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Become a Romanian Citizen 

for Fast-Track Immigration to the EU


Why Romania?
This unusual and somewhat exotic country is popular among tourists 

and immigrants thanks to its developed infrastructure, rich cultural heritage 

and many places of interest. Romania's capital, Bucharest, is often referred
to as the Little Paris of Eastern Europe. The city combines ancient
architectural monuments and prestigious universities. The degrees earned
at local universities are highly estimated all over the world.

Global business leaders, such as IBM, Adobe, Amazon, Oracle and Intel have
established their subsidiaries and technical departments in Bucharest. 

Well-known companies are investing in software development and financing
call centers and technical support. The Romanian IT sphere is attractive 

for business, and the speed of Internet in the country's major cities is one 

of the fastest in the world. Due to the quality of the network, a large number
of business incubators, startups, IT hubs and co-working spaces have been
founded in the country.

Each major region of Romania has a specific character as due to historical

events it used to be part of another country. This ensures that the country
combines different cultural traditions and reflects the traces of different
eras. Rich nature with green forests, snow-capped mountains 

and picturesque sandy beaches along the seashore, as well as friendly
population make it possible for every immigrant to find a comfortable place
for themselves in this wonderful country.

Advantages of Romanian citizenship

Visa-free travel to more than
180 countries

Legal residence and employment

in the EU

Bringing your business to the

European open market

Affordable loans and mortgages

from EU banks

Modern medical services with 

a comprehensive health insurance

Free education in prestigious

European universities

Who can obtain Romanian citizenship?

Romanian citizenship can be obtained through naturalization or repatriation.

Naturalization involves a lengthy process of integration into Romanian society.

Requirements for applicants for a Romanian passport by naturalization:

01 Aged 18 and older

02 Living in Romania for at least 8 years

03 Proficiency in national language, knowledge of the country's history and culture

04 Regular and stable source of income

05 No criminal history

Upon meeting the necessary requirements, an immigrant can obtain a temporary

residence permit, then after 5 years apply for a permanent residence permit, and after
another 3 years of permanent residence in Romania he/she can apply for a passport.
Marriage to a Romanian citizen allows for shortening the total period of naturalization
from 8 to 5 years.

Repatriation is a quicker way to obtain Romanian citizenship.

Citizenship status can be granted to any foreigner who proves having ancestors 

who were born or lived in Romania before 1940.

Citizenship can be granted to persons who have lost this status, as well as their
descendants up to and including the third degree relatives, with retention of the
previous passport and establishment of permanent residence in Romania or abroad.

Requirements for applicants for a Romanian passport by repatriation:

01 Aged 18 and older

02 No criminal history

03 Proving Romanian descent

The entire procedure, with the support of immigration consultants, takes several
months. Our lawyers will review your family tree and help you find evidence of
Romanian roots as a legal basis for Romanian citizenship.

Why our clients choose Migration Centr

Official procedure
Our employees strictly follow the requirements 

of international legislation and ensure transparency 

of every step of the immigration process.

Comprehensive support
A team of professionals accompanies you throughout 

the citizenship procedure until you receive your passport,
and facilitates your integration into European society.

Experienced lawyers
Knowledge of international law, many years of legal
practice, and collaborative partnership of migration
specialists favor for the success of every case.

Respect for confidentiality

We adhere to business ethics, comply with privacy laws
and use modern technologies to ensure confidentiality 

of our clients' personal data.

Obtaining Romanian passport

with Migration Centr
Migration Centr's lawyers will provide you with comprehensive
advice on how to obtain Romanian citizenship. The legalization
procedure in the European Union consists of the following steps:

Obtain legal advice

Draft and sign a bilateral agreement

Prepare documents and compile a file

Apply to the National Citizenship Authority of Romania (ANC)

Obtain a Romanian Citizenship Certificate and an EU passport

We will accompany the entire immigration process from the first

application to the handover of your Romanian passport and
other EU documents.

Get a Romanian passport and

enjoy the following privileges:
Residence in any EU country

Visa-free travel

Confidence in your future

Well-respected education

Modern medicine

Equal rights with Europeans


Take advantage of the legal assistance

of Migration Centr for fast-track
obtaining of EU citizenship
Migration Centr's consultants provide legal assistance of acquiring EU citizenship 

by obtaining passports of Romania and other states under the repatriation program.
Accelerated obtaining of EU citizenship is regulated by migration legislation.

Our Phone Our Email Our Website Our Office

+40 312296148 str. Turnu Măgurele 270D, of. 21

Romania, Bucharest, 041713

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