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International Convention on QC Circle – 2022

NKT TANJIDOR – Puskesmas Kec. Kebon Jeruk

ICQCC 2022 – Jakarta

Optimization Of Health Promotion Program
In Kebon Jeruk District
Suci Rias Fitrisia, Rizka Ayu Intany, Milda Wirawati, Estrelita Mariana, Hasti
Pratiwi, Yusak Dwi Prasetyo, Arif Muhandoko, Rizal Maulana
Puskesmas Kecamatan Kebon Jeruk
DKI Jakarta

The Health Promotion Program is the main task of Puskemas which has the aim of
increasing knowledge, awareness, and behavior of the community in a better direction so that an
increase in health status in the community can be achieved. The Kebon Jeruk District Health
Center was forced to limit health promotion program activities during the COVID-19 pandemic.
This is a step to follow up on the decision of the Minister of health of the Republic of Indonesia
number HK.01.07/MENKES/382/2020 where during the COVID-19 pandemic all activities in
public places that can cause crowds are limited and must keep a distance from each other.
The performance assessment in Puskesmas kebon jeruk in 2021 showed that health
promotion program reached only 66,6% from the percentage target 100%. One of the impacts on
the community can be seen from the results of Self Insight Survey (SIS) and Village Community
Deliberation (VCD) in 2021, namely various health problems such as 57% of the community do
not have National Health Insurance (NHI), many people still have smoking habits, 30% found
hypertension problems, COVID-19 booster vaccination achievements of 39.84%. Data from the
Healthy Family Index (HFI) shows that in each kelurahan there are still 5.47% of families who
are classified as less healthy. An independent survey conducted by Puskesmas Kecamatan Kebon
Jeruk showed that 38,48% of the people tended to have less clear information, 38,09% is the
unavailability of media educator, and 55,04% is the difficulty of accessing social media. Those
facts indicated that the health promotion program was not yet satisfactory. The following data
indicate that the activities of health promotion programs have not been optimal.
The Puskesmas has carried out a set of TANJIDOR innovations (Tanya Jawab Infromasi di
Bonjer) since April 2022. This innovation is packaged through 2 methods, namely conventional
and digital. Conventionally created Health Promotion ambassador who can provide health
information to the public. Digitally created Promkes corner placed in public facilities, where the
public can access health information by scanning the QR Code in the promkes corner. In addition
there is also a QR Code sticker affixed to all residents homes so that people can easily access the
information they need. The result of the application of innovation is the increase of knowledge
and satisfaction of the community related to health problems and the implementation of health
promotion activities by 100%.

Circle Name : NKT TANJIDOR Started : April 2022

Members name : Meeting : ≥ 3 Hours during after working
Milda Wirawati hours
Estrelita Mariana Duration of meeting : ≥ 180 minutes
Hasti Pratiwi
Yusak Dwi Prasetyo Frequency of meeting : 4-5 time(s) per
Arif Muhandoko month
Rizal Maulana
Average age of members : 30 Years Old
Facilitator name :
Rizka Ayu Intany
International Convention on QC Circle – 2022
NKT TANJIDOR – Puskesmas Kec. Kebon Jeruk

2.1. Root Cause and Evidence Analysis (RCEA)

Table 2.1 RCEA (Root Cause and Evidence Analysis)


Why is The A. All Health Data of Puskesmas
Performance Of Promotion Performance Assessment
Health Promotion Program (PPA) Health Promotion
Program Not Activities Program are in 66.6% of -

Optimal? are not target 100% in 2021

1.A.Why is the a. The  The existence of  Creating a health
health existence of COVID-19 task promotion corner
promotion time forces regulation on (Pojok Promkes)
program constraints the implementation based on digital
not running in the of health protocols QR Code. Pojok
optimal? delivery of and PSBB (large- Promkes will be
health scale social placed in the
information restrictions) District Health
from officers  Independent survey CenterKebonJeruk
to the public results show 38.84% and other public
of people feel unclear facilities.
with the information  Forming a health
submitted promotion
ambassador (duta
consisting of
community leaders
b. The The education media  Creating QR Code
education which used by Puskesmas stickers that
media is still Kecamatan Kebon jeruk, contain various
difficult to as follows: topics of health
acces or 1. Leaflet information in the
utilized 2. Brosure / Flyer form of interesting
3. Banner games
4. Poster  Optimizing
5. Flip Sheet Puskesmas verified
6. Instagram Whatsapp account
7. Twitter
International Convention on QC Circle – 2022
NKT TANJIDOR – Puskesmas Kec. Kebon Jeruk
2.1. Planning Innovative Solutions 4(W2H)

Table 2.2 Innovative Solution Plan


& WHO?
1. Creating a  The 4th week Creating a digital-based Pojok There is an
health in June 2022 Promkes, namely QR Code increasing of
promotion  Puskesmas  Making a budget proposal 500 people who
corner Kecamatan  Creating web design and access QR
(pojok Kebon Jeruk information materials to be Code-based
promkes) and public delivered educational
based on facilities (the  Analyzing web needs media web
digital QR Camat office  Conducting a QR Code
Code. and the Lurah usage test at the pojok
office) promkes
 Milda  Socializing the use of pojok
&drYusak promkes

2. Forming  The 4th week in Forming health promotion  100% of

health June 2022 ambassadors (duta promkes) in health
promotion  The Lurah each village in the District area promotion
ambassador office & Kebon Jeruk ambassadors
s (duta RPTRA  Creating the concept of (duta
promkes)  All member forming promkes promkes)
ambassadors have
 Filing a budget increased
 Conducting socialization to insight into
cross sectors related to the health
concept of forming health promotion
promotion ambassadors
(duta promkes)
 Creating debriefing materials
for health promotion
ambassadors (duta promkes)
 Coordinating with cross-
sector regarding the schedule
of debriefing and
inauguration of health
promotion ambassadors
(duta promkes) in each
 Creating and distributing
International Convention on QC Circle – 2022
NKT TANJIDOR – Puskesmas Kec. Kebon Jeruk

invitations to cross-sector
and prospective health
promotion ambassadors
(duta promkes)
 Providing debriefing to the
health promotion
ambassadors (duta promkes)
as well as confirming with
the head of sub district
 Evaluating the activities of
the formation of health
promotion ambassadors
(duta promkes)
 Monitoring the activities of
health promotion
ambassadors (duta promkes)

3. Creating QR  The 4th week in Creating QR Code Stickers 100% of people

Code June 2022  Creating QR Code stickers whose homes
stickers that  Houses Of concept are affixed with
contain Residents Of  Making a budget QR Code
various The District  Printing QR Code sticker stickers can
topics of KebonJeruk  Socializing and sticking QR access the QR
health  Dr. Yusak& Code stickers to people's Code.
information Milda homes
in the form  Monitoring and evaluating
of the use of QR Code stickers.
4. Optimizing  The 4th week in Creating a Puskesmas verified 100% of the
Puskesmas June 2022 WA account community
verified  PuskesmasKec.  Socializing verified WA understand the
Whatsapp KebonJeruk account health
(WA)  Milda  Sharing health information information
account to the public using a verified submitted
WA account
 Making a schedule of agents
in charge of responding to
people's questions
 Evaluating to the public
regarding the use of verified
International Convention on QC Circle – 2022
NKT TANJIDOR – Puskesmas Kec. Kebon Jeruk

WA account


Approved by, Advice and suggestion of the Head of

Head of Kebon Jeruk Public Health Center Puskesmas Kecamatan Kebon Jeruk

dr. Parlynrap Demak Situmorang, M.P.H

NIP. 197102242000031006
International Convention on QC Circle – 2022
NKT TANJIDOR – Puskesmas Kec. Kebon Jeruk

3.1. Improvement
1. Activity
Puskesmas Kebon jeruk was creating health promotion corners (promkes) based on
digital QR Code that are distributed and placed in Puskesmas Kecamatan Kebon Jeruk,
Kebon Jeruk Camat Office, and 7 Lurah offices in Kebon Jeruk District.
Date : June 30th – August 30th, 2022

Result :

Figure 3.1 Digital Pojok Promkes at Puskesmas Kec. Kebon Jeruk

Number of visitors of QR code based
educational media web
July 2175 visitors
August 2852 visitors
September 3675 visitors

Table 3.1 Data of Visitor For Digital-Based Educational Media

Conclusion :
Educational Media in digital form can be seen to increase the enthusiasm of the public
to access health information. This can be seen from the increase in the number of
visits on the QR Code-based educational media web as many as 677 people in August
and 823 people in September.
International Convention on QC Circle – 2022
NKT TANJIDOR – Puskesmas Kec. Kebon Jeruk

Improvement Measurement :

4000 3675
2500 2175
Figure 3.2 Run Chart Number of Pojok Promkes Web Page Visitors

Decision :
This innovation has succeeded in increasing the enthusiasm of the public in accessing
health information so that this innovation will continue as a digital- based education
media where health information will continue to be updated regularly.

2. Activity
Puskesmas Kecamatan Kebon Jeruk was creating Health Promotion ambassadors
(Duta Promkes) in all sub districts in Kebon Jeruk district with the target of
ambassador (kader) and local community leaders. This activity began with a briefing
on the concept of communication and health promotion and continued with the
inauguration led by the head of sub district.
Date : August 24th - September 2nd, 2022

Result :

Figure 3.3 Orientation and inauguration helath promotion ambassadors

International Convention on QC Circle – 2022
NKT TANJIDOR – Puskesmas Kec. Kebon Jeruk

Monitoring :
Sub-District Average of Pre Average of Post
test Scores test Scores
Kebon Jeruk 58 82
Kelapa Dua 85 97
Sukabumi Selatan 79 95
Sukabumi Utara 75 78
Kedoya Selatan 66 93
Kedoya Utara 76 82
Duri Kepa 72 83
Table 3.2 Average Scores Of Pre and Post test of Health Promotion Ambassador

Conclusion :
100% post test scores of Health Promotion ambassador have increased to be
compared to the score of pre-test conducted before giving the orientation on health

Improvement :







Pre Test Target Post Test

Figure 3.4 Bar Chart of Improvement of Insight Health Promotion Ambassador

Decision :
The orientation of the material provided was considered successful in increasing the
insight of the health promotion ambassador so that after this it was continued with
direct implementation activities in the form of providing education to the community
using the Tanjidor Kit that had been given. Education or counseling activities by
ambassador must be recorded in the activity sheet, this aims to monitor and evaluate
the activities carried out by ambassadors. The Orientation materials to health
promotion ambassadors will continue to be carried out periodically.
International Convention on QC Circle – 2022
NKT TANJIDOR – Puskesmas Kec. Kebon Jeruk

Activity :
Puskesmas Kecamatan Kebon Jeruk was creating a QR Code sticker that will be affixed
to the homes of citizens. This activity is a continuation of the innovation of the health
promotion corner (pojok promkes) which aims to bring access to health information
closer to the community
Date : June 30 – August 30, 2022
Result :

Figure 3.5 Sticking QR Code Stickers

Monitoring :
Sub District Σ Houses Σ Houses that can
stickered access QR Code
Kebon Jeruk 300 300
Kelapa Dua 300 300
Sukabumi Selatan 300 300
Sukabumi Utara 300 300
Kedoya Selatan 300 300
Kedoya Utara 300 300
Duri Kepa 300 300
Table 3.3 Number of houses that can access QR Code Sticker

Conclusion :
Easy health information can be accessed by the 100% of residents whose homes are
affixed by QR Code stickers.
International Convention on QC Circle – 2022
NKT TANJIDOR – Puskesmas Kec. Kebon Jeruk

Improvement :

100% 100%




Before Target After

Figure 3.6 Bar Chart of QR Code accessibility percentage by home residents

Decision :
QR Code Sticker has succeeded in becoming media that are easily accessible to the
public so that it is easy to get health information. This activity will continue to be
carried out by increasing the number of residents houses that will be affixed with a
QR Code sticker.

3. Activity : Creating a verified Puskesmas whatssApp account

Date : June 30 – August 30, 2022
Result :

Figure 3.7 Verified Puskesmas WA account

Monitoring :

Figure 3.8 Survey level of patient understanding of Health Information

International Convention on QC Circle – 2022
NKT TANJIDOR – Puskesmas Kec. Kebon Jeruk

Conclusion :
Providing Health Information through the Verified Puskesmas WA Account
Application is very effective because it can provide health information for the public
in large quantities and the public can receive health information according to the
problem without hoaxes. Such a method also frees the public to consult or to ask
health workers. This creates a level of understanding among the community reaching

Improvement :

100% 100%




Before Target After

Figure 3.9 Bar Chart Percentage Of The Patient's Level of Understanding

Decision :
Verified WA Account have succeeded in becoming an educational method that can
increase public knowledge and satisfaction with the health information obtained. This
innovation will continue as one of the effective methods of education to the

3.2. Positive Impact

1. The existence of media and educational methode can facilitate and increase
public eunthusiasm in accessing health information in accordance with the needs
of the community
2. Increasing awareness of community figures and stake-holders gives significant
impact to enrich the community knowledge without the element of hoax.
3. The community can be provided longer time to consult with health workers
4. The level of health community will increase along with the amount of health
information obtained

3.3. Negative Impact

The negative impact in the application of quality improvement in the performance of
health promotion program is a decrease in motivation the Health Promotion ambassadors
(duta promkes) in making health promotion efforts. Elimination plan for negative impacts:
1. It refreshes knowledge of Health Promotion ambassadors (dutapromkes) related to
health promotion efforts
International Convention on QC Circle – 2022
NKT TANJIDOR – Puskesmas Kec. Kebon Jeruk

2. It Provides previllage to Health Promotion ambassadors(dutapromkes) in the form of

free health checks and without queuing

3.4. Benefits of Improvement

1. Benefits for puskesmas
a. Providing health promotion efforts to be optimal
b. Improving the quality of services in Puskesmas
c. Facilitate officers in health promotion efforts both in terms of health
information or activities that will take place

2. Benefits to society
a. The public becomes easier to access health information sources clearly so that
they can avoid information that is hoax

b. The community gets easier to conduct health consultation with health workers

Approved by, Advice and suggestion of the Head of

Head of Kebon Jeruk Public Health Center Puskesmas Kecamatan Kebon Jeruk

dr. Parlynrap Demak Situmorang, M.P.H

NIP. 197102242000031006


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