Cda - Old Certificate of Registration

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[5] uy ju uy] ju uj ju uy ju uy fu U] ju Uy] ju Uy (u u] [u hy ju uy fu Uy] ju u] fu uy u uy u \) nie UN] u ui Republic of the Philippines Department of Finance COOPERATIVE DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Registration No. _G3U=3228 goniticate of Revistearig, TO ALL TO WHOM THESE PRESENTS MAY COME, GREETINGS: Whereas, Articles of Cooperation and By-laws duly signed and acknowledged for the organization of the + MGW ABACHANAN CONSUMBES GOOPSRATIVE (Name of Cooperative) abeohanan, Sierra-Sullones, Soho) (Address) under and in accordance with the provisions of Republic Act Numbered Six Thousand Nine Hundred Thirty Eight were presented for registration in the Authority on ____Mareb #4, 2007 __; and WHEREAS, the said Articles of Cooperation and By-laws, a copy each of which is hereto attached, have complied with the provisions of the said Republic Act Six Thousand Nine Hundred Thirty Eight; NOW, THEREFORE, by virtue of the powers and duties vested in me by law, | do hereby certify that the said Articles of Cooperation and By-laws were, after due examination to determine whether they are in accordance with law, duly registered in this Office on the 14th day of ___Mareh __, ee a IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, | have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of this Office to be affixed on this CERTIFICATE at __Gebu Gity _, Philippines, this 4th _ day of ___Mareh__, 20_07_. ‘BXPIRY DATEs MARCH 14, 2057. ‘BQH, LECIRA V. JUAREZ Chairman Ca | \< SSeS See seseses Se Sse SsesSsesesesese2

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