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Christianity is the world’s biggest religion, with about 2.2 billion followers worldwide. It’s based
on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ who lived in the Holy Land in the Middle East 2,000
years ago. Through its incredible missionary activity, Christianity has spread to just about every
corner of the globe.

Christians are people who believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, and who follow His
teachings and those of the Christian churches that grew after His death. They believe that
through Jesus’ death on the cross we can find forgiveness of all sin, and therefore be reconciled
with God. They believe that Jesus rose from the dead and appeared to His disciples to show
everyone that there is another life with one eternal loving God, and life in all its fullness is
available to us today, and for all eternity.

Christians believe in one true God who lives eternally in three persons – Father, Son and Holy
Spirit. They see the Bible as the inspired Word of God – fully trustworthy for faith and instructing
us on how we should live our lives. Christians believe that they have a personal relationship with
Jesus and that this relationship is the centre point for their lives.

Evangelical Christians gather around our basis of faith. This shares the basic beliefs of their

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