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Configuration for Cheque Payments

Oracle Payments: Define XML Publisher Templates

Payments Setup Administrator > Payments Setup>Formats>XML Publisher Format Templates …

Pre-requisitions: Install XML Publisher

1. Search for Standard Check Format (Stub After Payment) (code IBYDC_STD1A) and Duplicate



Application Payments

Source Template Name Standard Check Format (Stub After Payment)

2. Download IBYDC_STD1A.rft (Localized Templates)

3. Load IBYDC_STD1A.rft in Microsoft Word:
4. Alter Form Fields as required in your RFT Template
5. Save the new layout created in Microsoft Rich Text Format on your desktop as ENE_CHEQUE.rft ready for upload
6. Update the ENE_CHEQUE template
Choose the file ENE_CHEQUE.rft you created earlier to upload
Oracle Payments: Define Formats (Global)

Payments Setup Administrator >Oracle Payments Setup > Shared Setup > Formats > Formats
Origin Energy Process: Business Area: Date:
iPayments iPayments <Date>
Control Number: Priority(H, M, L): Process Owner:
<Control Number> <Priority (H, M, L)> <Process Owner>
Description: Use this Page to define formats, link them to your XML Publisher Templates, and assign validation sets.

***Cheque format not completed…

Name Code Type Data Extract XML Publisher template Start Date End Date

ENE Westpac EFT PPS ENE_IBYDE_WBC_PPS Disbursement Payment Oracle Payments ENE Westpac EFT PPS – eText
Format Instruction Funds
Instruction Extract,
Version 1.0
ENE Cheque Format ENE_CHEQUE Disbursement Payment Oracle Payments ENE_CHEQUE
Instruction Funds
Instruction Extract,
Version 1.0
ENE Debtor Refund ENE_DEBTOR_REFUND_ ENE Debtor Refund Cheques

Assign validation (user-defined validations) ONLY IF REQUIRED/DESIRABLE – REQUIRES TESTING - TBC

Document Payment Method Code
Field Name

Equal To
Validation Name


Payment Method


End Date


Document Amount
Field Name

Greater Than
Validation Name


Payment Method


End Date

Oracle Payments: Define Payment Method Defaulting Rules (Global)

Oracle Payments > Oracle Payments Setup > Funds Disbursement Setup > Payment Method > Defaulting Rules

Origin Energy Process: Business Area: Date:

iPayments iPayments <Date>
Control Number: Priority(H, M, L): Process Owner:
<Control Number> <Priority (H, M, L)> <Process Owner>
Description: use this section to create and maintain rules for how your payment methods should default on documents to be paid.

<Oracle Payables>
Priority 1 2 3

Payment Method Electronic Check ENE Debtor Refund Cheques

Rule Name Electronic Check

First Party Legal Entity All All

First Party Organization All Why currently have only NZ OU Specify – Equal to – AAA ENE OPERATING UNIT ENE only
Add EAP also

Payment Processing Transaction All All


Others: Currency Foreign and Domestic Foreign and Domestic Domestic??

Others: Payee Location Foreign and Domestic Foreign and Domestic

Oracle Cash Management: Define Payment Documents

Cash Management > Setup > Banks > Bank Accounts > Manage Payment Documents
Search for relevant bank account.



Manage Payment Documents

Document Information

Name Cheque

Paper Stock Type Prenumbered Stock

Attached Remittance Stub Yes

Number of Lines per Remittance 10 (to be confirmed/tested)


Number of Setup Documents

Format ENE Cheque Format

Status Active

Payment Document Category

Document Numbers

First Available Document Number (to be confirmed at cutover)

Last Available Document Number ?




Start Number

End Number

Date Received
Oracle Payments: Define Payment Process Profiles (Global)

Oracle Payments > Oracle Payments Setup > Funds Disbursement Setup > Payment Process Profiles

Origin Energy Process: Business Area: Date:

iPayments iPayments <Date>
Control Number: Priority(H, M, L): Process Owner:
<Control Number> <Priority (H, M, L)> <Process Owner>
Description: Use this page to create profiles for payment processing. The profiles contain all the rules about how payments are created and disbursed.
(May need different profile for each bank account – or leave those details blank and use one generic one)
<Payment Process Profile Header>

Name ENE Cheque Profile

Description Origin Energy Cheque Printing Profile

Status Active

Processing type Printed

Default Payment Document ENE Cheque Format

Payment File Send to Printer

Automatically Print after Yes ?


Default Printer ?
<Payment Process Profile Usage Rules>
Payment Method Check

First Party Organization All

Internal bank Account ORIGIN ENERGY CHEQUE ACCOUNT-954

Currencies AUD

<Payment Process Profile Payment System>

Payment System

Payment transmission Protocol

<Payment Process Profile Payment Creation > - Document Grouping

Unique Remittance Identifier

Remittance Message

Due Date

Bank Charge Bearer

Payment Reason

Settlement Priority

Delivery Channel
<Payment Process Profile Payment Creation > - Document Limits
Payment Detail Formula

Maximum Payment Detail Length

Maximum Documents per ? amount of pre-printed paper in printer


<Payment Process Profile Payment Instruction Creation > - Payment Grouping

First Party Organization Yes

First Party Legal Entity Yes

Payment Currency Yes

Payment Date

Payment Reason

Payment Function Yes

Payment Process Request

Bills Payable

RFC Identifier
<Payment Process Profile Payment Instruction Creation > - Payment Limits
Amount Currency

Exchange Rate Type

Total Amount

Number of Payments

<Payment Process Profile Payment Instruction Creation > - Payment Sorting

Payment Attribute Sort Order

First Sort

Second Sort

Third Sort

<Payment Process Profile Payment Instruction Creation > - Payment Sorting

Bank Instruction 1

Bank Instruction 2

Bank Instruction Details

Payment Text Message 1

Payment Text Message 2

<Payment Process Profile Payment Instruction Format >
Payment Instruction Format ENE Cheque Format

Payment File Accompanying

Letter Format

<Payment Process Profile Payment Instruction Format > - Payment File Information
Outbound Payment File Prefix

Outbound Payment File Extension

Outbound Payment File Directory

<Payment Process Profile Payment Reporting > - Payment Instruction Register

Format Payment Instruction Register with Document Detail

Automatically Submit at Payment

Completion Point

<Payment Process Profile Payment Reporting > - Regulatory Reporting

Reporting Option No Reporting

***Cheque payment profile not yet complete

<Payment Process Profile Header>

Name ENE Westpac EFT PPS

Description ENE Westpac EFT PPS

Status Active

Processing type Electronic

Electronic Processing Channel Oracle Payments

Payment Completion Point When the Payment Instruction is Formatted

<Payment Process Profile Usage Rules>

Payment Method Specify – Electronic

First Party Organization All

Internal bank Account All

Currencies All

<Payment Process Profile Payment System>

Payment System

Payment transmission Protocol

<Payment Process Profile Payment Creation > - Document Grouping

Unique Remittance Identifier

Remittance Message

Due Date

Bank Charge Bearer

Payment Reason

Settlement Priority

Delivery Channel
<Payment Process Profile Payment Creation > - Document Limits
Payment Detail Formula

Maximum Payment Detail Length

Maximum Documents per


<Payment Process Profile Payment Instruction Creation > - Payment Grouping

First Party Organization

First Party Legal Entity

Payment Currency

Payment Date

Payment Reason

Payment Function

Payment Process Request

Bills Payable

RFC Identifier
<Payment Process Profile Payment Instruction Creation > - Payment Limits
Amount Currency

Exchange Rate Type

Total Amount

Number of Payments

<Payment Process Profile Payment Instruction Creation > - Payment Sorting

Payment Attribute Sort Order

Amount Currency

Exchange Rate Type

Total Amount

<Payment Process Profile Payment Instruction Format >

Payment Instruction Format ENE Westpac EFT PPS Format

Payment File Accompanying

Letter Format

<Payment Process Profile Payment Reporting > - Payment Instruction Register


Automatically Submit at Payment

Completion Point
<Payment Process Profile Payment Reporting > - Positive Pay

Transmit File Using Transmission

Oracle Payments: Templates

Payables Manager > Payments > Entry > Payments Manager > Templates

Origin Energy Process: Business Area: Date:

iPayments iPayments <Date>
Control Number: Priority(H, M, L): Process Owner:
<Control Number> <Priority (H, M, L)> <Process Owner>
Description: Use this page to create payment templates.

** Yet to be completed – one for each Legal Entiry, Payment Method, Bank Account, Currency,
- user enters Payment Priority (if we can make it mandatory) else default to a priority that

Name ENE Legal Entity - PPS 97/98

Description PPS - ENE Legal Entity

Template Type

End Date
<Scheduled Payment Selection Criteria>
Number of Pay From Days

Additional Pay Through Days 0

Payment Priority High 97

Payment Priority Low 98

Include Only Due

Supplier Type


Payment Method Electronic

Document Exchange Rate Type

Include Zero Amount

<Scheduled Payment Selection Criteria – Pay Groups>

Values All

<Scheduled Payment Selection Criteria – Legal Entities>

Values All
<Scheduled Payment Selection Criteria – Payment Currencies>
Values Specifiy - AUD

<Scheduled Payment Selection Criteria – Operating Untis>

<Payment Attributes>
Payment Date Same as Request Date

Disbursement Bank Account ORIGIN ENERGY PPS ACCOUNT-954

Payment Document EFT Payments 954

Payment Process Profile Test EFT Profile

Payment Exchange Rate Type Corporate

Override Settlement Priority

Override Bank Charge Bearer

Transfer Priority

Starting Voucher Numbe

<Process Automation>
Maximize Credits

Stop Process for Review After Scheduled Payment Selection *

Calculate Payment Withholding and Interest During Scheduled Payment Selection

Stop Process for Review After Creation of Proposed Payments *

Create Payment Instructions Initiate When Payment Process Request is Complete

<Validation Failure Results>

Document Stop Process for Review

Payment Stop Process for Review

<Additional Information>

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