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Chemical Engineering Science 163 (2017) 155–166

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The effect of particle surface charge density on filter cake properties

during dead-end filtration
Søren Lorenzen ⇑, Kristian Keiding, Morten L. Christensen
Department of Chemistry and Bioscience, Aalborg University, Fredrik Bajers Vej 7H, 9220 Aalborg East, Denmark

h i g h l i g h t s

 Model particles with variable surface charge were used in dead-end filtration.
 Specific resistance and compressibility increase with particle charge.
 Porosity increase with particle charge and decrease with applied pressure.
 Existing models fail to predict specific cake resistance for charged particles.
 Osmotic pressure in the filter cake proposed as a possible explanation.

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: During the filtration of suspended organic material, filter cakes with high specific resistances are often
Received 24 October 2016 formed. The properties of these filter cakes differ markedly from the classical filtration properties derived
Received in revised form 4 January 2017 from inorganic suspensions, not only by having a higher specific resistance but also by being highly com-
Accepted 19 January 2017
pressible. These organic substances typically have a high surface charge density, due to the different func-
Available online 24 January 2017
tional groups on their surfaces, so a set of model particles was synthesized in which the surface charge
density can be varied while keeping all other properties constant. The synthesized monodisperse parti-
cles all have a polystyrene core and varying ratios of charged (i.e. polyacrylic acid) and uncharged (i.e.
Particle charge
Filter cake
hydroxypropyl cellulose) stabilizing polymers covalently grafted to the surface. All used particles have
Charge effects proven to be stable against aggregation during storage and are easily redispersed upon agitation.
Specific cake resistance Aqueous suspensions of the particles were filtered in a dead-end setup at constant pressure to determine
Osmotic pressure the filter cake properties. Results indicate that the specific cake resistance, cake compressibility, and cake
porosity increase with the particle surface charge. Comparison with two empirical models of filter cake
resistance demonstrates that particle charge is more important than is porosity, as highly charged filter
cakes have resistances orders of magnitude higher than calculated, which is not the case for filter cakes of
uncharged particles. DLVO theory suggests that the results cannot be explained in terms of classical
double-layer effects, even in the extreme case of very small interparticle distances. Deviations from this
classical behavior, arising from the confinement of charged particles by charged walls or pores, are a pos-
sible explanation, allowing the high resistances to be interpreted as increased osmotic pressure due to
the distribution of counterions in the pores. Calculations indicate that osmotic pressure increases with
particle charge and with decreasing porosity, but remains close to zero for uncharged particles.
Ó 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction ter cake will thus be a limiting factor for the filtration, and efforts
to reduce the hydraulic resistance account for a significant part of
Dewatering filtration is a common unit operation whenever the operational costs of a filtration unit. The liquid flux through
suspended solids must be separated from a liquid. In almost all porous media (e.g. filter cakes) is often interpreted using Darcy’s
applications, the properties of the filter cake deposited on the filter law, in which the flux is expressed as the pressure drop across
medium govern the process. The liquid flow through the porous fil- the cake divided by the hydraulic resistance. Properly dimension-
ing the equipment used for dewatering calls for knowledge of
the expected properties of the filter cake formed. For this purpose,
⇑ Corresponding author. semi-empirical models exist for predicting the hydraulic resistance
E-mail address: (S. Lorenzen).
0009-2509/Ó 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
156 S. Lorenzen et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 163 (2017) 155–166

from the cake thickness, cake porosity, liquid viscosity, and solid– resistance (Keiding and Rasmussen, 2003; Wijmans et al., 1984).
liquid contact area in the cake (which can be calculated from par- This effect has only recently been quantified in MBR systems
ticle size and shape). One often-used model is the Kozeny–Carman (Chen et al., 2012; Curvers et al., 2009; Zhang et al., 2013, 2014),
model (Eq. (1)), giving the specific resistance, a, i.e. hydraulic resis- while earlier work has found osmotic pressure to be negligible in
tance per cake mass deposited. In it, k is the Kozeny constant (with cross-flow microfiltration (Davis, 1992). The complexity and diver-
a value of 5 ± 0.5 for spherical particles; Carman, 1937), S0 the sity of sludge, however, will make it difficult to compare results
volume-specific surface of a particle, qs the solid density, and e and might even lead to contradictory conclusions, as the effects
the filter cake porosity. This model also serves as the basis of some of charge are impossible to isolate due to the adverse secondary
other models (Xu and Yu, 2008). effects occurring when attempting to increase or decrease the
charge density, such as changes in floc strength and particle size
S20  ð1  eÞ distribution.
aKC ¼ k ð1Þ Although several attempts have been made to modify the
qs  e3
Kozeny–Carman equation (Valdes-Parada et al., 2009; Xu and Yu,
Although this and some derived models are extensively used, 2008), none of these models accounts for variations in particle sur-
they have several limitations. Indeed, the Kozeny–Carman model face charge and, to the authors’ best knowledge, no such model
has been found to give satisfactory predictions of the filtration of exists. As shown, charged surfaces have been found to have a sig-
simple inorganic suspensions or suspensions of uncharged latex nificant impact on filter cake resistance in applications containing
particles (Ogden and Davis, 1990). However, the model is very poor organic material (Foley, 2006; Hodgson et al., 1993; Ohmori and
at dealing with suspensions of biological origin, such as microbial Glatz, 1999; Ohmori and Iritani, 2004). The ability to isolate the
cell suspensions (Foley, 2006) or activated sludge (Mikkelsen and effects of charge in such a system is therefore necessary in order
Keiding, 2002), and application of the model is complicated by to develop and test new models. A set of novel monodisperse
the difficulty of determining S0 and e, especially for activated model particles, with a core/shell structure and in which the sur-
sludge. face charge can be varied without compromising stability against
Previous work on the filtration of wastewater sludge has found aggregation, was used to mimic suspensions of biological origin
very high specific filter cake resistances, typically several hundred and thus can be used in filtration experiments to gain knowledge
times higher than would be expected from the Kozeny–Carman of the influence of charge in such systems.
model, i.e. 10–100 Tm kg1 (Bugge et al., 2012; Chu and Li, 2005;
Mikkelsen and Keiding, 2002; Wu et al., 2001). Among the sug-
gested explanations of this difference are (1) blinding effects 2. Materials and methods
within the cake itself, which occur when the filter cake acts as a
secondary membrane, capturing smaller particles within the pores 2.1. Particle synthesis
(Sørensen et al., 1997; Novak et al., 1988), and (2) skin formation,
leading to reduced filter cake porosity, especially in layers near the Micrometer-sized core/shell particles were synthesized by the
membrane where the solid stress is the highest, caused by the high dispersion polymerization of styrene (Sigma-Aldrich, CAS: 100-
degree of compressibility typical of wastewater sludge (Tiller and 42-5, 99%) in methanol (Sigma-Aldrich, CAS: 67-56-1, 99.8%), with
Kwon, 1998). Both these effects are possible in systems in which the use of benzoyl peroxide (BPO) (Acros Organics, CAS: 94-36-0,
the suspended solids have a broad range of characteristics, further 75%, remainder water) as initiator. Poly(acrylic acid) (PAA)
complicating the prediction and modeling of cake resistance. As (Sigma-Aldrich, CAS: 9003-01-4, 35 wt.% in water) and hydrox-
sludge is a very complex matrix (Le-Clech et al., 2006), it is difficult ypropyl cellulose (HPC) (Sigma-Aldrich, CAS: 9004-64-2, P95%)
to isolate and vary only one property of a sludge floc without were used as graftable polymeric stabilizers. Before the synthesis,
affecting several others, all of which can affect filterability. benzoyl peroxide was recrystallized in methanol to remove any
To overcome this, model particles can be used to simulate real- water and impurities, while all other chemicals were used as
world suspensions, with the added benefit of ruling out effects received. The synthesis was performed in 250-mL round-
caused by blinding and skin formation. A key factor in sludge filtra- bottomed two-necked flasks with reflux and magnetic stirring
tion is thought to be related to the primarily negatively charged and under nitrogen atmosphere. The stirring was kept constant
groups on the surfaces of the sludge flocs, single cells, and exopoly- at 300 RPM throughout the synthesis.
mers, in line with the findings of Hodgson et al. (1993) and Ohmori To obtain particles with varying surface charge densities, differ-
and Iritani (Ohmori and Glatz, 1999; Ohmori and Iritani, 2004). It ent weight ratios of HPC to PAA were used as stabilizers in the syn-
has been found that reducing the surface density of these charges thesis. The batches of particles are named using the letters A–E,
positively affects the filterability (Mikkelsen and Keiding, 2002). and the amounts of stabilizers (dry weight) can be found in Table 1.
This positive effect is thought to be caused mainly by increased The corresponding amounts of PAA and/or HPC were dissolved
flocculation (Bugge et al., 2013), as the low surface charge cannot in methanol in the reaction flask, then preheated and degassed
provide the interparticle repulsion necessary to keep the sludge by being bubbled with nitrogen for 10 min. BPO was dissolved in
flocs apart, while a more direct influence of particle charge also styrene, degassed in a similar manner as was the polymer solution,
have been proven to be of importance (Lorenzen et al., 2014). In and kept at a temperature under 5 °C for no longer than 1 h until
contrast, Mukai et al. found that increasing protein surface charge use. The BPO/styrene solution was then added to the preheated
would decrease cake resistance during ultrafiltration, due to a polymer solution and left under nitrogen at a reaction temperature
higher porosity resulting from increased electrostatic repulsion of 70 °C for 24 h. The produced particle suspension was filtered
(Mukai et al., 1997). Thus, conflicting results from different sys- through a filter cloth with an average pore size of 45 lm to remove
tems have been reported, which only serves to increase the impor- any coagulated material, and then cleaned by repeated sedimenta-
tance of further research in this area. tion/resuspension in methanol five times. The cleaned particles
Some researchers have also discussed a more direct influence of were all stored in methanol and then rinsed and resuspended in
charge, exerted mainly through increased osmotic pressure in the an aqueous 1 mM NaOH solution before use.
filter cake caused by the colligative properties of the counterions The monomer contained a small amount of inhibitor (4-tert-
associated with the charged groups. This osmotic pressure coun- butylcatachol). It was deliberately not removed as it slows the
teracts the applied pressure and is therefore perceived as increased onset of polymerization, allowing the temperature of the reaction
S. Lorenzen et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 163 (2017) 155–166 157

Table 1
Amounts of chemicals used in the synthesis of particle types A–E.

Particle type ID Solvent (100 mL) PAA (g) HPC (g) Stabilizer MW (kDa) Styrene (mL) BPO (g)
A Methanol 0.0 1.2 100 17.5 0.5
B Methanol 0.3 0.9 100 17.5 0.5
C Methanol 0.6 0.6 100 17.5 0.5
D Methanol 0.9 0.3 100 17.5 0.5
E Methanol 1.2 0.0 100 17.5 0.5

mixture to rise again after addition of the monomer/initiator Filtration solutions were made by diluting the concentrated parti-
solution. cle suspensions with a 1 mM NaOH solution to a final dry matter
content of 8.33 g L1, resulting in a pH of approximately 9.5 and
2.2. Particle characterization a conductivity of approximately 115 lS cm1. One hundred mL of
the filtration solution was used for each filtration run, which was
Particle size and size distribution were measured in a 1 mM allowed to last to the end of the consolidation phase to ensure
NaOH solution using an LS 13,320 MW laser diffraction particle the maximum obtainable compression of the filter cake at each
size analyzer (Beckman Coulter, Brea, CA, USA). Using a pipette, a pressure.
concentrated suspension of the particles was added to the sample As the settling velocity of these particles is very low compared
vessel under constant stirring until the obscuration was 8–12%; with the filtration duration, particle settling is ignored and the sus-
measurements were made immediately thereafter. The size distri- pension above the filter cake is assumed to remain homogeneous
bution of the particles is given as the grade of polydispersity, d, cal- throughout the filtration process. Furthermore, as the piston drives
culated from Eq. (2), where di is the volume-average particle the suspension against the filter medium, all particles in the sus-
diameter below which i% of the particles are found (Tropea et al., pension are deposited as a filter cake, as the particle size is much
2007). larger than the pore size of the filter medium. For this reason, pore
blocking is negligible and the filter cake resistance increases with
d84  d16 time as the filter cake grows, while the average specific resistance
d¼ ð2Þ
2d50 should remain constant at constant pressure, assuming negligible
The electrophoretic mobility was measured using elec- filter resistance and a linear increase in solid pressure as the posi-
trophoretic light scattering with a Zetasizer Nano ZS device (Mal- tion in the filter cake approaches the medium, as has proven to be
vern Instruments, Malvern, UK). Before measuring this, the the case for other synthetic particles (Christensen et al., 2006).
particles were diluted to the point of almost zero turbidity in At some point during the filtration, the piston face will contact
1 mM NaOH to ensure full deprotonation of the acid groups. The the filter cake, marking the transition between the filtration and
measured motilities were then converted to zeta potentials using consolidation phases. This is seen as a sharp decrease in both liquid
Smoluchowski theory. Although the zeta-potential concept is pressure and permeate flux, as the solid pressure in any part of the
meaningless for core/shell particles, as the surface of shear is filter cake approaches the value of the applied pressure while the
poorly defined, it is a common way to interpret particle charge cake porosity homogenizes throughout the filter cake, expelling
and has, for this reason, been chosen as the value to present. Recall, only the interstitial water. At the end of the consolidation process,
however, that electrophoretic mobility (and therefore also zeta the filter cake cannot compress any more, as the applied force
potential) is still inherently connected to the charge density of equals the interparticle forces and thus no more water can be
the particle shell through Ohshima’s (1995) equations and will, expelled.
as expected, increase with the increasing weight fraction of PAA
in the synthesis. 2.4. Data analysis
Finally, particle morphology was investigated using SEM and
optical microscopy. The resulting data were analyzed using a modified version of
Darcy’s law of flow through a porous medium, shown in Eq. (3)
(Wakeman and Tarleton, 1999):
2.3. Filtration experiments
t la^ s
¼ Vf ; Peff ¼ DP  Dp ð3Þ
The filtration equipment, shown in Fig. 1, was a piston– V f 2Peff A2
cylinder-based dead-end filtration cell developed in our laboratory.
The filtration cylinder and piston used for the dead-end filtra- where t is time (s), Vf the filtrate volume (m3), l the filtrate viscosity
tions consisted of a 116-mm-high PVC cylinder with a bore diam- (Pa s), A the filter medium area (m2), Peff the effective liquid pres-
eter of 50 mm fitted with a piston sealed with a pneumatic piston sure (Pa) (corresponding to the applied pressure, DP, minus the
seal. The liquid pressure was measured at the piston/water inter- osmotic pressure in the filer cake, Dp), s the amount of dry matter
face by a pressure transducer connected through a pipe. The filter deposited in the filter cake per volume of filtrate (kg m3) (or sim-
medium, which was placed between the cylinder and its base, also ply the dry matter content of the suspension to be filtered, if the
functioned as a seal between the two parts. A collection chamber suspension is dilute and all dry matter is retained, as it is in this
was installed at the base of the cylinder, under the filter medium, case), and a ^ the average specific filter cake resistance (m kg1).
and connected via a pipe to a beaker. The membrane resistance is negligible compared with the filter
The filter medium was a GPWP14250 polyethersulfone mem- cake resistance and can be ignored.The obtained values of a ^ have
brane (Merck Millipore, Darmstadt, Germany) with a pore size of been fitted with two different empirical models. First, Tiller’s
0.22 lm and a membrane resistance of approximately often-used model of local cake resistance and compressibility (Eq.
1.55  109 m1 (measured from clean water filtration experiments). (4)) is integrated to give the average cake resistance, a ^ , as a function
The external pressure, liquid pressure, and piston position were of the pressure drop across the cake, equal to Pliq when membrane
logged using a load cell, pressure transducer, and linear encoder, resistance is ignored, as shown in Eq. (5) (Tiller and Yeh, 1987). Here
respectively, in a data file together with the sampling time. a0 is the apparent zero-pressure resistance, while Pa and n are
158 S. Lorenzen et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 163 (2017) 155–166

Fig. 1. Schematic of the filtration setup showing the cylinder and piston.

empirical parameters related to cake compressibility. Second, a the consolidation, the cake was in constant contact with water on
modified saturation expression is suggested (akin to the one the permeate side to prevent cake drying during the long period
derived for Michalis–Menten kinetics), based solely on a best-fit with no water flow. This procedure was repeated with incremental
approach (Eq. (6)). Here b and k are fitting parameters and a ^ 0 the pressures steps of 0.25 bar to a final value of 1 bar. The volume of
apparent zero-pressure resistance, as equivalent to Eqs. (4) and the wet filter cake, Vc (m3), at the different pressure equilibria was
(5). The true maximum specific resistance, a ^ max (at high pressure), calculated by subtracting the filtrate volume, Vf (m3), and the vol-
is then the sum of a ^ 0 and b. Filter cake compressibility is evaluated ume lost in the tubing, Vloss (m3), from the initially added volume,
from k and b, with k determining the filter cake compressive Vinit (m3). Vc was then used, along with the total mass of the
strength (high k = high strength), i.e. the response to changes in deposited particles, to determine the filter cake porosity,
pressure, while b determines the limiting value that the resistance e ¼ 1  /, after consolidation based on Eq. (7). The density of the
can increase to, remembering that in the case of very high pressure particles, qp, was set to 1050 kg m3, the same as the density of
a^ = b+a^ 0 ). atactic polystyrene.
The compressibility, in terms of resistance, can thus be defined ðV init  V loss Þs
as lim ¼ da ^ =dP, making the expression b/k useful in determining /¼ ; V c ¼ V init  V loss  V f ð7Þ
P!0 V c qp
the compressibility with k – 0.
It is assumed that the cake is fully consolidated, i.e. the porosity
P is uniform throughout the cake and the local porosity will thus be
a ¼ a0 1 þ liq ð4Þ
equal to the average porosity. This allows the use of Eq. (8) to relate
solidosity, /, to solid pressure, Ps, as the local and average porosity
Pliq =Pa are equal in this situation and therefore can be used interchange-
a^ ¼ a^ 0 ð1  nÞ ð5Þ ably. Similar to Eqs. (4) and (5), /0 is the solidosity at the zero-
ð1 þ P liq =Pa Þ1n  1
pressure limit and b and Pa are empirical parameters related to
cake compressibility.
Pliq b
a^ ¼ ^0
þa ð6Þ  b
Pliq þ k Ps
/ ¼ /0 1 þ ð8Þ
Porosity data were obtained on the same system through a pres-
sure step experiment, as data on porosity from the previous filtra- To use the measured porosities for further discussion of cake
tion experiments proved not to be useful, partly due to a lower dry structure and intra-pore/interparticle effects, the interparticle dis-
matter content (which increases the uncertainty of the cake thick- tance, L, and pore diameter, dp, can be calculated from Eqs. (9) and
ness), but also due to deviations in suspension volume, to which (10), with R being the particle radius. This is done by assuming an
the porosity calculations are very sensitive. Therefore, particle sus- HCP-like arrangement of the particles in the filter cake (i.e. none of
pensions with a dry matter content of 10 g L1 were prepared in a the particles forms aggregates during storage, so it is assumed that
similar manner as were the suspensions used for filtration, except particles repel each other and therefore might be arranged in a way
that for this experiment the amounts of suspension used were that maximizes the coordination number). The derivation is
determined by mass, not volume, to minimize the deviations in described in detail in the Appendix. As L and dp are functions of
total volume. For each particle class, the suspension was first fil- porosity, they will represent average values with respect to dis-
tered at 0.1 bar to obtain a compressible cake, the filtration being tance from the filter medium, which in this specific case (fully con-
allowed to run until no permeate flow was recorded for at least solidated cake) will be equal to the local values as well, due to the
four hours, at which point cake consolidation was considered to assumed uniformity of the cake porosity.
be finished. The pressure was then increased in a single step to  
0.25 bar to compress the cake, again maintaining this pressure L¼2 p ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi  R ð9Þ
until no permeate flow was recorded for at least four hours. During
S. Lorenzen et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 163 (2017) 155–166 159

ð2R þ LÞ  Sinð30Þ
dp ¼ 2 R ð10Þ

3. Results

During styrene polymerization, soluble polymers will be grafted

onto the growing polystyrene chains as they precipitate out of
solution, eventually forming stable core/shell particles with an
insoluble polystyrene core and a ‘‘hairy” gel-like layer of soluble
stabilizing polymers. The surface properties of the particles will
be determined by the nature of the polymers forming the ‘‘hairy”

3.1. Particle characterization Fig. 3. Example of a t V1 vs. V plot for particle type C (DP = 1 bar); dashed line
indicates the linear fit, the slope of which is used to calculate a
The produced particles, types A–D, all have mean particle sizes
of 1.36–1.41 lm, while particle type E has a mean particle size of
2.21 lm. Furthermore, all the particles are monodisperse within once a filter cake has formed (after filtering approximately 20%
each class, with a grade of polydispersity of 0.14–0.17. of the total filtrate volume). There is, however, some deviation
The numerical value of the measured zeta potential increases from this at the beginning of every filtration run, just as the parti-
linearly with the weight percentage of PAA in the synthesis feed, cles begin to deposit. This could be caused by particles not yet cov-
as shown in Fig. 2, with values ranging from 1.3 to 51.2 mV. ering the entire filter area or changes in cake structure (i.e. cake
These results indicate that, even though the two polymers used compression and blocking of pores in the membrane surface, if a
for stabilization exert their stabilizing effect in two distinctively particle is deposited on top of a pore).
different ways (i.e. electrostatic with PAA and steric with HPC), ^ , of the filter cake
Using Eq. (3), the average specific resistance, a
these effects can complement each other, as all the produced par- can be calculated from data obtained during dead-end filtration.
ticles are stable against aggregation when suspended in either Fig. 4 shows the resulting resistances of particle types A–E at pres-
methanol or aqueous 1 mM sodium hydroxide, settling only very sures of 0.1–1 bar. All particles form compressible filter cakes, as
slowly when in concentrated suspension. resistance increases with DP, with the general trend that particles
Furthermore, scanning electron micrographs showed the parti- with a higher surface charge form a more compressible filter cake
cles to be spherical and confirmed a narrow size distribution. while yielding a higher specific resistance at all values of DP.
The model proposed in Eq. (5) is shown in Fig. 4, using particle
3.2. Filtrations type D as an example. Even though this model provides a reason-
ably good fit with a coefficient of determination of 0.95, it does
From the filtrations, filtrate volume was recorded as a function not seem to follow the experimental data at higher DP very well.
of time for each of the five DP used. Based on these data, t Vf1 was Furthermore, the fitting parameters a0 and Pa are highly correlated
plotted versus Vf for each filtration run, an example of which is (nonlinear), such that a series of equally good fits can be presented
shown in Fig. 3 for particle type C at a DP of 1 bar. In Fig. 3, the lin- with different values of a0 and Pa, and hence also of n. This would
ear part of the t Vf1 vs. Vf plot, the slope of which is used in calcu- make comparison of filtration behavior between the particles
lating a ^ from Eq. (3), has been fitted with a linear regression, which impossible, as the choice of fitting parameters becomes rather arbi-
is indicated by a dashed grey line. Also seen in this figure is the trary. For this reason, this model will not be used further here.
transition to the consolidation phase, i.e. the point at which the pis- Fig. 4 also shows the fitted model data based on Eq. (6) (dotted
ton contacts the filter cake, shown by a very sharp increase in the black lines), with the coefficient of determination exceeding 0.98 in
slope of the plot to almost vertical. This fast transition is a good all cases. Although this model does fit the data very well in the
indication that creep effects are nonexistent or negligible, which range between 0.1 and 1 bar, it is difficult to say whether it is accu-
can also be assumed to be the case during the filtration phase.
It is also worth mentioning that all of the filtrations fulfilled the
criterion of achieving a constant average specific cake resistance

Fig. 2. Zeta potential of particle types A–E with increasing wt% PAA in the synthesis Fig. 4. Specific filter cake resistance as a function of applied pressure; dotted lines
feed; error bars show standard deviation. show the model from Eq. (6), while the dashed line shows the model from Eq. (5).
160 S. Lorenzen et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 163 (2017) 155–166

rate below 0.1 bar, as no experimental data are available in this Table 2
range. Despite this, data from the model are used in determining Fitting parameters obtained from fitting Eq. (8) to experimentally obtained data on
filter cake porosity.
a^ 0 and filter cake compression, as presented in the Section 4, and
these data should be evaluated bearing in mind the high degree Particle ID e0 Pa (bar) b
of uncertainty. The use of this model is preferred, as the fitting A 0.590 1.303 0.643
parameters are not correlated to the same degree as are those in B 0.602 1.181 0.576
Eq. (5), while the fit to experimental data seems better, as evident C 0.615 1.060 0.508
D 0.624 0.911 0.436
in Fig. 4. E 0.642 0.724 0.360
Because of the filter cake compressibility, one would expect the
filter cake porosity to change as well. Based on pressure step
experiments, the filter cake porosities for all particle types have
charge parameters, indicating that charge does play a major role
been measured at approximately the same DP values as used in
in filter cake compression.
the filtrations and are shown as a function of DP in Fig. 5. As
Based on the obtained porosity values, it is possible to calculate
expected, porosity decreases with pressure for all particles, while
the interparticle distance from Eq. (9) (i.e. the shortest distance
average porosity (over the whole DP range) increases with particle
between two neighboring particles) and the minimum pore diam-
charge. Furthermore, porosity apparently decreases faster and
eter from Eq. (10). In doing so, it is assumed that the particles are
more linearly when the particle charge is low, as compared with
arranged in a HCP-like lattice, as explained in the Section 2, an
the highly charged particles. By using an indirect measurement
assumption reviewed later in the Section 4. This can supplement
of cake porosity, the result might be subject to a high degree of
the porosity values, giving another way of interpreting the filter
uncertainty. For more certainty, the porosity should have been
cake structure. To assess the influence of particle charge on cake
measured gravimetrically, as mass is lost during drying, but as
structure, this has been done for data obtained at DP = 1 bar and
the cake swells as soon as the pressure is released, this would
is presented in Fig. 6 as a function of particle f potential. The pore
prove difficult. In the few instances in which it was possible to iso-
diameter increases from 300 nm to 710 nm, going from low to high
late a portion of the filter cake that had not swelled, the gravimet-
charge, while the interparticle distance increases from 86 nm to
rically determined water content was within the 10% error margin
320 nm.
of that determined from piston position. Furthermore, porosities
within the same range have been measured during the analytical
centrifugation of similar particles (unpublished results). 4. Discussion
Fig. 5 also shows Eq. (8) fitted to the experimental data. This
model proved to be an exceptionally good fit, with the coefficient Based on fitting Eq. (6) to experimental data (acknowledging
of determination exceeding 0.99 in all cases except that of particle the high degree of uncertainty), values of a ^ 0 and cake compress-
type B (0.96). The fitting parameters can be found in Table 2, where ibility have been obtained and are presented in Fig. 7. From these
most notably b is within the range found in compression experi- values it can be seen that the surface charge affects not only the
ments on biological suspensions (Tiller and Kwon, 1998). It is dif- compressibility of the filter cake but also the general resistance
ficult to compare e0, as most suspended material of biological to filtration when no compression is taking place, i.e. at the zero-
origin is characterized by a high volume fraction of water inside pressure limit. The actual cake compression experienced will of
the actual particles/cells and/or trapped between the aggregated course depend on DP, due to the curvature of the model. Any
particles as interstitial water. This would, depending on how change in DP will have a large impact on a ^ at low pressures but
porosity is measured, lead to assumptions of a pore volume larger a significantly smaller impact at higher pressures. Although there
than the actual volume available for flow in the cake, which in turn is no obvious explanation for this effect, the notion of a maximum
would lead to a very high porosity. This is not the case in this work, resistance at very high DP would make sense, as there is a limit to
as the particle core does not swell in water. Pa is also well above how compressed the filter cake can become, due to the hard poly-
the range normally encountered for biological material, but as Pa styrene core of the particles.
and e0 are correlated, and e0 is high for the reasons mentioned The results of comparing cake porosity and resistance, shown in
above, direct comparison with biological material would not be Fig. 8, make it clear that the effects of particle charge significantly
meaningful. There is, however a clear dependence on all particle outweigh the effects of porosity, even at low porosity values. In this
figure, the measured specific resistances have been divided by s20 to
eliminate any effect caused by differences in particle size.

Fig. 5. Filter cake porosity as a function of applied pressure; dashed/dotted lines Fig. 6. Interparticle distance, pore diameter, and porosity (Papp = 1 bar) as a function
show the model from Eq. (8). of particle zeta potential.
S. Lorenzen et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 163 (2017) 155–166 161

tial flow, calculations were carried out to evaluate the possibility of

particles adhering either upon impact or due to drag forces on the
top of the filter cake. The calculations are based on the use of DLVO
theory, ignoring van der Waals attractions, as these have been
found to be negligible for this type of particle (the Hamaker con-
stant for the particle shell should be very close to that of water
due to the high degree of swelling). Although this theory cannot
explain the high observed porosities or resistances, it is used here,
as an extreme case, as the experimental results indicate that the
particle repulsion is greater than predicted from DLVO. The parti-
cles in the bulk suspension during filtration will have a net veloc-
ity, normal to the filter cake, equal to the flux of water, assuming
the particles have accelerated to match the flow velocity of the
water. In the case of one particle approaching another particle
Fig. 7. Filter cake compressibility and zero-pressure resistance from fitting the
experimental data using Eq. (6). (in the filter cake) from directly overhead at velocity vp, for the par-
ticles to adhere on impact, the kinetic energy of the moving parti-
cle must be greater than the maximum repulsive energy that can
arise from bringing the two particles closer together. Using Eq.
(12) with particle type E as an example (neglecting steric effects)
and solving for particle separation, x, we find that the kinetic
energy of the moving particle (after 5 min of filtration at a rela-
tively high flux) is only sufficient to bring the two particles to
within approximately 140 nm of each other, avoiding collision. In
Eq. (12), mp is the mass of one particle, vp is the velocity of the
incoming particle (equal to the water flux through the membrane),
1r and 10 are the relative permittivities of water and vacuum,
respectively, rp is the particle radius, f is the particle zeta potential
(the same for both particles), and j the inverse Debye length.

4p1r 10 r 2p f2 ejx
1=2mp v 2p ¼ ð12Þ
2r p x
The case cited here is an ideal case, however, in which the par-
Fig. 8. The influence of porosity on specific resistance, a
^ , including contributions of
particle size. ticles are perfectly aligned. As the two spherical particles approach
each other, the increasing repulsion between them will force them
to deflect if there is even the slightest offset in force or position.
From these porosities, we can also calculate the expected filter This would cause the incoming particle to change its trajectory,
cake resistance according to the Kozeny–Carman model, both the instead of just stopping, as downward force exerted by drag forces
original and the modified version of Rumpf and Gupte (1975), Eq. from the flowing water is still acting on the particle. Assuming a
(11). The latter was chosen partly for its simplicity but also because purely laminar flow and using Stokes’ Law, the absolute maximum
it has been found to fit better than the original Kozeny–Carman drag a particle can experience (after 5 min of filtration) will only be
model, within the range of 0.3 < e < 0.67, comparable to the exper- enough to bring two directly opposing particles to within 50 nm of
imental data presented here. each other, again using DLVO theory and ignoring steric effects and
van der Waals attractions. As this drag is incapable of making the
aKC mod ¼ 0:55 d2
ð11Þ particles aggregate, it could be assumed that they will eventually
e settle in a position that, ideally, maximizes the coordination num-
These methods also effectively remove the contribution of par- ber, i.e. HCP with the coordination number 12.
ticle size, allowing all five particle types (i.e. A–E) to be fully com- On the other hand, one might argue that the sheer number of
pared. In addition, the effects of porosity are reduced to the effects settling particles will make the arrangement more chaotic, pre-
caused by changes in particle surface charge density. The original venting the particles from settling into an HCP structure; they
model (Fig. 9, left) greatly underestimates the specific cake resis- would instead become interlocked in more open structures, though
tance for all particles, although the error increases with particle still without actually being in direct contact. This can be seen as
charge to a measured value almost 400 times higher than that cal- another extreme, in which the filter cake comprises many inter-
culated from the model. The modified model (Fig. 9, right) is better locked clusters, each made of several particles held closely
at estimating the actual cake resistance observed, especially for the together. In this case, porosity could be high due to the volumes
uncharged particles (type A), but still underestimates cake resis- between the interlocked clusters, though the water would still
tance when the particles are charged. have to flow through some very narrow pores (bottlenecks) if the
As stated previously, the filter cake is assumed to be in an HCP- clusters were connected to each other, as schematized in Fig. 10.
like configuration, or at least a random close packed configuration, In this scenario, the distance between individual particles could
containing significant areas of HCP structure. This assumption was be very small, and the filter cake might then behave, in terms of
originally based on the lack of formation of aggregates, during both resistance, like one with a very low porosity, due to the aforemen-
storage (sedimentation) and centrifugation (for a short time) and tioned bottlenecks within the structure. Assuming the effective
upon particle deposition in the existing filter cake, as observed porosity to be as low as possible with the spheres packed as closely
during cross-flow filtration by Lorenzen et al. (2016). As conditions as possible (i.e. the pore size in the bottlenecks is the same as when
on the surface of the filter cake during dead-end mode can differ e = 0.26), we can calculate the expected a^ from the Kozeny–Car-
greatly from those during cross-flow, mainly in the lack of tangen- man model used before, which would be 3.9 Tm kg1. Compared
162 S. Lorenzen et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 163 (2017) 155–166

Fig. 9. Ratio between experimental and theoretically determined a

^ , for the classical Kozeny–Carman model and the modified version of Rumpf and Gupte (1975).

Fig. 11. Percent increase in viscosity, due to electroviscous effects, for different pore
sizes and zeta potentials.

the interlocked, open-structured scenario, the minimum particle

separation (based on drag forces) was 50 nm, which is still not
Fig. 10. Schematic of particles interlocked in a highly porous structure but with enough to have an appreciable effect. This is because the electro-
water flow bottlenecks.
viscous effects are caused by the double layer surrounding a
charged particle, which in this case is only around 10 nm in
with the experimental results, this would be sufficient to explain diameter.
only the resistances found for particle type A. So even in these Another proposed cause is increased osmotic pressure in the
extreme situations, the classical interpretation of filter cake resis- pores due to the high number of counterions associated with the
tance cannot explain the high values measured, emphasizing the charged surfaces, as mentioned in the Introduction. Although this
previous observation that a ^ depends more on particle charge than could make sense and is clearly observable in terms of concentra-
on porosity. tion polarization in nanofiltration and reverse osmosis, the pores
Further investigating what could cause an increase in resistance are still too big, as classical double-layer theory predicts that most
when dealing with charged particles leads to the possibility of elec- counterions will be within the double layer of the surface and
troviscous effects in the filter cake. These effects would cause the would not extend far enough into the pores to have an effect.
apparent viscosity of the water in the pores to increase, due to Recent experimental studies have found, however, that charged
the charged surfaces of the particles. Fig. 11 illustrates this effect particles confined between charged walls might behave very dif-
as a function of the zeta potential of pores of different sizes, with ferently from the predictions of classical theories. This could also
the y-axis showing the increase in viscosity as a percentage of apply in the case of charged particles confined by other charged
the normal viscosity. From this it can be seen that even at high zeta particles, such as in the filter cake. The findings of Larsen and Grier
potentials, a very small pore size will be needed to have any notice- (Grier, 1998; Larsen and Grier, 1997) and of Bowen and Sharif
able effect, and as the absolute minimum pore size in this case is (1998) indicate the presence of long-range attractive forces at par-
200 nm (e = 0.26), for an HCP structure, this cannot explain the ticle separations of up to several micrometers. Even though there is
observed values either. Even in the case of irregular pores, as in still discussion of the theoretical grounds for this phenomenon,
S. Lorenzen et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 163 (2017) 155–166 163

and even of whether the effect is attractive or repulsive (Sader and

Chan, 1999; Trizac and Raimbault, 1999), one proposed explana-
tion suggests that redistribution of the counterions in the double
layer (Bowen and Sharif, 1998) allows for more evenly distributed
ions throughout the pore volume. Larsen and Grier (Grier, 1998;
Larsen and Grier, 1997) demonstrated the effect to be negligible
for a particle–wall separation of 9.5 lm, while having a pro-
nounced impact at a particle–wall separation of 2.5 lm. Fig. 6
shows that the measured pore diameter in the filter cake at a DP
of 1 bar is 0.3–0.7 lm, implying that such a redistribution of coun-
terions might occur in the filter cake pores, which would serve to
increase the osmotic pressure. Studies of flow in microchannels
obtain similarly mixed results, some indicating long-range surface
interactions in the lm range (Li, 2001; Ren et al., 2001), others
indicating an early transition from laminar to turbulent flow
(Bayraktar and Pidugu, 2006). Using the osmotic pressure model,
based on the redistribution of counterions, it is possible to combine Fig. 14. The ratio between the concentration of available counterions from PAA and
Eqs. (3) and (11) and then isolate Peff. This would give the actual the concentration needed for the calculated osmotic pressure. Fig. A-1 2-D
effective pressure needed for the experimental data to fit those representation of three spheres packed in an HCP structure, forming a tetrahedral
modeled by Eq. (11). As also stated in Eq. (3), the effective pressure
is the difference between the applied pressure and the filter cake
between the two. Based on a grafting density of PAA to the particle
osmotic pressure, so it is now possible to estimate the filter cake
surfaces of 5.7  1015 grafts per square meter, it is possible to cal-
osmotic pressure for the different particles and hence also the
culate the maximum concentration of counterions in the pores
counterion concentrations in the pores. This is shown in Fig. 12
(assuming the available counterions are distributed evenly in the
and 13, where the osmotic pressure increases with both particle
pore volume). The ratio between this value and the concentration
charge and decreasing porosity. Figs. 12–14 show only results for
needed to achieve the previously determined osmotic pressure is
particle types B–E, as particle type A has no PAA on the surface.
presented in Fig. 14.
For highly charged particles, the osmotic pressure would then
Except in two instances (particle type B at the two lowest
almost equal the applied pressure with a linear correlation
porosities), all the data points are >1. This could indicate that the
notion of osmotic pressure in filter cakes, based on the theory of
counterion redistribution proposed by Bowen and Sharif (1998),
might be a valid explanation for the high values of a ^ often
observed when filtering wastewater sludge and other suspensions
of biological origin.

5. Conclusion

Dispersion polymerization has been used to synthesize a series

of core/shell model particles with varying surface charges. The zeta
potential of the particles ranges from 1.31 to 51.24 mV, exhibit-
ing a linear correlation with the weight fraction of polyacrylic acid
used in the synthesis. All the produced particles are monodisperse,
stable against aggregation in 1 mM NaOH, and exhibit no change in
surface properties over time (up to several months).
To investigate the influence of particle charge on filter cake
Fig. 12. Calculated osmotic pressure in the pores as a function of filter cake behavior, the produced particles were used in a model suspension
porosity. in a series of dead-end filtration experiments at the following val-
ues of DP: 0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, and 1 bar. Results indicate that speci-
fic cake resistance generally increases with increasing particle
charge, with a nonlinear relationship between applied pressure
and cake resistance. At low DP, a small change in pressure will
result in a large change in resistance, whereas at high DP, a large
change in pressure will result in only a small change in resistance,
with the resistance eventually leveling off at a maximum value.
Measured porosities have also been found to increase with par-
ticle charge, which stands in contrast to the cake resistance, as a
more porous cake would normally yield a lower specific resistance.
Furthermore, the porosity decreases with DP in all instances.
Comparison of the experimental data with model data based on
two empirical models clearly indicates particle charge to be an
important factor, as the ratio between the experimental data and
the models and increase by a factor of 20–400, depending on the
model, as the particle charge increases.
The pore size calculated from the porosities suggests that the
Fig. 13. Calculated osmotic pressure in the pores as a function of applied pressure. pores are too big for the electric double layer to have any apprecia-
164 S. Lorenzen et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 163 (2017) 155–166

ble effect on resistance, as in the case of electroviscous effects, The other type can be approximated by a series of tetrahedral
which should also be the case for osmotic pressure from the coun- voids (again concave), the corners of which are all connected to
terions. In addition, the interparticle distance is greater than would the octahedral voids. This increases the tortuosity, although one
be expected from a classical understanding of electrostatic repul- can question whether these tetrahedral voids will participate in
sion, as applied in DLVO theory. Even though this theory cannot direct flow through the lattice, as they provide connections only
explain the observed filter cake behavior, recent studies have to the straight octahedral channels. If not, they should in principle
found that the behavior of charged colloids confined between be omitted from the porosity when dealing with liquid flow.
charged walls or within charged pores might differ from that based Either way, the corners of these tetra- and octahedrals are not
on a classical understanding, meaning that the particles interact completely pointed, but can instead be described as concave trian-
over much longer distances than predicted. Based on this, the gular faces (imagine cutting off the tips of the tetrahedral voids
osmotic pressure of the filter cake was calculated and found to described above). These faces provide the entry points to all the
increase with particle charge. Furthermore, the concentration of voids and will constitute the narrow points in the pores, regardless
counterions in the pores (equally distributed) was compared with of whether the pores are based on tetrahedrons or octahedrons. If
that needed in order to obtain the calculated osmotic pressure and it is assumed that the sides of this triangle are not concave, and if
was found to be sufficient in almost all instances. these sides are all tangential to the surface of the surrounding
spheres, then the incircle of the triangle will describe the cross-
sectional area, and thus the radius, of the largest sphere that can
Acknowledgements pass through the pores without moving the other spheres. This
radius can then be viewed as the absolute minimum pore radius
This research is part of the EcoDesign-MBR Research Centre possible in an HCP lattice, recalling that the pores all widen when
founded by the Danish Council for Strategic Research. Special moving into the tetra- and octahedral space.
thanks are directed towards the Department of Physics and Nan-
otechnology at Aalborg University for assistance with SEM
imagery. A.1. Calculation of minimum pore radius

Fig. A-1 is a two-dimensional representation of the pore open-

Appendix - Calculation of pore size and interparticle distance ing, i.e. a cross section of the point where the pore is narrowest.
The inner triangle (grey) represents the triangular face described
In a hexagonal close packed (HCP) lattice, formed by spheres of above, while the small circle (grey) is the incircle of that triangle.
the same size, two types of channels (pores) form, when looking The corners of the outer triangle are positioned in the centers of
from the top down. the big circles, with the angle bisectors drawn in as well.
One type can be approximated as a line of octahedral voids Based on the knowledge that the big triangle is equilateral, all
(although they are actually concave octahedrons) extending the angles must be 60°, the length of the sides must be 2R (R being
straight through the entire lattice (assuming no defects or random- the radius of the big circles), and the angle bisectors must be per-
ness). The tortuosity of this type of channel is ideally 1. pendicular to the opposite side. It is therefore possible to draw the

Fig. A-1. 2-D representation of three spheres packed in an HCP structure, forming a tetrahedral pore.
S. Lorenzen et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 163 (2017) 155–166 165

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