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Post-Interview Reflection Form

Fill out this form after each interview you go on, ideally within 24 hours, while the experience is still fresh.
Taking time to do this will help you to keep track of the interviews you’ve attended and identify what you
are doing well and what you need to work on – ultimately helping your interview skills improve!

Interview Date & Time: Position Interviewed For:

Name of Company/Organization:

Name of Interviewer(s):

Arrived on time? Yes No Thank You Letter Sent? Yes No

Date Sent:

What is my overall impression of how the interview went? How did the interviewer react to me?
Did I talk too much? Too little? Was I too tense? Passive? Aggressive?

What did I do to outwardly convey interest, confidence and enthusiasm? (e.g., maintain eye
contact, vary voice tone)

Based on my performance, would I hire me? Why or why not?

Was I courteous and professional with everyone I came in contact with?

What did I do to make a solid first impression?

What did I do well in this interview? What points did I make that seemed to interest/impress the
interviewer(s)? At the beginning? During the interview? At the end?

What could I improve on next time? At the beginning? During the interview? At the end?

Which of my skills, qualifications, and experiences did the interviewer seem impressed with?
How did I present my qualifications to emphasize how my skills are related to the job, providing
appropriate examples as evidence?

How did I explain my professional goals, interests and desires to the benefit of the employer?

Did I pass up opportunities to further demonstrate how my work, academic and other experiences
could benefit the employer?

How did I demonstrate knowledge about the position, company, and field of interest?

Which skills, qualifications, and experiences did the interviewer seem to think I might be lacking?

Which questions was I asked that I want to remember? Which ones should I be more ready for
next time?

Do I have enough information to make a knowledgeable decision about accepting the job? If no,
what more do I need to consider and find out?

What else can I do to better prepare for future interviews?

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