Halfgiant PC Races

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Half-Giant PC races:


STR +2

AGE: Average lifespan of halfgiants depends on the breed; in general they live
about half as long as
a true giant of that type.

ALLIGNMENT: allignment varies from giant to giant; in general, as society often

shuns half giants, they tend to be
chaotic on the moral compass.

SIZE: Halfgiants are typically bigger than the humanoid parent but much smaller
than the giant parent (usually 8-9 feet tall);
they tend to weight 1/3 of their giant side's wieght. Your size is Large

SPEED: your base walking speed is 30

BIG BODY, BIG WEAPONS: you are proficient with Greatclubs, Greataxes, Greatswords,
and Pikes and can wield medium sized versions of these with one hand.
Because you aren't a true giant, wielding weapons meant for most Large creatures
imposes disadvantage on attack rolls and you can only add up to half your prof.
However, due to your massive size, you have disadvantage on Dexterity (Stealth)
checks and DEX saving throws (nullified if class is proficient in DEX saving

LANGUAGE: you can speak, read, and write Common and Giant.

SUBRACE: there are subraces for each type of Giant: Hill, Stone, Frost, Fire,
Cloud, and Storm

Hill Giant: INT -2, CON +2

Half Hill Giants tend to live a little over a century and a half, older if the
humanoid parent's race lives longer on average.

DIMWIT: you have disadvantage on Wisdom (perception) checks and Intellegence

(investigation) checks

RETARD STRENGTH: you are proficient in Strength saving throws and Athletics

Stone Giant: DEX +1, WIS +1

Stone half-Giants often live around 350-400 years

NATURAL ATHELITE: you are proficient in Athletics; your base walking speed is 35ft

STONOLOGIST: you are proficient in Mason's Tools and Intelligence (History) checks
that rely on a location's stonework
CLIMATE CONTROL: you can withstand colder climates at higher altitudes than most

Frost Half Giant: CON +1, CHA -1

Frost Half Giants usually live a bit older than humans at 130 years unless their
humanoid parent's race can live longer on average

Frozen Expert: you are resistant to Cold damage and cannot have your speed reduced
because of cold spells or frozen difficult terrain

Hunter-Gatherer: you are proficient in Survival

Fire Half Giant: DEX -1, INT +1

Fire Half Giants typically live for 200 years or so.

Hot Headed: you are resistant to Fire damage and have Darkvision of 60ft

Smith Expert: you are proficient in Smith's Tools and heavy armor

Cloud Half Giant: CHA +1, WIS +1

Cloud Half Giants often live 150-200 years

Innate Spellcasting: you know the Light cantrip and can cast Fog Cloud and Detect
Magic as 1st level spells once per long rest

RATHER NOT GET INVOLVED: you are proficient in Deception

Storm Half Giant: INT +1, WIS +1

Storm half Giants can live up to 320 years.

CALL OF THE STORM: you know the Shocking Grasp cantrip and at 5th level you can
cast Lightning Bolt as a 3rd lvl spell once per long rest
(CON is the spellcasting ability for these spells)

EYE OF THE STORM: you resist lightning or thunder damage (your choice upon creating
a character) and you have advantage on saving throws to withstand strong winds.
You are also proficient in Water Vehicles and can breathe underwater.

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