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Assignment 3rd – English for Physics

Name : Aminudin Zakaria

Class : PF 2020 U
ID : 20030184031

1. Heat energy
2. Hot areas
3. Higher energy
4. Heat transfer
5. Molecular contact
6. Middle object
7. Vibrating
8. Experience
9. Transfer
10. Density differences
11. Gases or liquids
12. Less
13. Principles
14. Less than
15. Convection
16. Waves of energy
17. Light bulb
18. Energy transfer
19. Radiating waves
20. Wave motion

Thermal pollution refer to the artificial alteration of the temperature of the
environment in such a way that it is detrimental or undesirable for the physicochemical
balance of nature. Generally, this type of pollution is produced by various industrial
activities both directly and indirectly. Just as there is a chemical balance in nature. There
is also a physical one which involves environmental factors such as temperature.
For example, heat facilitates certain chemical reactions, serving as a catalyst, and
therefore a sudden and considerable increase in temperature (or a decrease, in the same
way) can modify the composition of matter unexpectedly, bringing with it drastic
consequences for life such as we know it. In fact, global warming and its dire consequences
on a planetary scale is a perfect example of thermal pollution. Causes of thermal pollution
the causes of thermal pollution lie mostly in industrial activity, although certain natural
phenomena, such as volcanic activity, can also naturally contribute to the radical and
violent alteration of the temperature of an ecosystem. But these events are rather rare,
sporadic. Industrial activity, on the other hand, is daily altering the environmental
temperature on a small, medium and large scale.
The release of substances into the environment capable of triggering exothermic
reactions, or the return of water used with temperatures much colder or much warmer than
they initially were, have a continuous local effect, day by day, the consequences of which
accumulate over time, overtime consequences of thermal pollution. The consequences of
thermal pollution are, in different ways, the alteration of the physical-chemical balance of
the environment, which brings unpredictable effects, the modification of the chemical
composition of matter, due to the continuous injection of heat, for example, can make it
less suitable for local life forms, especially those that are not endowed with mobility
(plants, microorganisms) and whose disappearance implies a impoverishment of the
region’s biodiversity, as well as an imbalance in local trophic chains, on a global scale, on
the other hand, the thermal imbalance leads to the production of unstable, extreme climates,
with frequent catastrophic phenomena, which have a significant cost not only for the local
fauna and flora, but for humanity itself and its economic processes.
Global warming, for example, the result of the accumulation of carbon gases in the
atmosphere has a generalized impact on the level of the sea the duration of the climatic
seasons and the intensity of the hurricane and monsoon seasons. Example of thermal
pollution many industrial activities release greenhouse gases. Some examples of thermal
pollution are the following: the release of heat in thermal power plants electricity
production plants normally generate large amounts of heat as a result of chemical energy
that cannot be converted into electricity, said surplus energy is then released into the
environment, usually through the water used to dissipate heat and prevent the plant from
overheating. When ths liquid returns to nature, it does so with much more heat than it
should, and then alters the temperature gradient of the water in the region causing a
decrease in the concentration of oxygen and therefore, impoverishing the life around it.
The release of cold waters by liquefying gases, to bring natural gas to the liquid state. Large
amounts of water are usually used to eliminate heat, and this water is returned to the
environment at very low temperatures altering the temperature gradient of the water in the
This sudden rise and fall in water temperature makes it less fit for life. The release
of greenhouse gases. In factories, certain aerosol products, certain refrigerators and other
applications in our daily life, gases with a strong presence of carbon are used or produced.
Such as methane, propane or butane, or their derivatives after combustion. These gases,
upon reaching the atmosphere prevent the natural release of the solar heat retained between
the atmosphere and the earth’s surface, since they are much heavier than they should, and
thus lead to an increase in world temperature, which gradually melts glaciers. And
perpetual snow, raising sea levels, and altering the global climate making it less predictable
and more extreme. Other types of pollution apart from thermal pollution, we can talk about
other types of pollution such as :
a. Radioactive contamination, product of the circulation of chemically unstable
materials or particles, which release subatomic particles in the form of ionizing
radiation, causinggenetic mutations and irreversible damage to the DNA of the
b. Auditory pollution, that which consists of the dipersion in the environment of
Inharmonic sound waves or at levels of intensity incompatible with life, which
especially affect the fauna.
c. Light pollution, it is produced by the excessive incorporation of lights and sources
of brightness in the environment, affective the behavior of local species and
improverishing the natural landscape.
d. Water pollution produced when one or more toxic, harmful substances or subtances
that chemically and significantly alter the properties of the liquid are introduced
into the natural water deposits and flows, making it harmful to life.
e. Soil contamination that which is a consequence of thr introduction into the soil of
toxic or non-natural materials, such as certain types of garbage and which in the
long run impoverish the nutritive capacity of the soil, destroying the plant life of
the region.
f. Air pollution, as its name indicates, it consist of releasing gases and solds in
suspension in the atmosphere, impoverishing the very air that living beings breathe,
and causing diseases in those who breathe it.
a. Geothermal power plants use steam to produce electricity. The steam comes from
reservoirs of hot water found a few miles or more below the earth's surface that we
called it magma. The steam rotates a turbine that activates a generator, which
produces electricity.
b. They are many advantages from geothermal energy : Environmental Friendly,
Renewable, Huge Potential, Sustainable, and no Fuel Required
c. The geothermal energy comes from deep inside the earth. Its formed from a melted
stone that we call it magma.
d. Geothermal energy is the heat produced deep in the earth core. Geothermal energy
is clean, renewable resources that can be harnessed for use as heat and electricity.
It classified as renewable energy because heat is continuously produced inside the

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