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Assalamualaikum everyone.

my name is Sarah Afifah

and I'm participating in micro teaching competition by

UNITAS PBI. Let's get started!

Assalamualaikum, wr wb

Hello guys! How are you doing? How was your holiday?

It's been a while, huh?


it's better if we start with praying first.

Class leader, lead the prayer.

Thank you.

Ok, now I'm going to take the attendance.

Is there anyone absent today?

Huh? Lisa? Why?

She's still on vacation?

Alright, anyone else? No? Okay thank you. Very good

Ok, guys. Do any of you know what are we going to study today?

English? Hmmm... You're right.

Today, we are of course going to learn English. And today's material is about

Opinions and thoughts.

You guys must be having opinions about things, people, or even situation.

We always express our opinions and thoughts every day.

Do you ever wonder how cool it is to express our opinion in English?

And do you ever wonder how to do that?

okay, so, we are going to learn it today! and you better be focus only about 10 minutes to go.

When we are negotiating, expressing opinions or simply chatting with a friend, we often have to
agree or disagree with the other person. Also, we don’t want to make a fight out of this, so we must
know how to show empathy with different opinions and also disagree without sounding aggressive.
It is very difficult to convince when they think you are attacking. We need to express our opinions
and, at the same time, show that we are listening, understanding and appreciating the other
opinions. If they feel comfortable, they will be more open to our ideas, opinions or suggestions. Here
are different ways of doing so in a conversation.

Tip: It is always a good idea to justify your opinions. Don’t just say 'I agree' or 'I disagree', but say 'I
agree because I think that ... (explain your reason)', etc.

Oay, so now we're going to take a look at the example.

When giving opinions, it can be about our personal opinion

and general opinion.

When we want to express our personal opinions, we can say

in my opinion… (menurut pendapatku…)

I think… (saya pikir…)

I personally think… (saya pribadi berpendapat…)

In my experience… (menurut pengalamanku..)

I strongly believe that… (saya sangat yakin bahwa…)

From my point of view… (menurut pandangan saya…)

As I understand… (sepemahaman saya…)

What I mean is… (yang saya maksud adalah…)

I my humble opinion… (menurut pendapat saya…)

I would like to point out that.. ( saya ingin mengutarakan bahwa…)

To my mind… (pendapatku…)

I am compelled to say… (saya terpaksa untuk mengatakan…)

I reckon… (saya memperhitungkan….)

and when giving general opinions we can say;

Most of people do not agree…(banyak orang tidak setuju…)

Almost everyone think…(hampir setiap orang berpikir…)

Some people say that…(beberapa orang mengatakan bahwa…)

Some people believe that…(beberapa orang yakin bahwa…)

Of course, many argue… (tentu banyak orang berargumentasi…)

Generally it is accepted… (umumnya itu diterima…)

The majority disagree with… (mayoritas tidak setuju…)

The majority agree with… (mayoritas setuju…)

It is considered… (itu dianggap…)

when giving opinions, we gotta keep in mind

that our opinions are gramatically correct.

we must remember which verb that suits the subject.

when talking about opinions and thoughts,

we ooften make sure to check if our partners understand it or not.

To do it, we can say:


Do you know what I mean?

Does it make sense?

I don’t know if I’m explaining it correctly.

And in order to give an explaining, we can say:


What I mean is...

What I’m trying to say is that...

Besides giving opinion, we also often ask for it. For asking for opinion, we can say:


What’s your idea (on...)?

What do you think about it?

Do you agree with that?

Is that what you think?

Have you got an opinion about it?

How do you feel about it?

Do you have anything to say about it?

And you? What do you think?

Is that right?


Of course

You’re absolutely right

Yes, I agree.

I think so too.

That’s a (very) good point.

Oh yes, that’s right.


I don’t think so either.

That’s true.

That’s just what I was thinking.

I couldn’t agree more.

That’s exactly what I think.

I think you’re right.

I hear you.

Yes, me too / me neither.


That’s not what I mean/said.

No, what I’m trying to say is that...

You got me wrong.

I’m probably not making myself very clear.

That’s not exactly what I was trying to say.


You’re not listening, are you?

Did you hear a word I said?

Can you understand what I say?

But who said that?


I see, but that’s different.

Sorry, I don’t agree with you.

I don’t see it that way.

That’s not entirely true.

That’s partly true but...

I see your point but...

I’m sorry to disagree with you but...

Yes, but don’t you think...?

I think that’s not the same thing at all.

On the contrary...

Well, I’m not so sure about that.

Sorry, I think that’s wrong.

Yeah, but the problem is that...

Well, I think it’s not as simple as that.


Yes, I agree with you but...

I can see your point, but...

That’s very true, but...

Of course, you’re right, but...

I know what you mean but...

I can understand that but...

Well, that sounds very good but...

I partly agree, but...

Yeah, that’s true, but on the other hand...

You could be right but I think that...

You are probably right but...


Are you crazy or what?

You must be kidding, right?

I can’t believe you’re saying that.

No way!

I can’t buy that.

You can’t be serious.

How can you even say that?

I think you’re totally wrong.

Oh, come on, where’s your logic?

That doesn’t make any sense.

Absolutely wrong.

That’s totally B.S. (=bullshit)


Oh yea, you said it.

But of course!

Who can disagree with that?

Now you’re talking.

Yes, yes, that’s the point!

I totally agree with you

You’re so very right!

You’re reading my mind.


In English, this word is very important, and very common, when you want to disagree politely or
when you want to correct without offending. Let's see a few examples:

- They want to start using uniforms in my son's school. What a stupid thing!

- Well, actually I think it's a good idea. Social differences won't be so obvious then.

- They're going to build a motorway through New Forest, that's a disaster!

- Actually, it's not through New Forest but around it.

- Oh, that's quite different then.


If you have somebody to practise, you can use this list of topics:

University should be free

We should build more nuclear power stations

Dogs are better pets than cats

Television is increasing violence in our society

Alcohol should be illegal

Spring is much nicer than autumn

A weekend in the mountains is better than on the beach

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day

Females are better students than males

When learning English, listening is more difficult than speaking

Summer is the best season of the year

Secondary school students should wear uniform

People should be older than 20 to have a driving license

Everybody should go to university

Alright, guys. We are now at the end of this lesson. Do you guys have any question? Well, if youuu're
not, you can study this furtherly by doing the task on your book, on page 13

and i'll be helping you to understand it clearly. So, that's enough for today, i'll see you on next week.
stay healthy aeveryone, and goodbye! waass

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