damage. This lasts for the Scene or ESSENCE DRAIN
until dismissed. Description:
The character uses spells or magic to steal the
ENERGIZE essence of a target to heal wounds.
The character imbues an object with kinetic, explosive, Effect:
or mystical energy. It effectively becomes unstable Using an Action, an attack is used to damage a target
and a grenade. up to 30 meters away. It deals 1d10 Damage. If it
succeeds, the user recovers up to 50% Health.
Using an Action, an item is turned into a grenade that FACE CLIMBING
can be thrown or smacked to explode. The base Description:
explosive grenade statistics are used. Larger items The character climbs with extreme skill.
might have a Difficulty penalty to use, but deal more
damage or have a wider blast radius at Game Master Effect:
discretion. In addition, any additional bonus effects The user's movement is doubled for climbing
based on the item injected is up to the GM. This effect purposes and they are immune to Interruptions. In
fades after a Scene if the object is not used. addition, the quality of the climbing surface becomes
irrelevant for this Turn – if it's physically possible to
ENERGY BEAM scale, it automatically succeeds.
The character fires a blistering beam of energy from FALSE PERCEPTION
their eyes, hands or some other source. Description:
Bend the mind of a target to force them to be unable
Effect: to see stationary people and objects.
Using an Action, the user fires a beam that travels up
to 10 meters. It has deals 2d4 Damage and strikes Effect:
and damages the first 3 targets in a straight line. When using this, the Technique user uses an Action
and selects a target to befuddle plus any number of
ENERGY BOMB objects or people in visual range. Those objects and
Description: people are considered completely invisible to all
The character tosses, generates, or manifests a senses by the selected target unless the target makes
massive bomb of explosive energy. physical contact with them or the subjects are moved,
move themselves, or take any kind of Action. This
Effect: effect is treated per item/person, so finding one hidden
Using an Action, the user damages all opponents 3 item or person does not reveal the others.
meters within a point chosen up to 15 meters away. It
inflicts 1d6 Damage. Any targets are knocked back up FIELD REPAIRS
to 3 meters and are knocked down, forcing them to Description:
spend an Action to be able to move again during the The character performs rapid repairs with extreme
Encounter. skill.


Description: Using an Action, the user repairs a single broken
The character steals, transfers, or drains the life of a target machine or electronics with a quick jury-rig.
target by touching it with powers or mysticism. Depending on the item, tools may be required. If used
on an artificial creature (or one with artificial parts as
Effect: part of their body), the target heals 1d6 Health.
Using an Action, an attack is used to damage an
adjacent target. It deals 1d12 Damage. If it succeeds, FIRST-AID

Chapter 4

The character performs emergency first-aid, medicine, Effect:
or herbalism to heal. The user's base movement is doubled for running and
they are immune to Interruptions for this Turn. In
Effect: addition, the character can move under, over, or
Using an Action, an adjacent target heals 2d4 Health. around hostile creatures as long as there is enough
physical room for them to squeeze by/over/under.
Description: GALVANIZE
The character dashes through enemies and make Description:
multiple melee attacks. The character calls out to a single target, urging them
to find their strength and get back up.
Using an Action, the user can attack any number of Effect:
targets within their normal movement range they can The target must be in normal auditory range. Using an
reach with a melee weapon or unarmed. These Action, a character with 0 Health is returned to 1
attacks inflict normal weapon damage on the targets, Health and can act normally on their next Turn.
and after completing the attacks, the user may end
their Turn in any valid spot within their movement. The GRAPPLING LIMB
user is immune to Interrupts while doing this. Description:
The characters uses a tentacle, long arm, or other
FOCUS appendage to reach a long distance and grapple a
Description: target.
The character takes a moment to meditate, focus, or
relax to regain Ability. Effect:
The user strikes a target up to 10 meters away using
Effect: an Action. If successful, the target is grappled and
The user restores 2d4 Ability to themselves with an cannot move. In addition, the user may freely move
Action. them around within the maximum distance with no
Action required until they are able to break free.
FORCE SHIELD Breaking free requires an Action or the user to
Description: voluntarily drop them.
The character activates an emergency shield or
barrier. GUARD
Use: The character shifts into a defensive stance, blocking
Used as an Interruption when attacked. Must succeed and parrying and reducing the power of any hits they
on a Skill Roll. take.

Duration: Effect:
Effect is instant. When used as an Interruption when the user suffers
Damage, the Damage is reduced by 50%. This effect
Effect: remains until the start of the user's next Turn.
Using this Technique as an Interruption when suffering
Damage from an attack or hazard nullifies the HACK
Damage. This can only be applied once per Round. If Description:
the attack is a Technique or a Critical Success, the The character remotely controls a machine, android,
other effects may apply at the GM's discretion. or drone connected to an accessible network or that
has wireless access.
Description: Effect:
The character goes for an all-out run. Utilizing an Action, a singular electronic creature
connected to a network is affected. If successful, the

Chapter 4

user is in complete control of the creature/machine.

While controlled, the character will obey any electronic Effect:
or verbal (if applicable) command including self-harm Using an Action, the user targets an object or point in
at no Action cost. If the entity hacked has artificial space, and it affects an area 10 meters around it. The
intelligence or some sort of defense mechanism area is either fully illuminated as bright as day or
against hacking, it can make a Skill Roll once an hour shrouded in absolute darkness. For light, nothing can
to break free and may also make that same Skill Roll if dim or subdue it. For darkness, nothing can be seen in
ordered to do something against their core these areas no matter the vision-spectrum - though
programming. Hacked entities can have their memory other senses work fine. This effect lasts for a Scene or
wiped at the user's option and may have no until dismissed by the user.
recollection of what happened at all.
HEX Description:
Description: The character uses magic to create an illusory image
The character invokes a curse, hex, or bane to harm that appears real.
an enemy.
Effect: The user creates a fake image within 30 meters with
Using an Action, a single creature in sight is affected an Action. The affected targets see it as completely
by a hex. Until the end of the scene, they consider a 2 real. For those unaffected, they see it as the illusion it
a Critical Failure on Skill Rolls until the end of the is. If something occurs to bring someones attention to
Scene. The 2 must still be a Failure to potentially be a it being fake occurs, such as an ally seeing through
Critical Failure. the deception, the user can make a Skill Roll to see it
as an illusion. If they succeed, they also see it as
HIDDEN FORM false, if they fail, it still seems real to them at least as
Description: far as their senses are concerned. The image cannot
The character releases a powerful, temporary hidden move further than 10 meters from its point of origin. If
form, cursed transformation, or improved upgrades. attacked or interacted with, it will react appropriately or
seem to evade to maintain the illusion that it is made
Effect: of solid matter. This apparition lasts for an hour or until
This transformation takes an Action. When entering dismissed.
the new form, the characters current and maximum
Health increase by 5. In addition, Difficulties for IMMORTALITY
physical Skill Rolls are reduced by 1. Melee Damage Description:
is increased by +1d4. This effect lasts for an The character posses a spark of divine or infernal
Encounter or until the user chooses to revert. immortality, or perhaps they are an android with an
emergency repair system. In either case, they can
HURL return from the brink.
The character focuses up and prepares for a long- Effect:
distance throw. When reduced to 0 Threshold, the character may
activate this Technique as an Interruption. If
Effect: successful, they remain alive and restore 2d4 Health
Uses an Action to hurl an object. The effective range is and return to 1 Threshold. This cannot be used if the
doubled for that one instance. In addition, if tossed to character's missing organs or body parts (such as a
a friendly character, the character is guaranteed to head) that are necessary to live.
catch it safely if the initial Skill Roll is successful.
Description: The character juices or adjusts the dosage of a normal
The character casts a spell to change the light present applied medicine, increasing its potency.
in the area by filling it with unnatural brightness or
darkness. Effect:

Chapter 4

The user uses an Action to utilize an item that restores Description:

Health, improving its effects. The character healed has The character invokes a prayer or word of protection
an additional die of healing added to the item's base to shield an ally.
healing dice (ex: 2d4 to 3d4).
IMPROVISE When a character within 15 meters is suffering an
Description: attack or a hazard, this Technique can be used as an
The character improves an item by tuning, sharpening, Interruption. It will cause the attack to miss.
or upgrading it.
Effect: Description:
Using an Action, the user improves an item. If used in The character uses a spell to make a target invisible.
Skill Rolls, it grants an additional 1d10. If the item is
damaged or a Critical Failure is done with this item, it Use:
loses its bonuses instantly. The bonus lasts until the Requires an Action and a Skill Roll.
end of the Scene.
INOCULATION It lasts for an hour or until ended by the user. It an also
Description: be ended early by the target making an attack or
The character inoculates a character for diseases and performing an overt or aggressive Action.
Effect: Using an Action, one target is made invisible to any
Using an Action, a single willing adjacent target has all and all types of vision. Though invisible, the target can
short-term diseases removed, and long-term and still be heard, smelt, and their environmental
permanent disease effects temporarily suppressed. In interactions can be witnessed – this only affects sight.
addition, the target is completely immune to new Characters that do not need to see have no penalty to
diseases for the remainder of the duration. Te their interactions with invisible targets. Attacking,
suppression effects remain for a Scene. aggressive action, using magic, or any other similar
activity will dispel the invisibility illusion. The effect can
INSPIRE also be ended by the user, and if not dispelled ends at
Description: the end of the Scene.
The character inspires friends and allies, boosting
their chances. INVULNERABLE
Effect: The character shrugs off, ignores, or absorbs Damage
Using an Action, all allies that are within visual and with supernatural powers, special technology, or
auditory range of the user reduce all Difficulties by 1. mutant genes.
This remains for a Scene.
INSTRUCTION It can be activated as an Interruption when Damage is
Description: suffered. It requires a Skill Roll.
The character instructs, advises, or imparts a quick
lesson to those around to grant them an edge in their Duration:
field of expertise. Effect lasts until the start of the next Turn.

Effect: Effect:
The user uses an Action and chooses a Skill, and any This Technique can be used as an Interruption when
character that listens to the advice is considered to taking Damage. Incoming Damage is reduced by 1d12
own that Skill. This lasts for the remainder of the until the start of the user's next Turn. It is rolled each
Scene. time Damage is suffered.


Chapter 4

Description: lasts for the Scene.

The character performs a knockout boxing blow,
martial arts strike, knockout shot, or sap attack. LEVITATION
Effect: The character casts a spell to levitate and fly.
Utilizing an action, this Technique deals Damage and
staggers the target, knocking them out. At the start of Effect:
each of their Turns, the target can make a Skill Roll to Using an Action, the user gains the ability to fly and
wake up. If a target is attacked while unconscious levitate. They retain their normal speed, and are able
during an Encounter, it deals double total damage and to levitate and fly as high as they wish. This effect
the target instantly wakes up. Some creatures cannot lasts for an hour, and may be refreshed for 1 Ability
be knocked unconscious and are immune to this without a Skill Roll.
LAYING ON HANDS Description:
Description: The character touches an ally and freely swaps life
The character performs a supernatural, divine, or alien and power with them.
touch and transference that heals a target.
Effect: With an Action, the user touches a willing adjacent
The user uses an Action and touches an adjacent creature. The user can transfer Health, Ability, and
creature, granting one of the following chosen effects: poison- or disease effects between each other. This
cannot exceed normal maximums. There is no limit to
• Restore 1d4+1 Health what transfers or how these values are balanced, but
• Remove all current temporary negative effects there is no gain or loss of numerical value or of
such as burning, poison, or acid existing effects during this process.
• Cure 1 natural mental or physical non-
permanent condition (such as a from a LINE UP
disease) Description:
• Recover 1 non-permanent injury The character fires a ranged weapon, piercing through
or grazing up to three lined up targets.
Description: Effect:
The character makes a skillful jump. Using an Action, the user fires a ranged weapon such
as a rifle or crossbow. It deals it's normal Damage, if it
Effect: hits, to the first 3 targets in a straight line from the
Used as an Action or Interruption, the user clears any origin of the shot, the ammunition piercing, grazing, or
size jump they are physically capable of making skipping through or past the targets.
without any additional Skill Rolls, whether used as an
Action or Interruption. The user is immune to hostile MAGIC GRASP
Interruptions after using this for the remainder of their Description:
Turn or during their Interruption. The character uses arcane powers or magic to shove,
throw, or manipulate people or objects.
Description: Effect:
The character informs the target on the intricacies of a Using an Action, this Technique affects a single target
particular Skill. (creature or object) within 15 meters. One of the
following actions can then be taken as part of this
Effect: Technique's Action:
Using an Action, the user chooses a Skill they have • Strangle a breathing creature for 1d6 Damage
and gives a target creature a brief lesson. If the • Throw target 10 meters and deal 1d4 Damage
character makes a Skill Roll where that Skill would (throwing the target at another creature
apply, they add +1d4 to the final value. This effect requires a normal Skill Roll and deals Damage

Chapter 4

as per type of the object) from acting.

• An object can be brought to the user's hand
• Safely move an ally anywhere in the range Effect:
Using an Action, a target within 10 meters becomes
MAGIC WEAPON unable to do anything during their Turn. If they are
Description: attacked in this state, they receive double Damage.
The character summons an arcane or divine weapon. Any damage from any source instantly ends the effect
automatically. The target may also be shaken awake if
Effect: another character spends an Action to return them to
A magical weapon forms in the hand of the user. It can reality. This effect lasts for 2d4 Turns if the character
be any weapon desired, and uses the normal statistics isn't awakened and the user doesn't end it voluntarily.
of that weapon with a +1d4 to Damage. Being
disarmed causes it to vanish. MIMIC
MARTYR The character uses alien, mystical, or bizarre powers
Description: to mimic a previous Technique done in this Scene.
The character performs a ritual or religious rite to take
the harm of an ally. Effect:
The user automatically uses an Action to enact any
Effect: valid Technique already used during this Scene. The
Using an Action, the user takes all Damage a willing user must have been present when the Technique was
target receives. The wounds that would appear on performed. The Technique has to be something the
them instead appear on the user magically. This user is capable of doing due to equipment limitations,
applies to Health loss and injuries that cause but requires no training or physical or mental
Conditions. This effect lasts for a Scene or until ended thresholds. The Technique, when executed, requires
voluntarily by the user at any time. the normal Skill Rolls, but requires no additional Ability
spend outside of the cost of Mimic.
Description: MIND READER
The character sorts or enhances a medical tool or kit. Description:
The character uses mutant, technological, or alien
Effect: powers to scan a target's mind.
Using an Action, the character augments an item used
to heal. This item has its die size increased by 1 (ex: Effect:
d4 to d6). If it is already at a d12, it is instead granted Using an Action, the user can learn as much of the
a +1. If the item can be used multiple times, all uses of following information by reading a visible target's mind
it are enhanced. This effect lasts for a Scene. as they desire:
• Current/max Health and Ability
Description: • Traits
The character moderates a dosage or supply usage, • Names/approximate functions of Techniques
gaining the same effect with less resources.
Effect: Description:
This Technique is used prior to using a consumable The character attacks a target's mind with a psychic
healing item. If successful, the item isn't consumed ability or spell.
when healing the target. If the item has multiple uses
before being consumed, it doesn't expend a use. Effect:
Using an Action, this Technique affects a single target
MESMERIZE up to 15 meters away. If successful, it lowers the
Description: target's current Ability by 1d10.
With alien or supernatural powers, the character
temporarily mesmerizes a target, preventing them MUDDLE

Chapter 4

Description: • Cannot approach user unless they succeed in

The character uses mental or magical powers to a Skill Roll – this is done at the start of each
confuse a target. Turn until successful

Using an Action, a target within 15 meters is affected. Description:
At the start of each Turn for 1d8 Turns, 1d4 is rolled to The character summons a concealing cloud of smoke,
determine what the character can do: fog, or steam.

• 1: Act normally Effect:

• 2: Random negative action (GM Decision) Using an Action, an area of up to 15 meters in all
• 3: Random positive action (GM Decision) directions from a target point is covered in a thick
• 4: Do nothing obscuring mist or fog. This conceals anything in it
nearly completely. This lasts until the end of the Scene
MUTILATE or until dismissed.
The character performs a deadly attack that causes an OVERDOSE
injury. Description:
The character uses a medical item incorrectly to turn it
Effect: into a weapon.
Using an Action, a weapon or unarmed attack is used
against a target. In addition to doing normal damage, it Use:
causes an injury determined by the Game Master Used as part of an Action to attack with a healing item
much like a Critical effect. This could be a broken arm, with a Skill Roll.
eye damage, shattered femur, or other similar injury.
MYSTIC WALL This effect is part of the attack.
The character uses magical powers to create a wall. Effect:
Using an Action and an item that restores Health, the
Effect: user attacks an adjacent target. Instead of healing, the
Using an Action, this Technique generates a thin wall item does what it normally heals in Damage to the
of arcane force up to 15 meters long and it can curve target.
to encircle an area. If a person is in the direct path of
the wall, the user decides which way the wall pushes PARALYZE
them. The wall itself can absorb 25 points of Damage Description:
before collapsing. If not destroyed, the wall vanishes The character stuns a target with spells or rituals,
at the end of the Scene or when dismissed. limiting movement.

Description: Using an Action, a single target is affected from up to
The character inflicts horrific nightmares on a target. 15 meters away. The target is rendered immobile and
must use their Action on their turns to free themselves
Effect: with a successful Skill Roll. While paralyzed, any
Utilizing an Action, a single target within 10 meters of defensive Difficulty increases from movement or
the user is inflicted with horrifically realistic vivid evasion are nullified.
waking nightmares (creatures that don't sleep or have
nightmares are immune). They are stunned, terrorized PARKOUR
and demoralized. They suffer the following effects: Description:
The character leaps, climbs, and/or swims with
• Loses their next Turn masterful skill to a location.
• +1 Difficulty to all Skill Rolls instantly for the
Encounter Effect:

Chapter 4

The user can immediately move to any location within Scene.

movement range – running, jumping, climbing, or
swimming as necessary without additional Skill Rolls POSSESS
and automatically avoiding Interrupts. Any place they Description:
can logically make given the terrain and their Using supernatural or ghostly powers, the character
physicality is a valid end location. enters and controls an entity.


Description: Using an Action, the user's self and form are now in
The characters uses a ranged/thrown weapon capable the target's body. The user has access to the target's
of pinning targets with larger projectiles such as a bow physical capabilities and equipment, but not any
or crossbow to attach them to a surface. Techniques. The target is still the one who takes
Damage, and the user has complete control. If the
Effect: user attempts a strongly opposed action such as
Using an Action, the user strikes a target with a bow, attacking an ally, the target gets an Skill Roll to eject
crossbow, javelin, or similar weapon while they are the user. Every Turn, the target's only available Action
within 3 meters of a hard surface. The target is pushed is to try to eject the presence by rolling a Skill Roll.
up against that surface and the ammo piece or thrown While possessing an enemy, the user is immune to all
weapon embeds itself in a limb of the attacker's damage from almost any attacks, since the target's
choosing. That limb is then immobilized and cannot be body will be the entity harmed.
used, and the target cannot move until they pull free
with an Action. POWER LIFT
POLYMORPH The character readies up to do some heavy lifting.
The character morphs a target or creature with a spell. Effect:
Using an Action, a single item the target is physically
Effect: capable of lifting is lifted. For the Turn lifted and the
Using an Action, the target (which can be the user) following Turn, the object is treated as not counting
turns into a creature of the user's choice. Each Turn, towards what the character is carrying and the user
unwilling Targets can make a Skill Roll to shrug off the has no penalties while carrying or moving it. In
effect. This Skill Roll can also be made if desired when addition, it can also be used as a tool or weapon with
Damage is suffered. The target gets all natural a Skill Roll with no Difficulty penalty, no matter the
physical statistics as well as any limitations, bonuses, size.
weaknesses, and strengths of the creature turned into,
but retain their intelligence and mental prowess. Other POWERED STRIKE
than resisting it, this effect ends when the user wishes Description:
or when they are knocked unconscious, sleep, or are The character charges up a powerful charged melee
Incapacitated. strike.

PORTAL Effect:
Description: Using an Action, the user makes a normal attack
The character conjures a massive portal. unarmed or with their weapon. If successful, the target
suffers normal damage and can be knocked up to e
Effect: meters up and 3 meters in any other direction.
Using an Action, the user creates one portal adjacent
to their position that leads to any place that is known PRESENCE
or accurately visualized as from a photo. The portal Description:
can be up to 15 meters high and 15 meters wide. The character uses force of presence and strength of
Stepping into the portal automatically transports the words to to inspire and rally potential allies as well as
character to the other portal. Closing the portal can be cow, terrify, or otherwise convince weak-willed
done for free on the user's Turn, but cannot be done enemies to question their allegiances.
the Turn it is activated. If not closed, it remains for the

Chapter 4

Using an Action, the user makes a speech or rallying Effect:
cry. Success means neutral or friendly people in visual Using an Action, a blast of psychokinetic energy
and/or auditory range who are not actively helping will damages all opponents within 3 meters of the user. It
be moved to help to the best of their nature/abilities does 1d8 Damage to every target it hits and knocks
with the task at hand (some may help rescue, throw them to the floor, forcing them to spend an Action to
rocks, cheer, heal, etc). If in a fight, weak willed be able to gather themselves to move again.
enemies will be terrified or convinced and will either
switch sides, surrender, or retreat. Some enemies may PURIFICATION
be completely immune to this effect, especially those Description:
with personal stakes as well as strong, professional, The character uses a ritual or blessing to grant
and/or dedicated individuals. The exact effects are up immunity to toxins and disease.
to the Game Master.
PROFILE Using an Action, all allies within 15 meters have the
Description: following effects occur:
The character recalls information and knowledge
relevant to the individual or creature examined. • All poisons and non-serious diseases are
Effect: • Serious and permanent diseases have their
Using an Action, the user categorizes and recalls effects temporarily suppressed
information related to the current subject. They • Difficulty becomes 10 in regards to infecting
instantly know any or all of the following based on the them with toxins and diseases
type of creature/person they are: • Skill Rolls to actively resist poison or disease
effects are set to Difficulty 1
• Exact stats of any equipment the target is • Damage from any toxin or disease is reduced
wearing or carrying, including armor and by 1
weapons (if unique, base statistics, but with a
note it's custom) PUSH ON
• If belonging to an organization, any enemies Description:
or allies The character focuses and gets energized, granting
• If famous/a known individual, any and all an advantage in all actions taken.
publicly known information
• Any inherent Traits/Techniques based on Effect:
creature type or allegiance This can be activated during the user's Turn or used
as an Interruption at any time. The user lowers the
PROTECTIVE RITE Difficulty by 1 for all Skill Rolls. This effect lasts for a
Description: Scene.
The character enacts a ritual, ceremony, or rite that
grants protection against evil and supernatural threats. RADIANCE
Effect: The character emits a divine or mystical aura that
Using an Action, the user targets a single creature inspires and calms allies.
within 15 meters. The target gets a +1 Difficulty to
resist any attempts at hurting them. In addition, any Effect:
supernatural entity inflicts -1 Damage (to a minimum Using an Action, the character and all allies within 10
of 1) and Difficulty is set to 10 to possess, control, or meters are immune to fear, any sort of controlling
brainwash a target by supernatural means. mental effects, and can ignore any Difficulty penalties
due to injuries or effects (though they still take
PSYCHIC EXPLOSION Damage). If they are currently under negative mental
Description: or fear effects, those are instantly canceled.
The character is overwhelmed by psychic energies
and releases a blast of mental force. RAISE DEAD

Chapter 4

Description: 1 Threshold and returning to their feet. This will close

The character revives a recently dead ally with ancient mortal wounds, but will not work if the character is
rituals or forbidden rites. missing necessary body parts or organs to survive (ex:
missing a head). This can only be attempted once per
Effect: death.
Using the Action, the user attempts to revive a dead
ally within 15 meters. The target must have died within REBOUNDING SHOT
the past hour and must have important portions like Description:
the head at least present and in their proper place – The character uses physics and deadly aim to
limbs or other body parts are not restored if completely rebound a ranged attack against multiple nearby
missing and not present. On a successful Skill Roll, opponents.
the target is returned to life with 50% of their Health
and 1 Threshold, present detached bits are knitted Effect:
back on to the body. They have a +1 Difficulty to all Using an Action, the user makes a normal attack with
Skill Rolls for the next 24 hours. a ranged/thrown weapon against a target. Any target
the user wishes to hit within 3 meters of that target can
RALLY also be struck provided the Skill Roll would strike
Description: them.
The character rallies and supports allies with courage
Effect: The character activates a cybernetic nerve implant,
Using an Action, the user calls out encouragement, calls upon supernatural response time, or uses honed
support, or words of inspiration. All allies within visual reflexes to take action.
or auditory range heal 1d6 Health.
REANIMATION The user gains a free Action either as an Interruption
Description: enacted at any time or during their Turn.
The character uses magic or eldritch powers to raise
up undead abominations. REGENERATE
Effect: The character restores their own health periodically,
Using an Action, the user brings a corpse or skeletal due to supernatural effects like that of a werewolf or
form to existence. It retains little of its former self if technology such as nanobots.
anything, and is a complete automaton that obeys
simple commands. If used to fight, most undead will Effect:
have 5 Health, get no bonuses to Skill Rolls, do 1d4 This Technique can be used during a Turn, or as an
Damage unless given a weapon, and can move only 5 Interruption when taking Damage. They instantly
meters on their Turn. If used on certain special or restore 1 Health, and will continue to restore 1 Health
unique individuals, by GM discretion, they can retain at the end of their Turns for 1d6 Turns.
more of their former selves and powers. Created
creatures last until destroyed or the user ends the REJUVENATION
effect. Description:
The character performs a blessing or ritual to heal all
REBIRTH allies with unnatural energy.
The character uses divine or technological powers to Effect:
return from death. Using an Action, the user restores 1d6 Health and
cures all temporary negative conditions such as
Effect: poison or burning to all allies within 15 meters
The user activates this Technique if they have fully including themselves.
died, being reduced to 0 Threshold. If successful, they
are instantly revived, restoring 50% of their Health and REPOSITION

Chapter 4

Description: involving a Critical Failure (in addition to any other

The character circles and strikes an opponent. Critical Failure effects).

Using an Action, the user makes an attack unarmed or Description:
with their weapon. If successful, the target suffers The character beeches aid from a divine entity or
Damage and the user is immune to Interruptions the supernatural force.
rest of their Turn.
RESURRECTION This Technique requires an Action used during the
Description: user's Turn, or can be activated as an Interruption
The character revives a recently dead ally with magic when taking Damage. A creature called or summoned
or divine powers. appears near the user (GM Discretion). It has the
normal statistics of a creature of its type and will act
Effect: on its own accord. It will not obey commands, but will
Using an Action, the user attempts to revive a dead assist the user to the best of its ability. It vanishes or is
ally they touch. The target must have died within the destroyed at 0 Health and does not have a Threshold.
past 24 hours and must have important portions like It will vanish after the current danger is passed or at
the head at least present and in their proper place – most, the end of a Scene.
limbs or other body parts are not restored if completely
missing and not present. Te target is returned to life SCALE
with 1d6 Health and full Threshold, present detached Description:
bits are knitted back on to the body. The character climbs or scrambles up an object or
larger creature.
Description: Effect:
The character revives a recently dead or dying This Technique can be done on the user's Turn, or as
creature with emergency medical training. an Interruption when falling if near a valid creature,
vehicle, or object. The user clambers to any point on a
Effect: large object, structure, vehicle, or creature up to a
Using an Action, the user attempts to revive an maximum of 15 meters away from the start of the
unconscious, dying, or dead nearby ally. This climb. While this is active, the Target is immune to
Technique will work on any creature with 0 Health, Interruptions and if activated during their Turn,
whether or not they have Threshold remaining. For remains immune for the rest of the Turn.
dead characters, the dead target must have died
within the past minute/current Encounter and must still SCRY
be logically possible to revive – if killed by a Critical Description:
Success, they may have suffered irreparable major The character uses mystical or magical powers to
organ damage. Lost limbs are not restored. Whether peer into a target's mind.
or incapacitated or dead, the target is revived with 1d4
Health and restores 1d10 Threshold. Effect:
Using an Action, the user can target any known entity,
SALVAGE regardless of their current location. The user knows
Description: their thoughts, what they can see, and also their
The character creates a functional item out of scrap current Health and Ability. If the user is present, every
and spare parts. Skill Roll against them has a -1 Difficulty and anytime
they act against you they have a +1 Difficulty.
Using an Action, the user creates a fully functional SECOND WIND
item out of scraps. The item created must be plausibly Description:
created with the available materials. It is as good as a The character takes a breather and regains some
normal item of its type in as far as function, but will energy.
break instantly if damaged or if used in an action

Chapter 4

Using an Action, the user can immediately make a SLEIGHT OF HAND
normal Skill Roll to recover. Success restores 1d8+5 Description:
Health. The character performs complex sleight of hand with
Description: Effect:
The character repairs their systems or cybernetics Using an Action, the character can preform a complex
with internal auto-repair mechanisms. sleight of hand completely undetected and without
arousing suspicions. This could include
Effect: hiding/discarding an item, producing an item, or
This Technique can be used during a Turn, or as an transferring an item (or items) to another person all
Interruption when taking Damage. They instantly while avoiding detection.
restore 1 Health, and will continue to restore 1 Health
at the end of their Turns on a successful Skill Roll. The SMASH
repair process tops when a Skill Roll is failed or the Description:
user chooses to end it. The character knocks a target back with a powerful
Description: Effect:
The character molds their form into another creature Using an Action, the user makes a normal attack
or person. unarmed or with their weapon. If successful, the target
suffers normal damage and is knocked back up to 10
Effect: meters. They are also knocked down, and must use
The user can turn into any creature and gain the an Action to recover to be able to move again.
physical abilities and powers of the creature. They
retain their own mental powers. The effect is SNIPE
permanent until the user chooses to use this Description:
Technique again or reverts back to their normal form. The character targets specific spots of a person and
Reverting back to the normal form costs no Ability, but fires from range.
changing to a new, different form does. This can only
be used once per Turn. Effect:
Using an Action, the user makes a normal attack with
SKETCH a ranged or thrown weapon (non-explosive/single
Description: target). If successful, the target suffers normal
The character makes a rapid, pristine sketch. damage and the user gets to temporarily disable a
limb, preventing using it until specifically healed or rest
Effect: is taken. If the limb chosen is an arm, the held item is
Using an Action and drawing materials, the user dropped at the target's feet and that limb cannot be
makes a perfect sketch with incredibly speed. While used to attack. If one leg is disabled, movement is
not colored or highly detailed, the image is clean, halved. If all legs are struck, the target can only crawl
legible, and the subject is clear. along the ground. Individuals that do not rely on their
arms or legs are immune to the effect, but still take the
The character takes aim and skips their shot for a long SOLVER
distance strike. Description:
The character gains some inspiration or focuses in
Effect: and solves a difficult equation, problem, or puzzle.
Using an Action, the user makes a normal ranged
attack by skipping it or ricocheting it along a ground, Effect:
wall, or surface. This doubles the effective range of Using an Action, the user can immediately solve a
the attack. puzzle or equation without further Skill Rolls. If the

Chapter 4

problem or puzzle is significantly complex, they may The character attacks a target and knocks them down.
only solve a portion of it, or only gain an important hint
from GM discretion. Effect:
Using an Action, the user attacks against an adjacent
SUMMON character. In addition to suffering normal Damage from
Description: the attack, the target is knocked down, grappled, and
The character summons creatures from another realm pinned. They can only attempt to break the pin on their
or creatures formed from magic to assist. Turn with a Skill Roll. If they manage to break the
grapple, they are still considered knocked down and
Effect: must take an Action to recover.
Using an Action, the user creates a monster or animal
made of shimmering magical energy that appears next TELEKINESIS
to the user. It has the normal statistics of a creature of Description:
its type and will obey the user completely (no Action The character concentrates and accesses mind
required). It vanishes or is destroyed at 0 Health and powers to manipulate objects or people.
does not have a Threshold. It vanishes at the end of
the Scene. Effect:
Using an Action, the user affects a single target within
SURGICAL HEALING 30 meters. One of the following Actions can occur:
The character performs emergency field surgery on a • Objects can be thrown as weapons up to 10
target. meters, dealing Damage based on the type of
item they are
Effect: • A willing or unwilling creature can be moved
Using an Action, the user removes all penalties from 10 meters
an adjacent target from injuries, effects, disease, or • A single target can suffer 1d4 manipulation
toxins. Any lasting effects like burning or acid damage damage from the force
are also cleansed. Characters at 0 Health with
Threshold remaining are brought to consciousness TELEPORT
restoring 1d4 Health. Description:
The character transports a short distance instantly
SWEEP using tech or powers.
The character performs an attack that strikes all Effect:
adjacent enemies. Using an Action, the user teleports to a nearby
location that they can see or knows exists located
Effect: nearby, within 30 meters.
Using an Action, an attack (unarmed or with a melee
weapon) is launched against all chosen targets TERRORIZE
surrounding the user. Description:
The character terrorizes an individual by showing
TACTICS them how frightening they can truly be.
The character issues commands or strategy to allies. Effect:
This technique can be done on the user's Turn or as
Effect: an Interruption at any time. The user can affect one
Using an Action, all allies that can see or hear the user enemy within auditory or visual range. If successful,
can either make a normal movement (immune to the target cannot approach the user. They receive a
Interruptions) or make a single normal attack against +1 Difficulty to all Skill Rolls affecting the user. The
any opponent they wish. target may try to resist the effect at the end of their
Turn with a Skill Roll until the effect is removed.
Description: THRASHER

Chapter 4

Description: non-living object into something else using the base

The character grapples and beats down a target. properties inherent in the matter. For example, they
could change a branch into a wooden hammer, a
Effect: bunch of sand into a glass staff, or a tub of water into
Using an Action, the user makes a normal attack ice or steam.
unarmed or with their weapon. If successful, the target
suffers normal damage and is grappled. Anytime TREMOR
during their Turn, the user may throw/push a target up Description:
to 3 meters away for no additional Action or Skill Roll. The character creates a localized earthquake with
If the target is not thrown, they remain grappled. magical or mystical powers.

Description: Using an Action, all creatures surrounding the user
The character threatens, beats, and intimidates an within 10 meters are knocked down, requiring them to
enemy. spend an Action before being able to move again. The
user can also shift the terrain as they wish, creating up
Effect: to 3 meter high pillars or 3 meter drop pits. If a
Using an Action, the user makes an unarmed or creature would be crushed or fall due to this shift, they
weapon attack Skill Roll against a nearby enemy while also take 1d4 Damage.
threatening them. The target suffers normal damage,
and is considered subjugated. They will obey TRIAGE
reasonable commands and are instantly non-hostile. Description:
They won't obey suicidal orders or commands that The character performs rapid emergency healing on
violate their core principles, and immediately get all nearby allies.
another Skill Roll to ignore the effect if given one. If
the user is defeated, they are instantly free of this Effect:
effect. Otherwise, as long as the user is in their Using an Action, all characters the user could reach
presence and conscious, the effect remains. Some with movement recover 1d6+1 Health. The user ends
enemies may be immune to this effect, especially their Turn anywhere in that range. The user is immune
strong opponents, zealots, or individuals with a to Interruptions while doing this.
personal grudge.
TIME SHIFT Description:
Description: The character ricochets a bullet to attack an unseen
The character speeds up or slows down a target's enemy.
actions with magic.
Effect: Using an Action, the user makes a normal attack with
Using an Action, a single target gets either hasted or a ranged weapon and ricochets the shot off a hard
slowed. If hasted, they get a +1d4 to their Encounter surface. Line of sight is not required for this attack,
Order and anyone attempting to physically affect them and as long as the user is somewhat aware of the
gets a +1 Difficulty. If slowed, they get a -1d4 to their enemy, firing blindly or with mirrors incurs no Difficulty
Encounter Order and anyone attempting to physically penalty. Bonuses for shields the target has are ignored
affect them has the Difficulty lowered by -1. This and all enemy cover is also completely ignored.
effect lasts for a Scene.
TRANSMUTE Description:
Description: The character uses peak-human, monstrous,or
The character changes the molecular structure of supernatural speed.
objects with a spell or ritual.
Effect: The user gains a second full Turn in this Round at the
Using an Action, the user changes a touched target very end of the Round. This can only be used once

Chapter 4


VOLLEY The character invokes a prayer or sacred song.
The character strikes a large number of enemies with Effect:
rapid shots. Using an Action, the user affects all allies that can see
or hear them. At the end of any allies Turn, or their
Effect: own, the user restores 1 Health to the target. This
Using an Action, this user selects a 1 square meter effect can be maintained by spending the Action and
location and consumes 5 ammo for this attack. An Skill Roll each Turn at no additional Ability cost.
additional 1 meter can be added, and takes another 5
ammo per addition. Any targets in the area take
regular Damage. If reloading is required during the
process, it is automatically done and takes no Action.

The character invokes a curse or mystical spell to
inflict a disease on a target.

Using an Action, the user inflicts a terrible disease on
a target up to 30 meters away. They lose 5 maximum
Health to a minimum of 1, and have a +1 Difficulty
penalty to all Skill Rolls. The disease itself is normal,
so it can be treated with medicine to alleviate the
penalties and it can be cured naturally.

The character identifies a weakness or two with their
keen perception and/or insight.

Using an Action, the user points out weaknesses on a
target, and all Skill Rolls against them have the
Difficulty reduced by 3.

The character temporarily upgrades a weapon.

Using an Action and the appropriate tools, the user
upgrades a weapon. The upgraded weapon adds
+1d4 Damage to each successful attack. The
improvements fail or fall apart at the end of the Scene.

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

ten-twenty of these items without issue.
What is a repairman without a tool kit, a street racer Moderate-sized items are a bit larger and heavier,
without a car, a soldier without a weapon, a doctor though still able to be held in one hand by most
without a medical bag? Equipment is essential for all people. This would include things like a scimitar, a
characters, and PCs tend to stock up on a lot of it to guitar, or a kite shield. Moderate-sized items can
handle many different situations. usually only be hidden with large baggy clothing, such
as a long coat or heavy robes, and then only poorly.
Certain types of equipment may not be available in Most characters can carry a couple of items of this
certain Settings. The Game Master should provide size with proper luggage – and luggage or straps
guidelines to Players with any necessary information would be necessary since these items do not fit in
when they are purchasing equipment for their starting pockets or tucked into clothing.
Larger items are quite heavy and unwieldy, and no
CARRYING & ENCUMBRANCE matter the design, the sheer mass means they are two
The size and weight of items is a very important factor handed when employed as weapons by human-sized
to consider. When characters carry more equipment, people. This category would include plate armor, a
they have access to more problem solving utilities and machine gun, or a great sword. They generally cannot
better weaponry. If there is no trade-off, you will have be hidden on person. Large items are bulky, and an
players running around with the abilities of a hardware average human can carry or wear at a time at most
store and a small army. On the other hand, tracking one with little problem.
every pound of equipment is a little tedious.
While there are larger items that could potentially be
Rather than track everything individually, barring any carried, if for a short period of time, they would
Traits that adjust this, the character is assumed to be definitely apply penalties and they would not be part of
able to carry a realistic amount of equipment. Carrying a character's normal equipment. For example, a table
a bag and a bunch of gear? Perfectly fine. Carrying could feasibly be picked up to be thrown or moved, but
around a kitchen table or a bunch of halberds? That's if a character tried walking around with that, that could
extremely taxing if not impossible. Exceeding normal be the only item of that type they could carry and it
weight limits will impose doubled Difficulties for all would take up their hands.
physical tasks and reduce movement at GM
discretion. As this is intended to be a generalized system, there is
no need to get too bogged down in the details. The
Most characters are humanoid and the guidelines are Game Master has final say in item weight and
based on that. Stronger characters may be able to dimension in regards to carrying capacity.
carry more, weaker characters less. Storage is
important as well – sheaths and holsters can hold SIZE EXAMPLES
weapons, but if a character is carrying camping Negligible Chalk, Key, Matchbox, Pencil, Vial
survival gear they will need a backpack or duffel bag. Small Dagger, Pistol, Radio, Smartphone
Moderate Baseball Bat, Katana, Rifle
Items of negligible size are incredibly small and Large Chainsaw, Plate Armor, Sledgehammer
weightless. This would include things like a pencil, a
Huge Table, Trunk, Bicycle, Boulder
key, chalk, or a wallet. A character can carry any
amount of these items within reason without penalty
assuming they have the luggage. Example
Fox is packing up to escape the zombie horde
Smaller items are usually hand-held and weigh little. outside. He's examining their safe house to determine
They include things like a claw hammer, a pistol, or a what he can safely take and remain mobile.
knife. Small items can be hidden in jackets, under
shirts, or in larger pockets. Characters can easily carry He's currently carrying a hatchet, his wallet, his car
keys, and a canteen. The hatchet hanging from his

Chapter 5

belt and the full, larger canteen on the opposite side

are smallish items. His keys and wallet are considered
are essentially so light they are weightless, and he Certain items require a power source or have limited
can easily fit them in his pockets. charges or duration, such as flashlights or stun guns.
Sometimes they can be recharged, sometimes not. An
The safe house has a couple of shotguns and rifles. expensive, top of the line flashlight will perform better,
While Fox could carry a couple in theory, he only and longer, than a cheap disposable (which won’t
needs one. He selects a rifle and slings the strap over even be rechargeable).
his shoulder. He also finds a bullet-proof vest, which
isn't light either. Those are two moderate sized items, Generally, most equipment that needs fuel, batteries,
but Fox is fine for now. or charging should be changed monthly, weekly, or
daily depending on the item. Some items last a good
There is a plethora of ammunition in the safe house, time though and do not need to be consistently
luckily. Ammunition is exceptionally light, but Fox tracked. A good way for the GM to utilize Critical
currently only has his pockets right now. If he wants to Failures is to have batteries fail or vehicles run out of
take a large amount, he needs something to carry it fuel. Items that have a more specific number of uses,
with unless he wants bullets spilling out of his pockets. though, should be recorded and kept track of and
those particular items will have that information in the
Thankfully, Fox does spy a backpack. He'll take that description.
as well, the backpack itself not being more than a
small item. With that container, he can stuff boxes of Example
bullets in his backpack. He'll also take protein bars Winston carries a flashlight around that he uses often
and toss a large number of them in as well. These all exploring crypts and underground passages for his
light items, and he has the space, so he loads up. research. Normally, this is fine, and it is a high quality
Fox decides to pack a first-aid kit as well, another
small item. He decides to stop there, in case he finds However, when investigating a recently undiscovered
more items he wants to pick up. Realistically tomb in ruins near Rio de Janeiro, a door slides shut
speaking, what Fox is carrying is feasible for most behind him, leaving him enclosed in darkness. Taking
adult humans. out his trusty flashlight, he scans the room, and
attempts to find an exit. The Game Master has him
Fox is now geared up and ready to go. He has an make a Skill Roll to find his way out, and Winston gets
array of equipment and consumables at his disposal, a Critical Failure.
and he left some room to pick up some new items. He
pushes the back door open and leaves, attempting to The Game Master states that as he's looking,
escape the zombies. Winston's flashlight flickers, and suddenly gives out.
It's dead, and Winston is cloaked in darkness again,
stuck in a tomb.
The virtue of some items are not their power, but their Thankfully, Winston bought batteries and reloads his
ability be concealed. This is important for items like flashlight after digging them out of his pack. If Winston
weapons. Item descriptions will generally indicate did not have batteries though, he would be in quite the
which items are able to be concealed easily. situation.

Small items like snub-nosed pistols, daggers, keys,

and similar items can go undetected during some
manual searches. Moderate-sized items like The Harbingers Roleplaying Game generally does not
submachine guns or a laptop might never pass a require considering what is in a character's hands or
proper search, but might pass a cursory visual held under their arm in most circumstances. It's
inspection with a long coat or cloak covering them. assumed a character can swap hands, pull out tools
Larger items like shovels and rifles, however, are likely from a belt, sheath/draw weapons at easy-to-reach
unable to be hidden. locations, and otherwise perform basic object
interactions as part of using an object.

Chapter 5

Certain weapons and tools, however, may be certain projectile weapons.

designed for two-handed usage. In addition, using
most shields properly requires holding it in-hand. If a Massive range weapons are designed to exclusively
character is trying to perform an awkward maneuver operate at longer ranges, often having an effective
(such as using a two-handed sword with a kite shield range of about 300 meters. This range is only for the
out, or trying to use an assault rifle while operating a longest range firearms, projectile weapons, and
computer), the GM may inflict a Difficulty penalty. artillery. This includes weapons such as mortars,
sniper rifles, and longbows.
Generically speaking, a +1 Difficulty is usually enough.
If the situation is too outrageous, the GM may simply RANGE WEAPONS M/Y
say a player may need to drop or put away an object Close Fists, Knife, Sword -
to even attempt an Action. Short Blowgun, Grenade, Shotgun 15
Medium Revolver, Submachine Gun 30
WEAPON RANGE Long Bow, Crossbow, Rifle 31
Range often comes into play during combat, and
certain weapons are better at different ranges. Closer Example
range weapons tend to have other advantages, but Marcy, Hannah, and Nathan are fighting soldiers in a
longer range weapons means the user can keep their warehouse. Marcy has a sword, a close-combat
distance. weapon. Hannah has a pistol with a range of 15.
Nathan has a bolt-action rifle, a weapon with a range
Every weapon has an effective range. Attacks within of 150. All three of the characters are equally skilled in
the effective range have no penalty. Attacks past the combat. The enemy soldiers are all armed with
effective range may be possible with certain ranged assault rifles.
weapons at the GM's discretion, but with a penalty
(increasing Difficulty by +1). Using ranged weapons in Marcy's sword has no range and must be used in
close-combat (excluding thrown weapons, which can close combat. Because of this, it is easier to use or
be used in melee) suffers a +1 Difficulty as well. has more damage. However, Mercy has to run up to
attack the soldiers, possibly using boxes as cover on
Weapons without a listed range means the weapon is the way. Any soldier that can see her can attack her,
only suitable for close combat, effective range but she will only be able to attack the one she gets
extending no further than the character or weapon's close to. Marcy has one other advantage – she will
reach (generally about a meter). This is the range never run out of ammo and has no need to reload.
category for most melee weapons. This includes
weapons such as batons, swords, maces, knives, and Hannah's pistol has a fairly decent range at 15. She
fists. They can be thrown as improvised weapons, can hit most of the soldiers in the warehouse from any
causing a +1 Difficulty. position, assuming she can see, but the ones shooting
from the catwalk In the back are considered at long
Short range weapons have a small amount of distance range. She could attack them, but she'd have to a +1
suitable for a variety of closer quarter skirmishes with Difficulty due to the distance. Thanks to the range of
an effective range of 3-15 meters/yards (~10-50 feet). her pistol, however, Hannah has more options and
This range is for short-range firearms, some projectile can more easily use cover than Marcy. In return, her
weapons, and most thrown weapons. weapon deals less damage than Marcy's larger sword.
Finally, if she runs out of ammo, she will have to use
Medium range weapons have a versatile range suited an Action to reload.
for a variety of combat situations, reaching around 16-
30 meters/yard (~51-100 feet). This range is for Nathan hangs out near the entrance with his long-
moderate-range firearms and a number of projectile range rifle of 150 meters. He can hit any character he
weapons. has a visual on, giving him the ability to target anyone
on the battlefield without penalty. However, Nathan's
Long range weapons are designed or large scale rifle is not without its drawbacks. While it does more
conflicts and civilian activities such as hunting, damage than Hannah's pistol, Nathan's rifle takes
reaching over 31 meters (~100+ feet) in effective more time to ready and is a bit more cumbersome due
range. This range is for long-range firearms and to its larger nature and thus has a slightly lower

Chapter 5

chance to hit. In addition, Nathan's rifle is heavy, COST WEAPONS EXTRA

meaning it's easier to see and he can't carry as much. Free Bow, Sling -
It also holds far less ammo than Hannah's high Action Shotgun, Revolver -
capacity handgun, meaning he has to reload more.
Action Flintlock Rifle, Blunderbuss Gunpowder
Action Assault Rifle, Handgun Magazine
Non-thrown ranged weapons provide the benefit of Example
range, but generally need ammunition to fire as well. Marcella, Naobi, Cao, and O'Conner are part of a
Different kinds of weapons handle ammunition and mercenary squad. They are buying ammo and
reloading differently. reloading their weapons before the next mission.

Certain projectile weapons like bows and slings Marcella uses a carbon-finish compound bow, which
require no Action to reload. Reloading is part of the fires arrows. She buys a few more arrows to replace
attack, and is not considered a separate action. As some damaged ones from the last mission to add to
long as the attacker has ammunition on them, they her quiver, but needs to buy nothing else.
can use the weapon.
Naobi uses a wood-handled revolver, which fires .44
Most firearms and projectile weapons require an caliber cartridge ammunition. Her revolver has no
Action to reload, and only require you have the magazine ,and the bullets are loaded by hand into the
ammunition. This includes revolvers, most shotguns, chamber. She buys 20 rounds of ammunition, but
certain bolt-action rifles, and crossbows. Be it an needs nothing else.
energy cell, bullets, shells, or bolts, one Action will
reload the weapon without anything else needed. The eccentric Cao uses a gold-filigree flintlock pistol.
He has to buy old fashioned ammunition, bullets that
Older muzzle-loading firearms such as flintlock are shaped like balls. He also needs to refill his
firearms also take an Action to reload, but require powder flask with gunpowder. He buys 13 bullets and
more than just bullets to fire. Most importantly, he has his gunpowder flask already – topped off if
shooters will need a powder flask to pour gunpowder necessary with the bullet purchase.
in, followed by the round metal bullet. A flask of
gunpowder will last a large number of shots and is O'Conner uses a worn 5.56mm assault rifle. This
unnecessary to track when the bullets are tracked, but weapon uses magazines, and O'Conner only has one
the flask must be present and usable to load the magazine loaded. He could buy free standing bullets
weapon. Some older firearms may also require alone, but reloading during a fight would be risky and
wadding, or slow matches, but it depends how the GM time consuming. O'Conner buys 3 new magazines,
and Players wish to track those resources. loaded with bullets, that only take an Action to swap.

Higher capacity firearms and certain projectile

weapons use magazines to load multiple shots at COLLECTING USED AMMO
once. Reloading a magazine costs an Action, but if Certain weapons such as bows and crossbows have
you do not have enough magazines, you can load free ammunition that can be picked up again after being
standing bullets into a magazine. Loading bullets into used. This is especially useful in situations where
a magazine is an Action, so it would require two ammunition is scarce or the characters cannot go
Actions to reload a magazine-based firearm if the purchase more anytime soon.
character does not have previously loaded magazines.
Weapons like machine guns may have belts of ammo While it's valid to call for a Skill Roll to attempt to
which function in the same ways. salvage more ammunition, a good rule of thumb is that
half of it is collectible. Despite being inherently
Every weapon description has its effects listed and reusable, bolts and arrows get damaged from use,
information on what is needed to reload it. If there is may be broken by enemies removing the ammo from
any question, all information can be found in the their bodies, or may miss and break on objects.
description for the weapon.
If the character is intent on gathering as much ammo
as possible and every bolt or arrow counts, it is

Chapter 5

recommended to call for the Skill Roll. While a AMMO TYPE GUN TYPES
success means all or most of the ammo could be .22 Caliber Light Pistols/Light SMGs
recovered, it does open up the possibility for a Critical .32 Caliber Light Pistols/Light SMGs
Failure as well.
.357 Caliber Medium Pistols/Medium SMGs
Example .38 Special Light Pistols/Light SMGs
Garatha, the dwarven crossbowman, is fighting some .44 Caliber Medium Pistols/Medium SMGs
mountain raiders. She fires 9 bolts during the fight, .444 Caliber Rifles/Machine Guns
and is running low on ammo. However, she has plenty .45 Caliber Medium Pistols/Medium SMGs
of time, so she salvages her ammo. She recovers 5 .50 Caliber Sniper Rifles/Machine Guns
bolts with a few minutes time, pulling them out of trees .50AE Caliber Heavy Pistols/ Heavy SMGs
and raiders. 10 Gauge Shotguns
12 Gauge Shotguns
Later, she's on a long mission underground, deep in
monstrous lairs. She only has 10 bolts left, and every 9mm Light Pistols/Light SMGs
bolt counts. After fighting a cave spider-monster, she 10mm Medium Pistols/Light SMGs
has used 7 bolts. She asks to carefully search for and 5.56mm Rifles/Machine Guns
get as many as she can, making an Investigation Skill 7.62mm Rifles/Machine Guns
Roll. The Game Master uses default Difficulty, 5, since 7.62mmR Rifles/Machine Guns
no special factors are present. Garatha rolls a 9, and
the Game Master states she has recovered all of them Example
save 1 – the killing bolt had plunged into the creatures Nyota uses a light semi-automatic handgun that uses
eye and it had toppled off the ledge into the pit below. 9mm bullets. Her ally, Linval, uses a semi-automatic
handgun as well, a heavier handgun that accepts .45
FIREARM CALIBERS caliber bullets.
While a longbow can fire many different types of
arrows, and ancient firearms fired simple metal balls, After fighting some assailants while trying to find
modern firearms are much more specific in what they shelter, they take the pistol from the one firearm user
can and cannot fire. They’re many different kinds of they defeated. Checking the magazine, it appears
bullets sizes and type, and every type of firearm they had 10/15 shots of 9mm ammo. It's the same
usually has its own specific style and fit of clip or belt. type of gun that Nyota uses, so she could take the
magazine as well as the bullets. Linval, however,
How specific you want to get with ammunition is up to could not make use of either, so that ammunition is
the GM and the players. Normally firearms use a useless to him.
specific caliber of ammunition, but if the GM wants to
be more "flexible" with that and use a simpler (if less IMPROVISED WEAPONS
realistic) variant they could simply insist all "types" of Sometimes a character will resort to thrown chairs,
certain firearms share ammunition/magazines. smashing someone with the butt of a crossbow, or
beating someone with a vacuum cleaner. Improvised
For reference, common ammunition types are listed weapons can provide an edge if no real weapon is
below. This is not a complete list. available. Unless trained in unarmed combat, an
improvised weapon is almost always better than using

Ranged weapons, such as firearms and bows, can be

used as unwieldy clubs if forced into melee or out of
ammo. It’s much better for a gunman or archer to
carry a melee weapon, but these are useful in a pinch.
Unlike weapons such as spears, which can be thrown
and used as melee, some weapons such as a
handgun are not suited for such treatment. A spear is
designed to be used in melee, and thrown. A pistol is
designed only for firing bullets.

Chapter 5

items make up most of the ones that are listed here,

To get the statistics for unlisted/unusual weapons, just however.
match it as close as possible to an existing weapon,
usually a relevant melee weapon. A +1 Difficulty Generally, cybernetic bonuses should be Traits for
penalty is applied to the Combat Skill Roll for using characters. In this scenario, for starting characters
improvised weapons. such an addition costs no money, and in any scenario,
they never have negative effects.
Luciana is in a bar brawl in a saloon, facing off against At the GM's option, there may be normal purchasable
three bounty hunters. She, like the other patrons, had cybernetics available. In this case, there should be
to check her revolver at the door before being allowed negative side effects for installing it to offset the
in. Unable to get it now, she has to improvise. She bonuses. This could be effects such as lowered
could also punch, and while not a stranger to healing, slowed movement, or other penalties.
haymakers, she is no martial artist or boxer and would
be better served by using her surroundings. While Example
having no Trait to improve her improvised weapon Lao is a cyborg mercenary looking for upgrades.
usage, it's still an improvement. When the character was created, Lao took a Trait to
have an internal HUD and scanning display built in, as
The Game Master tells Luciana on her Turn that she well as cybernetic claws. These benefits, purchased
spies two vodka bottles on the table near her. She with Experience, have no side-effects. However, Lao's
picks up one, hurling it and using her Action and her Player decides that he doesn't want to spend more
excellent Brawling Skill to smack one of the hunter ins Experience, and instead wants to purchase some
the head. The Game Master treats it as a light normal cyberware that the Game Master has decreed
throwing weapon, meaning the Damage is 1d6. is available for purchase in the game's Setting.
However, since it is improvised, the Game Master
imposes a penalty. Luciana makes her attack Skill Roll Going to the street doctor, Lao selects some sub-
with a +1 Difficulty. She hits, the bottle slamming into dermal armor that synthetically fits under his flesh.
the hunter's head, dealing 1d6 Damage. Lao absorbs 1 Damage from physical sources,
however this implant slows Lao down. In return, he
She readies the other one. The Game Master intends uses a 1d8 for his Encounter Order instead of the
to treat it as a light club, which has a 1d6 Damage. usual 1d10.
However, as part of picking it up, Luciana smashes it
against the table, draining the liquid and turning it
sharp and jagged. The Game Master then decides to
increase the Damage to 1d8, but adds another +1 For some campaigns, GMs will want to create items
Difficulty as a more unwieldy, more dangerous that are just plain better or more powerful. This could
weapon. include magical items, superior crafted items with a
massive time and skill investment, or technological
With the improvised penalty, that's a +2 Difficulty, so creations/experiments. Generally special equipment is
when Luciana attacks, she will roll her normal Skill equipment that has bonuses that exceed the normal
Roll against a 7. If she hits, she does the superior 1d8 formula of the weapon or armor, or special
Damage. With her bare fists, Luciana would have a supernatural functions on any type of gear.
slightly better chance to hit as she would be rolling
against 5, but would deal far less Damage with only a For example, a magical, master-crafted, or
1d4, making the bottle a better choice on average. technologically enhanced sword may lower Difficulty
by 1 when attacking with it, or add bonus Damage.
That particular sword would be better than any sword
CYBERNETICS of its type, and as a special item, would be harder to
Cybernetics will only be available in more futuristic- destroy.
oriented campaigns. Cybernetics are highly body-
invasive, and while granting a significant improvement, Certain magical or special technological items could
can also cause some negative side effects. Note that also mimic Techniques or have special passive effects
like most prosthesis, they can simply be cosmetic like Traits. While consumable ones can be quite
replacements. The statistically altering and enhancing powerful and easier to obtain, permanent ones that

Chapter 5

just have limited daily/hourly uses or some other

restriction should be rarer.
If your Setting has magical or experimental equipment The weapons list contains an extensive and fairly
that could theoretically be for sale, it is generally comprehensive selection of weapons; however it could
advised to disallowing of purchasing it outright, at least easily be true your "favorite weapon" is not on the list.
not cheaply. Since it should cost real Experience, There are several solutions to this, the easiest one is,
time/resource investment, and/or special training to copy your weapon's stats from another weapon listed.
create permanent magical items, it is unlikely they This is usually possible, unless the ammo count is
would be sold except in unusual circumstances. If they different.
are common enough (for example, in a high fantasy
world), permanent magical items should cost between For example, if your favorite gun is a pistol that holds
10x and 100x the normal price, depending on the level 109 bullets in a magazine but there are no stats for a
of bonus. gun with 109 bullets in a magazine, you'll have to
change some factors around. The GM has the final
Example say, of course, and it’s very important that all weapons
Cendara the warlord, Ikumi the blade master, and are balanced. There should be no best weapon,
Geoffery the alchemist have found a trove of treasure simply advantages to different types of weapons.
after defeating a dragon. Tired, but all alive, they
survey their rewards. Geoffery is skilled in analysis CUSTOM ARMOR
and minor magic, so he identifies the items properties. The armors listed in this book are not all armors
known to humanity, and indeed new armors are being
Cendara finds an enchanted war hammer covered in produced everyday. Sometimes Players might want a
blood-red mystic runes. Geoffery informs her that this valid armor with special effects, or perhaps your
hammer is quite powerful, dealing +1 Damage to all Setting has some unique armors with strange
blows and allowing the user to heal 50% of the properties.
Damage dealt. This war hammer is better than
Cendara's current one, which is just a regular one. Creating custom armors is even simpler than
She throws the old one away without a second weapons. Just balance the special effects,
thought. weight/size, and Difficulty penalty for each type of
armor using the existing armor as a guide. If the armor
Ikumi finds a fine blade sheathed in a platinum-etched is unique in construction or appearance, but has no
scabbard line with an artful design of a wolf. Geoffery statistical differences, it is best to just charge more
states the weapon is not magical, but it is of such fine money and copy an existing armor's statistics.
make, it is inherently better than any sword she could
buy in a store for a normal price. It lowers Difficulty by
1 and grants +1d4 to Damage. Ikumi attaches the
scabbard to her belt next to her current sword,
pleased with the upgrade.

For Geoffery himself, he finds an engineered

technological marvel of gnomish design: a fire wave
glove. Once per Scene, the glove can be used to
shoot a spray of fire at any number of enemies in a
cone of up to 3 meters away from Geoffery, dealing
1d6 fire Damage. This could prove useful to Geoffery
in case he's cornered, as he normally stays away from
the front-line, lobbing potion grenades.

This array of technological, enchanted, and finely-

crafted items has given the group a marked
improvement over their old equipment. They'll be even
more prepared for the next challenge, dragon or no.

Chapter 5

Below is an extensive listing of prices for various
pieces of equipment. This is a vast list but not all-
inclusive. If a Player wants something that is not on
the list, the GM should assign a price to the item and
any other relevant statistics.

Keep in mind that listed prices are for reference and

used for character creation. They serve as a good
base line, but during play they are influenced by a
variety of factors. Setting, location, time period,
supply/demand, and more will affect them.

Also, although most GMs allow the player access to

the entire list at character creation (based on Setting),
once the game is underway there is no guarantee of
finding any of these items. Going into the local gun
shop and trying to purchase a missile for your rocket
launcher may not work out that well.

Finally, the items are loosely categorized by type and

exact details can be found in the item description.
Many types of equipment have different special

The following are fields referenced in the list:

This is the default price for permanent ownership of
the item and is a good guideline to its value. During
game play, prices are expected to vary at GM

This is the name of the type of item. See the
descriptions for more detailed information.

This is a basic description of the item.

Chapter 5

Armor, Heavy 1,000 Heavy, protective armor such as combat armor or plate mail.
Armor, Light 500 Lighter armor such as leather armor, chain mail, or a breastplate.
Ballistic Armor, Heavy 1,000 Full-protection security/ballistic armor made with anti-ballistic material.
Ballistic Armor, Light 500 Armored vest or clothing designed to protect from firearms.
Battle Armor 1,000 Armor lined with spikes or blades to improve unarmed combat.
Energy Armor, Heavy 1,000 Futuristic tactical armor designed to combat energy weapons.
Energy Armor, Light 500 Energy-resistant armored vest or clothing used in futuristic settings.
Environmental Armor Suit 1,000 Futuristic armored suit that protects against hazardous environments.
Power Armor Suit 10,000 Powered, heavily protective armor that enhances strength.
Pressurized Armor Suit 1,000 Pressurized armor for vacuums or high-pressure environments.
Reinforced Clothing 100 Heavy leather clothing, sports equipment, or similar reinforced outfits.
Tactical Armor 5,000 Full protection post-modern armor outfitted with auxiliary features.

Ballistic Shield 500 Armored modern shield made to deal with firearms.
Buckler 100 Very light, very mobile shield or arm guard for deflecting blows.
Energy Shield 500 Reflective shield for futuristic armies to block energy weapons.
Shield, Heavy 500 Heavier and larger shields such as heavy tower or kite shields.
Shield, Light 250 Lighter and smaller shields, such as heaters or targes.

Chapter 5

Bag, Large 25 Large bag such as a duffel bag, hiker's backpack, or large luggage.
Bag, Small 10 Small bag such as a handbag, briefcase, sack, or messenger bag.
Bandolier 10 Pocketed belt for holding ammunition or light throwing weapons.
Bunker Gear 500 Protective firefighter gear that guards against heat and fire.
Clothes, Basic 50 Set of basic clothes or a common outfit.
Clothes, Expensive 250 Set of expensive clothes or an extravagant outfit.
Cold Weather Gear 500 Special cold-weather clothing designed for arctic temperatures.
Force Field, Consumable 1,000 Portable one-use device to protect against firearms & energy weapons.
Force Field, Rechargeable 10,000 Rechargeable device to protect against firearms & energy weapons.
Gas Mask 100 Protective mask to filter gas and toxins.
Hazmat Suit 500 Protective suit designed to deal with hazardous environments.
Night Vision Goggles 1,000 High-tech vision gear for seeing in darkness.
Parachute 250 Device used to slow falls, allowing gliding.
Pouch 10 Belt pouch, hip bag, belt case, or other small container.
Pressure Suit 500 Spacesuit or diving suit designed to deal with environmental pressure.
Quiver 10 Quiver (or bolt case) for holding arrows, bolts, javelins, or similar objects.
Rebreather 100 Portable oxygen device allowing surviving in non-oxygen environments.
Utility Belt 50 Belt with multiple compartments, pouches, and holsters built in.
Weapon Harness 10 Holster, harness, sheath, scabbard, or sling for carrying weapons.

Adrenaline 100 Syringe of adrenaline used to revive someone in an emergency.
Antibiotics 10 Dosage of a potent medicine to defeat bacterial infections/diseases.
Antidote 10 Dosage of a universal antivenom to cure common poisons or toxins.
First Aid Kit, Large 100 Bulky kit with enough medical supplies for a large amount of treatments.
First Aid Kit, Small 10 Portable medical kit, bag, or pouch worth a few treatments.
Healing Potion 100 Magical potion of healing that repairs wounds instantly.
Medical Serum 100 High grade medical serum that instantly treats wounds.
Painkillers 10 Dosage of high-grade pain killers to temporarily ignore injury effects.
Regenerative Serum 250 Futuristic medicine that repairs wounds at a rapid pace.
Smelling Salts 10 Dosage of smelling salts to wake up any unconscious/sleeping person.
Stimulant 50 Dosage of drugs to stimulate the mind, restoring Ability.

Chapter 5

Acid 100 Dose of potent acid that can burn objects or creatures.
Adhesive 5 Tape or glue for adhering objects.
Alcohol 5 Liquor, wine, beer, or other alcohol.
Bait 1 One use of bait for fishing.
Battery 5 Battery to power portable electronic devices.
Beverage 5 Beverage such as a soda or juice.
Candle 1 Candle capable of providing illumination.
Chemical 5 A particular utilitarian chemical or agent for application or mixing.
Cloth 1 Rag, cloth, or wipe used for cleaning.
Cosmetics 10 Cosmetics for enhancing or changing appearances.
Crafting Supplies 1 Parts and expendable supplies used for specific crafting or artistry.
Drug 50 Utilitarian or recreational drugs.
Explosive 250 Explosive item/substance such as C-4, nitroglycerin, or bundled TNT.
Film 5 Film used in older cameras.
Flare 5 Stand alone or flare gun flares used for emergency signaling/warning.
Food 5 Food for traveling or a basic meal.
Fuel 10 Gas, propane, or similar fuel.
Matches 1 Pack of twenty-five matches to start fires.
Oil 5 Oil for burning as fuel in devices such as lanterns and lamps.
Paper 1 Paper, papyrus, or other material for writing on.
Poison, Knockout 50 Poison designed for non-lethal incapacitation.
Poison, Lethal 100 Lethal poison designed for assassination.
Seeds 5 Seeds for growing plants.
Soap 5 Soap used for cleaning.
Tobacco 10 Tobacco for smoking or chewing.
Torch 5 Portable light sources of fire.
Water 1 Meal's worth of drinking water.

Chapter 5

Bedding 50 Bedroll, sleeping bag, or bundle of furs/blankets for resting.
Binoculars 50 Binoculars or spy glass to view distant objects.
Book 25 Book or text, fictional or non-fictional, on a particular subject.
Camera, Image 100 Any various type of camera used to take still images.
Camera, Video 250 Video or digital recording camera.
Computer 1,000 Portable computer often with less power but easier to transport.
Container 10 Containers such as flasks, bottles, canteens, or vials.
Crafting Tools 100 Portable set of tools for a specific type of crafting or artistry.
Data Storage Disk 10 DVD, CD, disk or other device for transferring or holding data.
Defibrillator 1,000 Emergency medical device to attempt revival of a recently dead person.
Flare Gun 100 Emergency signaling device to send flares airborne.
Flashlight 25 Electrical portable lighting device used to cast a beam of light.
Game 25 Portable game such as cards, dominoes, dice, marbles, or board games.
Grappling Hook 25 Metal hook used for climbing when used with a rope or chain.
Instrument, Large 250 Larger portable musical instrument like a guitar or saxophone.
Instrument, Small 100 Smaller portable musical instrument like a flute or violin.
Journal 10 Journal, diary, or logbook for personal recording.
Lantern 25 Portable lighting device that uses oil or electricity.
Lighter 5 Lighter or striker to start fires.
Lockpicks 100 Set of lockpicks designed for defeating a variety of locks.
Medical Bag 100 Portable set of surgeon, doctor, or medic's tools.
Mess Kit 10 Traveling cutlery/cookware set for personal cooking and eating of meals.
Mobile Device 250 Smartphone or tablet that serve as portable computer devices.
Mobile Phone 100 Portable mobile, cellular phone.
Pet, Common 100 Common pets like cats, dogs, rats, guinea pigs, or snakes.
Pet, Exotic 1,000 Exotic, likely illegal domesticated animal like a wolf or cougar.
Piton 1 Pitons, bolts, or similar climbing aids.
Radio 50 Hand-held two-way radio communication device.
Religious Icon 10 Token, figurine, symbol, or jewelry showing adherence to a faith.
Restraints 25 Handcuffs, manacles, or other restraints.
Rope 25 Heavy duty rope used for climbing, sailing, or restraining.
Silencer 500 Device that reduces firearm noise.
Sketchbook 10 Sketchbook or personal canvas designed for art.
Tent 100 Portable shelter used for camping or travel.
Timepiece 25 Watch, small clock, or other time-keeping device.
Tinderbox 25 Small fire-making kit with flint, steel, and tinder.
Tool Kit 100 Portable set of tools for repairs and general work.
Tool, Manual 10 Hammer, screwdriver, crowbar, handsaw, or other hand-held tool.
Tool, Power 100 Power drill, hedge trimmer, chainsaw, or other power-driven tool.
Toy 25 Toy or novelty such as a toy gun, plushie, doll, model, or puzzle.

Chapter 5

Airship 100,000 Massive dirigible or magical airship.
Animal, Harness 1,000 Large, strong animals designed to move carts and wagons.
Animal, Riding 2,500 Sleek, fast riding animal such as a horse.
Animal, War 5,000 Battle-trained animal to serve as a warrior's mount.
ATV 500 Small, fast, off-road vehicle.
Bicycle 100 Manual powered two-wheeled vehicle.
Car 25,000 Four-wheeled automotive vehicle.
Carriage 1,000 Travel carriage drawn by animal power.
Glider 500 Flying device that travels on air currents.
Helicopter, Cargo 5,000,000 Massive rotary aircraft for transporting vehicles and supplies.
Helicopter, Large 2,500,000 Larger helicopter with more passenger room and accessories.
Helicopter, Small 1,000,000 Small, compact helicopter for short-range travel.
Hoverboard 100 Small board moved by propulsion off the ground.
Hovercraft 50,000 Larger vehicle moved by propulsion off the ground.
Jet Ski 500 Personal watercraft that is highly agile.
Jet, Bomber 25,000,000 Large aircraft designed to fly high while bombing targets.
Jet, Fighter 10,000,000 Sleek aircraft designed for surgical strikes and air combat.
Jet, Transport 1,000,000 Passenger aircraft designed for moving large amounts of people.
Jetpack 1,000 Personal propulsion device with high mobility.
Mechanized Armor 10,000,000 Huge futuristic military vehicle designed for assaults.
Mobile Armor Suit 100,000 Armored machine suits that can be piloted.
Moped 500 Low-powered motorized two-wheeled vehicle.
Motorcycle 15,000 High-powered motorized two-wheeled vehicle.
Plane, Large 100,000 Larger biplanes and transport vehicles.
Plane, Small 25,000 Personal plane used for transport or dog-fighting.
Raft 100 Raft, canoe, or other simple watercraft propelled by hand.
Sailboat 500 Small or recreational watercraft powered by wind.
Ship, Large 250,000 Massive ship such as a galleon or junk.
Ship, Small 100,000 Smaller ship such as a sloop or schooner.
Skateboard 100 Two-wheeled board used to perform tricks as well as move.
Skates 100 Inline or roller skates used for personal transport.
Skis 100 Personal vehicle for moving fast through snowy hills.
Snowboard 100 A non-wheeled board used for snow travel and tricks.
Speedboat 25,000 High-speed motorized watercraft.
Starship, Cruiser 25,000,000 Gargantuan starship used for wars in space.
Starship, Fighter 5,000,000 Sleek starship used for combat in space.
Starship, Transport 10,000,000 Freighters and passenger ships used in space.
Tank 1,000,000 Heavily armored vehicle of war with built-in weapons.
Truck, Large 50,000 Massive two-wheeled vehicle used for transport.
Truck, Small 25,000 Smaller two-wheeled vehicle capable of transport.
Van 50,000 Bulky vehicles used for transporting people or goods.
Wagon 500 Open-air animal-drawn vehicle for transporting goods and people.

Chapter 5

Ammunition Belt 10 Belts of ammunition used for machine guns and miniguns.
Arrow 1 Arrows used by longbows and shortbows.
Artillery Round 50 Explosive shells used by cannons and artillery.
Artillery Round, Shot 25 Shot or cannonball used in artillery guns and cannons.
Bolts 1 Bolts used in crossbows.
Bullet 1 Bullets for firearms.
Bullet, Armor Piercing 5 Bullets designed to pierce armor that do less Damage.
Bullet, Rubber 1 Bullets that do less damage but incapacitate targets.
Dart 1 Darts/needles used blowguns, dart guns, and similar weapons.
Energy Cell 1 Energy cells used for directed energy weapons.
Fuel Canister 10 Fuel for flamethrowers.
Gunpowder Flask 10 Gunpowder for non-cartridge firearms like muskets.
Launcher Grenade 100 Grenades used in grenade launchers.
Launcher Grenade, Toxic Gas 1,000 Toxic gas grenades for grenade launchers.
Launcher Grenade, Smoke 50 Smoke grenades for grenade launchers.
Launcher Grenade, Tear Gas 100 Tear gas grenades for grenade launchers.
Magazine 10 Magazines needed for magazine-fed firearms.
Net Cartridge 5 Cartridges used for net guns.
Pellet 1 BBs or pellets used in air guns.
Rocket 100 Rockets designed for hand-held rocket launchers.
Rocket, Guided 500 Guided missiles for hand-held rocket launchers.
Shotgun Shell 1 Shotgun shells used in shotguns.
Shotgun Shell, Rubber 1 Rubber shotgun shells designed for incapacitation.
Shotgun Shell, Slug 1 Penetrating shotgun slugs that deal less Damage.
Sling Bullet 1 Bullets or metal balls used for slings and slingshots.

Dart Pistol 100 Pistol designed to fire darts that administer drugs.
Dart Rifle 250 Rifle designed to fire darts that administer drugs.
Electroshock Gun, Wired 100 Less-than-lethal wired weapon that delivers a stunning shock.
Electroshock Gun, Wireless 250 Less-than-lethal wireless weapon that delivers a stunning shock.
Lasso 50 Length of rope used to capture, entangle, and bind.
Net Gun 250 Less-than-lethal weapon that fires a net.
Pepper Spray 10 Non-lethal chemical weapon used to temporarily blind opponents.
Shock Baton 250 Less-than-lethal stun or shock batons.
Shock Staff 1,000 Futuristic shock or stun polearms used for less-than-lethal fighting.
Stun Gun 50 Stun guns used for less-than-lethal takedowns.

Chapter 5

Energy Blade 1,000 One-handed melee weapons made of pure energy.
Energy Pistol 250 Hand-held energy weapon used for defense or combat.
Energy Rifle 500 Single-shot energy rifle for civilian and military use.
Energy Staff 2,500 Two-handed melee weapons made of pure energy.
Ion Pistol 100 Pistol designed to damage machines and artificial lifeforms.
Ion Rifle 250 Rifle designed to damage machines and artificial lifeforms.
Pulse Minigun, Heavy 5,000 Heavy military-style energy gun capable of pulse fire.
Pulse Minigun, Light 2,500 Support military-style energy gun capable of pulse fire.
Pulse Rifle 500 Automatic energy rifle used by military and security forces.

Assault Rifle, Burst 500 Burst-fire assault rifle used for single targets.
Assault Rifle, Heavy 1,000 High caliber assault rifle with a lower ammo count.
Assault Rifle, Light 500 Assault rifle used by soldiers and military.
Automatic Shotgun 1,000 Fully automatic shotgun used in military forces.
Blunderbuss 250 Muzzle-loading early style shot firearm that can fire debris.
Bolt-Action Rifle 500 High-powered but slow bolt-action rifle for hunting or sniping.
Derringer 100 Easily concealed pistol for defense or assassination.
Double-Barreled Shotgun 250 Reliable and simple break-action shotgun.
Lever-Action Rifle 500 Repeating rifle that cycles rounds with a lever.
Machine Gun, Heavy 5,000 Heavy firearm capable of fully automatic barrages.
Machine Gun, Light 2,500 Support firearm capable of fully automatic barrages.
Machine Pistol, Auto 500 Light, fully automatic pistol-sized automatic weapons.
Machine Pistol, Burst 250 Pistol-sized automatic weapons capable of burst fire.
Muzzleloader, Pistol 250 Flintlocks, matchlocks, and other muzzle-loading pistols.
Muzzleloader, Rifle 500 Flintlocks, matchlocks, and other muzzle-loading rifles.
Pump-Action Shotgun, Heavy 500 Heavy shotgun that features pump-action to cycle shells.
Pump-Action Shotgun, Light 500 Lighter shotgun that features pump-action to cycle shells.
Revolver, Heavy 1,000 High-caliber six-shot pistol with a high kickback.
Revolver, Light 250 Balanced, lighter revolvers used by police and civilians.
Revolver, Medium 500 Medium-power revolvers used by police and military forces.
Revolver, Snub-Nosed 100 Compact, or snub-nosed six-shot pistol.
Sawed-Off Shotgun 250 Short shotgun with a high spread for increased hit potential.
Semi-Automatic Pistol, Compact 100 Light, easy-to-use pistols with a high fire rate.
Semi-Automatic Pistol, Heavy 1,000 High-caliber pistols with a high fire rate and kickback.
Semi-Automatic Pistol, Light 250 Common side-arms used by police, security, and military forces.
Semi-Automatic Pistol, Medium 500 Heavier pistols with high fire rates used by military forces.
Semi-Automatic Rifle, Heavy 1,000 High fire rate, heavy, powerful rifles.
Semi-Automatic Rifle, Light 500 High fire rate, balanced rifles.
Semi-Automatic Shotgun 1,000 Magazine-fed shotguns with good ammo capacity and fire rate.
Sniper Rifle, Bolt-Action 2,500 Powerful, long-range rifles designed for killing precision.
Sniper Rifle, Semi-Automatic 2,500 High-caliber long-range rifles good for multiple targets.
Submachine Gun, Heavy 1,000 Heavy, high caliber compact automatic weapon.
Submachine Gun, Light 500 Lighter, moderate caliber compact automatic weapon.

Chapter 5

Concussion Grenade 100 Explosive grenade or dynamite that damages with concussive force.
Firebomb 100 Incendiary grenade or firebomb used to cause fires.
Flashbang 50 Stun grenade that uses light and sound to disorient targets.
Fragmentation Grenade 100 Explosive grenade or flechette bomb that damages with shrapnel.
Smoke Grenade 25 Grenades/bombs used to harmlessly conceal or disorient with smoke.
Tear Gas Grenade 50 Chemical grenades that put out a choking gas and fumes.
Toxic Gas Grenade 500 Toxic chemical grenades such as mustard gas grenades.

Anti-Tank Weapon 500 Single-use, lighter weight rocket launcher.
Assault Cannon 10,000 Portable cannon that fires explosive shells.
Flamethrower, Large 2,500 Large fire-weapon designed to burn structures and opponents.
Flamethrower, Small 1,000 Compact fire-weapon designed to burn structures and opponents.
Grenade Launcher, Large 2,500 Heavy grenade launcher with superior range.
Grenade Launcher, Multiple 2,500 Grenade launcher that can hold multiple rounds.
Grenade Launcher, Small 1,000 Compact grenade launcher that's easy to use.
Mortar 5,000 Portable artillery used for long range deadly strikes.
Rocket Launcher 10,000 Launcher designed to fire rockets and missiles.

Chapter 5

Axe, Battle 250 Axes used for chopping and slashing opponents.
Axe, Great 500 Heavy two-handed axes designed for combat.
Axe, Hand 100 Light axes used for quick, deadly strikes.
Chain Weapon 100 Chain/rope weapons like the kusarigama or rope dart.
Claw 100 Bagh nakh, cat claws, or similar weapons worn on the hands.
Club, Heavy 100 Heavy bludgeoning weapons like a mace or war club.
Club, Light 50 Lighter bludgeoning weapons like a baton or tonfa.
Dagger 50 Daggers/knives like combat knives, Bowie knives, and switchblades.
Flail, Heavy 100 Heavier flails such as larger military flails and the three-section staff.
Flail, Large 250 Two-handed flails the three-section staff or peasant's flail.
Flail, Light 50 Lighter flails such as smaller military flails, chigiriki, and nunchaku.
Hammer, Heavy 250 Heavy, two-handed hammers like mauls & combat sledgehammers.
Hammer, Light 100 Lighter war hammers and picks used one-handed.
Knuckles 50 Brass knuckles, weighted gloves, or other punching weapons.
Lance 250 Lance weapons designed to be used while mounted.
Polearm, Heavy 250 Heavy polearms like glaives, halberds, guan dos, and naginatas.
Polearm, Light 100 Lighter polearms like pikes, military forks, and dagger-axes.
Powered Blade, Heavy 500 Heavy powered futuristic blades like vibroweapons and chainblades.
Powered Blade, Light 250 Lighter powered futuristic blades like vibroweapons and chainblades.
Quarterstaff 50 Quarterstaves, bo staves, and other staff weapons.
Spear 50 Versatile spear weapons used for stabbing and throwing.
Sword, Heavy 500 Heavy, massive swords like greatswords, zweihanders, and nodachis.
Sword, Light 100 Lighter swords like shortswords, jians, sabers, rapiers, and scimitars.
Sword, Medium 250 Moderate-sized blades like longswords, katanas, cutlasses, and daos.
Whip 50 Whips or whip-like weapons designed for combat.

Air Pistol 25 Pellet or BB pistol that fires using compressed air.
Air Rifle 50 Pellet or BB rifle that fires using compressed air.
Blowgun, Large 25 Large lung-powered discreet projectile weapon for hunting.
Blowgun, Small 10 Small lung-powered discreet projectile weapon for hunting.
Bow, Long 500 Large, long-distance bows used for war and hunting.
Bow, Short 100 Short, lighter bows used for war and hunting.
Crossbow, Hand 250 One-handed crossbows for self-defense and assassination.
Crossbow, Heavy 500 Heavy, long-range crossbows used for war and sieges.
Crossbow, Light 250 Light crossbows used for battle, hunting, and home defense.
Crossbow, Repeating 500 Advanced crossbow that can fire multiple bolts.
Sling 50 Ancient weapon used to launch shot or stones great distances.
Slingshot 50 Simple projectile weapon used for small game hunting.

Chapter 5

Bola 10 Hunting weapon designed to entangle or impede the target.
Boomerang 10 Throwing club capable of returning to the user in some cases.
Net 25 Entangling weapon designed for melee or to be thrown.
Throwing Weapon, Heavy 50 Heavier throwing weapons such as axes, hammers, and chakram.
Throwing Weapon, Light 10 Lighter throwing weapons such as knives, spikes, or shurikens.

Chapter 5

but have less range.
Below is a listing of various item descriptions and full Effect:
game-mechanics information for equipment. In This one-handed weapon deals 1d4 Damage and has
addition to basic uses and weapon/armor information a range of 30 meters with an ammo count of 100.
for combat gear, some items have special effects or
properties which are listed here as well. It uses air gun pellets as ammunition and takes an
Action to pour up to 100 pellets into the weapon.
Description: AIR RIFLE
Corrosive substances like acids have a multitude of Description:
purposes from melting locks to inflicting harm. Air guns, BB guns, or pellet guns, are light weapons
designed for target shooting, recreation, and taking
Effect: down small game. While not designed for taking down
Acid poured or dumped remains for 1d6 Rounds. Acid larger creatures, they are still dangerous and have a
deals 1 point of Damage when splashed or stepped in. decent range. One of the most famous air rifles is the
When a full vial or bottle of acid is thrown, it deals 1d6 Red Ryder BB Gun.
ADHESIVE This two-handed weapon deals 1d4 Damage and has
Description: a range of 50 meters with an ammo count of 100.
Glue and tapes can hold things like paper together.
More durable tapes can hold together weapons or be It uses air gun pellets as ammunition and takes an
used in crafting. In addition, tapes like duct tape can Action to pour up to 100 pellets into the weapon.
even be used to temporarily restrain individuals.
ADRENALINE Description:
Description: An airship is usually a dirigible, though a fantasy multi-
Adrenaline (or a similar chemical, compound, or propeller type airship could be used with these
medicine) can be used to jump-start a person's heart. statistics as well. Airships can hold large amounts of
It's dangerous to use this, hardly reliable, but as a last- cargo and multiple passengers. Airships armed with
ditch effort to save a life – it can be quite worth the cannons typically hold less cargo and people.
Effect: Description:
This item can be used with an Action. Alcohol can come in many different forms, including
beer, wine, and hard liquor. Available in most Settings,
If used on a character who has been dead for less alcohol is a sedative and a recreational drug that
than a minute, the user can make a Skill Roll to impairs judgement. It has many uses, including a
restore the target to consciousness with 1 Health and distraction, intoxicating someone, or boosting morale.
1 Threshold.
This item is consumed on use. The consumer must make a Skill Roll to halt
intoxication if multiple alcoholic drinks are consumed.
AIR PISTOL Each failure inflicts a stacking drunk Condition,
Description: inflicting a +1 Difficulty to all Skill Rolls and making the
Air guns, BB guns, or pellet guns, are light weapons user immune to fear while active. This lasts for 1d4
designed for target shooting, recreation, and taking hours, rolled again each time a new drink is
down small game. While not designed for taking down consumed.
larger creatures, they are still dangerous and have a
decent range. Pistols are easier to conceal and wield AMMUNITION BELT

Chapter 5

Description: This weapon is difficult to use and imposes +1

Ammunition belts are used exclusively in machine Difficulty to Skill Rolls.
guns. Different belts are made for different caliber
bullets and are specific to certain machine guns, This two-handed weapon deals 1d12 Damage and
much like magazines. They provide one hundred has an effective range of 30 meters.
shots and are perfect for rapid firing. Unfortunately,
they are bulky, and add more weight to an already In addition to the target, this weapon deals Damage to
heavy weapon. anything it would hit within 3 meters of the target as
Ammunition belts hold 100 rounds and are used in This weapon is expended upon use.
machine guns.
Restocking an ammunition belt with ammunition Description:
requires an Action for 100 rounds. This type of medicine is used to fight bacterial
infections. They are very useful in aiding the body in
ANIMAL, HARNESS getting rid of infections that arise from wounds or
Description: injuries. For serious infections, injections are often
Harness animals are large creatures designed to pull necessary.
transportation such as wagons, carts, or carriages.
They can also pull farm equipment to perform actions Effect:
such as plowing fields or haul loads as pack animals. This item can be used with an Action.
While incredibly strong, they tend to be slow and
plodding. Examples include draft horses, oxen, If used on a character that is suffering from infection,
donkeys, and mules. its effects are removed with a successful Skill Roll.

ANIMAL, RIDING This item is consumed on use.

Riding animals are animals bred to serve as personal ANTIDOTE
transport. They are generally fast and have good Description:
endurance, but don't do well with loads exceeding Antidotes are used to combat poisons and toxins. This
saddlebags and the rider. Examples include riding includes everything from snakebites to poisoned
horses, camels, ponies, donkeys, and mules. weapons. While they can sometimes be taken orally,
injecting them into the bloodstream is sometimes
ANIMAL, WAR necessary.
Animals bred for war never shy or get spooked by Effect:
combat. Trained for the noise and terror of combat, This item can be used with an Action.
war animals are often ridden by knights, soldiers, and
mercenaries. Examples include war horses, camels, If used on a character that is suffering from a poison
and similar creatures that will not flee or buck in or toxin, its effects are removed with a successful Skill
combat when properly trained. Roll.

ANTI-TANK WEAPON This item is consumed on use.

This disposable weapon is capable of firing a single ARMOR, HEAVY
rocket or missile before needing to be discarded. One- Description:
shot anti-tank weapons are some of the most powerful Heavy armor includes most categories of ancient field
lightweight anti-vehicle and anti-structural weapons plate armor, full chain/scale mail, mail and plate
available. The downside is that a miss means no combination armors, and postmodern combat armor. It
second chance. offers excellent protection against most attacks, but is
extremely heavy to use.

Chapter 5

Effect: Description:
This armor is cumbersome and inflicts a +3 Difficulty Assault cannons include all kinds of portable artillery
to relevant Skill Rolls. guns. While slow to fire and reload, they can deal a
magnificent amount of damage. They fire artillery
When worn, this armor reduces incoming Damage by shells and require massive strength to operate. Larger
3. versions of weapons like this are often used on ships
and tanks.
Description: Effect:
Light armor includes most categories of leather armor, This weapon is difficult to use and imposes a +3
hide armors, chain-and-leather combination armor, Difficulty to Skill Rolls.
chain shirts, breastplates, and lighter postmodern
security armors. These armor choices provide full This two-handed weapon deals 1d12 Damage and
body or vitals coverage against a variety of attacks has an effective range of 75 meters with an ammo
without the more severe penalty of heavier armors. count of 1.

Effect: In addition to the target, this weapon deals Damage to

This armor is cumbersome and inflicts a +2 Difficulty anything it would hit within 3 meters of the target as
to relevant Skill Rolls. well.

When worn, this armor reduces incoming Damage by This weapon requires specific artillery rounds reloaded
2. with an Action.


Description: Description:
Arrows are used in longbows and shortbows of all Assault rifles are the main modern military weapon of
designs. As arrows are knocked and fired immediately, choice. Some assault rifles are capable of only firing in
reload time is essentially non existent. All kinds of short bursts. They tend to be more accurate than fully
arrows generally work in all kinds of bows, so the type automatic rifles, but lose the ability to spray an area
of bow is normally irrelevant. with lead.


Description: This weapon is difficult to use and imposes a +1
Artillery rounds are explosive shells are used in Difficulty to Skill Rolls.
assault cannons, artillery cannons, and other similar
heavy weaponry. They are extremely deadly and most This two-handed weapon deals 1d8 Damage and has
useful against heavy armor or fortified structures. an effective range of 70 meters with an ammo count of
Description: This weapon is capable of burst fire when attacking.
Artillery rounds that aren't explosive are generally For expending 3 charges of ammunition instead of 1,
called shot or cannonballs. This kind of ammunition is the user reduces Difficulty by 1.
common among early area artillery and stationary
weapons. This weapon requires specific bullet-loaded
magazines reloaded with an Action.
The ammunition removes the effect that Damages ASSAULT RIFLE, HEAVY
targets within 3 meters. Description:
Assault rifles are fully-automatic long arms that can
This ammunition adds an additional +1 Damage on deal substantial damage over long ranges. While ideal
hit. weapons at medium to longer ranges, they are
inefficient in close combat situations. Heavier assault
ASSAULT CANNON rifles are extremely deadly, if heavy and awkward.

Chapter 5

maneuvering. They are commonly used for recreation

Effect: in modern times.
This weapon is difficult to use and imposes a +2
Difficulty to Skill Rolls. AUTOMATIC SHOTGUN
This two-handed weapon deals 1d10 Damage and Automatic shotguns are two-handed long arms that
has an effective range of 50 meters with an ammo fire close range shells and are capable of fully
count of 20. automatic fire. They are extremely rare and
cumbersome, but the automatic spray is very deadly.
This weapon is capable of burst fire when attacking.
For expending 3 charges of ammunition instead of 1, Effect:
the user reduces Difficulty by 1. This weapon is difficult to use and imposes a +3
Difficulty to Skill Rolls.
This weapon is capable of automatic fire when
attacking. For 10 charges of ammunition instead of 1, This two-handed weapon deals 1d10 Damage and
the user strikes ever creature within 3 meters of the has an effective range of 8 meters with an ammo
target with the Skill Roll. count of 10.

This weapon requires specific bullet-loaded This weapon is less effective against armored targets,
magazines reloaded with an Action. and the target doubles their Damage reduction.

ASSAULT RIFLE, LIGHT This weapon is capable of burst fire when attacking.
Description: For expending 3 charges of ammunition instead of 1,
Assault rifles are fully-automatic long arms that can the user reduces Difficulty by 1.
deal substantial damage over long ranges. While ideal
weapons at medium to longer ranges, they are This weapon is capable of automatic fire when
inefficient in close combat situations. Lighter assault attacking. For 5 charges of ammunition instead of 1,
rifles are easier to handle than heavier weapons. the user strikes ever creature within 3 meters of the
target with the Skill Roll.
This weapon is difficult to use and imposes a +2 This weapon requires specific shotgun shell-loaded
Difficulty to Combat Skill Rolls. magazines reloaded with an Action.

This two-handed weapon deals 1d8 Damage and has AXE, BATTLE
an effective range of 50 meters with an ammo count of Description:
30. Battle axes are deadly combat versions of the tool
known as the axe. They were often employed by
This weapon is capable of burst fire when attacking. professional soldiers and mercenaries.
For expending 3 charges of ammunition instead of 1,
the user reduces Difficulty by 1. Effect:
This weapon is difficult to use and imposes a +2
This weapon is capable of automatic fire when Difficulty to Combat Skill Rolls.
attacking. For 10 charges of ammunition instead of 1,
the user strikes ever creature within 3 meters of the This one-handed weapon deals 1d10 Damage and is
target with the Skill Roll. used in melee.

This weapon requires specific bullet-loaded AXE, GREAT

magazines reloaded with an Action. Description:
Larger battle axes are unwieldy but capable of
ATV devastating damage. Larger ones required two hands
Description: to wield well, and were extremely brutal.
ATVs, or all-terrain vehicles, include a variety of
buggies, quads, and trikes suitable for off-road Effect:

Chapter 5

This weapon is difficult to use and imposes a +3 Effect:

Difficulty to Skill Rolls. This armor is cumbersome and inflicts a +2 Difficulty
to relevant Skill Rolls.
This two-handed weapon deals 1d12 Damage and is
used in melee. When worn, this armor reduces incoming Damage by
1. This increases to 3 against firearm attacks.
Smaller battle axes and hand axes were one-handed Description:
and designed for are close combat, often with a shield. Bulletproof vests, flak jackets, and other anti-ballistics
Deadly cutting weapons, they were based on wood- armor and attire are designed specifically to protect
cutting weapons of the same name. Some people also against firearms. They offer no notable protection
choose to dual wield them. against other forms of attacks, but provide superior
defense in exchange for limited restriction to freedom
Effect: of movement.
This weapon is difficult to use and imposes a +1
Difficulty to Skill Rolls. Effect:
This armor is cumbersome and inflicts a +1 Difficulty
This one-handed weapon deals 1d8 Damage and is to relevant Skill Rolls.
used in melee.
When worn, this armor reduces incoming Damage
BAG, LARGE from firearm attacks by 2.
Sometimes characters will need to lug around a lot of BALLISTIC SHIELD
gear. Larger bags include huge duffel bags, large Description:
luggage, or large outdoors backpacks. Though bulky, Ballistic shields, commonly called tactical shields, are
they are usually well-built enough to minimize the modern shields treated with or composed of anti-
effects of the bulk on the user. ballistic materials. Shields of this kind are sometimes
employed in police and military units.
Description: Effect:
Smaller bags can include sacks, handbags, This shield is cumbersome and inflicts a +1 Difficulty
messenger’s bags, briefcases, backpacks, duffel to relevant Skill Rolls when held and ready.
bags, or smaller luggage. These are popular with
students, travelers, workers, or basically anyone who When held in a hand, this shield adds a +1 Difficulty to
has to carry objects with them on a daily basis. incoming attacks. This effect increases to +3 Difficulty
against firearm attacks.
Description: BANDOLIER
Bait is used in all manners of fishing and hunting. It is Description:
primary used to capture animals for food. Some bait Bandoliers are belts of ammunition or thrown
can spoil over time and will be useless in capturing weapons. Their design makes for ease of access to
animals. reload or grab a new weapon to thrown. They can be
worn on the waist or around the shoulder like a sash.
Description: BATTERY
Security armor and full tactical combat armor is Description:
available in modern and post-modern settings as an Batteries are small devices that hold electrical
improvement to a bullet-proof vest in exchange for charges, commonly used in portable devices.
more weight and bulk. While cumbersome, heavy Common batteries can often be found in value packs
ballistic armor offers some protection against all forms in modern times, while batteries like watch batteries
of attacks and superior protection against firearms. are often more expensive than the listed price.

Chapter 5

BATTLE ARMOR Blowguns are ancient and silent weapons, commonly

Description: used for hunting. They are simple tubes that darts are
This category is for heavy combat armor designed for shot out of with a breath. Most of the times the darts
offensive as well as defense is placed within this are coated with poison. Larger ones take two-hands to
category. It could be spikes, blades, or other items use properly but have superior range.
attached strategically to the armor to enhance close
combat. Effect:
This two-handed weapon deals 1d4 Damage and has
Effect: an effective range of 10 meters.
This armor is cumbersome and inflicts a +3 Difficulty
to relevant Skill Rolls. This weapon can deliver poisons or chemicals without
wearing off and with no Difficulty penalty.
When worn, this armor reduces incoming Damage by
2. This weapon uses blowgun darts as ammunition and
requires no Action to load.
Unarmed attacks made while wearing this armor are
given a +1 to Damage. BLOWGUN, SMALL
BEDDING Blowguns are ancient and silent weapons, commonly
Description: used for hunting. They are simple tubes that darts are
Sheets, blankets, pillows, and sleeping bags can shot out of with a breath. Most of the times the darts
ensure a good night's, well-rested sleep. Sleeping are coated with poison. Smaller ones are very portable
bags are best for outdoors and are made to withstand and favored by assassins, but lack the range of larger
outdoor conditions. Blankets are useful anywhere. ones.

Description: This one-handed weapon deals 1d4 Damage and has
Soda, juices, coffee, and tea provide hydration with an effective range of 8 meters.
more flavor than water. Beverages are often more
welcome as a morale booster, and are a staple to buy This weapon can deliver poisons or chemicals without
people who have no interest in alcohol. Each wearing off and with no Difficulty penalty.
purchase is a large bottle's worth of beverage.
This weapon uses blowgun darts as ammunition and
BICYCLE requires no Action to load.
This category of personal vehicles includes bicycles, BLUNDERBUSS
but can also include tricycles and unicycles. Bicycles Description:
became popular as efficient, non-powered modes of Blunderbusses are archaic shotgun-type weapons that
transportation, and are still used as much in many are muzzle-loaded. They use powder and shot pellets,
areas of the world. Using a bicycle increases the but random junk can be shoved into the barrel in place
user's speed and lowers travel time. of shot in desperate situations.

Description: This two-handed weapon deals 1d12 Damage and
Binoculars and spyglasses are used to see distant has an effective range of 8 meters with an ammo
objects as if they were up close. Simpler versions count of 1.
have exited for a long time, but more advanced
versions offer digital enhancement features. This weapon is less effective against armored targets,
Binoculars allow the user to see far past their normal and the target doubles their Damage reduction.
vision limitations.
This weapon uses shot pellets and gunpowder.
BLOWGUN, LARGE Reloading the weapon with shot pellets and
Description: gunpowder requires an Action.

Chapter 5

Gravel, debris, nails, or other small objects can be BOOMERANG

used in place of real ammunition. If this is done, the Description:
weapon has -1 Damage. Boomerangs are aerodynamic throwing clubs. Popular
in modern times for it’s unique ability to return to the
BOLA attacker, it’s originally intent was a hunting tool.
Bolas are cords and weights designed to be hurled at Effect:
a target. While they are capable of dealing damage, This weapon is difficult to use and imposes a +1
the primary function is to trip, disable, or entangle a Difficulty to Skill Rolls.
This one-handed weapon deals 1d4 Damage and has
Effect: an effective range of 20 meters when thrown.
This one-handed weapon deals 1d4 Damage and has
an effective range of 8 meters when thrown. The user can make another Skill Roll after throwing
the weapon to see if it returns to the user.
In place of a normal attack, this weapon can be thrown
to bind feet together, knocking the target down BOW, LONG
(requiring an Action 'to move again) and prevent the Description:
target from moving until an Action is spent to break A bow is a long range two-handed weapon that fires
free (on a successful Skill Roll). If the target can't be arrows. Bows were some of the earliest long range
knocked down, the secondary effect is still applied (if weapons ever designed. In modern times, they exist
possible). only to be used in severely limited special operations
military roles, hunting, and competitions. Longbows
BOLT-ACTION RIFLE were once the long range military weapon of choice.
Bolt-action rifles are long arms commonly used for Effect:
hunting and traditionally used by the military in varying This weapon is difficult to use and imposes a +1
roles. This particular category of rifle features an Difficulty to Skill Rolls.
internal magazine.
This two-handed weapon deals 1d8 Damage and has
Effect: an effective range of 50 meters.
This weapon is difficult to use and imposes a +1
Difficulty to Skill Rolls. This weapon requires arrows as ammunition and
requires no Action to load.
This two-handed weapon deals 1d10 Damage and
has an effective range of 150 meters with an ammo BOW, SHORT
count of 5. Description:
A bow is a long range two-handed weapon that fires
This weapon requires specific bullets loaded by hand. arrows. Bows were some of the earliest long range
Reloading bullets into the gun requires an Action. weapons ever designed. In modern times, they exist
only to be used in severely limited special operations
BOLTS military roles, hunting, and competitions. Shortbows
Description: were once very popular hunting weapons.
Crossbows fire short, stocky arrows called bolts. Bolts
and arrows are not interchangeable. Effect:
This two-handed weapon deals 1d6 Damage and has
BOOK an effective range of 30 meters.
Books can be used as a source of education, This weapon requires arrows as ammunition and
entertainment, or both. In modern and futuristic eras, requires no Action to load.
digital books and audio books are available to
increase portability. BUCKLER

Chapter 5

Description: none fire protection.

The buckler is a very small shield preferred by agile
fighters and combatants that prize mobility. The Effect:
buckler statistics also encompasses small parrying This equipment is cumbersome and inflicts a +1
instruments, fighting cloaks, and bracers used to Difficulty to relevant Skill Rolls.
deflect or catch blades. While not offering a lot of
protection, they are also low on hindrance. When worn, this equipment reduces incoming heat or
fire Damage by 3.
This shield is cumbersome and inflicts a +1 Difficulty Environmental effects from heat/fire are ignored while
to relevant Skill Rolls when held and ready. wearing this equipment.

When held in a hand, this shield adds a +1 Difficulty to CAMERA, IMAGE

incoming attacks. Description:
Cameras are used to capture moments of time in
BULLET pictorial format. While older cameras are bulky and
Description: take a long time to use and process the film, some
Bullets are used in most firearms including pistols, camera times such as self-developing cameras and
rifles, and submachine guns. They come in a variety of digital cameras require no film processing time.
calibers. Certain guns only fire certain types of bullets.
If bullets are purchased for a muzzle loading weapon CAMERA, VIDEO
or a weapon that requires magazine, gunpowder and Description:
magazines are purchased separately. Video cameras are the next evolution of the still-image
camera. With a video camera, it is possible for a user
BULLET, ARMOR PIERCING to take live events and record them. Older video
Description: cameras use cassette tapes, newer cameras use
Armor piercing rounds are very useful against armored digital media.
targets. Because the bullets are hardened though,
they make clean strikes against targets making far CANDLE
less tissue damage. Description:
One of the simplest lighting devices, a candle is wax
Effect: around a slow-burning wick. Candles can provide
This ammo suffers a -1 penalty to Damage, to a enough light to read by, but not much else. Modern
minimum of 1. candles are often scented to achieve a pleasant
This ammo ignores Damage reduction from armor.
BULLET, RUBBER Description:
Description: Cars are the standard mode of transportation in
Rubber bullets are specifically designed for non-lethal modern worlds. Average-sized cars usually can eat
take downs. four people and often will have four doors. More
compact cars are easier to handle but have less
Effect: space. Sports cars have speed, but are expensive and
This ammo reduces the weapon to 1 Damage. less durable.

If struck, the target cannot do anything until an Action CARRIAGE

is spent to recover. Description:
Carriages are used to easily transport passengers.
BUNKER GEAR Carriages and stagecoaches often act as taxis in car-
Description: less Settings. A purchased carriage includes horses,
Bunker gear and similar fire-resistant suits are flame oxen, or similar animals to move it as well.
retardant, durable uniforms. Treated to resist
supremely high temperatures, they offer second-to- CHAIN WEAPON

Chapter 5

Description: include jeans, t-shirts, sweatshirts, jewelry, skirts,

Chain and rope weapons can control and destroy, and dresses, vests, jackets, sneakers, boots, belts, and
have an excellent reach as well. This category more.
includes combat-reinforced chains as well as weapons
like the meteor hammer, kyoketsu-shoge, rope dart CLOTHES, EXPENSIVE
and kusarigama. Description:
This category is for all kinds of expensive clothing. It
Effect: can include suits, dresses, gowns, trendy attire,
This weapon is difficult to use and imposes a +1 expensive boots, and more.
Difficulty to Skill Rolls.
This two-handed weapon deals 1d6 Damage and is Description:
used in melee. Clubs are one-handed larger bludgeons. They include
weighted battle clubs, short-staves, maces, and
This weapon has superior reach, capable of hitting similar weapons. Many impromptu weapons, such as
targets up to 3 meters away. baseball bats and lead pipes, will fall in this category.

This weapon lowers the Difficulty by 1 for Skill Rolls in Effect:

attempts to trip, disarm, or entangle a target. This weapon is difficult to use and imposes a +1
Difficulty to Skill Rolls.
Description: This one-handed weapon deals 1d8 Damage and is
There are a variety of chemicals available that are used in melee.
useful and widely available. Cleaners, lab compounds,
food additives, and similar materials all fall under this CLUB, LIGHT
category. Chemicals can be used in many different Description:
created products. Light clubs are low-weight, balanced, single-handed
blunt instruments. They are commonly used by police
CLAW and security forces through history and up to modern
Description: times. Examples include weapons such as nightsticks,
Bag nakh, katar, and other bladed hand-covers are tonfas, and batons. There are endless examples of
included in this category. They are lethal weapons that improvised weapons that would fit this category as
function best in close-combat and make use of high well.
degrees of martial arts and brawling skills. More often
than not, they are paired weapons. Effect:
This one-handed weapon deals 1d6 Damage and is
Effect: used in melee.
This weapon is difficult to use and imposes a +1
Difficulty to Skill Rolls. COLD WEATHER GEAR
This one-handed weapon deals 1d8 Damage and is Cold weather clothing provides little protection against
used in melee. weapons, but it is very good against ice and cold.
Damaging weather effects are reduced, and any
CLOTH weapon or equipment that uses cold or ice is resisted
Description: easier.
Cloths, rags, or other wipes are useful for keeping
tools and equipment dry or mopping up messes. Effect:
Handkerchiefs and other similar items would fit into This equipment is cumbersome and inflicts a +1
this category as well. Difficulty to relevant Skill Rolls.

CLOTHES, BASIC When worn, this equipment reduces incoming cold or

Description: ice Damage by 3.
This category is for all kinds of basic clothing. It can

Chapter 5

Environmental effects from cold/ice are ignored while potions, lumber and nails for making furniture, or
wearing this equipment. anything used in the process of creating objects. The
type of supplies should be specified when purchased
COMPUTER (ex: tailoring crafting supplies).
Computers can vary in cost, size, and degree of Effect:
quality, but the suggested price is for a quality Creating an object requires enough crafting supplies
computer suitable for most tasks. Desktop computers equal to 10% of the base cost.
can tend to be more powerful than laptops, but they
are far more cumbersome as well. Laptops tend to CRAFTING TOOLS
have less overall power and features, but are far more Description:
portable and are the ideal computer choice for an Crafting tools can include a box or case of tools for a
investigator, researcher, or similar person on the specific trade or type of crafting. The tools provided in
move. this kit allow for creation of anything in the trade,
though certain creations might require non-portable,
CONCUSSION GRENADE larger facilities.
Concussion grenades and TNT charges are powerful Effect:
expendables used to injure targets in a large area. These are a portable array of normal quality tools for a
They rely on explosive force to deal Damage. specific trade or discipline, allowing a normal roll for
the project in question when tools are required.
This one-handed weapon deals 1d10 Damage and CROSSBOW, HAND
has an effective range of 15 meters when thrown. Description:
The crossbow is the precursor to the gun – and unlike
In addition to the target, this weapon deals Damage to guns, they make little noise. It has a stock and firing
anything it would hit within 5 meters of the target as trigger, like a gun, but launches small, heavier arrows
well. called bolts. Hand crossbows were personal defense
weapons for merchants and nobles. Assassins also
This weapon is expended upon use. favored this concealable crossbow, which is nearly as
easy to hide as a derringer and makes nearly no
This entry is for any kind of basic container, from Effect:
things like bottles or flasks to cans and plastic This one-handed weapon deals 1d8 Damage and has
containers. These can be used to hold small liquids or an effective range of 10 meters with an ammo count of
other items that would be difficult to carry without a 1.
This weapon requires hand crossbow bolts as
COSMETICS ammunition and can be reloaded without an Action.
Cosmetics are used to augment or enhance a CROSSBOW, HEAVY
person’s appearance or presentation. They are often Description:
used in entertainment or to accent one’s features The crossbow is the precursor to the gun – and unlike
positively. This includes powders, lipsticks, lotions, eye guns, they make little noise. It has a stock and firing
shadow, blush, perfumes, colognes, or other similar trigger, like a gun, but launches small, heavier arrows
items. called bolts. Heavy crossbows are the precursor to the
sniper rifle with great range and power but with a slow
Crafting supplies are an assortment of consumable Effect:
parts or materials used to create. This could be This weapon is difficult to use and imposes a +1
ingredients for a cake, herbs and animal parts for Difficulty to Skill Rolls.

Chapter 5

This two-handed weapon deals 1d12 Damage and Description:
has an effective range of 30 meters with an ammo Darts and needles are used in dart guns and
count of 1. blowguns. They are often used to deliver poison or
other substances.
This weapon requires heavy crossbow bolts as
ammunition. Reloading a bolt requires an Action. DART PISTOL
CROSSBOW, LIGHT Dart guns are air guns designed to fire needles or
Description: syringes. The pistols are light and short-range
The crossbow is the precursor to the gun – and unlike weapons commonly used by medics and scientists in
guns, they make little noise. It has a stock and firing futuristic settings.
trigger, like a gun, but launches small, heavier arrows
called bolts. Crossbows are easier to use than bows Effect:
and could be held cocked and ready, but their rate of This one-handed weapon deals 1 Damage and has an
fire is inferior to regular bows. effective range of 15 meters with an ammo count of 1.

Effect: This weapon can deliver poisons or chemicals without

This two-handed weapon deals 1d10 Damage and wearing off and with no Difficulty penalty.
has an effective range of 15 meters with an ammo
count of 1. This weapon requires specific dart gun darts.
Reloading a dart requires an Action.
This weapon requires light crossbow bolts as
ammunition. Reloading a bolt requires an Action. DART RIFLE
CROSSBOW, REPEATING Dart guns are air guns designed to fire needles or
Description: syringes. Dart rifles are sometimes called tranquilizer
The crossbow is the precursor to the gun. It has a rifles and used often by people to wrangle animals.
stock and firing trigger, like a gun, but launches small,
heavier arrows called bolts. Repeating crossbows Effect:
generally use internal magazines. This two-handed weapon deals 1 Damage and has an
effective range of 30 meters with an ammo count of 1.
This two-handed weapon deals 1d10 Damage and This weapon can deliver poisons or chemicals without
has an effective range of 10 meters with an ammo wearing off and with no Difficulty penalty.
count of 10.
This weapon requires specific dart gun darts.
This weapon requires specific bolts loaded by hand. Reloading a dart requires an Action.
Reloading bolts into the crossbow requires an Action.
DAGGER Description:
Description: These items are used to hold digital data. Examples
Daggers, combat knives, switchblades, and hunting are flash drives, CDs, or floppy disks, depending on
knives fit into the dagger category. From soldiers to the era and cost.
civilians, these weapons are common and available in
all Settings. Improvised weapons in this category DEFIBRILLATOR
include a variety of tools and kitchen utensils. They Description:
are mostly used to inflict slashing and piercing An automated external defibrillator is used to help a
damage. patient that has a failing or stopped heart. It won't stop
bleeding or assist with mortal wounds or important
Effect: missing parts, but cardiac events, trauma, and stress
This weapon deals 1d6 Damage and is used in melee. that affects the heart can be countered.

Chapter 5

This equipment can be used to revive a person who ELECTROSHOCK GUN, WIRED
has lost all their Threshold within the past minute with Description:
a Skill Roll. If successful, the target is restored to 1 An electroshock gun, the most common name being a
Threshold and remains unconscious, but alive. This taser, is a weapon that fires a dart that transfers
only works if the target is not missing vital organs or electricity to the victim. The darts are trailed by two
body parts that would cause death. electrical wires that transfer the electricity from the
main section to the attached darts.
Description: Effect:
Small, single-shot pistols are tiny and easily conceal This one-handed weapon deals 1d4 Damage and has
weapons used as a backup or assassination weapon. an effective range of 3 meters with an ammo count of
This category includes derringers, zip guns, and target 1.
When this weapon strikes a target they cannot do
Effect: anything until an Action is spent to recover.
This one-handed weapon deals 1d6 Damage and has
an effective range of 10 meters with an ammo count of This weapon’s ammo is not expended and can instead
1. be retracted and reloaded with an Action.

This weapon requires specific bullets and can be ELECTROSHOCK GUN, WIRELESS
reloaded without an Action. Description:
An electroshock gun, the most common name being a
DOUBLE-BARRELED SHOTGUN taser, is a weapon that fires a dart that transfers
Description: electricity to the victim. Advanced versions, less
Double barreled shotguns are two-handed long arms common in modern era but popular in futuristic
that fire close range shells. They are loaded with two settings, have a battery built into the dart. The result is
shells at a time and usually can be fired independently the darts can't be reused, but it gives greater distance
of each other or simultaneously. They are popular and tactical flexibility.
hunting and home defense weapons. The weapon has
a hinge which is broken open to load and remove Effect:
shells. This one-handed weapon deals 1d4 Damage and has
an effective range of 15 meters with an ammo count of
Effect: 1.
This two-handed weapon deals 1d10 Damage and
has an effective range of 12 meters with an ammo When this weapon strikes a target they cannot do
count of 2. anything until an Action is spent to recover.

This weapon is less effective against armored targets, This weapon requires specific battery-powered darts.
and the target doubles their Damage reduction. It requires an Action to reload.

This weapon requires specific shotgun shells. ENERGY ARMOR, HEAVY

Breaking open and reloading the weapon with shells Description:
requires an Action. Energy armor is futuristic and sci-fi combat armor
perfect for elite military units, mercenaries, and
DRUG corporate strike teams. It can hold up to all sorts of
Description: physical damage and blunt force trauma, but it is best
Drugs can be either legal or illegal, and can have a against the main weapons of the era – energy
wide variety of effects. The price listed is for more weapons.
common drugs, but restricted ones may fetch a higher
price and require a doctor to acquire legally. Some Effect:
drugs may be completely illegal, and will be that much This armor is cumbersome and inflicts a +2 Difficulty
more expensive. to relevant Skill Rolls.

Chapter 5

When worn, this armor reduces incoming Damage by
1. This increases to 3 against energy weapon attacks. Effect:
This one-handed weapon deals 1d8 Damage and has
ENERGY ARMOR, LIGHT an effective range of 20 meters with an ammo count of
Description: 10.
Energy-proof vests, reflective breastplates, and anti-
energy jackets are futuristic protective chest garments This weapon requires a specific energy cell as
often worn by soldiers or police units. Designed for the ammunition. Replacing an energy cell requires an
combat situation of their era, they protect very well Action.
against energy attacks, but offer no real protection of
note for other forms of damage. ENERGY RIFLE
Effect: Energy rifles are two-handed laser weapons including
This armor is cumbersome and inflicts a +1 Difficulty rifles and larger carbines. They fire a laser beam or
to relevant Skill Rolls. compressed bolt each time the trigger is pulled.
When worn, this armor reduces incoming Damage This weapon is difficult to use and imposes a +1
from energy weapon attacks by 2. Difficulty to Skill Rolls.

ENERGY BLADE This two-handed weapon deals 1d10 Damage and

Description: has an effective range of 100 meters with an ammo
An energy blade when deactivated consists of a small count of 10.
metal hilt. Activated, energy blades could potentially
look like a sword, mace, axe, or similar weapon. They This weapon requires a specific energy cell as
are extremely dangerous to use due to the lack of ammunition. Replacing an energy cell requires an
weight but can cut through creatures like butter. Action.


This weapon is difficult to use and imposes a +3 Description:
Difficulty to Skill Rolls. An energy shield is a combat shield coated with
reflective plates – a futuristic version of the modern
This one-handed weapon deals 1d10 Damage and is anti-ballistic shield. It is primarily effective against
used in melee. energy weapons, but can offer protection from other
kinds of attacks as well.
This weapon ignores all Damage reduction.
ENERGY CELL This shield is cumbersome and inflicts a +2 Difficulty
Description: to relevant Skill Rolls when held and ready.
Energy cells or weapon batteries are used in energy
weapons. Unlike bullets, cells are very When held in a hand, this shield adds a +1 Difficulty to
interchangeable between energy weapons. The usage incoming attacks. This effect increases to +3 Difficulty
depends on the weapon’s power needs and the drain against energy weapon attacks.
it imposes on the battery. If a cell is partially depleted
and swapped to another weapon, it maintains its ENERGY STAFF
percentage of power rather than a specific number of Description:
shots. An energy staff when deactivated consists of a two-
handed metal hilt. Activated, energy staves could
ENERGY PISTOL potentially look like a quarterstaff or polearm. They are
Description: extremely dangerous to use due to the lack of weight
Energy pistols are one-handed laser weapons. These but can cut through creatures like butter.
are used by civilians, smugglers, and military
personnel alike, and fire either a beam or compressed Effect:

Chapter 5

This weapon is difficult to use and imposes a +4 radius make a Skill Roll or suffer 1d12 Damage.
Difficulty to Skill Rolls.
This item is expended upon use.
This two-handed weapon deals 1d12 Damage and is
used in melee. FILM
This weapon ignores all Damage reduction. Film for cameras and video is necessary for non-
digital mediums. Different cameras and different types
ENVIRONMENTAL ARMOR SUIT of film have varying amounts of uses.
Environmental armor is futuristic or post-modern full- FIREBOMB
body armor with life support and rebreather systems. It Description:
allows operation in toxic environments, filters gasses, Fire bombs and incendiary grenades are one-use
and has body temperature regulation all while being fit thrown explosives that disperse explosive energy and
for combat. Because of all of its features, it is also flame. Molotov cocktails fall into this category, though
extremely bulky. ones crafted from rudimentary materials will take the
penalty for using improvised weapons.
This armor is cumbersome and inflicts a +3 Difficulty Effect:
to relevant Skill Rolls. This one-handed weapon deals 1d8 Damage and has
an effective range of 15 meters when thrown.
When worn, this armor reduces incoming Damage by
1. This increases to 3 against fire, cold, poison, acid, In addition to the target, this weapon deals Damage to
or radiation Damage. anything it would hit within 3 meters of the target as
While worn, the user can see in the dark and ignores
environmental effects from toxins, radiation, heat, and This weapon sets a target on fire, dealing an
cold. additional 1 Damage at the end of the target's Turns
for 1d4 Turns. An Action can be used to put the fire out
This armor offers full life support for 8 hours. While on the target's turn with a successful Skill Roll.
active, the user doesn't need air and is immune to
airborne toxins. It recharges in a breathable This weapon is expended upon use.
EXPLOSIVE Description:
Description: Large first aid kits are commonly mounted in
Explosives can be used to describe any demolition workplaces or dangerous environments, and the
charge used as a trap or to destroy buildings and contents are portable in a larger pack or messenger
vehicles. This includes items like the modern C-4 or a bag. Included items would be bandages, ointments,
large bundle of TNT. It can also include traps like disinfectant, swabs, splints, pills, gauze, and any other
mines. It is generally inefficient and extremely items used in first aid. Cumbersome but effective,
dangerous to throw these around in combat due to the these kinds of first aid kits are usually only carried by
blast radius. They are generally activated via a medical personnel.
detonator of some sort – normally hand activated, but
modern variants can use timers as well. Effect:
This item can be used with an Action.
It takes an Action to set this explosive. If it is manually This item restores 1d4 Health with a successful Skill
activated, it takes another Action to denote. During Roll.
Encounters, a timed detonator goes off a the end of
the Round you specify. This item has 100 uses.

Objects and creatures within 15 meters of the blast FIRST AID KIT, SMALL

Chapter 5

Description: This one-handed weapon deals 1d6 Damage and is

Smaller first aid kits or healer's kits are portable used in melee.
rudimentary healing supplies. This could include
bandages, gauze, and possibly some first aid cream FLAMETHROWER, LARGE
or spray. Simple to use and easy to carry, anyone Description:
expecting danger should bring one of these along. Flamethrowers shoot out a flammable stream that can
ignite an opponent. More archaic versions use a
Effect: heavy backpack, while futuristic flamethrowers utilize
This item can be used with an Action. a more gun-like design with the fuel canister as a
This item restores 1d4 Health with a successful Skill
Roll. Effect:
This weapon is difficult to use and imposes a +1
This item has 10 uses. Difficulty to Skill Rolls.

FLAIL, HEAVY This two-handed weapon deals 1d10 Damage and

Description: has an effective range of 8 meters with an ammo
Flails designed for combat are based on the threshing count of 5.
tool. They often consist of a haft, a chain, and a
business-head. Most heavy spiked-head or flanged This weapon sets a target on fire, dealing an
flails are in this category, in addition to the three- additional 1 Damage at the end of the target's Turns
section staff. for 1d4 Turns. An Action can be used to put the fire out
on the target's turn with a successful Skill Roll.
This weapon is difficult to use and imposes a +1 This weapon requires specific fuel canisters.
Difficulty to Skill Rolls. Reloading a fuel canister requires an Action.

This one-handed weapon deals 1d8 Damage and is FLAMETHROWER, SMALL

used in melee. Description:
Flamethrower pistols are smaller and more portable
FLAIL, LARGE than normal large flamethrowers. These kinds of
Description: weapons are possible in futuristic or cyberpunk
Flails designed for combat are based on the threshing Settings, or as improvised weapons work for a
tool. They often consist of a haft, a chain, and a hairspray and lighter combination.
business-head. Most heavy spiked-head or flanged
flails are in this category, in addition to the three- Effect:
section staff. This one-handed weapon deals 1d8 Damage and has
an effective range of 3 meters with an ammo count of
Effect: 10.
This weapon is difficult to use and imposes a +2
Difficulty to Skill Rolls. This weapon sets a target on fire, dealing an
additional 1 Damage at the end of the target's Turns
This two-handed weapon deals 1d10 Damage and is for 1d4 Turns. An Action can be used to put the fire out
used in melee. on the target's turn with a successful Skill Roll.

FLAIL, LIGHT This weapon requires specific fuel canisters.

Description: Reloading a fuel canister requires an Action.
Smaller flails are based on the threshing tool by the
same name just like the larger ones. Smaller ones are FLARE
popular in martial arts. This includes weapons like the Description:
nunchaku. Flares provide illumination and are also popular for
emergency signaling. Using a chemical reaction, they
Effect: can be started and remain lit for about thirty minutes.

Chapter 5

They can be safely dropped or thrown as well. Certain Flashlights come in many different sizes and styles.
special flares can also be purchased for flare guns They are capable of projecting a beam of light to
(those are not interchangeable with normal flares). enable users to see the in the dark. Unfortunately, it
means everyone else can see the user as well.
Description: FOOD
Flare guns are signaling devices used in a variety of Description:
emergency situations. The intent is to fire a flare in the Food is necessary for survival, and can come in a
air that might indicate some certain objective has been variety of different forms. Dried or canned food for
achieved, or in general emergency situations, just that travel that lasts for a long period of time is easy
assistance is needed. While it can be used as an enough to purchase and is fairly portable. Food
improvised weapon or potentially even set things on purchased at this volume constitutes a single meal.
fire, that is not the intent of this device.
Effect: Description:
If used as a weapon, this one-handed tool deals 1d4 Force fields generate a protective shield of energy
Damage and has an effective range of 15 meters with around the user. These kinds of fields are only
an ammo count of 1. designed to deal with high velocity projectiles, and
only energy weapons and bullets are deflected by it.
This tool sets a target on fire, dealing an additional 1 One-time use ones are cheaper and easier to mass
Damage at the end of the target's Turns for 1d4 Turns. produce. Their one advantage is if it runs out, while it
An Action can be used to put the fire out on the won't recharge, it's cheaper to have another on hand
target's turn with a successful Skill Roll. to activate.

This is considered an improvised weapon and when Effect:

used to attack suffers a +1 Difficulty penalty as with all This equipment takes an Action to activate or
improvised weapons. deactivate. When activated, it causes a +1 Difficulty to
the user's firearm and energy weapon attacks due to
This item uses special flares. Loading a flare into an the interference.
empty flare gun requires an Action.
When struck by high velocity projectiles like firearms
FLASHBANG and energy weapons, this field takes Damage in place
Description: of the user.
Flashbang grenades, also called stun grenades, are
one-use thrown explosives that temporarily disable Melee weapon strikes and low speed projectiles such
targets. They are less-than-lethal weapons, intended as arrows and thrown weapons such as grenades are
to not cause serious injury. unaffected.

Effect: When this items is depleted, it becomes useless.

This one-handed weapon has an effective range of 15
meters when thrown. FORCE FIELD, RECHARGABLE
When affected by this weapon, a target is disoriented Force fields generate a protective shield of energy
and has their base Difficulty increased to 10 until an around the user. These kinds of fields are only
Action is spent to recover with a successful Skill Roll. designed to deal with high velocity projectiles, and
only energy weapons and bullets are deflected by it.
In addition to the target, this weapon effects anything it Rechargeable versions are expensive if they exist in
would hit within 3 meters of the target as well. the Setting, and are not common.

This weapon is expended upon use. Effect:

This equipment takes an Action to activate or
FLASHLIGHT deactivate. When activated, it causes a +1 Difficulty to
Description: the user's firearm and energy weapon attacks due to

Chapter 5

the interference. They are commonly used by Hazmat teams and

military units.
When struck by high velocity projectiles like firearms
and energy weapons, this field takes Damage in place Effect:
of the user. This equipment is cumbersome and inflicts a +1
Difficulty to relevant Skill Rolls.
Melee weapon strikes and low speed projectiles such
as arrows and thrown weapons such as grenades are This equipment grants immunity to inhalation-based
unaffected. toxic effects and environments.

When this items is depleted, it is useless until a rest GLIDER

occurs, at which point it fully recharges. Description:
Hang gliders, wingsuits, and similar gliding devices
FRAGMENTATION GRENADE are used to travel far distances on air currents. They
Description: lack engines and propulsion, so are only useful in
Fragmentation grenades and flechette bombs are environments with strong winds and from high
powerful expendables used to injure targets in a large altitudes. In return, they are near silent and portable.
area with explosive force and projectiles. Improvised
grenades can be crafted, but are less reliable than GRAPPLING HOOK
reliably made ones. Description:
Grappling hooks and other climbing gear are used to
Effect: scale difficult surfaces. The most basic kind of
This one-handed weapon deals 1d12 Damage and grappling hook contains a metal prong and some rope,
has an effective range of 15 meters when thrown. and are hurled up by spinning and throwing. Certain
Settings may have a grappling gun that uses
In addition to the target, this weapon deals Damage to compressed air or a spring to help launch the hook.
anything it would hit within 3 meters of the target as
This weapon is expended upon use. Grenade launchers fire specialized explosives and
have the same variety as thrown hand grenades, but
FUEL cannot fire the same types of grenades. Grenade
Description: launcher grenades look more like miniature artillery
Fuels are used to power certain devices through shells.
combustion including vehicles and other devices.
Examples include gasoline, butane, and jet fuel. Effect:
This weapon is difficult to use and imposes a +2
FUEL CANISTER Difficulty to Skill Rolls.
Fuel canisters are used in flamethrower weapons. This two-handed weapon deals 1d10 Damage and
They include combustible chemicals and can has an effective range of 75 meters with an ammo
sometimes be unstable. count of 1.

GAME In addition to the target, this weapon deals Damage to

Description: anything it would hit within 5 meters of the target as
Games are capable of distraction, relaxation, and can well.
be used in gambling. This entry is for any portable
game such as cards, dominoes, board games, dice This weapon requires specific launcher grenades. It
games, and more. requires an Action to reload the weapon with a
launcher grenade.
Gas masks are used to filter toxic air for humans. Description:

Chapter 5

Grenade launchers fire specialized explosives and and snaplocks. If a specific type of gun needs wadding
have the same variety as thrown hand grenades, but or matches, those are included as well. Gunpowder in
cannot fire the same types of grenades. Multiple the flask can be used for other purposes as well.
grenade launchers can fire many rounds without
reloading. Effect:
The flask holds gunpowder, necessary for older
Effect: firearms like flintlocks.
This weapon is difficult to use and imposes a +2
Difficulty to Skill Rolls. HAMMER, HEAVY
This two-handed weapon deals 1d10 Damage and Heavy hammers include mauls and combat-ready
has an effective range of 25 meters with an ammo sledgehammers. They excel at dealing heavy damage
count of 6. and are best known for being able to punch through or
crush armor. Sledgehammers would be similar
In addition to the target, this weapon deals Damage to improvised weapons.
anything it would hit within 5 meters of the target as
well. Effect:
This weapon is difficult to use and imposes a +2
This weapon requires specific launcher grenades. It Difficulty to Skill Rolls.
requires an Action to reload the weapon with launcher
grenades. This two-handed weapon deals 1d10 Damage and is
used in melee.
Description: HAMMER, LIGHT
Grenade launchers fire specialized explosives and Description:
have the same variety as thrown hand grenades, but War hammers are military-grade, hammer-type
cannot fire the same types of grenades. Small weapons. They are useful for damaging armored
grenade launchers are usually pistol-sized and the targets, and many feature a spike or pick on the end to
same type as used in launchers under assault rifles. deal with helmets and soft targets.

Effect: Effect:
This weapon is difficult to use and imposes a +1 This weapon is difficult to use and imposes a +1
Difficulty to Skill Rolls. Difficulty to Skill Rolls.

This one-handed weapon deals 1d10 Damage and This one-handed weapon deals 1d8 Damage and is
has an effective range of 30 meters with an ammo used in melee.
count of 1.
In addition to the target, this weapon deals Damage to Description:
anything it would hit within 5 meters of the target as An environmental suit or Hazmat suit protects the
well. body from toxins, disease, and radiation. This is often
paired with a rebreather for extra safety.
This weapon requires specific launcher grenades. It
requires an Action to reload the weapon with a Effect:
launcher grenade. This equipment is cumbersome and inflicts a +1
Difficulty to relevant Skill Rolls.
Description: When worn, this equipment reduces incoming poison,
Older firearms need gunpowder added separately into disease, or radiation Damage by 3.
the muzzle of the weapon. Most times, the shooter
carried the gunpowder in a flask, horn, or some other Environmental effects from toxins and radiation are
container. A gunpowder flask is necessary to use ignored while wearing this equipment.
certain archaic firearms such as flintlocks, matchlocks,

Chapter 5

Healing potions or salves are magical items that Description:
restore health. They are common in fantasy or magical Musical instruments of large size normally have to be
campaigns. While more expensive and far rarer than worn across the back or carried in a large case. This
common mundane healing materials, they are more can include items such as a guitar, saxophone, large
powerful. keyboard, or other instruments of similar size.


This item is used as an Action. Description:
Instruments of small size are usually simple and easy
This item restores 1d8 Health with a successful Skill to carry. This can include cymbals, a flute, violin, or
Roll. snare drum, among others.

This item is consumed on use. ION PISTOL

HELICOPTER, CARGO Ion weapons are energy weapons specifically
Description: designed to deal with robotic, android, or cybernetic-
Massive cargo helicopters are rotary-lift vehicles that enhanced opponents. If any part of the target has
can range from civilian transports to military models. integrated electronic components, they can be hurt by
Cargo helicopters can carry a lot of storage, but their ion weapons – otherwise it has no effect. Ion pistols
handling is usually sub-par. are self-defense and military weapons for close
combat or personal engagements against electronic-
HELICOPTER, LARGE based opponents.
Large helicopters are capable of carrying a large Effect:
number of people. Military attack variants are usually This one-handed weapon deals 1d10 Damage and
sleeker and outfitted with weapons, at the cost of has an effective range of 30 meters with an ammo
cargo space. count of 10.

HELICOPTER, SMALL This weapon only deals damage to artificial life forms
Description: that are electronic based, electronic devices, and
Smaller helicopters are often used for recreational biological creatures containing cybernetic implants.
purposes or by organizations such as news stations.
Smaller helicopters may not have much speed or This weapon requires a specific energy cell as
room, but they have good control. ammunition. Replacing an energy cell requires an
Description: ION RIFLE
In futuristic Settings, jet boards or hover boards are Description:
personal vehicles that are capable of flight. They might Ion weapons are energy weapons specifically
hover with VTOL style jets or some advanced designed to deal with robotic, android, or cybernetic-
technology, depending on the Setting. Hoverboards, enhanced opponents. If any part of the target has
like skateboards, are a sport item as well, and a integrated electronic components, they can be hurt by
variety of tracks can be performed on them. ion weapons – otherwise it has no effect. Ion rifles are
military grade weapons designed to deal with tough
HOVERCRAFT cybernetic or android opponents.
A hovercraft is a car, bike, or truck-like vehicle with jet Effect:
propellants or other type of propulsion. This allows it to This weapon is difficult to use and imposes a +1
hover and even fly. In futuristic Settings, these kinds of Difficulty to Skill Rolls.
vehicles could be very common and the standard
civilian transport. This two-handed weapon deals 1d12 Damage and

Chapter 5

has an effective range of 30 meters with an ammo A journal, diary, or logbook is a blank book for
count of 10. recording notes, writing information, or doing small
sketches. They can come in a variety of styles, and
This weapon only deals damage to artificial life forms are useful companions to travelers in older eras of
that are electronic based, electronic devices, and play.
biological creatures containing cybernetic implants.
This weapon requires a specific energy cell as Description:
ammunition. Replacing an energy cell requires an Knuckles, weighted gloves, and other blunt hand-
Action. covers are included in this category. They add extra
power to a normal unarmed attack.
Description: Effect:
A jet ski is a private, powered vessel capable of great This one-handed weapon deals 1d6 Damage and is
speeds and tricks on the water. It is the marine used in melee.
equivalent of a motorcycle in many ways.
JET, BOMBER Description:
Description: Lances are special kinds of polearms primarily for
Bomber jets are larger aircraft with inferior handling fighting from horseback. The lance category includes
that are never meant to engage in vehicle-to-vehicle weapons designed for charging strikes and
combat. Their role is to drop explosives from high horsemen’s polearms.
above. Being deadly military vehicles, their roles are
highly restricted. They can hold a large number of Effect:
individuals, however, if not full of bombs. This weapon is difficult to use and imposes a +2
Difficulty to Skill Rolls.
Description: This two-handed weapon deals 1d8 Damage and is
Fighter jets are sleek aircraft capable of going long used in melee.
distances at incredible speeds. They are often
equipped with linked machine guns and guided or This weapon can be used in a charging attack if the
dumb-fire rockets. They hold at most two people, user moves before or during an attack, or is on a
however, and have very little cargo space. mount or vehicle. This increases the Damage to 1d12.


Description: Description:
Transport jets can range in size and vary in function. A lantern is a traditional light source that uses oil as
Cargo jets are capable of storing vast amounts of fuel. They were very common before electricity was in
goods, and passenger jets are ideal for carrying use, and are still used for aesthetic purposes in
people. Both kinds of jets are quite expensive and modern days (often running on electricity). Like a
require a large runway to utilize correctly. flashlight or torch, using a lantern lets one see in the
dark, but it also lets those hidden in the dark clearly
JETPACK see the user.
A jetpack is a personal device usually strapped to the LASSO
back that allows limited flight capabilities. They tend to Description:
run out of fuel rather fast, and are often used in short A lasso is a length of rope used to catch and snag
jump bursts rather than continuous flight. Jet boots targets. Combat-ready lassos are properly reinforced
may also be available if jetpacks are, but they hold and professionally treated. These are rare weapons to
even less fuel, though they would also weigh less. fight with, normally used to wrangle cattle.

Description: This weapon deals 1d4 Damage and is used in melee.

Chapter 5

This weapon has superior reach, capable of hitting LAUNCHER GRENADE, TEAR GAS
targets up to 8 meters away. Description:
Tear gas grenades are less-than-lethal crowd control
When this weapon strikes a target normally, they may and dispersal chemical agents. They cause blurred
choose to keep it around their target. While it remains, vision, coughing, and other painful symptoms. These
the attacker can not use the weapon for anything else are commonly used by riot police and S.W.A.T. Teams.
other than to attack the same target for the normal
Damage and the target cannot move more than 8 Effect:
meters away from the user. Breaking free requires an The weapon loses its normal effects when loading this
Action, and a successful Skill Roll. ammunition.

LAUNCHER GRENADE These weapon disperses irritating gas 5 meters

Description: around from the target point and affects all targets that
Generally grenades for grenade launchers are fail a skill Roll. The gas remains for 5 Rounds.
explosives that disperse explosive energy and sharp
bits of metal shrapnel or a massive concussive blast. When affected by this weapon, a target is hindered
They are very deadly explosive weapons. and cannot do anything until an Action is spent to
recover with a success Skill Roll.
Description: Targets that enter or end their Turn in the gas must
Toxic chemical and poison gas launcher grenades are make a Skill Roll or suffer the weapon's effects.
explosives that disperse deadly gas. An example of
this type of gas is mustard gas. LEVER-ACTION RIFLE
Effect: Level-action rifles are long arms commonly used for
The weapon loses its normal effects when loading this hunting and used by the military when guns were first
ammunition. invented. Repeating rifles use internal magazines and
usually a bolt or lever action. These rifles were among
These weapon disperses toxic gas 5 meters around the next major evolution after muzzleloaders.
from the target point and deals 1d6 Damage to all
targets that fail a Skill Roll. The gas remains for 3 Effect:
Rounds. This weapon is difficult to use and imposes a +1
Difficulty to Skill Rolls.
Targets that enter or end their turn in the gas must
make a Skill Roll or suffer the weapon's Damage. This two-handed weapon deals 1d10 Damage and
has an effective range of 80 meters with an ammo
Smoke grenades disperse concealing smoke. This weapon requires specific bullets loaded by hand.
Launched ones can provide greater range than thrown Reloading bullets into the gun requires an Action.
Effect: Description:
The weapon loses its normal effects when loading this Lighters are portable devices to generate flame, and
ammunition. are the evolution of tinderboxes. They do need to be
refilled with lighter fluid, butane, periodically. There are
These ammo disperses concealing smoke 5 meters also disposable lighters that aren't meant to be refilled,
around from the target point and creatures but are just thrown away.
concealed/blocked by the smoke are considered
hidden. The smoke remains for 10 Rounds. LOCKPICKS
This weapon is expended upon use. Lockpicks are highly specialized tools used to open

Chapter 5

locks. A set of lockpicks can last for a long time, but on count of 100.
poor attempts they can break off in locks. Lockpicks
are much more compact than a full set of thief tools, This weapon uses 3 charges of ammunition in a
easily hidden with minimal effort, but can only deal normal attack (or the rest of the ammo if less than 3).
with pickable locks.
This weapon is capable of burst fire when attacking.
MACHINE GUN, HEAVY For expending 5 charges of ammunition instead of 3,
Description: the user reduces Difficulty by 1.
Machine guns and miniguns are powerful weapons
capable of firing a hail of bullets. Heavier versions, This weapon is capable of automatic fire when
especially .50 caliber versions, are almost exclusively attacking. For 10 charges of ammunition instead of 5,
vehicle mounted. These weapons are very difficult to the user strikes ever creature within 3 meters of the
use without extreme strength, control, and skill. target with the Skill Roll.

Effect: This weapon requires specific bullet-loaded

This weapon is difficult to use and imposes a +4 ammunition belts. Reloading the weapon with a new
Difficulty to Skill Rolls. belt is an Action.

This two-handed weapon deals 1d12 Damage and MACHINE PISTOL, AUTO
has an effective range of 30 meters with an ammo Description:
count of 100. Machine pistols are small, one-handed low-caliber
weapons that are fully automatic and just shy of a
This weapon uses 3 charges of ammunition in a submachine gun. They are favored by special forces
normal attack (or the rest of the ammo if less than 3). and criminals and include examples like the Skorpion
and the TEC-9. These weapons use bullet-loaded
This weapon is capable of burst fire when attacking. magazines.
For expending 5 charges of ammunition instead of 3,
the user reduces Difficulty by 1. Effect:
This one-handed weapon deals 1d6 Damage and has
This weapon is capable of automatic fire when an effective range of 15 meters with an ammo count of
attacking. For 10 charges of ammunition instead of 5, 20.
the user strikes ever creature within 3 meters of the
target with the Skill Roll. This weapon is capable of burst fire when attacking.
For expending 3 charges of ammunition instead of 1,
This weapon requires specific bullet-loaded the user reduces Difficulty by 1.
ammunition belts. Reloading the weapon with a new
belt is an Action. This weapon is capable of automatic fire when
attacking. For 10 charges of ammunition instead of 1,
MACHINE GUN, LIGHT the user strikes ever creature within 3 meters of the
Description: target with the Skill Roll.
Machine guns and miniguns are powerful weapons
capable of firing a hail of bullets. Most machine guns This weapon requires specific bullet-loaded
use high calibers such as 7.62 or 5.45mm. General magazines. Reloading the weapon with a magazine is
purpose machine guns are assigned to military squads an Action.
to grant suppressive fire and target large swathes of
Effect: Burst fire machine pistols are capable of burst-style
This weapon is difficult to use and imposes a +3 auto-fire but not fully automatic fire. The user can
Difficulty to Skill Rolls. switch between single shots and burst-fire as the
situation warrants. Examples include the Glock 18 and
This two-handed weapon deals 1d10 Damage and Beretta 93R.
has an effective range of 30 meters with an ammo

Chapter 5

Effect: Description:
This one-handed weapon deals 1d6 Damage and has Medical bags, doctor bags, or EMT bags have a large
an effective range of 20 meters with an ammo count of array of tools designed for first-aid, general check-ups,
15. and on-the-spot medical treatment. It will normal
include items like a stethoscope, otoscope, reflex
This weapon is capable of burst fire when attacking. hammer, medical scissors, scalpel, and other similar
For expending 3 charges of ammunition instead of 1, items depending on the Setting. There are usually
the user reduces Difficulty by 1. places for consumable items such as pills, bandages,
gauze, and similar items.
This weapon requires specific bullet-loaded
magazines. Reloading the weapon with a magazine is MEDICAL SERUM
an Action. Description:
Futuristic or special medical serums can heal wounds
MAGAZINE instantly. If that kind of medicine is available in the
Description: Setting, these kinds of serums can be purchased.
External magazines, such as a box magazine, are
loading mechanisms that make modern firearms very Effect:
quick to reload and change ammunition. Any weapon This item is used with an Action.
that has an external magazine requires additional
magazines to quickly change ammunition. In This item restores 1d8 Health with a successful Skill
exchange, these weapons traditionally have a much Roll.
higher capacity than weapons that use internal
magazines. This item is consumed on use.

Effect: MESS KIT

Replacing a magazine in a weapon costs an Action. Description:
Mess kits or other portable utensils and cooking
Filling a magazine with bullets is an Action if done supplies make eating and cooking on the move much
during an Encounter. The user must still spend an easier. This set contains enough to cook small meals
Action to load the magazine and ready a weapon. and utensils for one person.


Description: Description:
Matches and lighters are portable fire-starting devices. A mobile suit is the bridge between power armor and a
They are cheap, easy to acquire sources of fire. It is mechanized unit. Mobile suits are about ten to twelve
normally simple to strike a match, but in certain wet feet tall normally, and have a hatch that opens to fit a
conditions it may involve more effort or even a Skill human inside. The user manipulates the controls to
Roll. walk around in the mobile suit, and can achieve feats
of great strength. When used for war, these mobile
Effect: suits can hold high caliber machine guns and rocket
This item has 25 uses. launchers with ease.


Description: Description:
Mechanized armor is a large, normally humanoid- Mobile devices include smartphones, tablets, and
shaped machine primarily designed for combat, older devices like PDAs. Older versions were used for
although they often have labor roles as well. In keeping notes and scheduling functions only, but
futuristic Settings, they serve a crucial role as primary newer models often have internet features and can
assault vehicles to support more conventional function as small computers and cell phones.
armored vehicles such as tanks. They are often fitted Futuristic versions could have even more functionality.
with various heavy weapons.
MEDICAL BAG Description:

Chapter 5

Mobile phones include cell phones, radio-based Effect:

phones, and similar devices. Less robust than This one-handed weapon deals 1d10 Damage and
smartphone devices or mobile computers, they are has an effective range of 15 meters with an ammo
nonetheless efficient and cheaper – and available in count of 1.
more eras of play.
This weapon requires archaic bullets and gunpowder.
MOPED Pouring in gunpowder and inserting a bullet to load the
Description: weapon requires an Action.
A moped or scooter is a low-speed two-wheeled
vehicle. It's very useful in urban environments where MUZZLELOADER, RIFLE
low speed and a low profile is useful. It also has less Description:
legal restrictions than high speed vehicles. Muzzleloading rifles includes all manners of primitive
long-arms. This includes flintlock and slow-match
MORTAR rifles. They are powerful, but slower to use than
Description: modern firearms.
A mortar is an indirect fire weapon designed to be shot
long distances. Though it can shoot at targets it can’t Effect:
see, equipment or spotters are still needed to attempt This weapon is difficult to use and imposes a +1
an accurate shot. Difficulty to Skill Rolls.

Effect: This two-handed weapon deals 1d12 Damage and

This weapon is difficult to use and imposes a +3 has an effective range of 30 meters with an ammo
Difficulty to Skill Rolls. count of 1.

This two-handed weapon deals 1d12 Damage and This weapon requires archaic bullets and gunpowder.
has an effective range of 300 meters with an ammo Pouring in gunpowder and inserting a bullet to load the
count of 1. weapon requires an Action.

In addition to the target, this weapon deals Damage to NET

anything it would hit within 5 meters of the target as Description:
well. Nets are primarily tools for activities like fishing and
hunting, but they were made popular as weapons by
Using this weapon requires it to be set down and gladiators. Due to their non-lethal nature, they are
readied, and requires an Action. often paired with a sword.

This weapon requires specific artillery shells reloaded Effect:

with an Action. This one-handed weapon has an effective range of 10
meters when thrown.
Description: When this weapon strikes a target normally, the target
Motorcycles are two-wheeled vehicles capable of is entangled and cannot move or take any Actions
great speed and maneuverability. This category except attempting to free themselves. Breaking free
includes street bikes as well as more compact racing requires an Action, and a Skill Roll. The user cannot
bikes. It can also include motorcycle-quality trikes and use this weapon on another target while one target is
quads, or mopeds. entangled.


Description: Description:
Muzzleloading pistols includes all manners of single- Net cartridges are used in net guns. They are highly
hand primitive firearms. This includes flintlock and compressed cartridges that explode when fired,
slow-match pistols. They are powerful, but slower to sending a net out. Like arrows and bolts, the cartridge
use than modern firearms. can be retrieved.

Chapter 5

Resetting a net into a net cartridge takes an Action. With a successful Skill Roll, penalties from any injuries
or similar Conditions are negated for 1 hour.
Description: This item is consumed on use.
A net gun is a firearm designed to discharge a net
cartridge. When fired, the net pops open and spirals to PAPER
catch the target. This weapon uses net cartridges as Description:
ammo. This category includes paper, papyrus, and parchment
– any surface for writing appropriate for the time
Effect: period and culture. Paper has a variety of uses and is
This two-handed weapon as an effective range of 15 easy to carry.
meters with an ammo count of 1.
When this weapon strikes a target normally, the target Description:
is entangled and cannot move or take any Actions A parachute is a device used to make safe landings
except attempting to free themselves. Breaking free from massive heights. They are worn as backpacks,
requires an Action, and a Skill Roll. and can let a human survive falls that would normally
be lethal, as well as glide long distances.
This weapon requires net cartridges as ammunition.
Loading a ready cartridge requires an Action. Effect:
It takes an Action to deploy a worn parachute.
Description: PELLET
Night vision goggles allow the user to enhance Description:
existing light and create a picture visible to human Pellets or metal BBs are used in air guns as
eyes. They are commonly used by military units. ammunition. The plastic ones are generally used for
recreation but the metal ones are suitable for varmint
Effect: shooting. They are light, easy to carry, and while
This equipment is cumbersome and inflicts a +1 generally considered non-lethal, they can be quite
Difficulty to relevant Skill Rolls. dangerous.

This equipment allows normal sight in regards to PEPPER SPRAY

details in most kinds of darkness, though colors are Description:
indiscernible. Pepper spray is a non-lethal self-defense item that
blinds and distract a target. It is a common self-
OIL defense item that is rather effective.
Different types of oil have different uses, but it's Effect:
primary use is as a fuel. Machine oil, lamp oil, and This one-handed weapon has a reach of 10 meters.
other types of oil are normally commonly available
items. When affected by this weapon, a target is disoriented
and has their base Difficulty increased to 10 until an
PAINKILLERS Action is spent to recover with a successful Skill Roll.
Painkillers don’t really heal anything. However, they do PET, COMMON
dull pain sensations, which completely negate the Description:
distracting pain of less serious wounds. More deadly Animals can be purchased as friends, companions,
wounds will still cause the character problems, even if workers, or all of the above. Common animals can
they don't feel the pain. vary on the Setting, but normally includes smaller
creatures such as dogs, cats, rats, guinea pigs, or
Effect: similar animals.
This item can be used with an Action.

Chapter 5

PET, EXOTIC Roll or take 1 Damage for 1d4 Turns. They continue to
Description: take Damage each Turn, but can make another Skill
Animals can be purchased as friends, companions, Roll at the end of each Turn.
workers, or all of the above. Exotic animals include
animals that are rare, expensive, and/or dangerous. Applying poison to a weapon takes an Action, lasts a
Examples in most Settings include such wolves, big Scene, and inflicts a +1 Difficulty to Skill Rolls with the
cats, Komodo dragons, and birds of prey. poisoned weapon.


Description: Description:
Pitons or similar climbing spikes are used to secure Polearms combine exceptional reach with stopping
ropes and aid in climbing. Generally a large number power. There were many different styles and heads,
are brought to secure multiple areas to ensure a safe including curved and straight blades and axe-heads.
ascent and minimal fall distance during an accident. Heavier polearms include the guan dao, naginata,
glaive, war scythe, halberd, and many more.
Description: Effect:
A regular plane uses propellers, fuel, and This weapon is difficult to use and imposes a +2
aerodynamics to move. Larger planes can include Difficulty to Skill Rolls.
heavier biplanes and transport vehicles.
This two-handed weapon deals 1d10 Damage and is
PLANE, SMALL used in melee.
Smaller planes are often used for recreation or short POLEARM, LIGHT
distance travel. These kinds of planes, specifically Description:
biplanes, were used heavily in World War I as war Polearms combine exceptional reach with stopping
machines with machine guns attached. power. There were many different styles and heads,
including curved and straight blades and axe-heads.
POISON, KNOCKOUT Polearms include a massive variety of weapons
Description: including the pike, the voulge, bill, and many more.
Non-lethal poison can temporarily disable a target. It is
very useful to take down targets while keeping them Effect:
alive, and is generally more legal than lethal poison. This weapon is difficult to use and imposes a +1
Difficulty to Skill Rolls.
When affected by knockout poison, the target must This two-handed weapon deals 1d8 Damage and is
make a Skill Roll or fall unconscious. They can make a used in melee.
new Skill Roll at the end of each Turn to wake up.
Applying poison to a weapon takes an Action, lasts a Description:
Scene, and inflicts a +1 Difficulty to Skill Rolls with the Pouches and belt compartments are used to hold
poisoned weapon. small objects within easy reach of the user. Items that
hold money can fall into this category as well.
POISON, LETHAL Examples include belt pouches, utility belts, pocketed
Description: vests, and police service belts.
Lethal poison is an effective and insidious way to
defeat a target. While there are a variety of poisons, POWER ARMOR SUIT
and some are more dangerous, those are more Description:
expensive and may not be able to be purchased Power armor uses built-in motors to assist the user in
legally. feats of strength. Power armor is extremely clunky, but
offers excellent protection. Power armor can cease to
Effect: function when its power source is used up.
When affected by poison, the target must make a Skill

Chapter 5

Effect: Effect:
This armor is cumbersome and inflicts a +5 Difficulty This equipment is cumbersome and inflicts a +1
to relevant Skill Rolls. Difficulty to relevant Skill Rolls.

When worn, this armor reduces incoming Damage by The target is immune to pressure and vacuum
3. damage, allowing them to operate normally in areas
that would normally have deadly pressure such as
Wearing this armor grants an additional 1d10 to underwater or in space.
physical Skill Rolls in regards to feats of strength, as
well as +1 Damage to all melee attacks. While worn, the user can see in the dark.

This armor offers full life support, allowing the user to This armor offers full life support for 8 hours. While
go without air for roughly eight hours and exist in a active, the user doesn't need air and is immune to
toxic environment and see in low-light conditions. airborne toxins. It recharges in a breathable
Heavy powered blades can include large chainsaw Description:
type swords or sizable vibro weapons, usually seen in Pressurized armor is sealed and constructed to stand
a sword of axe bladed form. There are few weapons up to incredible pressure with no harm to the wearer.
as deadly, but they are also difficult to swing and use. Armor such as underwater combat suits or armored
These larger versions are very heavy and require two- starship or aircraft flight suits would fall into this
hands to use, but can deal substantial damage. category.

Effect: Effect:
This weapon is difficult to use and imposes a +3 This armor is cumbersome and inflicts a +3 Difficulty
Difficulty to Skill Rolls. to relevant Skill Rolls.

This two-handed weapon deals 1d12 Damage and is When worn, this armor reduces incoming Damage by
used in melee. 1.

POWERED BLADE, LIGHT The target is immune to pressure and vacuum

Description: damage, allowing them to operate normally in areas
Lighter powered blades includes one-handed chain or that would normally have deadly pressure such as
vibro type powered weapons. They are commonly underwater or in space.
seen in sword and axe forms. They are extremely
dangerous, but light enough to use in one-hand. While worn, the user can see in the dark.

Effect: This armor offers full life support for 8 hours. While
This weapon is difficult to use and imposes a +2 active, the user doesn't need air and is immune to
Difficulty to Skill Rolls. airborne toxins. It recharges in a breathable
This weapon deals 1d10 Damage and is used in
PRESSURE SUIT Energy-based machine guns, pulse energy miniguns,
Description: and pulse cannons can include any rapid-fire heavy
Pressure suits are designed to protect the human energy weapon. They can tear through most targets
body from environmental extremes it was not easily with powerful energy blasts. Difficult and heavy
designed to be subjected to. Different kinds of suits to use by hand, these models are usually vehicle
are designed to protect from situations like being far mounted. Only experts can hope to use these by
underwater or the vacuum of space. hand.

Chapter 5

Effect: This weapon requires a specific energy cell as

This weapon is difficult to use and imposes a +4 ammunition. Replacing an energy cell requires an
Difficulty to Skill Rolls. Action.

This two-handed weapon deals 1d12 Damage and PULSE RIFLE

has an effective range of 50 meters with an ammo Description:
count of 100. Pulse energy rifles are two-handed energy-based
weapons that are capable of automatic fire. They are
This weapon uses 5 charges of ammunition in a the assault rifles of the future.
normal attack (or the rest of the ammo if less than 5).
This weapon is capable of burst fire when attacking. This weapon is difficult to use and imposes a +3
For expending 10 charges of ammunition instead of 5, Difficulty to Skill Rolls.
the user reduces Difficulty by 1.
This two-handed weapon deals 1d8 Damage and has
This weapon is capable of automatic fire when an effective range of 70 meters with an ammo count of
attacking. For 20 charges of ammunition instead of 5, 50.
the user strikes every creature within 3 meters of the
target with the Skill Roll. This weapon is capable of burst fire when attacking.
For expending 3 charges of ammunition instead of 1,
This weapon requires a specific energy cell as the user reduces Difficulty by 1.
ammunition. Replacing an energy cell requires an
Action. This weapon is capable of automatic fire when
attacking. For 10 charges of ammunition instead of 1,
PULSE MINIGUN, LIGHT the user strikes ever creature within 3 meters of the
Description: target with the Skill Roll.
Energy-based machine guns, pulse energy miniguns,
and pulse energy cannons can include any rapid-fire This weapon requires a specific energy cell as
heavy energy weapon. They can tear through most ammunition. Replacing an energy cell requires an
targets easily with powerful energy blasts. The lighter Action.
models are often employed in military squads for
suppressive fire. PUMP-ACTION SHOTGUN, HEAVY
Effect: Shotguns are powerful, close-range firearms that
This weapon is difficult to use and imposes a +3 normally use shot shells to fire tiny metal pellets rather
Difficulty to Skill Rolls. than solid slugs. This weapon houses an internal
magazine and shells are loaded into it directly. Heavier
This two-handed weapon deals 1d10 Damage and pump-action shotguns can do some severe damage.
has an effective range of 50 meters with an ammo
count of 100. Effect:
This weapon is difficult to use and imposes a +1
This weapon uses 5 charges of ammunition in a Difficulty to Skill Rolls.
normal attack (or the rest of the ammo if less than 5).
This two-handed weapon deals 1d12 Damage and
This weapon is capable of burst fire when attacking. has an effective range of 8 meters with an ammo
For expending 10 charges of ammunition instead of 5, count of 6.
the user reduces Difficulty by 1.
This weapon is less effective against armored targets,
This weapon is capable of automatic fire when and the target doubles their Damage reduction.
attacking. For 20 charges of ammunition instead of 5,
the user strikes every creature within 3 meters of the This weapon requires specific shotgun shells. Loading
target with the Skill Roll. shotgun shells into the weapon costs an Action.

Chapter 5

PUMP-ACTION SHOTGUN, LIGHT easiest type of watercraft to make in an emergency.

Shotguns are powerful, close-range firearms that REBREATHER
normally use shot shells to fire tiny metal pellets rather Description:
than solid slugs. This weapon houses an internal Rebreathers, scuba gear, and similar objects are used
magazine and shells are loaded into it directly. Lighter to breathe where there is no air for humans. While
pump-action shotguns are easier to wield than some generally not suited to resist toxic environments, those
of the more cumbersome models. made to do so have the same benefits and
disadvantages as gas masks.
This two-handed weapon deals 1d10 Damage and Effect:
has an effective range of 10 meters with an ammo This equipment is cumbersome and inflicts a +1
count of 8. Difficulty to relevant Skill Rolls.

This weapon is less effective against armored targets, This equipment allows the user to go without air for
and the target doubles their Damage reduction. eight hours.

This weapon requires specific shotgun shells. Loading REGENERATIVE SERUM

shotgun shells into the weapon costs an Action. Description:
Regenerative serum could be found in futuristic
QUARTERSTAFF Settings. This particular kind of medicine restores
Description: health over time, knitting flesh and closing wounds
The quarterstaff, bo stick, and other long staff either through chemicals or possibly nanobots.
weapons are extremely effective weapons despite
their simplicity. Classically used as weapons for Effect:
training squires and by monks, the quarterstaff is a Using this item requires an Action.
quick-striking weapon accessible enough for a novice
yet an incredible force in the hands of a master. This item restores 1 Health at the end of each Turn for
3d4 Turns with a successful Skill Roll.
This two-handed weapon deals 1d6 Damage and is This item is consumed on use.
used in melee.
QUIVER Description:
Description: Reinforced clothing is nothing more than very cheap,
Quivers are designed to hold arrows or bolts for bows basic armor. This can include things like football pads,
and crossbows. Bolt quivers are generally shorter than motorcycled helmets, bulky life vests, biker clothes, a
standard-sized quivers. They are usually worn over reinforced duster, or just extremely thick or heavy
the shoulder or on the belt. leather clothing of any kind.

RADIO Effect:
Description: This armor is cumbersome and inflicts a +1 Difficulty
Radio devices are used to transmit and receive to relevant Skill Rolls.
signals. One-way radios are used to listen to music,
news, and other feeds from radio channels. Two-way When worn, this armor reduces incoming Damage by
radios are used to communicate directly with other 1.
individuals on different frequencies.
RAFT Description:
Description: Religious icons, symbols, and pendants for jewelry
Rafts, canoes, and similar small vessels are intended profess an owner's faith – legitimately or as a ruse.
for short-distance traveling, and are suited normally for Certain fantasy or supernatural Settings may grant
rivers and lakes. They are generally affordable and the power to holy symbols.

Chapter 5

magazine. Most revolvers carry six rounds.

RESTRAINTS Moderately sized revolvers are often loaded with .45
Description: ACP and .357 Magnum, striking a balance between
Handcuffs and shackles are used to immobilize handling and power. Examples include the Webley
prisoners more efficiently than simply using rope or Revolver, Colt Python, and M1917 Revolver.
duct tape. Shackles and leg irons are mostly used to
limit movement; handcuffs are used to restrain the Effect:
hands. Modern handcuffs come in classic steel, as This weapon is difficult to use and imposes a +1
well as plastic restraint form. Difficulty to Skill Rolls.

REVOLVER, HEAVY This one-handed weapon deals 1d10 Damage and

Description: has an effective range of 25 meters with an ammo
Revolvers are one-handed pistols that have rounds count of 6.
loaded in a pop-out cylinder that serves as the
magazine. Most revolvers carry six rounds. This This weapon requires specific caliber bullets. Loading
category of revolvers has heavy stopping power and six bullets into the chamber costs an Action.
are normally chambered in .454 Casull and .44
Magnum. Heavy revolvers include the Colt Anaconda, ROCKET
Taurus Raging Bull, and Ruger Super Redhawk. Description:
Rocket type ammunition is used in rocket launchers
Effect: and rocket-propelled grenades. It features an
This weapon is difficult to use and imposes a +2 explosive payload designed to take out structures and
Difficulty to Skill Rolls. vehicles.

This one-handed weapon deals 1d12 Damage and ROCKET LAUNCHER

has an effective range of 25 meters with an ammo Description:
count of 6. A rocket launcher is a launcher weapon that can fire
rockets or missiles. These hand held versions are not
This weapon requires specific caliber bullets. Loading quite as strong as their big-sister counterparts, but can
six bullets into the chamber costs an Action. still cause massive devastation. Rocket launchers
include the M1 Bazooka, the Panzerschreck, and the
REVOLVER, LIGHT RPG-7. These stats are also useful for rocket-based
Description: ship or vehicle weapons.
Revolvers are one-handed pistols that have rounds
loaded in a pop-out cylinder that serves as the Effect:
magazine. Most revolvers carry six rounds. Lighter This weapon is difficult to use and imposes a +3
revolvers use lower powered cartridges such as .38 Difficulty to Skill Rolls.
Long Colt and .32-20, are often lighter and have less
recoil. Examples include the S&W .38 Special, This two-handed weapon deals 1d12 Damage and
Manurhin MR 73, and Colt Official Police. has an effective range of 75 meters with an ammo
count of 1.
This one-handed weapon deals 1d8 Damage and has In addition to the target, this weapon deals Damage to
an effective range of 25 meters with an ammo count of anything it would hit within 5 meters of the target as
6. well.

This weapon requires specific caliber bullets. Loading This weapon requires specific rockets designed for a
six bullets into the chamber costs an Action. rocket launcher. It requires an Action to load a new
Description: ROCKET, GUIDED
Revolvers are one-handed pistols that have rounds Description:
loaded in a pop-out cylinder that serves as the Heat seeking rockets, also called missiles, have smart

Chapter 5

guidance systems. This allows them to lock onto Semi-automatic pistols are handheld firearms that
targets easily. automatically chamber the next round after pulling the
trigger. Heavy, high caliber pistols are less common
Effect: and often loaded with powerful cartridges such as .45
Guided rockets lower Difficulty by 1. However, the ACP and .50 AE. Examples include the venerable Colt
guidance system lowers the payload resulting in a -1 M1911 and the Desert Eagle .50.
to Damage to a minimum of 1.
ROPE This weapon is difficult to use and imposes a +2
Description: Difficulty to Skill Rolls.
Rope is a common device for climbing, tying up
objects, or binding people. Most rope is fairly heavy This one-handed weapon deals 1d12 Damage and
duty, thought he stronger the rope the more heavy it has an effective range of 15 meters with an ammo
tends to be. count of 7.

SAILBOAT This weapon requires specific bullet-loaded

Description: magazines. Reloading the weapon with a magazine is
Sailboats include primarily wind-powered boats an Action.
designed for personal operation for uses such as
fishing or recreation. Primary powered by sails, some SEMI-AUTOMATIC PISTOL, LIGHT
modern ones have optional engines. Description:
Semi-automatic pistols are handheld firearms that
SAWED-OFF SHOTGUN automatically chamber the next round after pulling the
Description: trigger. Lighter, easier to handle pistols are common
Shotguns are powerful, close-range firearms that for police, military, and civilian weapons chambered in
normally use shot shells to fire tiny metal pellets rather calibers such as 9mm and .40 S&W. Examples include
than solid slugs. Short-barreled shotguns are easier to the Beretta 92 and the Glock 22.
conceal than larger shotguns, but the shorter barrel
weakens damage. Despite the name, not all shotguns Effect:
of this size are actually cut-down. This one-handed weapon deals 1d8 Damage and has
an effective range of 15 meters with an ammo count of
Effect: 15.
This one-handed weapon deals 1d12 Damage and
has an effective range of 8 meters with an ammo This weapon requires specific bullet-loaded
count of 2. magazines. Reloading the weapon with a magazine is
an Action.
This weapon is less effective against armored targets,
and the target doubles their Damage reduction. SEMI-AUTOMATIC PISTOL, MEDIUM
This weapon requires specific shotgun shells. Semi-automatic pistols are handheld firearms that
Breaking open and reloading the weapon with shells automatically chamber the next round after pulling the
requires an Action. trigger. Moderately sized pistols are common
magazine sizes for military, police, and civilian use.
SEEDS They are often chambered in calibers such as .40
Description: S&W and .45 ACP. Examples include the USP
Seeds are used to grow plants. Most common seeds Tactical and Beretta 90-Two.
are quite affordable, but certain rare seeds may have
an inflated price. Growing and tending seeds may take Effect:
multiple Skill Rolls over time, depending on the plants This weapon is difficult to use and imposes a +1
in question. Difficulty to Skill Rolls.

SEMI-AUTOMATIC PISTOL, HEAVY This one-handed weapon deals 1d10 Damage and
Description: has an effective range of 15 meters with an ammo

Chapter 5

count of 12.
This weapon requires specific bullet-loaded This two-handed weapon deals 1d10 Damage and
magazines. Reloading the weapon with a magazine is has an effective range of 8 meters with an ammo
an Action. count of 10.

SEMI-AUTOMATIC RIFLE, HEAVY This weapon is less effective against armored targets,
Description: and the target doubles their Damage reduction.
Rifles are long arms commonly used for hunting and
used by the military when guns were first invented. This weapon requires specific shotgun shell-loaded
Heavy semi-automatic rifles are some of the more magazines. Reloading the weapon with a magazine is
powerful rifle weapons. While high caliber, they aren't an Action.
the most easy to use rifles.
Effect: Description:
This weapon is difficult to use and imposes a +2 Heavy shields include larger and stronger shields,
Difficulty to Skill Rolls. especially those made of metal such as kite shields
and tower shields. This category also includes heavier
This two-handed weapon deals 1d10 Damage and modern metal riot shields. They are the strongest
has an effective range of 70 meters with an ammo general purpose shields that provide the most
count of 8. coverage, in return for being the most cumbersome.

This weapon requires specific bullet-loaded Effect:

magazines. Reloading the weapon with a magazine is This shield is cumbersome and inflicts a +3 Difficulty
an Action. to relevant Skill Rolls when held and ready.

SEMI-AUTOMATIC RIFLE, LIGHT When held in a hand, this shield adds a +3 Difficulty to
Description: incoming attacks.
Rifles are long arms commonly used for hunting and
used by the military when guns were first invented. SHIELD, LIGHT
Light semi-automatic or repeating rifles are common Description:
modern weapons. Most hunting rifles and military rifles Light shields include most shields made of wood or
fall into this category, matching power with range and hide, as well as smaller metal shields like targes and
ease of use. heater shields. This category also includes modern
synthetic riot shields. They offer good protection for
Effect: only moderate hindrance.
This weapon is difficult to use and imposes a +1
Difficulty to Skill Rolls. Effect:
This shield is cumbersome and inflicts a +2 Difficulty
This two-handed weapon deals 1d8 Damage and has to relevant Skill Rolls when held and ready.
an effective range of 75 meters with an ammo count of
30. When held in a hand, this shield adds a +2 Difficulty to
incoming attacks.
This weapon requires specific bullet-loaded
magazines. Reloading the weapon with a magazine is SHIP, LARGE
an Action. Description:
Large ships include the classic galleon and the old
SEMI-AUTOMATIC SHOTGUN merchant ships of the old days. They aren’t as popular
Description: in the modern era, but remain reliable sea vessels.
Shotguns are powerful, close-range firearms that
normally use shot shells to fire tiny metal pellets rather SHIP, SMALL
than solid slugs. Tactical police and military shotguns Description:
often use semi-automatic shotguns. Smaller ships include moderate-length travel, fishing,

Chapter 5

or recreation. This includes schooners and frigates.

Many larger fishing ships will also fall into this If struck, the target cannot do anything until an Action
category. is spent to recover.


Description: Description:
Futuristic stun batons or shock batons can be used to Shotgun shells using slugs use single metal rounds
deal minimal damage, but also electrocute the target. much like normal bullets. However, shotguns are not
While they are powered, they can be used a large designed to fire single slugs, and they keep the
amount of time before needing new batteries or shotgun’s inferior range. They do pierce armor very
recharging. well, though.

Effect: Effect:
This weapon is difficult to use and imposes a +1 This ammo removes the armor increase effect.
Difficulty to Skill Rolls.
This ammo suffers a -1 to Damage to a minimum of 1.
This one-handed weapon deals 1d6 Damage and is
used in melee. SILENCER
When this weapon strikes a target they cannot do Silencers and sound suppressors are tools to reduce
anything until an Action is spent to recover. the volume of gunshots. Favored by spies and
assassins, firing a gun without a silencer is likely to be
SHOCK STAFF heard some distance away.
Stun or shock polearms are futuristic shock weapons Effect:
that can be used to deal bludgeoning damage as well When fitted onto a firearm, this weapon increases the
as stun targets. While capable of less lethal Difficulty to detect it by sound to base 10.
takedowns, they are also quite capable of lethal force.
This weapon attachment reduces weapon Damage by
Effect: 1.
This weapon is difficult to use and imposes a +2
Difficulty to Skill Rolls. SKATEBOARD
This weapon deals 1d8 Damage and is used in melee. Skateboards are simple personal modes of transport
and recreation primarily for urban environments. They
When this weapon strikes a target they cannot do are also popular in sports. One common feature of
anything until an Action is spent to recover. these devices is being able to do a variety of tricks
with the right training.
Description: SKATES
Shotgun shells are used in shotguns of all sorts. Description:
Unlike conventional bullets, they fire a spread of small Skates can include roller skates and inline skates. In
projectiles rather than a single slug. This type of more futuristic settings, jet skates might be available
ammo excels against unarmored targets. as well. Normal wheeled skates offer great mobility
and little bulk. They can be nearly useless on rough
SHOTGUN SHELL, RUBBER terrain, however.
Rubber shells are specifically designed for non-lethal SKETCHBOOK
takedowns. Instead of metal shot, rubber balls are Description:
fired. While still dangerous, they are far less deadly. Sketchbooks and pads are used for mobile drawing,
sketching, and other forms of artistry. They are used
Effect: by artists, explorers, and adventurers.
This ammo reduces the weapon to 1 Damage.

Chapter 5

SKIS to wake up unconscious patients. The effects are

Description: nearly instantaneous.
Skis are useful snow transportation devices that
include two narrow boards, one worn on each foot. Effect:
They excel at going downhill. Ski poles are included to This item can be used with an Action.
assist with mobility.
This item revives an unconscious or sleeping
SLING character on a successful Skill Roll.
Slings are one of the simplest projectile weapons. It This item is consumed on use.
contains a leather strap and a metal cup in which a
sling stone is placed. The weapon is then whirled SMOKE GRENADE
around and the metal bullet or stone is released in an Description:
arc towards the target. Smoke grenades are one-use thrown explosives that
disperse concealing smoke.
This one-handed weapon deals 1d6 Damage and has Effect:
an effective range of 8 meters. This one-handed weapon has an effective range of 15
meters when thrown.
This weapon requires sling bullets. It requires no
Action to load a sling as putting the ammunition in is These ammo disperses concealing smoke 5 meters
part of the attack. around from the target point and creatures
concealed/blocked by the smoke are considered
Stones can be used in place of real ammunition. If this hidden. The smoke remains for 10 Rounds.
is done, the weapon has -1 Damage.
This weapon is expended upon use.
Sling bullets include ammunition used in slings, Description:
slingshots, and other similar projectile weapons. They Bolt-action sniper rifles are used to kill targets at a
are usually circular or oval metal. long range and are prefect for assassinations and
military snipers. They are two-handed, slow-firing, long
SLINGSHOT range rifles. These particular type of bolt-action rifles
Description: have an internal magazine and are high caliber
Slingshots are normally thought of as toys and used weapons.
by mischievous children. However, the slingshot is a
weapon, and while more effective against small game, Effect:
combat-ready ones are capable of wounding a human. This weapon is difficult to use and imposes a +3
Difficulty to Skill Rolls.
This two-handed weapon deals 1d6 Damage and has This two-handed weapon deals 1d12 Damage and
an effective range of 8 meters. has an effective range of 300 meters with an ammo
count of 5.
This weapon requires sling bullets. It requires no
Action to load a sling as putting the ammunition in is This weapon requires specific bullets loaded by hand.
part of the attack. Reloading bullets into the gun requires an Action.

Stones can be used in place of real ammunition. If this SNIPER RIFLE, SEMI-AUTOMATIC
is done, the weapon has -1 Damage. Description:
Sniper rifles are used to kill targets at a long range
SMELLING SALTS and are prefect for assassinations. They are two-
Description: handed, slow-firing, long range rifles. Semi-automatic
Smelling salts are a simple but potent chemical used rifles of this tend to be lower powered but have a

Chapter 5

higher capacity.
Effect: Description:
This weapon is difficult to use and imposes a +3 Starship cruisers are massive vehicles, the war ships
Difficulty to Skill Rolls. of the future. They are usually armed with a multitude
of weapons and require a large crew, depending on
This two-handed weapon deals 1d10 Damage and the size, to fully man.
has an effective range of 300 meters with an ammo
count of 10. STARSHIP, FIGHTER
This weapon requires specific bullet-loaded A fighter starship is a sleek, quick, one or two person
magazines. Reloading the weapon with a magazine is combat space vehicle. Like military jets, they are used
an Action. for quick accurate strikes, but have to be very careful
around the heavy firepower of cruisers or battleships.
Snowboards are simple personal modes of transport Description:
in snow and recreation exclusively for snowy Starship freighters include most medium-sized
environments. Snowboarding is a popular sport as spaceships used for personal long-distance flight or
well. Like skateboards, these devices are great for trading. They are very common vessels.
SOAP Description:
Description: Stimulants provide a large boost of energy. Legal
Soaps, shampoos, and conditioners are useful for stimulants generally have less side effects, but illegal
cleaning and keeping an appropriate appearance. The stimulants can be dangerously addictive. In either
Setting determines the range and availability of soap. case, they can increase alertness.

SPEAR Effect:
Description: This item can be used with an Action.
Spears are light and easy to wield with a sharp or
pointed edge, largely considered to be one of the This item restores 1d4 Ability with a successful Skill
oldest weapons. Weapons such as these are Roll.
designed to be thrown as well as used in hand-to-
hand combat. This can include all manners of spears, This item is consumed on use.
including tridents.
Effect: Description:
This weapon is difficult to use and imposes a +1 Despite the misleading name, the electroshock
Difficulty to Skill Rolls. weapon known as the stun gun is actually a close-
combat weapon. The stun gun is dug into the target
This one-handed weapon deals 1d6 Damage and is when the trigger is depressed and the victim is
used in melee. temporarily disabled.

This weapon can be thrown without an improvised Effect:

weapons penalty. It has a range of 15 meters. This one-handed weapon deals 1d4 Damage and is
used in melee.
Description: When this weapon strikes a target they cannot do
A speedboat is a small, quick powered watercraft. This anything until an Action is spent to recover.
category of watercraft includes any powered boat for
personal use. They are popular with civilians as well SUBMACHINE GUN, HEAVY
as modern pirates and law enforcement. Description:

Chapter 5

Submachine guns are short range easily portable

slug-throwing automatic firearms. Twenty round This weapon requires specific bullet-loaded
submachine guns tend to make up for their lower magazines. Reloading the weapon with a magazine is
capacity with higher caliber ammunition. These an Action.
weapons use bullet-loaded magazines.
Effect: Description:
This weapon is difficult to use and imposes a +2 A surgeon's kit or bag is filled with delicate instruments
Difficulty to Skill Rolls. designed for invasive medical procedures. Unlike
normal medical bags or first-aid kits, these instruments
This two-handed weapon deals 1d10 Damage and are designed solely for surgery. They include tools
has an effective range of 25 meters with an ammo such as scalpels, bone saws, medical hammers,
count of 20. surgical pliers, and similar items.

This weapon is capable of burst fire when attacking. SWORD, HEAVY

For expending 3 charges of ammunition instead of 1, Description:
the user reduces Difficulty by 1. This category is for very large swords designed to be
used with two-hands include weapons like the
This weapon is capable of automatic fire when claymore and nodachi. These massive blades are
attacking. For 10 charges of ammunition instead of 1, capable of sweeping strikes. They were popular
the user strikes ever creature within 3 meters of the infantry weapons for dealing with cavalry due to their
target with the Skill Roll. high damage potential.

This weapon requires specific bullet-loaded Effect:

magazines. Reloading the weapon with a magazine is This weapon is difficult to use and imposes a +3
an Action. Difficulty to Skill Rolls.

SUBMACHINE GUN, LIGHT This two-handed weapon deals 1d12 Damage and is
Description: used in melee.
Submachine guns are short range easily portable
slug-throwing automatic firearms. Compact SWORD, LIGHT
submachine guns further blur the already unclear line Description:
between machine pistols and submachine guns, this Shorter and lighter blades are often used by travelers
category of weapons generally require (or are best and guards in older time periods. Rapiers,
served by) two-handed use. These weapons use shortswords, wakizashis, and short-bladed or fine-
bullet-loaded magazines. bladed slashing and stabbing weapons of all types are
included in this category.
This weapon is difficult to use and imposes a +1 Effect:
Difficulty to Skill Rolls. This weapon is difficult to use and imposes a +1
Difficulty to Skill Rolls.
This two-handed weapon deals 1d8 Damage and has
an effective range of 30 meters with an ammo count of This one-handed weapon deals 1d8 Damage and is
30. used in melee.

This weapon is capable of burst fire when attacking. SWORD, MEDIUM

For expending 3 charges of ammunition instead of 1, Description:
the user reduces Difficulty by 1. Swords were once a weapon of the professional
soldier. This category includes most one-handed
This weapon is capable of automatic fire when military swords such as spathas, broadswords,
attacking. For 10 charges of ammunition instead of 1, scimitars, yanmaodaos, katanas, and other classic
the user strikes ever creature within 3 meters of the edged military weapons.
target with the Skill Roll.

Chapter 5

Effect: and has their base Difficulty increased to 10 until an

This weapon is difficult to use and imposes a +2 Action is spent to recover with a successful Skill Roll.
Difficulty to Skill Rolls.
Targets that enter or end their Turn in the gas must
This one-handed weapon deals 1d10 Damage and is make a Skill Roll or suffer the weapon's effects.
used in melee.
This weapon is expended upon use.
Description: TENT
Tactical armor encompasses any post-modern or Description:
futuristic full-protective armor that also has Portable tents are popular in camping, and can
supplementary auxiliary functions. Perfect for futuristic provide a safe and comfortable sleep, especially
soldiers, cyberpunk corporate security, or alien bounty combined with blankets and/or sleeping bags. Most
hunters, this type of armor supports a basic filter, flash portable tents can shield 2 people comfortable, 3
protection, communications equipment. In return, it is cramped.
extraordinarily bulky and cumbersome.
Effect: Description:
This armor is cumbersome and inflicts a +4 Difficulty Heavy throwing weapons are aerodynamic weapons
to relevant Skill Rolls. such as javelins, throwing hammers, throwing axes,
and chakram. They are a bit deadlier than their lighter
When worn, this armor reduces incoming Damage by variants, but have a shorter range.
This armor has full support functions: this allows the This weapon is difficult to use and imposes a +1
user to see in the dark and ignore environmental Difficulty to Skill Rolls.
effects from toxins, heat, and cold. It also has a built in
communication system. This one-handed weapon deals 1d6 Damage and has
an effective range of 15 meters when thrown.
A tank is a treaded military vehicle. It supports a main Description:
tank gun that fires artillery shells, doing at least as Lighter throwing weapons are aerodynamic weapons
much damage as an assault cannon. Tanks became a such as throwing knives, throwing spikes, darts, and
main force in modern wars since World War II. shuriken. They can easily be carried concealed due to
their small size.
Description: Effect:
Tear gas grenades refer to any tear gas grenade or This one-handed weapon deals 1d4 Damage and has
similar less-than-lethal grenade that disperses an effective range of 15 meters when thrown.
disabling gas that functions as a lachrymator agent.
These are commonly used by riot police and S.W.A.T. TIMEPIECE
teams. Description:
Timepieces such as small clocks, pocket watches,
Effect: hourglasses, and other devices are used to help
This one-handed weapon has an effective range of 15 humans judge the time of day. Most portable
meters when thrown. timepieces in modern days are built into other objects
like computers and cell phones.
These weapon disperses irritating gas 5 meters
around from the target point and affects all targets that TINDERBOX
fail a Skill Roll. The gas remains for 5 Rounds. Description:
A tinderbox consists of materials required to start a
When affected by this weapon, a target is disoriented fire. They were commonly used before matches and

Chapter 5

lighters were invented, utilizing the method of flint thrown explosives that disperse deadly gas. An
striking steel to start a blaze. example of this type of gas is mustard gas.

Description: This one-handed weapon has an effective range of 15
Tobacco and other smoking materials are toxic agents meters when thrown.
used for recreation throughout history. This includes
cigars, pipes, cigarettes, chewing tobacco, and similar These weapon disperses toxic gas 5 meters around
items. from the target point and deals 1d6 Damage to all
targets that fail a Skill Roll. The gas remains for 3
TOOL KIT Rounds.
Portable tool kits are belts or small boxes filled with Targets that enter or end their turn in the gas must
essential tools for basic repairs. A hammer, make a Skill Roll or suffer the weapon's Damage.
screwdriver, and/or a few other similar tools of the
owner's choice can be easily carried. This weapon is expended upon use.

Effect: TOY
This equipment consists of normal quality tools used Description:
for general repairs of any type. While they can fix most Toys are used for distraction, gifts, and to entertain
things, they are not properly used to create like adults and children alike. Toys can vary based on
crafting tools which are more specialized. culture and setting, but examples are dolls, stuffed
animals, toy guns, model kits, and puzzles.
Description: TRUCK, LARGE
Tools are items used to help accomplish tasks such as Description:
repairs, building, and cleaning. Manual tools are the Delivery trucks are often used for hauling goods and
simplest kind, but they are also the most reliable and equipment. They tend to include a cab for seating
require no power source. Hammers, fishing people and a large storage area in the back. Larger
equipment, lockpicks, handsaws, wrenches, and trucks such as tractor-trailer trucks can move massive
crowbars are all tools. quantities of goods.


Description: Description:
Powered tools are more efficient, but less reliable, Pickups, Humvees, jeeps, and other smaller trucks are
than manual tools. They require a power source, and durable, rugged, and very safe. Most have very good
when that is depleted they cease to function. cargo space. Military models are often equipped with a
Examples include chainsaws, hedge trimmers, power machine gun.
drills, and nail guns.
TORCH Description:
Description: Utility belts are belts designed to carry equipment and
Torches are used as an old form of illumination. They tools related to jobs and tasks – they are adorned with
are lit on fire and stay lit for long periods of time. They loops, hooks, pouches, holsters, and compartments.
often lined the halls of older buildings to keep They are employed by police, military, workers,
everything bright and cheery. alchemists, and gadget-based superheros. They are
also a fashionable alternative to backpacks.
This item lasts for 1 hour before being consumed. VAN
TOXIC GAS GRENADE Large vans are often used for small-scale shipping or
Description: as utility vehicles. They offer a lot of space, but often
Toxic chemical and poison grenades are one-use have poor handling.

Chapter 5

Wagons and carts are used to transport goods. They
were one of the most common forms of transport
throughout history. They require animals, people, or
vehicles to pull them.

Water is necessary to survive for most creatures. The
amount purchased here is enough for one meal, and
multiple purchases can fit in a bottle, water flask, or

Weapon harnesses include holsters, scabbards,
sheaths, and slings to hold weapons easily and ready
them when necessary. It is not necessary to have one,
but it makes them easier to carry and access and
especially for larger weapons makes it easier to have
hands free.

A bullwhip is an unconventional weapon made of
flexible leather that has excellent reach. While it can
do a little damage, most importantly it has the ability to
snag objects and people.

This one-handed weapon deals 1d4 Damage and is
used in melee.

This weapon has superior reach, capable of hitting

targets up to 3 meters away.

Chapter 5

Appendix: Character Sheet








Appendix: Character Sheet


Appendix: Sample Characters


This is a template for larger canines such as wolves or Great cats include the species of tigers, wolves,
big dogs. Canines are skilled hunters, but generally panthers, and similar animals. They are fast,
only attack humanoids if extremely hungry. dangerous hunters and can tear a human apart.


5 2 1 12 6 3


Athletics Animal Senses Takedown Athletics Animal Senses Bleeder
Brawling Animal Speed Brawling Animal Speed Takedown
Natural Intimidation Natural
Weapons Survival Weapons
Quadruped Quadruped

These statistics can be used for all types of craftsmen This template is for a trained healer, medic, or doctor.
from blacksmiths to mechanics to mechanized battle The abilities are slated towards a realistic healer who
unit technicians. doesn’t use flashy spells to remove wounds.


8 4 5 8 4 8


Craftsmanship Craftsman Improvise Biology Medic First-Aid
Mechanics Salvage Herbalism Medical Expert Surgical Healing
Dragons are beasts of fiction in high-fantasy works. MAGE
They are long, scaly, lizard-like creatures with physical This is a good template for a combat-oriented magic
strength, spells, and deadly breath. user such as a mage, sorcerer, or conjurer. This is a
classic staple for high fantasy Settings.
30 15 12
8 4 10
Athletics Flight Dragon Breath
Brawling Natural Sweep Alchemy Arcane Lore Arcane Bolt
Intimidation Weapons Arcanum Arcane Blast
Investigation Enchantment Barrier
Survival Spellcraft Magic Grasp
Appendix: Sample Characters

This merchant is a perfect example of a talented The socialite template is good for noblemen,
salesman. This template is useful for all skilled corporate executives, dandies, and government
peddlers, traders, salesclerks, and shop keeps. officials. Their social abilities are far above average.


8 4 5 8 4 5


Culture Salesman Distraction Deception Charm Inspire
Diplomacy Diplomacy Vain Presence
Persuasion Insight Wealthy
MUTANT Persuasion
Mutants are superhuman creatures with strange
powers, speed, and strength. Mutations can result THUG
from experiments and environments. Thugs are found throughout history, and this basic
criminal or bandit can be used in virtually any Setting.
HEALTH THRESHOLD ABILITY They can also be used for lightly armed guards.
15 7 1
10 5 1
Athletics Martial Arts Leap
Investigation Uncanny Speed Brawling Street Fighter Sweep
Intimidation Takedown
This template is for a fantastical divine warrior or Melee
celestial knight. This includes holy knights, clerics, or Stealth
other similar character types.
HEALTH THRESHOLD ABILITY This is the basic information for a classic shuffling
zombie. They are slow but durable, and immune to
12 6 5 poisons and disease since they are already dead.


Diplomacy Mystic Bless 5 0 1
Melee Laying On
Spellcraft Hands
Brawling Corpse Sweep
Death Takedown
Unnatural Life

Ability (ABL)
Ability is a character’s energy and willpower, mental Encounter Order
and physical reserves. This is used to activate An Encounter Order roll is a special 1d10 roll that
Techniques. determines the order of Turns in a Round. For larger
Encounters involving many characters, the GM may
Action (ACT) determine this by group rather than individual
A character gets one Action, a major action, during a character.
Scene. Smaller or less involved actions can be
performed as well. Experience (EXP)
Experience is the sum of the character’s knowledge
Chapter and abilities. Starting characters augment their
A Chapter is much like a chapter in a book or an Characteristics with Experience and additional
episode of a TV series – a set of Scenes and Experience can often be earned during play to further
Encounters to delve into a specific section of a Story. enhance characters.

Characteristic Failure
Characteristics are the parts that make up a character Failure refers to a Skill Roll that does not meet or
including Health, Ability, Skills, Traits, and Techniques. exceed the Difficulty.

Condition Game Master (GM)

A Condition is an effect that lasts for a variable period A Game Master, or GM, is the referee and arbiter of
of time, augmenting a character's Characteristics in the game. They also control all of the NPCs and
some way. This can be incurred from Critical determine how major events unfold.
Successes, Critical Failures, Techniques, and other
situational events. Health (HLT)
The Health is the well-being and hardiness of a
Critical Failure character. If a character runs out of Health, they lose
Critical Failures are disastrous failures that inflict Health Threshold.
context-appropriate negative effects determined by the
GM. Incapacitated
Incapacitated characters have 0 Health but are still
Critical Success alive, meaning they still have Health Threshold
Critical Successes are outstanding successes that remaining. They are capable of doing nothing during
grant context-appropriate positive effects determined Scenes and are normally rendered unconscious.
by the GM.
Damage (DAM) An Interruption lets a character out of Turn during a
When a character is injured, they suffer Damage. Scene.
Damage reduces Health, or if the character has no
Health, it lowers their Health Threshold. Non Player Character (NPC)
NPCs are character not controlled by any of the
Difficulty (DIFF) players. The Game Master speaks for, controls, and
A Difficulty is a target number a Skill Roll must meet or operates all Non-Player Characters.
exceed. The default is 5, but it can be modified by a
variety of factors. Player
A Player is a person playing the game and controlling
Encounter a character of their own.
An Encounter is a turn-based mechanism to control
the flow of scenes where conflicting actions occur Player Character (PC)
such as combat, chase scenes, or other scenarios PCs are characters directly controlled by players.
where time is relevant and order of actions matters.

Roleplaying Threshold (THR)

Roleplaying is taking on a character and making Threshold is a part of Health, and the amount of
decisions based on their personalities and experience. Damage a character can sustain without dying.
Certain effects, Damage overflow from Health, or
Scene suffering harm with 0 Health cause loss of Health's
A Scene is a series of continuous events and action in Threshold. Without Techniques or certain items, a
a single area or location – no different than a scene in character with no Threshold is permanently gone
a movie, show, book, etc. Scenes make up active (depending on the Setting).
gameplay, and may contain Encounters.
Setting Traits are passive features of a character. They can
A game's Setting is the world, universe, and time provide bonuses or set limitations, and use or grant
period in which the game takes place. In conjunction experience respectively.
with the narrative, this shapes a game's theme.

Skill Roll (SR)

Skill Rolls are a single value on a 1d10 and are used
to check the success of various actions against the
base Difficulty (5). If a Skill is possessed, 1d10
becomes 2d10 and the character uses the better

Skills augment Skill Rolls by allowing a reroll, turning
1d10 into 2d10. This drastically improves success
rate, increases Critical Success rate, and lowers
Critical Failure rate.

The plot of the overarching game. Story is laid out by
the GM, but heavily influenced in direction, tone, and
ultimate conclusion by the Players – they are the main
characters, after all.

Success refers to a Skill Roll that meets or exceeds
the target Difficulty.

A Technique is a signature maneuver or special skill of
a character. These can be persuasion or combat
based, mundane or magical.
Ability.....................30, 56, 75 Difficulty ............................13 Play Example.....................10
Action.................................23 Encounter Order................22 Player Characters..............47
Actions...............................25 Encounters........................22 Reloading........................135
Allies..................................42 Encumbrance..................132 Roleplaying..........................5
Ammunition..............135, 136 Enemies.............................41 Rounds..............................22
Appearance.......................49 Equipment List.................139 Safety Tools.........................5
Assisting............................16 Experience...................44, 55 Sample Characters..........192
Background.......................48 Firearms..........................136 Scenes...............................10
Chapters......................10, 33 Game Mastering................33 Session Zero.......................6
Character Creation............47 Gaming Materials................9 Setting............................7, 10
Character Sheet..............190 Glossary..........................194 Skill Roll Failure.................14
Characteristics.............12, 55 Hazards.............................28 Skill Roll Success..............14
Concepts...........................48 Healing...............................29 Skill Rolls.....................13, 14
Conditions..........................30 Health....................28, 55, 74 Skills............................56, 76
Creatures...........................51 Improvised Weapons.......136 Special Items...................137
Criticals........................15, 16 Incapacitated...............28, 74 Stories..........................10, 33
Currency............................37 Interruption........................26 Techniques........57, 107, 108
Custom Armor..................138 Item Usage......................133 Themes..............................34
Custom Weapons............138 Magic Items.....................137 Threshold...............28, 55, 74
Cybernetics......................137 Movement..........................26 Traits............................56, 83
Damage.............................28 NPCs...........................41, 47 Turns..................................22
Death...........................29, 74 Opposing Skill Rolls...........14 Weapon Range................134
Dice......................................9 Personality.........................49 ..........................................28

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