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He was wearing weird clothes.

Phrases 3 ¡|¿¡§ Write true sentences about what w a s

happening at 7 p.m. Use the verbs from the
1 0 Complete the dialogue with the
phrases from the box.
Mmm\i i : .
• play • sit • have (x2) • listen to • de
• have a look • honestly • I expect
• eat • read • drive • watch
• you're winding me up

Dave: H e y ! Have a look at Martin's blog.
His family are moving to Australia.

Will: 2
Dave: N o , . It's here.
Look. Three weeks to go.'
1 I wasn't doing my homework. I was reading a
Will: Wow! You're right. Why didn't he tell
us? We were talking to him earlier
today. He didn't say anything.
Dave: he's upset.
He knows we read this and it's easier

10 to write it than talk about it.

2 My mum televisión.
Grammar: Past continuous
She the radio.
2 ttt Complete the sentences with the
correct form of the verbs in brackets.

Last Saturday at 10 a . m . . . .
1 I (do) was doing my homework.
2 my mum (cook)
3 My friends tennis.
3 my dad (work) in They pizza.
the garden.
4 my friends (shop) .
5 my two brothers (play)
computer games.
On Sunday at the same time...
6 I (write) my blog.
4 My brother
7 my parents (eat) shower. He

8 my friends (play)
9 my brother, Jim, (swim)

10 my other brother, Tim, (wait) 5 My grandparents

They on a train.
for his girlfriend.

Vocabulary Adverbs Grammar summary
I B Choose the correct options. Past continuous
I wanted to be in the school show, but l'm not Affirmative Negative
1 I w a s working. I wasn't cooking.
very fgood]/ well at dancing or singing. I tried
You were sleeping. You weren't running.
acting, but the teacher told me I was very
He/She/lt w a s He/She/lt wasn't
2 3
quiet / quietly. Speak more loud / loudly. swimming. eating.
she said, but it was no good. I tried doing sports, WeAThey were playing. WeAThey weren't
4 making a cake.
but I run v e r y slow / slowly and I play football
Questions Short answers
very bad / badly. Finally. I went to the school
Was he helping you? Yes. he was.
newspaper. They asked me to write something.
No, he wasn't.
They said that my writing was very clear / Were they singing? Yes. they were.

clearly and interesting. The best thing was that it No, they weren't.
was easy / easily for me. It's great to know that Wh- questions
I can do one thing good / well at least! What were you doing?
Where w a s he going?
8 S Complete the sentences with the correct
form of the words in capitals. Mote

1 EASY Usage
• We use the past continuous to talk about something
The test was easy. I passed it easily.
that was happening or was in progress at a certain
time in the past. We don't know exactly when the
My sister is a dancer. She dances activity started or finished.
really . At seven o 'dock, I was eating dinner.
On Friday night we were having a party.
Dad was talking .. He is always Form
• We form the past continuous like the present
when he's excited.
continuous, but with the past form of the verb to be.
4 CLEAR He is swimming (now). He was swimming (yesterday).
Please speak , We need an actor They are shopping (now). They were shopping (at nine
with a nice, _ o'clock this morning).
. voice.
5 SLOW Common mistakes
What you were doing? /
This isn't a
car, but my dad drives What were you doing? /
We was doing a test. X
6 POLITE We were doing a test. /
My cousin is very _
. She always
asks for things very
The class worked They are a very
5b I was cycling when
Grammar: Past continuous and past 3 H I Complete the story with the phrases
simple with while and when f r o m the box.

1 WM Complete the sentences with the correct

f o r m of the verbs in brackets.

1 I (walk) was walking home when it (start) started


2 We (drive) home when the

pólice (stop) us.
3 I (find) a great website while
I (surf) the internet.
4 They (eat) dinner when we
5 The phone (ring) while we
(watch) televisión.
6 He (swim) when he (see)
the shark.
7 Dad (get) home while mum
(cook) dinner.
8 When I (come) home from
the disco, my parents (wait)
for me.

(BM Combine the two sentences. Start with

• jumped • was doing
while and when.
• were walking • was trying
1 I was reading. My friend phoned. • was looking • drove • noticed
While / was reading. mv friend phoned. • were taking • looked • was watching

When mv friend phoned. I was reading.


2 My friend carne to my house. I was having a 1 was walking into town last Saturday when I

shower. : a strange man next to a car. He


While to open the car door. When I


When again, he was next to a different

3 We were shopping. We met our friends. car. This time, the door was open and he

While inside.

When While h e this, a pólice car

7 past and stopped. Then two
4 Our teacher's phone started ringing. We were

having a test. pólice officers got out. While they


When towards the man, h e out of the car

While r and ran away.

1 0

5 I left for school. My brother was still sleeping. Later, 1 TV when I saw the man on

When the news. The pólice him to the

While pólice station in their car. He wasn't very happy.

vocabulary: Prepositions of place and motion Grammar summary
WUm Label the pictures with the correct preposition. Past continuous and past
simple with while and when
While I w a s cooking dinner, my
sister carne home with a pizza.
My sister carne home with a pizza
while I w a s cooking dinner.
1 over 2 P. 3 a
I was cooking dinner when my
sister carne home with a pizza.
When my sister carne home with a
pizza, I w a s cooking dinner.
Wh- questions
Where were you going when I s a w
What were you doing when the
pólice stopped you?
7 t 8 i 9 o o.

5 t ü Choose the correct options. Usage

• We can use the past simple and
the past continuous together to talk
A . Crossing from. , , about an action that happened while

Chamonix to Italy •
another action was in progress.
We use the past continuous for the
longer action. We use the past simple
There are two main ways to get from Chamonix in
for the shorter, finished action.
France to Italy.
• We link the two tenses with while
The quickest way is over / along /(through)the Mont
2 before the past continuous or when
Blanc tunnel. You d r i v e into / past / along the tunnel
before the past simple.
just a short distance from Chamonix centre. The tunnel
is 11.5km long and you c o m e up / out of / through / saw Mark while I was walking to
the tunnel at Courmayeur in Italy. school.
However, there is a much more exciting (and expensive) I was playing football when I hurí my
way to make the journey. You can g o through / over /4
along the mountains in a special mountain car. You • When we start the sentence with
get on at Chamonix and go over / a c r o s s / up to an when or while. we link the two
amazing 4000 metres at the Aiguille du Midi. A second halves of the sentence with a
car then takes you back down / out / over to La Palud comma.
on the Italian side.
While I was eating, someone took my
Don't go into Courmayeur. Drive past / over / a c r o s s
mobile phone.
the town and go another 35km through / along /
When I got home, my parents were
a c r o s s the SS26 road to the beautiful town of Aosta,
watching televisión.
where you can get a delicious Italian ice cream or pizza.
Common mistakes
When I was working, I fell asleep. X
While I was working, I fell asleep. /
/ was cycling while it started raining. X
/ was cycling when it started raining. /
5c A dog which bends.
vocabulary: Types of film Grammar: Defining relative causes with
who, which and where
1 BB Label the pictures with the w o r d s from
the box. Choose the c o r r e c t options.

1 This is a film w h o /(which) I really want to see.

• action • crime • western
2 Merida is the Disney Princess w h e r e / w h o l'd
• science fiction • thriller • animated
like to be!
• romance • musical • comedy • spy
• fantasy • horror 3 Hollywood is the place where / w h i c h the best
films come from.
4 It's a film about two men w h i c h / w h o find
5 I like films w h e r e / w h i c h make me laugh.
6 I know someone w h i c h / w h o has got 1000
1 An action film 2 A films on DVD.
7 I went to the café w h e r e / w h i c h James Bond
drank coffee.

¡t.i 8 Musicals are films w h o / w h i c h my mum loves.

9 My mum is a person w h o / w h i c h aiways cries
when she watches sad films.
3 A 4 A
H I Complete the sentences with who.
which or where. Then c o m p l e t e the ñames
w i t h one letter in each space.

1 It's a country which you get to through a

wardrobe. Narni_a
5 An 6 A 2 He's a boy lives in a railway
station. u
3 It's the place Neo really lives.
The t x
4 He's a super-hero works for a
newspaper called The Daily Bugle.
d -M
7 A film 8 A 5 It's a ship hits an iceberg.
t c
6 He's a schoolboy plays a game
called Quidditch.
r y P e
9 A film 10 A film 7 They are animáis live in an
apartment in New York.
Mr Popper's n
8 It's on an island dinosaurs live.
r s c

11 A film 12 A film
4 OS Combine the t w o sentences with a Grammar summary
relative clause to m a k e one sentence.
Defining relative causes with who,
1 Greg Heffley is a boy. He writes a diary. which and where
Greg Heffley is a boy who writes a diary. People (who)

2 Panem is a country. The Hunger Games take These are the people w h o were in my film.
That's the boy w h o ate my burger!
place there.
Things {which)
It's a film w h i c h always makes me laugh.
3 Pi is a man. He spends a long time on a boat
l've got an idea w h i c h I think you'll like.
with a tiger. Places (where)
This is the place where Johnny Depp was born.
4 Pride Rock is a place. The Lion King lives there. want to live in a country w h e r e I can find a good

5 Toothless is a dragón. It is very friendly.

6 The Unicorn is a boat. Tintín and Captain • We use defining relative clauses to say which person,
Haddock want to find it. place or thing we are talking about. We need the
clause for other people to understand what we are
talking about.
7 Neverland is a country. Peter Pan took Wendy • We use who to talk about people.
there. • We use which to talk about things.
• We use where to talk about places.
He s an actor who I really admire.
8 Jumanji is a game. It is very dangerous to play it!
This is a place where you can relax.
Td like to see a film which really makes people think.

Common mistakes
Use your English: Buy tickets at the
They're the people which helped us. X
They're the people who helped us. /
5 KB Complete the dialogue with the phrases It's a place where I love. X
f r o m the box. It's a place which I love. /

• Here you • Which performance • l'd like

How much «The 5.30 • £22 altogether

A: Helio, can I help you?

B: Yes. Td like four tickets to see the new Tintin

film, please.
A: 2
? The 5.30 or the 7.45?
R. 3
A: Is that four adult tickets?
B: No, two adults and two children.
A: OK, that's fine.
B: 4
is that?

A: T h a t ' s 5
, please.
B: 6
A: Thank you. Enjoy the film.
5 Language round-up
1 Complete the second sentence so that it has a 3 Combine the two sentences to make one.
similar meaning to the first.
1 I talked to a man. He knew Kate Winslett.
1 Paul is a very fast driver. Paul drives verv fast. I talked to a man who knew Kate Winslett.
2 l'm not very good at singing. 2 I was taking photos. I dropped my camera.
I can't While
3 We were walking in the mountains. I fell and
3 Paul was playing football when he broke his leg. hurt my leg.
4 We met a man. He was once in a Bond film.
4 I was waiting for my bus when Dad drove past. We . .
Dad 5 Sue hit another car. She was driving home.
While .
5 It was easy for us to pass the exam. 6 This is the restaurant. I told you about it.
We passed This .
6 The teacher was watching you when you sent
4 U s e the prompts to write sentences.
that text.
1 l/walk/home yesterday/l/meet/Phil
You sent
/ was walking home yesterday when I met Phil.
2 He's the boy/know/a lot about computers.
7 While I was shopping, I lost my wallet.
I was
3 l/meet/him/last week/near the café/you/work

4 l/cycle/home yesterday/a bus/hit me
2 Choose the correct options.
1 [wasj/ were looking in the local newspaper 5 It/be/the bus/take/us to school
while / when I saw that there was a Horror
Night at the cinema. I phoned a friend which / 6 The man/drive/it/not see/me
who loves horror films and we decided to go.
When / While I was waiting for him, Melanie 7 I get up/the driver/look/at me/nervously
Hooper from my class walked along / past me
and w e n t into / across the cinema. 8 This is the place/Jack/have/his party
My friend arrived and while he w a s / were
getting the tickets, 1 bought / buy some 9 l/arrive/he/sing
popcorn. Then, we walked up / over the stairs
to the place which / where the horror films
10 Simon/make/a film of the party/we/go to/last
were on. While we waited / were waiting for
the film to start, Melanie sat next to me.
During a bit in the film which / who was very
frightening, Melanie held my arm. I didn't mind
at all!
Total .../40
5 Skills practice

1 Read the text. When w a s the original Globe Complete the story with the words from the
Theatre open? box.

a) 1599-1613
b) 1613-1642 • in • test • next • suddenly • bit • at

c) 1599-1642

L a s t y e a r . w h e n w e w e r e in I t a l y , m y
m u m b o u g h t s o m e c h e e s e to t a k e h u m e
ln 1599, a group of men, including William
as a p r e s e n t . W e Left rjur a p a r t m e n t a n d
Shakespeare, decided to build a new theatre in
said goodbye ta the owner.
Southwark, near the River Thames. They called
my m u m r e a l i s e d that the cheese was
it The Globe. Three thousand people watched
s t i l l in t h e f r i d g e . W e ran b a c k . b u t t h e
plays in the theatre. The rich ones sat in seats.
• w n e r wasn't there. Mum phoned him
Others in the audience paid one penny and 3
and a l a t e r he r e t u r n e d
stood in front of the stage. 4
and we got the c h e e s e . the
There was no lighting so plays took place in
evening, we went to the railway station
the afternoon. There were no microphones so 5
a n d g o t o n o u r t r a i n . The
the actors shouted their lines. The actors w o
m o r n i n g , w e w o k e up in R o m e and
costumes and there were other things they
got off the t r a i n . We c h e c k e d a l l our
could use. Things like cannons ... 6
bags. first, we thought
Unfortunately, in 1613, while the actors were
e v e r y t h i n g w a s OK and t h e n . w h i l e w e
performing HenryVlll, they fired the cannon and
were w a l k i n g to the taxis, my mum
it started a fire in the roof. They opened a new
s h o u t e d : 'The c h e e s e ! '
Globe Theatre the next year but, in 1642, the
government closed all theatres and that was
Write a story about forgetting something. Use
the end of The Globe - until 1997 when the new
the time phrases from the story in Exercise 3.
Globe Theatre opened in almost the same place.

2 Read the text again and answer true (T),

false (F) or doesn't say (DS).

1 The men who built The Globe were all actors.

2 There were three thousand seats in the theatre.

3 It cost one penny to stand and watch a play.

4 People watched plays in the afternoon.

5 Henry VIII closed the theatre in 1613. _

6a The sea isn't warm enough
Vocabulary: Places in town Grammar: Too + aajective
(+ infinitive) and (not) + adjective +
M a t c h the places f r o m the box to the
enough (+ infinitive)
reasons for going there (1-10).
3 U Complete the sentences with too or
• zoo • theatre • market • hospital
• art gallery • travel agent • library I like my town, but there are some problems:
• tourist information centre • museum 1 The hotels are too expensive.
• hotel
2 The zoo is small.
3 The theatre isn't big .
Where do people go ...
4 The hospital isn't clean

s 1 to see animáis? zoo

5 My school is difficult!

o 2 to see paintings?
3 when they are ill?
4 to sleep for the night?
6 The market is
7 The streets are safe

to ride a
5 to borrow books?
bike to school.
6 to see interesting oíd things?
8 The swimming pool is big
7 to book a holiday?
(and cheap ) for me.
8 for information about the
4 O Complete the second sentence
place they are visiting?
<0 9 to buy fresh fruit or other
so that it has the same meaning as the
first. Use the w o r d in capitals and too or
things? enough.
10 to see a play?
Homework Describe \)Our school.
2 8S C o m p l e t e the text with one letter in
each space. Our school

1 1 Our school ls too small. Bl&>

My parents went to the t r a v e l a_ g e n i to
Our school isn't big enouah.
book a holiday to Bruges in Belgium. Dad
2 The tests are. too difücult. ¿A$Y
went to the p e t r o l s t for
The tests
petrol and Mum went to the
3 The lessons O-re too lonq. SHOÍcT
I r r to borrow some books
The lessons
about the city.
Y The homework. ism't interesting enouqh.
Their h I was near the town
h I . Dad was worried about high
The homework
prices so they stopped at a shopping
5 The classrooms aren't warm enough.
c t outside Bruges and bought
some food. Dad got some maps from a
The classrooms
1 u s information centre.
and l'm not oíd enoucjh to lecu/e!
On the second day, Dad lost his wallet. They
went to the pólice s t and
... and l'm
someone brought the wallet in while they
were there.

5 i t l Use the prompts to write sentences. Grammar summary
Too + adjective (+ infinitive) and
not + adjective + enough (+ infinitive)
Too + adjective (+ infinitive)
It's too far to walk.
l'm too tired to go out.
a) It/expensive/buy
We're too late to see the film.
It's too expensive to buy.
(Not) + adjective + enough (+ infinitive)
b) l/not rich/buy/it My room is big enough for me.
My computer isn't fast enough to play games on.
My room isn't tidy enough for my mum!

• We use too + adjective to say that there is more than

a) It/not modern/play games on we need or want. It explains what the problem is.
The shopping centre is too crowded.
My room is too small.
b) It/old/play games on
• We use not + adjective + enough to say that there
is less than we need or want. It explains what the
problem is.
There isn't enough space in my bag.
There aren't enough buses.
• We use adjective + enough to say that there is no
a) l/tall/sleep on this The swimming pool was big enough.
I worked hard enough to pass my exams.

b) It/not long/sleep on Common mistakes

The bed wasn't enough comfortable. X
The bed wasn 't comfortable enough. /

a) It/difficult/do

b) l/not clever/do this

a) l/not hungry/eat all that

b) It/big/eat

6b When's he arriving?
Phrases 3 _ J B Complete the words with one letter in
each space.
Complete the dialogue with the words
from the box. 1 It's like 1 and 3 in Exercise 2
M r WtiiffiltfWfflITif 'H * " • ¡irffi ntli irhlVaftrrtítiy v
• believe • with • bit • me • don't 2 It's like 2 in Exercise 2 but bigger.
• complicated • luck • remind
t _ r k_
3 It's like 5 in Exercise 2 but much bigger.
A: So. do you remember our holiday plans?
1 2
B: E r . . . Remind again. We're
4 It's like a bus, but you can go further on it.
taking the ferry to France, right?
o c
3 4
A: 1 it! We decided
5 It's a bit like a bus and a bit like a train.
to go by plañe - about three months ago.
B:Oh, right. Did we? Why?
6 You fly in it.
5 6
A: Well, it's a _ _ _ _ _ but,
_ l e
basically, the ferry arrives too late for the train
and the plañe is actually slightly cheaper. We Grammar: Present continuous for future
get to the airport at five o'clock in the evening arrangements
and, 7
a bit o f 8
, we'll ~ — Complete the text with the correct form

catch the 6.25 train to Nice. of the verbs in brackets.

B: Oh, now I remember. Dave told me. You get Dear Sam,
seasick. That's why it all changed! Here are our holiday plans. We 're taking (take)
the train to the airport at five past five on
Vocabulary: Transport 2
Monday afternoon. W e (stay)
2 Label the pictures. at an airport hotel on Monday night because we
(fly) to Málaga very early in the

On Wednesday w e (take)
a day trip to Tangier. The next day, Ben
(go) whale watching. l'm going
to relax in a café. We haven't got any plans for
the rest of the week. We . (return)
on Sunday at 12.35 and on Sunday evening, we
(go) to the theatre with Jo and

f Katy!
See you when we get back.
5 GCD U s e the prompts to write questions and Grammar summary
answers. Then complete the diary entry below.
Present continuous for future
1 What/you/do/on Monday afternoon? arrangements
l/go/to the dentist Affirmative Negative
What are you doing on Monday afternoon? l'm meeting Jane on l'm not having a party
Tuesday. this year.
l'm going to the dentist.
You're leaving You aren't staying in
2 you/meet/Sam on Tuesday?
tomorrow. London on Saturday.
X l/meet/Jane on Tuesday He's/She's/lt's arriving He/She/lt isn't leaving
this evening. at seven.
We're/They're having a We/They aren't having
party on Friday. a test tomorrow.
Questions Short answers
3 When/play/tennis/with Louisa? Yes, I am.
Are you meeting your
l/not/play/tennis with Louisa. l/play/golf with friends later? No, l'm not.
Is she getting her hair Yes, she is.
her on Wednesday
cut tomorrow? No, she isn't.
Are they eating out on Yes, they are.
Saturday? No, they aren't.

Wh- questions
4 you/have/a party on Thursday? What are you doing this weekend?
X l/have/a party on Friday. My grandparents/ How long is he staying with you?

visit/us on Thursday

• We use the present continuous to talk about the future
when there is an arrangement. usually with someone
l'm meeting Tom later.
5 you/go/on holiday at the weekend?
• Sometimes, it is possible to use either the present
/ I /leave/on Saturday. l/stay/in London on continuous or going to. The more definite the
Saturday night then/l/fly/to Greece on Sunday arrangement, the more natural it is to use the present
morning continuous.
We're going to meet outside the cinema.
We're meeting outside the cinema.

• We often use a future time expression with the present
continuous to make it clear that we aren't talking
about now.
MONDAY l dentist - p.m. l'm having a party next week.
We're leaving in the morning.
Common mistakes
WEDNESDAY b • We can't use the present continuous to make future
THURSDAY 4 It's raining later. X
It's going to rain later. /

SATURDAY L e a v e - to

SUNDAY 7 - a.rr\.
6c l'd like a green salad, please.
3 COI Complete the dialogues with the correct
Vocabulary: Restaurant food form of like or would like.
1 __ü Complete the menú with one letter in A: Excuse me. Could I ask you some questions
each gap.
about your favourite

M e n ú foods?
B: Yes, of course.
A: Thank y o u . (you/like) _p_
you like fish?
B : (/) . I love it.
A: What desserts (you/like) ?
B: 1 (X like) desserts. I never eat
them. My brother (like) ice
cream. H e (X like) vegetables or
salad, but he loves sweet things.
A: Thank you.

Waiter: Good afternoon.

What (you/like)

Grammar: Like and would like Woman: Er (like)

2 Choose the correct questions or
answers. curry, please.
Waiter: 9
(you/like) _ any rice?
1 What food do you like?
Woman: 1 0
(/) but not white rice,
(a)) I like fast food. b) l'd like a steak, please.
1 11
(like) brown rice and a
2 Do you like cheese?
green salad, please.
a) No, I wouldn't. b) No, I don't
3 a) Would you like some cake? 4 O Complete the questions.

b) Do you like cake? 1 A: Would vou like a drink?

No, thank you. l'm not hungry. B: Yes, please. Water, please.
4 Would you like a dessert? 2 A: your mum curry?
a) No, thank you. b) Yes, I do. B: No, she doesn't. She hates it.
5 What would you like for dessert? 3 A: your son an ice cream?
a) Cheesecake, please. B: Yes, please, but just a small one.
b) Ice cream, apple pie, cheesecake. I like 4 A: What you for dinner?
everything! B: Meat or fish or sometimes some pasta with
6 Are you ready to order? cheese.
a) Yes, I like the chicken. 5 A: you to go to the cinema this
b) Yes, l'd like the chicken. evening?
7 a) Would you like some cola? B: No, l'm a bit tired today.
b) Do you like cola? 6 A: Where you to go this
No, just some water, thank you. afternoon?
B: Can we go to the park? That would be great.
Use your English Order food in a Grammar summary
Like and would like
5 O Complete the first part of the dialogue Like: Affirmative Negative
with the words from the box.
I like fish. They don't like curry.
He likes cheese. She doesn't like cola.
Questions Short answers
Do you like tomatoes? Yes, we do.
Does she like No. we don't.
cheesecake? Yes, she does.
No, she doesn't
Wouid like
l'd like steak.
Questions Short answers
Would you like a drink? Yes. we would.
• have • can • order • too • me
No, we wouldn't.
• anything • for • like • else
Wh- Questions
What would you like to drink?
A: Good evening. Are you ready to 1
B: Yes, we are. l ' d 2
a steak, please. Mofe
C: A chicken curry f o r 3
, please. Usage
• We use like (+ verb + -ing) to talk about things we like
A: Anything 4
and which are always true.
B: I'll 5
a green salad, please.
/ like kebabs.
C: M e 6
please. I like eating out.
A: Would you like 7
to drink? • We use would like (+ to + infinitive) to talk about our
preferences at this time.
B: 8
I have a lemonade, please?
l'd like steak, please.
C: A mineral w a t e r 9
me, please.
l'd like to go home now.
6 _ _ Í Complete the rest of the dialogue with We use Would + subject + like (+ to + infinitive) to
one word in each gap. offer something to somebody or invite somebody to do
Would you like a drink?
Would you like to go swimming?

Like is a normal verb. We use the auxiliary do to form
questions and negatives. We add -s to the third person
singular in the present simple.
Do you like cheese?
B: Thank you, that was lovely. My mum likes mushrooms.
A: Wou/d you like some dessert?
To make negatives with would like, we add n't (not) to
B: N 2
for me, thanks. Would you would.
You wouldn't like to go climbing.
1 anything?
To form questions, we reverse the order of the subject
C: Yes, please. l'd like some cheesecake, please. and would.
A: A 4
else? Coffee? You would like to order now.
B: No, that's f 5
, thanks. Can we Would you like to order now?
have t h e b , please?
A: Certainly. Here you are.

6 Language round-up
1 Match the beginnings (1-9) to the endings 3 Rearrange the letters to make four words for
(a-¡). each heading.

1 We're going to the a) station. Places in town Transport Restaurant food

shopping museum
- b ) centre.
2 This is the new town
O gallery.
3 We can book a holiday at
the travel d) pie and cream.
4 Don't drive too fast past • usmmeu • ibinsum • hateret • npsraw
e) salad.
the pólice • slegana • avarnac • toscreo • seeacckeeh
0 bread.
5 l'd like a chicken • ribyarl • oplashti • iloviar • tophilrece
6 I'll have the green g) agent. .../11
7 l'd like some apple 4 U s e the prompts to complete the dialogue.
h) curry.
8 Let's have some garlic
A: What/you/like/do/tomorrow?
i) hall.
9 I love looking round the art
1 What would vou like to do tomorrow?
.../8 B: l/like/go/to the theatre. We can walk there.

2 Complete the text with the words from the 2 We can walk there.
box. A: It/far/walk
• ttke • would • meat • going • big B: OK, we can get a taxi.
• likes • having • too • desserts
A: l/not/rich/pay/for a taxi!
• expensive • orders • enough • salad

B: We can ask your dad to take us.
l'd like to have a meal and a disco for my
A: He/work/tomorrow afternoon
birthday,' I said. Our house i s small
3 5
and it wasn't s p e c i a l for me. The
4 Any way, l/not/like/go/to the theatre
local hotel was too , but the Italian
5 6 :
restaurant was enough for all my
B: Don't you?
friends and cheap.
6 A: No. Today, l/like/visit/the art gallery
Mum chose the food. S h e doing
7 7 No.
things like that. She chose lots o f
8 B: OK. you/like/meet/for lunch first?
like kebabs, s i d e of tomato
9 10 8 OK.
and some g r e a t like
A: Where? The tapas bar?
11 B: No. It/always/crowded/find/a table
I wrote the invitations: 'Hi, l'm
,h 12 9 No.
a party on 2 6 J u n e , you like to
13 A: We can go to the Metro Bar.
come?' We're to the restaurant
B: Great. Their sandwiches/tasty/for me!
now to get everything ready. I hope it's a good
10 Great.

n (7)


6 Skills practice

Read "Listen

1 Read the texts and answer N (Natasha), .:St Listen to the dialogue. What is the
M (Mick) or J (Julia). problem?

Who... a) Rick doesn't know when the party is.

1 would like to live in a different place? b) Beth doesn't want to go to his party.
2 doesn't often go out in the evening? c) Beth is too busy to go to his party.
3 can go to the theatre without spending 3 Listen again and complete the summary.
much money? 1
Rick's party is on Frida.. but Beth is going to
4 spends two weeks' money on one trip to 2
for the weekend. Next Friday,
the cinema? 3
Beth is going to the with her aunt.
5 doesn't think their park is dangerous?
After that, she is going to spend two days with
6 talks about a place for teenagers to go 4
her . Beth has French classes on
which isn't open now? 5
Mondays and and, on Thursdays.
she p l a y s Next Tuesday the
club are having a meeting. Beth
I don't like living here. The theatre has cheap tickets and Rick arrange to go out for a 8
for students and there is a free art gallery, but I 9
Sunday evening a t o'clock.
don't often go out in the evenings. The streets are
too dark and the buses are too empty. I think it's
quite dangerous to go out after dark.
Natasha 4 You and your friend went out for a meal at a
restaurant. You left your phone there and, the
next morning, a waiter from the restaurant
returned it to you. Complete the thank you
note to the manager.
It's not the best town in the world for teenagers.
Cinema tickets are too expensive. I get £5 a week
from my parents and a ticket for the cinema costs Dear Sir,
£6. With bus tickets and popcorn it's £10 or more. 1
My n ame is Filip Castro. 1 w 2

My friends and I usually meet in the park. It's safe 3

your restaurant 1 night and, at the
enough and free.
Mick end of the evening, I accidentally
1 my phone there. This morning,
a waiter from your restaurant c to
my home with the phone. It was very
The youth club closed a few years ago. Now there's 6
k of him to bring it. l'd
just one cinema and a big shopping centre. There 7
1 to thank you and him for your
are sometimes fights because teenagers are bored.
l'd love to live in an exciting city like London, but help.
my parents like it here because it's clean and The m 8
was delicious and I will
houses are cheap.
Julia definitely come back to your restaurant soon.
\ Thank you again.
7a Have you ever been to Canadá?
Vocabulary: Holiday activities Grammar: Present perfect simple
with ever and never
1 WJB Rearrange the letters to make holiday
activities. 3 Write the past participle of the
verbs. Circle the verbs which are the same
ln the mountains
in the past simple and the present perfect.
1 g/l/n/i/c/i/b/m
11put] put 9 give
T3K 2 have 10 come
2n/o/a/n/m/u/t/i n/k/i/b/i/g
3 swim 11 drive
4 meet 12 sleep
3 i/i/g/n/k/s
5 speak 13 fly

3 4 g/r/o/a/n/b/n/s/w/o/i/d
6 eat 14 do

IL 7 break
8 take
15 see

ln the sea

O 5 g/w/n/m/i/i/s/m
4 IB Complete the sentences with the
correct past participles from Exercise 3.

1 Have you ever done the ironing?

6 n/n/i/i/f/d/w/s/r/u/g 2 l've never a car.

3 Have you ever to someone

3 7
On the beach

8a/h/e/c/b I/ a / o / b / I/ v / I/ y / e / I
on Skype?
4 Have you ever
5 l've never curry.
the Pyramids?

6 Has your dad ever _ a plañe?

7 My mum has never in an

ln the town
9 g/h/n/o/8/i/p/p
8 Have you ever a photograph

10 s/t/g/e/i/e/h/g/s/i/n of a famous person?

Grammar: The definite article with

2 WiM Complete the text with the or - .

I love looking at travel m a g a z i n e s a n d

w e b s i t e s a n d Tve n o w g o t a list of p l a c e s
I w a n t t o visit w h e n I get older.

The USA. I want to see 2

Los Sahara Desert and ride on
Angeles and New York. I want to a camel. I want to go on a boat ride on
go t o 4
. Rocky Mountains and go on River Nile and I want to swim
a boat trip along 5
Mississippi River in Red Sea and look at the fish.
... and there are lots of other places I want to Canary Islands. I want to
go to as well. swim in " Atlantic Ocean and
Africa. I want to see see the black sand on Lanzarote.

5 S 9 U s e the prompts to write sentences. Grammar summary
1 My dad/go to Paris / / b u t / c l i m b the Eiffel Tower X The definite article with places
My dad has been to París, but he's never climbed The USA
the Eiffel Tower. The River Nile
The Himalayas
2 l/go/to Spain / / b u t / s w i m / i n the Mediterranean X
The Red Sea
The Faroe Islands
The Sahara Desert

3 My parents/eat/Chinese food / / b u t / v i s i t China X

• We use the definite article to talk about plural

countries, groups of mountains. rivers. seas,
4 My aunt/go/to the mountains / / b u t / g o skiing X oceans, groups of islands and deserts. We do not
use it with singular countries. individual mountains
or islands or lakes.
The USA but NOT The England
5 My friends/ride/a motorbike / / b u t / d r i v e a car X
Tne Himalayas but NOT The Everest
The Canary Islands but NOT The Lanzarote
The River Nile but NOT The Lake Victoria

6 My teacher/do/lots of interesting things / / b u t /

she/see/a horror film X Present perfect simple with ever and
l've (have) never been to America.
He's (has) never eaten lasagne.
6 I t t l U s e the prompts to write questions and Have you ever f o r g o t t e n somebody's birthday?
answers. Yes, I have./No, I haven't.
Has she ever seen Niágara Falls?
1 you/ever/eat/a full English breakfast? /
Yes, she has./No, she hasn't.
Have you ever eaten a full English breakfast?
Yes. I have. Mote
2 your dad/ever/play/beach volleyball? X Usage
• We use the present perfect simple with ever and
neverXo talk about things that have or haven't
happened in our lives.
3 you/ever/go/to the British Museum? X
/ have never been to Italy (in my Ufe)

• To form the present perfect simple we use have/has
4 your mum/ever/ride/a mountain bike? / + past participle.
/ stopped. I have stopped.
• To form questions, we reverse the order of have/
has and the subject.
5 your grandparents/ever/write/an email? / You have finished. Have you finished?
• We write never between have/has and the past
/ have never failed an exam.
6 your sister/ever/break/her arm?
• We write ever in questions between the subject and
X/but/she/break/her leg twice the past participle.
Have you ever driven a car?
7b It hasn't arrived yet
Phrases 3 ( 3 9 Choose the correct options.

1 i Ü ¡ | Complete the dialogue with one word ¡n 1 Don't stand up. The plañe hasn't stopped |yet)/
each gap.
already / just.
A: Have you finished your homework yet? 2 I don't want to go to bed. The match hasn't
finished already / just / yet.
B: Er... nearly.
3 'You look tired.' 'I am. l've already / j u s t / yet
A: You mean you haven't started yet. Hurry up.
got back from Australia.'
We can't go out until you've finished. Honestly,
4 Have you read the email I sent you already /
it's always the same. You never do your
homework when Mum tells you to.
5 'Sir, what exercise do you want us to do?' 'l've
B: C d . We've got all
j u s t / yet / already told you three times.'
day. We can go out this afternoon.
3 6 Has Helen phoned yet / already / just?
A: Yes, but t h e 1 is that it's going to
rain this afternoon. 4 líi C o m p l e t e the email with the phrases
f r o m t h e box.
B: Really? Does Mum know? l'm sure I can do my
homework later. What do you r ?
A: No, way! She's already told you to finish your
homework three times. She isn't going to
change her mind now.

Grammar: Present perfect with just,

already and yet
2 O Rewrite the underhned sentences with
the w o r d s in capitals.

1 A: You're brown. • hasn't told • 've already done • haven't sent

B: I know. l've come back from Greece. JUST • has just come • 've already paid
• have swum • haven't tried
l've just come back from Greece.
2 A: Can you tell me the answer to number two?
Hi Sara,
B: l've told you the answer. You weren't
l'm in Sennen in Cornwall. It's great h e r e . WeVe
listening. ALREADY
already done lots of things.
We in the sea every day, but
3 A: Let's go. B: We can't. Jason isn't here. YET
1 surfing yet. l'm going to
have a lesson tomorrow. 1 so
4 A: Rob, l've heard the news about your
I hope it doesn't rain tomorrow!
accident. Are you alright? JUST
Dad into the living room of
our cottage. He wants to use the computer. Don't
5 A: Has Tom given vou your phone back?
worry, h e me to stop using it
B: No, he hasn't. YET
yet - he's making a cup of coffee first. I
any postcards yet, but l'm
6 A: Quick! I don't want to miss the start of the
going to buy some tomorrow.
See you soon.
B: You've missed it. ALREADY
5 GEb Use the prompts to complete the Grammar summary
dialogues. Use just, already or yet.
Present perfect with just, already
1 A: The new James Bond film is great. I love the and yet
bit where ... l've just got home.
B: Don't tell me. (l/not/see it) / haven 't seen it He's just left.
They've already done the washing-up.
She's already arrived in the USA.
2 A: Do you want to see my holiday photos? I haven't talked to her yet.
B: No, thanks. (l/see/them twice!) It hasn't started yet
Have you finished yet?
Has he asked you out yet?
3 A: What's wrong with you?
B: (l/see/an alien!)
4 A: What did I get in my test, sir? • We use the present perfect simple with just to talk
about something that happened a very short time ago.
B: (l/not/look/at them)
We've just finished dinner.
• We use the present perfect simple with already to
l've been very busy. emphasise that something has happened before now.
5 A: (you/finish/Exercise 1 ,/Paul?) l've already done the washing-up.
• We use the present perfect simple with yet in
questions and negatives to mean up to now.
B: Not yet, sir.
Have you sent that email yet?
He hasn't fallen asleep yet.
Use your English: Exclamations
6 Choose the correct response. • We put just between the auxiliary verb have/has and
1 Steve remembered to bring all his books to the past participle.
He has just phoned.
school today.
• We put already between the auxiliary verb have/has
(a^ What a surprise! b) That's a pity!
and the past participle.
c) How horrible! / have already seen this film.
2 l've passed all my exams. • We put yet at the end of questions and negatives.
/ haven 't had a shower yet.
a) How weird! b) That's great!
Has Mark eaten his lunch yet?
c) What a nightmare!
Common mistakes
3 My parents say I can't go out for three weeks.
He's left already X
a) What a nightmare! b) That's odd! He's already left. /
c) How nice!
4 Joe doesn't want to go out with me.
a) What a fantastic idea! b) That's a shame!
c) That's good!
5 Our teacher left the classroom in the middle of
the lesson.

a) That's a shame! b) What a nightmare!

c) How strange!
6 My parents gave me a new laptop.
a) That's incredible! b) That's a shame!
c) How disgusting!

7c He sang a rock song.

Vocabulary: Types of music
3 iái Complete the texts with the verbs from
Rearrange the letters to make the types the box.
of music.

Elvis P r e s l e y
Write your musical likes and dislikes below.
Likes Dislikes
1 opp 8 zajz
2 par 9 atLni

3 eergag 10 kofl

4 okrc 11 ousl
roe V-
5 eohtcn 12 Icaascisl

6 ihp-pho 13 rtocuny and nsrteew

12th May
7 yveha emita 730 p.m.

• started (x2) • has been • have seen

Grammar: Past simple and present • sote) • has sung • has played
perfect simple • saw • was • made • haven't been
• has sold • has appeared • played
2 H Complete the sentences with the correct
form of the verbs in brackets.
Elvis Presley started his career in 1954 and
1 I (go) have been to America three times.
• a singer until he died in 1977.
2 I (go) to Spain last year.
ln that time h e millions of
3 (you ever meet) any famous
records all over the world. H e
thirty-three films and concerts
4 (you meet) any nice people when
for his fans, but only in the USA and Canadá.
you were tn England?
My mum him in concert three
5 Where (Mark go) yesterday?
times and she to his house in
6 Where (Mark go) ? I can't find him.
Memphis twice.
7 I (just finish) my homework.
8 I (finish) my homework two Justin Bieber _ 6
singing in 2008.
minutes ago. He 9
jWffi^' some good songs and he
9 Rachel (send) me two emails 10 over fifteen million CDs and
yesterday. music down load s. H e 1 1
10 Rachel (send) two emails so far all over the world and he 12

this morning. in films and televisión programmes. I

11 I (not do) my homework last week. 1 3
him in concert twice, but I
12 I (not do) my homework yet. 14 to his house yet!

4 iüi U s e the prompts to complete the Grammar summary
Past simple and present perfect simple
1 A: you/ever/go/to a music festival?

l've seen this film.

Have you ever been to a music festival? I s a w this film last week.
B: X but l/go/to a pop concert He's been to the USA.
He went to the USA two years ago.
l've never eaten Chínese food.
I didn't eat Chínese food when I was in Hong Kong.
A: Really? When? He hasn't done his homework yet.
B: l/see/Robbie Williams last year He didn't do his homework yesterday.
Have you ever ridden a camel?
Did you ride a camel when you were in Egypt?
A: you/enjoy it?

Has she ever had a job?

Did she have a job last summer?

B: V It/be/great
2 A: your brother's band/make/any CDs?

• We use the past simple with a past time expression to

talk about something that started and finished in the
past. The time period has finished.
7 We went out last Friday
B: X Not yet.
• We use the present perfect simple when the time
period is unfinished or with time expressions such as
A: they/play/any concerts?

just, already, yet.

l've never seen this film, (in my Ufe)

B: V They/play/last night We've been to the USA. (at some time in our Ufe)
They've just finished the washing-up.
• Some time expressions may be finished or unfinished
depending on when we use them.
A: Really? 10
you/go? / had French this morning. (It is now the afternoon or
Tve had three lessons this morning. (It is still the
B: / but they/not/be/very good

Common mistakes
3 A: 1 2
your parents/ever/go/to a rock concert?
Did you ever go to the USA ? X
Have you ever been to the USA ? /
What have you done yesterday? X
1 3
What did you do yesterday? /
B: / They/go/to a lot/when they/be/younger

A: Really?
B: Yes. They/see/U2 in 1990

A: they/enjoy it?

1 6
B: X
7 Language round-up
Match the beginnings (1-10) to the endings 3 Write the words in capitals in the correct
(a-j) places.

1 Have you ever a) arrived. 1 MOUNTAIN JUST WENT THE

just the went mountain
2 l've never b) Canadá. l'vegot back from-AIps. Iclimbing and/biking.
3 Bob has just c) yet. It was incredible.
4 I haven't finished d) USA. 2 GO NEVER REGGAE THE
5 Have you started e) last night? l've been to Caribbean. It's too expensive for
6 We arrived f) seen a dolphin? me. l'd like to swimming and listen to music.
7 My dad's been to the g) out. 3 EVER BEEN WENT THE
8 My mum has never h) yet? Have you seen River Nile? My dad to Egypt ten
been to i) ten minutes years ago, but l've never there.
9 Did you enjoy the ago. 4 THE ALREADY THE
concert j) been here When we went to USA, we swam in Pacific
10 My mum's gone before. Ocean near Los Angeles. I loved it. l've started

.../9 planning next year's holiday!

2 Complete the dialogue w i t h the correct f o r m of
the verbs f r o m the box or never, yet, already, 4 Complete the text w i t h one w o r d in each space.
Dear Grandma and Grandpa,
We've been here in France for a week now.
r. write (x2) • be • do (x3) • Have 2
We're staying in a campsite n e a r
Loire River. It's beautiful. Have y o u
Erin: Are you ready to go out?
1 2
been here? You'd like it.
Tricia: I haven't had d i n n e r _ because
The people in the next tent are very noisy. They
' ve
#£» 3 got back from school. 4

play h e a v y music all evening. Dad
There _ a basketball match. 5

wants to play his country and CDs
Erin: you play well? 6
very loudly, but he hasn't done i t . .
Tricia: I was OK, but we aren't very good. We've
(Mum says he can't!)
won a game. It was 14-58 7
Yesterday, we to a town on
today! Anyway, I can't go out. I haven't 8

Atlantic Ocean and I went
my homework yet. Our English 9

windsuríing. l've tried it before so it
teacher has given us three
was difficult.
pages of exercises to do. Haven't you got any
Mum and Dad have 10
shopping, but
9 1 0
they'll be back soon.
Erin: l've done it. 1
Hope all is well.
it at lunch time. Phone me when you've
finished. I can write some emails. Natalie
to me last week and I haven't
back to her yet
Tricia: OK. See you later. (^) LISTEN AND C H E C K YOUR S C O R E

, .../11 Total .../40

7 Skills practice

Rea the text. Why is Masbat popular with
Read Complete the invitation with the extra
young people?

Most people • A They've got a great house near the 3e

• B My aunt is a great cook. • C It isn't f
who want to visit
• D They've got a few animáis.
the Red Sea go • E He worked on a ferry for ten years.
to the resorts
of Hurghada or
Sharm el-Sheikh.
Another place which is less well-known is Dahab, Dear Clara,
We're going to the Isle of Wight next weekenc
north of Sharm el-Sheikh. There are three parts
My cousins live there. 1 A Would you like to
to Dahab. Masbat is a Bedouin village which come with us?
has always been popular with young people We're going to drive to Portsmouth. 2
Then we get the ferry to the Isle of Wight. It's
who want a cheap holiday in the sun. It's a very
small, but it doesn't matter. It only takes twenty
relaxing place with a beach and the cafés play minutes to get there from Portsmouth.
rock and reggae music. Mashraba is where the My aunt and únele live on a farm. 3 I love
going there because I like helping my únele.
hotels are and where richer people stay. Medina
They've also got a boat. My únele knows a
is a great place for windsurfing. lot about the sea. 4 Oh, and the food is
One reason for coming to Dahab is the Blue Hole. delicious. 5
So, do you want to come? Phone me or send me
This is a great place to see fish and go diving, but
an email.
it is also very dangerous. The Hole is 130 metres
deep and, 52 metres below the surface, there is
v J
a 26 metre long tunnel. The problem is that it is
4 Write an invitation. Use the ideas below.
dangerous for inexperienced divers to go more
than 40 metres down, but a lot of people want to A school friend is having a party on Friday. Write

reach the tunnel to see what it is like. an invitation to your neighbour.

• Say who the school friend is - add extra
Read the text again and match the places
from the box to the descriptions (1-4). information about his/her character.
• Say what time it starts and finishes - add extra

c • Mashraba Hurghada • the Blue Hole

• Masbat • Sharm el-Sheikh
information about how you are planning to get

• Say where the school friend lives - add extra

1 Two popular Red Sea holiday resorts. information about his/her house.
Hurghada • Tell your friend what you are going to wear -
2 A Bedouin village. add extra information about when and where
3 The part of Dahab where there are hotels. you bought the clothes.

4 A place where people go diving.

8a If I go to a café ...
Vocabulary: Personality adjectives Grammar: Zero conditional with if
Complete the adjectives with one 3 S Ü Ü Complete the sentences with the
letter in each space. correct form of the verbs in brackets.

1 Chris always does well at school. He is 1 If we (have) have a test, our teacher always
very Qte_ye_c. (watch) watches us carefully!
2 Beth always tells people what to do. She's 2 If I (not get) up at seven
quite b s . o'clock, my mum (get) very

3 Lisa never does much work. She's angry.

I y- 3 If my mum (work) late, my

4 Frank always smiles and says helio. He's dad (cook) . dinner.

nice and f n y. 4 If we (talk) in class, our

5 Meg never gives her friends presents. teacher (give) us extra

She's quite m n. homework.

6 Fiona always makes us laugh. She's so 5 If I (not feel) _ well, my mum

f y- (give) me an onion and sugar

7 Steve finds it hard to talk to people. He's drink.

very h . 6 If my brother (not understand)
8 Brian thinks he's better than anyone else. his homework, he always (ask)
He's too i -h d d. me for help.

" Complete the crossword. 4 WUB Use the prompts to complete the

1 (What/your mum/do) What does your mum

dg_ if you get bad marks from school?
2 (What music/you/listen to)
if you are sad?
3 (Who/you/talk to)
if you have problems?
4 (What/your dad/say)
if you are late home?
5 (Where/you/go)
if you want to be alone?
Someone w h o . . .
6 (How/you/get to school)
1 always supports their friends is ...
if you miss the bus?
2 gives gifts to other people is ...
7 (What time/you/get up)
3 makes you feel slightly angry is ..
if you don't have school?
4 gives help to others is ...
8 (Where/you/stay)
5 behaves or speaks nicely is ...
if you are on holiday?
6 is the opposite of (5) is ...
7 doesn't say much is ...
8 is messy is ... ^ >
5 f£¿M Look at the photos and complete the Grammar summary
sentences with the correct form of the verbs
Zero conditional with if
from the box.
If I finish my homework early, I usually surf the
• come • be (x3) • help (x2) • turn If my mum is late, she always phones us.
• take • flght • not know • lose • wear If I don't feel well, I go to bed.
If my dad is angry. he doesn't talk to us.
Questions Short answers
If it rains, do you go to Yes. I do.
school by car? No, I don't.
Wh- questions
What do you do if you are tired?
Where does your mum go if she has a night out
with her friends?

• We use the zero conditional to talk about the result of
a situation. The condition is always true.
If I am late for school, my teacher contacts my parents.
(This always happens when I am late for school.)

• To form the zero conditional. we use //+ present
simple (action or situation) + present simple (result).
The //clause can come at the beginning or end of
the sentence. When it comes at the beginning of the
sentence, we put a comma after it.
If I have time in the evening. I phone my friends.
I phone my friends in the evening iflhave time.
i ~

1 If aliens come, he fights them.

2 If he the ring, people
he is there.
3 If he angry, he green.
4 If there a crime, he
the pólice.
5 If he his boat, he
different one.
6 If there dangerous spies, he
the goverment.

8b Will Ufe be different?
Grammar: Will for future predicitons 3 IB Complete the text with the correct form
of the verbs from the box.
1 Sutf Use the prompts to complete the
be (x2) • go • return • try • disappear
not listen • become • win • drive
I n fiffy yeafs'
not kill • attack • destroy • live
time Robots ...
1 cooK for us /
What will happen
will cook for us.
1 d e á n the floor / IN THE FUTURE?
3 do our homevor* X

A- drive cars X

5 f i d y our rooms y

6 teach us /

7 v/ear clothes /

8 do the x/ashing-up /

2 E3 U s e the prompts to write questions and

short answers.

In 2050 ...
1 children/go to school? /
Will children go to school? Yes, they will.
2 we/have flying cars? X

3 people/live in big cities? /

4 the world/be warmer? /

5 people/live on different planets? X

6 people/travel in space? /

7 people/eat meat? /

8 cars/use petrol? X
Vocabulary: The weather Grammar summary
4 WJD Complete the dialogues with one word in each gap. Will for future predicitons
Affirmative Negative
We will live in People won't go
A: What ¡s the weather like skyscrapers. to Mars.
There will be a We won't have
lot of problems. robots.
B: Terrible. It's raining and it's
6A ó Questions Short answers
Will people use Yes, they will.
electricity? No, they won't.
Wh- questions
How many people will live on Earth?

A: See you later. What will we eat?

B: Drive carefully. It's very

f outside.
• We use will to talk about things we
think or believe will happen in the
A: Mummy, it's
People will live to 150 years oíd.
s . Can I go
• ln affirmative and negative sentences,
B: Put a coat and hat on. It's we use will or won't + infinitive
f out there. without to.
You will get a good job.
I won't get married.
A: What was the weather • ln questions, we reverse the order of
the subject and the auxiliary verb will.
I in Spain?
We will go to the moon.
B: Brilliant! It was
Will we go to the moon?
s every day and • ln short answers, we don't repeat the
very h . main verb.
Will you leave England?
Yes, I will. NOT Yes, I will leave.
A: Is the sun Common mistakes
s today? Where I will live? X


* I Where will I live? /

B: No, it's c_
but it's quite w^
and at least it isn't raining.

0 -or
A: Put your hat on.
B: Why?
A: It's very w today.
8c If you take too long, Til
Phrases 3 CS Complete the text with the words from
the box.
1 Huí Complete the dialogue with one word in
each gap.
software • attachment • website
A: l'm here at last. l'm really sorry l'm late. Do you
password • virus • tabtet • downloaded
think we can still get tickets for the concert? • crashed • stick • opened • internet
B: Lef's hope so. You wait here. I'll go and see.
A: A I ? 1
My brother got a new tablet last week. He
B: No. They sold the last one five minutes ago. connected it to the 2
and set up
A: H a . l'm sorry I his email account. Then he got a strange email
wasn't here. Oh, why didn't I leave earlier? with an 3
. He 4
it and
B: J u s t f a it. Come on. got a 5
from it. His tablet
We've got £10 that we didn't spend on tickets. on the first day! Luckily, Dad
Let's go shopping. had some anti-virus on a memory
and he cleaned it. Then my brother
Vocabulary: Computer language 9
found a with free games. He
2 O U S Label the picture. 10
one and ... another virus!
Dad's put a on the tablet now so
my brother can't use it if my parents aren't there.

Grammar: First conditional with if

4 i U É Match the beginnings (1-6) to the
endings (a-h).

1 If you get a bad virus, x a) you won't

2 If you get a tablet, receive any.
3 If you don't want these b) l'll take it to the
photos, shop for you.
4 If you don't write any c) YOU WILL
emails, WRITE IN
5 If you use your ñame as CAPITAL
your password, LETTERS!
6 If your printer doesn't d) your computer
work, will crash.

1 \aptop 7 If you can't find your e) it won't be safe.

2 P charger, f) your phone

3 P 8 If you press the caps won't work.

4 s lock button on your g) it will be easy to

5 c keyboard, carry.

6 m. h) l'll delete them.

7 k_
8 m


5 BS Use the p r o m p t s to complete the Grammar summary

First conditional with if
A : (What/you/do) What will vou do if If your computer g o e s wrong, I'll look at it for you.
2 If you send James an email, he'll write back to
(Paul/be/late) again?
(you/wait) for him? If you d o n ' t clean your keyboard, it w o n ' t w o r k
B : (X) . 5
(If/he/be/late) properly.
6 If this virus checker d o e s n ' t w o r k , it w o n ' t
a g a i n , (I /phone/him)
remove the viruses. ,
and tell him to meet me
Questions Short answers
inside the cinema. Will you help me if I Yes, I will.
have any problems? No, I w o n ' t .

A : (Where/you/go) _ Wh- questions
(it/be/sunny) this Who will you ask if you need help with your new
w e e k e n d ? (you/go) to the phone?


1 0
(If it/be/warm enough) • We use the first conditional to talk about the result of a
12 likely future event or situation.
Ifit rains tomorrow (the likely situation), I'll stay in bed.
(the result)
Use your English: Describe and deal
with computer problems Form
• We form the first conditional with two clauses, the
6 O Complete the dialogues with one w o r d in //clause and the result clause. We use lf+ present
each space. simple + will + infinitive without to.
Ifyou are late, I'll wait in the café.
• When we use the //clause first, we sepárate the two
clauses with a comma. When we start with the result
clause, we don't use a comma.
If I see a cheap tablet. I'll buy it.
I'll buy a tablet if it is cheap.

Common mistakes
If we will drive, it will be quicker. X
A: Good morning. What's the problem? If we drive, it will be quicker. /
B: There's s o m e t h i n g w with my

A: What's t h e m with it?
B: It d o e s n ' t w .
A: S I have a look at it?
B: Yes, please. T h a t w be great.

A: What's wrong, Shelley?

B: l've got a 7
p with my charger.

A: What's wrong w 8

B: It doesn't charge my phone!

A: I'll 1 you my charger.
B: Thanks. That's really 10
k of you.
8 Language round-up
1 Complete the sentences with the words from 3 Complete the text with the correct form of the
the box. words in brackets.
¿v-^rr • : , 1
When I woke up, it was (cloud) cloudy. so I
• tempered • working • headed • annoying switched on my computer. At first, there was no
• shining • going • email • internet • DVD 2
(connect) to the internet, but
• crashed • stick
later I received three emails. One had an
(attach) . I wanted to print it, but
1 My brother is really annoying.
m y (print) wasn't working.
2 The sun is .
My brother wasn't v e r y (help) .
3 My sister is quite big- .
He was looking for h i s (charge) .
4 My computer has just .
He's very (tidy) and he
5 My dad is often bad- .
can never find anything. He's also very
6 You need a memory .
(annoy) and says that l'm
7 My best friend is very easy-
(boss) .
8 I don't know how to burn this onto a
It was (sun) after lunch, so I
went cycling. Later, it was (wind)
9 I spend a lot of time surfing the
and difficult to cycle. Then it started raining .
10 I think I am quite hard-
11 I want to attach a photo to this
..710 4 U s e the prompts to write questions and
2 Complete the sentences with the correct form
of the verbs in brackets. 1 What/you do/if it/be/sun/tomorrow?
If ¡t/be/sun/tomorrow/l/go/for a walk
1 I think you (be) will be interested in my family.
What will you do if it is sunny tomorrow?
2 If I have a problem, my mum always (help)
If it is sunnv tomorrow. I'll go for a walk.
H | me.
2 Where/we/go/if/it/rain/tomorrow?
3 If I do something wrong, she (not shout)
If/it rain/tomorrow/we/go/to a museum

4 If there (be) a problem, my dad

(not talk) _ about it.
3 What/weather/like/when/you/be/in London?
5 My brother is lazy. If my mum (not tell)
It/be/cold/and wind/but/it/not rain!
him to tidy his room or do his
homework, he (not do) it.
6 If you want to know more about us, I (tell)
4 If/it/snow/tomorrow/you/cycle to school?
X lf/it/snow/tomorrow/l/go/by car
7 I (not have) much time in May
because we will have exams.


Total .../40

8 Skills practice *> m
S K I L L S F O C U S : R E A D I N G , L I S T E N I N G AND W R I T I N G W~

Read Listen
1 Read the texts. What is each person's 3 Listen to the dialogue and number the
problem? things that Helen talks about in the correct
2 a) Travelling

3 b) The food
c) Computers
d) The weather
Hi Joe,
l'm not enjoying my holiday. The internet e) Mum's problems
connection on the campsite is slow and my f) Free time
mobile phone doesn't work at all. Luckily
the weather isn't too bad, but I still don't like 1 3 V Listen again and answer the questions.
1 Where is Helen? ln Scotland.
2 Does she like the food?
3 Has she swum?
Hi Steve,
4 Has John sent her an email?
What a great hotel. We're near the beach and
the internet connection is amazing. That's lucky 5 When are they leaving?
because it hasn't stopped raining so we haven't 6 What has her mum broken?
been on the beach yet. I don't mind. I can watch
films and play games and the food is great! Write
5 Write a letter of thanks. Use the ideas below.

You were on holiday with your parents and you

met someone of your age there. He/She showed
Sorry I haven't emailed before, but this is the
first internet café Tve found. I brought my you some interesting places, took you to a club
new tablet, but there's no internet connection and introduced you to his/her friends. Now you
at our apartment. Did you get the text I sent?
are home, write a letter.
Why haven't you sent me a reply?
Leanne • Introduce the letter.
• Describe the journey back home.

Read the texts again and choose the correct • Thank the person for what they did for you and
options. say how much you enjoyed it.

1 There is no /(a slow)internet connection on • Say that you hope he/she wants to keep in

Beth's campsite. touch and you definitely will if they write back

2 Beth doesn't like the weather / camping. • Cióse the letter.

3 Jeff hasn't been to the beach because it is too

far / the weather is bad. Dear ....

4 Jeff is happy / upset with the holiday. H i , it's me, l'm the b o / q ¡ r l

5 Leanne is sending the email from an internet w a s on holiday in

café / her apartment.

6 Leanne is upset because Max hasn't sent her
an email / a text.

9a Which ones are best?
Vocabulary: Clothes, accessories and styles Grammar: which + indefinite
pronoun one/ones
1 (ÉB C o m p l e t e the descriptions with one letter in
each space. 3 ÜM Complete the dialogues
with one or ones.
jffj Ben is wearing a 1
£> a § § & ñ tí
2 1 A: I like these jeans.
cap, a p n,
3 B: Which ones?
s v I top
7* A: The b l a c k 2
and b g y,
5 2 A: There are a lot of nice shirts
c k trousers.

O B: I know. I don't know which

to buy.
Lucy has got a
A: These flowery 4

around her neck. She's wearing

are nice.

i a 7
m t, B: You're joking!

p t n dress and
3 A: I want to wear a hat today.
black 1 g s. 5
B: Which ? Your

baseball cap?

O) Melissa has got a 10

c u I
A: No, t h e
last summer.

top on with a 1 1
p in the front 4 A: What are you doing?
and two p k s. She B: l'm throwing away some oíd
is wearing a b t around the clothes. It's difficult to know
top and 1 1 4
g t, which to throw
15 s _ _ t d trousers. away and which 8

to keep.
A: Are you going to throw this
Phrases sweater away?
2 flEB Complete the dialogues with the w o r d s from B: Which 9
the box. A: This patterned 10

i---.rr fnyrf*--- : have it if you don't want it.

Í • fortune
r • cost
• more
• style
• rubbish • tn • case

1 A: l've got an interview for a summer job.

B: ln that , wear your new jacket.
2 A: Why didn't you buy those shoes you liked?

B: They a !
3 A: Try this sweater on.
B: No. This one is my

4 A: I don't look good in red.

B: ! Red's perfect for you!

Use your English: Choosing clothes to Grammar summary
Which + indefinite pronoun one/ones
4 WUB Complete the dialogues with one w o r d in Do you like this shirt?
each space. Which one?
1 A: Do you like my new shirt? The grey one.
Put your shoes on.
B: Yes, it \ooks good.
Which ones?
2 A: Do these trousers s me? The black ones.
B: No, they're t tight.
3 A: What shall I wear this top w ? Note

B: W don't you try it with these Usage

• We use indefinite pronouns to avoid repeating a noun.
black jeans?
Where's my hat? Which hat-one?
4 A: Which trainers do you p ? • We use one for singular countable nouns and ones for
B: I think these black ones are best. plural nouns.
5 A: -H do I look in this hat? That's my house? Which one?
l'm going to buy some jeans. Which ones?
B: You I fantastic.

B S C o m p l e t e the text w i t h the w o r d s f r o m

the box.

• too • don't • reckon • shall • prefer
• size • look • suit • ones • looks

A: I think I'll buy this shirt.

B: Let me see how i t looks.
A: So, what do you ? Does it
B: No. It's the wrong It's
A: But the colour is OK?
B: Yes, that's fine. Try a bigger one.
A: OK.
B: That's better. You great.
A: W h a t I wear with it?
B: Some light trousers.
8 9
A: Which do you
These or these?
B: I prefer the light grey ones. The brown ones
suit you.
A: OK, I'll get the shirt and the trousers. Thanks
•-"•fWijfcg ^tfit•¿•'•'-7 - - v* •
for your help.

9b You should go to bed.
Vocabulary: illness Grammar: Should/Shouldn't
1 WUÉ Match the problems to the pictures. Use the 3 US Give advice to each person.
correct pronoun.
1 A: l've got toothache.
B: ( / go) You should go to the dentist.
I le/She's got a headache. • He/She's got earache
C: (X eat) You shouldn't eat sweets.
He/She"s got stomachache. • He/She's got toothache.
He/She's got a temperature. • He/She's got a sore throat 2 A: l've got a temperature.

B: ( / go)
to bed.
C: (X have)
a bath.
3 A: l've got a sore throat.
B: (X eat)
ice cream.
1 She's got a headache. C: ( / take) _
some throat pastilles.
4 A: l've got stomachache.
B: (X eat)
fast food.
C: ( / lie)
5 A: I feel sick.
B: ( / go)
to the bathroom.

C: (X go)
to school.
6 A: l've got a headache.
B: (X use)
your computer.
2 luí U s e the prompts and the correct words from the
box to write sentences. C: ( / take)
a painkiller.

ache • ... hurts • ... feel 7 A: l've got a cough.

B: ( / take)
1 l/tooth l've got toothache. some cough mixture.
2 My/ankle C: (X play)
3 l/sick football.
4 l/not/well 8 A: l've got earache.
5 l/head B: (/ phone)
6 My/wrist the doctor.
7 l/stomach C: (X put)

8 l/ill your finger in your ear!

9 My/arm
4 líi U s e the prompts to complete the Grammar summary
Affirmative Negative
You should work He shouldn't go to
harder. school today.
We should leave soon. They shouldn't swim in
this weather.
Questions Short answers
Should I go to bed? Yes, you should.
No, you shouldn't.
Wh- questions
What should I wear?
Who should I talk to?

A: My friend is having a lot of problems at school.

-(What/l/do?) What should I do?
B : (You/talk) to • We use should/shouldn'tto give advice.
her. (She/tell) You should do more exercise.
4 You shouldn 't wear that shirt.
her parents and her teacher. (She/not/say)
things are OK and Form
• ln affirmative sentences. we use should + infinitive
hope that the problem will go away. It won't.
without to.
We should go by bus.
A: My friends are going to a concert on Friday.
• ln negative sentences, we use shouldn't + infinitive
My parents told me that I can't g o . (l/tell)
without to.
them l'm going to We shouldn 't stay out late.
the cinema, but go to the concert? • To make questions, we reverse the order of should and
6 7 the subject.
B : (X) . (You/not/lie)
/ should leave. Should I leave?
to your parents. It's
• ln short answers, we do not repeat the main verb.
wrong. Should I ask my mum?
Yes, you should. NOT Yes, you should ask.
A: l've got exams soon, but I like going
Common mistakes
out and meeting my friends. (l/stop)
What I should do? X
going out and stay at What should Ido? /
home studying? You shouldn't to be late. X
9 You shouldn't be late. /
B : (/) •
Exams are ¡mportant. (You/work)
hard and meet your
friends after the exams.

9c We have to make our beds.
Vocabulary: Household jobs Grammar: Have to/Don't have to
1 ÉDH Look at the picture and complete the 3 ÉQb Look at the information and complete
sentences. the text.

Jobs list: Jac* EUer\

T i d y room / /
L a y table / X
Empty dishwasher X /
A a K e breakfast X /
v / a s h car V X
A a * e bed /
.*.if.iiii ! f > ^ « , w j | i 9 : ' '

Jack and Ellen have to tidy their rooms every
Saturday. Jack the table every
day. Ellen the table, but she
the dishwasher. Jack
the dishwasher and he
breakfast. Ellen
breakfast. J a c k the car on
Sundays. Jack and Ellen their
beds every day before they go to school.

4fiÉSComplete the dialogue with the correct

form of have to or don't have to.
A: Hi Jack. What household jobs (you/do) do
vou have to do?
B : (l/tidy/room)
1 Harold ¡s doing the vacuuming. 3
every week and (l/make/bed)
2 Marjorie is doing the
every day.
3 Tom is doing the 4
A: (you/make/breakfast)
4 Emily is doing the
5 Sally is doing the
B: W 5
(My sister/do)
2 Ü2S Match the beginnings (1-7) to the 7
that, b u t (l/lay)
endings (a-g).
the table.
1 do ^ a) the dishwasher. A: 8
2 make \ b)your room.
3 tidy c) the car. 9
B: (X) We've
4 lay d)the rubbish out. got a dishwasher. 10
5 empty e) the shopping. that because my
6 take f) the table. sister does it. What about you? ' (you/do) 1

7 wash g)your bed. a lot of jobs in the

A: (/)
Grammar: Want to, want + object Grammar summary
pronoun + to
Have to/Don't have to
5 (£131 Rewrite the sentences with want. Affirmative Negative
1 have to get up at You don't have to go
Debbie, c a n you help me choose a dress for
6 a.m. home.
the prom? Thanks. Ellie
He has to cook dinner. She doesn't have to
1 Ellie wants Debbie to help her choose a dress for leave.

the prom. Questions Short answers

Do you have to do the Yes, 1 do.
Siwottj dbou\+ 9^«^9 swWwi*flffi *H\i.S ironing? No, 1 don't.
Sa*fwday? Na*Htf* Does he have to go to Yes, he does.
bed early? No, he doesn't.
2 Nathan
with him on Saturday.

tSef. Tfetizegef£or*\e r*\ífó oh your WAI/
• We use have/has to to say something is necessary.
/ have to make my bed.

3 Ed's parents • We use don 't/doesn t have to to say that something is

not necessary.
some milk on his way home.
/ don 't have to get up early

J a c k * W ü l . Meet u s outscde. the. c i e r n a Form

a t 7 pjrr\.

4 Emma and Cathy

Srrvmo. * d a t h y xxx
P • ln affirmative sentences, we use have/has to +
infinitive without to.
She has to do the shopping.
them outside the cinema at 7 p.m. • ln negative sentences, we use don't/doesn't + have to
+ infinitive without to
Class 6C. Please work quietly while I talk to a
We don 't have to leave yet.
• ln questions, we use Do/Does + subject + have to +
5 Class 6C's teacher infinitive without to.
Do you have to make your bed?
while she talks to a parent.

Mom, I'll óo -fine uto^hing-up, bel* c a n I Want io, want + object pronoun + to
no-f í&tj -fine -rabie? J e o n y r I want to go to sleep.
She wants me to help her.
6 Jenny the
washing-up, but she
the table. Form
• We use want (+ object pronoun) + to + infinitive
/ want to listen to this CD.
I want them to listen.

9 Language round-up
1 Complete the sentences with one word in 3 Write short answers.
each s p a c e .
1 Should I phone the doctor?
/ Yes, you should.
To do Itói* 2 Do you have to go to bed early?
Make my bed.
T -rhe rubbtsh oo+.
3 Does your mum want me to leave?
-rhe -rabie.
E -rhe dií»hioaí»her. X
U). -rhe car. 4 Should I take some cough mixture?
D -rhe shopping.
Shopping l'tó-f 5 Does she look good in this hat?
ChemLs-r'í, /
Some-rhing for Mom'i Í> 7

6 Do your parents have to work at the weekend?

Some c 6
mix-rore X
Some-rhing for Jame^, tobo f 9

4 Put the words in the correct order to make

Clo-tine^ shopping questions.
A neto baseball c 10

1 you/do/do/ironing/have/the/to
A cool T-^hirt - " o -rha-r
12 Do vou have to do the ironing?
doe-^'-r co^-r a f

2 which/prefer/one/you/do

2 Complete the text with the words from the 3 suit/this/does/me/shirt


4 skirt/shall/this/what/with/wear/l
• ones (x£) • don't • prefer • to
• have • looked • too • size • style
• suit 5 dress/do/this/l/how/in/look

I bought some new trainers today. The 1

ones 6 wear/l/to/should/party/what/the
which I bought last year a r e small
for me now. l'm a 3
44! I tried some 7 should/much/l/how/mixture/cough/take
black trainers but they d i d n ' t me.
1 5
white 6
They are 8 the/sister/dishwasher/does/have/your/to/empty
more my ln the end I found some.
They 8
great and I really wanted 9 to/what/have/jobs/you/do/household/do
1 0
buy them. 1 have
to pay all the money now. I paid £10 and I 10 do/do/to/what/you/me/want
to pay £5 a month for a year. .../9
.../10 I— 1

Total .../40

9 Skills practice

Read the text. Which teenager has a problem Complete the letter with the words from the
with some other people? box.

a) Sammy b) Colin c) Miranda

l've got an interview for a summer job.

l've never had an interview before. Should
I dress very smartly or can I be casual, but
Dear Sir/Madam,
clean? l'm going to work in the kitchen of
a restaurant, doing the washing-up and I read y o u r article about health last week. I n
cleaning. Please help. I really want this job. my 1
opinión, some of the things you wrote
were w r o n g . 1 2
the problem is
that people don't take care of their health.

m happy at school, but some people knows that y o u n g people eat

in my class laugh at my clothes. I know more fast food and do less exercise than
my clothes aren't 'cool', but I think they
y o u n g people ten or twenty years ago.
suit me. What should I do or say to the
other students or should I just not listen of m y friends eat fast food once
to them? Colin a week and a 5
have fast food
every day for l u n c h .
I t h i n k we need better medicine
l'm a student in Year 12 of school. I or more doctors. We need healthier lives.
don't often have time to go out because
we have a lot of homework to do. I
also learn the guitar and Spanish after (Jemttt
school. l've started getting headaches.
Should I go to the doctor or should I just
try to do a bit less? 4 Match the beginnings (1-6) to the endings
Miranda (a-e). Two beginnings match the same ending.

a) think t h a t . . .

b) knows t h a t . . .
Read the text again and answer true (T),
false (F) or doesn't say (DS). c) opinión ...
d) of my friends ...
1 Sammy works in a restaurant at the
e) few people ...
2 Sammy isn't going to be a waiter.
3 Colin hasn't got any friends in his class. You have read an article that says there
shouldn't be school uniforms. You don't agree.
4 Colin doesn't like the clothes he wears.
Write a letter giving your opinions and reasons
5 Miranda often meets her friends.
for them.
6 Miranda hasn't been to see the
Dear Sir/Madam,
doctor yet.
I am w r i t i n g about your article on
school uniforms.
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