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MULTIPLE CHOICE: Choose the best answer

1.Which portion of the uterus is adenomyosis usually seen?

Anterior lower segment of the uterus

Anterior fundal segment of the uterus
Posterior lower segment of the uterus
Posterior wall of the uterus

2. A benign ovarian disorder, the ovaries are bilaterally enlarged to 5 to 7 cm in diameter.

Histologically, there are nests of luteinized theca cells within the stroma. Hirsutism and
virilization severity increases with age.

Ovarian neoplasm
Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia
Stromal hyperthecosis

3. Which of the following is not a component of active management of the third stage of labor?

properly-timed cord clamping

early cord-clamping
controlled cord traction
administration of oxytocin

4. Mechanism by which the biparietal diameter passes through the pelvic inlet

Internal rotation
External rotation

5. Sedation and conduction analgesia are capable of arresting this division

Descent division
Dilatational division
Preparatory division
Pelvic division

6. When both hips and knees are flexed, what is the type of breech presentation?

all are applicable
7. Which of the following favors vaginal delivery in breech presentation?

gynecoid pelvis
head extended
incomplete breech
EFW 4100g

8. This type of precocious puberty is caused by increased estrogen production from peripheral
sources specifically in the ovaries and adrenals.

Central PP
Gonadotropin dependent PP
Gonadotropin independent PP
Premature pubarche

9. A reliable biomarker that has been used most consistently for epithelial non-mucinous ovarian

CA 19-9

10. A type of breech delivery wherein fetus is delivered spontaneously as far as the umbilicus,
but the remainder of the body is delivered by provider traction and assisted maneuvers, with or
without maternal expulsive efforts:

spontaneous breech delivery

partial breech extraction
total breech extraction
all is applicable

11. A 38-year-old G4P3 presents with a positive pregnancy test, vaginal bleeding, palpitations,
and intense neck and shoulder pain, which is worse with inspiration. She is found to be
tachycardic and hypotensive. Her ultrasound reveals a likely right ectopic pregnancy. What is
the most likely cause of her neck and shoulder pain?

A pulled back muscle

Referred pain from her right fallopian tube
Diaphragmatic irritation due to hemoperitoneum
None of the above

12. Good measure of overall efficiency of machine

Acceleration phase
Phase of maximum slope
Deceleration phase
13. A 45 year old G3P3(3003), complained of intermenstrual bleeding and post coital bleeding.
On speculum examination, a small, cherry red, sessile mass which bleeds to touch was found
on the endocervix. What is 9your diagnosis?

Cervical polyp
Bacterial vaginosis
Cervical myoma
Condyloma accuminata

14. Risk factors for urinary retention during labor & delivery

Normal vaginal delivery

Labor duration <10 hours
Augmented labor

15. Pinard’s maneuver involved in breech delivery involves applying pressure to what part of the
fetal legs?

antecubital fossa
popliteal fossa
calf muscles
flexion on the heel

16. A 35 year-old G2P1(1001) at 38 weeks AOG, diagnosed with overt DM. Previous pregnancy
was delivered vaginally. Estimated fetal weight is 3850g, FHT 140s. She was mounted due to
imminent delivery. What is the indication for shoulder dystocia?

Turtle’s sign
head-to-body delivery time should be within 30 seconds
poor maternal effort
inadequate pelvis

17. Phase synonymous with active labor

Phase 3
Phase 1
Phase 2
Phase 0

18. What is NOT a possible cause of labor pains?

Stretching of peritoneum overlying the fundus

Compression of nerve ganglia in cervix & lower uterus
Cervical remodeling
Hypoxia of contracted myometrium

19. What is the most common coagulopathy causing abnormal uterine bleeding?

Glanzmanns Thrombosthenia
Von Willebrand disease
Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura

20. RE 4-year-old girl is noted to have breast enlargement, vaginal bleeding and an 8 cm pelvic
mass. Which of the following is the most likely etiology?

Benign cystic teratoma

Brenner tumor
Granulosa-theca cell tumor

21. A 35 year-old G7P6(6006) at 38 weeks was admitted due to labor pains. Previous
pregnancies were delivered vaginally without complications. FH 34cm, FHT 140s. Progress of
labor monitored and eventually mother was mounted for vaginal delivery. What will be the best
management of the third stage of labor?

expectant management of the third stage of labor

physiologic management of the third stage of labor
active management of the third stage of labor
early administration of uterotonics

22. Oral conrtaceptive steroids mechanism of action in the treatment of hyperandrogenism:

Suppress ovarian androgens by inhibiting LH stimulation of the ovary

Inhibiting prolactin release to suppress ovarian androgens
GnRH agonistic activity
Decreasing sex hormone binding globulin release

23. The rate of decline of mineral bone density post menopause


24. What is the indication when bisacromial diameter has rotated into the anteroposterior
diameter of the pelvis?

fetal head falls posteriorly, bringing the face almost into contact with maternal anus
occiput promptly turns toward one of the maternal thighs
fetal head rotates anteriorly
shoulder is visible in the introitus

25. The first sign of puberty

Growth spurt
26. A 45-year-old G6P6(6006) came for consult due to progressive dysmenorrhea which was
associated with profuse vaginal bleeding. TVS revealed, asymmetrically enlarged uterus with
the posterior myometrium which is thicker than the anterior. On PE, the uterine corpus was 14
weeks size, globular and non-tender. BPE was unremarkable. What is your diagnosis?

Pelvic endometriosis
Cervical stenosis

27. A 19-year-old G1 is diagnosed with a 2.3-cm right ectopic pregnancy. Her β-hCG is 1967
mIU/mL, her hematocrit is 37%, and she has a small amount of free fluid in her cul-de-sac. She
strongly desires expectant management rather than immediate treatment. Which aspect of her
history favors successful resolution with expectant management?

β-hCG < 2000 mIU/mL

Hematocrit above 35%
Free fluid in the cul-de-sac
Ectopic pregnancy size <3 cm

28. A 14-year-old patient has been experiencing heavy menstrual bleeding since menarche. A
day PTA she had onset bleeding with moderate to heavy flow soaking 3 overnight sanitary
pads. 2 hours PTA, bleeding became profuse with passage of blood clots soaking 4 pediatric
diapers associated with dizziness. Family and past medical history were non-contributory. On
examination, generalized pallor was noted. BP 90/70, HR 100, RR 22 afebrile. No active
bleeding. Pregnancy test was negative. What will be your management?

high dose estrogen

cyclic MPA
D and C

29. A 25 year-old G1P0 at 38 weeks AOG was admitted for labor pains. On Leopold’s
maneuver, LM 1 revealed a round, frim, ballotable mass. What is the expected description of
fetal presentation on internal exam?

mouth and malar eminences will form a triangular shape

anus and ischial tuberosities will form a straight line
y-shaped anterior fontanelle
diamond-shaped anterior fontanelle

30. DM is 19 years old G2P0 (0010), 34 weeks AOG, came in for prental check-up. DM has no
known comorbidities. BP range 130-140/70-90, with one episode of blurring of vision. DM is
compliant with her maintenance medications so her blood pressure is controlled. DM requires
anesthetic consultation prior to labor and delivery.

Cannot be determined
Needs more information

31. Maria, 28-year-old G2P2(2002) has been experiencing pelvic pain during menses. PE and
diagnostic test were all unremarkable. Maria expresses also her desire for birth spacing. Which
of the following agents is appropriate for the management of Maria’s pelvic pain?

Mefenamic acid
Combined oral contraceptive
Intrauterine device
Behavioral therapy

32. A 23-year-old G1 is diagnosed with a right ectopic pregnancy and given a single dose of
methotrexate. Her β-hCG is 3153 mIU/mL on day 1 following methotrexate administration, 3256
mIU/mL on day 4, and 2548 mIU/mL on day 7. What is the most appropriate course of action
based on these values?

Diagnostic laparoscopy
Recheck β-hCG level in 1 week
Administer second dose of methotrexate
No further intervention or follow-up is required

33. Cognitive decline in menopause is related to

Estrogen deficiency
Elevated progesterone
Both aging and estrogen deficiency

34. A 22-year-old G1P0 presents for a follow-up visit after receiving care for a spontaneous
abortion at 8 weeks’ gestation. She has many questions regarding the possible cause of her
miscarriage, and the risk of recurrence. You counsel her approximately what percentage of
pregnancies end in miscarriage. You also counsel her regarding the rate of aneuploidy in first-
trimester miscarriages. What is the approximate rate of aneuploidy in pregnancies that end in a
clinically apparent first trimester spontaneous abortion?


35. IG is 21 years old G1P0 39 weeks AOG for scheduled cesarean secondary to placenta
previa. Ideal analgesia for patient IG.

Regional anesthesia
Neuraxial anesthesia
Cannot be determined
Needs more information
36. A 28 year old G1P1(1001) came in with complaints of amenorrhea for three months without
associated signs and symptoms. PE findings were unremarkable. Your first diagnostic test to
order would be

TSH measurement
Pregnancy test

37. In ectopic pregnancies, the absence of which tubal tissue layer facilitates rapid invasion of
proliferating trophoblasts into the muscularis?

Connective tissue

38. Which of the following is a disadvantage of delayed cord clamping?

increase risk of hyperbilirubinemia

increase risk of IVH and NEC
decrease anemia in the neonates
all of the choices

39.What is the best management for DERMOID CYST?


40. The first uterotonin implicated in parturition initiation

Angiotensin II

41. A 45 year old woman complained of abdominal mass associated with pelvic pressure. On
pelvic exam, the uterus was enlarged to 20 weeks’ size with a knobby contour on
palpation. What is the best consideration?

Ovarian Cyst

Option 1
42. A 38-year-old, G4P4(4004) was brought in the ED for profuse vaginal bleeding. History
revealed that patient has been experiencing heavy menstrual bleeding for the past 6 months.
No consultation was done and no medication was taken. Vital signs taken revealed BP 70/50,
heart rate 102 bpm. The patient is pale. Speculum exam showed, approx. 200 cc blood clots on
the vaginal vault, cervix and vaginal wall are smooth, with active bleeding from the cervical os.
BPE introitus parous, cervix smooth and closed, corpus small, adnexa non-tender, no mass
palpated, with bloody non-foul-smelling discharge. RVE unremarkable. What is the best
management of this patient at this time?

High dose IV estrogen

Tranexamic acid
Dilation and curettage
Endometrial biopsy

43. The diagnosis for Metabolic Syndrome is made using Adult Treatment Panel III criteria,
three of five of the following:

hip circumference <88 cm, HDL <50 mg/dL, triglycerides >150 mg/dL; FBS >110 mg/dL
waist circumference >88 cm, crea <50 mg/dL, triglycerides >150 mg/d; BP >130/85 mmHg
waist circumference >88 cm, albumin >150 mg/dL; BP >130/85 mm Hg, FBS <110 mg/dL
waist circumference >88 cm, HDL <50 mg/dL, triglycerides >150 mg/dL; BP >130/85 mm Hg,
FBS >110 mg/dL

44.The maneuver in delivering the head necessitated by using two fingers of one hand grasp
the shoulders of the back-down fetus from below while the other hand draws the feet up and
over the maternal abdomen:

modified Prague
modified Ritgen

45. A woman presents with her partner to the emergency department complaining of abdominal
pain and fever. She has a temperature of 41ºC, a blood pressure of 78/42 mmHg, no rebound
or guarding, but exquisite cervical motion tenderness and generalized malaise. After asking her
partner to leave the room, she discloses that she underwent an illegal abortion at approximately
8 weeks’ gestation last night. You diagnose her with a septic abortion and begin broad-spectrum
antibiotic therapy. The patient improved with parenteral antibiotics and supportive care. Her
blood type is noted to be A-negative. You explain the indication for a dose of anti-D immune
globulin. You inform her that approximately what percentage of women undergoing induced
abortion will become alloimmunized without immune globulin?


46. Ovarian changes during menopause includes

Diminished functional capacity

Decreased secretion of AMH
Increased levels of FSH
All are correct

47. A 27-year-old G3P2 was recently seen in the emergency room with vaginal bleeding and
passed products of conception while undergoing evaluation. Her β-hCG at the time of
presentation was 2500 mIU/mL. At her 7-day follow-up, her β-hCG is again measured. What
value is most consistent with a completed spontaneous abortion?

500 mIU/mL
1250 mIU/mL
1750 mIU/mL
2000 mIU/mL

48.Angela came in for complaints of severe hypogastric pain. History revealed that condition is
recurrent and usually occurs during menses. TVS was requested which showed a normal
finding. Laboratory tests results were also unremarkable. What is your primary consideration?

Primary dysmenorrhea
Pelvic inflammatory disease
Ectopic pregnancy
Threatened abortion

49.A 25 year-old G1P0 in labor was mounted in the delivery table. You are planning to do
episiotomy to facilitate the delivery. When will be the best time to do episiotomy?

encirclement of the largest head diameter by the vulvar ring

when the head is already visible when labia is separated
anytime as long as the woman is mounted
when the head is at station +3

50.DEXA scan T-Score of -1 is indicative of


51.The vaginal approach of adduction of the anterior shoulder by pressure applied to the
posterior aspect of the shoulder, pushing the shoulder towards the chest in shoulder dystocia:

modified Ritgen

52.At what age should we investigate for precocious puberty in a patient with vaginal bleeding?

6 yo
8 yo
9 yo

53.Which type of myoma causes profuse menstrual bleeding?


54.A 25 year-old G1P0 at 38 weeks AOG was admitted for labor pains. On Leopold’s
maneuver, LM3 revealed a softer mass which is movable. On internal exam, both feet are
palpated inferior to the buttocks. What is the type of breech presentation?

all are applicable

55.The hallmark of estrogen decline in the brain

Hot flushes
Mood swings

56.25 year-old G1P0 in labor was mounted in the delivery table. You are planning to do
episiotomy to facilitate the delivery. Baby and placenta were delivered unremarkably. What is
the expected degree of laceration?


57.What is NOT a role of the cervix during pregnancy?

Induce inflammatory signals

Provide competence despite increasing gravitational forces
Orchestrate extracellular matrix changes for progressively greater tissue compliance
Protect reproductive tract from infection

58. A 22-year-old nulligravid, came to ER due to hypogastric mass. On examination, there was
a mass at the right lower quadrant approximately 8 cm in diameter. She was scheduled for
laparotomy and upon opening up there was a cystic, pedunculated mass at the Fimbrial end of
the oviduct. What is the most likely diagnosis?

Hydatid cyst of morgagni

Ovarian cyst
Dermoid cyst
Paraovarian cyst

59.Which of the following will make vaginal delivery satisfactory?

legs should be separated widely

no need for leg holders
legs are not strapped
always in McRobert’s position

60.Goals for optimizing obstetrical anesthesia established by the American College of

Obstetricians and Gynecologists (2017a) and American Society of Anesthesiologists (2016)

Statement I ONLY
Statements I & II
Statements I, II & III
Statements I,II & IV

61.When do the cardinal movements of labor occur?

Pelvic division
Descent division
Preparatory division
Dilatational division

62.Method of determining fetal presention & position

Leopold maneuvers
Speculum exam
Computed tomography scan
Magnetic resonance imaging

63.What is the first maneuver employed when shoulder dystocia is diagnosed?

modified Ritgen

64.A 35 year-old G2P1(1001) at 38 weeks was admitted due to labor pains. Previous
pregnancy was delivered vaginally without complications. FH 34cm, FHT 140s. Progress of
labor monitored and eventually mother was mounted for vaginal delivery. Baby was delivered
spontaneously. Which of the following is not a sign of placental separation?

lengthening of the cord

fundus becomes globular and firmer
Calkin’s sign
fundus descends during traction of the placenta
A case of a 35 y.o consulted for vaginal bleeding for 2 weeks. What is the initial diagnostic test
to be requested?

urine HCG

Maneuver that determines fetal orientation

Pawlick’s grip
Pelvic grip
Fundal grip
Umbilical grip

A 31-year-old G3P1 at 6 to 7 weeks’ gestation by last menstrual period presents with severe
abdominal pain, weakness, and dizziness. On sonographic evaluation, she is noted to have a
complex left adnexal mass with free fluid in Morrison pouch. What is the minimum amount of
accumulated hemoperitoneum which would be expected at the time of surgery?

100-200 mL
200-300 mL
300-400 mL
400-500 mL

This maneuver may be employed if expulsive efforts are inadequate or expeditious delivery is
needed. It allows controlled fetal head delivery.

perineal support
hands-off technique
modified Ritgen maneuver
Rubin’s maneuver

35 year-old G2P1(1001) at 38 weeks AOG, diagnosed with overt DM. Previous pregnancy was
delivered vaginally but had history of shoulder dystocia. Estimated fetal weight is 3850g, FHT
140s. What is her risk of having a recurrent shoulder dystocia?


The myometrial layer of the uterus is composed of

Smooth & striated muscle cell

Striated skeletal muscle cell
Cardiac muscle cell
Smooth muscle cell
AB, 23 y.o., nulligravid, came in for irregular menses since menarche. BMI 30 kg/m2. TVS:
polycystic ovarian morphology. What is the mainstay of treatment?

diet pills
observation until desirous of pregnancy
diet and exercise
ovarian drilling

JK is 25 years old G1P0 given spinal anesthesia. During the procedure, JKs blood pressure
dropped to 60/40 with respiratory rate of 0. Give a possible explanation

I. Subdural injection
II. Subarachnoid injection
III. Total spinal blockade
IV. High spinal blockade

73. A 35-year-old nulligravid got married 2 months PTC. 2 weeks PTC she noted a mass on her
hypogastric area. You considered uterine myoma. What diagnostic investigation will you order
to map out the pathology?

Pregnancy test
CT scan

74. A treatment for panic disorder that is focused on addressing the catastrophic thoughts
associated with it

Cognitive behavioral therapy

Group psychotherapy

75. A patient have 3 children, 2 delivered at term, 1 delivered preterm, 1 molar pregnancy and 1
ectopic pregnancy. Which of the following is the correct OB score?


76. Jesna, 34 yo, G3P2(2002) previous cesarean section twice for cephalopelvic disproportion,
now at 16 wks AOG, asks you about the option of doing trial of labor. You then told her that this
condition is a maternal risk for doing TOLAC and it happens when the uterine muscle is
separated but the visceral peritoneum is intact

complete uterine rupture

uterine dehiscence
partial uterine rupture
uterine scar niche
77. Which of the following measures can prevent compression of vena cava in laparoscopic
procedure during pregnancy?

Lithotomy position
Left side tilt
Maintain intraabdominal pressure above 12 mmHg
First trocar should be inserted in the Palmer’s point

78. According to studies, there is a threefold greater risk of symptomatic rupture during a
subsequent TOLAC if the interdelivery interval is ______ months

</= 18
> 18
</= 12 months
> 24 months

79. Which of the following procedure lessen the discomfort of the patient while inserting
hysteroscope through the cervix?

IV sedation
Paracervical block anesthesia
Spinal anesthesia
NSAID taken prior to the procedure

80. A 47 year-old mother was recently diagnosed with breast cancer by a breast
oncologist. She consulted through telemedicine due to poor appetite. As a medical clerk who
received the call, you let her answer the PHQ-9 questionnaire. The score is 15. What is the

MDD, moderate
MDD, moderately severe
MDD, severe
MDD, severely severe

81. A 35-year-old multigravida came for complaint of vaginal spotting. Which part of the
gynecologic history will lead you to check on her risk for cervical malignancy?

Menstrual history
Gynecologic infection history
Contraception history
Obstetric history

82. A 22-year-old nulligravid came for history of heavy menstrual bleeding, ultrasound reveals a
thickened endometrium. What additional test will you order to rule out endometrial polyp or
submucous myoma?

D and C

83. A 25-year-old G1P1(1001) had sudden onset of intense fear. At the ED the patient was seen
diaphoretic, trembling and shaking. Vital signs are within normal limits except for the heart rate
of 110 beats per minute. What is the first line medication for this patient?

None of the choices

84. A newly-wed couple consulted due to a difficulty in achieving sexual pleasure because of
the difficulty in vaginal penetration. What is the theoretical explanation of the problem?

involuntary contraction of vaginal introital and levator ani muscles

lack of foreplay
poor vaginal lubrication
underlying vaginal problems or infections

85. A 50 year-old woman consulted due to decrease interest in sex. She confined to you her
guilt, frustration, and incompetence towards her partner. What in the past medical history would
you ask from the patient to identify her risk factors?

history of urinary incontinence

history of hysterectomy
traumatic issues in life
all is correct

86. A 24 year-old woman consulted at the women’s desk for sexual assault that happened a day
prior to consult. History and PE done. What is the recommended medication to be given as
prophylaxis for chlamydial infection?


87. A 24-year-old patient has to undergo hysteroscopy for AUB. Which of the following
statement would warrant antibiotic therapy for this patient?

The patient was treated for bacterial vaginosis 3 years ago

The patient had history of PID
The patient did not have sexual experience yet
The patient has UTI 2 weeks ago

88. Vaginal bleeding that occurs after the menses, prior to the next cycle is referred to

Pre-menstrual bleeding
Intermenstrual bleeding
Postmenstrual bleeding
None is correct

89. The survival time of motile sperm in the cervix is:

up to 8 hours
up to 7 to 9 days
up to 5 days
up to 17 days

90. Mia, 32 yo, G2P1(1001), 12 wks AOG, scarred uterus once for cesarean section. You
advised her regarding the options for the current pregnancy. Which among the following is an
absolute contraindication for doing Trial of Labor after Cesarean Section?A low transverse

A low transverse incision

Transfundal surgery like a myomectomy
Prior fetal malpresentation
Prior vaginal delivery

91. A medical clerk was very anxious because of given the task to make a video on how to
demonstrate the conduct of normal spontaneous delivery. She expresses her concerns to her
preceptor that she is afraid to be scrutinized by her group mates. What is the best treatment?

refer to psychologist
give medications

92. Jesna, 34 yo, G3P2(2002) previous cesarean section twice for cephalopelvic disproportion,
now at 16 wks AOG, asks you about the option of doing trial of labor. This is the most important
factor when considering a TOLAC.

interdelivery interval
Prior uterine incision
Prior incision closure
prior vaginal delivery

93. Statement(s) that is/are TRUE to prevent cardiac arrest in women who experience high or
total spinal blockade.

Statements I & III

Statements II & III
Statements I & IV
Statement II & IV

94. It is a symptom complex occurring as a result of violence in which a woman has at any time
received deliberate, severe, or repeated (more than three times) physical abuse from her
husband or significant male partner in which the minimal injury is bruising:

battered woman
battered woman syndrome
intimate partner violence
spouse abuse

95. True of menstrual cycle

The mean duration of menstrual cycle is 30 +/- 10 days

Life span of corpus luteum is 14 days
Mean age of menarche is 18 years old
Menopause usually starts at 40 years old

96. An 18 year-old K-pop fanatic patient with a BMI of 19 kg/m2 due to irregularities of
menses. Which of the following specific questions in your history taking would contribute to
clinch your diagnosis?

Are you feeling down for the past 2 weeks?

Do you have trouble concentrating on things?
Do you have trouble falling asleep?
Do you worry you have lost control over how much you eat?

97. BJ is 42 years old G1P0, 39 weeks AOG, admitted for labor pains. During labor their was
note of fetal distress thus prompting an emergency cesarean. Ideal analgesia/anesthesia
for BJ.

OpPudendal block
Paracervical block
Epidural analgesia
Subarachnoid block

98. Characteristics of an ovulatory menstrual cycle

28 days cycle, 4 days duration, bright red menstrual blood associated with mild cramping
menses lasts for 7 days, dark red and scanty flow
menses occurs every 21 days, lasting for 5 days
menses occurs every 30 days, lasting for 4-7 days

99. This effect can be mitigated by allowing the patient to eat prior to performing hysteroscopy.

Uterine perforation

100. The most common sexual dysfunction in women

Hypoactive sexual desire

Orgasmic disorders
Unspecified dysfunction

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