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The meaning of molarity in terms of my understanding is something like our manners or our
treatment of fellow God, human beings and other things. Morality can help us in many things for
example we can be respected and loved by people and we can also maintain our own dignity.
Moreover, we can prevent ourselves from doing things that are forbidden by Allah. From google,
Morals are principles of behaviour. There can be no doubt about the excellence of his morals. We
agreed that business morals nowadays were very low. Morality (/mər æ ləti/) is the idea that some
forms of behaviour are right and others are wrong. Punishment always involves the idea of
morality.And finally from Wikipedia, Morality (from Latin moralitas 'manner, character, proper
behavior') is the differentiation of intentions, decisions and actions between those that are
distinguished as proper (right) and those that are improper (wrong).

First,we go to the importance of molarity in our daily life. Morality produce a civilized and respected
people. With the presence of morality in a person, it is capable of creating a civilization that lasts a
long time. For example, the morals displayed by the Prophet PBUH himself which is so that it is able
to attract the hearts of the ancient people to convert to Islam. Next,it can produce a society that has
professional productivity. Islamic principles emphasize the question of honesty, responsibility, and
mutual respect and so on. This is able to produce people and leaders who are well-established and
have high professional values as well as raise the dignity of Islam.Morality is an important factor in
building and upholding a prosperous and happy family life. In general, the delinquency of youth is
due to bad morals. On the other hand, youths who perform, behave and achieve their ideals are due

Islam is a religion that places great emphasis on polite treatment. Therefore, in dining, Islam also
outlines the manners that every Muslim should follow so that our personality is always taken care of
at all times. Rasuls.a.w. explains the manners to follow before, during and after meals and drinksto
the benefits of their noble and noble morals.

Food and drink are the sustenance that Allah has bestowed upon mankind. In the matter of eating
and drinking, the Prophet s.a.w. has given clear boundaries, among which the food we are going to
eat must be good, halal, clean and avoid the haram. Before eating and drinking, we should dress
cleanly. Hygiene is claimed in Islam including in terms of clothing. Let's imagine that if someone who
wears dirty clothes eats together, it will certainly cause a feeling of disgust and lack of appetite to
serve. Washing hands before meals is important to be clean from dirt after work and avoid diseases
derived from dirt that are attached to the hands. After that sit face the dishes in order. The way of
sitting of the Prophet s.a.w. is described in a hadith from Abdullah bin Basyir which means: "Perhaps
the Messenger of Allah s.a.w. sat on his knees while eating and sat on both his feet and probably
held his right leg and sat on his left leg." Next read Bismillah and After reciting Bismillah should
recite the supplication of eating.

What will happen if there is no morality absence in someone life? Charity becomes damaged. From
the hadith of the Prophet saw. which means that bad morals will ruin deeds like vinegar spoils
honey. It means that all the pious deeds that we do will become useless again (damaged) if we have
bad morals. This damaged charity will not bring any reward to us and when it is counted in Mahsyar,
it will not weigh down the scales of our charity.Next is, die in su'ul khatimah (bad death). From the
words of Imam Ghazali ra. which means that if a person does not learn the science of tasawwuf
(morals) then he will die in su'ul khatimah. A person cannot improve his morals to be better if he
does not know to distinguish between good and bad morals. The study of tasawwuf is a science of
morality in Islam. The law is fardu ain for every mukallaf.

Other than that if we don’t have morality in our life,we cannot enter Heaven. Bad morals will ruin
charity. This damaged charity will not bring any reward to us and when it is counted in Mahsyar, it
will not weigh down the scales of our charity. When the scales of our deeds are light, how will we be
able to enter the Paradise of God? If we cannot enter Heaven, where will we be admitted?

These are some of the bad effects or consequences that await people who do not improve their
morals. Indeed, bad morals must be cleansed from the believer. Purify the heart because the heart is
the place of God’s sight. A pure heart will give birth to good and praiseworthy morals. A dirty heart
will give birth to bad morals as well.

The position of morality in human life occupies an important place, as an individual as well as society
and nation, because the rise and fall of a society depends on how its morals. If his morals are good,
then his birth and heart are prosperous, if his morals are damaged then his birth and heart are
damaged.Morality is an important component of life, so it is an inseparable part of human life.
Morality is the difference between human beings and other beings. for man without morals, loses
his rank as a man who is the most glorious servant of God.

In conclusion, Islam teaches a dynamic and progressive life, values the mind through the
development of science and technology, being balanced in meeting material and spiritual needs.
Islam develops social concern, respect for time, be open, democratic, quality-oriented, egalitarian,
partnership, anti-feudalist, and other positive attitudes. Morality in Islam is a perfect way of human
life and demands people to happiness and prosperity.

By:Anis Arisya

Class:1 Zubair

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