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Word Choice Hints At New B-21 Stealth Capabilities ‘Atop US, defense official said the nevily revealed Northrop Gramman B-21 Raider includes advanced stealth features that will complicate detection by enemy air defenses. The generalized comments by Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin are in keeping with the tight security controls around the stealth bomber ‘program, but still represent one of the more specific claims made yet about the B-21’s survivability by official sources. “Filly years of advances in low-observable technology have gone into this aircraf and even the most sophisticated air defense systems will struggle to detect a B-2 in the sky,” Austin said atthe Dec. 2 roll-out event from Northrop’ facilities on the Air Force's Plant 42 manufacturing ‘complex in Palmdale, California. ‘The B-21 also features “Space Age coatings" Austin said, which are usually intended to reduce the aircrafts profile to radar and perhaps infrared sensors. Austin’ reference to detection offers slightly more detail than previous Air Force comments about the B-21, which have claimed generally that the Raider “will be capable of penetrating and surviving in air defense environments” In the terminology of air defense capabilities, detection isthe first hurdle for an adversary to achieve before shooting down a target, followed by tracking and engaging. Counter-stealth technology has developed since the Air Force frst employed a very low observable profile to radar on the Lockheed Martin P- 117. In 1999, Serbian air defenders successfully detected and engaged an ¥-117, shooting down the light stealth bomber ast flew almost directly overhead an $-125 Neva (also known by NATO as an SA-3 Goa) battery. The Air Force withdrew the F-117 from the combat fleet a decade later ‘Since that time, the Russian and Chinese militaries have continued advancing counter-stealth technology in radio, microwave, optical and {infrared bands ofthe electromagnetic spectrum. Integrated air defense systems allow adversaries to combine the data from multiple sensors to improve detection and tracking capability. The sensors themselves have become more advanced, including claims that low-frequency early ‘warning radars now are capable of accurate tracking of stealth aircraft Stealth aireraft also must defeat increasingly sophisticated optical sensors, including infrared search and track and space-based optical systems. ‘The US. military reveals few details ofits stealth capabilites, but generally acknowledges activity to reduce detection to radar and infrared ‘sensors. For the latter, infrared stealth must be achieved through some mixture of cooling or controlling the heat emissions from the surface ‘of an aircraft. Radar stealth i achieved by shaping the aircraft to scatter radio waves and applying coatings to absorb the energy. ‘The 8-21 also may benefit from passive techniques to improve stealth in visual daylight conditions. The Air Forces official photos reveal the first 8-21 flight test aircraft wears a paint costing in a much lighter shade of gray than the darker B-2, which is optimized for nighttime visual stealth, copyright © 2022. All ights reserved Informa Markets, trading dvsion of Informa PLC,

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