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The two dimensional heat equation - an example

Working Paper · April 2017

DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.10678.91202


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1 author:

Knud Zabrocki
German Aerospace Center (DLR)


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The two dimensional heat equation - an example
(Version 1.0)

Dr. Knud Zabrocki

Koblenzer Str. 48, 50968 Cologne, Germany

April 28, 2017

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1 Physical motivation
Physical problem and domain
Heat equation in two dimensions
Initial and boundary conditions

2 Mathematical solution
Homogenization of the boundary conditions
Inhomogeneous heat equation
Solution of the homogeneous problem
Separation of variables
Homogeneous solution
Special inhomogeneous solution

3 Solution for the problem

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Physical problem and domain
Here we want to consider a thin rectangular plate made of a thermally
conductive material (thermal conductivity κ). For the dimension of the
plate we choose L × L. We want to calculate the temperature distribution
in this domain depending on time, i. e. T = T (x, z, t).

Temperature distribution
T = T (x, z, t) =temperature of the plate at position (x, z) and time t.

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Heat equation in two dimensions
It is clear that for a fixed t, the height of the surface h = T (x, z, t) is a
measure for the temperature of the plate at time t and the position (x, z).

Definition (Heat equation in two dimensions)

1 ∂T ∂2T ∂2T
= + (1)
αd ∂t ∂x 2 ∂z 2

for 0 < x < L, 0 < z < L and t ≥ 0.

Definition (Thermal diffusivity)
αd = (2)
%d c

κ . . .thermal conductivity
c . . .heat capacity
%d . . .mass density
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Initial and boundary conditions

In the initial state at t = 0 the plate is at a uniform temperature.

Time t ≥ 0, Initial conditions at t = 0 ⇒ T (x, z, t = 0) ≡ T0 =const.
In x-direction thermal insulation is supposed at both boundaries.
x-direction: 0 < x < L, Boundary conditions (von Neumann,
∂T ∂T

∂x x=0 = 0 and ∂x x=L = 0
These two conditions imply that the problem is quasi one-dimensional
as both sides are thermally insulated.
z-direction: 0 < z < L, Boundary conditions (mixed
T (x, z = 0, t) = T0 − A sin π6 t ≡ B(t) and ∂T∂z z=L = 0

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Scematics of the initial and boundary conditions

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Substitution of the temperature

To gain homogeneous boundary conditions following substitution has to be

Substitution (New temperature function)
T̃ = T − B(t) (3)

Results for the derivatives:

∂ T̃ ∂T ∂ T̃ ∂T ∂ T̃ ∂T ∂ 2 T̃ ∂ 2 T ∂ 2 T̃ ∂2T
= −B 0 (t), = , = , = , =
∂t ∂t ∂x ∂x ∂z ∂z ∂x 2 ∂x 2 ∂z 2 ∂z 2
As the derivatives with respect to x and z are the same for both
temperature fuctions so does the boundary conditions. Additionally
we get T̃ (x, z = 0, t) = T (x, z = 0, t) − B(t) = B(t) − B(t) ≡ 0
which was the aim of this substitution.

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Inhomogeneous heat equation

With the substitution given in Eq. (3) the former homogeneous PDE
becomes an inhomogeneous one, i. e.
" #
1 ∂ T̃ ∂ 2 T̃ ∂ 2 T̃ B 0 (t) 0 π π 
− + = − with B (t) = −A cos t .
αd ∂t ∂x 2 ∂z 2 αd 6 6
For the sake of easy writabily we just change the symbols back again
T̃ ↔ T keeping in mind that we work with the substituted function
further on until nothing else is stated.
The solution of the inhomogeneous PDE has to be splitted into two steps
T (x, z, t) = Thom (x, z, t) + Tinh,s (x, z, t) (5)
First the homogeneous problem has to be solved (find = Thom (x, z, t))
and then a particular solution of the inhomogeneous case has to be
determined (find Tinh,s (x, z, t)).
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Separation of variables

The first step is finding the solution of the homogeneous problem, i. e.

1 ∂Thom ∂ 2 Thom ∂ 2 Thom

= +
αd ∂t ∂x 2 ∂z 2
The classical method for this is the so called separation of variables. The
following ansatz is used for this
Separation of variables
Thom (x, z, t) = U(x) · V (z) · W (t) (6)

Setting the last equation into the homogeneous PDE we get

U(x) · V (z) · W 0 (t) = U 00 (x) · V (z) · W (t) + U(x) · V 00 (z) · W (t) . (7)

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Solution of the separate functions

Dividing both sides of Eq. (7) by U(x) · V (z) · W (t) 6= 0 following form
can be found
1 W 0 (t) U 00 (x) V 00 (z)
= + (8)
αd W (t) U(x) V (z)
Both sides of the last equation can only be equal if they are constant. In
this way the solution can be separated in the following system:

U 00 (x) V 00 (z) 1 W 0 (t)

= −µ, = −ν, = −(µ + ν) , (9)
U(x) V (z) αd W (t)

where µ and ν are separation constants.

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Solution in the x-domain

U 00 (x)
= −µ ⇒ U 00 (x) + µ U(x) = 0 (10)
Fundamental system
√ √
U(x) = C1 sin ( µ x) + C2 cos ( µ x) (11)
√ √ √
U 0 (x) = µ [C1 cos ( µ x) − C2 sin ( µ x)]
U 0 (0) = 0 ⇒ C1 = 0
0 √ √
U (L) = 0 ⇒ − µ C2 sin ( µ L) = 0

⇒ µL = nπ
 n π 2
µn = (12)

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Solution in the z-domain

V 00 (z)
= −ν ⇒ V 00 (z) + ν V (z) = 0 (13)
V (z)
Fundamental system
√  √ 
V (z) = C3 sin ν z + C4 cos ν z (14)
√  √  √ 
V 0 (z) = ν C3 cos ν z − C4 sin ν z
V (0) = 0 ⇒ C4 = 0
0 √ √ 
V (L) = 0 ⇒ ν C3 cos ν L = 0
√ 2m + 1
⇒ νL= π
2m + 1 π
νm = (15)
2 L

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Solution in the t-domain and complete homogeneous

1 W 0 (t)
= −(µn + νm ) ⇒ W 0 (t) = −(µn + νm ) αd W (t) (16)
αd W (t)
Fundamental solution:

W (t) = C5 e−αd (µn +νm ) t (17)

Putting together the solutions for the different domains with Eqs. (11),
(12), (14), (15) and (17) the homogeneous temperature can be given
∞ X
∞ n π   
−αd (µn +νm ) t 2m + 1 π
Thom (x, z, t) = Dmn e cos x sin z
L 2 L
n=0 m=0

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Inhomogeneous solution - Ansatz

To find a particular inhomogeneous solution we use the solution found for

the homogeneous part given in Eq. (18). We make the ansatz
∞ X
∞ n π   
−αd (µn +νm ) t 2m + 1 π
Tinh,s (x, z, t) = Dmn (t) e cos x sin z
L 2 L
n=0 m=0
meaning that the coefficients, Dmn ≡ Dmn (t) are time-dependent now.
Clearly this ansatz has to be substituted into Eq. (4).

1 ∂T X  0
Dmn (t) − αd (µn + νm ) Dmn (t) e−αd (µn +νm ) t ×

αd ∂t
√ √
× cos ( µn x) sin ( νm z)

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Substitution of the ansatz

∂2T X √ √
= Dmn (t) e−αd (µn +νm ) t (−µn ) cos ( µn x) sin ( νm z)

∂2T X √ √
= Dmn (t) e−αd (µn +νm ) t (−νm ) cos ( µn x) sin ( νm z)
∂z 2

Putting this together it results in

0 √ √ π π 
Dmn (t) e−αd (µn +νm ) t cos ( µn x) sin ( νm z) = A cos t
6 6

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Mathematical relations
Mathematical relations For the following calculations we need some relations for
trigonometric functions. It is known that

sin (k π) = 0 for k∈ N
l ∈N
2l + 1
cos π =0 for

These relations are needed for the determination of following integrals

ZL     L (
kπ L kπ = 0 for k 6= 0
cos x dx = sin x = = L δk0 ,
L kπ L 0 = L for k = 0

where δ is the Kroneker symbol

ZL     L
2l π π 2L 2l π π 2L
sin z dz = − cos z =
2 L π (2 l + 1) 2 L 0 π (2 l + 1)

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Mathematical relations (II)

Mathematical relations (II) To use the orthogonality properties we need furthermore

the integrals of products of trigonometric functions (product-to-sum identities).

kπ n π 
cos x cos x dx
1 (k + n) π (k − n) π L
= cos x + cos x dx = δkn
2 L L 2
2mπ π 2l π π
sin z sin z dz
2 L 2 L
1 (m − l) π 2 (m + l) + 2 π L
= cos x − cos z dx = δml
2 L 2 L 2

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Use of the orthogonality relations

0 √ √ π π 
Dmn (t) e−αd (µn +νm ) t cos ( µn x) sin ( νm z) = A cos t
6 6

∞ ZL
0 √ √
Dmn (t) e−αd (µn +νm ) t cos ( µn x) cos ( µk x) dx×
m,n=0 0
√ √
× sin ( νm z) sin ( νl z) dz

π  π  ZL √

= A cos t cos ( µk x) dx sin ( νl z) dz
6 6
0 0

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Use of the orthogonality relations (II)
0 (t)
From the orthogonality relations we find an equation to determine Dmn
and with simple and direct integration Dmn (t)

0 L L π π  2L
Dmn (t) e−αd (µn +νm ) t δnk δml = A cos t L δk0
2 2 6 6 π (2 l + 1)
4 1 π 
Dlk0 (t) e−αd (µk +νl ) t = A δk0 cos t
3 2l + 1 6
For k 6= 0 this means

Dlk0 (t) e−αd (µk +νl ) t = 0 ⇒ Dlk0 (t) = 0 ⇒ Dlk (t) = Clk = const.

For k = 0 it is more complex

0 4 1 π 
Dl0 (t) = A eαd νl t cos t
3 2l + 1 6

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Integration of the constant

Z t
4 1 0
Dl0 (t) = A eαd νl t cos t 0 dt 0 + C2
3 2l + 1 6

Mathematical relations (III) - Integration product of exponential with

trigonometric functions
Z t
0 ea t
ea t cos b t 0 dt 0 = 2

[a cos(b t) + b sin(b t)]
a + b2

With this relation it is easy to find the constant we gain

4 1 eαd νl t h π  π  π i
Dl0 = A αd νl cos t + sin t (20)
3 2 l + 1 (αd νl )2 + π 2 6 6 6


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Inhomogeneous solution

Note that we chose C2 ≡ 0 without loss of generality. Putting all together

we get

∞ X
X √ √
Tinh,s (x, z, t) = Cmn e−αd (µn +νm ) t cos ( µn x) sin ( νm z)
n=0 m=0

4 X 1 eαd νm t h π  π  π i √
+ A αd νm cos t + sin t sin ( νm z) (21)
3 m=0 2 m + 1 (αd νm )2 + π 2 6 6 6


The solution is T (x, z, t) = Thom (x, z, t) + Tinh,s (x, z, t). We combine

Dmn + Cmn = Emn . The final task is to determine Emn with help of the
initial condition, i. e. T̃ (x, z, t = 0) ↔ T (x, z, t = 0) ≡ 0.

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Determination of the Emn with the initial condition
We set in the solution T (x, z, t) the time variable to zero, i. e. t = 0 and
the result itself to zero T (x, z, t = 0) ≡ 0.
∞ X

X √ √
0= Emn cos ( µn x) sin ( νm z) +
n=0 m=0

4 X 1 αd νm √
+ A 2
sin ( νm z)
3 2 m + 1 (αd νm )2 + π

m=0 6

Use of the orthogonality relations (integration with trigometric functions

leads to
LL 4 L 1 αd νl
0 = Elk + A L δk0
2 2 3 2 (2 l + 1) (αd νl )2 + π 2


0 for k 6= 0
Elk = αd νl
− 83 A
(2 l+1) (α ν )2 +( π )2 for k=0
d l 6

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Solution for the problem

8 X 1 αd νm √
T (x, z, t) = T0 −
A  sin ( νm z)
3 m=0 2 m + 1 (αd νm )2 + π 2

4 X 1 eαd νm t h π  π  π i √
+ A 2 2 αd νm cos t + sin t sin ( νm z) (22)
3 m=0 2 m + 1 (αd νm ) + π 6 6 6

The problem is quasi-1D as indicated by the reflecting boundary

conditions in the x-domain. The solution does not depend on the x
Open: Testing and illustrating the solution, comparison of the
analytical result with numerical methods (FEM, FDM ... ), References

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The End

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