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Does the project contain all of these criterias? Yes No ?

Plan activities align to the content standard and 6Cs


● Pupils are exposed to the content standards that

are outlined to them in DSKP and develop
meaningful learning (6C) through project-based

Organise activities in relation to the challenge that is

given by the SPI

● Pupils give their full focus to the questions and

challenges that are given by the SPI to design
significant result

Instill the curiosity to know and execute

● Pupils are involved in a project through a program

that attracts their attention and passion to involve
in inquiry processes.

Pupils involved actively in inquiry processes

● Pupils involved in deep learning and develop

further questions to solve the problems on the
issue of the project and real life setting.

Ability to implement innovation

● Pupils can generate new answers and produce an

outstanding end product to solve the problem that
is given by the SPI

Build competency for 6C’s meaningful learning

● Pupils develop a wholesome human capital which

comprise knowledge, personality, critical and
creative thinking, communication and collaborative
skills to complete the project

Encourage pupils to have the autonomy to make their

own choice and give opinion

● Pupils are given opportunity to make choices and

provide suggestion through teachers’ guidance in
completing the project

Integrate feedback and make review

● Pupils use the feedback given to improve the task
and produce a well-planned and rounded product.

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