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PA R T 01 T H E K- 1 2 GR A D I N G

Welcome to my Portfolio!

My observation experience in FS 1 & FS2 helped me

to understand more especially my course in teaching. In
teaching, effort and time should be given to it and
another thing I realized is that I should develop further.
myself in teaching skills and be wise.

This portfolio has been prepared and developed to

provide and share my experience which has been a
problem, difficulty and above all what I have learned
from what I have experienced in my observation.

I present my Portfolio to read my teaching

philosophies and experiences during observation. This
goal is to show you how to be an effective show teacher.
P A R T 0 2

Date: October 28, 2022

Time: 10 AM 0 12:OO NN

Orientation for Observation FS 1 & FS 2

Thanks Doc. Fernandez For Orientation
We learned a lot in Principal and his very
cheerful, kind Thanks Doc.

PED11 AND PED 12 :

1. Functionality & attendance :
100% complete attendance 30 hours in ped11 and
30 hours in ped 12 equal 60 hours.
2Hours Every Subjects - 15 mins before in time

2. Proper Bloming: Act like a teacher,check to

proper attiere the students. Clothes & hygence.
3. Proper Behavior : Right behavior
4. Be a Role model as a Future Teacher.

* Classroom Routine :
1. How will you gain student’s attention?
2. How will students signal that they want

* Classroom Management:
1. Developing effective working relationships
with students

2. Training students on how learning takes

place in your classroom.

3. Protecting and leveraging time.

P A R T 0 2


7 :OO AM - 9:00 AM ABM 1103
ABM 1101
10: 30AM - 12:30 NN
M. MINOR 202
Nov. 07, 2022 7:00AM-9:00AM
First day of Observation: ABM - 1103 ROOM 203
- the children were happy and energetic because of
the activity prepared by sir. In the morning the result
of this activity is team work, cooperation in the
number 2 activity is by partner should be alert,
according to sir. Because it was confusing but the
result was clean and neat. While they were doing the
activity, sir was explaining how what they did was
connected to their lesson.and after the activities and
discussions they conducted, they were released 1/4
of the paper for free writing about the role of WIKA.
Nov. 07, 2022 10:30 AM - 12:30 NN
First day of Observation: ABM - 1101 ROOM 202

There are 1101 different styles, how they can get sir's instruction over and over again sir. They still
don't understand that there is no team work, cooperation group by group, they have no unity, their
minds are still young and the game comes first.

My observation in the two sections is that the same instructions are used but the understanding of
1103 is a fast learner, it's good to record in 1101- it's not messy that it's difficult to teach, you need
to be patient with them. The saying is legit that "in every room you go to, you will see different
people, faces and different animals you will take care of them." Being a teacher is not easy even if
it's a simple question, things will be asked of you right away and there are more than all of them.
Learning Area: FILIPINO Grade Level : 11 Inclusive Dates : November 07,2022
Time : 7 :OO AM - 9:00 AM (MONDAY) & 10: 30AM - 12:30 NN (MONDAY)


Subject Matter : Wika

Activity : -Prayer
- Activity 1 : Apple , Orange, Banana
- Activity 2 : By partner

Lesson : WIKA

Evaluation: Refleksyon sa gampanin ng wika

Nov. 14, 2022 7:00AM - 9:00AM
Seconday of Observation: ABM - 1103
- As for our second day of observation, sir
introduced us to the gr 11s and we helped
sir such as removing and attaching his
visual aid on the second day what he did
was discuss about the linguistic situation in
the Philippines what is the status of the
language in the philippines?
Use this album to commemorate our
world tour. Beautiful things deserve to be
Nov. 14, 2022 10:30AM12:30NN
remembered forever. I hope I can have a
Seconday of Observation:
good memory ABMall- 1101
my life.
- As for abm 1101, here are the nasty kids and those who don't listen, so don't think of an energizer for
them except because it's noon and they're still sleepy, they really don't listen and they just keep cp.
in my observation that dayin ABM 1103, they are taught better and faster, those who listen well and
carefully to sir in his teaching and in the short test they conducted, many got high scores, while in ABM
1101, they are nasty, noisy and a bit messy, so you need a long sorry for them and strategies so that you
can attract their attention and make them listen to your lesson, as for sir's activity, by row, the
effectiveness is like elementary school students, enroll in abm 1103 well, the reading is clear, not like in
1101, no and with the 1101 sleepy people, their thoughts on things are already flying, that's why sir
minor thought of a strategy to wake them up so that the children don't get sleepy during the discussion,
but the disadvantage of this is that it eats up time they are finishing the topic.
Learning Area: FILIPINO Grade Level : 11 Inclusive Dates : November 14,2022
Time : 7 :OO AM - 9:00 AM (MONDAY) & 10: 30AM - 12:30 NN (MONDAY)


Subject Matter : Sitwasyonng Pangwika sa Pilipinas

Activity : -Prayer
- Activity 1 : By row ng pagkabisa ng wika
- Activity 2 : Apple , Orange, Ensyamada

Lesson : Sitwasyonng Pangwika sa Pilipinas

Evaluation: Short Quiz 1- 10

Nov. 21, 2022 ABM 1103 7:00AM-9:00AM
Third Day of Observation
The Grade 11 Students are busy practicing their short presentation on Popular Culture Situations in Commercial
Language. This is by group they are divided into four groups Sir. Minor was late but he still used the remaining
time to discuss the lesson. And also in their activity that Sir.Minor excels at, it's very good that even if there is
only a little time left, he can still control the time and each of them was able to present and each of them was
able to participate in Sir.Minor's discussion. children in their opinion on what they learned in each group
showed other creative presentations and interest, well, in the first group they presented a Ballpen presentation
in the 2nd group Brownies, in the third Gcash/mobile legends and in the the last group is Sunsilk very good
group and ahead of the beautiful and neat and well described language is group 4, followed by group 3
followed by group 1 and finally group 2.
Learning Area: FILIPINO Grade Level : 11 Inclusive Dates : November 21,2022
Time : 7 :OO AM - 9:00 AM (MONDAY) & 10: 30AM - 12:30 NN (MONDAY)


Subject Matter : Kulturang Popular (Sitwasyong Pangwika)

Activity : - Presentation (By Group ) Comercial

Lesson : Kulturang Popular (Sitwasyong Pangwika)

Nov. 28, 2022 ABM 1103 7:00AM-9:00AM
Fourth Day of Observation
first Sir.Minor instructed me to number the test papers. While he is giving time and effort to review the Grade
11 Students are busy because today is their Exam day. They call it mouthly exam. The Grade 11 students were
busy with their review of their writings in the notebooks, Sir.Minor gave them 10 minutes, then Sir.Minor did it,
he placed the materials in front and hid the notebooks, cell phone, the only thing he released and prepared was
the test booklet, and a ballpoint pen for the children. The next thing that Sir.Minor did was he read the
instructions to all of them and he gave them 45 mins to finish their exam. And while the Grade 11 Students
were taking exams, Sir was attending. After 45mins, he asked for the used test papers and gave him a
consecutive number and exchanged their booklets with the neighbors. The Grade 11 Students ABM 1103 are
funny because they got high marks in the Exam. 42 Excellent ABM 1103 Congratulations on your high marks.
Nov. 28, 2022 ABM 1101 10:30AM-12:30PM
Fourth Day of Observation

The Grade 11 Students just finished their Recess, they were arranged in their seats and also in their class. Sir
gave them. Minor time to prepare and read for them their Monthly Exam that Sir gave them. Minor 45 mins to
finish the exam because they will do a presentation after their exam, sir asked who got 40 and above, no one
stepped up and answered, so sir got their exams and booklets, then prepared the 1 / 4 papers by each group for
their presentation Popular culture language situations. Each group is commercial and has its own profs, there
are those who put too much effort, their presentation was happy in front of each group but the language
theme was not shown very much in the presentation, maybe only 2 groups showed properly, cleanly and
showed the language theme Sir.Minor also worked overtime with them because of their presentation but all
the groups that presented were given grades.
Dec 05, 2022 ABM 1101 10:30AM-12:30PM
Last day of Observation

This is the last day that we will see The Grade 11 Students I will miss them haha especially their mischief I was
impressed by abm-1101 they are the unexpectation that you thought they couldn't do the class but they can't
do anything They are the ones who do a good job, they are neat and memorized the way they are doing the rice
together here in ABM-1101 they are the class of students who don't want your patience and are nasty but they
are the classes that are fun, they are full of smiles and it is good to teach because they are happy . they are
even nasty. You divided us and changed my beliefs. We hope to see you again.
Dec 05, 2022 ABM 1103 7:00AM-9:00AM
Last day of Observation

This is the last day that we will see The Grade 11 Students I will miss them haha especially theirs in ABM-1103,
there are many smart people, they are always active and ready to listen. Most of them are high in quizzes and
tests, they are kind, you can trust them and they are not rude because they are mature enough to think, I will
miss you. even though we were just observing. And especially to sir. Minor we have learned so much that we
will be able to bury when we are the ones who teach in front thank you ABM- 1101 AND 1103 AND SIR.MINOR

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