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LSA - Maintenance and Drills

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1. Weekly Drill re- Fire Drill

quirements? Abandon ship drill
WTD to be closed from remote
Alarms and PA system
All passengers to be be briefed before sailing or immedi-
ately afterwards.

2. Monthly Drill Re- That all crew have attended at least one drill per month.
quirements? Rescue boats with assigned crew - maybe up to three
months though.

3. Two Monthly Enclosed space entry.

Drill? Crew to have received training from the SOLAS manual.

4. Three Monthly All boats to have been lowered with their assigned crew.
Emergency steering gear using local controls

Security drill. 1x a year to be done with shoreside

5. Six Monthly drills Free Fall life boat - although maybe extended until 1 year
if a dummy run is used.

6. Day 1 training for Crew to have received training of the survival craft equip-
crew ment and in the use of the ship's fire extinguishing appli-
ance. Has to be done with in the first two weeks,

7. Weekly LSA All survival craft, rescue boats and launching appliances
Checks? visually inspected to ensure that they are ready for imme-
diate use.

Lifeboat and rescue boat engines run ahead and astern.

General Alarm and Public Address Systems tested.

Lifeboats (other than free fall lifeboats) moved from their

stowed position to demonstrate satisfactory operation of
the launching appliances.

LSA - Maintenance and Drills
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General Emergency Alarm Tested

8. Monthly LSA All life saving appliances (including lifeboat and rescue
Checks boat equipment) to be inspected, using a checklist for
onboard maintenance and records retained required by
regulation 36.1.

Examination and testing of fixed radio and searchlight,

equipment in lifeboats and rescue boats.

Confirmation that battery charging arrangements from en-

gines of lifeboats and rescue boats are satisfactory.

9. Three monthly Lifeboats and rescue boats to be launched and manoeu-

LSA Checks? vred in the water.

Water spray systems on lifeboats to be tested in accor-

dance with manufactures instructions and flushed with
fresh water on completion.

10. Annual LSA Every inflatable life jacket, inflatable liferaft, hydrostatic
Checks release unit (other than those of the disposable type) and
marine evacuation system to be serviced at an accredited
service station.

Lifeboats to be winch tested by lowering at fall speed then

the break applied.

11. LB Wire mainte- The condition of fall wires should be inspected during
nance drills, with special regard being given to areas passing
through sheaves, and renewed when necessary or at
intervals of not more than 5 years.

12. Lifejacket re- Enough for every person on board. Children LF must make
quirements up 10%

13. Passenger ship 125% total

Life saving ca- Either 50% lb either side + 25% rafts (12.5%)
pacity Or 37.2% lb + 25% rafts either side
LSA - Maintenance and Drills
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14. 4 Monthly LSA Davit launched life raft training.


15. Muster Require- On any ship carrying passengers where the passengers
ments for Pax vsl are scheduled to be on board for more than 24 hours, a
muster of the passengers must take place within 24 hours
of their embarkation.

Passengers must be given instruction in how to don their

life jackets and the action to take on hearing the general
emergency alarm signal.

Ferry to give a verbal instruction before sailing

16. How many peo- The boat should then be lowered into the water with only
ple are to be the number of persons on board necessary to operate the
lowered in the boat.
Lifeboat for a

17. How would you As per SOLAS the drill should be carried out as close to an
plan for an aban- actual emergency as possible, meaning for crew to carry
don ship drill? out their assigned emergency functions.

Those responsible should review the manufacturer's in-

struction manual to assure that a planned drill is conduct-
ed properly.

Crew also to be made familiar with the guidance provided

in the life-saving system instruction manual.

Bring lessons learned from previous drills.

Lowering the minimum number of crew down in the boat

as necessary to man it safety.

18. How would you They are to be planned and organised so that risks are
ensure a aban- minimised.

LSA - Maintenance and Drills
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don ship drill is By checking that the lifeboat and is safety equipment have
safe? been maintained as per the manufacturers instructions &

Dynamic Risk assessment to be carried out based on the

weather, traffic & crew competency.

19. Who can carry MGN 560

out the 5 yearly An authorised service provider with a ships officer in
load test on UK charger and witnessed by an MCA surveyor or an appoint-
vessels? ed person by the MCA.

20. What to check (a) Operation of devices for activation of release gear;
on the release (b) Excessive free play (tolerances);
gear after annu- (c) Hydrostatic interlock system, where fitted;
al winch brake (d) Cables for control and release; and
test? (e) Hook fastening; including link plate, keel shoe, bolts
and etc

21. How many life- One for every person on board + 5%.
jackets are re- Also an addition 10% of the total to be children lifejackets.
quired on Pax vsl All LJ to be fitted with a light which lasts for 8 hours
more than 500gt

22. What additional 50m buoyant line

items would a Water proof first aid kit.
rescue boat car- TPA's for 10% of the boat capacity or 2.

23. How many It is dependent on the length & type of the vessel.
lifebuoys would Cargo over 200m - 14 would be the minimum.
you have on Pax Over 240m - 30 would be the minimum

24. What would you 1- Manufacturer name and logo

expect on the 2- Instructions for launching
canister of a life 3- Capacity
raft? 4- The type of SOLAS Pack
5- Date of last service & next due service
6- Length of painterline
LSA - Maintenance and Drills
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25. Raft painter line SOLAS Requirement is 15m. However manufacturer stan-
length? dard is 25m.

26. What is the life Disposable is 2 years.

span of a HRU? Non disposable to be serviced every year but can be
extended by 5 months.

27. How often do lif- Every year but can be extended by 5 months.
erafts need to be

28. What is an on Off load is the type I had on board. As the lifeboat becomes
load and off load water borne the hydro static release is triggered which will
release gear? allow the crew inside the lifeboat to release the hooks. This
is given as an indication inside the boat.

On load allows the hooks to be released at any time which

can be helpful in an emergency or rough sea conditions.

29. Lifeboat con- As required by The Merchant Shipping (Life-Saving Appli-

tents? ances) Regulations 1986

Two boat-hooks;
A buoyant bailer and two buckets;
a survival manual;
a sea-anchor;
two efficient painters of a length equal to not less than
twice the distance from the stowage position of the lifeboat
to the waterline in the lightest seagoing condition or 15
metres whichever is the greater.
Two hatchets, one at each end of the lifeboat;
3 litres of fresh water for each person the lifeboat is per-
mitted to accommodate,
Three rustproof graduated drinking vessels
Food rations totalling not less than 10,000 kilojoules for
each person the lifeboat is permitted to accommodate;
these rations shall be kept in airtight packaging and be
stowed in a watertight container;
LSA - Maintenance and Drills
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Pyros - 4 rocket parachute flares; 6 hand flares 2 buoyant
smoke signals;
Waterproof Torch &set of batteries and one spare bulb in
a waterproof container;
Daylight signalling mirror
One copy of the Department of Transport's Rescue Signal
One whistle or equivalent sound signal;
First aid Box & anti-seasickness medicine sufficient for 48
hours and one seasickness bag for each person;
A jack-knife to be kept attached to the boat by a lanyard;
three tin openers;
two buoyant rescue quoits, attached to not less than 30
metres of buoyant line;
if the lifeboat is not automatically self bailing, a manual
pump complying with the requirements of section 6;
One set of fishing tackle;
Engine Tools
Two portable fire extinguishers suitable for extinguishing
oil fires;
A search light
Radar Reflector
thermal protective aids sufficient for 10 per cent of the
number of persons the lifeboat is permitted to accommo-
date or two, whichever is the greater.

30. What is a tricing It allows bowsing gear to be used to help keep the lifeboat
pendant? alongside during rough weather or a listing vessel.

31. Lifeboat Recov- Hooks to be reset and the releasing lever back to it's
ery Proceedure original position.
Confirm the 'release lever arms' of forward and aft hook
pointing to the GREEN safe position.
Attach each davit fall by inserting chain link into the hook.
Hoist the life boat until the keel is clear of the water.
Hoist 1 m and ensure 'hydrostatic interlock unit' returns to
the closed / GREEN safe position.
Instruct two crew (one forward and one aft) to insert the
GREEN handled locking pins into the hooks, and then

LSA - Maintenance and Drills
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return to their seats and strap in.
Insert the 'safety pin' to the coxswain's release handle
The life boat can now be recovered.
Remove the GREEN hook locking pins.

32. At what depth do Between 2 - 6 metres.

the HRU oper-

33. Launching pro- Open the lashing and remove the raft container from HRU.
cedure for a davit Attach the davit hook to the raft and secure the fwd & aft
life raft. securing lines + painter.
Once raft is swung out pull the painter and inflate the raft.
Start boarding the raft without the shoes and other sharp
After the boarding is completed, check the bottom is clear
and release the securing lines.
Raft is then lowered and the commander will release the
hook once it is in the water.
Cut the painter and cast away the raft from ship.

34. For the 5 year- MGN 560

ly Davit and LB If, for operational reasons, the dynamic test is not practi-
test, can they be cable, the MCA will accept the
check individual- testing of lifeboats/rescue boats and davits

35. Cargo ship life 300% .total.

saving capacity? 100% in each Lifeboat and 100% in rafts.


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