Indonesia Terletak Di Daerah Tropis Yang Yang Dibagi Menjadi Dua Musim Saja - Id.en

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Indonesia is located in a tropical area which is divided into only two seasons, namely: the rainy
season and the dry season.

2. Because Americans have no angle on the 'death' market, but many feel that the United States
leads the world with the worst taxes.
3. Death and life.
4. Once, when I bought something at the mall.
5. Tax on food, drink, clothing and more.
6. Subject to PPh 22 as regular shopping at a rate of 1.5% with partners who have a NPWP and a
rate of 3% with partners without a NPWP.
7. That is :
 Multilevel income tax; This means that the tax percentage (14 to 70 percent) increases
as a person's income increases.
 The second tax for the state government: New York, California, North Dakota, or one
of the other forty-seven states.
 The third tax for the city. This tax comes in two forms: a property tax (residents who
own a home must pay taxes) and an excise tax, which is levied on vehicles in the city.

8. Not taxed.
9. There is no tax payable on the relatives of the deceased.

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