Hal-Hal Penting

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Upper limb[edit]
 of the humerus bone (the bone in the upper arm) at the shoulder
o Pectoralis major
o Anterior deltoid
o Coracobrachialis
o Biceps brachii
 of the forearm at the elbow
o Brachialis
o Brachioradialis
o Biceps brachii
 of carpus (the carpal bones) at the wrist
o flexor carpi radialis
o flexor carpi ulnaris
o palmaris longus
 of the hand
o flexor pollicis longus muscle
o flexor pollicis brevis muscle
o flexor digitorum profundus muscle
o flexor digitorum superficialis muscle

Lower limb[edit]

The iliacus and nearby muscles

The hip flexors are (in descending order of importance to the action of flexing the hip joint): [2]
 Collectively known as the iliopsoas or inner hip muscles:
o Psoas major
o Iliacus muscle
 Anterior compartment of thigh
o Rectus femoris (part of the quadriceps muscle group)
o Sartorius
 One of the gluteal muscles:
o Tensor fasciae latae
 Medial compartment of thigh
o Pectineus
o Adductor longus
o Adductor brevis
o Gracilis
Without the iliopsoas muscles, flexion in sitting position is not possible across the horizontal plane.[2]

 of thigh at knee (L5-S2)[3]
o Biceps femoris
o Semitendinosus
o Semimembranosus
o Gracilis
o Sartorius
o Gastrocnemius
o Popliteus
o Plantaris (negligible)


Upper limb[edit]
 of arm at shoulder[1]
o Axilla and Shoulder
 Latissimus Dorsi
 Posterior Fibres of Deltoid
 Teres Major
 of forearm at elbow[2]
o Posterior compartment of the arm
 Triceps Brachii
 Anconeus
 of hand at wrist [3]

o Posterior compartment of the forearm

 Extensor carpi radialis longus
 Extensor carpi radialis brevis
 Extensor carpi ulnaris
 Extensor digitorum
Saraf-Saraf Kranial


Visceromotorik (parasimpatis)

 Okulomotor (CN III)= ukuran pupil

 Fasialis (CN VII)= produksi saliva (submandibular&sublingualis) dan lacrima (lacrimal glands)
 Glossopharyngeal (CN IX)= reaksi mual muntah
 Vagus (CN X)= organ dalam

Somatomotorik umum

 Okulomotor, troklear, dan abdusen (CN III, IV, VI)= pergerakan mata

Somatomotorik khusus (branchiomotorik/otot mimic)

 Trigeminal (CN V) dan Fasialis (CN VII)


Viscerosensorik umum

 VII, IX, X

Viscerosensorik khusus

 I

Somatosensori umum

 V, VII, IX,X

Somatosensori khusus


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