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Learning to

read graphic

Antion Tensley
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From the time a child is born, the baby will then begin to
prepare itself to speak. The baby first starts by taking
statistics and recognizing the voice tones, of the people in
its surroundings. Then after some time passes the child
begins to make noise what we know as baby talk, which
consists of whining, and most commonly the “goo goo,
gaga’s.” once the baby is familiar with their voice they will
begin to mock word that they hear the most over
repetition. The baby’s pronunciation is not accurate at first
by, mispronouncing a letter or so in the word. As more
time passes and with help from the child’s parent the child
will perfect the word. The next stage is for the child to
learn as many words as possible in their early
developmental stage. Then the once baby now turns into a
child surpassing the toddler stage and is now ready to be
introduced to learning how to decipher letters, learning
that each character has a sound.

Once the child learns to decipher all the letters in the alphabet and their sounds. The
teacher and the parent both, at this point should make simple systematic phonics. For
example, cat, hat, and bat. Once that is achieved, the teacher and the parent will begin to
give the child more complex words to master and test this skill until the child is able to read
the words with few errors.
In conclusion, the child’s parents and teachers will give the child age/ reading level
appropriate book that the child will continue to read furthering their vocabulary and
becoming more fluent readers by the day. At this point the child will be grade level, learning
vocabulary with who the child comes in contact while strengthening his or her skills.

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