What Is A Myth

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What is a Myth?

If you've ever wondered how the camel got its hump or how the
leopard got its spots, chances are you'll find the answer by reading a

A myth is a short story that is designed to explain how

something came to be. A myth is a type of folklore, or a tale that
was passed from generation to generation. 

In ancient times, people used to use myths to explain why things

happened the way they did. For example, they would explain how the
world came to be or why the sun shined in the sky. Myths also often
explained the origin and actions of different gods and goddesses.


1) What kind of characters are there in a myth? characters

experience a transformation or change

2) What are stories about? the stories have tried to answer

wenderous question like how the sun and moon got into the sky
and how people were made

3) What does an origin myth explain? explain the early history of a

group of people or describe natural phenomena

4) What kind of myth explain the change of season, why clouds

are in the sky?the norse myths

5) Where do the most heroe myhts come from? hero myths

describe the quest of a hero or heroine
6) Who was the most powerful god? What did he control? the
powerful gods and monsters that rules the harsh land here
you'll find a land full of trolls

7) Where do Norse myths take place? the northern europe

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