Laws of Thermodynamics

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Laws of Thermodynamics The First Law of Thermodynamics

 The first law of thermodynamics, which is

Introduction to Thermodynamics based on the law of conservation of energy,
states that energy can be converted from
Thermochemistry is part of a broader subject one form to another, but cannot be created
called thermodynamics, which is the scientific or destroyed†. How do we know this is so?
study of the interconversion of heat and other It would be impossible to prove the
kinds of energy. validity of the first law of
thermodynamics if we had to determine
The laws of thermodynamics provide the total energy content of the universe.
useful guidelines for understanding the
energetics and directions of processes. In this  Even determining the total energy content
section we will concentrate on the first law of of 1 g of iron, say, would be extremely
thermodynamics, difficult. Fortunately, we can test the
which is study of particularly relevant to the validity of the first law by measuring
thermochemistry. only the change in the internal energy of
a system between its initial state and its
 In thermodynamics, we study changes in final state in a process. The change in
the state of a system, which is defined by internal energy E is given by
the values of all relevant macroscopic
properties, for example, composition, where Ei and Ef are the internal energies of the
energy, temperature, pressure, and volume. system in the initial and final states,
 Energy, pressure, volume, and temperature respectively.
are said to be state functions —
properties that are determined by the state  The internal energy of a system has two
of the system, regardless of how that components: kinetic energy and potential
condition was achieved. energy.
 In other words, when the state of a system  The kinetic energy component
changes, the magnitude of change in any consists of various types of molecular
state function depends only on the initial motion and the movement of electrons
and final states of the system and not on within molecules.
how the change is accomplished.  Potential energy is determined by the
attractive interactions between electrons
The state of a given amount of a gas is specified and nuclei and by repulsive interactions
by its volume, pressure, and temperature. between electrons and between nuclei in
Consider a gas at 2 atm, 300 K, and individual molecules, as well as by
1 L (the initial state). Suppose a process is interaction between molecules.
carried out at constant temperature such that  It is impossible to measure all these
the gas pressure decreases to 1 atm. According contributions accurately, so we cannot
to Boyle’s law, its volume must increase to 2 L. calculate the total energy of a system
The final state then corresponds to 1 atm, 300 K, with any certainty. Changes in energy, on
and 2 L. The change in volume ( V ) is the other hand, can be determined
where Vi and Vf denote the initial and final 
volume, respectively. No matter how we arrive to light the bulb of a flashlight), and surface
at the final state (for example, the pressure of work (blowing up a soap bubble).
the gas can be increased first and then
decreased to 1 atm), the change in volume is In this section we will concentrate on
always 1 L. Thus, the volume of a gas is a state mechanical work.
function. In a similar manner, we can show
that pressure and temperature are also state In thermodynamics, work has a broader meaning
functions. that includes mechanical work (for example, a
crane lifting a steel beam), electrical work (a
Energy is another state function. Using potential battery supplying electrons to light the bulb of
energy as an example, we find that the net a flashlight), and surface work (blowing up a
increase in gravitational potential energy when soap bubble).
we go from the same starting point to the top
of a mountain is always the same, regardless of  One way to illustrate mechanical work is to
how we get there. study the expansion or compression of a
 Many chemical and biological change in internal energy of the system,
processes involve gas volume changes. E , depends on the sum of ( q + w).
Breathing and exhaling air involves the  If changing the path from the initial state to
expansion and contraction of the tiny sacs the final state increases the value of q,
called alveoli in the lungs. then it will decrease the value of w by the
 Another example is the internal same amount and vice versa, so that E
combustion engine of the automobile. remains unchanged. In summary, heat and
The successive expansion and compression work are not state functions because they
of the cylinders due to the combustion of are not properties of a system. They
the gasoline-air mixture provide power to manifest themselves only during a
the vehicle. process (during a change). Thus, their
 Figure 6.5 shows a gas in a cylinder fitted values depend on the path of the process
with a weightless, frictionless movable and vary accordingly.
piston at a certain temperature, pressure,
and volume. As it expands, the gas pushes Enthalpy of Chemical Reactions
the piston upward against a constant Our next step is to see how the first law of
opposing external atmospheric pressure P. thermodynamics can be applied to processes
The work done by the gas on the carried out under different conditions.
surroundings is Specifically, we will consider two situations
most commonly encountered in the laboratory;
For gas expansion (work done by the system), one in which the volume of the system is kept
Equation derives from the fact that pressure x constant and one in which the pressure applied
volume can be expressed as (force/area) x on the system is kept constant.
volume; that is,
For any process, the change in enthalpy
According to Equation, the units for work done according to Equation is given by
by or on a gas are liters atmospheres. To We see that for a constant-pressure process, qp =
express the work done in the more familiar H . Again, although q is not a state
unit of joules. function, the heat change at constant pressure is
equal to H because the “path” is defined and
Example shows that work is not a state function. therefore it can have only a specific value.
Although the initial and final states are the
same in (a) and (b), the amount of work done This analogy assumes that you will not
is different because the external, opposing overdraw your bank account.
pressures are different. We cannot write The enthalpy of a substance cannot be
for a change. Work done depends not only on negative.
the initial is that while you always know your exact bank
state and final state, but also on how the process balance, there is no way to know the enthalpies
is carried out, that is, on the path. of individual products and reactants. In practice,
we can only measure the difference in their
Heat values. Now let us apply the idea of enthalpy
 The other component of internal energy is changes to two common processes, the first
heat, q . Like work, heat is not a state involving a physical change, the second a
function. chemical change.
 For example, it takes 4184 J of energy to
raise the temperature of 100 g of water of melting ice. Therefore, physical change is
from 20°C to 30°C. This energy can be H is a positive quantity. The equation for this
gained (a) directly as heat energy from a
Bunsen burner, without doing any work on equal to enthalpy change and
the water; (b) by doing work on the water H must have a negative sign. Again,
without adding heat energy (for example,
by stirring the water with a magnetic stir Standard Enthalpy of Formation and Reaction
bar); or (c) by some combination of the
procedures described in (a) and (b). SPONTANEITY
 This simple illustration shows that heat
associated with a given process, like Exothermicity favors the spontaneity of a
work, depends on how the process is reaction but does not guarantee it. Just as it is
carried out. It is important to note that possible for an endothermic reaction to be
regardless of which procedure is taken, the spontaneous, it is possible for an exothermic
reaction to be nonspontaneous.
In other words, we cannot decide whether or not Standard entropy is the absolute entropy of a
a chemical reaction will occur spontaneously substance at 1 atm and 25°C. (Recall that the
solely on the basis of energy changes in the standard state refers only to 1 atm. The reason
system. To make this kind of prediction we need for specifying 25°C is that many processes are
another thermodynamic quantity, which turns carried out at room temperature.) The units of
out to be entropy. entropy are J/K or J/K·mol for 1 mole of a
To determine the spontaneity Entropies of elements and compounds are all
thermodynamic quantity called positive (that is, S° >0).
of the reaction, a Entropy
entropy must be For different substances in the same phase,
Entropy (S) is described as a measure of how molecular complexity determines which ones
spread have higher entropies.
among the contain out or dispersed the energy of
a system is different possible waysthat For example, both diamond and graphite are
system can energy. solids, but diamond has a more ordered
The greater the randomness, the greater the structure and hence a
entropy. smaller Therefore,
Most processes are accompanied by a number diamond
entropy. of microstates. has a smaller
standard entropy than graphite.
In 1868 Boltzmann showed that the entropy of Consider the natural gases methane and ethane.
a system is related to the natural log of the Ethane has a more complex structure and
number of microstates (W): hence more ways to execute molecular
motions, which also increase its microstates.
S = k(lnW)
Both helium and neon are monatomic gases,
where k is called the Boltzmann constant (1.38 which cannot execute rotational or vibrational
x 10-23 J/K). Thus, the larger the W, the motions, but neon has a greater standard
greater is the entropy of the system. And entropy than helium because its molar mass is
entropy as a state function, it can be greater.
measured as, Ethane has a greater standard entropy than
ΔS = Sf – Si methane.
where Si and Sf are the entropies of the system
in the initial and final states, respectively. Entropy
Entropy  Predict whether the entropy change is
Or can be translated to, greater or less than zero for each of the
ΔS = k(lnWf) – k(lnWi) following processes:
= kln( / )  freezing ethanol
where Wi and Wf are the corresponding  evaporating a beaker of liquid bromine at
numbers of microstates in the initial and final room temperature
state.  dissolving glucose in water
Thus, if Wf > Wi, ΔS > 0 and the entropy of  cooling nitrogen gas from 80°C to 20°C.
the system increases  Strategy: To determine the entropy change
in each case, we examine whether the
Changes in Entropy number of microstates of the system
 A system with fewer microstates (smaller increases or decreases. The sign of ΔS
W) among which to spread its energy will be positive if there is an increase in
(small dispersal) has a lower entropy. the number of microstates and negative if
 A system with more microstates the number of microstates decreases.
(larger W) among which to spread its Entropy
energy (large dispersal) has a higher  Solution
entropy  Upon freezing, the ethanol molecules are
held rigid in position. This phase
Entropy transition reduces the number of
microstates and therefore the entropy
decreases; that is, ΔS < 0.
 Evaporating bromine increases the number
of microstates because the Br2 molecules
can occupy many more positions in nearly
empty space. Therefore, ΔS > 0.
 Glucose is a nonelectrolyte. The solution
process leads to a greater dispersal of
matter due to the mixing of glucose and
water molecules so we expect ΔS > 0.
 The cooling process decreases various
molecular motions. This leads to a
decrease in microstates and so ΔS < 0.

Gibbs† free energy (G), or simply free energy:

G = H – TS
All quantities pertain to the system, and T is the
temperature of the system.
You can see that G has units of energy. Like H
and S, G is a state function.
The change in free energy (ΔG)of a
system for a constant-temperature
process is

The standard free-energy of reaction (ΔGo) is

the free-energy change for a reaction when it
occurs under standard-state conditions.
1 mole of the compound is synthesized from its
elements in their standard states.

Law of Thermodynamics
Calculate the standard free-energy
changes for the following reactions at
(a) CH4(g) + 2O2(g) CO2(g) + 2H2O(l)
(b) 2MgO(s) 2Mg(s) + O2(g)
(a)ΔG°rxn = [ΔG°f(CO2) + 2ΔG°f(H2O)] -
[ΔG°f(CH4) + 2ΔG°f(O2)]
=[(-394.4 kJ/mol) + (2)(-237.2 kJ/mol)] -
[(-50.8 kJ/mol) + (2)(0kJ/mol)]
= -818.0 kJ/mol

(b) ΔG°rxn = [2ΔG°f (Mg) + ΔG°f(O2)] -

=[(0 kJ/mol) + (0 kJ/mol)] -
[ (2)(-569.6kJ/mol)]
=1139 kJ/mol

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