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Identify at least (3)

A. Divergent Plate Boundaries
 Mid-Atlantic Ridge
 Red Sea Rift
 East Pacific Rise
B. Convergent Plate Boundaries
 Pacific Ring of Fire
 Continental/Continental: The Himalayas.
 Mariana Trench
C. Transform Fault Boundaries
 San Andreas Fault
 Queen Charlotte Fault
 The West Valley Fault
II. Identify the location of your answer in question no.1
A. Divergent Plate Boundaries
 Mid-Atlantic Ridge - It is a mid-ocean ridge that runs along the
Atlantic Ocean's floor and is a piece of the world's longest mountain
 Red Sea Rift - Located near Egypt, the divergence of the African
Plate and the Arabian Plate resulted in the formation of the Red Sea
Rift. It changed from being a continental rift to an oceanic rift.
 East Pacific Rise - Located along the bottom of the Pacific Ocean
B. Convergent Plate Boundaries
 Pacific Ring of Fire - The Ring extends from South America to Japan,
the Philippines, Papua New Guinea, Vanuatu, and New Zealand
before descending through North America, the Bering Strait, and
South America.
 Continental/Continental: The Himalayas - The towering Himalayas,
which span 2,900 km along Tibet's and India's shared border, are
among the most striking and obvious products of plate-tectonic
 Mariana Trench - The Mariana Trench, also known as the Marianas
Trench, is the deepest oceanic trench on Earth and is situated in the
western Pacific Ocean about 200 kilometers east of the Mariana
C. Transform Fault Boundaries
 San Andreas Fault - Approximately 1,200 kilometers of the San
Andreas Fault, a continental transform fault, run across California.
 Queen Charlotte Fault - This one is located in British Colombia.
 The West Valley Fault - From Doa Remedios Trinidad in Bulacan in
the north, it extends through the provinces of Rizal, the cities of
Quezon, Marikina, Pasig, Makati, Taguig, and Muntinlupa in Metro
Manila, as well as the provinces of Cavite and Laguna before coming
to a stop in Canlubang.
III. Give Example of Phenomena caused by the movement
of the 3 types of plate boundaries
A. Divergent Plate Boundaries - Divergent plate Boundaries cause a
phenomena called Seafloor Spreading.
1. The Great Rift Valley in Africa, the Red Sea and the Gulf of
Aden - Divergent plate motion caused all of them to develop.

B. Convergent Plate Boundaries - Volcanic activity, earthquakes, the

creation of mountains, and subduction are among the geologic
phenomena that take place at convergent borders.
1. The Tsunami off coast of Japan - This occurred along the
convergent boundary of the Eurasian plate and Pacific Plate and
caused 16,000 fatalities and US$360 billion in damage.

C. Transform Fault Boundaries – Transform Fault Boundaries as I

know at a transform plate border, the grinding motion between the
plates causes shallow earthquakes, significant lateral rock
displacement, and a broad zone of crustal deformation.
1. Sagaing Fault - The Sagaing Fault, primarily a continental right-
lateral transform fault between the Indian Plate and Sunda Plate, is a
significant fault in Burma.

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