2014 Sensor Deployment and Scheduling For Target Coverage Problem in Wireless Sensor Networks

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3, MARCH 2014

Sensor Deployment and Scheduling for Target

Coverage Problem in Wireless Sensor Networks
S. Mini, Siba K. Udgata, and Samrat L. Sabat

Abstract— Network lifetime plays an integral role in setting up that examine coverage of the network [2]. Coverage prob-
an efficient wireless sensor network. The objective of this paper lems can be broadly classified as area coverage problem and
is twofold. The first one is to deploy sensor nodes at optimal target coverage problem. Area coverage focuses on moni-
locations such that the theoretically computed network lifetime
is maximum. The second is to schedule these sensor nodes such toring the entire region of interest, whereas target coverage
that the network attains the maximum lifetime. Thus, the overall concerns monitoring only certain specific points in a given
objective of this paper is to identify optimal deployment locations region. Target coverage can be categorized as simple coverage,
of the given sensor nodes with a pre-specified sensing range, and k-coverage and Q-coverage. With simple coverage, each tar-
to schedule them such that the network lifetime is maximum with get should be monitored by at least one sensor node. For
the required coverage level. Since the upper bound of the network
lifetime for a given network can be computed mathematically, k-coverage, each target has to be monitored by at least k sensor
we use this knowledge to compute locations of deployment such nodes, where k is a predefined integer constant. In Q-coverage,
that the network lifetime is maximum. Further, the nodes are the target vector T = {T1 , T2 , . . . , Tn } should be monitored by
scheduled to achieve this upper bound. In this paper, we use Q = {q1 , q2 , . . . , qn } number of sensor nodes such that target
artificial bee colony algorithm and particle swarm optimization T j is monitored by at least q j number of sensor nodes, where
for sensor deployment problem followed by a heuristic for
scheduling. A comparative study shows that artificial bee colony n is the number of targets and 1 ≤ j ≤ n.
algorithm performs better for sensor deployment problem. The There are two types of sensor node deployments: random
proposed heuristic was able to achieve the theoretical upper deployment and deterministic deployment. Random deploy-
bound in all the experimented cases. ment is suitable for applications where the details of the
Index Terms— Wireless sensor networks, target coverage, regions are not known, or regions are inaccessible. An example
sensor deployment, k-coverage, Q-coverage. of random deployment of sensor nodes would be in battlefield
surveillance. In such a deployment, the most common way
I. I NTRODUCTION of extending the network lifetime is by scheduling the sensor
nodes such that only a subset of sensor nodes that is enough
W IRELESS Sensor Networks (WSNs) are important for
many applications such as military sensing, physical
security, air traffic control, traffic surveillance, video surveil-
to satisfy coverage requirement need to be active at a time [3].
In deterministic deployment, the details of the region will
be known apriori and since a provision of deploying nodes
lance, industrial and manufacturing automation, environment
at specific locations prevail, there exists two ways by which
monitoring, and building and structural monitoring [1]. Net-
network lifetime can be maximized. One is at deployment
work lifetime (defined as the time instant from which the
phase and the other is at scheduling phase. Given a region
network starts functioning to the time instant where the desired
with targets being monitored by sensor nodes, the upper bound
coverage criterion is not satisfied) is a crucial factor that
of network lifetime can be mathematically computed [4], [5].
determines the efficiency of a wireless sensor network. Energy
This information can be used for computing locations which
usage should be curbed to achieve enhanced lifetime. This is
would be appropriate for coverage to be satisfied as well as
because sensor nodes are battery powered and cannot be easily
network lifetime to be maximum. Once the deployment loca-
recharged or replaced.
tions are computed, sensor nodes can be scheduled to achieve
Coverage in a WSN needs to guarantee that the region is
the optimum lifetime. Sensor deployment and scheduling in
monitored with the required degree of reliability. Locations
this way contributes equally to extend the network lifetime.
of sensor nodes constitute the basic input for the algorithms
Hence the problem can be summarized as: Given some sen-
Manuscript received July 16, 2013; revised September 23, 2013; accepted sor nodes that can be deterministically deployed, where to
October 9, 2013. Date of publication October 18, 2013; date of current version deploy them and how to schedule them so as to achieve
January 7, 2014. The associate editor coordinating the review of this paper
and approving it for publication was Prof. Kiseon Kim. the required target coverage level and maximize the network
S. Mini is with the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, lifetime?
School of Engineering and Technology, Central University of Rajasthan, There are several ways of computing deployment locations.
Rajasthan 305801, India (e-mail: mini2min2002@yahoo.co.in).
S. K. Udgata is with the School of Computer and Information Bio-inspired algorithms prove to be effective for solving opti-
Sciences, University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad 500046, India (e-mail: mization problems. In this paper, we use Artificial Bee Colony
skudgata@gmail.com). (ABC) algorithm [6]–[10] to compute deployment locations.
S. L. Sabat is with the School of Physics, University of Hyderabad,
Hyderabad 500046, India (e-mail: slssp@uohyd.ernet.in). Apart from ABC algorithm, we also use a heuristic and PSO
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/JSEN.2013.2286332 (Particle Swarm Optimization) to compute the deployment

1530-437X © 2013 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.

locations. Though the heuristic performs better than random Bai et al. [22] study optimal deployment patterns for
deployment, it is not that good as ABC algorithm in maximiz- more than two-connectivity and full coverage simultaneously.
ing lifetime. It is observed that ABC algorithm is robust than A Diamond pattern, which could be viewed as a series of
PSO algorithm for this problem. After computing the optimal evolving patterns, and another new deployment pattern called
locations, sensor nodes are scheduled using a heuristic so as the Double-strip pattern is also proposed. Tan et al. [23]
to achieve the theoretical upper bound of network lifetime. propose Connectivity-Preserved Virtual Force (CPVF) scheme,
Rest of the paper is organized as follows: In Section II, we a modified virtual-force-based method which results in poor
briefly review some of the related work. The problem is formu- coverage in some cases and also describes a Floor based
lated formally in Section III. Section IV presents the proposed scheme which overcomes the drawbacks of CPVF.
method to solve the problem. Section V presents the simulation Cheng et al. [24] explore possible sensor network deploy-
results. Concluding remarks in Section VI ends the paper. ment strategies that maximize sensor network lifetime by
mitigating the problem of the hot spot around the data sink.
Ozturk et al. [25] use ABC algorithm to solve dynamic
A. Importance deployment problem in WSNs within the scenario of mobile
Sensor coverage is important while evaluating the effective- and stationary sensors on a probabilistic detection model.
ness of a wireless sensor network. A lower coverage level Many sensor node scheduling algorithms [26]–[30] are
(simple coverage) is enough for environmental or habitat proposed to solve area coverage problem. Tilak et al. [31]
monitoring [11] or applications like home security [12]. Higher investigate sensor networks with directional sensing and com-
degree of coverage (k-coverage) will be required for some munication capability and propose a method for deploying
applications like target tracking to track the targets accu- sensor nodes with directional sensing range, and subsequent
rately [11], or if sensors work in a hostile environment such as connectivity checking and repairing. A deployment strategy,
battle fields or chemically polluted areas [12]. More reliable with sensors having adjustable sensing ranges to cover an area,
results are produced for higher degree of coverage which is also proposed.
requires multiple sensor nodes to monitor the region/targets. Unlike the above works on sensor deployment to achieve
In some cases, for the same application, the coverage area coverage, we look at target coverage with a goal to
requirement may vary. For example, for forest fire detections, maximize network lifetime.
the coverage level may be low in rainy seasons, but high Mini et al. [32] use ABC algorithm to solve simple cov-
in dry seasons [12]. An example of Q-coverage is a video erage problem. ABC algorithm was applied to the dynamic
surveillance system deployed for monitoring hostile territorial deployment problem in WSNs with mobile sensors on a binary
area where some sensitive targets like a nuclear plant may sensing model by Ozturk et al. [33]. Udgata et al. [34] uses
need more sensors cooperate to ensure source redundancy for ABC algorithm for sensor deployment problem in irregular
precise data [4]. terrain. This is applicable for regions where the number of
Both sensor deployment and scheduling are important to targets is more compared to the number of sensors to be
ensure prolonged network lifetime. Traditionally, the problems deployed. The aim is to save energy by minimizing the
of sensor placement and scheduling have been considered sensing range requirement for the sensors. Mini et al. [35]
separately from each other. A balanced performance is crucial further extended this work to solve k-coverage and Q-coverage
for most applications [13]. problems. All these works aim at placing the sensor nodes in
Different sensor deployment strategies can cause very dif- such a way that the required sensing range is minimum.
ferent network topology, and thus different degrees of sensor Gu et al. [36] address the problem of achieving an optimal
redundancy [14]. A good sensor deployment with sufficient network lifetime in surveillance sensor networks, which is an
number of sensors which ensures a certain degree of redun- NP-complete problem. Mini et al. [37] propose a heuristic
dancy in coverage so that sensors can rotate between active to schedule the sensor nodes which maximizes the network
and sleep modes is required to balance the workload of lifetime. The heuristic could achieve the theoretical upper
sensors [15]. bound for all experimented cases. In the literature, deployment
and scheduling for coverage problem are addressed mostly as
independent problems and various methodologies have been
proposed for deployment and scheduling separately. In this
Most of the existing works on sensor deployment problem paper, we attempt to address deployment and scheduling as
focus on area coverage. Environments with obstacles are one problem to maximize the network lifetime. We start
also considered for sensor deployment [16]–[18]. From the with deploying sensor nodes such that the upper bound of
perspective of coverage, Onur et al. [19] address quality of the network lifetime could be maximum for the specified coverage
deployment and propose quality measures, which indicate if requirement, and then proceed using the heuristic to schedule
the deployment provides sufficient coverage, or whether rede- the sensor nodes so that the network lifetime upper bound
ployment is required or not. Bai et al. [20] use Voronoi-based could be achieved.
methodology to solve deployment problem. Yun et al. [21]
points out the disadvantages of [20] and propose deployment III. P ROBLEM D EFINITION
patterns to achieve full coverage and 3-, 4-, 5-, and 6-connect Given a set of n targets T = {T1 , T2 , . . . , Tn } located in
ivity for WSNs. u × v region and m sensor nodes S = {S1 , S2 , . . . , Sm }, place

the nodes such that all targets are covered as per the coverage 2) k-Coverage Scheduling: Given a set of sensor nodes S =
requirement. The objective is {S1 , S2 , . . . , Sm } with battery power B = {b1 , b2 , . . . , bm },
1) To deploy the sensor nodes such that the network energy consumption rate ei for Si and a target set
lifetime is maximum and T = {T1 , T2 , . . . , Tn }, generate a schedule {C1 , . . . , C y }, for
2) To schedule the sensor nodes so as to achieve the optimal {t1 , . . . , t y }, such that for all ticks,
network lifetime. 1. each target is covered  y by at least k sensor nodes, 1 ≤ k ≤ m
2. network lifetime p=1 t p is maximized.
A. Upper Bound of Network Lifetime 3) Q-Coverage Scheduling: Given a set of sensor nodes S =
{S1 , S2 , . . . , Sm } with battery power B = {b1 , b2 , . . . , bm },
Assume m sensor nodes {S1 , S2 , . . . , Sm } randomly energy consumption rate ei for Si and a target set
deployed to cover the region R with n targets {T1 , T2 , . . . , Tn }. T = {T1 , T2 , . . . , Tn }, generate a schedule {C1 , . . . , C y }, for
Each sensor node has an initial energy E 0 and a sensing {t1 , . . . , t y }, such that for all ticks,
radius, sr . A sensor node Si , 1 ≤ i ≤ m, is said to cover 1. T = {T1 , T2 , . . . , Tn } is covered by at least Q =
a target T j , 1 ≤ j ≤ n, if the distance between Si and T j is {q1 , q2 , . . . , qn } sensor nodes, where each target T j , 1 ≤ j ≤
less than sr . The coverage matrix is defined as, n, is covered by at least
  y q j sensor nodes
1 if Si monitors T j 2. network lifetime p=1 t p is maximized.
Mi j = (1)
0 otherwise
where i = 1, 2, . . . , m and j = 1, 2, . . . , n.
 Since the sensor nodes can be deterministically deployed,
We define bi = beii to denote the lifetime of battery (in
the optimal deployment locations and the schedule are decided
terms of time), where bi is the initial battery power and ei
at the base station, prior to actual deployment. The pro-
is the energy consumption rate of Si . The upper bound is
posed method has two phases: sensor deployment and sensor
the maximum achievable network lifetime for a particular
scheduling. The nodes are initially deployed randomly. Based
configuration and as stated in [4] and [5], the upper bound
on the theoretical upper bound of network lifetime, we com-
is calculated as,
  pute the optimal deployment locations using ABC algorithm.

i M i j ∗ b i A heuristic is then used to schedule the sensor nodes such that
U = mi n j (2) the network lifetime is maximum. Algorithm 1 describes the
proposed method.
For k-coverage, q j = k, j = 1, 2, . . . , n.
Algorithm 1 Proposed Approach
B. Sensor Deployment 1: Input: S, T
1) Sensor Deployment to Achieve 1-Coverage: Given a set 2: Output: Optimal location of S and sensor schedule
3: Deploy S randomly
of n targets T = {T1 , T2 , . . . , Tn } located in u ×v region and m 4: Compute upper bound of network lifetime using (2)
sensor nodes S = {S1 , S2 , . . . , Sm }, place the nodes such that 5: Recompute sensor node positions using ABC algorithm such that the upper bound
of network lifetime is maximum
each target is monitored by at least one sensor node and the 6: Design sensor schedule using the proposed heuristic for sensor scheduling such that
network lifetime is maximum. The objective is to maximize the network lifetime upper bound is achieved

U such that each target is monitored by at least one sensor

2) Sensor Deployment to Achieve k-Coverage: Given a set A. Sensor Deployment
of n targets T = {T1 , T2 , . . . , Tn } located in u × v region and
Since the upper bound of network lifetime can be computed,
m sensor nodes S = {S1 , S2 , . . . , Sm }, place the nodes such
we have to find the deployment locations such that the network
that each target is monitored by at least k-sensor nodes and to
lifetime is maximum. First we use a heuristic to compute
maximize U .
the deployment locations and then we use ABC and PSO
3) Sensor Deployment to Achieve Q-Coverage: Given a set
algorithms to compute the locations.
of n targets T = {T1 , T2 , . . . , Tn } located in u ×v region and m
1) A Heuristic for Sensor Deployment: Here we propose
sensor nodes S = {S1 , S2 , . . . , Sm }, place the nodes such that
a heuristic for sensor deployment (Algorithm 2). Initially,
each target T j , 1 ≤ j ≤ n, is covered by at least q j sensor
place the sensor nodes randomly. If any sensor node is idle
nodes and to maximize U .
(without monitoring any target), the node is moved to the least
monitored targets’ location. This is to ensure that all sensor
C. Sensor Scheduling nodes play their part in monitoring the targets. The sensor
1) 1-Coverage Scheduling: Given m sensor nodes S = nodes are then sorted based on the number of targets it cover.
{S1 , S2 , . . . , Sm } with battery power B = {b1 , b2 , . . . , bm }, The sensor node is placed at the middle of all the targets
energy consumption rate ei for Si and n targets T = it cover. The next nearest target is identified and the sensor
{T1 , T2 , . . . , Tn }, find a schedule {C1 , . . . , C y } for time tick node is placed at the middle of all these targets. If it can cover
{t1 , . . . , t y } such that for all ticks, this new target along with targets it was already monitoring,
1. each target is covered  y by at least one sensor node allow this move, else discard the move. This is done till the
2. network lifetime p=1 t p is maximized. sensor node cannot cover any new target. At the end, upper

bound is computed. The drawback of this approach is that it probability pi defined as,
depends on the initial position of the sensor nodes. Though it F(Di )
may perform well for dense deployments, consistency cannot pi = m (3)
l=1 F(Dl )
always be guaranteed.
where m is the total number of food sources. The onlooker
finds a neighborhood food source in the vicinity of Di as,
Algorithm 2 A heuristic for Sensor Deployment
1: Place sensor nodes randomly
for i = 1 to m do
3: if Si does not monitor any target then
Di (t + 1) = Di (t) + δi j × f (4)
4: Move Si to the least monitored target
5: Recompute sensor-target coverage matrix where δi j is the neighborhood patch size for j t h dimension of
6: end if i t h food source, and f is a random uniform variate ∈ [−1, 1].
7: end for
8: S = Sensor nodes sorted in ascending order of number of targets it covers It should be noted that the solutions are not allowed to move
9: for i = 1 to m do beyond the edge of the search region. The new solutions are
10: repeat
11: Place Si at the center of all targets it covers evaluated using the fitness function (2). If any new solution
12: Move Si to the center of all targets it covers and its next nearest target is better than the existing one, the old solution is replaced
13: if Si can cover a new target then
14: Recompute sensor-target matrix with new solution. Scout bees search for a random feasible
15: else solution. The solution with the least sensing range is finally
16: Discard move
17: end if chosen as the best solution.
18: until Si can cover another target
19: end for
20: Compute upper bound of network lifetime using (2) Algorithm 3 ABC Algorithm
1: Initialize the solution population B
2: Evaluate fitness
2) ABC Based Sensor Deployment: Artificial Bee Colony 3: cycle = 1
4: repeat
(ABC) Algorithm [6], [7] is an optimization algorithm based 5: Search for new solutions in the neighborhood
on the intelligent behavior of honey bee swarm. The colony 6: if new solution is better than old solution then
7: Memorize new solution and discard old solution
of bees contains three groups: employed bees, onlookers and 8: end if
scouts.The employed bee takes a load of nectar from the source 9: Replace the discarded solution with a new randomly generated solution
10: Memorize the best solution
and returns to the hive and unloads the nectar to a food store. 11: cycle = cycle + 1
After unloading the food, the bee performs a special form of 12: until cycle = maximumcycles
dance called waggle dance [38] which contains information
about the direction in which the food will be found, its
distance from the hive and its quality rating. Since information
3) PSO Based Sensor Deployment: Particle Swarm Opti-
about all the current rich sources is available to an onlooker
mization (PSO) consists of a swarm of particles moving in
on the dance floor, an onlooker bee probably could watch
a search space of possible solutions for a problem. Every
numerous dances and choose to employ itself at the most
particle has a position vector representing a candidate solution
qualitative source. There is a greater probability of onlookers
to the problem and a velocity vector. Moreover, each particle
choosing more qualitative sources since more information
contains a small memory that stores its own best position
is circulating about the more qualitative sources. Employed
seen so far and a global best position obtained through
foragers share their information with a probability, which is
communication with its neighbor particles [40], [41].
proportional to the quality of the food source. Hence, the
It consists of a swarm of w candidate solutions called
recruitment is proportional to quality of a food source [7], [39].
particles, which explore an nd-dimensional hyperspace in
Exploitation is carried out by employed bees and onlookers,
search of the global solution (n represents the number of
while exploration is carried out by scouts.
optimal parameters to be determined). A particle p occupies
Algorithm 3 describes ABC algorithm. Let the solution
position x pd and velocity v pd in the d t h dimension of the
population be B. The region is assumed to have only stationary
hyperspace, 1 ≤ p ≤ w and 1 ≤ d ≤ nd.
targets. Each solution Ba = {(x 1 , y1 ), (x 2 , y2 ), . . . , (x m , ym )}
In the global-best version of PSO, the position where the
where a = 1, 2, . . . , nb, where nb and m represents total
particle p has its best cost is stored as ( pbest pd ). Besides,
number of bees and total number of nodes respectively,
gbestd , the position of the best particle. In each iteration tr ,
corresponds to a bee. The initial solution is generated in such
velocity v and position x are updated using (5) and (6). The
a way that all the targets are covered, and each sensor node
update process is iteratively repeated until either an acceptable
covers at least one target. The network lifetime is computed
gbest is achieved or a fixed number of iterations trmax is
for each solution using (2).
This network lifetime is used as the fitness function for
evaluating the solutions. Each sensor node is associated with v pd (tr + 1) = w.v pd (tr ) + ϕ1 .r1 (tr ). pbest pd − x pd
a cluster, where a cluster corresponds to the set of targets + ϕ2 .r2 (tr ).(gbestd − x pd ) (5)
monitored by the sensor node. Let Di = (X i , Yi ) be the initial
x pd (tr + 1) = x pd (tr ) + v pd (tr + 1). (6)
position of i t h cluster. F(Di ) refers to the nectar amount at
food source located at Di . After watching the waggle dance Here, ϕ1 and ϕ2 are constants, and r1 (tr ) and r2 (tr ) are
of employed bees, an onlooker goes to the region of Di with random numbers uniformly distributed in [0,1].

The basic steps of PSO [41] are given in Algorithm 4. Nodes with different coverage degree may coexist in a
network. Though the initial battery power of all the nodes
Algorithm 4 PSO Algorithm in the network might be the same, subsequently it may vary
1: Initialize particles in accordance with the cover activation.
2: repeat The weights are recalculated for all the nodes at each time
3: for each particle do
4: Calculate the fitness value instant if,
5: if fitness value is better than the best fitness value ( pbest ) in history then 1. Weight due to the remaining energy changes: It happens
6: Set current value as the new pbest
7: end if due to reduction in battery power for nodes which were in the
8: end for previous cover.
9: Choose the particle with the best fitness value of all the particles as the gbest
10: for each particle do 2. Node turns off due to no battery power: If a sensor node
11: Calculate particle velocity according to velocity update equation (5) that monitors a target turns off, it will reassign weights to all
12: Update particle position according to position update equation (6)
13: end for other sensor nodes monitoring it.
14: until maximum iterations or minimum error criteria is attained This weight recalculation might trigger a priority change
and subsequently a new cover might be generated at the next
time instant.
B. A Heuristic for Sensor Scheduling b) Weight due to covered targets: All sensor nodes are
assigned weights based on the targets it cover as:
As mentioned earlier, another objective of this paper is
to schedule the sensor nodes such that the theoretical upper 
Mi j
bound of network lifetime can be achieved. wi = m (7)
j =1 i=1 Mi j
To achieve this, we propose a weight-based method for
determining the cover sets. It includes the following main The proposed heuristic (Algorithm 5) initially finds the
steps: network lifetime using weight assigned by the nodes itself
1) Weight assignment (battery power). If the obtained network lifetime does not
2) Cover formation match the theoretical upper bound of network lifetime, the
3) Cover optimization weight due to covered targets is considered to compute the
4) Cover activation and Energy reduction. lifetime.
2) Cover Formation: A cover can be generated in different
ways if the network has nodes which make all the targets k/Q
Algorithm 5 Heuristic for Sensor Node Scheduling
covered. The proposed approach uses a priority based method
1: Input M, B
2: Initialize k/Q, max _run , priority calculated using battery power (Algorithm 6). In the order of priority, if any new sensor node
3: for r = 1 to max _run do  contributes to k/Q coverage requirement, it will be added to
4: for iteration = 1 to m i=1 bi do
5: if cover possibility exists then the cover set. In general, a sensor node Si can be added to a
6: Determine cover based on priority cover set Cov_S if and only if
7: Optimize cover
8: Activate optimized cover and reduce battery power 1) for simple coverage problem: Cov_S ∪ {Si } covers any
9: else
10: break new target
11: end if 2) for k-coverage problem: Cov_S ∪ {Si } contributes to
12: end for
13: Calculate network lifetime (nlife) k-coverage requirement
14: if nlife < U then 3) for Q-coverage problem: Cov_S ∪ {Si } contributes to
15: Consider weight due to covered targets to compute priority to check for better
lifetime Q-coverage requirement.
16: else
17: break
18: end if Algorithm 6 Cover Formation
19: end for
1: Input: Sorted S in descending order of assigned weight
2: Output: Cov _ S
3: Initialize Cov _ S = φ
4: for i = 1 to m do
1) Weight Assignment: Weight assignment is performed to 5: if Si contributes to coverage then
6: Cov _ S = Cov _ S ∪ {Si }
decide the priority of sensor nodes. The more the weight of 7: end if
a sensor node, the higher the priority. Cover sets are decided 8: if coverage requirement met then
9: break ;
based on this priority. 10: end if
The base station calculates weight for each sensor node by 11: end for
considering two factors. The initial weight deciding factor is
weight due to remaining energy and the next one is weight 3) Cover Optimization: Once the coverage requirement
due to targets that the node covers. is met, the obtained cover set is optimized (Algorithm 7).
a) Weight assigned by the node itself: Each sensor node By optimizing the generated cover, the proposed scheme
assigns a weight to itself which is equivalent to the remaining attempts to minimize the energy usage. It should be noted
battery power of the sensor node. For each node Si in the that this is the second phase of redundancy elimination, the
optimized cover set, the weight assigned by itself decrements first one being at the cover formation. A problem that arises
by the rate of energy consumption. with the cover formed at the cover formation phase is that it

might still have nodes that need not be turned on to cover all
the targets. This is possible because it is a step by step addition
till all the targets are covered. A node can thus be dropped
for not contributing to coverage at the time of cover formation
or for not contributing to coverage after cover formation. The
nodes in the cover set are subject to optimization using least
priority first approach. This method of elimination prevents
the higher priority nodes being discarded at the initial stages
of optimization itself. The least priority node in the cover set
cannot be eliminated from the cover set as it satisfies the k/Q
coverage requirement. Elimination starts from the last but one
node as per increasing priority. A node Si ∈ Cov_S, 1 ≤ i ≤
length(Cov_S), represented as Si .Cov_S will not be added to Fig. 1. Network lifetime for simple coverage problem using random
the optimized cover set Opt.Cov_S if Cov_S − {Si .Cov_S} deployment, proposed heuristic and ABC algorithm.
meets k/Q coverage requirement.

Algorithm 7 Cover Optimization

1: Input: Cov _ S
2: Output: Opt.Cov _ S
3: Initialize Opt.Cov _ S = φ
4: for i = length(Cov _ S) down to 1 do
5: if Cov _ S − {Si .Cov _ S} meets k /Q coverage requirement then
6: I gnore Si .Cov _ S
7: Cov _ S = Cov _ S − {Si .Cov _ S}
8: else
9: Opt.Cov _ S = Opt.Cov _ S ∪ {Si .Cov _ S}
10: end if
11: end for

4) Cover Activation and Energy Reduction: The sensor

nodes in the optimized cover are activated. The total energy Fig. 2. Network lifetime for k coverage problem using random deployment,
that each node consumes should not fall beyond the minimum proposed heuristic and ABC algorithm.
usable energy, E min . When the battery power reaches E min ,
the node becomes inactive and will not be able to monitor any 5 instances in each configuration. Initially, each sensor node
more targets further. As the battery power is drained when a has 100 units of battery power. Energy consumption rate is
node is turned on, the weight assigned by the node to itself 1 unit. Simulations are carried out using MatLab 2007a.
reduces. The network terminates when no cover can further
be formed (Algorithm 8).
As we assume that the number of sensors deployed in the A. Sensor Deployment
area is greater than the optimum number required to monitor 1) Random Deployment: In random deployment, there is
the targets, determining the sensor covers and switching from more chance of targets being not detected or targets not being
one cover to another in a scheduled manner such that only covered with the required level of coverage. However, this
minimum number of sensor nodes remain active at any time may not hold true with dense deployment of nodes. But there
instant is supposed to improve network lifetime. is another possibility of some targets being monitored by
many sensor nodes, and some by a few sensor nodes. This
difference in the number of sensor nodes monitoring each
Algorithm 8 Cover Activation and Energy Reduction
target will affect the network lifetime. The sensor nodes may
1: Input: Opt.Cov _ S
2: for i = 1 to length(Opt.Cov _ S) do be positioned in a better way so as to avoid this variation.
3: Si .state = true This will yield better lifetime. Though random deployment
4: decrement bi
5: if bi ≤ E min then has these drawbacks, there are applications where random
6: for j = 1 to n do deployment is the only feasible strategy.
7: Mi j = 0
8: end for Fig. 1, Fig. 2 and Fig. 3 show the network lifetime for
9: end if various deployment methods. Random deployment does not
10: end for
yield as much network lifetime as other methods do. Fig. 1
shows that for simple coverage problem, random deployment
survives when 100, 150, 200 and 250 nodes are deployed.
V. R ESULTS AND D ISCUSSION But Fig. 2 shows that when 100 sensor nodes are to be
We consider a 500 m × 500 m region for experiments. The randomly deployed, k = 2 will be satisfied, but k = 3 and
number of targets is 25. The number of sensor nodes (m) k = 4 will not be satisfied, ultimately giving zero network
is varied from 100 to 250. Sensing range of each sensor lifetime. Fig. 3 shows that for 100 sensor nodes and Q ranging
node is fixed as 75 m. Results are reported as an average of from 1 to 5, random deployment does not work. This clearly

Fig. 3. Network lifetime for Q-coverage problem using random deployment, Fig. 4. Network lifetime for simple coverage problem after scheduling.
proposed heuristic and ABC algorithm.
network lifetime than PSO when the number of sensor nodes is
shows that when the number of nodes to be deployed is high, 250. It could outperform PSO for all the experimented values
random deployment can be done, but when the number of of k.
sensor nodes is not sufficient enough, random deployment ABC performs better in a majority of the experiments of
fails. Q-coverage problem. PSO could achieve a network lifetime
2) Heuristic: The heuristic could consistently achieve better same as that achieved by ABC only for Q = [1, 3] when the
results compared to random deployment. Fig. 1, Fig. 2, and number of sensor nodes is 150 and 200. In all the other cases,
Fig. 3 clearly show it. Fig. 2 shows that when 100 sensor nodes ABC outperforms PSO.
are randomly deployed, k = 3 condition cannot be satisfied. 5) Other Observations:
But with the heuristic, the network can be active for some a) Varying number of nodes: The number of sensor nodes
time. The same is observed for k = 4. Random deployment to be deployed in the region is varied from 100 to 250. The
yields zero network lifetime, but the heuristic can make the network lifetime increases when more number of nodes are to
network survive for more time. be deployed.
When the number of nodes is increased to 150, k = 3 and b) Varying coverage requirement: An increase in network
k = 4 requirement is possible even with random deployment. lifetime is observed but it is evident that the network lifetime
In these cases, the heuristic can achieve much higher network does not increase in proportion to the increase in k. The same
lifetime. Fig. 3 shows that the heuristic is able to satisfy Q is observed for Q-coverage requirement.
ranging from 1 to 5 with 100 sensor nodes deployed, whereas
random deployment fails. The results confirm that the heuristic
performs better compared to random deployment. B. Sensor Scheduling
3) ABC Based Deployment: Though deterministic deploy- Since the optimal deployment locations are known, now
ment may be time consuming, it helps in improving network the sensor nodes have to be scheduled such that each sensor
lifetime. It might require only few nodes to be turned on at a node need not be awake all the time. Theoretical upper bound
time to satisfy coverage requirement, as compared to random helps to analyze how far the proposed heuristic is successful.
deployment. In the experiments, we have taken the number With battery power as the priority deciding factor, though most
of bees as 10, number of cycles is 5000 and the number instances could obtain network lifetime equal to upper bound,
of runs is 5. The limit for neighborhood search is set as there are few instances where the network lifetime does not
30. Deployment using ABC algorithm could achieve much match the computed upper bound. For these instances, the
higher network lifetime compared to random deployment and second weight deciding factor is considered. An inverse of
the proposed heuristic. Irrespective of the number of sensor this helps to achieve theoretical upper bound. Thus we observe
nodes, coverage requirement etc., this method consistently that there are few cases where if the sensors monitoring more
achieves better network lifetime. Fig. 1, Fig. 2 and Fig. 3 number of targets are kept in reserve for later use, theoretical
depict it. and experimental network lifetime matches.
4) PSO Based Deployment: Table 1 shows a comparison of Fig. 4 shows a comparison of upper bound of network
network lifetime computed using ABC and PSO based sensor lifetime and the network lifetime obtained using proposed
deployment. The setting of PSO is as follows: number of approach for simple coverage problem. The proposed approach
particles is 10, number of iterations is 5000 and number of could achieve the theoretical upper bound in all the instances.
runs is 5. The number of sensors is varied from 100 to 250. Fig. 5 and Fig. 6 show the comparison of upper bound
For k-coverage problem, with 100 or 150 sensor nodes to be and the network lifetime obtained using proposed approach
deployed, the network lifetime computed using ABC and PSO for k-coverage and Q-coverage problems respectively. The
deployments are the same when k = 1 to 4. When 200 sensor network lifetime obtained using proposed approach matches
nodes are to be deployed, ABC performs better than PSO for the theoretical upper bound for all these requirements as
k = 1, 2 and 4. But in this case, ABC and PSO attains the well. Fig. 7 shows a comparison of the proposed method and
same lifetime when k = 3. ABC consistently achieves better Greedy-MSC [42]. Greedy-MSC was proposed to solve simple


of targets to be covered. When all targets are covered, the

new set cover is formed. Our proposed method could achieve
better network lifetime for simple coverage (k = 1) and higher
values of k as shown in Fig. 7.
Computing positions using ABC algorithm outperformed
random deployment, heuristic and PSO. The heuristic pro-
posed to schedule the sensor nodes could meet the theoretical
upper bound in all experimented cases.

In this paper, we compute deployment locations for sensor
Fig. 5. Network lifetime for k-coverage problem after scheduling. nodes using artificial bee colony algorithm such that the
network lifetime is maximum. Artificial bee colony algorithm
performs better than PSO algorithm for this problem. In order
to avoid the battery drain of all nodes at a time, sensor
node scheduling can be done so that only minimum number
of sensor nodes required for satisfying coverage requirement
needs to be turned on. The other nodes can be reserved for
later use. This method helps to prolong the network lifetime.
We use a heuristic which is powerful enough to schedule the
sensor nodes in such a way that the network lifetime matches
the theoretical upper bound of network lifetime. Network
lifetime is extended by using this method of deploying at
optimal locations such that it achieves maximum theoretical
upper bound and then scheduling them so as to achieve the
theoretical upper bound. For future work, we plan to extend
Fig. 6. Network lifetime for Q-coverage problem after scheduling. this method of deployment and scheduling for probabilistic
coverage in wireless sensor networks.

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