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Intern First & Last Name

Katelyn Peltz

Course Name, Period, Date

TLC Internship Core

1st period

Q2 Lesson Plan Project

Lesson Goals or Learning Targets (Word these as measurable student outcomes.)

Students will learn to recognize the difference between multiplication and division word

They will be able to see multiplication/division vocabulary to decide how they should solve the

Lesson Objectives or Success Criteria (Word these as student actions, use verbs.)

- Coloring key vocabulary

- Showing by raising there hand with the correct color
- Sorting the problems into multiplication/division
- Gluing into correct problems

CSTP Rationale (Describe the ways your lesson aligns with California Standards for the Teaching

CSTP 1 Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning

- The students will be engaged with the lesson by showing the color associated with
multiplication or division as well as raising there hands to say the specific words that led them
to that decision. I will make sure all students are showing a color and therefore engaged. I will
support them by asking how they know? or why?

CSTP 2 Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning

- If they get the answer incorrect or don’t know they can “phone a friend” and there’s no
judgment and the students just want to support to keep a safe environment
- Moving at a good pace to keep engagement

CSTP 3 Understanding and Organizing Subject Matter for Student Learning

- By making a key and doing the assignment ahead of time
- Knowing previous to the lesson they understand multiplication well, and have started
to learn division as the opposite of multiplication

CSTP 4 Planning Instruction and Designing Learning Experiences for All Students
- Write the goals of understanding word problems behind me
- Using the students previous academic and personal knowledge about multiplication
and division
- Drawing models next to some word problems to have more than one strategy available

CSTP 5 Assessing Students for Learning

- talking to my intern teacher about the students understanding
- use the worksheet to establish the first step in being able to solve
multiplication/division word problems
- look over the completed worksheet

CSTP 6 Developing as a Professional Educator

- Reflecting on the success of the lesson by seeing how the students responded
- Talking to my intern teacher on areas of improvement
- Self-reflecting on how I want to improve my teaching

Lesson Plan Content (Written narrative paragraph about the lesson content.)

The students will cut out different world problems with multiplication or division problems.
They will also have another worksheet with a multiplication column and a division column and
I will have one be red and one is green. After the students have all the problems cut out I’ll tell
them to find a certain one and read it aloud. Then I’ll ask them to show me by holding up the
colored crayon associated with each operation on 3. I’ll look around to check their
understanding, and then ask how they knew which one it was by explains that for
multiplication your trying to find a total and division has a total in the problem. I will call on
someone to answer the question. Then using the color I will circle the total number in the
problem that tells the students its division and underline the question to show for division its
looking for a part. For using the crayon for multiplication I will underline the question and
explain how it’s asking for a total and if it has any key words that shows “ in all” I will have
them circle the key words. For some of the problems I’ll draw models to give a visual example.

Instructional Procedures

• Focusing Event (Describe how you will get students to focus attention on your teaching.)
Ringing the chimes to grab their attention

• Instructional Strategies (Describe all instructional methods you will employ during the lesson.)

- Direct Instruction because of receiving the handouts and following along, and
practicing deciphering the problems together
- Interactive Instruction because the whole class will participate through showing
the corresponding color and having discussions on why each card would go in
each group
- Indirect Instruction by problem solving and making decisions on which category
the problem fits in to. As well as guiding them to ask themselves the question
on which operation to use

• Student Participation (How will you engage students and get them on board to participate?)

By staying enthusiastic and keeping the lesson lively and moving so the students stay

• Formative Check (How will you check that all students are involved and engaged in the lesson?

I will check by seeing their engagement by holding up the crayon of each color and
rising their hands to answer question. I will also make sure that the students are
following along with gluing by looking around the room.

• Closure (How will you end the lesson purposefully, with intentionality?)

Telling the students that now that they know how to decide if word problems are
multiplication or division they can then learn how to set up and solve the problem.

• Assessment (How will you assess that students achieved the lesson goals or learning targets?)

The paper is colored correctly and the problems are glued in the right columns when
they turn it in.

Lesson Plan Materials (Include everything needed to successfully complete the lesson with
the full class. Remember to include all supplies, as well as technology, whiteboard space,
classroom space, etc.)
- Worksheet of the columns and of the different word problems for each students
- Scissors
- Glue
- Two different colored crayons (Green & Red)
- Overhead Projector

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