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General Acts 2011 Act# Enact.

Date Bill Subject

1 to 75

Act 1 Apr 25 HB 377 Pennsylvania Construction Code Uniform Construction Code Review and Advisory Council, revised or successor codes and exemptions

Gov. Corbett Repeals Sprinkler System Requirement Governor: Decision Should Be Made By Consumer For Liberty Tier 2: A yea vote will add 25 points to legislators or governors grade and a nay vote will subtract 25 points from the grade. Act 2 May 13 SB 265 Coal and Gas Resource Coordination Act - omnibus amendments House Fiscal Note This bill amends the Coal and Gas Resource Coordination Act (Act 214 of 1984) to define several terms, including active coal mine as the portion of a workable coal seam shown on a five-year timing map prepared by the mine operator and provided to the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP), for permitting purposes. Other terms include operating coal mine is defined as a workable coal seam covered by an underground mining permit by DEP, while the definition of workable coal seam is further clarified in the bill. For Liberty Tier 1: A yea will add 1 point to legislators or governors grade and a nay vote will subtract 1 point from the grade.

Act 3 May 13 SB 916 Pennsylvania Election Code - Voting Standards Development Board House Fiscal Note These voting standards will be published in the Pennsylvania Bulletin and will provide direction to election officials as to which votes are valid and which votes are invalid. For paper ballots or optical scan voting systems, for example, a vote is valid or invalid based on the type of mark made by the voter. For Liberty Tier 1: A yea will add 1 point to legislators or governors grade and a nay vote will subtract 1 point from the grade.

The Last Full Measure of Devotion: Act 4 May 27 SB 199 CMSgt. Richard L. Etchberger Memorial Highway - designation No Impact on Liberty This bill does not have any direct impact on individual liberty; it is a reminder of those who gave the last full measure of devotion so that we have American Freedom. Chief Master Sgt. Etchberger was award Medal of Honor posthumously by President Barack Obama on September 21st 2010 for heroism in Laos Medal of Honor Award September 21, 2010 President Barack Obama Another blog with links about Lima Site 85

Pentagons Official Blog Lima Site 85 and a secret mission

Hometown Reading Eagle Reports May 31, 2011

The Last Full Measure of Devotion Act 5 Jun 15 HB 218 names Korean War Veterans Memorial Highway No Impact on Liberty This bill does not have any direct impact on individual liberty; it is a reminder of those who gave the last full measure of devotion so that we have American Freedom.

The Last Full Measure of Devotion

This naming is a reminder of the importance and significance of President Harry Truman to confront Chinese Communist aggression into South Korea. Five years after a war-weary America celebrated the end of World War II, costing the deaths of 100s of 1000s of young Americans and billions and billions in American wealth, Americas soldiers were asked to a again fight and die toprevent Soviet and Chinese Communists from installing a Stalinist-Maoist tyranny in South Korea. North Korea had been communist since WWII. Over 36,000 Americans died and 92,000 wounded from 1950 to 1953 in America's successful effort to keep South Korea from becoming communist. A satellite photo of North and South Korea dramatizes the significance of lives lost to the freedom and prosperity of millions and millions of South Koreans, now one of Americas most important allies. The US has had tens of thousands of soldiers stationed in South Korea since 1953 at a cost of billions and billions defending it from the threat of Chinese Communist aggression. It is appropriate to remember those who gave the last full measure of devotion to defend America and defend its core value, Freedom of the Individual..

With the exception of North Korean capital, Pyongyang, there are no night lights in North Korea where the Stalinist tyranny starves and, literally, enslaves its own people. South Koreans prosper and live in freedom thanks to the US soldiers who died defending freedom. For more, read here.

???Act 6 Jun 17 SB 1030 Law - omnibus amendments in three years see page 4 of 4

Unemployment Compensation Fiscal Note Savings $99 million

For Liberty Tier 2: A yea vote will add 25 points to legislators or governors grade and a nay vote will subtract 25 points from the grade. Nate Benefield Commonwealth Foundation: HB 916, Rep. Perry's bill which was defeated on the House floor on second consideration in May, contained an estimated $632 million in savings, enough to pay back the $3.8 billion the state owes to the federal government by 2018.

Rep. Scott Perrys bill HB 916 on second consideration was voted down to appease SE Penna. Republicans. It will take 27 years to pay off current balance; however, even with this bill Unemployment Compensation Fund is going deeper in debt. For further analysis see Commonwealth Foundation Unemployment Compensation Reform on Tap note anticipated savings had been calculated to be $140, 000, 000 Act 6 is a major overhaul of the Unemployment Compensation regimes not only saving taxpayers and businesses 10s of millions of dollars but giving incentives to unemployed to return to work while recognizing the need for a safety net. This bill passed in both House and Senate without any nay votes so I will grade it all credit meaning that even those who were excused will receive credit.

Act 7 Jun 23 SB 1006 Controlled Substance, Drug, Device and Cosmetic Act - Schedule I controlled substances House Fiscal Note Senate Fiscal Note Bath Salts is a controlled substance. This seems a reasonable expansion or modification of underlying bill to protect citizens from known and obvious dangers. ???For Liberty Tier 1: A yea will add 1 point to legislators or governors grade and a nay vote will subtract 1 point from the grade. Should this be Tier 0? This bill passed in both House and Senate without any nay votes so I will grade it all credit meaning that even those who were excused will receive credit.

Act 8 Jun 24 HB 442 Real and Personal Property (68 Pa.C.S.) makes private transfer fee obligations illegal. House Fiscal Note Only Dan Truitt, a thoughtful, legislator voted no in the House. Because Dan Truitt is highly principled person, I will grade this All Credit so that the nay vote will not reduce his grade.

Act 9 Jun 24 SB 274 Game and Wildlife Code (34 Pa.C.S.) - unlawful acts concerning licenses, authority to issue permits, permit fees and falconry permits House Fiscal Note Senate Fiscal Note

Act 10 Jun 28 HB 40 Crimes Code (18 Pa.C.S.) - use of force in self-protection and protection of other persons, grading of theft offenses, licenses to carry firearms and civil immunity for use of force House Fiscal Note Castle Doctrine This legislation is commonly referred to as the Castle Doctrine. It expands and further defines an individuals right to use deadly force inside the individuals dwelling, residence, or occupied vehicle and outside an individuals dwelling, residence, or occupied vehicle. In short, this legislation eliminates an individuals duty to retreat before using deadly force if the person is in a place the person has a right to be and believes an attacker will use deadly force to kill, seriously injure, kidnap, or rape themselves or another.

??? Act 11 Jun 28 HB 148 Liquor Code - omnibus amendments Senate Fiscal Note $825,000 New Revenue

Happy Hour flexibility is one aspect of this bill. *******

Four Bills Authorizing Electronic Auctions Act 12 Jun 28 HB 373 Borough Code

Tier 0 No Impact on Liberty This is an administrative bill affecting operation of local municipality.

House Fiscal Note This legislation would amend the Borough Code to allow electronic auctions for the sale of borough personal property Act 13 Jun 28 HB 374 Incorporated towns - power to convey real property House Fiscal Notice This legislation would amend Act 34 of 1953 relating to contracts of incorporated towns to allow electronic auctions for the sale of the towns personal property Tier 0 No Impact on Liberty This is an administrative bill affecting operation of local municipality.

Act 14 Jun 28 SB 358 First Class Township Code - sales of township personal property House Fiscal Note This legislation would amend the First Class Township Code to allow electronic auctions for the sale of township personal property. Tier 0 No Impact on Liberty This is an administrative bill affecting operation of local municipality.

Act 15 Jun 28 SB 360 Third Class City Code - sales of city personal property House Fiscal Note This legislation would amend the Third Class City Code to allow electronic auctions for the sale of city personal property. Tier 0 No Impact on Liberty This is an administrative bill affecting operation of local municipality.

****** Act 16 Jun 28 SB 450 Fish and Boat Code (30 Pa.C.S.) terms of members of the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission House Fiscal Note SB 450 will amend Title 30 Section 301 (relating to organization of the commission) to allow Fish and Boat Commissioners to serve on the Board for an unlimited amount of time after their eight year term ends, until a successor has been appointed and qualified. Currently, Fish and Boat Commissioners may only serve for a period of up to six months after their normal eight year term ends, or until a successor has been appointed and qualified, whichever comes first.

Act 17 Jun 28 SB 1131 Judicial Code (42 Pa.C.S.) comparative negligence

The Fair Share Act For Liberty Tier 2: A yea vote will add 25 points to legislators or governors grade and a nay vote will subtract 25 points from the grade.

The Fair Share Act eliminates joint and several liability for any defendant found to be less than 60 percent liable for causing an injury. Some 40 other states have made this common-sense change that will keep lawyers from forcing a defendant to pay 100 percent of monetary damages, even if they only were found to be 1 percent at fault. David Taylor of Pennsylvania Manufacturers Association comments: Under the Fair Share Act, defendants less than 60 percent responsible for a harm would be required to pay damages equal to their percentage of responsibilitybut not more. Any defendant with a 60 percent or greater share of responsibility could be forced to pay up to 100 percent of damages, as could any defendant who (1) committed an intentional act, (2) dumped hazardous waste, or (3) violated the Liquor Code. Today, a defendant found even minimally responsible in any kind of civil case can be on the hook for 100 percent of damages. That deep-pocket rule gives the lawsuit industry a powerful weapon to shake down employers, hospitals, local governments, and other large institutions, knowing that they will pay the ransom of a settlement rather than risk a ruinous damage award at trial. The avenue of attack allowed by "joint-and-several" liability is a major competitive disadvantage for Pennsylvania's

economy because we are one of the last statesand the only populous, industrial stateto retain this unfair practice. In contrast, the Fair Share Act is comparable to existing law across the river in New Jersey.

Act 18 Jun 30 HB 15 Pennsylvania Web Accountability and Transparency (PennWATCH) Act

For Liberty

Tier 3

All Members Unanimous Vote

The Vote was unanimous in both House and Senate and will be graded All Members because all legislators and the Governor will get equal credit. PennWATCH Pennsylvania Web Accountability Transparency and Contract Hub allows anyone to track how the government is spending tax dollars using a searchable online database. This is a major step forward in bringing transparency to State Government and allowing The Forgotten Taxpayer to follow the money. The Pennsylvania Web Accountability, Transparency and Contract Hub, or PennWATCH, as it is known, was one of the first measures Republicans pushed out of the House this spring after reclaiming majority control from Democrats. It became law with Gov. Tom Corbett's signature on June 30. The Web site, which the Governor's Office of Administration will host, will launch by Dec. 31, 2012. The new Web site will include spending information; contractor data; state tax collections and

federal revenue received; and the name, position and salary of every state employee. The vote was unanimous and, yet, under Democratic House Leadership, an identical bill (HB 1460 of 2009 also introduced by Rep. Jim Christiana) was never brought to the floor for a vote. A similar bill had been passed in Republican controlled Senate in 2009. There is a clear difference between Democrats and the new Republican Majority (to be distinguished from the Perzel Republican Majority). Regular Session 2011-2012 House Bill 15 Act 18 of 2011. For some background on HB 1460 of 2009 identical to HB 15 of 2011, see State Spending Transparency Nathan Benefield Commonwealth Foundation 19 June 2009) and Spending Transparency & Accountability (Commonwealth Foundation 3 December 2009)

Act 19

Jun 30

HB 385

Honor and Remember Flag Act

This legislation adopts the Honor and Remember Flag, created by Honor and Remember, Inc., as the Commonwealths emblem of

service and sacrifice of the brave men and women of the U.S. Armed Forces who have given their lives in the line of duty. The bill requires the Department of General Services (DGS) to arrange and permanently place the Honor and Remember Flag on the grounds of the State Capitol at Soldiers Grove

??? Act 20 Act

Jun 30

HB 440

Workers' Compensation

This legislation would amend the Workers' Compensation Act of 1915 to add a new section which would authorize insurers to voluntarily provide workers compensation coverage to sole proprietors, partners in partnerships, and members of LLCs. The coverage will have to be equivalent to normal workers compensation coverage. House Fiscal Note Senate Fiscal Note

??? Act 21 Jun 30 HB 463 State Lottery Law determination of eligibility for pharmaceutical assistance for the elderly

??? Act 22 Jun 30 amendments

HB 960 Public Welfare Code - omnibus

Senate Fiscal Note $5,000,000 in savings to taxpayers House Fiscal Note : FISCAL IMPACT: This legislation is the vehicle for implementation authority to achieve the anticipated state savings included in the General Fund budget for the Department of Public Welfare and the Department of Corrections. Specifically, the following state savings are included in the FY2011-12 budget for DPW: $109million for the adjustment to the hospital assessment; $4.8million for the payment change for hospital readmissions; $10million for hospital low cost outliers payments; $16million for restructuring child care copayments; $53.7million for new limits on dental and pharmacy benefits; $10million for imposition of copayments or premiums on families with loophole children or a total of $193.5million. The Department of Corrections budget assumes $4.5million in savings due to the provision requiring hospitals to charge no more than medical assistance rates for inpatient care provided to state/county prisoners.

Act 23

Jun 30

HB 986 State Lottery Law

House Fiscal Note: This legislation provides for the continuation of the Pennsylvania Lotterys statutorily mandated minimum profit percentage of 27%. Specifically, this legislation amends the Lottery Law to provide relief from the 30% minimum profit percentage for another 4 years to June 30, 2015. Act 53 of 2008 amended the Fiscal Code and granted temporary relief from the mandated minimum 30% rate of return provided for in the Lottery Law. This change in the profit percentage allowed the Pennsylvania Lottery the ability to adjust the mix of instant and on-line ticket sales in order to meet consumer demand and maximize profits which fund programs benefiting older Pennsylvanians. This temporary relief provided for in the Fiscal Code was granted for 3 years and is currently set to expire on June 30, 2011. The act would take effect July 1, 2011, or immediately, whichever is later. FISCAL IMPACT: Enactment of this legislation will result in an estimated additional $86.3 million in available monies within the Lottery Fund to provide funding for programs that benefit older Pennsylvanians. According to information provided by the Department of Revenue, the estimated net operating revenue with the 27% minimum profit percentage is $939.2 million, which is $86.3 million higher that the estimated net operating revenue of $852.9 million without relief from the 30% minimum profit percentage. ??? Act 24 Jun 30 HB 1352 Public School Code of 1949 omnibus amendments About 40 sections of the Public School Code are affected.

The Department of Education has identified $20,000 in nonrecurring information technology costs related to creating the electronic link used to allow college students to opt-out of the Pennsylvania Information Management System (PIMS). The administrative responsibilities of the Office of Safe School Advocate in the School District of the First Class within the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency are estimated to cost approximately $400,000 annually, which is contained in the 2011 General Appropriations Act. The provisions providing the distribution of funding for Community Colleges, Library Funding, Basic Education Funding, Intermediate Unit Funding, Special Education Funding, Social Security Reimbursements and Pennsylvania Accountability Grants implement the funding contained in the General Appropriations Act and have no fiscal impact beyond the appropriations contained therein. Other responsibilities delegated to the Department of Education

Section 1201. Certificates Qualifying Persons to Teach Creates a new avenue for mid-career professionals to join the teaching ranks through the use of residency teaching certificates. Section 1203 Kinds of State Certificates creates a new certificate for teaching known as the residency teaching

certificate which is designed to attract mid-career professionals to teaching. The residency teaching programs will create a streamlined process for professionals with expertise in key fields, such as science and mathematics, to earn a teaching certificate and bring their knowledge into the classroom. Section 2502.50 - Basic education subsidy The budget includes $5,354,629,000 State funds for the 2011-2012 basic education Funding appropriation. The fiscal year 2011-12 line item includes a student focused supplement that includes the following components: a base amount, number of English language learners, concentration of free and reduced lunch students and changes to a school districts adjusted average daily membership. Supplements are totaled and a funding amount is determined based upon a school districts aid ratio and taxing effort. Various other supplements are included in the appropriation such as the funds added to ensure each school district receives at least what they received in fiscal year 2008-09 in State funds. The bill also requires that $25 million of the basic education funds appropriated to the school districts of the first class be used to pay costs related to alternative education programs operated by the district or under contract between the district and a private alternative education institution.

Act 25 Jun 30 SB 330 Taxpayer Relief Act - public referendum requirements and installment payment of school real property taxes For Liberty Tier 3: A yea vote will add 50 points to legislators or governors grade and a nay vote will subtract 50 points from the grade.

Ten exceptions laid out in the original law, Act 1 of 2005, allowed districts to ask the state Department of Education -- instead of voters -- to raise taxes above its index. Legislators removed seven of the 10 exceptions to the voter referendum requirement, leaving pension obligations, special education costs and existing or voter-approved debt as categories under which districts could apply. House Fiscal Note Senate Fiscal Note Act 26 Jun 30 SB 907 Fiscal Code - omnibus amendments

Act 27 Jun 30 SB 1007 Public Authorities and Quasi-Public Corporations (64 Pa.C.S.) - First Industries Program

Act 28 Jun 30 SB 1096 Insurance Company Law of 1921 omnibus amendments Act 29 Jun 30 SB 1097 Insurance companies not registered in this Commonwealth, tax on contracts with unauthorized companies and deductions Act 30 Jul 7 HB 38 Judicial Code (42 Pa.C.S.) - surcharges and Commonwealth portion of Act 31 Jul 7 HB 66 Police Chief Thomas J. Malone Memorial Bridge - designation Act 32 Jul 7 HB 67 Crimes Code (18 Pa.C.S.) - greyhound racing and simulcasting Act 33 Jul 7 HB 78 Fish and Boat Code (30 Pa.C.S.) operating watercraft under influence of alcohol or controlled substance and homicide by watercraft while operating under influence Act 34 Jul 7 HB 143 Pennsylvania Farmland and Forest Land Assessment Act of 1974 - small noncoal surface mining

Act 35 Jul 7 HB 144 Pennsylvania Farmland and Forest Land Assessment Act of 1974 - utilization of land or conveyance of rights for exploration or extraction of gas, oil or coal bed methane The Last Full Measure of Devotion Act 36 Jul 7 Highway HB 145 Vietnam Veterans of America Memorial

No Impact on Liberty This bill does not have any direct impact on individual liberty; it is a reminder of those who gave the last full measure of devotion so that we have American Freedom.

Act 37 Jul 7 designation

HB 312 Mercer County Veterans Highway -

Act 38 Jul 7 HB 345 Military and Veterans Code (51 Pa.C.S.) - burial details for veterans

Act 39 Jul 7 HB 390 George A. Penglase Memorial Parkway - designation

Tier 0

No Impact on Liberty

House Bill 390: The bill designates the Route 202 Parkway on State Route 202, connecting State Route 63 in Montgomery Township and State Route 611 in Doylestown Township as the George A. Penglase Memorial Parkway. (Rep. Watson). House Bill 589: The bill designates Route 1 in Bucks County from mile marker 66.8 to mile marker 80.2 as the Detective Christopher Jones Memorial Highway. Penglase, who died in 2005 at age 71, founded the citizens group "Support the Bypass for Route 202" in 1969. On Jan. 29, 2009, Jones, a 10-year veteran with the Middletown Police Department, was struck and killed while conducting a traffic stop on Route 1 near the I-95 interchange. He left behind a wife and three children.

Act 40 Jul 7 HB 396 Crimes Code (18 Pa.C.S.) and Judicial Code (42 Pa.C.S.) - drug delivery resulting in death and sentences for second and subsequent offenses House Fiscal Note There is a potential fiscal impact to the Commonwealth from enactment of this legislation if convictions for drug delivery resulting in death increase when the prosecution need only prove that a defendant acted intentionally, knowingly or recklessly, and not with malice. Reliable data do not exist to predict how many defendants this may be. At the state level, keeping an individual incarcerated for one year costs approximately $33,000, and supervision by the Board of Probation and Parole cost approximately $3,000.

The Last Full Measure of Devotion Act 41 Jul 7 HB 399 Staff Sergeant David M. Veverka Veterans Memorial Bridge - designation No Impact on Liberty This bill does not have any direct impact on individual liberty; it is a reminder of those who gave the last full measure of devotion so that we have American Freedom.

25 years old of Jamestown, Penna. killed by IED Iraq 5 May 2006. Where were you? Honor the Fallen website Fallen Heroes of Operation Iraqi Freedom with personal comments Hometown newspaper Sharon Herald May 28, 2006 Act 42 HB 438 Battle of the Bulge Veterans Memorial Highway designation amended to include US Route 22 in Whitehall Township, Lehigh County Jul 7

************************************** ???Act 43 Jul 7 HB 488 Project 70 Land Acquisition and Borrowing Act - multiple conveyances

???Act 44 Jul 7 HB 562 Agricultural Area Security Law purchase of agricultural conservation easements

Act 45 Jul 7 HB 589 Detective Christopher Jones Memorial Highway - designation Tier 0 No Impact on Liberty

Act 46 Jul 7 HB 797 Workers' Compensation Act - cancer in the occupation of firefighter Against Liberty Tier 1: A nay will add 50 points to legislators or governors grade and a yea vote will subtract 50 points from the grade.

House Fiscal Note: This legislation: Designates cancer as an occupational disease; Provides that the cancer must be caused by exposure to a known carcinogen recognized as a Group 1 carcinogen by the International Agency for Research on Cancer; Stipulates that occupational disease claims under this act can only be filed by firefighters: 1. Who have four or more years of continuous firefighting service.

2. Can establish direct exposure to a Group 1 carcinogen. 3. Successfully passed a physical examination prior to asserting a claim, or prior to engaging in firefighting duties, which revealed no evidence of cancer. Provides that the presumption under the act may be rebutted by substantial competent evidence that shows that the firefighters cancer was not caused by the occupation of firefighting. States that a claim made by a member of a volunteer fire company must be based on evidence of direct exposure to a Group 1 carcinogen as documented by a report filed to the Pennsylvania Fire Information Reporting System. This bill ( then HB 1231) was vetoed by former Governor Ed Rendell because it was too expensive. This is an unfunded mandate falling on the local taxpayers and fire companies. However, this legislation threatens public safety by raising the specter of cuts to essential services, or of forcing local governments to raise property taxes at the same time that Pennsylvania families are struggling economically. Unlike most occupational injuries or diseases, HB 1231 would establish a presumption that any cancer diagnosis would be a result of firefighting activities and the benefit provider, in this case local government, would bear the almost impossible burden to prove otherwise. The current printer number of HB 1231 would only permit employers to rebut the presumption of occupationally caused cancer by attempting to essentially prove a negative by requiring "proof of conduct or activities outside of firefighting duties that posed a substantial risk of causing the cancer." This legislation also drastically differs from every other state cancerpresumption law, both because of this flawed rebuttable standard and because it would create the presumption for virtually every form of cancer when medical science simply does not know what causes most cancers.

While the total cost of this legislation is unknown which is a problem in itself experts predict that it would be significant, and the burden would be felt through tax hikes, cuts to local services, or both and, even worse, those cuts could be to firefighting activities. Municipal workers' compensation insurance trusts predict drastic rate increases and question their ability to even underwrite coverage of occupational cancer claims under this flawed bill. If municipalities lose this coverage, it could create a catastrophic financial situation. No fiscal impact to the Commonwealth will result from the provisions in the bill. However, local government entities, trusts, municipalities, and those volunteer fire companies which are selfinsured, may experience additional costs due to increased payments for benefits and the resultant potential increases in the entities workers compensation premiums.

Act 47 Jul 7 HB 870 Land and water areas available to public for recreational purposes; further defining "recreational purposes"

The Last Full Measure of Devotion Act 48 Jul 7 HB 917 Sgt. 1st Class Daniel Lightner Memorial Bridge - designation No Impact on Liberty This bill does not have any direct impact on individual liberty; it is a reminder of those who gave the last full measure of devotion so that we have American Freedom.

Daniel L. Lightner, Jr. Birth: Nov. 20, 1976 Altoona Blair County Pennsylvania, USA Death: Oct. 27, 2005, Iraq

Act 49

Jul 7

HB 1173 Transportation (74 Pa.C.S.)

For Liberty Tier 2: A yea vote will add 25 points to legislators or governors grade and a nay vote will subtract 25 points from the grade. Allows for advertising on the exterior of metropolitan transportation authorities passenger rail cars as a means to generate additional revenue for the authorities According to the Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority, this legislation would generate between $400,000 and $800,000 annually. Act 50 Jul 7 designation Tier 0 HB 1219 Donald H. Clark Memorial Bridge -

No Impact on Liberty

Act 51 Jul 7 HB 1255 Wildlife Conservation Officer David L. Grove Memorial Bridge - designation Tier 0 No Impact on Liberty

Grove, formerly of Fairfield, Adams County, had served as a wildlife conservation officer for about 10 years in Franklin and Adams counties before he was killed in the line of duty in November. Today my heart goes out to members of the Grove family, several of whom are with us here today, said Moul. Officer Grove was a dedicated young conservation officer whose tragic and senseless death has touched the lives of many in Adams and Franklin counties, and throughout the Commonwealth. The naming of this bridge in his honor will serve as a lasting tribute to his life and his selfless service to our citizens.

Act 52 Jul 7 HB 1336 Home Improvement Consumer Protection Act - procedures for registration as contractor and prohibited acts ******* Act 53 Jul 7 HB 1448 Incorporated towns - office and powers and duties of town Tier 0 No Impact on Liberty This is an administrative bill affecting operation of local municipality. Act 54 Jul 7 HB 1449 Borough Code - office and powers and duties of borough manager Tier 0 No Impact on Liberty This is an administrative bill affecting operation of local municipality.

Act 55 Jul 7 HB 1549 County Code - counties divided into nine classes, how offices of Prothonotary, clerks of court, clerk of orphan's court, register of wills and recorder of deeds to be held

Tier 0 No Impact on Liberty This is an administrative bill affecting operation of local municipality.

Act 56 Jul 7 SB 101 Public Officers (65 Pa.C.S.) - penalty for violations of agency members Sunshine Act penalties increased

For Liberty Tier 2: A yea vote will add 25 points to legislators or governors grade and a nay vote will subtract 25 points from the grade.
This legislation would amend Title 65, Chapter 7 (commonly known as the Sunshine Act) to increase the maximum penalty that may be imposed on a public official who participates in a meeting with the intent and purpose of violating the open meeting requirements and other provisions of the Sunshine Act. This legislation would increase the fine of at least $100 but less than $1,000 plus the cost of prosecution for a first offense and would add a fine of at least $500 but less than $2,000 plus the cost of prosecution for a violation of the Sunshine Act. This legislation would also prohibit an agency from making a payment to reimburse an official of the agency for any fine or cost resulting from a violation of the Sunshine Act.

Act 57 Jul 7 SB 151 Air Pollution Control Act - disposition of fees, fines and civil penalties

The Last Full Measure of Devotion Act 58 Jul 7 SB 163 Brigadier General Richard J. Tallman Memorial Bridge designation No Impact on Liberty This bill does not have any direct impact on individual liberty; it is a reminder of those who gave the last full measure of devotion so that we have American Freedom.

Killed in Action 7/9/72 Vietnam Children Carry on Family Military Tradition No Impact on Liberty This bill does not have any direct impact on individual liberty; it is a reminder of those who gave the last full measure of devotion so that we have American Freedom.

??? Act 59 Jul 7 SB 260 Confidentiality of HIV-Related Information Act - legislative intent, consent to HIV-related tests and counseling

?? Act 60 Jul 7 SB 263 Regulatory Review Act - proposed regulations and procedures for review and criteria for review of regulations

???? Act 61 Jul 7 SB 302 Keystone Recreation, Park and Conservation Fund Act This legislation amends the Keystone Recreation, Park and Conservation Fund Act (Act 50 of 1993) to require the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, the Department of Education, the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission, and the State System of Higher Education to each submit to the Governor and the General Assembly an annual report of projects and services provided by moneys from the Fund. The annual report shall include the following grant information: the name of the applicant, location and description of the project, total project costs, the amount requested, and any matching funds provided by the applicant, grant contract expiration date, and the amount granted.

Act 62 Jul 7 SB 326 Vital Statistics Law of 1953 - certificate of birth resulting in stillbirth A New Pennsylvania Law Will Allow Birth Certificates for Stillborn Babies Amy Worden Inquirer Harrisburg Bureau Jul. 12, 2011

Philadelphia Liberal Democrat Babette Josephs obsessed with ideology of abortion on demand had turned what seems to me to be a matter of common decency into an ideological statement. Ultrasound confirms visually, scientifically, a human child has died. This is a tragedy for the parents. A child dies. Is that a human worthy of recognition in the official record?

The two faced, hypocritical phony Philadelphia Democrat ties up bill in her committee for three years and then votes yea when Republicans bring it to floor vote. The Good Guys: Rep. Daryl Metcalfe is the Republican chair of State Government Committee 2011-12. Rep. Seth Grove Secretary

Rep. Daryl Metcalfe

Rep. Seth Grove

Sen. Jake Corman Prime Sponsor Act 62 of 2011 House Votes 194 Yea 3 Nay and 6 Excused Even Rep. Josephs voted for the bill after she had refused to vote it out of her State Government Committee for three years. Now, that vote is public, she does the decent thing. This demonstrates the difference between a Republican Majority and a Democratic Majority where this bill could not get a floor vote of all Representatives in the House. Senate Vote Unanimous

Act 63 Jul 7 SB 369 Transportation (74 Pa.C.S.) designation of West Branch Susquehanna River byway, Clearfield County, as scenic byway Tier O No Impact on Liberty

???? Act 64 Pa.C.S.)

Jul 7 SB 387 Game and Wildlife Code (34

The Game Commission believes that enactment of this legislation would reduce Game Fund revenues by approximately $1,000 a year. The $1 agent fee per license is paid to the vendor where the license is purchased. Given the fact that additional vendors will be selling the licenses, the small reduction in Game Fund revenue would be a direct result of military personnel buying their hunting license from vendors other than the Game Commission. Act 65 Jul 7 SB 419 Board of Vehicles Act Motorcycles

For Liberty Tier 1: A yea will add 1 point to legislators or governors grade and a nay vote will subtract 1 point from the grade. This legislation would amend The Board of Vehicles Act (Act 84 of 1983) by: Adding language in Section 19 (10) allowing licensed motorcycle dealers to buy, sell, exchange, trade or otherwise deal in motorcycles on Sundays. The bill also repeals the section in the Crimes Code that prohibits sales of motor vehicles on Sundays insofar as it relates to motorcycles. Adding language in Section 9 (e) to prohibit a manufacturer from taking back funds paid to a dealer for reimbursement of warranty services (charge back) when the dealer protests the charge back to the State Board of Vehicles. Collection of the

charge back is stayed until the Board has held a hearing on the protest. Adding a new Section 12.1 to prohibit a manufacturer from unreasonably altering a dealers area of responsibility and to allow a dealer to protest such alteration to the Board. If a dealers area of responsibility is altered, the manufacturer must allow 18 months for the dealer to penetrate the market and become sales effective prior to the manufacturer taking punitive action against the dealer for nonperformance

?? Act 66

Jul 7 SB 448 Crimes Code (18 Pa.C.S.)

Under this legislation, a person under the age of 21 would be protected from prosecution for the possession or consumption of alcoholic beverages if law enforcement, including campus safety police, became aware of the possession or consumption solely because the individual was seeking medical assistance for someone else. The person seeking the assistance must reasonably believe he or she is the first to do so, must use his or her real name with authorities, and must stay with the individual needing medical assistance until help arrives and the persons presence is no longer needed.

?? Act 67

Jul 7 SB 552 Workforce Development Act

The legislation would require that the Department of Labor and Industry work with businesses, industry associations, career and technical associations, participating agencies, state and local workforce investment boards, and economic development entities, to identify industry clusters based on: statistics showing competitiveness; importance to state or regional economic development; other employers that supply materials or services to the industry; research studies; and

other criteria deemed relevant by the Department. In collaboration with these groups, as well as business and labor leaders, the Department must select targeted industry clusters for workforce and economic development investments, based on: importance to the state and regional economy; workforce development needs; potential for economic growth; competitiveness; employment base; and wages, benefits, and career opportunities

Act 68 Jul 7 SB 606 Transportation (74 Pa.C.S.) - designation of Crawford Lakelands Byway as scenic byway Tier 0 No Impact on Liberty

Act 69 Jul 7 SB 723 Carl E. Stotz Memorial Little League Bridge - designation Tier 0 No Impact on Liberty

Founder of Little League Baseball

The Last Full Measure of Devotion Act 70 Jul 7 SB 728 Cpl. Harry Raymond Harr Memorial Bridge designation Medal of Honor Awarded WWII State law requires bridges to be named after fallen veterans, so Bender chose Cpl. Harry Raymond Harr, who was awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor as a 24-year-old soldier in World War II. Harr, who was from East Freedom, was killed in action when he smothered a Japanese hand grenade with his body, saving four of his fellow soldiers. Harr's sacrifice bought them enough time to

repair their machine guns and hold their position at the Battle of Mindanao Island in the Philippines.

?? Act 71 Jul 7 SB 745 Rail Freight Preservation and Improvement Act amends Act 119 of 1984, the Rail Freight Preservation and Improvement Act to allow a railroad company that receives a grant under the Act to perform the work with its own company, or any of its wholly- owned subsidiaries, without putting the project out for bid. This legislation will have no adverse impact on Commonwealth funds. The legislation would only widen the pool of potential applicants for Rail Freight Assistance Grants, which are contingent upon appropriations by the General Assembly.

?? Act 72 inspections

Jul 7 SB 791 Bluff Recession and Setback Act -

This bill amends the Bluff Recession and Setback Act (Act 48 of 1980) to expand the definition of bluff recession hazard area to exclude any area where the horizontal distance, measured perpendicular to the shoreline, between the shoreline and the bluff toe is in excess of 250 feet so that such areas are not subject to any Environmental Quality Board (EQB) regulations or municipal bluff setback ordinance or regulations established under the act. It further defines the terms bluff toe and shoreline to further clarifies issues related to bluff recession hazard area.


Act 73 Jul 7 SB 828 First Class Township Code amends the First Class Township Code to further provide for the office of township manager and for powers and duties of a manager Tier 0 No Impact on Liberty This is an administrative bill affecting operation of local municipality. This legislation would amend Section 1202 of the First Class Township Code to provide that the township manager shall serve at the pleasure of the board of commissioners, subject to contractual rights that may arise as a condition of employment. The board may enter into an employment agreement with the manager, which will terminate no later than two years after the effective date of the agreement or the date of the organization meeting of the board following the next municipal election, whichever occurs first. The employment agreement may include provisions relating to severance compensation, but shall not guarantee employment through the term of the contract or confer upon the manager any legal remedy based on specific performance.

Act 74 Jul 7 SB 829 Second Class Township amends the Second Class Township Code to further provide for the office of township manager and for powers and duties of a manager. Tier 0 No Impact on Liberty This is an administrative bill affecting operation of local municipality. Act 75 Jul 7 SB 830 Third Class City legislation adds Section 1201-A to the Third Class City Code which would allow a third class city to appoint a city administrator or manager Tier 0 No Impact on Liberty This is an administrative bill affecting operation of local municipality.

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