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and Central North Africa through lieutenants, their dominions

adoration. Adoration is applied in the Roman Church to the

with the Puritan party in the Church, eventually joined the

that organ (see STOMACH, KIDNEY, LIVER, &c.); but here the

associated with the reigning prince. It is probable that

that this course should be pursued by early Jewish theologians!

than a judicial body, although in some cities they hold

1548); a tragedy, Antigone; a comedy, Flora; and other

law. It expands, classifies, tabulates, draws corollaries

a halogen substitution derivative or a sulphonic acid.

of body, intelligence and character. Beauty and art rise

Phthiotis, has been supposed to be the cradle of the

and erected in 1876-1885. The exterior is decorated with

works.pursued in common which legitimize and glorify the

in the pretence that his actual father was Nectanebus, a

of August 1819. He was the second son of the hereditary duke

to compete with the others on, at least, equal terms.''

(each volume devoted to the alps of a single Swiss canton);

Oldbury. The Claus-Chance process, as it is called, comprises

offers were made to him by other naval powers, and in 1661


with Savonarola is narrated under the latter heading; it is

strongly adamantine or metallic-adamantine than that of rutile.

is the work of an author of no mean skill, and that he has

Isabella II. of Spain . . . . . . . . . . . June 25, 1870

St Lawrence in pursuit of the fur trade. Their settlements

a poet, and a favourer of poets. El Motamid went, however,

gained about the enemy round Richmond and in other places,

years, and on the dissolution of their power it passed

plays only a secondary part in the incidents at Pharaoh's

ALCANTARA, a town of western Spain, in the province of

for this and other acts.) The Fertilizers and Feeding Stuffs

between the two kings, presumably over the possession of the

about 1860 sulphuric acid has been more largely made from

In Jurassic times 1he sea gained access to East Africa

boundary of Portuguese West Africa. The object of deflecting

ALMAGRO, DIEGO DE (1475--1538), Spanish commander,

the 45th and 46th vols. of the Memoires de l'academie.

ADAMITES, or ADAMIANS, a sect of heretics that flourished

of scattered strips (amounting usually to a virgate or 30

ships. On the 6th of December Rodney was back at Barbadoes

numbers, and sharp fighting took place when the garrison of

with those of its chief affluents, the Tinee and the

of the Irish Presbyterian Church were thrown out. Much of

The classic of alpine zoology is F. von Tschudi's Das

(1546) and the battle of Muhlberg (1547) he had to yield to

under the influence of his mother, he did much to improve

The substance is best prepared by drying ethyl acetate over

between particular things and general ideas, rules and

theory of the oscillation of the air and the propagation of

department, especially in the Bresse, is fertile, producing

gunshot wounds of the abdomen had best not be interfered with.

Chronicle, s.a. 823, 836, 840, 851, 853, 855. (F. G. M. B.)

existence, up to the middle of the 19th century, was thought

exported. A considerable amount of cotton was grown during

equations of electrodynamic propagation for matter treated

ALORA, a town of southern Spain in the province of Malaga;

for the plunder of the vessel, and also agreed to sell his

Evol., for bearings of evolution.

P. Lanfrey in his Histoire de Napoleon: ``This institution

sentiment never got the better of reason, that as a matter of

by second intention. Pus may accumulate in a normal cavity,

step-brother of Agis II., whom he succeeded about 401 B.C.

field, to provide for the collection, treatment and care of

the Persian's place as king of the land. The conquered provinces

subsequently entered by the police and commanded to disperse.

civil and canon law (see DOCTORS' COMMONS). There was formerly

Jourdain, count of Cerdagne (d. 1109), until he was five.

Borgu Abisanga

In 1852 he accepted a medical professorship of comparative

distant future with destruction from another cause--the

Kingdom. The import of the manufactured product from 1875 to

With the exceptions of 1891 and 1894, every year in the period

gentleman. At home his habits, attire and mode of life

size, placed much farther to the west than is usually the

American book to win a great reputation in England, and The

ACHILLES TATIUS, of Alexandria, Greek rhetorician, author

up to the middle of the century presents generally from its

was to make British influence virtually predominant, though

on Tunisia and Tripoli. Somewhat later a busy trade with

Lake Mareotis and the sea. Alexander occupied Pharos, and

The history of the Omayyads in Spain is the subject of the Histoire

more towards the analysis of the sentiments of beauty

Through these Rocky Mountains the explorers and furtraders, by

adoption, yet is apt to cause mistakes when its price is

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