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The Earthqueke

1. General Statement

The earthquake is a shock caused by the movement of rock layers in the earth, the vibration
originates from the bottom of the earth, and there are certain areas or areas that are prone to
earthquakes, the area in question is several areas of active volcanoes and areas around the vast

2. Explanation

Due to the movement or the layers shift the base of the earth and a very strong volcanic eruption,
it will eventually cause an earthquake, not limited to that, earthquakes also occur in a very fast
time and the effect is very strong on the surrounding environment, the tremors in a very strong
earthquake then spread in various directions and caused many buildings to be razed to the ground,
this incident often takes its own lives.

The earthquakes themselves are divided into two forms, the first is a volcanic earthquake and the
second is a tectonic earthquake, the cause of volcanic earthqueke is the eruption of a large
volcano, compared to thectonic earthquakes, these volcanic earthquakes are rare, mean while,
what causes thectonic earthquakes is the soft layer of the earths crust that causes the earth to
experience movement or shift.

Based on the theory of Plate tectonics, there are several artificial layers that exist on this earth,
and most of the area covered by the crust can later be used later to make a layer like snow, this
layer moves very slowly, this causes collisions or breaks between one layer and another, this is
what causes earthquakes to occur.

3. Interpretation

The earthquakes can occur regardless of season, anytime it might happen, however, earthquakes
often occur in certain areas only, for example on the Pacific plate border because most of the area
is surrounded by volcanoes, therefore these places are known as the circle of fire.

(1) present tenses

S + v1 + O +C
Ex in the text is:The earthquakes can occur regardless of season.
(2) action verb
Ex on the text is: take, used, moved, razed

(3) conjuntion : and, or, into, however, therefore

(4) Thecnical terms : volcanoes, eruption, plat thectonic, volcanic, tectonic aerthqueke, large
(5) Thecnical language :
1.Based on the theory of Plate tectonics.
2. and the second is a tectonic earthquake
3. the cause of volcanic earthqueke is the eruption of a large volcano

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