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Compressor Control
Technical Product Guide
Single Stage



Compressor Control Technical Product Guide

by Triconex Systems, Inc. La Marque, Texas, U.S.A.

All rights reserved. No part of this work covered by the copyright hereon may be reproduced or copied in any form or by any meansgraphic, electronic, or mechanicalwithout first receiving the written permission of Triconex Systems, Inc., La Marque, Texas, U.S.A.

Printed in U.S.A. 1999

NOTE: Triconex Systems, Inc. reserves the right to make improvements in the design, construction, and appearance of its products without prior notice.

Table of Contents
What is Surge? ....................................................................................... 7 Performance Curves ............................................................................. 7 Curve .................................................................................................. 7 Compressor Map ................................................................................... 8 A Universal Surge Curve .................................................................. 13 Determining HP/A02 .................................................................................................................................. 13 Determining (Q/A0)2 .................................................................................................................................. 14 Plotting the Surge Line ...................................................................... 14 Summary of Features ......................................................................... 21 Choice of Pressure Rise or Pressure Ratio Algorithms ............... 22 Safety Margin Recalibration ............................................................ 22 Setpoint Hover .................................................................................... 22 Dynamic Adaptive TuningTM ...................................................................................................... 23 Non-symmetrical Valve Response .................................................. 23 Purge and Start-up Logic................................................................... 24 Manual Control ................................................................................... 24 Proportional Function ........................................................................ 24 Valve Prep ............................................................................................ 25 Dump Output ...................................................................................... 25 Valve Linearization and Reversal ................................................... 25 Compensated Recycle Temperature Controller ........................... 25 Process Pressure Control ................................................................... 29

Compressor Surge
This document describes the implementation of a centrifugal compressor surge control in the TRISENTM digital governor or control system.
in work done per unit mass of the fluid. Foot pounds per pound (ft-lbf/ lb) and kilojoules per kilogram (kj/kg) are the common English and Metric units. For a given impeller design, diameter, and rotational speed, the amount of work energy expended is dependent on the volume flow at the suction. A0; that is, for a given compressor speed, there is only one valid set of gas properties (MW, Z and k) and suction temperature (Ts). If the gas composition and/or suction temperature is variable, multiple curves must be provided to show the performance of the stage. See the previous figure.

What is Surge?
Surge occurs in a turbo compressor when discharge head cannot be sustained at the available suction flow. Surge occurs at specific combinations of head and flow, as defined by the compressor manufacturer's performance curves. One or more of the following can result from surge: Unstable operation Partial or total flow reversal through the compressor Disrupted process Mechanical damage to the compressor

Compressor manufacturers use "" curves to define the performance of

The polytropic head developed for a given fluid (gas) and inlet conditions is proportional to the pressure coefficient "," as defined by equation (1).


2 3 1



Surge is usually accompanied by the following: Increase in discharge temperature Reduction in discharge pressure Increase in vibration Sharp rise in inlet temperature

Pressure coefficient " " .60




2 1 1 2 3 3

Polytropic Efficiency 60 p











% Q / N

Performance Curves
A turbo compressor imparts energy to the gas by accelerating it through a rotating impeller to increase its velocity and pressure. This kinetic energy is then converted to a higher pressure in a diffuser. The amount of energy imparted to the gas is defined

Figure 1individual impeller stages. A typical "" curve is shown in Figure 1. "" indicates the polytropic head provided by the stage for a given volume flow at the suction. Each "" curve is specific for a given N/ 7


Equation (1)

Hp =

U2 g

Compressor Surge
Hp = Polytropic head = Pressure coefficient of the impeller for the specific gas U = Impeller peripheral velocity ft/sec g = Gravitational constant 32.17 ft/sec2

Compressor Map
While the "" curves are a tool used in the design stage, the final compressor characteristic is defined by a performance curve, or compressor map. This is a series of impeller "" curves combined as a multistage compressor. An example is shown in the next figure. NOTE: The Hp versus Q curve is good for one set of gas conditions (A0) only.

significant deviations from this ideal curve. As the speed increases, surge moves to later impeller stages, due to volume reduction by the initial stages, and consequent lower suction volume flow available to the later impeller inlets. The next figure is an example. Compressor performance maps are presented in various forms. Most provide a basic performance plot, as shown in Figure 3, but with additional curves, relating inlet temperature, molecular weight, pressure ratio, suction pressure, and driver horse-

In the Figure 1 example, the two sets of three curves indicate the performance of the impeller for three different gas conditions. The term A0 is used to define the sonic velocity of the gas at the suction conditions and is determined by equation (2).


Surge Line

Equation (2)

60 Hp Polytropic Head 40 (1000 Ft lbf/lb) 20 80% 0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 Q - Inlet Flow (acfm) 105% 100% 90% Constant Speed Lines

A0 =

1545 k Z s Ts g MW

A0 = Sonic velocity of the gas at the inlet conditions (ft/sec) k = Ratio of specific heats Cp/Cv Zs = Compressibility factor Ts = Inlet temperature R g = Gravitational Constant, 32.17 ft/sec2
The upper set of curves, in conjunction with equation (1), relate Hp to Q/ N (inlet flow (acfm)/speed (RPM)). The lower curves relate Q/N to polytropic efficiency hp. Curves 1 through 3 show performance for heavy, medium, and light gases, respectively. The left extreme of each line indicates the surge point.

Figure 2 Compressor Performance Map The Surge Line is not linear with respect to flow. In a low head, single impeller machine, compressing a light gas such as air, the surge line tends to follow the fan law. This law states the following: Capacity is proportional to rotating speed. Head is proportional to the inlet flow squared. Power required is proportional to the speed, cubed. Multi-impeller high head machines can have surge lines which have 8 power. Design gas conditions, such as compressibility factor (Z), and specific heat (k) are usually noted. If Ts and/or MW are variable, several surge curves may be plotted, showing surge limits for different gas compositions and suction conditions. From a surge control standpoint, the challenge is to keep the compressor out of surge without wasting energy on excessive recycling. This requires that the surge point be precisely computed from measurable, compres-

Compressor Surge
sor-operating conditions. This goal will be addressed in the construction of the Surge Line. First, we will describe how the TRISENTM system uses the recycle valve to avoid surge.


60 Hp Polytropic Head 40 (1000 Ft lbf/lb) Surge Line 105% Speed 100% Speed 90% Speed 20 80% Speed

0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 Q - Inlet Flow (acfm)

Figure 3 Multi-Impeller, High Head Performance Curve

Compressor Surge

NOTES ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________


Avoiding Surge
In the gas compressor section (Figure 4), surge can be avoided by recycling a controlled portion of the discharge flow back to the suction through a recycle valve. Recycling raises the suction pressure and lowers the discharge pressure, which increases flow and moves the operation away from surge. Raising speed also moves the compressor away from surge. This is a temporary solution because it also raises Pd and lowers Ps, which tends to drive the machine back towards surge. In the air compressor section (Figure 5), a blowoff valve is used to vent the compressor discharge to atmosphere. This does not affect the suction conditions, but it reduces discharge pressure and increases flow, which moves the operating point away from surge.

Gas Compressor Discharge


Recycle Valve

Figure 4 Gas Compressor Anti-Surge Valve

Blowoff Valve Air Compressor



Figure 5 Air Compressor Anti-Surge Valve


Avoiding Surge

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The Surge Line

The problem with both "" and performance curves is that they both show the compressor surge characteristics for specific conditions only. Ideally, a curve and a method which accurately defines surge for all gas and suction conditions, is needed. are directly measurable by conventional instruments. The challenge is to define and implement this curve in terms of variables that we can measure reliably, economically, quickly, and accurately. This is a formidable task at first look.

Ts =

Rc = =

ity factor (Zs + Zd)/2 Suction temperature (degrees absolute) Molecular weight Compression ratio (Pd/Ps) Polytropic exponent

A Universal Surge Curve

As stated earlier, the surge and performance characteristics of the compressor change the function of A0 or the sonic velocity of the gas at the suction. An intuitive analysis of the "" curve reveals that if Hp/A02 (head) is plotted against (Q/A0)2 (capacity), a curve which defines surge for all gas conditions, suction conditions, and speeds results. Furthermore, if performance lines are plotted as N/A0, rather than simply speed alone, these lines are also valid for all conditions. None of the variables Hp, A0 , or Q

Determining HP/A02
Let us first examine the Head variable Hp/A02:

k 1 k p

Equation (3)

1545 Z a Ts ( R c 1) Hp = MW

where: k = Ratio of specific heats (Cp/Cv) p = Polytropic efficiency (%)

Hp = Polytropic head in ftlbs/lb Za = Average compressibil-

We have already defined A0:

Equation (4)

A0 =
Surge Line

1545 k Z s Ts g MW


Hp A0 2
90% 80% 105% 100%


A0 Q A0

A0 = Sonic velocity of the gas at the inlet conditions , ft/sec k = Ratio of specific heats Cp/Cv Zs = Compressibility factor Ts = Inlet temperature R g = Gravitational constant, 32.17 ft/sec2
Therefore: Equation (5)

Figure 6 Universal Surge Curve 13

The Surge Line

Hp = 2 A0 Z a T s ( R c 1) MW k Z s Ts MW

Ts MW Ps

= = =

Suction temp (R) Molecular Weight Suction Press (psia)

So Q/A0 can be written as:

Za/Zs increases predictably with increasing head so it can be accommodated in the surge line. So by cancellation: Equation (6)
Hp R - 1 = c 2 k A0

h Z s Ts Q MW Ps = k Z s Ts 1545 A0

Because Q2 is proportional to h, the new curve no longer follows the fan law. A classic low head application will have a surge line that is closer to a straight line. At high heads, the surge often moves to a different impeller. Therefore, high head applications will still exhibit non-linearity. A typical surge curve may now look like Figure 7. Some applications can use a simpler variation of this surge computation technique. If both the head term (Pd/ Ps-1) and the capacity term (h/Ps) are multiplied by Ps, these terms reduce to Pd-Ps for the head and simply h for the capacity. However, there is a disadvantage of the Pd-Ps method, or Pressure Rise method. If the surge line is nonlinear and the suction pressure is variable, then errors will result when operating on a section of the curve that does not pass through the origin. If the surge line is linear or if the suction pressure is reasonably constant, this method is perfectly acceptable and can be used with confidence.

Simplifying and canceling:

k 1 And substituting: = k p
Equation (7)

Q h = Ps k 1545 A0

Plotting the Surge Line



k1 k p c

- 1 k - 1 p

An analysis of equation (7) with actual compressor data shows that Hp/ A02 is minimally affected by minor variations in k and p, and is predominantly affected by Rc. Recall that Rc=Pd/Ps and the challenge has been met. The variables Pd and Ps are readily measured by conventional pressure transducers.

Because k appears in the denominator of both terms of Hp/A02, and Q2/A02, its effect is further minimized. If changes in k are ignored, the surge curve can be plotted as a function of Pd/Ps and h/ Ps. The relationship h/Ps is another way of saying h compensated for changes in Ps.




Determining (Q/A0)

50 90% 25


If flow is measured by a conventional orifice or venturi device, then:

% Speed 80%

Q2 =

h Z s Ts MW Ps

0 0 20 40 60 h/Ps (%) 80 100

Q h Zs

= Flow (acfm) = Orifice differential = Compressibility


Figure 7 Typical Surge Curve

The Surge Line

Compressor Suction Discharge


PT p I

P Recycle or Blowoff

Figure 8 Pressure Rise Method




PT FT Ps h SC I Pd


Recycle or Blowoff
Figure 9 Pressure Ratio Method 15

The Surge Line

NOTES ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________


The Surge Control Line

To prevent surge, the system must accurately predict surge and begin to open the recycle valve before surge can occur. The safety margin between the predicted surge point, and the point that recycle flow is initiated, is called the surge margin. The surge margin is implemented by modifying the surge line to produce a "Control Line." Referring to Figure 10, the Control Line lies to the right of the surge line by an amount equal to the safety margin. Depending on the application, either a constant (parallel), or progressive (meeting at the origin), characteristic can be configured. For a given Pd/Ps (or Pd-Ps), the system computes the surge flow from the surge line, then applies the safety margin to determine the control flow. The control line provides the setpoint to the surge controller, which opens the recycle valve to prevent flow from falling below the Control Line.

100 Surge Line 75

Safety Margin Progressive Control Line Safe Area Constant Control Line

Surge Area

Pd Ps 5 0


0 0 20 40 60 80 100

Figure 10 Typical Control Line


The Surge Control Line

NOTES ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________


Surge Control Block Diagram

The TRISENTM surge control system can be best described in the form of individual modules. Each module has a readily defined functionality, and interacts with other modules through input and output signals, which are given tag names. In the next section, the features of the system will be examined and each of the blocks will be readily identified with an associated function.

1 h Dp or Pd Ps

S urge Line hx

C ontrol Line

C ontroller S etpoint




9 H igh S elector

6 C ontroller S

hx 3 R ecalibrate M P roportional Term

V alve S ignal S elector (if necessary) 10 S peed B ias


hx 2 S urge D etect hx D um p (D O )

V alve P rep

S peed R eference B ias (internal)


11 A uto/M an A /M O pen C lose

S tartup


E nable (D I)


R ecycle V alve vV 2 (A O ) 13 V alve Linearize/ R everse

T yp ica l fo r E a ch C o m p re sso r S e c tio n

F ro m A d d itio n a l C o m p re sso r S e c tio n s

(if applicable)

Figure 11 Surge Block Diagram 19

Surge Control Block Diagram

NOTES ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________


TRISEN TM Surge Controller Features

Summary of Features
Because surge can occur very quickly, special control techniques must be used to ensure that the recycle valve opens in time to prevent surge. The TRISENTM Controller is ideally suited to perform surge prevention because of its fast processing speed and ability to efficiently perform the complex algorithms required. The TRISENTM controller also performs the turbine speed control function. It can internally implement interactive coupling between surge and speed control algorithms to improve response and stability. Standard features that can be enabled in the surge prevention strategy are: Choice of Pd/Ps vs. h/Ps or p vs. h algorithms. If a surge occurs, the surge safety margin automatically readjusts. Setpoint Hover function opens the recycle valve on a sudden movement toward surge. Special surge controller with adaptive gain and fast opening/slow closing response. Proportional function "forces" recycle valve open independent of controller tuning. Speed setpoint is coupled to surge control. Flexible enable logic for start-up and shutdown. Manual control options aid setup, troubleshooting, and testing. Linearization function for equal percentage valves. A Valve Prep function bleeds overpressure from the recycle valve when operating close to the surge line. A solenoid contact output dumps the recycle valve if

6 x 3 = 60.8 y3 = 5.18 x2 = 46.2 y2 = 4.2 x1 = 40.5 y1 = 3.3

x4 = 92.6 y4 = 5.80

5 Pd Ps

2 1 0 20 40 h/Ps % 60 80 100

Figure 12 Surge Curve - Pressure Ratio

100 x 3 = 60.8 y 3 = 86.8 x 2 = 46.2 y2 = 62.2 x 1 = 40.5 y 1 = 44.9

x4 = 92.6 y4 = 98.5

80 P



20 0 0 20 40 60 80 Orifice Differential (h) % 100

Figure 13 Surge Curve - Pressure Rise 21

TRISENTM Surge Controller Features

surge is imminent, or if turbine trips. NOTE: If the application requires it, any of the above features can be enabled. Features not required are simply not configured and have no effect. the right) by a calibrated amount. Entering a new safety margin sets the transition counter to zero, and sets the recalibrated margin to equal the entered value. The system can be configured to increment by a fixed amount (i.e., 2%), or by a progressive amount (1, 2, 4, 8%, etc.), on each transition. The maximum number of times that recalibration occurs is also configurable. The system displays the following: Number of surge occurrences (number of calibrations) Initial safety margin Current recalibrated safety margin

Setpoint Hover
In most applications, the compressor will not operate continuously, or for extended periods on the Surge Control Line. When operation is to the right of the control line (safe area), the setpoint to the Surge Controller is ramped (at a configurable rate) to within a configurable percent of the current h value. The following occurs after a small, quick movement toward surge, past the hover setpoint: Immediate opening of the recycle valve Hover setpoint is then ramped down (at the same rate) until the recycle valve closes. New operating point is established. If the setpoint reaches the Surge

Choice of Pressure Rise or Pressure Ratio Algorithms

As discussed previously, either of two surge computing algorithms can be configured, depending on the application. The surge line can be configured with up to ten line segments. The examples depicted in figures 12 and 13 display four segments.

Safety Margin Recalibration

If the system detects a transition of the operating point across the Surge Line, indicating that surge has occurred, it automatically readjusts the Surge Control Line to the right to add additional safety margin. Some conditions which can result in surge are: Shifting of the Surge Line due to compressor wear Transmitter out of calibration Insufficient safety margin Drastic changes in process conditions Incorrect surge line used Improper tuning or set up of the surge prevention system

Control Line Surge Line




Controller Setpoint

Current Operating Point



Hover Setting


Hover Ramp Rate

1 0 20 40 60 80


Figure 14 Setpoint Hover 22

Each time a surge transition is detected, the safety margin is incremented (control line moved to

TRISENTM Surge Controller Features

Control Line, the system will maintain recycle flow to operate on the Surge Control Line. the gain and integral values based on the margin to the surge line. Dynamic Adaptive Gain - reduces the proportional action when operation is to the right of the Surge Control Line and increases it as the operation moves to the left of the Surge Control Line. The result is a unique gain value for any operating
M ax

Dynamic Adaptive TuningTM

The Surge Controller is available with an adaptive tuning feature that varies

point. Normal gain is applied when the operating point is on the control line. As the operating point decreases to the left of the control line, a nonlinear increasing function is applied to the gain. As the operating point increases to the right of the control line, the gain will decrease to a minimum at the Setpoint Hover line. Dynamic Adaptive Integral - allows a minimum amount of integration when operating on the Surge Control Line. The Integral value increases nonlinearly as the operating point move away from the control line (either increasing flow or decreasing flow). This technique allows the surge controller to operate near its setpoint with primarily proportional action, yet when the operating point moves away from the normal control line, the restoring affect of the integral action increases.

G ain

N orm al

M in

h/P S
N orm al C ontrol Line

Non-symmetrical Valve Response

The recycle valve opens, based on the proportional and integral responses, but a straight ramp function limits the closing of the recycle valve. This feature allows the valve to respond quickly to prevent surge. After operation is safely to the right of the surge control line, the valve is ramped closed at a slow (configurable) rate to allow the turbine driver and the performance controller to adjust to the new operating conditions. A nonlinear ramp function can also be applied that will cause the valve to close more quickly if the margin is high, yet preserves the slow response as the control line is approached. This feature is useful if the valve moves nearly wide open in response to a severe system transient, thus shortening the time that the operator must

Surge Line

C ontroller Setpoint

C urrent O perating Point


H ov er Setting

1 0 20 40 60 80 100

h/P S
Figure 15 - Dynamic Adaptive Gain

TRISENTM Surge Controller Features

M ax
allowing Surge Controller intervention as necessary.

Manual Control
M in
Two manual control options are available. The first option provides fullauthority manual control. It allows the valve to be closed, regardless of the action of the Surge Controller. This option is useful for testing and setup, but should not be configured for normal operation. If the system is left in manual operation, the Surge Controller will not be able to open the valve to prevent surge. The second option provides limitedauthority manual control. This option sets a minimum recycle valve limit, allowing the operator to open the recycle valve, but not close it if the controller needs to open it to avoid surge.

h/P S
N orm al C ontrol Line

S urge Line

C ontroller S etpoint

C urrent O perating P oint

H ov er S etting

Proportional Function
The system has a proportional-only term, which forces the recycle valve to open, independent of normal P+I controller action. This occurs, due to a severe process upset, if the operating point moves to the left of the Surge Control Line, and the normal controller tuning provides insufficient response. This term begins to open the valve at a specified margin, to the left of the Surge Control Line, and fully opens the valve as the operating point reaches the Surge Line. In other words, the valve is opened proportional to the instantaneous operating margin, less the initiation value. The proportional term is applied through a signal selector, and the anti-windup action of the controller forces the controller output to track the proportional term.






h/P S
Figure 16 - Dynamic Adaptive Integral wait for the system to return to normal. is typically configured for one of the following: Always enabled Enabled at minimum governor Enabled by a remote contact or flag from the DCS Before the Surge Controller is enabled, the valve is held at the startup limit. When the Surge Controller is enabled, the start-up signal is ramped closed at a configurable rate

Purge and Start-up Logic

Prior to starting the compressor, the recycle valve can be configured to stay closed for purging the compressor case and the inlet and outlet piping. Once purging is finished, the Surge Control opens the valve. The Surge Control can be enabled at anytime, but

TRISENTM Surge Controller Features

Valve Linearization and Reversal
Closed 0% rPROTM 100% Open Py% rSULIN 7 rMAR 0

rSUCLN Proportional Initiation

The TRISENTM Surge Controller provides for linearizing the output for an equal percentage trim recycle valve. This tends to produce a more linear overall system gain. Possible instability is avoided when the system operates at a different point than at which it was tuned. Most applications have a recycle valve with an air-fail open action (AFO), requiring reversal of the recycle valve output. The system is configurable for either direct, or reverse, output operation.

Figure 17 Proportional Function This feature will protect the machine, even if the Surge Controller is poorly tuned. feature requires a special I/P calibration for 6-20 mA input range. The 4-6 mA portion is used to under-pressure the valve closed. If the valve is air fail-open, this feature requires a special I/P calibration for 4-18 mA input current range. The 18-20 mA portion of the range is used to overpressure the valve closed.

Compensated Recycle Temperature Controller

For single component refrigeration compressors utilizing a liquid quench, Triconex offers a variable temperature controller setpoint that changes with the refrigerant pressure. These systems take hot discharge gas through a recycle control valve back to the suction and side streams to satisfy the minimum volume flow demands of the compressor sections. A liquid quench line provides cooling for this gas in order to maintain the suction temperature (and pressure). Figure 18 is a schematic of a typical system. The liquid quench flows are regulated by a temperature controller referencing the compressor suction or sidestream temperature. As long as the gas pressure remains within a narrow range, the controller will provide adequate temperature regulation. When the gas pressure rises to the point that the temperature controller setpoint is less than the saturation 25

Valve Prep
In some applications, the recycle valve is not equipped with a positioner. A positioner fully loads the valve diaphragm or cylinder on closed overtravel. This is undesirable because it takes too much time to bleed off the excess pressure to open the valve. The Valve Prep feature is designed to improve the speed of operation of these applications by the following: When operating away from the Surge Control Line, fully load or unload the diaphragm to positively close the valve. When operation moves within a specified distance of the Surge Control Line, set the loading to "poise" the valve to open. If the valve is air fail-closed, this

Dump Output
When a specified excursion to the left of the Surge Control Line occurs, a contact output can be configured to open a high-volume solenoid to quickly open the recycle valve. This feature is useful on large valves which have slower stroking times. As the system moves back from surge, the solenoid will close. This restores normal proportional control of the valve to the Surge Controller.

TRISENTM Surge Controller Features

temperature (at that pressure), the controller will open the quench valve fully, even though that amount of liquid is not required for controlling the gas temperature. This situation can result in excessive liquid refrigerant consumption, high suction drum liquid levels and liquid carry-over into the compressor. Figure 19 shows the a typical pressure-enthalpy diagram for a single component refrigerant. Point A is the intersection of the gas pressure (P1) and the temperature controller setpoint temperature line. If the pressure rises to P2, the intersection of P2 and the temperature controller setpoint is Point B, which is in the subcooled liquid section of the diagram. Since this temperature cannot be achieved, the controller will open the valve fully. Also shown on Figure 19 is a line in the superheat region that parallels the saturated vapor line. This line







Recycle Valve

Liquid Quench Valve

Figure 18 Typical Refrigeration System 26

TRISENTM Surge Controller Features

represents the Compensated Recycle Temperature Controller setpoint. Instead of using a fixed temperature for the controller setpoint, the equations of state of the refrigerant are used to calculate the saturation temperature at the gas pressure. The setpoint of the controller is the saturation temperature plus an incremental amount of superheat.

Compensated Temperature Controller Setpoint




per atu re
Conventional Temperature Controller Setpoint (fixed)


Figure 19 P-h Diagram for Refrigerant





TRISENTM Surge Controller Features

NOTES ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________


Dynamic Process Control Decoupling

Process Pressure Control
In variable speed applications, compressor capacity is controlled by varying the speed to meet process requirements of flow, suction pressure, suction temperature, discharge pressure, etc. This controller can be internal to the system, or it can be external and applied as a remote input. For a given head, compressor speed produces flow, as defined by the manufacturer's performance curves. Because both the capacity controller (sometimes called the process controller or performance controller), and the surge controller influence flow, there is interaction between them. Depending on the type of capacity control, this interaction can cause system instability and make surge protection extremely difficult. Consider the following situation: The system is configured as a suction pressure controller cascading to the speed controller. If the suction pressure falls, the controller slows the turbine down to maintain the suction pressure. Conversely, it raises the speed if the pressure rises. An upstream process upset drastically reduces the available gas at the suction. Because the suction pressure is falling (pressure ratio rising) and the flow is falling, the operating point moves rapidly towards the surge line. The Surge Controller begins opening the recycle valve. However, due to valve stroking and the volume of piping, intercoolers, etc., there can be several seconds delay before the recycle flow reaches the suction of the compressor. Meanwhile, the suction pressure controller sees only suction pressure falling and responds by slowing down the machine. This reduction in speed further reduces the flow and drives the compressor even faster into surge. If the process controller was controlling discharge pressure, then the scenario would have been different. The discharge pressure would have dropped and the controller would have raised speed to correct it. This would be a desirable response, as it would move the operation away from surge. In some applications, the cycle described in the suction pressure control example above can continue indefinitely. To prevent this occurrence, the Triconex capacity controller is designed to open the recycle valve once operation is decreased to the point where the compressor is on 100% the surge control line. A separate set of tuning constants for the process controller are provided depending whether speed is being controlled or the 0 recycle valve is 0 being opened.
Station Recycle Valve Output

achieved by adjusting the speed of the compressor and opening the recycle valve. Maximum capacity is reached when the turbine reaches its maximum operating speed and the recycle valve is fully closed. Minimum capacity is reached when the compressor is operating on the recycle line and the recycle valve is fully open. In effect, the Triconex Dynamic Process Control Algorithm is a special split-range controller with a variable breakpoint. The point at which the capacity control switches from controlling the speed to controlling the recycle valve opening is called the Dynamic Breakpoint. This point is dynamic because it is variant depending on the process flow and pressure demands. A conventional split range controller is shown in Figure 20. This type of controller does not take into account the slope of the surge control line. In effect, the split line must be based on the highest operating pressure ratio. The turbine minimum speed is based


Turbine Min. Speed

0 50% Load Sharing Controller Output 100%

Compressor capacity control is 29

Figure 20 - Conventional Split Range Process Control

Turbine Speed Controller Output

Dynamic Process Control Decoupling

on the maximum operating pressure ratio rather than the minimum governor speed. Triconex incorporates the slope of the compressor curves into the determination of the break point for the split range controller. The lower the pressure ratio, the greater the turndown available to the speed-control portion of the controller. Figure 21 shows how the compressor surge line relates to the determination of the Dynamic Break Point TM. As the compressor pressure ratio increases, the minimum speed at which surge occurs also increases. The break point for the split range controller will shift to the right to assure that the recycle valve is opened based on the process flow demand rather than the surge controller requirements. The decoupling exit line will be set 2% to the right of the surge control line. In other words, the process controller decoupling algorithm will operate the recycle valve whenever the process controller output drops below the surge controller control line flow, but does not start closing the valve until the process controller output is 2% greater than the surge controller control line. As the operating point increases above the surge control line, the process controller will first increase speed until the its output is 2% greater than the surge control line; further increases in the process controller output will cause the recycle valve to close. This approach assures that the valve will not close at the same time that an increase in the pressure ratio is taking place. Another feature of the capacity controller is that if load is quickly reduced, the speed setpoint of the


Minimum Break Point (Xm )

Dynamic Break Point (X')


Turbine Min. Speed

0 X-50 50% 100%

Process Controller Output

P 2 /P 1

Flow 2
Figure 21 - Process Decoupling using Dynamic Break Point 30

Turbine Speed Controller Output

Recycle Valve Output

Dynamic Process Control Decoupling

turbine is initially reduced a small amount and then ramped down slowly, as required to satisfy the capacity controller. While the speed setpoint is ramping down, if further reduction in capacity is required, the recycle valve is opened. This provides superior control to the traditional method of reducing speed and finding too late that operation has crossed to the left of the surge control line, requiring the recycle valve to open quickly. Another advantage is that since the recycle valve is opened sooner and closes gradually, the load on the compressor is maintained which aids in maintaining process stability. Note that this is only a transitory situation; at steady state the recycle valve is only opened the amount that is required to maintain the recycle line.

S urge Line
Pd Ps h PT PT FT Speed Controller S


D ecoupling

G ov ernor V alv e

M Surge Controller S

Process Controller

M Proportional Term


R ecycle V alv e

Figure 22 - Process Controller Decoupling Block Diagram 31

Dynamic Process Control Decoupling

NOTES ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________



ACFM C Cp Cv FE G h hc Ha Hp k M MW N P Pb Pd Pf Ps Q

R Rc T Tb Td Tf Ts Z

Actual Cubic Feet Per Minute at flowing conditions Constant Specific heat of gas at constant pressure Specific heat of gas at constant volume Primary flow element, orifice, flow tube, etc. Gas specific gravity = MW/28.966 Differential head produced by flow element, usually H20 differential h corrected for suction pressure = h/Ps Head, Adiabatic, Foot-lbs/Pound Head, Polytropic, Foot-lbs/Pound Ratio of specific heats, Cp/Cv Mass flow rate, e.g., Lbs/Minute, Kg/Hr. Molecular Weight, Lbs/mole volume Rotative Speed, Revolutions Per Minute, RPM Pressure, Pounds per square inch absolute, psia Pressure at base conditions, usually 14.7 psia Pressure (absolute) compressor discharge Pressure (psia) at flowing conditions used to specify/calculate primary flow element Pressure (absolute) at compressor suction Gas volumetric flow rate at flowing conditions (e.g., ACFM, SCFM, m3/h, etc.) Gas Constant = 1545.3/MW Compression Ratio, Pd/Ps Temperature, R = F + 459.67 or K = C + 273.15 Temperature at Base Conditions, usually 60F Gas Temperature (R or K) at compressor discharge Temperature (R or K) at flowing conditions used to specify/calculate primary flow element Gas Temperature (R or K) at compressor suction Compressibility factor to correct for the deviation from the ideal gas flow. Density, lbs/Ft3

P MW 10.73 T Z



10.73125 0.084784 8.3145 Lbs/Ft3 kg/M3 kg/M3



Z COMPRESSIBILITY FACTOR Dimensionless Dimensionless Dimensionless


SYSTEM UNITS psia R = F + 459.67 2 kg/cm K = C + 273.15 kPa K = C + 273.15

Exponent of Compressions, adiabatic or polytropic Adiabatic

(k 1)


(k 1)
k p

p = Polytropic efficiency


Technical Product Guide Notes

NOTES __ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ __ __ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ __ __ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ __ __ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ __ __ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ __ __ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ __ __ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ __ __ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ __ __ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ __ __ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ __ __ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ __ __ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ __ __ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ __ __ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ __ __ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ __ __ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ __ __ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ __ __ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ __



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