Many People Today Are Worried About The Large Quantities of Waste Produced

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Many people today are worried about the large quantities of waste produced

by ordinary households.
What problems are caused by household waste, and what solutions may be
possible in both the short and the long term?

While most people thought that a big large amount of rubbish from households was a big issue. ,
Waste wastes produced from common households seems to be trouble a problem in a lot of countries.
This essay will discuss the problems that might happen due to piling up rubbishfrom this situation and
the a few solutions to improve the situation.

Perhaps the major problem here is the pile piling up of the waste from the household and thisthat
needs a big large area to accommodate this rubbish. The number of wastes increases but the landfill
stays still, so alwayswhich needs a new place to throw garbage. Second, recycling is not fast as the
household waste adds up leading to a smelly place and a disease acquired from piling up the rubbish.
This might be overwhelming by for the houses surrounding the landfills. The waste is not only dry
rubbish but also water that people used to take a bath and waste from their food, and clothes. When
Then this polluted water is polluted, was made and the fish might be poisonous.
Turning to possible solutions, in the short term, people need to short their wastes tointo plastic, which
probably makes this waste and easyier to decompose. So, people that work in landfills probably have
easy easier and faster recycling jobs recycling. Finally, the long-term solutions are to make landfills
far away from the community. another Another solution is to build a wastewater reservoir before
releasing the water to the land or the ocean, making sure the water is safe for the ecosystem. If
suchThese solutions, if were they have been done properly, it would reduce the issue of the waste
problem from households.1

In summary, the main problem is that the increase in waste produced by households is not followed
by recycling. A coordinated response by the people and government may lessen the severity of the
Waktu 40 mnt

Solusi yang diminta adalah solusi terhadap “permasalahan banyak sampah rumah tangga” bukan
solusi “masalah yang ditimbulkan oleh banyaknya sampah rumah tangga”.

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